#types of procurement software
quadrantsoliutions · 1 year
Unveiling the Benefits of Efficient Procurement for Your Business by Quadrant Knowledge Solutions
In today's highly competitive business landscape, optimizing every aspect of your operations is vital for success. One area that holds immense potential for improving efficiency and driving cost savings is procurement. Efficient procurement practices can have a significant impact on your bottom line, supplier relationships, and overall business performance. In this blog post, we will explore the key benefits of implementing effective procurement strategies.
Cost Savings: One of the primary benefits of streamlined procurement is cost savings. By leveraging economies of scale, negotiating favorable terms with suppliers, and identifying cost-saving opportunities, businesses can optimize their purchasing power. Effective procurement allows organizations to consolidate their buying power, leading to bulk discounts and better pricing. Additionally, implementing cost control measures and enforcing compliance with procurement policies helps reduce maverick spending and unnecessary expenses.
Improved Supplier Relationships: Procurement is not just about buying goods or services; it's about building and maintaining strong supplier relationships. When businesses establish positive and collaborative partnerships with suppliers, it opens doors to a range of benefits. Efficient procurement practices foster transparency, trust, and open communication with suppliers. This, in turn, can lead to better terms, preferential treatment, and access to innovative products or services. Strong supplier relationships can also result in improved reliability, timely deliveries, and higher quality goods or services.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Efficient procurement processes streamline the entire procurement cycle, from requisition to payment. By automating manual tasks, reducing paperwork, and leveraging technology solutions like Procure-to-Pay (P2P) software, organizations can significantly enhance their operational efficiency. Streamlined procurement eliminates bottlenecks, reduces processing time, and minimizes errors. This results in faster order fulfillment, improved inventory management, and smoother overall operations.
Risk Mitigation: Procurement involves managing various risks, such as supply chain disruptions, supplier reliability, and compliance issues. Implementing robust procurement strategies helps mitigate these risks effectively. By conducting thorough supplier assessments, diversifying supplier sources, and monitoring market trends, businesses can proactively address potential risks. Furthermore, well-defined procurement policies and procedures ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
Strategic Decision-Making: Efficient procurement practices provide businesses with accurate and timely data insights that enable informed decision-making. By leveraging procurement analytics and reporting, organizations can track key performance indicators, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Access to real-time data on spending patterns, supplier performance, and market trends empowers businesses to negotiate better contracts, optimize inventory levels, and align procurement strategies with overall business objectives.
Read More Here : benefits of procurement
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etherealvoidechoes · 28 days
Dinner Offer: Interlaced Signals - Pt. 2 of ???
Goro bites the bullet and finally contacts Varsha. Is that offer still on the table?
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Noon. Japantown. 19th level. The Market. 
Goro was methodically pacing through the bazaar. Tracing the route the parade would take through this section where everything he, no, they had worked so hard to achieve would come together. 
Looking up to the balconies and footbridges high above, he accessed that shard they procured from Wakako, and Varsha had kindly duplicated for him. As he scanned the buildings, markers pinged in his sight, where speculated and confirmed locations of Arasaka security had set up for the parade. Increased security. 
“Hm.” His eyes drifted from one hidden security location to the next, noticing subtle changes, or people that looked slightly out of place.  
His mind was thinking of the most troublesome ones that had to be dealt with or he would be dead before he even touched Hanako’s float. The snipers. He had the trio’s locations confirmed. “Vargus and Višnja will have to work swiftly and stealthily.”
That was his main concern besides the netrunner they would have to subdue and disable the security so he could safely enter the float.
He continued his walk. He made a note here. An updated log there. It was best to jot down anything new or odd. He would share with the others so they could properly prepare.
A few more rounds before he finally took a break. A quick stop at one of the vendors for a fresh cup of coffee(or so they said) and he found a place to rest on a bridge. 
Leaning against the railing, he looked up to where that prized float would stop for Hanako’s speech. A multitude of calculations ran through his mind. Calculations concerning that jump he would be making. Would his augments be enough? Could he afford some shock-absorbing gear to be on the safe side? He did have some extra cash to do so.
His fingers tightened around the warm cup for a moment before relaxing.
“All will go well.” He told himself. No need to fret over details like that.
As he sipped on his overly bitter coffee, his eyes wandered around the market.  
Workers buzzing about like diligent worker bees. Placing decorations and projectors, checking on ones they placed days earlier, and tidying up the place for the festivities that were coming soon. Amazing how quickly they were transforming the place to be more orderly.
He continued to sip his coffee and people-watch. Something he had been doing more frequently after he had stopped being so stubborn and allowed Varsha and her strange ripperdoc “friend” to partially tamper with and reactivate his disabled cyberware around a month or so of their tentative cooperation. The facial obscuring software allowed him to move around more freely, but he was still cautious. He still had a price on his head.
Shifting the cup to one hand, with the other, he brought out his phone. A quick check. In that “note” app to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. Just a few more places to check before he headed back to this hideout. All was good.
As he was about to fully back out of the app, he noticed some other notes. Apology notes.
“Hm.” His nose wrinkled for a moment. With a deep exhale he sighed. He opened it and skimmed through.
“How to apologize to Varsha for my assumption?” He mumbled to himself as he scrolled through half-completed drafts and scattered notes he had been working on ever since he had asked the twins for their help to decipher Varsha’s text. 
Mind now cluttered with this issue again, he left his current railing perch for another near a more secluded corner so could come up with something decent to send Varsha.
His fingers fluttered away. He sipped that coffee until it was dry in between typing. Minutes passed.
“No, no, no.” He mumbled as he started his tenth draft. Nothing he wrote felt satisfactory. Was he overthinking things?
It wasn’t long before he stopped and gazed into the distance. Eyes bouncing from one neon advertisement to the next and the cars below.
“Perhaps,” he mumbled as something simple was coming to his mind, “perhaps, I can just check in to see how she is doing? To see if the biochip has grown worse?” 
He had sent such cursory checks once he and Varsha were on better terms. And, of course, he needed her and the twins alive.
He nodded to himself. “Yes. Start with that and ease my way into that discussion.”
With newfound confidence, he shot off a text to her. Now he just had to wait. He started his walkabout the market again.
About ten minutes into his scouting, his phone buzzed. He checked it.
[Varsha]: Good afternoon, Takemura. I’ve been doing well despite some interference from a minor Relic malfunction.
A faint smile crossed his face, hearing she was doing well, but it soon disappeared as he read the latter half of her message. How “minor” was it? He was about to reply, but noticed she wasn’t done.
[Varsha]: I’m nearly done finalizing our secured network for the parade, as well as additional facial encryptions and scrambling malware. I’ll have the twins deliver the shard to you once done. How are you?
He found a secluded spot to stop and reply back.
[Takemura]: That is good to hear. And good to hear your health is stable.
And he hoped it would continue to stay that way. 
[Takemura]: I am doing well, myself. Currently, I’m going over the plans for the parade. The last rounds of scouting before the night comes.
[Varsha]: How wise. Be cautious. My spiders have picked up increased security in some areas.
[Takemura]: I am always. And I have noticed. I will share the details with the twins.
Looked like she was in a good mood. Now how to brooch that topic? 
Goro mulled over his thoughts, thinking of how to start. Before he could even type, she sent another message.
[Varsha]: I heard on the vine the twins roped you into joining a few of their gigs the other day. How did that all fair?
He raised a brow. A chuckle escaped his lips. Of course, they would tell her about that. The three had a close bond. Maybe he should answer this and soften her mood some more?
[Takemura]: Yes. They ‘twisted my arm’ by offering me fair cuts and kept to their word. The ventures were successful.
[Varsha]: Good, good. I don’t think the two would dream of double-crossing you. Now, that is.
A chuckled huff slipped out. Now. Was that a subtle jab or tease? He would take it as the latter. He and the twins were on much better terms than in the beginning. Especially him and Višnja. How fiery she was in the beginning, barely held back by her brother and Varsha. Somedays he wondered how close she was to hacking his cyberware to fry his systems.
[Takemura]: Also, before the night was over, the twins delivered to me your gifts. The meals. One home-cooked and the other from a restaurant?
[Varsha]: Yes. The fish came from Mustique. The chef owes me. The curry dish was made by me. I had extra to share. Didn’t want any going to waste.
“Hm…” He shifted his phone between his fingers. She truly had good taste. Would these have been some of the options she would have offered the night? 
[Takemura]: Both were delicious. I could taste the flavors. The real food. All have the correct textures.  A nice change of pace from what I’ve had to endure. Thank you for your kindness.
[Varsha]: Glad you liked it. Felt like you could use a change of pace. I’ll pass the compliments on to my friend.
[Takemura]: Thank you… again… I truly mean it.
He tapped his thumbs together. Bite the bullet and bring it up. 
[Takemura]: About our conversation that night after the warehouse infiltration.
[Varsha]: Yes? 
[Takemura]: I wish to apologize for misinterpreting your offer. I hope I did not offend you.
[Varsha]: No offense was taken. Truthfully, I didn’t notice how you interpreted my offer and just thought you were being your cautious self until Astra, the others, Silverhand, and my roommate pointed it out. Heh, truthfully, I’ve dealt with worse.
Both brows were raised. Really? He had been worrying over nothing. 
[Takemura]: You have?
The errant thought slipped through before he realized he sent it. He quickly sent another text.
[Takemura]: Do not answer that. My apologies, again. You don’t have to answer that. 
[Varsha]: (o^-’)b
[Takemura]: I do have another question to ask.
[Varsha]: Go ahead.
[Takemura]: Is the dinner offer still available…?
Should he add the next part?
[Takemura]: At your residence?
It wouldn’t hurt. It was worth a shot. He was more comfortable with the more private setting. And wouldn’t mind trying more of her cooking. 
[Varsha]: It is. One moment as I sort my thoughts.
Goro took his eyes off his phone for a moment. Shaking his head, a sigh of relief slipped out. How he could overthink things, but so much was on his mind. So much was at stake. Part of him was thankful he didn’t put another dent in his relations with her. He still needed her and the twins for the evidence they had. 
It took about a minute before Varsha sent the first flurry of texts. It was a wall of information. She was the detailed sort.
[Varsha]: With our schedules becoming more limited, make yourself free tomorrow evening.
[Varsha]: It won’t be a quiet evening as I will have people over. This may be perceived as a bit morbid to you, but the twins and my dear friend Omar insisted on a preemptive ”goodbye” party, depending on how things go with the parade. This is the best date to squeeze you in. Either way, you’ve met nearly everyone.
As he was reading that, images soon accompanied the next set of texts.
[Varsha]: Omar. My fighter pilot friend you met with me some time ago. He’s told his security detail to “take the night off”, so you won’t be seeing Maddie and Royce.
He recognized the moment in the photo. An unexpected crossing of paths when he and Varsha were doing some work securing additional leads and details concerning Yorinobu and the parade. That jolly Sikh gave Varsha quite the bear hug after spotting her and rushing over. His bodyguards took their sweet time to catch up. Maddie almost seemed embarrassed and Royce was amused, making playful jests at Varsha for not checking her messages. 
[Varsha]: Besides them, the twins will be over. As well as Viktor and Misty. 
He wasn’t surprised to see that old ripperdoc and the mystic shop owner come up next. Even with their unexpected meeting when he and Varsha were at death’s door, he found them to be pleasant. Trustworthy. Even after Viktor got wind of the finer details of what trouble he was roping his close friends into. It strained their once cordial relationship as Goro noticed the man was oddly short when he would pay a visit for some treatments and the anesthetic wasn’t as “strong”. 
The simmering animosity finally came to a head a while ago when Viktor kept him from leaving. They finally talked, though for Goro it felt like more of the similar lecturing he would get from the twins whenever they would poke at his blind loyalty to Arasaka. Yet, part of him was hesitant to admit that maybe there was some truth to their words, even if it was minuscule.
Besides that old-treaded subject, Viktor gave a firm warning. He could vividly remember that evening.
“Whatever you’re planning to do to get to Hanako, don’t get them killed.” Viktor’s voice was still laced with venom, strained with irritation. “Yeah, the twins are still young and dumb, heh, I think we all were at their age…” All the irritation slipped away for a few seconds thinking of folly in his youth, but as quick as it came it slipped back into that serious irritation. “Don’t. Get. Them. Killed. They’re like family to me.”
What happened next caught Goro off guard. 
“And for Varsha...” Viktor paused. His shoulders dropped as well as his head, before he shook it. A deep, tired sigh came out. With one hand, he took off his glasses, and with the other, he rubbed his eyes. Seconds passed before he looked at Goro again. He looked so tired. “Varsha… I’ve known her longer than the twins. Even before Jackie… but he’s the reason we actually started talking. A friendship blossomed. She’s Corpo with a strange heart. Hehheheh. Showed a genuine interest in my old boxing days and was never dismissive. Heh.” It was a pained laugh that slipped out as he shook his head. “To think she’s only wrapped up in this mess because she’s got a big heart for those twins…  That Relic would have been in Višnja’s head… We should have pushed more to keep them out of that Heist…” 
Viktor took a moment to push the hypotheticals out of his mind. Everything was bleak. He slipped those glasses back on before he folded his hands together and pressed his chin against them. “She’s… she’s like a sister to me. Don’t let her sacrifices be for nothing. Best pray that Hanako of yours can be of help and won’t play games.”
That little conversation led to Goro reanalyzing his previous conversations with Varsha, Višnja, and Vargus(as well as any others) he had recorded. The little comments about their lives and personal details he glossed over or ignored if they weren’t relevant at the time. Despite the generation differences and massive gaps in life experiences, the trio had a strong bond. Varsha truly cared for the twins as she mentored them during their early days with Arasaka and secured a “fair” exit for the two after an “incident” and a semi-retirement for herself. She didn’t have to do that. It would have been easier for her to have ignored the inter-division conflict that finally hit the edge that day and let the twins jump headfirst into their graves, but she intervened.
The rumble of his phone and pings drew him from his thoughts. More messages and photos from Varsha.
[Varsha]: Also, Dr. Eli Rothschild and his daughter, Mithra. You remember both of them from that day, yes?
He recognized them. An “old”, bald dark-skinned gentleman rarely seen without those green-lense click-on glasses and a spunky young woman a shade lighter than him with an afro pulled back in a large bun. A father-daughter pair of more “legal” ripperdocs working for a small joint division of two corporations handling some recycling endeavors in the city; the two enjoyed occasionally moonlighting on the more illicit side. He met them around the same time he met Viktor and Misty. The two knew Varsha’s sophisticated cyberware better than Viktor. Goro was in and out of consciousness but recalled the pair came in as Viktor was prepping Varsha for surgery. Dr. Rothschild assisted Viktor while Mithra helped Misty with his treatment.
From his brief meeting with them here and there to their clinic after hours, the two were pleasant. Even with Varsha footing the bill, he sparingly went to the doctor unless Viktor wasn’t available. 
[Takemura]: Yes. I do. Their hands are as good as Viktor’s.
[Varsha]: (o^-’)b Good good. I’m still covering all expenses. No need to pay them.
[Varsha]: And lastly, my roommate and cybersecurity. Malik. 
The last set of images appeared on his screen. He had seen many things, both with Arasaka and his current time in Night City, but there were still some appearances that could surprise him.
Just from the portrait photos of her roommate, the tan-skin man had extensive top-of-the-line Netrunning cyberware with the number of coolant lines, ports, cables, and vents he saw, as well as some of the cosmetic wear. And there were scars across his face, especially around his eyes that were plated in gold. If they were scars and not entirely a fashion statement.
“I wonder if he’s had a full-body conversion?” Goro mumbled.
[Varsha]: So don’t be surprised if your software picks up an “unauthorized scan” before you arrive. He loves to double-check even with my reassurances.
[Takemura]: Noted.
That wouldn’t be a problem as long as her roommate didn’t attempt to install some trackers or malware.
He was about to send a message asking for the address before another set of pings came in.
[Varsha]: Ah. Nearly forgot. There will be two more. However, I believe neither will take part in tonight’s festivities.
The first image came in. Goro recognized the young lady. A bright-eyed and equally bright blue-haired photographer and “treasure hunter.” Another friend he wondered how Varsha met and became acquainted with. The two walked very different life paths. 
[Varsha]: My dear friend Kitt. Do you remember her from that day? She’s still recovering from what the Scavs did to her. 
[Varsha]: Thank you, again, for your assistance that evening. You didn’t have to, as the acquisition of those resources was more important, but you did.
[Takemura]: I remember her. You are welcome. How is her recovery going?
[Varsha]: Slow, but well. She’ll most likely be resting that night.
This was one of the events he reanalyzed after his talk with Viktor. Kitt was more than a friend to Varsha. From what he observed, he believed she bordered that familial territory, with Varsha acting rather motherly towards her. It also explained why Varsha detested the Scavs so much. What they did to that girl. It was a miracle she was still alive.
It was a heated evening trading gunfire and quickhacks in a rundown apartment block. Varsha even allowed her more unruly AI companions to run rampant, but they were successful in rescuing her friend, who was in rough shape. Varsha thanked him for his help despite the dangers. In a way, she was still surprised he offered his assistance. Was it out of sympathy or so he didn’t lose an important asset? It didn’t matter. Part of her icy demeanor towards him thawed. She covered all his expenses for the ammunition spent and the visit he would have to pay to Viktor.
[Varsha]: And last but not least, your driver. Package Runner, Otxo.
The last set of images came through.
A biker sat on a Brennan Apollo that had been customized for package running. There was no “face” to the biker as they wore a black helmet that had cat ears. And it was impossible to make out their skin tone with the jumpsuit and jacket they wore. What stood out was a logo on the bike and jacket. 9 Lives Delivery; a stylized tiger trotted along, its tail coiled around a trolley filled with packages.
[Varsha]: They are a highly reliable individual and can be discrete despite their appearance. They are my favorite person to contract for package running.
[Varsha]: Contact them around 19:00 tonight to trade information. They know the backdoor to get into the complex where you won’t be seen.
Goro studied the images a little longer. He didn’t like he couldn’t see their face. But they must have had a good reason to hide it. Package runner. He nodded at that. They most likely handled confidential and illicit goods. A concealed identity would be best for such work.
[Takemura]: Otxo… How does one pronounce that name?
[Varsha]: Per their request, similar to the Spanish word: Ocho.
[Takemura]: Ok. And thank you, once again, for the invitation. I will make sure I arrive on time. Shall I bring anything?
[Varsha]: Pleased to have you coming. You’re welcome to bring whatever, but nothing is needed. Everything from food to drinks is covered.
The conversation came to an end after Goro sent up her information from his latest round scoping out the bazaar.
With that done and a weight lifted from his shoulders, Goro spent some more time scoping out the bazaar before completing some other errands for the day.
On his way home, he stopped at a boutique to buy some more cheap but “formal” clothes and some nice-smelling soap. He was going to make sure he looked presentable for the evening. 
Once back at his safe house, he cleared a space for what he purchased, making sure everything stayed clean. He spent the rest of his evening cleaning and shining his boots and jacket as he caught up on the news. 
He made sure to contact Oxto around 19:00 to trade information. Their text conversations were short and straight to the point. Tomorrow around 18:05, he would meet them around one of the back alleys to an apartment in Japantown.
With everything set, he finished up for the evening and turned in. He had a few things to prepare for before the dinner party.
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auctionsoftware · 5 months
Different types Features of Reverse Auction Software
The best reverse auction software comes equipped with a range of features that enhance the bidding process. Let's explore some of these features:
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1. Supplier Database Management
A robust reverse auction software allows you to maintain a comprehensive supplier database. This feature enables you to prequalify suppliers, store their information, and easily invite them to participate in upcoming auctions. It also allows you to track supplier performance and make informed decisions based on historical data.
2. Real-Time Bidding Process
With the best reverse auction software, the bidding process becomes real-time and transparent. Suppliers can submit their bids online, and buyers can monitor the progress in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual tracking and enables buyers to make informed decisions quickly.
3. Customization Options
Reverse auction software often provides customization options to suit your specific business requirements. You can configure the software to align with your procurement processes, pricing rules, and evaluation criteria. This flexibility ensures that the software caters to your unique bidding strategy.
4. Bid Evaluation Tools
To evaluate bids effectively, reverse auction software offers advanced bid evaluation tools. These tools allow buyers to analyze bids based on various factors such as price, quality, delivery time, and supplier reliability. By leveraging these tools, buyers can make data-driven decisions and select the best supplier for the business.
Mastering reverse auction bidding strategy requires a combination of best practices and the right tools. By following the best practices outlined in this article and using the best reverse auction software available in the market, you can streamline your bidding process, achieve cost savings, and enhance supplier relationships. Embrace the power of reverse auctioning and take your procurement process to the next level.
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seogoogle1 · 6 months
Navigating the Complexities of Microsoft Licensing: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: In the realm of enterprise software solutions, Microsoft License stands as a behemoth, offering a vast array of products and services that power businesses worldwide. However, along with its extensive suite of offerings comes a complex web of licensing agreements and models that can befuddle even the most seasoned IT professionals. Understanding Microsoft licensing is crucial for organizations to ensure compliance, optimize costs, and harness the full potential of Microsoft's technologies. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of Microsoft licensing, unraveling its various components, and offering insights to navigate this complex landscape.
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Understanding Microsoft Licensing: Microsoft License offers a diverse portfolio of products catering to different business needs, ranging from operating systems like Windows, productivity suites like Microsoft 365, to advanced cloud services like Azure. Each of these products comes with its own licensing requirements, which can vary significantly depending on factors such as usage scenarios, deployment models, and organizational size.
Core Concepts of Microsoft Licensing:
Software Assurance: Software Assurance is an optional offering that provides benefits such as upgrade rights, training vouchers, and support services, offering organizations flexibility and additional value.
Volume Licensing: Microsoft offers various volume licensing programs tailored to different organizational sizes and needs, including Enterprise Agreements, Select Plus, and Microsoft Products and Services Agreements (MPSA). These programs enable organizations to procure licenses in bulk, often at discounted rates.
Subscription vs. Perpetual Licensing: Microsoft License offers both subscription-based licensing, where organizations pay a recurring fee for access to software, and perpetual licensing, where licenses are purchased outright with no expiration date. Understanding the implications of each model is crucial for organizations in making informed decisions.
Product Use Rights: Microsoft's Product Use Rights (PUR) document outlines the terms and conditions governing the use of its products, including licensing rules, restrictions, and exceptions. Familiarizing oneself with the PUR is essential for ensuring compliance.
Licensing Models for Different Products:
Windows Licensing: Windows operating system Microsoft License are available in various editions, including Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education. Understanding the licensing requirements for each edition, as well as options such as Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) for accessing virtualized Windows environments, is essential.
Office and Microsoft 365 Licensing: Microsoft offers multiple licensing plans for its Office suite and Microsoft 365, catering to different usage scenarios and user types. Organizations must choose the appropriate plan based on factors such as user needs, compliance requirements, and budget constraints.
Azure Licensing: Azure's flexible licensing model offers pay-as-you-go options, as well as various subscription and consumption-based plans. Understanding Azure's pricing and licensing models, including factors such as Reserved Instances and Hybrid Benefit, can help organizations optimize costs and maximize value.
Compliance and Optimization Strategies:
License Compliance: Ensuring compliance with Microsoft License terms is paramount for organizations to avoid legal and financial repercussions. Regular audits and license assessments can help identify areas of non-compliance and mitigate risks.
License Optimization: Optimizing Microsoft licensing involves aligning license purchases with actual usage, eliminating redundancies, and leveraging cost-saving options such as Software Asset Management (SAM) tools and licensing optimization services.
Cloud Cost Management: For organizations leveraging Microsoft's cloud services such as Azure, effectively managing cloud costs is critical. Strategies such as rightsizing virtual machines, leveraging reserved instances, and implementing cost allocation and tagging practices can help optimize cloud spending.
Conclusion: Navigating the complexities of Microsoft License requires a solid understanding of its various components, licensing models, and compliance requirements. By familiarizing themselves with Microsoft's licensing terms, leveraging the right licensing programs, and adopting optimization strategies, organizations can not only ensure compliance but also optimize costs and maximize the value derived from Microsoft's technologies. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying abreast of changes in Microsoft's licensing policies and leveraging expert guidance can empower organizations to navigate this complex terrain effectively.
Website: https://microsoftlicense.com/
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johnmya · 6 months
b2b lead generation and appointment setting services
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an established concept that has gained significant traction in various areas of business management, marketing, and sales. One particular area where AI has made notable advancements is lead generation for B2B marketing. Many online lead-generation software options leverage AI technology to enhance and streamline the lead-generation process.
Artificial intelligence, in combination with lead generation software, harnesses the power of advanced platforms and algorithms. This powerful combination enables businesses to gather and analyze relevant data, leveraging past sales, marketing strategies, and market conditions. By doing so, it enhances customer relationship management, provides valuable insights for decision-making, and helps identify profitable investments, ultimately maximizing return on investment 
Best Practices For B2B Appointment Setting List
Generating leads is imperative for a B2B company’s growth. One of the most effective ways to convert them is through appointment setting services. But just because it’s practical doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Creating and booking an appointment is a struggle in itself. Therefore, we will discuss the best practices for B2B appointment setting to be more productive, efficient, and thriving. So stay tuned and start reading!
Getting the data
Getting the data means prospecting. First, gather information about your prospects. Then, the salesperson will procure the prospect’s background information, industry sector, departments & personnel information, and contact information. Getting the information is directly linked to verifying the data.
Verifying the data
After gathering the data, you should verify the information. You can ascertain whether the prospect is qualified based on the collected information. This verification helps you prioritize and categorize the prospects.
Nowadays, various information about a person, like bio-data, social media accounts, and other account details, are collected online. This information can be natural or fake. Hence, verification of information is crucial. This verification process is done using prospecting and sales intelligence tools. Also, the gathering of prospects’ information is done using CRM tools and lead generation tools.
Research your prospect
You can schedule an appointment in advance. However, you need to understand your prospect before making an appointment. Prospects tend to ignore or hang up sale calls, and salespeople are least pleasant with cold calling. The salesperson communicates with different types of prospects and has to face objections and rejections.
Also Read: Proven Tips for Your Prospects Research 
So, the salesperson must do homework about the prospect’s business and background. First, you must find their problem and whether your product/service solves it. Then, based on your imagined scenarios, the question-and-answer session assists the salesperson during appointments.
Understanding the pain points
Knowing your prospects’ pain points is essential for a successful sales meeting. Understanding what’s frustrating and keeping them up at night can tailor your pitch to address their needs. To determine your prospect’s pain points, you must research beforehand. 
Talk to your customer service team, read reviews online, and ask your current customers about their experience with your product or service. Armed with this information, you’ll be ready to have a meaningful conversation with your prospects and show them that you’re invested in helping them solve their problem.
Do an outreach
In this step, you will try connecting with your prospect via different channels. These channels include mobile, email, and social media, also known as communication platforms. They are crucial for B2B appointment settings. You can use cadence or sequence to reach your prospect. Don’t try to follow templates or copy-paste the content for cadence or sequence. 
You can develop innovative and engaging content to grab the attention of prospects. Two-way communication is vital because you can listen attentively, engage actively, and identify your prospect’s concern. Finally, create a lasting impression that makes your prospect look forward to the next appointment. 
Make an online presence
Developing an impactful online presence is more critical than the prospecting process and creating network strategies. Salespersons can engage with prospects by following, commenting on, and liking their social media and other online accounts. This strategy helps them build a presence before their prospects and create a relationship with them.
The online presence helps you smooth out your work more than the first time you connect with them as a stranger. It is like a small but powerful action that allows you to lay the groundwork for booking an appointment with them. 
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shantitechnology · 2 years
The Features and Benefits of Services ERP
ERP systems are used across industries, from manufacturing to retail. They have different features and benefits depending on the size of their users' organizations (and whether they make cars or suits).
Investing in enterprise software is a big decision. While the monetary cost and your team's time investment can seem overwhelming, implementing the right ERP system will go a long way toward helping you compete with other companies in your industry. We’ve listed 10 key benefits of upgrading to an ERP system, so you can make a business case for how it can help your organization thrive in our hyper-paced, ever-changing world.
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A successful ERP implementation hinges on a number of factors, including careful planning and goal setting. Once deployed, however, an ERP system will provide tremendous benefits to any business that implements it well.
Shanti Technology ranks among the top ERP software companies in Mumbai, Pune, Bhopal, Surat, Rajkot. STERP Software Pvt. Ltd. (Previously Known as Shanti Technology), is a Leader in Engineering and manufacturing ERP software in India, with headquarter in Vadodara, Gujarat. STERP Software Pvt. Ltd. has branch offices located in various cities across India such as Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Surat in Gujarat, Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra, as well as Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.
What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a type of software that organizations use to manage and automate various business functions, such as finance, procurement, human resources, and supply chain management. The purpose of ERP is to provide a centralized, integrated view of an organization's operations and data, enabling real-time decision-making and improved efficiency. ERP systems typically include modules for various business functions and provide a common database, user interface, and set of business processes. By integrating data and processes across departments, ERP helps organizations streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve overall performance.
Shanti Technology ranks among the best ERP software companies in India. STERP Software Pvt. Ltd. (Previously Known as Shanti Technology), is a Leader in Engineering and manufacturing ERP software in India, with headquarter in Vadodara, Gujarat. STERP Software Pvt. Ltd. has branch offices located in various cities across India such as Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Surat in Gujarat, Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra, as well as Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.
What benefits can I expect for my business when adopting an ERP?
Improved data accuracy and consistency: ERP helps ensure that data is entered correctly and consistently across all departments, reducing errors and improving decision-making.
Increased efficiency: ERP automates many manual processes, freeing up employees to focus on higher-level tasks and increasing overall efficiency.
Better visibility into business operations: ERP provides real-time access to business data, enabling organizations to make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information.
Enhanced customer satisfaction: ERP helps organizations provide more accurate and timely information to customers, improving customer satisfaction.
Improved supply chain management: ERP provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, delivery schedules, and supplier performance, enabling organizations to manage their supply chain more efficiently.
Better financial management: ERP provides real-time financial information, enabling organizations to better plan and control their finances.
Compliance: ERP helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements by providing a centralized repository of data and automated processes.
Better project management: ERP provides project management tools that help organizations plan, track, and execute projects more efficiently.
Scalability: ERP systems can be easily scaled to accommodate business growth.
Improved collaboration: ERP systems provide a centralized platform for collaboration, enabling employees from different departments to work together more effectively.
Solutions offered by ERP software companies in India are one-of-a-kind and specially designed ERP software for engineering companies that follow the fashion in which people work today. It focuses on strategic IT Initiatives. These solutions maximize the availability of the systems or processes and reduce the risks as well.
Benefits of ERP systems
Integration: ERP systems integrate all business functions into a single system, reducing data redundancy and increasing efficiency.
Improved decision-making: ERP provides real-time access to data and analytics, enabling better decision-making.
Increased productivity: ERP automates many manual processes, freeing up employees to focus on higher-level tasks.
Enhanced customer satisfaction: ERP helps companies provide more accurate and timely information to customers.
Better supply chain management: ERP helps companies manage their supply chain more efficiently by providing real-time visibility into inventory levels, delivery schedules, and supplier performance.
Improved financial management: ERP provides real-time financial information, enabling better financial planning and control.
Compliance: ERP helps companies comply with regulatory requirements by providing a centralized repository of data and automated processes.
Better project management: ERP provides project management tools that help companies plan, track, and execute projects more efficiently.
Scalability: ERP systems can be easily scaled to accommodate business growth.
Mobile accessibility: Many ERP systems provide mobile apps that allow employees to access business data and complete tasks from anywhere.
Shanti Technology is one of the most popular ERP software for engineering companies.  Solutions offered by Shanti technology are one-of-a-kind and specially designed ERP software for engineering companies that follow the fashion in which people work today. It focuses on strategic IT Initiatives. These solutions maximize the availability of the systems or processes and reduce the risks as well.
The cumulative benefit of an ERP system is the competitive advantage it delivers.
Yes, that's correct. By streamlining operations, improving data accuracy, and providing real-time visibility into business operations, ERP can give organizations a competitive advantage by enabling them to make more informed decisions, respond more quickly to market changes, and increase efficiency. Additionally, ERP can help organizations improve customer satisfaction, manage their supply chain more effectively, and comply with regulatory requirements, all of which can contribute to a competitive advantage.
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academyy6 · 1 year
Best certification course academy in mumbai
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1.Upsurge Infotech - Practical knowledge is the key to success, and Upsurge Infotech, the best training institute in Mumbai, provides you with just that. With a team of experienced and certified professionals who have years of expertise in their respective fields, we offer comprehensive training programs in Software Testing, Digital Marketing, SAP ERP, Python, and other emerging technologies.
SoftwareTesting Courses in Mumbai
If you’re interested in learning about software testing courses in Mumbai then Upsurge Infotech has several courses and resources available that can help you develop your skills in this field. Software testing is a crucial process in the software development life cycle (SDLC) that involves evaluating a software application’s functionality, performance, and quality to identify any defects or errors. The goal of software testing is to ensure that the software meets the requirements, works as expected, and delivers a satisfactory user experience.
SAPCourses In Mumbai
If you’re interested in learning about SAP courses in Mumbai then Upsurge Infotech has several courses and resources available that can help you develop your skills in this field. SAP’s ERP software, known as SAP ERP, is one of their flagship products and provides comprehensive solutions for financial management, procurement, sales, production, and other core business functions. It enables businesses to consolidate their data, automate processes, and gain real-time insights into their operations.
DigitalMarketing Course in Mumbai
If you’re interested in learning Digital Marketing Course in Mumbai then Upsurge Infotech can help you develop your skills in this field. Digital marketing, in its most basic form, refers to any online marketing activities or properties. Email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and even blogging are all examples of digital marketing that help people learn about your business and buy from you.
PythonCourse in Mumbai
If you’re interested in learning Python Course in Mumbai then Upsurge Infotech can help you develop your skills in this field. Python is a dynamically semantic, interpreted, object-oriented high-level programming language. Its high-level built-in data structures, together with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, making it ideal for Rapid Application Development and as a scripting or glue language for connecting existing components.
DataAnalyst Course in Mumbai
If you are searching for a Job that doesn’t require coding, then this digital analyst course in Mumbai is right for you. Upsurge Infotech offers a Data Analyst Training program it is the process of systematically applying statistical logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. To put it simply it’s a process in which an analyst Works with data to extract relevant information that may be used to guide decisions known as data analysis.
Mumbai Location: 2A-20, 3rd Floor, Viviana Building, inside Super Shopping Centre, near Khadi Gram Udyog, Swami Vivekananda Rd, next to T-10 showroom, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058.
Thane Location: 602, 6th Floor, Ganesh Tower, Opp Thane West Platform #1, Dada Patil Wadi, Thane (W) - 400602.
2.LearnCoz - LearnCoz is a reputed computer institute located at 512, 2, Kalyan - Bhiwandi Road, Sapna Industrial Estate, Saravali, Mumbai. Our institute offers a wide range of computer courses to help individuals enhance their skills and stay competitive in the ever-evolving IT industry. Join us and unleash your potential in the world of computers.
3.DatapointComputer - Datapoint Computer is a renowned computer training institute based in Mulund West, Mumbai. Situated at 52 Saidham Arcade, P K Road, we offer high-quality computer training courses to help students acquire the skills needed to thrive in the IT industry. Join us and unlock your potential in the world of computers.
4.Wiztech - Wiztech is a leading institute providing software training with 100% placement assistance. Located at 4B/29, Phoenix Paragon Plaza, LBS Marg, Kurla West, Mumbai, we offer comprehensive courses that cover various software technologies. Upgrade your skills and secure a promising career in the IT sector with Wiztech.
5.VDMA - VDMA offers comprehensive courses in Digital Marketing, SEO, PPC, Wordpress, and Social Media. Located at Taximens Colony, 2B, 64, 6th Floor, LBS Marg, Kurla West, Mumbai, our institute equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital world. Upgrade your digital marketing skills and unlock exciting career opportunities.
6.DGmarkInstitute - DGmark Institute is a highly acclaimed Digital Marketing Training Institute situated at 23, Ground Floor, Harmony Mall, New Link Road, Sejal Park, Colony No 1, Bhagat Singh II, Goregaon West, Mumbai. We provide top-notch training in digital marketing, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the digital era.
7.LIPSINDIA - LIPSINDIA is a premium destination for Digital Marketing Training in Mumbai. Located at 3/A Vrindhavan Bldg, Gr Floor, Behind Pantaloons, Umeda Ashram Road, Borivali West, Mumbai, we offer comprehensive courses that cover various aspects of digital marketing. Enhance your knowledge, upgrade your skills, and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.
8.ExcelRSolutions - ExcelR Solutions is your gateway to mastering Business Analyst Course. Located at 304, 3rd Floor, Pratibha Building, Three Petrol Pump, Opposite Manas Tower, Lal Bahadur Shastri Road, Pakhdi, Mumbai, our institute provides comprehensive training that is adaptable to everyone. Enhance your business analysis skills and open doors to new career possibilities.
9.Livewire - Livewire is a renowned IT institute located at 2B,22, Vivina, Apartment, Nadco Shopping Centre, Opposite Andheri Railway Station, S.V.Road, Andheri West, Mumbai. Our institute offers a wide range of courses, including web designing and IT-related disciplines. Upgrade your skills and unlock exciting career opportunities in the IT industry.
10.ChaloDigitalMarketingInstitute - Chalodigital Marketing Institute is your ultimate destination to learn awesome social media hacks and digital marketing strategies. Located at Raghuleela Mall Office No 310, First Floor, Behind Poisar Bus Depot, Boraspada Road, Jai Bhim Sanjay Nagar, Kandivali, Mumbai, our institute provides expert training in digital marketing to help individuals excel in the digital landscape.
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halsimplifyblogs · 1 year
ERP Systems for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Saudi Arabia: What to Consider?
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What Is an ERP System 
 ERP stands for “Enterprise Resource Planning” and refers to a type of software system that manages and integrates a range of business processes across an organization.
ERP systems provide a centralized database that can be accessed by different departments within an organization handling various business processes such as finance, procurement, production, inventory management, human resources, and customer relationship management. ERP systems integrate these processes to provide a comprehensive view of the entire organization and help to improve operational efficiency and decision-making.
 Market Trend for ERP Systems
 Research and Markets, the global market research firm, indicates that the ERP software market in Saudi Arabia would grow at a rate of around 17.4% between 2020 and 2025, primarily due to escalating demand for business process automation and the need for data-driven decisions. A robust ERP system is the best way forward for any business to succeed.
 Features of ERP Systems
 That said, let’s take a look at some of the key features of a good ERP system.
Integration of different business processes and departments
Centralized database with real-time data
Standardization of business processes
Automation of routine tasks
Reporting and analytics capabilities
User access controls to ensure data security
Scalability to support the growth of the organization
 Key Considerations for Choosing the Best ERP Software 
There are several popular ERP systems in Saudi Arabia such as Oracle ERP Cloud, SAP Business One, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Sage 300, Infor ERP, and Hal Business Success ERP. However, you need to pay attention to the following factors while choosing the best ERP software system that would meet your needs.ConsiderationDescriptionBusiness needsThe system should be able to support the business processes that need to be automated or streamlined ScalabilityThe ERP system should be able to support the future growth of the organizationIntegrationThe ERP system should be able to integrate seamlessly with the organization’s other business applications or systemsCustomizationIt should be possible to customize the ERP system to meet the specific needs of the organizationUser friendlinessThe ERP system should be easy to use and the required training and support should be available for usersSecurityThe system needs to have adequate security features including data encryption and user access controls
ERP systems are thus designed to benefit small and medium-sized businesses, manage their resources and improve efficiency through streamlined business processes, improved decision-making, enhanced visibility and better collaboration. These systems support growth and customer satisfaction and drive the businesses to scale greater heights.
Source Link : https://halsimplify.com/blog/erp-systems-for-small-and-medium-sized-businesses-in-saudi-arabia-what-to-consider/
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thejobwala · 1 year
Download Jobwala app for the easiest job search and hiring. Now get every type of job in one place with Jobwala. Be it 10th pass and below or postgraduate we have jobs for everyone. Now get a job that satisfies your career goals with maximum salary satisfaction. From part-time and Full time to working from home, everything is just a click. With a vast variety of jobs and so many best options available to choose from. Be it Central, Western, or Harbor line we are all over Mumbai to provide you with the best.
The only job portal that provides you with the nearest jobs with maximum salary satisfaction and career growth. Verified companies to apply with no fear of fraud and scam. We cover almost every blue collar job people struggle to get. Apply to your dream job and get a chance to work in your dream company in just a click.
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Features: Jobwala makes sure you get the job that matches your salary expectation with career growth thereby providing you with the nearest jobs. you can get a job in just a click.
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There is a strong need for digital transformation in the construction business
With rising demand for homes and building supplies, the Indian construction industry is anticipated to expand at a 6.2% annual pace in the next years. Construction materials, which make up two-thirds of the overall cost of building, will become more expensive as a result of this rise in material costs, supply chain problems, and inflation. Consumers are unwilling to cut corners when it comes to the quality of the materials used, despite price rises. According to Ashish Aggarwal, Director, SpaceMantra, the building sector is embracing digital technologies like virtual design, VR home tours, cloud-based software, and big data analytics more and more to streamline the real estate process. Mr. Aggarwal discusses his thoughts on the real estate market's current status and how digitization might be a key factor in the future in an exclusive interview with Sanjeev Sinha. India's real estate development industry is booming as a result of the nation's record-high housing demand. How will this impact how construction materials required to develop this infrastructure are consumed and priced? The market dynamics have dramatically changed as of 2023. Since that materials make up around two thirds of the overall cost of building, developers will be forced to raise prices as a result of increased material costs. The supply side shocks, increasing inflation, and the frail global supply chain all contributed to a decline in raw material prices. Customers won't compromise on the quality of the building materials used, therefore a price increase to some level could have a detrimental impact on the fast expanding real estate market. Nowadays, consumers like to choose each component of their ideal home individually. How does it impact online purchasing habits in the digital age?” Allowing clients to hand-pick each component of their dream home helps to give customers the autonomy to decide how their dream home will look in today's increasingly digital world. Yet, doing so can cause the procurement process to go more slowly. Customers and businesses may now choose their preferences from a variety of raw material types, grades, and pricing online in just a few simple steps. With this kind of digital procurement, you may quickly and effectively get the precise materials your project needs. How is the real estate sector using technology to better serve their clients? Due to the increased disruption of the global supply chain, rising competitiveness, and labour shortages, there is an increasingly urgent need for digital transformation in the construction industry. An increasing number of innovative technologies are being incorporated into the building business. Virtual design and visualisation are common in these technologies. The real estate process is made more tech-savvy and results in a smooth experience thanks to virtual reality home tours, cloud-based software, smart contracts, and big data analytics. What are some trends and predictions we can look forward to for the construction sector this year as we usher in a brand-new year? A strong strategy of infrastructure projects in numerous industries is predicted to help the Indian construction industry grow at a 6.2% annual rate from 2023 to 2026. Investment in the construction sector will increase as a result of government initiatives like Atmanirbhar Bharat, which is anticipated to boost domestic industries and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and the Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti National Master Plan, which aims to drive economic growth through infrastructure development. What lies in store for SpaceMantra going forward in 2023? Building a one-stop eB2B platform is part of SpaceMantra's ambition to organise and unify the extremely dispersed and unorganised construction industry. 
We are working hard to strengthen our vendor base by developing close relationships with brands and manufacturers. 
This will enable us to provide our product line to customers at lower pricing. 
We are also attempting to address the industry's long-standing problems with procurement. 
By providing a variety of integrated services that will help them overcome their operational issues, we intend to increase the number of customers we serve in the future.
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shantitechnology · 2 years
What is ERP Software and How it helps in the Manufacturing Industry?
What is ERP Software?
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is a type of software used by businesses to manage and integrate core business processes such as finance, HR, procurement, supply chain, and customer relationship management. The goal of ERP is to provide a single unified view of data across an organization to help streamline and optimize operations.
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Shanti Technology is one of the most popular ERP software companies in Surat.  Solutions offered by Shanti technology are one-of-a-kind and specially designed ERP software for engineering companies that follow the fashion in which people work today. It focuses on strategic IT Initiatives. These solutions maximize the availability of the systems or processes and reduce the risks as well.
Why is ERP Software used in Manufacturing Industries?
As a language model AI, I don't have personal experience but here's why:
Improved Visibility: Manufacturing industries can access real-time data from across their operations with the help of ERP software, leading to improved visibility and control over the entire production process.
Increased Efficiency: ERP software streamlines and automates many of the manual tasks involved in production, reducing the time and effort required to complete these tasks. This results in increased efficiency and improved productivity.
Enhanced Inventory Management: ERP software enables manufacturers to track inventory levels in real-time, ensuring that they have the materials they need to keep their operations running smoothly.
Better Planning and Scheduling: ERP software helps manufacturers to plan and schedule production runs more effectively, reducing the risk of bottlenecks and downtime.
Improved Cost Control: By providing a comprehensive view of all costs associated with production, ERP software enables manufacturers to identify areas where they can reduce costs and improve their bottom line.
Better Collaboration: ERP software enables different departments within a manufacturing company to work together more effectively, improving communication and collaboration throughout the organization.
Integration with Other Systems: ERP software can be integrated with other systems, such as CRM, accounting software, and supply chain management systems, providing manufacturers with a single source of truth and a more streamlined process.
Shanti Technology is one of the most popular ERP software companies in Surat.  Solutions offered by Shanti technology are one-of-a-kind and specially designed ERP software for engineering companies that follow the fashion in which people work today. It focuses on strategic IT Initiatives. These solutions maximize the availability of the systems or processes and reduce the risks as well.
Benefits of ERP software for Manufacturing Industries
Increased efficiency: ERP software streamlines processes, reducing manual work and speeding up production times.
Improved data management: Manufacturing industries often collect and manage a lot of data. ERP software allows for more accurate, organized, and accessible data storage and analysis.
Better inventory management: ERP software tracks inventory levels, automates reordering, and helps ensure production schedules aren’t impacted by stock shortages.
Enhanced collaboration: ERP software integrates data across departments, allowing for better communication and collaboration between teams.
Increased accuracy: ERP software minimizes human error, allowing for a more accurate record of information, such as production data and inventory levels.
Better decision-making: ERP software provides real-time data and analytics that support informed decision-making for production, purchasing, and sales.
Better supply chain management: ERP software provides visibility into the entire supply chain, allowing for better tracking, communication, and coordination between suppliers and production teams.
Reduced costs: By streamlining processes and reducing manual work, ERP software can reduce costs associated with production, inventory management, and supply chain management.
Shanti Technology is one of the most popular ERP software companies in Surat.  Solutions offered by Shanti technology are one-of-a-kind and specially designed ERP software for engineering companies that follow the fashion in which people work today. It focuses on strategic IT Initiatives. These solutions maximize the availability of the systems or processes and reduce the risks as well.
ERP software represents the next generation in business software. While basic, functional ERPs have been around since the 1980s, these systems are now evolving to meet the needs of modern businesses. The best ERP systems today allow businesses to leverage information and process data in real-time rather than waiting for periodic reporting periods; they also enable a unified view of business data to promote clear decision-making processes, and they are cloud-based, allowing companies to save money on expensive hardware upgrades.
Shanti Technology is one of the most popular ERP software companies in Surat.  Solutions offered by Shanti technology are one-of-a-kind and specially designed ERP software for engineering companies that follow the fashion in which people work today. It focuses on strategic IT Initiatives. These solutions maximize the availability of the systems or processes and reduce the risks as well.
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urbtnews · 1 day
Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Market Size Is Likely To Reach a Valuation of Around $15.03 Billion by 2031
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Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Market Size Is Likely To Reach a Valuation of Around $15.03 Billion by 2031Stay Trendy with URBTNews.com (Subscribe Today Free!) The Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Market report provides a detailed analysis of top strategies, market trends, market size, and future growth estimates. This report serves as a valuable resource for new entrants and existing stakeholders to refine their strategies and solidify their market positions. Request sample pages now: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/A08446 Key factors driving growth of the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) market include rising electric vehicle demand and government initiatives for charging infrastructure development. Growing economies such as China, India, Brazil, and South Africa provide lucrative opportunities for the electric vehicle industry's growth. Additionally, increasing investment in electric vehicle infrastructure in developing countries boosts overall market growth prospects. The report profiles key players like Nissan Motor Corporation, Wallbox, Fermata Energy, and others, offering insights into their strategies. The report details the global vehicle-to-grid market segmentation based on technology, vehicle type, charging type, components, and region. This comprehensive analysis assists market players in establishing strategies aligned with the fastest growing segments and highest revenue generation. Buy now the exclusive report: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/checkout-final/e7d40d7c9141edc5025f96a7a95e71f1 The vehicle-to-grid (V2G) market segments include power management, software, unidirectional charging, and bidirectional charging technologies. Battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles are categorized under vehicle types for market analysis. Based on region, Europe held the largest market share in 2021, expected to maintain its leadership during the forecast period. The region is also projected to achieve the fastest CAGR of 26.6% throughout the forecast period, highlighting robust market dynamics. Get customized reports with your requirements: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/A08446 The report analyzes key global vehicle-to-grid market players using strategies like joint ventures, collaborations, and product launches. These strategies maximize foothold and prowess, providing insights into recent developments, portfolios, and operating segments in the industry. Interested in procuring the research report? Inquire before buying: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/A08446 The unidirectional charging segment dominated the market share in 2021, expected to maintain its leadership through the forecast period. In contrast, the bidirectional segment is projected to achieve the fastest CAGR of 26.7% throughout the same period. Check out more related studies published by Allied Market Research: Electric Vehicle Motor Market - Link Solar Boat Market - Link Electric Two-Wheeler Lithium-Ion Battery Management System Market - Link Utility Vehicle Market - Link Electric Vehicle Market - Link Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. We do not accept any responsibility for accuracy. Read the full article
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8manage · 2 days
What is Project Communication Management?
In todays highly competitive market, many companies often have multiple projects running simultaneously. Different types of projects require project leaders to stay updated in real-time, and successful projects depend heavily on daily communication between team members. Only through effective communication can project managers gather sufficient information, quickly identify potential issues, and better control all aspects of the project.
Project Communication Management
Project communication management ensures that project-related information is generated, collected, distributed, and stored in a timely manner. It serves as a vital link between the necessary factors, people, ideas, and information.
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Managing Project Communication with System Software
Poor communication can kill a project, while improving communication maximizes project success and minimizes risks. When project managers use modern project management systems to communicate effectively with stakeholders, their teams gain better communication skills.
The 8Manage PM project management system provides enterprises with communication workflows, ensuring that the right people send, receive, and understand the correct messages during the projects lifecycle. 8Manage PM covers the processes of communication planning, management, and monitoring, along with project reporting workflows.
Communication Planning
8Manage PM helps businesses outline how to manage communication across multiple projects by creating a communication management plan. When creating this plan, the system guides the following steps:
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Your project communication management plan should be detailed, listing why messages are sent, to whom, what specific information will be shared, how it will be delivered, and when.
Managing Communication
In terms of managing communication, 8Manage PM offers enterprises the following automated workflows:
- Collecting and analyzing planned and delivered activities, deliverables, and milestones - Creating reminders for upcoming or missed deadlines - Transmitting or distributing communication messages to the appropriate stakeholders - Storing communication reports, documents, and related files according to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - Allowing retrieval of any stored communication records
Monitoring Communication
8Manage PM helps monitor communication throughout the entire project lifecycle. This includes ensuring:
- Communication messages are shared as scheduled - Relevant stakeholders receive the messages - The messages are understood - Proper feedback is provided to the appropriate stakeholders
Final Thoughts
Throughout a project, consistent and effective communication is crucial to ensuring smooth progress and identifying potential issues early. Without clear communication, decision-making can be delayed or obstructed. Utilizing a project management system with communication management functions can break down barriers, streamline information sharing, and help project managers deliver projects more efficiently and effectively.
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sysaler · 4 days
How Reverse Auction Software Enhances Your Procurement Process? Sysaler
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What Is a Reverse Auction?
A reverse auction is a type of auction where the roles of buyer and seller are reversed compared to a traditional auction. In a traditional auction, buyers bid higher and higher to win a product or service. However, in a reverse auction, sellers compete to offer the lowest price for their goods or services, and buyers select from these competitive bids. This format allows companies to procure items or services at the best possible price, leveraging supplier competition to drive costs down.
How Reverse Auction Software Works
Reverse auction software automates and facilitates the entire auction process by enabling suppliers to bid on procurement contracts online in real time. Procurement professionals can invite multiple suppliers to participate, ensuring they receive competitive bids. Suppliers submit progressively lower bids within a set time frame, and the software provides a clear view of each supplier’s offers.
This system ensures transparency, fairness, and efficiency, as all participants have equal access to the bidding information and are able to adjust their bids based on competitors’ pricing in real time.
Visit our website https://www.sysaler.io/ for more details.
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tyasuite123 · 4 days
Why Is Procurement Software Essential for Streamlining Direct and Indirect Procurement?
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newspress24-blog · 2 years
The Cashier in Dubai
Investigative report tracks tangled route for money flowing to offshore companies from Moldova.
Part One
Moldovan oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc left his home country in 2019 to avoid corruption charges. But an investigation into his business affairs, supported by newspress24-blog, shows that money continued to flow into his pockets long after he fled.
Black Box Plus, the investigative show of Moldova’s independent Tv channel TV8, acquired documents showing that Plahotniuc profited from every document Moldova’s Public Services Agency (ASP) issued between 2014-2019. Black Box TV followed the traces left by the businessman Alexandru Vilcu and Vladimir Andronachi, a former lawmaker with the Democratic Party (PD).
Documents show that the money reached Plahotniuc via Garsų Pasaulis, the Lithuanian printing house that won the public procurements for supplying blank cards the ASP uses to issue Moldovan documents, including passports. The financial circuit leads to a network of offshore companies registered in Cyprus, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
In the summer of 2020, the scheme Plahotniuc built over the years was taken over by two Bulgaria-registered companies that appeared overnight.
These companies were the identical financial offshore vehicles through which Plahotniuc, former leader of the PD, raised alleged dividends from the auctions organised by the state telecom company Moldtelecom, the purchase of electricity from the breakaway region of Transnistria, the public-private partnership for hemodialysis services and the so–called heist of one billion US dollars from the Moldovan banking system.
The Lithuanian UAB (an acronym of uždaroji akcine bendrove, or private limited company) started supplying blank cards for Moldovan passports following tenders in 2014 and 2017. The main beneficiary of the Garsu Pasaulis company is Albert Mario Karaziwan, a Belgian citizen who owns Semlex Europe, an identification document and biometric device production company whose business practices have come under scrutiny. The Syrian-Belgium businessman has been targeted in several countries in criminal corruption cases and journalistic investigations by Reuters and OCCRP.
In 2014, Moldova’s minister of information and communications technology was Plahotniuc’s fellow party member Pavel Filip. The CRIS Registru state enterprise which in 2017 was re-organised as ASP, was headed by Sergey Railean, godfather of Filip's older son.
Between 2014 and 2021, ASP transferred 59.5 million euros to the Garsu Pasaulis company "for raw material, blank cards and personalisation services," according to documents obtained by Black Box.
ASP also paid the Lithuanian company a royalty fee for software developed for Moldova and used on three types of documents. For example, the royalty fee for each passport issued was 13.61 euros (14.49 US dollars). On October 22, 2021, prosecutors opened a criminal case against nine people from the Public Services Agency “targeted in a criminal case of abuse of office”. Prosecutors estimated that the state lost around 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars) in the case.
A note from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering obtained by Black Box shows that more than 24 million euros (25.54 million dollars) did not stop in the company's accounts in Vilnius but ended up in Cyprus and the UAE.
“Of the 135 payments made throughout this period [2014-2019], I can tell you that the final beneficiary is obvious. At least, from what the criminal investigation bodies say, it is clear that the actual beneficiary is Vladimir Plahotniuc,” said ASP director Mircea Esanu.
Sergey Railean, the ASP former director under whose mandate the two contracts with Garsu Pasaulis were signed, said that he knew nothing about benefits for Plahotniuc.
"The tender took place according to the procedures. Therefore, nothing was outside the law," Railean said.
Told that Black Box reporters had established money transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to offshore companies affiliated with Plahotniuc, Railean was asked if he knew anything about it.
"No, absolutely not. Now it is a criminal case. The file must be completed after the trial,"he said. “[…] We did not order any software."
Railean added that ASP paid royalty fees to Garsu Pasaulis "because that was the contract".
On May 5, 2022 the Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office announced that Railean had the status of accused in the so-called passport affair.
Filip, who held the post of prime minister in 2016-2019, did not answer the phone calls or requests for comment.
In May 2018, during a TV show broadcast by Prime, one of Plahotniuc's TV stations, Filip hinted that the state signed a more advantageous contract with Garsu Pasaulis than the previous one agreed in 2011 with a French company.
In 2011, Garsu Pasaulis had in fact tried to win a tender, but its application failed as it did not meet ASP’s criteria. A key condition was that applicants had experience manufacturing electronic passports for at least three European countries, as established by a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice. Garsu Pasaulis did not meet this requirement.
Garsu Pasaulis replied via e-mail that the company won the tenders and successfully delivered blank passport cards for ASP.
“As for the exact details of other commercial contracts, we cannot provide any details as confidentiality commitments bind us,” Andrius Lukosevicius, director of Garsu Pasaulis’ printing security department, wrote. “However, we can confirm that we have never had and do not currently have commercial or other relations with Mr Plahotniuc and [Romanian businesswoman] Mrs Ileana-Mihaela Burcea.”
The passport cash headed south, to the UAE firm Prime Union Solutions FZ LLC. Between January 1, 2018 and July 30, 2019 itreceived transfers for over 4.7 million euros ( five million dollars) from Garsu Pasaulis. The money continued to flow into Plahotniuc's coffers even after he fled Moldova in June 2019 when his name was linked to the disappearance of over a billion dollars - nearly one-eighth of Moldova's GDP - from the country's biggest banks between 2012 and 2014.
Employees at the Moldovan Money Laundering Prevention and Combating Service obtained information from their colleagues in Dubai and stated that the company's majority shareholders were the Romanian citizen Ileana-Mihaela Burcea and the company Inter Gnathonize Limited.
Between October 29, 2018, and July 30, 2019, a total of seven million euros (about 7.4 million dollars) were credited into Prime Union Solutions’ UAE bank account, largely sent from Garsu Pasaulis. The money then traveled to Burcea’s private account in UAE and six other offshore companies.
In liaison with UAE and Cyprus’ authorities, Moldova’s law enforcement agencies determined that Garsu Pasaulis transferred another 19.6 million euros (20.8 million dollars) to another Cyprus offshore company, Gnathonize Limited, also connected to Burcea.
The Cypriot firm opened a bank account in July 2014, four months after Garsu Pasaulis won the Moldova tender. The Lithuanian firm was the main contributor to the account until August 2018. After that, the money was transferred to the company Prime Union INC LTD in Hong Kong and marked as a "dividend payment".
Part Two
Documents from the Hong Kong public registry show that Burcea was one of Prime Union’s shareholders and in 2014-2019 the director. In 2020, Burcea requested the closing of the company. In 2018, over 600,000 euros (639,000 dollars) were transferred from one of Prime Union’s bank accounts to another offshore in Gibraltar.
In addition, 1.5 million euros (1.6 million dollars) arrived in Burcea`s personal account in the UAE and almost 800,000 euros (852,600 dollars) were directed to Recon Business Data Service, a company registered in Dubai led by Burcea. The company was closed in December 2019.
Burcea’s lawyer Cristina Savulescu declined to comment on the financial transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to her client. She also did not comment on Burcea’s connection with Plahotniuc. Savulescu said that any association of her client with an alleged criminal case was damaging to her client's image.
"The judicial procedure in any criminal case, from the time of notification to the competent bodies until the time of sending a particular person to court, is non-public and confidential, meaning that third parties cannot know the content of the carried-out procedures," Savulescu said.
Documents obtained by Black Box with the support of the OCCRP network of investigative journalists show that Plahotniuc used the same infrastructure of offshore companies to take yet more funds out of Moldova.
The former politician used the offshore network for the money obtained from other auctions organised by state enterprises including Moldtelecom, Moldova’s largest telecommunication operator, gas supplier Energocom and the health ministry for dialysis-related services.
The UAE’s Recon Business Data Services, connected to Burcea, was also involved in the financial circuit of money leaked by Plahotniuc from another scheme related to Moldtelecom, concerning public tenders won by Bass Systems SRL in PD`s ruling period.
Between March 2017 to January 2019 the Chisinau-based IT company delivered technical equipment and services for Moldtelecom worth about 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars). Out of this amount, eight million euros (8.5 million dollars) and six million dollars followed the same route to the UAE through Recon Business Data Services.
Another document obtained from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering shows that the Dubai-based company made several transactions to two offshores used by Plahotniuc: the UAE-based Vanguard International LTD and Vanguard International Group, registered in Samoa.
Both companies appeared in Plahotniuc's wealth statements in 2018. However, in the document submitted to Moldova’s Central Electoral Commission on the eve of the February 24, 2019 parliamentary elections, the oligarch declared 4.5 million euros (4.78 million dollars), over 11 million lei (around 585,000 dollars) and 347,000 dollars as dividends obtained from the Dubai-based Vanguard International Ltd.
Moldovan prosecutors established the origin of the money collected by Plahotniuc as "dividends".
Vanguard International LTD received 8.2 million euros (8.72 million dollars) and 2.5 million dollars from UAE-registered RECON SPC LIMITED from December 2017 to May 2019.
Burcea and another Romanian citizen, Silviu Tutuianu, were behind the company in different periods. Almost the entire amount came from the other similarly named firm, the Dubai-based Recon Business Data Service.
Plahotniuc also collected "dividends" worth 1.7 million euros (1.80 million dollars) and almost 350,000 US dollars through another offshore company, TGME INVESTMENTS SPC LTD, managed by Tutuianu.
All these companies were liquidated between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, after Plahotniuc fled Moldova. The Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office opened a case for the purchase of equipment and services by Moldtelecom from SRL Bass Systems. The prosecutors confirmed that Burcea was interviewed in this criminal case, but did not disclose her status.
Burcea also managed a company that benefited from transfers from Plahotniuc’s Cyprus-registered Asia Pacific Textile Limited. This had transactions with the Cypriot offshore Melopmania Limited, the founder of BB-Dializa, a company which managed the dialysis services for the Moldovan health ministry.
BB Dializa also benefited from legal services from Cyprus-registered Kinanis offshore, founded by Burcea. The company also provided secretarial and legal services for Assentis Holdings Limited, one of the founders of Bass Systems SRL.
Asia Pacific Textile LTD received money from the Energokapital shell company. Between 2014 and 2016, the firm was used by Plahotniuc and Evgheni Shevciuk, former leader of Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria, to sell the electricity produced by the Russian-owned Moldgres Power Plant to Moldovan consumers.
The Black Box team tracked Energokapital's connections with Plahotniuc and the involvement of former DP deputy Vladimir Andronachi in the company's management.
Moldova’s service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering established the connection between Burcea and two other offshore companies involved in looting a billion dollars from the country’s banking system: Sharp Prospects Limited and Lazomar Trading Limited, registered in Hong Kong and Cyprus respectively.
According to an international independent financial audit named the Kroll report, the Lazomar company received 5.6 million dollars in transfers to a Cypriot bank account. The Kroll report was commissioned by the National Bank of Moldova to investigate the theft that ravaged the country’s banking system.
Plahotniuc did not respond to requests for comment. His lawyer Lucian Rogac said that the former politician pleaded not guilty in the case generically called "blank passport cards".
"An indictment was presented to us. Other evidence to prove guilt was not shown by the prosecution. The only comment I can give you is that my client pleads not guilty to the charges," Rogac said.
In September 2022 Plahotniuc received an arrest warrant in absentia regarding the "blank passport cards" case, alongside Vladislav Zara, former director of the civil registry ASP, ex-PD deputy Andronachi and businessman Alexandru Vilcu. All of them have fled the country. According to Moldova’s ministry of justice, Plahotniuc is currently in Northern Cyprus.
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