#twsd answers
thewayshedreamed · 1 year
I just read your elorcan war au and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😫😍😭😫😍😭😭
I loved it! Thank you for writing this heartbreak so good ❤️
This put the BIGGEST smile on my face!
Thank you so, so much! That fic came to me almost out of nowhere, but then, I couldn’t let it go until I actually wrote it! It kind of insisted upon itself lol
I appreciate you reading and taking the time to send me an ask!! It truly made my day!
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askhubertvonvestra · 3 years
(☀️)Hello Sir Vestra, if you don’t mind I have some questions about the Empire’s judgement system since this is a topic that interests me. I was wondering how you treat your prisoners in the dungeons, I know some nations treat prisoners of war badly and use them as hostages and even torture them.And what about those imprisoned for crimes like stealing? It’s no secret that things like poverty and starvation can lead people to steal and even harm others for the sake of feeding their family. Does the Empire pardon criminals who prove themselves worthy of it? I’ve heard rumours that professor Jeritza will be imprisoned after the war because of his umm instability, but if it wasn’t for his upbringing he wouldn’t be like it. I defected to the Empire from Faerghus and I was just curious about Edelgard’s visions for the future of the justice system. Have a nice day sir
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I’m glad to encourage such interest in the way different regions operate. As it stands in the Empire, our prisoners of war are mainly treated with the basic care. Cured if they are sick, treated if they are injured. They may be hostages in the sense of leverage as necessary, that much is true. We are aware that rank and file soldiers are often people who simply wish to protect their loved ones. There would be no reason to torture them for siding against the winning party.
Regarding theft, motive is the determining factor. A trial will investigate the intent, and we respond accordingly. Theft for greed is a very different offense than theft from desperation. A child who is hungry is liable to steal bread, and that’s hardly a crime of the child. It is our responsibility as a society to care for the next generation, and penalizing them for our negligence is hardly justice.
But robbing someone simply to line your own pockets? That is inarguably a crime deserving of punishment. Context dictates our actions, as it should.
War only increases the likelihood of either instance. Those victimized by the chaos or preying upon it are nearly matched, and we are thorough in distinguishing one from another. ‘Pardon’ may not be the term to describe what our response is, but those who steal out of need are given stability through suitable work in lieu of imprisonment and more traditional forms of punishment. A protective parent or older sibling is unlikely to commit crimes if they have a means to pay for food and shelter. This solves the problem without senseless penalties that serve no one.
What becomes of Professor Jeritza, however, is entirely up to him. He may opt to seclude himself if he so chooses, although I would personally recommend against it. There is a chance that complete isolation would only worsen his condition. So long as the company he keeps is protected or capable of defending themselves from the Death Knight, there’s no need for concern.
That said, any insights you have on potential improvements or even benefits to the Faerghus justice system are welcome. Preparation for what must be done in peacetime cannot come too early.
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
💔 and 🤯 for emoji asks?
Hi, my dear! Thanks for the ask! ♥️
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
- as much as I love it, I struggle with writing original fantasy. Why? World building.
- The problem with infinite possibilities is that they’re… infinite. 😅 sometimes it’s a struggle when I’m brainstorming to lean into creativity without spiraling too far down the rabbit hole and struggling to keep it cohesive, if that makes sense! I’m getting a little better with time though.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
- a couple, actually 🙃 most recently, The Haunting— Elorcan war au. This part in particular hurt my feelings to write.
Seven damned years without him, and the toll it took showed in numerous ways. Elide hadn’t laughed beyond forced politeness since Lorcan had walked away from her, and she cursed silently at her disturbed sleep. When she dreamed, that joy felt close again; not the faint echo tarnished by distance and time. Her only hope for even the briefest reprieve from her bone-deep weariness was in sleep.
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Aww heart anon!
Happy new year! And all the love back to you 💕
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Aw, heart anon! I love you!
Have some love in return—
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Dark Academia Asks
Yearning ~ A song you like in a language you don’t speak?
Oof-- you know, this is a hard one! There have been several songs over the years that I've really enjoyed, but that I couldn't name for the life of me. I hate to disappoint here, but I'm really not sure 😅
This is a great question though and has me itching to search for them!
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Hi! For the ask 🙋‍♀️and 🤲. Thanks
Hi Anon! Thanks for the ask! ♥️
🙋‍♀️Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
- They do not! Since I write as a general hobby, both fic and original, I’ve always kept it pretty general when I talk about my writing. Mostly because, in the professional realm of my life, it’s better that people don’t stumble upon certain items on my master list 😅
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
- Of course, sweet anon! I don’t know what ship you have in mind, so if you had one, feel free to send a specific request. For now, I’ll share some Rowaelin I’ve been working on (modern college au).
Aelin’s head was thrown back, her golden hair loose and brushing the small of her back. A slender hand came up to grip Fenrys’ bicep while she recovered from whatever had tickled her, and the sight of her after so long made Rowan’s chest tighten. She looked good, incredible really, and every conflicting emotion he’d ever experienced in her presence rushed to the forefront of his mind.
It had been a mistake to go to the party. He wasn’t ready for this, to be around someone who disoriented him within an inch of his sanity on his best days. The worst part was, she did it without even trying. By daring to exist.
Rowan took a long pull of his beer.
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
O M G your rebloging !!!! Sometimes that means something new is coming! 🤞
Another Nessian bodyguard is in the works, anon! Hope to have it ready for y’all soon ♥️
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thewayshedreamed · 3 years
Nessian -> 1
Aw, non. You know I'm always down for some Nessian HCs.
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
• Nesta and Cassian always go to bed at the same time, even if they don't fall asleep together. Nesta reads every single night -- whether it be a page, a chapter, half a book -- so Cassian eventually convinces her to start getting into bed earlier. That way, she can read until she's ready to sleep without staying up way too late. If she waits until she's tired to get into bed, she will still forego the needed sleep in favor of her bedtime ritual.
• Sometimes Cassian reads with her. Sometimes it's camp reports, sometimes battle strategy. Every now and then he indulges in a novel that Nesta has gifted him. It's usually true crime or a thriller of sorts, and she huffs her annoyance when he always figures it out before the end.
• Cassian stops reading before Nesta, but he's a snuggler. Even more so when he's really tired. Nesta always scoots down the pillow to accommodate him, wrapping her arm around his neck as he eases his head to her chest and throws an arm over her waist. She holds her book in one hand, splayed open with her thumb and pinky, as the one wrapped around Cassian draws idle circles on his shoulder. If not his shoulder, she runs her fingers gently through his hair.
• He twitches a little, his wings especially, as he drifts off into a dream. Without taking her eyes from the page, she grins and holds him a little tighter. In response, his wing closest to her settles across her lower half. Her own warm, weighted blanket to settle her nerves and ease her into sleep with him.
• They wake up one of two ways. Either they haven't moved an inch, Nesta's nose tucked into the hair atop Cassian's head. Her book is open, face down on the bed next to her, and that hand drifted to his bicep in the night. The alternative is Nesta wiggling lower in her sleep. Cassian half-rolls away to allow her to adjust until she settles beneath his chin. He grips her tightly against him with his arm and his wing alike, and they wake up wrapped tightly around each other.
• Cassian is an early riser, so part of his morning ritual is gingerly peeling Nesta away from his body without waking her. The first thing he does is start water for their tea, and he wakes her by sitting on the edge of the bed and kissing her temple and cheeks once its ready.
• They have tea together each morning in comfortable silence, taking in the morning sky from the windows of the House. They part ways after that to get their days started, but their night time ritual starts in reverse.
• The night sky from the house window, Nesta brews their bedtime tea. When they've drained their cups, she picks up their mugs by the handles with one hand. She walks around the back of the chair and wraps her free arm around his shoulders and chest. Kisses his temple once, twice, three times.
• She deposits the tea mugs into the sink, he grabs her book from whatever countertop or table she's left it on that day. He carries it upstairs with Nesta's hand in his before they settle into bed.
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Somewhere. Bodyguard AU. The Haunting. All bloody brilliant. No debate allowed! The praise from everyone is well deserved. Your writing is perfect.
Wow Nonnie, you sure know how to make a girl feel extra special! ♥️ you’re too good to me!
I appreciate the kindness so, so much. Knowing that my writing has resonated with you feels amazing! Hope to continue creating content worthy of all this love in the future, too ♥️
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thewayshedreamed · 3 years
Hope you're down for steamy, anon! There are a lot of these in the prompts I got for my followers celebration 👀
Thanks for sending in a rose!
"On your knees," he growled. "Elbows on the back of the seat."
Something in his tone had her body moving on auto-pilot. She'd be lying if she claimed not to know the fire that sparked in his blood when she challenged him or how her pulse quickened deliciously every time. His calloused hand ran too softly against the back of her thigh and slipped under her skirt. When his palm rested over her backside, his squeezed one cheek firmly before turning his attention to the other.
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
That was so beautifully written! I love your stories. And I love that she was just like Cassian. ( usually writer’s make there daughter just like Nesta).
Thank you, anon! 🥺❤️
I'm so glad you liked it and the direction I went with her character! I loved writing in that universe again!
Also, hope you're enjoying @nessianweek overall! And that you have a wonderful weekend! 💕
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thewayshedreamed · 3 years
Can you write more Elriel fics? ❤️ You're my favorite writer when it comes to them they're always in character!!
Aw, nonnie! Thank you for the kind words!!
Man, it's been a long time since I've written for them now that I'm looking at it 👀 I will say that I have several prompts in my inbox for Elriel that I do plan to use eventually, I'm just not confident of a timeline as of now.
I'm sure you're already familiar, but just in case, I would check out @tswaney17 for some Elriel content, too! I've devoured her fics, so I would definitely read those if you haven't already!!
All the love to you ❤️
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Hiiiii ♥️
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Hi Bby Sayo! ❤️ Miss youuu
Oof— alright, here I go. I'm going to give my top 5 without a needlessly verbose reason for why I like them! I can do this.
Top 5 Self-recs:
Operation Ghost Leopard— ToG, Lysaedion spy au [complete]
Somewhere— ACoTaR, Nessian modern au [in progress]
Prick— ACoTaR, Nessian tattoo artist au [complete] - Part 1 is linked. Parts 2-4 can be found on my acotar masterlist!
The Council— ACoTaR, canon adjacent?, Archeron sisters/ Nessian-centric [one-shot]
Safe With Me— ToG, Rowaelin modern university au [in progress]
Thanks for the tag! ❤️
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thewayshedreamed · 3 years
howdy partner 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Hey, babe! I have some Nessian fluff for you 💕
Sometimes, he sat nearby and rubbed soothing circles over her stomach or lower back. Other times, he wedged his hulking frame between Nesta and the back of the couch to press his warmth into her. Either that, or he was trying to take her pain away, if the way he clutched her against him was any indication.
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thewayshedreamed · 2 years
Can I please be tagged in something, anything!
Absolutely! Consider yourself tagged! ❤️
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