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alacritysparked · 5 months ago
”You. Rest. Now.”
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“Lemme just finish this real quick. I’d rather just stay up late than get up early. You go ahead, I won’t be far behind.”
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the-black-and-red-femme · 10 months ago
Arius sighed a bit with relief, though it didn’t brighten her spirits much as she still wanted to find a cure for Saber.
Life without them
The arc was gone, and with it all the hope they had for finding a means to save Cybertron.
Elita, Chromia, Jetfire, Redalert and Shadowfangs were all that stood between the Decepticons and their conquest for Cybertron.
Shadowfangs slowly approached their leader and touched her arm. “It isn’t safe here.” She said quietly, we need to make shelter and quickly.” She murmured, not wanting to be caught in a fight with the seekers.
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idwskyfire · 2 years ago
Send a ‘🕯’ for our starter where our muses spend the night together during a power outage.
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"It so strange normal my 5th generator for this type of emergency would have kick in by know but then again...it not like I'm not prepared for that to happen." He said as he when through his drawers and pull out some blankets, flashlights and other thing that he remember from his studying human.
This was the type of stuff they do doing a power outage, so it should work for them. Honestly, he didn't like big storms or stuff like this but he was act very calm for someone who didn't like them, maybe because he wasn't alone.
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cliffandthekid-archive · 2 years ago
Cliffjumper is gonna have to step up his game, keeping track of all this multiverse stuff...
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alacritysparked · 5 months ago
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"You've been running hot for the last two days. And there's been a bug going around. Please, if you're not gonna see Knock Out, at least let me run a medscan? For my ease of mind?"
“Whoa, hey, you're burning up.”
"I'll be fine, stop fussing-" She frowned somewhat. "I'll just have a nap."
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thefastestbot · 5 years ago
Hotshot took a deep intake as he laid at the bottom of the ravine, dents beaten into him and scrapes and gashes all over his frame that was leaking energon. He had no idea how long he had been down here and he wondered if anyone, Decepticon or Autobot, could detect his signal yet.
With a  sigh, he forced himself to sit up before leaning back against the rock wall, ignoring the discomfort of his door wings awkwardly crushed between the wall and his back.
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alacritysparked · 2 months ago
How Intimidating Am I? =🐰 for barely intimidating
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Glad to see I'm the correct amount of intimidating. Although...would even more shitposting get that down to 0 intimidation? I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm a D O R K.
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alacritysparked · 5 months ago
@twowheelerarcee || from [ x ]
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One minute, he was yapping on about whatever the gossip of the week was. Next, he was flat on his aft, blinking up comically at Arcee.
"Huh. Um. Where'd that sign come from? Oh, I'm fine! Just, ah...bruised pride."
He takes everything in stride, easily laughing the collision off as he stands back up. He doubts he managed to dent himself. But then again, he did walk into a console last week.
".....did anyone else see that?"
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ask-tfone-megatron · 2 months ago
@silenceofthewave @orionpax-arc @primuses-least-favorite-child @energ00n @wilfre-the-medical-bot @twowheelerarcee
I am not forgetting people.. just avoiding mutual at this point.
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@animated-scribble @y0ur-f4vor1te-crypt1d @kartsstuffig @44-mr-midnight-44 @silver-eater @free-slug-cat @my-mom-named-me-duck @softenedsunbeams @ccosmicentity @starsofthestorm @jaime-in-chaos @ the person who sent me this (i cant remember your url so sorry man) @ UHM UHM I FORGOT URLS
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cliffandthekid-archive · 2 years ago
@twowheelerarcee started following you
Usually, Cliffjumper's a talkative guy, calling out the first greeting and keeping up a conversation. But right now, he's had a long day, some recent repair welds are feeling sore, and it's all he can do to muster an acknowledging hum.
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the-black-and-red-femme · 5 years ago
Life without them
The arc was gone, and with it all the hope they had for finding a means to save Cybertron.
Elita, Chromia, Jetfire, Redalert and Shadowfangs were all that stood between the Decepticons and their conquest for Cybertron.
Shadowfangs slowly approached their leader and touched her arm. “It isn’t safe here.” She said quietly, we need to make shelter and quickly.” She murmured, not wanting to be caught in a fight with the seekers.
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twowheelerarcee · 4 months ago
twowheelerarcee, Arcee - single muse, Prime canon, multiverse & OC friendly
Transformers RP Masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they're canon or an OC
which canon/series they follow between all the comics, shows and movies
your muse’s name
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, animal crossing verse, Scrunkly the Mighty
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, write as many muses as you have; if you’d like, feel free to give your muse a “title” to describe them!
Characters in alphabetical order can be found HERE
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screechingtires · 2 years ago
“I mean I’ve seen how you are when you’re at the top of your game, so yeah.” He said with a shrug and a lazy smile. It was a subtle difference, but enough to where he could pick it out when he paid close attention. 
“I’m sure no will mind if you take it easy for a bit.”
When was the last time you actually got some rest?
Arcee paused for a moment, she knew she was exhausted beyond breaking, but was she really letting her mask slip?
“It’s that obvious, huh?” She said with a soft smile to the younger mech. “Here I was hoping I was keeping a low profile on my lack of rest.” She mused a cocked her hip.
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the-black-and-red-femme · 1 year ago
Arius looked spark broken to see him, she sat beside him as she gently took his servo. Her own were shaking a bit, trying to put a brave face on, though she was failing miserably.
Life without them
The arc was gone, and with it all the hope they had for finding a means to save Cybertron.
Elita, Chromia, Jetfire, Redalert and Shadowfangs were all that stood between the Decepticons and their conquest for Cybertron.
Shadowfangs slowly approached their leader and touched her arm. “It isn’t safe here.” She said quietly, we need to make shelter and quickly.” She murmured, not wanting to be caught in a fight with the seekers.
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the-black-and-red-femme · 1 year ago
“I feel like it is my fault…I couldn’t protect him. That mech had just threw me around like I was a toy.” She mumbled.
Arius looked up when she seen Ratchet at the door and stood up. “How is he?” She asked, looking worried. She had been silently praying he would be alright.
Life without them
The arc was gone, and with it all the hope they had for finding a means to save Cybertron.
Elita, Chromia, Jetfire, Redalert and Shadowfangs were all that stood between the Decepticons and their conquest for Cybertron.
Shadowfangs slowly approached their leader and touched her arm. “It isn’t safe here.” She said quietly, we need to make shelter and quickly.” She murmured, not wanting to be caught in a fight with the seekers.
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the-black-and-red-femme · 1 year ago
Arius nodded a little. Sitting there for awhile before forcing herself to get washed up. Had stayed in the shower for a bit, mostly it was a space she could let herself break. She had quietly cried to herself just wishing this nightmare was over at least until the shower wasn’t steamy anymore. She dried herself off, and rubbed her face, trying to keep it together the best she could before walking back out to the exam room.
Life without them
The arc was gone, and with it all the hope they had for finding a means to save Cybertron.
Elita, Chromia, Jetfire, Redalert and Shadowfangs were all that stood between the Decepticons and their conquest for Cybertron.
Shadowfangs slowly approached their leader and touched her arm. “It isn’t safe here.” She said quietly, we need to make shelter and quickly.” She murmured, not wanting to be caught in a fight with the seekers.
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