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warwaged-archive · 4 years ago
015, 035, 053 for Nalice!
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
Highly depends on who she’s fighting and why. Nalice is very capable of violence and she enjoys it --- but only when she knows it isn’t a risk to herself. She won’t pick an actual fight she doesn’t know she can win, unless she really has no choice. Avoiding violence is always a self-preservation based choice, though, and not a matter of it actually being something she would prefer not to engage in. If she is confident she can win, she won’t shy away from using her fists (or teeth. or claws. or magic aisudfhiusdhf). If it’s an easy target/a situation in which the consequences don’t seem too troublesome to her, then she’s quite likely to fight in a physical manner.
Arguments, though, are something she does engage in mostly unrestrained. She doesn’t hold back when it comes to words, and actively uses them in ways she expects to wound others. She does taunt and poke and offend, even when she knows it’s dangerous and even if it’s directed to someone she knows could kick her ass (but even while arguing, she will always have an escape plan ready if she thinks coming down to an actual fight she wouldn’t be able to win). I mean, she stood at the top of Wyrmrest with the Dragon Aspects talking shit about Alexstrasza and Korialstrasz -- she dared not physically fight anyone, but she was quite literally provoking everyone around her for an argument. 
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by?
Surviving is the most important thing. Defeat happens, but it doesn’t have to be final. If she survives, it can one day be reversed. Strength matters, but being the strongest doesn’t always mean you’ll survive. Being smart matters even more than raw strength, but being adaptable is what matters most because it is what will allow you to survive.
Even when amidst her own flight and her own siblings, I think it was always true they all had a mentality that those who were strong/good enough would survive, and those who didn’t, well, they weren’t fit for it then. I doubt Onyxia cared much to actively care for her brood in that sense, and even amidst themselves it was often dangerous competition --- and that’s the safest Nalice ever was when she was young, since other dragons and mortals alike would rather have the Black Dragonflight destroyed. So the most important thing to her is survival; more than being the strongest, more than being the most powerful, more than winning. More than other people, too; and if there are exceptions to that rule, they are few and Nalice would be loathe to admit she’d put herself at risk for others.
053. What is your character’s greatest strength?
Much on the line of the previous reply, she’s adaptable. She’s very very clever and that’s definitely part of why she succeeded in much of what she achieved, but ultimately, it’s being adaptable that ensures her survival. She’s proud, but capable of swallowing her pride if the situation demands that of her in any way. She’s aware of her strength, and of when she can rely purely on it or it would be best to avoid conflict. She’s capable of being charming and nice if she needs to be because that’s what she believes will be best for her and her goals; she’s capable of exploiting other people’s views of her, even the negative ones, and turning it in her favor. 
Whatever she needs to do to survive she will, and I think that’s quite obvious in that the moment she let pride get the best of her was also her critical mistake (either if she dies in Karazhan or if, like in my main verse, she still survives somehow, because that’s still not something she does easily), seeing for example how she abandoned her former cover quite carelessly, because she pretty much relied entirely on Deathwing’s return meaning her flight had already won. When she’s out for herself and seeking to succeed and survive, Nalice can achieve lots, and just like it’s noticeable how pride and arrogance and exaggerated confidence leads her to making mistakes, you can look at how far she’s come before that and how much she survives and see  it’s no small feat she survived as long as she did, all the while doing stuff like infiltrate Wyrmrest on behalf of the Blacks. She’s not the strongest Black, far from it; when it comes to just power, she’s not really particularly powerful for a dragon (she’s not weak by any means, but what I mean is she’s not the strongest either, and when it comes to strength alone she’s not that much worthy of note); but when it comes to her mind, how adaptable and clever she can be, that’s why she was still alive after so many of her flight had fallen, and why she was capable of standing right beside the Dragon Aspects in Wyrmrest as she did.  
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interslavic-jezyk-blog · 7 years ago
Interslavic Vocabulary
Verbs are imperfective first then the perfective, stem changes are in parentheses as the 3rd person singular (on, ona, ono). 
be - byti
there is - je (pl. sut)
have - imeti
do - delati / sdelati
go - idti (ide) / pojdti (pojde)
want - hoteti (hoče)
can - mogti
need - potrebovati
think - mysliti
know - znati
say - govoriti / skazati
like - ljubiti
speak - govoriti
learn - učiti se / naučiti se
understand - razumeti / srazumeti
that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) - že
and - i
or - ili
but - no
because - ibo
though - ače
so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - itak
if - jestli
of - od (genitive)
to - k (dative)
from - iz (genetive)
in - v (accusative)
at (a place) - u (genetive)
at (a time) - na (accusative)
with - c (instrumentive)
about - o (locative)
like (meaning “similar to”) - kako
for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) - dlja
before (also as a conjunction) - pred (accusative)
after (also as a conjunction) - pozad (locative)
during - podčas (instrumentive)
Question Words
who - kto
what - čto
where - kde
when - kogda
why - začto, čemu
how - kako
how much - koliko
which - ktory
a lot - mnogo
a little - nemnogo
well - dobro
badly - zlo
only - doprva
also - tož
very - velje
too (as in “too tall”) - pre-
too much - premnogo
so (as in “so tall”) - tako
so much - xx
more (know how to say “more … than …”) - vyše
less (know how to say “less … than …”) - menje
as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) - xxx
most - naj-
least - najmenje
better - lepje
best - najlepje
worse - gorše
worst - najgorše
now - sejčas
then - potom
here - tu
there - tam
maybe - može
always - vsegda
usually - obyčno
often - često
sometimes - ponekogda, časom
never - nikogda
today - dnes
yesterday - včera
tomorrow - zautra
soon - skoro
almost - bliz
already - uže
still - ješče
even - ješče
enough - dost
the, a (technically articles)- xxx
this - toj (ta, to)
that - toj (ta, to)
good - dobry
bad - loši, nedobry
all - ves (vsa, vse)
some - nekoj
no - ne
any - koj-nebud
many - mnogy
few - nemnogy
most - naj-
other - drugy
same - jednaky
different - različny
enough - dost
one - jedin
two - dva
a few - nemnogy
first - prvy
next - sledny
last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”) - prošly
last (meaning “final”) - konečny
easy - legky
hard - trudny
early - rany
late - pozdny
important - važny
interesting - interesny
fun - veselje
boring - dosadny
beautiful - krasivy
big - veliky
small - maly
happy - ščestny
sad - smutny
busy - zajety
excited - vozbudlivy
tired - umorjeny
ready - gotovy
favorite - omiljeny
new - novy
right (meaning “correct”) - pravy (to be right - imeti pravdu)
wrong - nepravy
true - vemy
Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms.
I - ja (mene, mne, mene)
you - ty (tebe, tobe, tebe)
she - ona (ju, jej, jej)
he - on (jego, jemu, jego)
it - ono (jego, jemu, jego)
we - my (nas, nam, nas)
you (plural) - vy (vas, vam, vas)
they - oni (jih, jim, jih)
everything - vsečto
something - nečto
nothing - ničto
everyone - vsekto
someone - nekto
no one - nikto
(name of the language you’re studying) - medžuslovjansky
English - anglijsky
thing - več
person - osoba
place - mesto
time (as in “a long time”) - vreme
time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - po
friend - prijatelj
woman - žena
man - muž
money - penezy
country - kraj
(name of your home country) - xx
city - veliky grad
language - jezyk
word - slovo
food - jeda
house - dom
store - magazin
office - ofis
company - firma
manager - menedžer
coworker - surabotnik
job - rabota
work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) - rabota
problem - problem
question - vopros
idea - ideja
life - žitje
world - svet
day - denj
year - god
week - tydenj
month - mesec
hour - časina
mother, father, parent - matka, otec, roditelj
daughter, son, child - dočera, syn, dete
wife, husband - žena, muž
girlfriend, boyfriend - prijateljka, prijatelj
More Verbs
work (as in a person working) - rabotati
work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) - funkcionovati
see - videti (vidi) / uvideti (uvidi)
use - upotrebjati / upotrebiti
should - dolžny
believe - veriti / uveriti
practice - praktikovati
seem - sdavati se
come - prihoditi / prijdti (prijde)
leave - odhoditi / odidti
return - vračati / vraziti
give - davati / dati
take - brati (bere) / vzeti (vozme)
bring - prinositi / prinesti
look for - iskati (išče) / poiskati (poišče)
find - nahoditi / najdti
get (meaning “obtain”) - dobyvati / dobyti
receive - prijmati / prijeti (prijme)
buy - kupovati / kupiti
try - probovati / poprobovati
start - počinati / početi (počne)
stop (doing something) - prestavati / prestati
finish - končati / zakončiti
continue - trvati / potrvati
wake up - bdeti (bdi)
get up - vstavati / vstati
eat - jesti (je) / sjesti (sje)
eat breakfast (in several languages, this is a verb) - zautrakati
eat lunch - obedati
eat dinner - večerjati
happen - byvati 
feel - Čuti
create (aka “make”) - stvarjati / stvoriti
cause (aka “make”) - pričinjati / pričiniti 
meet (meeting someone for the first time) -  strečati / stresti (strete)
meet (meaning “to bump into”) - xx
meet (an arranged meeting) - xx
ask (a question) - prositi / poprositi
ask for (aka “request”) - poprositi (perfective)
wonder - razmysljati / razmysliti
reply - odgovarjati / odgovoriti
mean - značiti
read - čitati / pročitati
write - pisati (piše) / napisati (napiše)
listen - slušati / poslušati
hear - slyšati (slyši) / uslyšati 
remember - pomněti (pomni) 
forget - zabezpamečati / zabezpametiti
choose - izbirati / izbrati (izbere) 
decide - rešati / rešiti 
be born - roditi se / uroditi se
die -  umirati / umreti (umre)
kill - ubivati - ubiti 
live - žiti (žive)
stay - ostavati / ostati (ostane)
change - izmenjati / izmeniti
help - pomagati / pomogti
send - slati (slje) / poslati (poslje)
study - učiti se
improve - ulepšati / ulepšiti
hope -  nadejati se (nadeje) 
care - dbati
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