#ty ribbits
wholesomepotato · 9 months
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I love this ep so much
Oh Ty you silly T-trux
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prismaticpichu · 1 month
Hhnnn for the fic ideas...
Zack takes Sephiroth to Gongaga and Zack, of course, accidentally gets turned into a frog... Seph has to take care of him until it either wears off or he finds another touch-me to turn him back, or a potion, whichever comes first lol
LOL YES THE TOUCH-MES!!! 😂😂💚✨ Ty ty ty Errant!! This is adorable!!!
Here’s a lil’ snippet!!
“Zack?!” Sephiroth’s booming voice called again, what was normally a tone as smooth as velvet now whetted into jagged concern, eyes frantically scanning the deviously-similar terrain of wood and flora and foliage. “Answer me! ZACK…!”
There was no response, only the thick flutter of wings as he scared off birds with his roars.
The man’s heart grew more thunderous.
Gaia… this could not be happening. It couldn’t. He couldn’t have lost Zack. This was Zack’s home—how could he let this happen? Ribbit! He was supposed to protect him, for Mivera’s sake…! Ribbit! Was he going to have to return home without him…? Ribbit! No… he would search until the end of the planet for him. RIBBIT! But what was he going to tell his parents—?!
The man’s spiraling was cut short by the sharp, mildly-reverberating sound of something… metallic, and Sephiroth lowered his gaze to find he had stepped on what could only be described as a toy-sized Buster Sword embedded in the dirt.
And, just beyond it, just mere inches away—
The thunder in Sephiroth’s heart was quelled all at once.
To immediately be eclipsed by complete and utter unsurprise.
“So…” Sephiroth folded his arms in mock-authority, gazing down at the spiky-haired frog donned in First Class SOLDIER attire, its muddy pauldrons the approximate size of his smallest tooth. “Is this a part of the ‘authentic’ experience you promised?”
The young Frog just danced.
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themanifiqueourico · 1 month
Ok so, in the episode "Desert", Ty almost over heat. At one point he calls Revvit "Ribbit".
But in the French version, Ty call Rev...
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Virgil Knight -- a reference to big time rush and also to a scene from a fic I'm writing, Roman calls him a dark and stormy knight and im not giving any more context
Roman and Remus Prince -- fairly obvious as to why, occasionally they will have the "Sanders" last name and they are the ONLY ones who get it (cough cough hidden knight/prince dynamic with Remus and Virgil cough cough)
Logan Berry/Crofters -- super common I feel, yet I love it
Patton Heart -- a default but I literally never write for him in human aus. I think if I wrote him a fic his last name would be something to do with a lilypad or similar frog theme, like Patton Ribbit. Silly silly times
Janus Typhon -- back before we knew janus's name I thought his name was Typhon. If memory serves correctly he was a demigod that had something to do with snakes (but I could be wrong this was years ago. Also Typhon, irregardless of how it's actually pronounced, I read it as "Ty-f-on" but I've heard it pronounced like "ty-poon")
Don't be shy guys drop the BTR AUs /light hearted /joking /teasing No but in all seriousness those are good I've seen most of those but never the Creativitwins having the Sanders last name or Jan with Typhon I dig it for him!!!
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Incorrect Manga Quote 29
(Quirkless Deku AU)
Kirishima: So if I understand what you're saying, Midoriya, you have a file on how to take down each member of Class 1-A? I thought we were all friends!
Midoriya: I'm sorry, Kirishima, but in a world where people have quirks that can control your mind, it's a necessary evil.
Bakugou: Well, for the sake of transparency, you better tell us these plans! Otherwise how can we trust a quirkless deku like you?!
Asui: Ribbit, yeah, it's only fair.
Midoriya: Fine. But please understand that these were always meant to be used as a last resort. Kacchan, for you, I have invented a special spray that would clog all of your pores to prevent you from excreting your explosive sweat. And if all else fails, it would ignite it under your skin.
Bakugou: You shitty nerd!
Midoriya: For you, Tsu, I would trap you inside a super-cooled room, forcing you into eternal hybernation.
Asui: Ribbit, so cruel!
Midoriya: For you, Ida, I had to dig a little deep into your personal life. I would convince you that your brother was in danger using a model decoy. And when you went to check on him, you'd be too distracted to notice my trap.
Ida: My god!
Midoriya: For you see, I would be hiding behind a boulder holding a rope. And on the other end of the rope would be an anvil hanging directly above you.
Ida: What?
Midoriya: I would then let go of the rope, dropping the anvil, and knocking you out. As for Kirishima-
Ida: Wait, wait, wait, wait! That was just a Road Runner sketch!
Kirishima: Oh, my god! That totally was!
Midoriya: What? No, what? I don't - what're you talking about?
Ida: The anvil. And the boulder with the rope. That's- that's literally just a Road Runner bit! That's a cartoon trap! That's how you're going to stop me?
Bakugou: Yeah! Like, not that it's a competition or anything, but you were gonna clog my pores and then blow me up, but with him you were just gonna fucking go all Wile E. Coyote?!
Midoriya: No! No. Look, I don't know what you're all talking about. I came up with this idea completely on my own. I even ran simulations on this-
Kirishima: What simulations? Looney Tunes?
Midoriya: Y'know what? It's fine! I have more than one plan for each of you! For instance, you may be fast, Ida, but what if I told you I know a way to catch up with you? A way to be just as fast as you are-
Ida: Is it tying yourself to a giant rocket?
Midoriya: ... it would still totally work-
Ida: What are you talking about?!
Asui: Oh, my god!
Kirishima: These are literally just Road Runner sketches you're using!
Midoriya: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know what a road runner is.
Ida: Midoriya, you can just admit you ran out of ideas-
Midoriya: DEKU NEVER RUNS OUT OF IDEAS! You guys have all your quirks with their cool powers! All I have is my mind! I've gotta be good at something! I've gotta be good at this!
Bakugou: Shit, sorry, Deku. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Ida: Y-yeah, I'm sorry, Midoriya, I - uh -give it one more try! I'm sure you can come up with something good!
Midoriya: O-okay, yeah, just one more. Ahem. I know everything about you, Ida! Your dreams, your hopes, your aspirations... and your fears. The fear of losing your brother! The fear of not being fast enough to help those when they need it most!
Ida: Oh, god...
Midoriya: I would paint a tunnel on the side of a cliff-
Ida: Oh, my god.
Midoriya: -because you would run into the tunnel, thinking it was a real tunnel-
Kirishima: You're not making any sense!
Midoriya: -and it would hurt really bad and you'd fall down unconscious!
Ida: Well, what if I ran into the tunnel, and it became an actual tunnel, but when you tried to follow me it turned back into a cliff?
Midoriya: ... the simulations did warn me of that-
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silverstarsheep · 1 year
I love your fake peppino hour fics and I do hope one or two more happen (whenever you feel ready/up for it/have ideas I don't wanna be demanding or anything) 'cos they're super sweet and I crave that fake pep content >u<
hmm anyway fake pep thoughts.. hmm well I am a sucker for found family-y stuff so I do adore the idea of Fake becoming like family to Pep n both being protective of each other, like, Pep will deck you if you insult Fake and likewise Fake will patrol the restaurant at night and make sure nothing disturbs Peps rest. Also after reading both your fic and another (u probably know the one) I like the idea of them being there for each other should one have a breakdown.
Also dumb headcanon but Fake is an amazing, talented singer! The only issue is they can only sing in Frog.
aaa thank you!! I had a blast writing them, so I'm glad that others had a strong reaction to it as well. as for more in the future, we'll have to see how things go. chronic pain, major depression and life taking it as a challenge to make my life impossible has been making things difficult, and the current idea I have is Quite Large, making it daunting to even start. who knows what'll happen!
but MAN I LOVE FOUND FAMILY, they are brothers your honor, look at how hard they both work to keep each other safe.......
I'm really keen on the idea of Peppy being immediately and inherently aware of Peppino's emotions, especially distress... kinda tying into that whole "false memories" thing. the reverse isn't the same, but maybe Peppino gets good enough at reading Peppy that even small changes in his body language is a tip-off that he's not feeling so hot.
also, Peppy being able to sing is really cute! I don't do much with him being a frog (though I've had some vague thoughts jostle about in my head), but it's fun seeing what other people do with it. ribbit and croak your lil pizza heart out, my man...
thank you for sharing! these made me smile.
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Word Find Tag ✨
tagged by: @oh-no-another-idea thanks!
tagging: soft tagging @memento-morri-writes @circa-specturgia @the-void-writes @ryns-ramblings @darlingsmoon @thewrathofquietminds, and also open tag! Your words are: tower, blink, rage, and call!
my words are hope, purple, heard, and kindness!
(from Fractured Stars Falling, Book 7: Escape from the Under) The craggy walls of the Dark King’s castle towered over them, all black and shadow. 
Sapphire rebraided her hair, tying it off with the leather strip. While Tris and Erica lifted Elliot (the smallest in the group) up to the edge of the wall. He peeked over the dark stones for a split second and ducked back down.
“There’s more of those demons patrolling up on the wall,” he hissed.
He jumped back down and everyone moved closer to the base of the wall and out of sight, looking at each other for ideas and reassurance.
Sapphire ran her thumb over the knife tied around her waist. “Maybe they won’t see us if we move fast enough.”
Hestia made a small flame in her hand, staring at it. “Let's hope so.”
(from Fractured Stars Falling, Book 3: The Little Pirate) Cass leaned back on the rail, a soft breeze ruffling her loose curls. The blue sky was nearly gone, fading sunlight painting the sky with purples, oranges, and pinks and sprinkling the sky with stars. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath of the cool night air.
She sensed someone next to her, and opened her eyes.
The gentle orange light bathed Erica in a golden glow, giving her dark tight curls shine. Erica’s eyes locked with Cass’s, and she smiled.
Heat rose to Cass’s cheeks and she quickly looked away.
Then she felt a familiar, dull pain in her chest, and she gave Erica a weary smile before escaping to her cabin.
heard hear
(from Fractured Stars Falling, Book 4: The Lord's Son and the Frog) “I can’t believe you convinced me to come down here.”
Monty poked his frog head out of the sack and ribbitted, “Oh come on, this is fun!”
Max said, “Yeah, haunted mining tunnels and a shady guy with possible dark magic powers. Seems you and I have a very different idea of fun.” He held the torch higher, its orange and yellow flame only giving them light for a few paces. Other than that, it was just dark stone and wood beams holding the walls up.
There was a rumble followed by a man’s scream from farther down the tunnel, and Max jumped.
“HEy, watch it, I’m in the sack hanging from your body that you just-”
Max shushed him and hissed, “Did you hear that?”
“Yes,” Monty said, a grin spreading across his small green face, “Let’s go check it out!”
“There was a loud rumble, and then a person screaming, I don’t want to find out why he’s screaming, thank you very much!”
kindness kind
(from The City is Ours) “Oh how kind of you.”
“You’re supposed to say thank you, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me sweetheart,” V growled, folding their arms and glaring at the new villain that had cropped up recently. The team had been tracking this woman for weeks now- and V finally had her face to face.
Nightmare- she had called herself- shrugged nonchalantly and smirked. Her sleek and smooth dark blue and silver suit gleamed darkly in the moonlight leaking through the windows of the warehouse. A black mask covered the top half of her face, and her short dark hair was messed up from the scuffle.
She smirked. “What should I call you then?”
V just glared.
Nightmare waved it off, “No matter.” She examined her hand, covered by black fingerless gloves.
“Do you know why they call me Nightmare?”
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froggyrights · 2 years
Is uur full name Charles Ribbit RightsOfFrogs?
NAURRR not Charles . please don't tell me I come across as British this would actually devastate me..... 💔💔💔
just Charlie is awesoem ty👍
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backtousa1 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ty Beanie Baby Pillow Pal "RIBBIT" Green Version Frog 14 Inch Stuffed Toy 1996.
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lyrics724 · 2 years
Dial Five(skin)
[Mumble and Koa] Have you or a loved one, recently died Due to 30 or more, simultaneous accidents None of which, we’re you’re fault Little Bongo, on the shelf With a desk fan, and a fireplace Chirping, ribbiting frogs, yes Sitting on a love seat, I see Are you positive they weren’t you’re fault though? I mean really, thirty? Thirty, thir- TY! Right, yes, good Do you even feel to the end of the…
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fagsex · 5 years
if I played polybius I simply just wouldn't get amnesia, insomnia, night terrors and hallucinations
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backtousa1 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ty Beanie Baby Pillow Pal "RIBBIT" Green Version Frog 14 Inch Stuffed Toy 1996.
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fagsex · 4 years
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i wanna be missed like every night
i wanna be kissed like it's the last time
[original cleaned up edit by @knyz and additional edit by @waken ]
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fagsex · 4 years
anyway luv mcr pics that are like gerard being a slur and mikey is like can you calm down can we play music did you get the views did we get the teen mag cover
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fagsex · 4 years
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girls that say hiss
original edit by @trndsttrz / @noyahina here
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fagsex · 4 years
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I wanted isolate my tags from that last post actually because I'm very serious about this. please unfollow and block me if you are an apologist for pewdiepie or south park or camp camp or any of that bullshit. I'm not fucking around I legitimate hate your guts and I'd like to see a car come your way
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