#twunk flag
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buntress · 7 months ago
nomber TWO !! gor the queer star pixeels ... feel free to leave out anything u dont wanna make btw <:3
butch futch chemme
bemme femme twink
hunk otter seal (body type; chubby/fat hairless queer)
couldnt do seal and for the life of me couldnt find a bemme flag, but i hope this is still nice <3 added a couple terms i fuck with instead lol
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🐻💄 Queer Stars :: Presentation 💄🐻
Butch // Futch // Chemme Femme // Twink // Twunk Otter // Bear // Bat
More Here [link]
F2U w/ Credit <3
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bogdreamz · 1 year ago
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we’re just normal men. we’re just innocent men
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vanweezer · 1 month ago
17 31 43
17: Someone you miss
no one at the moment, one person when things get weird. luckily i have been less weird these days!
31: What your last text message says
"thank you" to my mom for ordering me taco bell while i was at work
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
me 🧟
send me a number go go go
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pjackk · 1 year ago
If u have any conections in the online community please let me know and contact me cuz i need to find out how to buy Www.TheSadTruth.Net to tell my story for the first time on my own terms one last time wich despite it all still rings true even though i was built fucked up and my mind was made to be horible from the very start and ive been havign a hard time lately and realy strugling with my problems and shit and they raised the price of the green juice lime botles si uts realy hard for me to even aford basic necesities of my shitty excuse for a life i cant even make my #FamouisCubanBurban cocktale anymore to go with my cigars im not even able to aford a good stogie every day no more and ive had to downgrade from pappy 23 to pappy 20 fuck my shitty ass life and i just need to be able to let everybody kno how much they have skull fucked me in the ass all the time epecially since the feds and the mens in black at the variuos "Federal" criminal agencies got involved with my phone gig they i was honetly trying to find new friends with my phone and i didnt even mean to take nobodys money or nothin they just gave me the gift cards as a gift for me since they liked me alot so now im on my l;ast legs and cant aford rent anymore since my landlord #BeheadTheLandlors is trying to kick me out of my mental health meditation pad that i need for tranquilaty and self care in hawaiey not to mention #BigGov is not even leting me throw grenades for fishing no more so i guess that was my last ffcking bluefin i will ever get so they are making it super hard for me to even live at a base level and i realy need help and suport u can send me cash on my app called Cash App at $pjack9 if u want to mutual aid me up i will not forget my friends if i get out of this slump but i miht not ever post again since i will be long gone so fuck it i think its time i hoist the white flag bvut my enemys dont even want to see me a live even if im sitting cuteley like a puppy dog they will still blow my iron skull off at the drop of a top hat so just keep me posted if there is anything U would like to serve me with i realy like: Twunks, jocks, tweekers, scratchoffs, CigarPigs, MoneyPigs, PiggyBanks, and Goon Hunniez so dm me yo junk imediately if u want to make me feel so good
The wolves are at my fucking door and I cant keep them out.
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dhddmods · 7 months ago
Chub/Cherub/Gummybear flag!
DISCLAIMER: This is not our design! We found this design here, and decided to clean it up! Full credits to the original creator!
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A Chub/Cherub/Gummybear is a queer person that has a masculine, androgynous, or abinary gender, and a chubby or fat body. This usually applies to MLM (achillean) and NBLM (toric) people, however other queer people can use the term as well.
Chubs are not hairy, which sets them apart from bears, nor do they have a lean or muscular body, which sets them apart from otters, twinks, and twunks.
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jeffrrandell · 10 months ago
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My awesome ideas Happy PRIDE MONTH
(Edd, Eduardo, Mark and Jon are all indigenous)
Possibly unknown flags to some:
Turquoise to Purple flag with the mlm symbols = Twunk Flag (made by me)
Multicolored flag on the left of Tord = Queer Flag
Flag next to Marks head on the left = Gender Nonconforming
Flag on left side of Tom = Agender
Flag by Katya = Butch
Flag by Kim = Futch
Flag with long paw by Bing = Otter (edited by me)
Btw weirdos DNI, normalize gay tribes and terms they're just identities and change nothing about the personality of a character
Also these are just HCS, nothing being stated as fact <3
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moonshynecybin · 1 year ago
thinking about that ranch visit again…. obvs marc rocking up with honda mechanics is such a major part of it. like i think that was a big factor in vale shifting marc in his brain from friend :) to—> sort of friend who is a ruthless competitor to—-> snake trying to sabatoge me to—> evilest motorcycle racer who ever lived.
idk vale cultivates the ranch as such a place of community and fun that is crucially far away from the press and like. the ruthless professional circus of the paddock. like marc is visiting his private little area here, and he kind of encroaches on the fundamental philosophical idea of it by bringing his mechanics. it becomes a professional arena of competition then, in a way it wasn’t entirely before. like to valentino i think marc is the one that shifted their relationship here.
and i’m not being naive and thinking there wasn’t already some degree of professional scoping out wrt to riding style and decision making, ofc. vale is a savvy dude who would use the experience and learn about marc as a competitor any way he can (and oh my god vice versa). he loves to win just as bad as marc does. they BOTH went ham trying to win that day he’s right there with him.
i’m also not saying marc was in the wrong!! in his brain of course he’s gonna bring his mechanics, he wants to win!! he can’t even work out without a competitive incentive it’s a huge part of like. the foundational makeup of his being. so he doesn’t notice anything that would raise a red flag in terms of vale being unhappy about it or transgressing on his climate of relaxed fun bc in his mind it’s normal! why wouldn’t he try as hard as he can! his mechanics help him do that! and valentino is a charming guy who is generally pretty friendly. hell, he’ll stab you with a smile, so marc doesn’t notice much in the way of tension at the time, probably. or, at least he can brush it off.
BUT! it’s notable that the way marc has narrativized the breakup to himself starts at the ranch. he says our relationship changed THERE. even now he conceptualizes it as i beat vale at the ranch bc i was better than him and our relationship changed bc he couldn’t handle it. and i’m sure there is a factor of valentino sensing the sun setting of his era and the rise of marc’s here. but i also think he saw marc as deliberately orienting himself as a serious, direct competitor to vale in a way he wasn’t before. so he pulls back a little. you wanna be my competitor? we can fucking do that.
so going into the season some narratives are forming in valentino’s brain here, and then they have a bunch of races where they always seem to tussle on the track — they make contact a LOT— and i think to vale those narratives are unfortunately being confirmed. vale voice that twunk wants me dead.
ON TOP OF ALL THIS and maybe most crucially: the title fight heats up and vale is WAY more insecure about it than he’s ever been in his entire competitive career. he’s older, he’s had some dogshit years at ducati so he’s not bullletproof anymore, he’s had to actually start going to the gym (he committed corporate espionage on jorge lorenzo to find out how he trains LMAO), and this punk kid who idolizes him is apparently the second coming of motorcycle christ. he used to be motorcycle christ. and!! i think he knows he can exert some real power over marc by spinning all of this to the media and making marc the bad guy.
so in vale’s head. he can take marc down a peg and shift some blame away from the way he’s potentially flopping AND do some personal mythmaking. reassert his status as motorcycle christ. and to his credit it pretty much works!! but GOD. poor marc got blindsided. like it’s so so mean. so mean.
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johaerys-writes · 1 year ago
What’s your favorite piece of art? One you’d travel to see or experience?
Oooh man what a tough question. I really love art and I go to museums and galleries as often as I can but the moment this question hit my inbox I drew a massive blank LOL there are several artists and artworks that I love and that I've either already travelled to see or would gladly do so. But like, if you're asking about my TOP favourites, those that I would literally CRY or something if I ever saw up close, then I would have to be boring and predictable and answer that it's something Patrochilles related haha. And of course I can't just choose one, so you're getting a small selection 😊
Achilles bids farewell to Briseis, Roman Fresco
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You'd better trust and believe I'd travel to Naples just so I could see this fresco irl 😭🙏 This Patroclus lives in my brain rent free
The Ambassadors of Agamemnon in the tent of Achilles, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
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Another huge favourite (I hope Tumblr doesn't flag me for this LOL). I love how soft and sensual the forms and lines are here, also look how cunty my boy Patroclus looks in this, absolutely love that for him 🙏
Patrocle, Jacques-Louis David
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I really have no words for this one, I've spent hours looking at it 🥹
The Education of Achilles, James Barry
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I always really love art of Achilles in his younger years, and there are several paintings of him with Chiron but this has to be my favourite. A lot of the other paintings show Chiron teaching Achilles how to fight, but I love how the lyre is at the center of this one.
Achilles and the Body of Patroclus, Nikolai Ge
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Another scene beloved by painters-- there are many renditions of Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus but I really love how quiet and intimate this one is.
Achilles Binding Patroclus' Wounds, Sosias Painter
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No post about fave patchilles art could ever be complete without this one. Every single detail on this makes me insane (from beardless twink Achilles to bearded twunk Patroclus, the details on the armour, the dicks out, the slutty skirts, INSANE I tell you), I could go on about it forever but this is already getting long so I think I'll cap it here LOL
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officialgleamstar · 2 years ago
Personal DnDads Pride Headcanons
some of these are simple but most are paragraphs long because of who I am as a person (incapable of saying things concisely), so they're going under a readmore. vaguely organized by age group.
one quick note: feel free to cheer on or rag on any of these that you please, variety in opinion is the spice of fandom life! everyone's headcanons are so real and valid to me, i am a strong believer in having as many contradicting fandom opinions as you want. for this list, i just went with everything that is "default" to my fan content. others' transfem sparrow is shaking hands with my gnc sparrow and yes, i'm listing that one on purpose, because if you make fun of transfem sparrow, you are getting hit by my bat. be fucking nice.
please enjoy!
Season 1 Dads and Spouses
Carol is a lesbian. This is simply canon to me. It’s important that this is first and visible to everyone.
Bi/pan polyamorous Henry and Mercedes is also simply canon to me. Honestly that one might be fully canon based on some of the things that happen in Odyssey
Henry is unlabeled but in the sense that he calls himself ‘queer’, ‘bisexual’, ‘gay’, or ‘pansexual’, fully depending on his mood and the conversation happening
Ron is also unlabeled but in the sense that he has never thought about it in his life and isn’t intending to now
Glenn is bisexual but never talks about it unless someone else mentions it first, and he tries really really hard to never think about his gender once in his life. The queer angst I give Glenn could be a whole post of its own but just know he has issues. He does fuck men though
Darryl still isn’t really sure on his sexuality and probably never will be, but he’s actually explored it a bit, so that’s better than whatever the fuck was going on with him before the show started. Henry likes giving him subtle bear pride flag accessories because Darryl actually wears them a lot. His favorite color is brown, after all.
Jodie, Nicky, and Taylor all are bisexual with a preference for women. Sexuality isn’t genetic but it is for them specifically.
Morgan is also bisexual. Literally none of the season 1 parents are straight except maybe Samantha and even with her, my opinion fully matters on the day and how I’m feeling.
Henry and Lark have definitely had an exchange at some point where Lark asked him how it was to ‘experience twink death’, to which Henry just went ‘get back to me in a few years on that, kid.’ and Lark spent the rest of the week furiously moping because clearly, he’s a twunk, Father- (words of a man who did not take care of himself well enough from the ages of 18-25 to ever be a twunk)
This is my little shipper brain but Jodie only realized he liked men after being stuffed into the Odyssey and being around Ron 24/7 for months on end (and the demon stuff, but he didn’t know that yet for obvious reasons). In his timeline, he had a whole arc about it and now he’s persistently attracted to strange men who don’t make sense as well as women light-years out of his league. He’s still a little miffed that Henry doesn’t remember the very long conversations they had about it, but him and Nicky get to wear matching bi pride bracelets now, so he guesses it’s fine.
Kiddads and Spouses
Lark is bisexual. He has known this since kindergarten when his parents explained what the flag all over their house was and has never thought about it since.
Lark also helped Rebecca realize she was bisexual because she would ask him about it in a class they shared in high school
This is utterly unrelated to LGBT headcanons but I think Veronica and Rebecca grew up in San Dimas with the kiddads, and were friends with them in high school. It just makes sense to me
Unlabeled Terry Junior is something that can be so personal to me. In a general sense, he likes everyone romantically, and identifies enough with the asexual spectrum to wear an ace ring, but he doesn’t really see the point in putting a name on it. He’s just Terry Junior and he’s happy with that.
Him, Lark, and Nicky did have a group chat called ‘bisexuals with an agenda’ in high school though, where they would make plans for pranking or otherwise harassing their fathers during group outings. Terry loves Ron but that does not mean he is above ruining his day. It’s done with affection.
My thoughts on Sparrow could be a full fanfiction but gonna try to keep it simple (retroactive edit: did not keep it simple). Sparrow is the token cishet of the kiddads, but in the queerest way possible. He’s an Oak-Garcia, of course he’s explored himself very thoroughly. At current, he identifies as gender non-confirming cis man, but he has had periods of his life where he transitioned and then detransitioned. In early high school, he identified as non-binary. From senior year up until just before Hero was born, he lived as a trans lesbian. He doesn’t see these periods as phases, just as his identity changing over time. Currently he’s perfectly happy identifying as a man, but wouldn’t be wholly shocked if he transitioned again. Calls himself “cis but gender is obviously, massively, a social construct and so it feels unfair to expect myself to fit into these boxes when identity can be so fluid and-”
Rebecca still calls him her wife, and also a granola lesbian or MILF from time to time because it makes him laugh, and while Nicky was still in his life, he would send Sparrow trans memes a lot. Sparrow also has always liked being seen as non-binary, he sees it as ‘winning at being androgynous’. Competitive to the sense of nonsensical Sparrow my beloved
Sparrow always wears women’s clothing but that’s for autistic reasons. They just fit nicer for his brain. It helps the gender(tm) thing though, he near exclusively wore hand-me-downs from Mercedes throughout all of high school
Sorry for talking so much about Sparrow. He’s my favorite character so he is the focus of many of my thoughts. Anyways
Never been a huge fan of the ‘Grant was outed by his crush in the Forgotten Realms’ headcanon, I think Grant came out about a year beforehand. Long enough where everything about it has settled but it’s still new enough that Darryl forgot for a split second and thought Grant might have a crush on Killa during the Four Knight arc. He’d known he liked boys a while before that, and also his parents kind of figured he was gay most of his life since he had 95% girl friends
Marco is pansexual! He met Grant in college because he worked the front desk of their dorm building and would always wear a bunch of pride pins
Nicky was Grant’s first good friend who was a boy, I like to think that they were childhood friends. Grant announced this to his dad at the age of 10 by going “Nick Close is transgender now, so that means you don’t have to worry about me only talking to girls because he’s a boy.” and Darryl went “…Alright?” and then googled what ‘transgender’ means
Speaking of, Nicky realized he was trans because of Mulan. Both Glenn and Jodie, in their respective timelines, googled ‘How do I know if my daughter is a lesbian’ before he came out because Nicky would rewatch the reflection song so often and also the tomboy-isms. Everyone felt very stupid for being surprised when he cut all of his hair off, cried, and asked to change his name
T4T Nicky and Cassandra is canon and they rubbed it into everyone's faces when they were together, Anthony is just afraid of the truth
Cassandra is trans het. I love trans het people more than anything and I love her so this makes sense to me.
Veronica is non-binary, in the sense of “girl but to the left”. They/she pronouns, calls themself a girlie and a mom but not a woman, dresses in a kickass pantsuit at formal events. I’m also in love with her
Season 2 Teens and Friends
Hero and Normal are both trans. When Hero came out, Sparrow sat Normal down to explain why Hero was now a sister instead of a brother and Normal responded with “Well, that’s not fair. How come Hero can be a girl but I can’t be a boy?!” and Sparrow just stared at him for a really long time before going “You can be a boy, honey.” and they went thrift shopping as a family for new clothes the next day
Normal is stealth trans, mostly because Hero is the same way and he copies her, but also because it doesn’t really occur to him that he passes. He just figures that people knows even though he is on testosterone and binds and presents masculine. It helps that his family presents pretty gender-neutral as a whole, so most people assume he had long hair as a kid because his parents are hippies. They had a son and daughter, both with long hair. They now have a daughter and a son, both with short hair. To the general populace, nothing has changed, they just misremembered which kid was older.
Taylor is a demi-boy and spends every year growing more and more feminine. Definitely calls their gender something like ‘boy with a dash of girl on the side’ with their friends. Growing out his hair was a newer thing and he regrets cutting it, even if it was a super cool sequence and he looked like an anime protagonist, because he liked how it framed his face.
Cassandra has always maintained an openness about her trans identity, so Taylor’s the same way. He’s always got the he/they pronoun pin on (I figure this is normalized by the time of season 2, but he’s just very pleased about it), he has a variety of trans and non-binary pride pins that he cycles through, and they like painting their nails because it’s an easy way for them to feel a little more feminine.
Cassandra’s living room is decorated with a massive trans pride flag and LED lights. The first time the teens walk into Taylor’s home, Scary says “it looks like a Twitch stream in here” at the same time that Normal says “it looks like my sister’s room in here” and they high-five while Taylor yells at them to be nice.
Hermie is genderfluid and uses any pronouns. This is real to me. He has my own teenage trait of gender shifting every three hours and never knowing what to do about it and he will be suffering with this until he exits puberty, at which point he gives up and just sees what gender other people choose for him.
Hermie is also pan/ace! No further thoughts here. She just is.
Erica just goes by queer because she doesn’t think the common passerby deserves to know her rich inner life and she’s right, they don’t
I tend to say a lot that all of the S2 kids are bisexual, and I represent them as such, but I truly believe that Lincoln and Normal both have no idea what’s going on with their sexualities. They say they’re bisexual for bisexual teen squad reasons but Normal is going through a constant crisis of “Am I gay or bisexual?” and Lincoln looks up the definition of aro/ace on a weekly basis. Neither of them will ever express this until Scary goes “maybe I’m not bisexual, actually.”
On that note, Scary is a lesbian but she’s not going to realize that until college. For now, she’s rocking with the bisexuality and pretends it’s not weird that her ‘crushes’ on boys feel wildly different than her crushes on girls. Yes I am projecting. This is not a secret. We project onto Scary here.
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stpansy · 11 months ago
hi its toby!! top ten pw fits go
hiiii omg thank you for making this ten. this still took me way too long to narrow down but here are some in no particular order
10. mlm flag sweater
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9. baby bear
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8. she's in a dress... beautiful wolf puppy milf
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7. little cozy shawl moment
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6. i'm just like patrick
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4. la glamor muscle twunk. he's a sugar baby and he's bad at it but all the men are enraptured by his fertile energy and his tits
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3. any pete outfit where his desire to be a small animal is clear is a favorite of mine
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2. the fishnets the extravegent skirt the tiny little waist the cunty boots the casual slightly fetishwear-esque amount of leather the gender of it all
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office siren barbie
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queer-safe-space-and-info · 23 days ago
💚🤍🩵💙 Gay 💙🩵🤍💚
Hello everyone!! This post is to explain what being gay (MLM) is to anyone who would like to learn :D
(If I get anything wrong, or miss anything, or i there is anything that you would like to see added, please feel free to reach out via comments/reblogs/asks to let me know!! You can also look at my pinned post for more info :))
Basic definition
(Before we get into this, a quick bit of info/context. The term ‘gay’ can be used to describe a gay man or woman, but for this post we’ll be talking about it in terms of gay men.
I may use MLM—men loving men—as a more convenient term. MLM includes both gay and bisexual men, but like I said, in the context of this post I’ll probably use it as a more grammatically convenient term. If that makes any sense.)
MLM is defined as a man who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to other men, or as a non-woman who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to other non-women.
The word gay originally meant carefree, cheerful, or bright and showy.
Usage of the word to refer to male homosexuality dates back to the late 19th century, becoming more common by the mid 20th century. In the 1960s, gay men adopted it as a term to describe their sexuality.
Who are MLM?
Men are usually MLM.
Nonbinary people can also be MLM.
Trans men—being men—can also obviously be MLM.
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Gay identities/microlabels
Some microlabels include 'bear' (describes a large, typically more masculine gay man), 'twink' (a younger, usually slender and shaven gay man), 'otter' (like a bear, only more slim and usually under forty), 'cub' (bear without body hair), or 'twunk' (like a twink, only more muscular). This is by no means an exhaustive list.
In conclusion, thank you for taking the time to read this post!! I hope that this answered any questions you may have had ^^
I also said this in the beginning of the post, but as always, if I missed anything or got anything wrong, or if there’s anything you’d like to see added, feel free to leave a comment or a reblog or an ask!! Same with if you have any questions or requests.
Thank you again for reading, and I will see y’all next time :D
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losergendered · 11 months ago
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ID: a set of 48 images in 24 pairs. each has one image of the listed homestuck character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Pre-Scratch Damara Megido is a trans pan straight lesbian who's hyperacespec. She's in a flitch relationship with Kankri Vantas, a plush relationship with Meulin Leijon, and a human romantic relationship with Cronus Ampora!
Post-Scratch Damara Megido is transmascject and anroance and rejects the concepts of both gender and quadrants!
Pre-Scratch Rufioh Nitram is a bi gay aromantic twunk!
Post-Scratch Rufioh Nitram is a transhet/heteroqueerplatonic asexual!
Pre-Scratch Mituna Captor is a bipan straight cisnonbinary guy who's in a flush relationship with Latula Pyrope!
Post-Scratch Mituna Captor is a traumatizedromantic straight heteroflexible man! He's in a pale relationship with Kankri Vantas!
Pre-Scratch Kankri Vantas is a bisexual demiromantic bihet veldarcian man with a female lean! He's has a semi-requited flush crush on Latula Pyrope, and somewhat returns Cronus Ampora's human romantic feelings!
Post-Scratch Kankri Vantas is an asexual darcian otter! He's in a flush relationship with Meulin Leijon and a pale relationship with Mituna Captor!
Pre-Scratch Meulin Leijon is a bilesbihet trisgender transfem who's in a plush relationship with Damara Megido and a human semi-platonic relationship with Cronus Ampora!
Post-Scratch Meulin Leijon is a violeian intersex woman who's in a flush relationship with Kankri Vantas!
Pre-Scratch Porrim Maryam is a high femme transsexual bipan biply plypan biomni lesbennetian who's in casual unquadranted relationships (that occasionally vacillate red) with Latula Pyrope and Aranea Serket, and a flitch relationship that tends to lean flush with Cronus Ampora!
Post-Scratch Porrim Maryam is a cassrose allofamilial lesbian! She used to harbor flitch feelings for Meenah Peixes, but now no longer does!
Pre-Scratch Latula Pyrope is an aubrian lancian omniromantic bisexual polysexual trans girl who's in a flush relationship with Mituna Captor! She's also in a casual unquadranted relationship with Porrim Maryam and partially returns Kankri Vantas' red feelings!
Post-Scratch Latula Pyrope is an amatespritic lesbian who's in a pitch situationship with Aranea Serket!
Pre-Scratch Aranea Serket is a homoflexible femlesboy who's in a flush relationship with Meenah Peixes! She's also in a casual unquadranted relationship with Porrim Maryam, and has a fluctuating crush on Cronus Ampora!
Post-Scratch Aranea Serket is an intersex lesbian who's in a pitch situationship with Latula Pyrope!
Pre-Scratch Horuss Zahhak is a gay borderromantic mascturigirl whose two FTs (favorite trolls, haha) are Rufioh Nitram and Cronus Ampora!
Post-Scratch Horuss Zahhak is a gay repressexual heteromoirallegic caedoman who has unrequited pale feelings for Meulin Leijon!
Pre-Scratch Kurloz Makara is an agender anattractional straight presquoy!
Post-Scratch Kurloz Makara is a ply gay alloaro orchidsexual bear!
Pre-Scratch Cronus Ampora is a bisexual veldarcian trans man! He doesn't use quadrants, as he's humankin, but he doesn't mind if his partners see their relationship as quadranted! He's in a semi-platonic relationship with Meulin Leijon, and is romantically dating with Damara Megido and Porrim Maryam! He also has feelings for Kankri Vantas and Aranea Serket!
Post-Scratch Cronus Ampora is a lithromantic frayromantic polysexual orchidsexual man!
Pre-Scratch Meenah Peixes is a butch lesboy, and she's in a flush relationship with Aranea Serket!
Post-Scratch Meenah Peixes is a narcinlecebra aromantic lesbian! She doesn't feel flushed for Porrim Maryam, exactly, but she does have some sort of concupiscient attraction towards her!
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unironicallytes · 2 months ago
Crows for you :D
2. How long was the process before the character reached its final version? (or a version that would be clearly recognizable as the character?)
6. What was the thought process behind their appearance? Did you go mostly for the aesthetic or are there other reasons they look the way they do?
17. Are there any motifs or symbols associated with the character? How are they represented, in their design, personality or in some other way?
And for Lucien:
19. What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
2) Oh man uhhh. Zath has been around too damn long. I'd say maybe 7-8 years? He spawned into awful existence in like 2008-2009 maybe, but 2016 was when he got his story as Lucien's pre-HoK Silencer, his voice/dialect, his curly hair & golden-brown skin, etc, and general recognizable appearance!
6) The original Oblivion character was just a horrible tiny gremlin Bosmer with red hair. Between 2016-2017, things got weird. Long story short, around that time, I had a pretty shit partner who poked fun at me for drawing Zath with more traditionally feminine traits (and plenty of other things but that's another story). So then I started trying to make him look more "masculine" and he stopped looking like Zath.
In revisiting him these days, I walked that back 200% and returned to making him intentionally Gender Ambiguous As A Treat. I'm giving him back his fucking flag LOL. This bitch is now an androgynous twunk with traits of many genders and no one can take that from him 💪🏾💖 Here's some old 2014-2016 Era drawings of him I found.
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Additionally also, I now draw him with the damn :3 face all the time. Constantly quite pleased with himself. Most annoying smirk in the world. Mer's got that running Main Character Ass Narration in his head even though he's basically a background NPC.
Silly bonus: 2016 Zath vs 2011 Zath, and an old comic of him meeting that other version of himself in the Void
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17) SERPENT CONSTANTLY ALL THE TIME. Resting puppy python face. Personality wise, he is very much a rattlesnake. Step a foot wrong in his direction and you hear that thing a-rattlin'. IC-wise, regarding symbols on his person that he can control and is conscious of, he intentionally leans into the serpent because its his birthsign. His twin blades are named Asp and Adder and he's scrimshawed snakes into the hilts. He used to paint a serpent on his right shoulder along with his other body paint back in Valenwood. He's very cringe about snakes 🐍
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19) This fuckin guy LMAO. Alright answering for both canon and headcanon versions, because they're two distinct entities to me!
Canon Fav: Voice, 100%. Evil anthropomorphic rat man was a good choice, thank you Wes.
HC Fav: I made him smell nice. I don't think he would smell very nice in canon. I think he would smell like old blood and BO. I would hold my breath around him and it wouldn't be out of fear.
Canon Least Fav: That one time he waxed poetic about suckling malice and pain from the Night Mother's breast. Never say that again, my guy. From that moment I knew he deserved Applewatch /lh sbhdgsdgga
HC Least Fav: I don't go into this in the fic, because it would be a WHOLE 'nother barrel of CWs, but he low-key fetishizes Zath. The dude is a 1~2 man bisexual and regards himself as straight. Most of his other encounters are with women and he has little intention of unpacking that wrt Zath. I say it's my least fav mainly cause it's very ick of him, but truly I find it juicy to drop that into the already-a-mess relationship dynamic. Zath is aware of it but just shrugs it off as "a weird cultural hangup thing" and likes the attention anyways lmao.
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sacreblugh · 9 months ago
fast ball, tell us lore on oc's, go!
angeleyes: farmboy who ran away from his folks' ranch and Uber religious town to join the ncr and turns out he's a realllly good shot so he's put in first recon but after the second battle of hoover dam that boy ain't been right in the head. like he came to the Mojave: twink, "straight and saving myself for marriage 😇", non smoker, non drinker, happy, polite, kinda naïve 💀 had all his fingers. and he's gonna leave the Mojave: twunk, "straight but who cares sex is sex even if it's with two men", can't function without his flask, jaded and kind of at odds with his religious upbringing, missing half of his fingers from one hand, and an NCR ranger with a shiny little medal.
gael 'bloodbag' saltillo: he's a merc! a really fucking weird one at that. got nickname because he's almost always lugging around a sack with some bleeding limb or head as proof of a job done. mega asshole and has little to no morals. he'll kill anyone and it's not just because of the caps. has cannibalistic and other tendencies but shhhh. nobody really knows wtf is his deal just that he's never clocked out of his shift at the hater factory. has the prettiest eyes and it's such a shame because he's such a bloodthirsty dick! hates the ncr and the legion but still does jobs for both of them 💀
alcaldesa anhelo de los soleados: yes she has a whole title because she's her. mayor of her people, the soleados who have roots from mexico and whose culture respects deathclaws a great deal. she's always plotting and very very cunning. is the youngest to ever be mayor of pueblo (the soleados' village) because she had to step up and take her father's place after he was murdered by some powder gangers. as a result of that she doesn't really fw the ncr 💀 she'll do anything to keep her village and their culture and livelihood thriving and independent even if that means trying to form some sort of alliance with the legion (espoiler)
aspen: he's dirty. so fucking greasy and bloody and dirty and is like 3 inches tall. is missing an eye and part of his ear and is actually kinda smart. he's from near waco and near the texas branch of the bos 🥸 he's realllllly handy when it comes to old world tech and tinkering. big time scavver and he's a huge prewar filmbro, always on the lookout for prewar holotapes and media. dean domino fan (whos gonna tell him). he loves collecting vault tec shit. has beef with Ralph from freeside but it's like a friendly little frenemies rivalry thingy because of their tech skills. he's kinda...kinda ghoul and supermutant racist ☠️ like he doesn't mind being around them but he does. he won't be insulting them or waving a flag or whatever but there are subtle signs 🥸
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caeliangel · 1 year ago
do u know of any twink/hunk cusper flags?
Twunk flags!
twunk (my fav tbh)
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
june egbert is a cistrans demiromantic bi lesbian bi velaurian transfem boy who uses he/she!
dave strider is a transmasc bi turian who uses he/it!
rose lalonde is a transmasc butch lightaspic lesboy who uses he/she!
jade harley is a transfem turigirlconnec asexual aceflux lesbian who uses she/pup!
jane crocker is a butchhomme soft butch gentlemangender lestroy who uses he/him!
roxy lalonde is a transfem acevague aroflux omni gaybian pan jeularian who uses she/he/they/it/xe/nya!
dirk strider is a (ocean) gay caedromantic alloarospec girlfag who uses he/him!
jake english is a cis nonbinary (ocean) gay aromantic cupiospec guy wjo uses she/he!
aradia megido is a cis nonbinary biromantic asexual dyke futch girlfag who uses any pronouns!
tavros nitram is a turigirl shadow lesbian (ocean) gay butch transmascfem aphroflux gaybian transfem boy who uses she/her!
sollux captor is a transmasc bigender bisexual lesbianconnec turianconnec butch otter casualic boydyke who uses she/he!
karkat vantas is an omni turian cub who uses he/him!
nepeta leijon is a transfem lesbian heteromoiraillegic boydyke who uses she/it/nya!
kanaya maryam is a transfem butchfemme lesbian dyke who uses she/her!
terezi pyrope is an agender fat butch transmasc genderfluid bi lesboy who uses he/she/xe!
vriska serket is a futch bi lesbian trans girl (gen trans flag) dyke who uses she/her!
equius zahhak is a transfem bigender pan gaybian veldarcian boygirl butch demiboy who presents fem+neu and uses she/he!
gamzee makara is a panagender aroace cupiokismesic freakthing who uses it/they!
eridan ampora is a bisexual veldarcian lesbiflux genderfluid transfem girlfag rosgirl violetrosboy flamboric bigender girlboy who uses she/he!
feferi peoxes is a lesbennetian bipan thistle femme fat femme femqueer girl who uses she/her!
damara megido is a lesbihet hypersexual trans girl (gen trans flag) who uses she/her!
rufioh nitram is a boybutch veldihet bi turian twunk who uses he/him!
mituna captor is a xenine nonbinary pangenderfluid girlbutch boyfemme bipan omni boydyke gaybian who uses he/xe/she!
kankri vantas is a bihet veldarcian bisexual demiromantic alloarospec bi straight veldian who uses he/him!
meulin leijon is a transfem lovesexual aroacejump bi lesbian who uses she/it!
porrim maryam is an omniply bipan FTF mspec lesbihet who uses she/her!
latula pyrope is a schrodibinary sortabinary dyke bisexual panomni thistle femme xenogirl azurgirl azurboy who uses he/xe/she!
aranea serket is a transfem cronant-aligned solarian kenolux liersic reilian minbian femme lesboy who uses she/he!
horuss is a (ocean) gay boyfemme cistrans hyperrose borderrose girlfag who uses he/hxm!
kurloz makara is an abinary aroace bi straight vultusexual praetersexual aboy who uses they/them!
cronus ampora is a boybutch MTM bisexual veldarcian cat(by ghostlynblm)/koala bear who uses he/him!
meenah peixes is a lesboy butchfemme iolitian larimarian triniy transmasc girl who uses she/her!
queued! i couldn't find an individual girlbutch flag so i used the combined girlbutch/boyfemme flag, but if one exists lmk and i'll get it fixed!
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