#tyker pinion
penname-artist · 1 year
It's 1:30 in the morning and this was funny to me
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Well at least Tyker's not depressed anymore but he's also about to get you all fired.
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bisexualpotatoes · 1 year
Okay well, How many penises can MILO fit inside??
(the boys are sleeping so hopefully they don't see this'n)
Honestly? I think he can barely take one. Don't get me wrong the guy is totally willing, he's just very um...green.
And between you and me, he's got his work cut out for him with a guy like Tyker
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penname-artist · 1 year
Cabbie, holding Milo: Maru, I regret to inform you that I've adopted more children
Tyker: what does that make me
Maru: you're just the in-law
Milo: :3
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penname-artist · 1 year
No officer, I wasn't thinking about really cute wholesome Milo/Tyker hurt/comfort and whump stories
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penname-artist · 1 year
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How, Milo?
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penname-artist · 1 year
Help I cannot stop thinking about various kinks and other such preferences that characters (canon and OC alike) have:
I'm pretty sure everyone who's found my content is aware that I will put both Dusty and Nick through literally anything. I don't even need to specify them, one of them is shamelessly horny and the other is both curious and too humble for his own good and that's a dangerous thing to be when you're that submissive and bree- ANYWAYS
I've always thought Blade is really good with - and preferring of - two things: personal control and endurance. He's a control freak as it were (this is not new information I'm sure) but he has a vibe that just screams show me what you're capable of. If going the extra mile with your stamina does that, I think that'd be right up his alley.
Windlifter is tricky because I think by default he probably stands on one of two sides of the line, either he's the most vanilla motherfucker you've ever seen, or you don't WANT to know the things that he gets up to. So why not both? Soft and lighthearted lover, until that one night every now and again when he breaks out the ginger roots (don't- don't look that up, I beg of thee)
Cabbie. Yeah he's a tough one but I'm gonna play it safe tonight and say he's probably...rough but casual. Vanilla, yes. A lot to handle, also yes. Could he kill you? Probably. Will he? The...the jury is out on that one until next Tuesday my guy. Jus don't piss him off, got it?
Dipper is one of our kind, so I feel like we all kind of know how that goes. Maybe. No? No takers, nobody? Y'all hate this bitch on purpose sometimes I swear, anyways, she's probably really kinky in a really ADHD "way" - like, leave room as a power move and forget your partner on the bed on occasion, kind of way. And you know she's probably pegged someone before
Maru is just like. A secret. The man of the secrets to be kept. Has he ever slept with another being? Who knows! Does he mention it? Not once! Do we still get an idea of his preferences with that lack of info? Yeah a bit, I think he's like Blade a little, he prefers that safety of control of his surroundings.
We're moving onto OCs now because I wanna, and TYKER is a very interesting lover. He's generally really into any/all power dynamics, even if it's really light, and even if he's not the one emitting the power too. And I won't lie he seems like a type of guy who would be into breeding. But in all facets he's really calm and relaxed, he rarely lets his freak show out. Well, it slips every now and again. But not often.
Clutch is definitely a power player, and down to clown with a lot of dynamics and things. She's on the list with Dusty and Nick in a way, she'll try anything, experimentation is fun.
Milo is so fucking adorable and he hates it but then because he hates it his face turns red and that makes him SO ADORABLE anyways he's very much into praise, as well as a little of pet-play. He's definitely had a collar and leash on before. But, he's red-faced and fanning himself about whatever he gets into because he's also a fucking dork. Tyker is so so gentle with him you have no idea.
Apollo - yes hello he still exists and he's nagging me about it - is really into passionate shit, romantic aesthetic shit, music playing over the sounds of. Copulating. *Ahem* and he's kinda into biting and hickies, he just hates actually having them because he's always gotta cover it up (no WONDER he's always in turtlenecks, guys I figured it out)
Saga is a feisty bitch, do NOT let her sweet green exterior fool you. She will twirl her boy-toy around like a stick and absolutely show him a good time. She's also into slow stuff, and music inclusion because it's only her second life, but after that she really likes fancy bondage and lingerie, anything pretty you can wear while you're doing it all (side note Apollo likes this as well but I didn't add it to his because, when handed the option for lacey underwear or getting bit by a potential vampire...yeah I'm saying he's weak for fantasy.)
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penname-artist · 1 year
Two Dudes
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I tried something really really loose today, with charcoal style brushes and a watercolor I think. I'm really fookin' happy with it. Soft boys <3
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penname-artist · 1 year
Some cute OC stuff (don't worry there's lots of canon mixed in)
Tyker is to Milo and Clutch what Blade is to Nick and Maru. Literally I just had this observation and it's honestly both interesting and funny. Clutch and Tyker were just, dudes, bros, one trying to keep the other alive long enough to manage on their feet again. And also, smaller polar opposite love interest go brr
I cannot decide on what Tyker's real name is actually going to be still so here's the final cut: nobody fucking knows and remembers either! Maybe it's Tanner. Maybe it's Tucker. Maybe it's Tyson, or Taylor or Tyler! Who fucking knows at this point his name is Tyker and he is potato. (Maru might just be the only guy who knows because he has to look at the application papers when Blade gets tired of other papers)
So Tyker/Milo has been giving me absolute brainrot for days now and so I have a bunch of things planned for them, but one thing is that neither of them are particularly crazy or kinky, they're just really really into making each other feel safe and warm. I think they cuddle more than they do anything else. Milo is definitely a cuddlebug by nature anyhow.
Of the four Osprey crew (Tyker, Milo, Heather, and Mace) I think that Tyker might've been the closest to Mace, and have known him for the longest time. Mace entrusted Tyke like another brother at times and he was an important friend in his childhood. The betrayal later on cut them all deeply, but there's a reason Tyker took the brute of it.
Milo has no idea how he gets where he is anymore, but he's tired of being overwhelmed by it and just goes with it now. He's taken a page out of Clutch's book to take it all in stride.
Speaking of Clutch! She's always been a caretaker, both for friends like Tyker and family like her dad. She works hard now so that he doesn't have to, even though getting him to retire is like pulling teeth.
She also hates Heather, not for any deeply personal reasons but just because it's a classic mean girl vs geek and they cannot stand one another. Good news nobody has died in the crossfire. Bad news Heather gave Clutch her car keys to change her oil once, and instead Clutch hooked up her brake lights to the car horn. So. She hasn't had that much fun with her since, but y'know.
Recent development, Milo was in band. I have no idea yet what I plan to do with this information.
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penname-artist · 1 year
Going to bother you cause I’m bored at work give us jeadcannons on your favorite person
By favorite person I'm gonna assume you mean OC so we're gonna go with Good Boy Milo:
Adopted kid, from a family of many adopted children. A total of twelve, actually - seven boys and five girls. Milo is the seventh of the chain, basically the ultimate middle child.
A few of said twelve kids had already grown and moved out by the time Milo was in school, so while the Gearrey house was perpetually full of children, it was not perpetually full of *all* the children, just like, at least five at any given time. Not including additional friends or family.
Because of this, Milo was among one of the oldest kids in the house at the time, so he took to helping parents with a lot of house chores and helping with the youngest of kiddos.
Boi was born on March 12th of 1986, and he is a Pisces.
Milo isn't intentionally accident-prone, he just gets involved in accidents often. He can't count the number of black eyes he's had now.
Was in band throughout highschool, played the tuba. Mace forever called him "Little Trumpet Boy", and Milo forever corrected him to no avail.
Joined the Air Force the same year that Tyker, Mace, and Heather all did (that being 2006), but he was in it for the longest. He did four years initially, and then reserved for another two. He left in the year 2012.
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penname-artist · 2 years
Tempted to give this post to the actual children at @bisexualpotatoes but I'll keep it out of their reach for right now because
I think Clutch would be a 50/50 split at the base:
50% Mechanic
50% Smokejumper
The mechanic that can drop into the scene at a moment's notice. The in-field medic. The only guy they'd have if any of their big guns went down (as Maru loudly reminds them that has never happened and should not happen anytime soon - to which Cabbie snorts in mild offense.)
Also, while I'm here dishing out headcanons for them anyways,
Tyker has a memory like an elephant. He hates it. He can pass a written exam in the first try, barely sweating, but he always makes the same exact mistakes doing things because it's what he remembered doing before being corrected.
He also drives like a grandmother, and Clutch threatens to rip out the brake pedal of his truck and beat him over the head with it. She can't be demoted from the shotgun seat though, because her driving is far, far worse.
...so Tyker's real name is actually Tanner now-
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penname-artist · 2 years
Tired bois
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penname-artist · 2 years
Piston Peak Air Attack's favorite colors...cuz' I can:
Blade: Black...because he's boring. But he does like a deep red or blue.
Maru: purple
Cabbie: military green
Windlifter: yellow
Dipper: also yellow (they vibe with the yellows), and pink
Dusty: sky blue
Patch: sunset orange
Dynamite: red (dontmakealesbianjoke,dontmakealesbianjoke,dontmakealesbianjoke-)
Drip: red and green
Blackout: blue
Avalanche: blue and pink
Pinecone: teal
Tyker: red
Clutch: red and purple
Paul: dark blue
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penname-artist · 2 years
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Tyker, I think you’re in danger.
“Once in the military, always in the military...”
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penname-artist · 2 years
I finally drew his WoC form in COLOR
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penname-artist · 2 years
Duct Tape has many uses.
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penname-artist · 2 years
Clutch: Do you ever just feel a sudden lack of gender
Clutch: just like-
Clutch: * p o o f *
Clutch: vague existence.
Clutch: ...you know?
Tyker, blinking at the ceiling: ...What-
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