#ty sm bestiee ily!!!!!!!!!!
ineedibuprofen · 1 year
1, 2, 11, 16, 19, 20, 49 it’s kinda a lot so u don’t have to do all of them if u don’t want <33
1. do u prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
one-shots bc i have commitment issues and not enough time on my hands 😭 i have so many mutli-chapter ideas that will never be written lbr. also like, idk i like exploring characters and such within a smaller time frame, it makes things more interesting imo.
2. do u plan each chapter ahead or write as u go?
oh def write as i go. which is probably why i dont do multi-chapter rip. the only time i've planned it out is with an unfinished work i'll never finish.
11. link ur three favorite fics right now.
okay! wasn't sure if this meant of mine or other people's so i did the latter (specifically in the pjo fandom). amicus certus in re incerta cernitur by aknosde, body gold by cruel highways, & unfinished pile by fuckin_rodent (specifically the chapter linked bc it's kind of like a one-shot collection.)
16. how many fics are u nurturing right now? share one of them?
okay so i have a whole bunch of plotbunnies/ideas/one or two paragraphs of fics, so ignoring all those and the fics i have unfinished and posted, i narrowed it down to all the individual docs i had (as opposed to the complete collection of random snippets i have) i have like 25. so yknow. somewhere between that and maybe 100.
19. what is ur most-used tag on ur ao3?
just looked thru them all it's either angst or hurt/comfort
20. have u noticed any patterns in ur fics? words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc.?
i feel like commas and em dashes are like my besties fr. and parentheses, depending on the fic. common settings are kinda obv since i write for the same fandom. i feel like i kinda take one sentence and then write a paragraph following that isn't really connected but also kind of is? tbh it's usually a trauma dump lmao. i also use actually and really excessively, my grammar hates me for it.
49. do u ever get rude reviews and how do u deal with them?
i don't! the closest thing i've ever gotten close to one is a comment w a lot of helpful constructive criticism (im actually writing a second chapter for the fic they gave it to me on to hopefully resolve some of it).
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