#twst askar
liviavanrouge · 9 months
Peace of Mind
Livia: *Smiles, walking beside Epel*
Vil: *Walks ahead of the two, frantically trying to get the mud out of his hair and from underneath his nails*
Askar: There you go kiddos...follow this path and go north
Asmis: You three be careful!
Epel: Yep! Thank you!
Vil: *Sighs, hoping nobody saw him like this* Thanks again...
Livia: *Giggles, bounding after them then stops* I didn't say thanks!
Livia: *Turns her head, looking back at the two bounty hunters*
Askar: *Stares at Livia with wide eyes, seeing Lilia in his general uniform* Li...lia...
Asmis: Askar?
Askar: *Stares at Livia stunned* Lilia....
--269 years ago--
Asmis: *Dodges a soldier, his eyes narrowed at the ambush on him and his brother* ASKAR!! BEHIND YOU!
Askar: *Yells in pain, a soldier slashing his eye*
Askar: *Covers his eye, his eyes wide as the soldier kicked him onto his back* A-ah.....
Asmis: *Rushes towards his twin* ASKAR!!
???: *Tackles the soldier down, slamming them neck first into the ground* TRASH!!!!
Askar: *Trembles, Asmis trying to pull him to his feet* Huh...
Baul: *Stands over the two soldiers* Take your brother and retreat, rookies!
Jessi: *Runs past towards the general* GET HIM LILIA!!!!
Lilia: *Dodges a sword to the neck and raises his lithic, scowling at him* Back off the rookies!!
Baul: *Hurries away as more foe soldiers arrived* Ambushing rookies, that's a whole new low for you humans!
Ambert, Duke and Cobra: *Hisses, their tails puffed up as they rushed to help*
Askar: *Stares at Lilia, his eyes wide* general....
Asmis: *Hauls his brother to his feet* Askar! Let's go!
Askar: *Staggers to his feet, hurrying away with Asmis keeping him steady*
Askar: *Trembles, tears falling down his cheeks*
Livia: *Beams* Thank you!
Vil: LIV!
Livia: *Hurries after Vil and Epel, heading back to NRC* Coming!!
Asmis: Askar....
Askar: *Looks down, sniffling* Lilia's...child...girl...
Asmis: *Looks away alarmed, staring at Livia* Hah....she most definitely looks like our savior...
Asmis: *Tents his wing over Askar* Ever since we retired early , I hoped he'd find happiness....haha! He has a daughter, Askar!
Askar: *Smiles, happy tears falling down his cheeks* Daughter! Daughter!
Asmis: *Chuckles* Let's continue hunting for that bandit...then celebrate later
Askar: Yes, yes!
Livia: I'm back!
Lilia and Silver: *Rushes over, their eyes wide* LIVIA!
Lilia: *Cups her face* Little Bat are you okay?!!
Silver: We were worried sick after you got blown into Epel and Vil and sent flying!
Lilia: Are you hurt anywhere?! Let me see your arm and back! Tell me if you're hurt!!
Livia: *Smiles as they fussed over her and sighs giggling*
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @teddymochi
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