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redvelvetd1cks · 4 years ago
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Bella & Wesley welcomed their second daughter Weslee Vega into the world. Bentlee wasnt so happy about the new baby (which she asked for) but came around the second day of meeting her.
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journalistsai · 4 years ago
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మాయమై పోతున్నడమ్మా..మనిషన్నవాడు! https://journalistsai.news/మాయమై-పోతున్నడమ్మా-మనిష/ #Father #medak #neckcut #tryingtokill #twodaughters #siddipeta #telangana #humanity #telugunews #journalistsai https://www.instagram.com/p/CHSUpKFMWD5/?igshid=4jqx8sdevace
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shereewrites · 6 years ago
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Last morning in Cabo. I just received an acceptance from The River Heron Review for my poem, "Two Daughters." It's a retelling of the pain of estrangement in myth form. Thanks to the editors. I'm very honored. #twodaughters @riverheronreview #goodnews (at Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/BydPCSOBZxM/?igshid=9crpzp4ne78i
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icbantiene · 6 years ago
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#parenting #motheroftwo #twodaughters #jhaeiandfhaei (at Concepcion, Tarlac) https://www.instagram.com/icbantiene/p/BvBcWqngEo0HrmWKapgvSKKs4tEW0hTaUh5vy80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=owgdhkgeo9mm
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Fresh cut after some great news! Never disappointed not it’s time for me to cater to the Three Valentines in my life ! #father #freshcut #valentinesday #daddyduties #twodaughters #onequeen #embracetheragefitness #thursdayvibes (at Mayfield Heights, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/embracetheragefitness/p/Bt4aL9hhIAR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10v439orqbjer
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paperboi02 · 8 years ago
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My oldest #TwoDaughters #SpendingMyMoney for me‼️😂😂😂 (at The Grove)
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thenarside · 7 years ago
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Bwahahaha 😂😂😂 His DAUGHTER is more of a BADASS than his SON!! #twodaughters #merica🇺🇸 ~~ 🎥📷 From to: ...@bigpanda_official 💕 ~~ 👊 Tag @... someone you would give this to ________________🔥🔥🔥__________________ #veterans #armydad #armymoms #militarymoms #armymom #veteranmom #airforcemom #veterandad #proudveteran #soldiermom #navymom #veteran #veteranos #proudveteran #veteranowned #usrangers #usnavyseal #usmarine #veteranday #usarmysoldier #veteransday #usveterans #ussoldiers #americansoldier #militarydad #veteranowned #usarmedforces
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go-f-lifejourney-blog · 8 years ago
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Very presentable,and of course taste good #twodaughters #surryhills #cafe #foodporn #fooddiarysyd
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johnnydany · 4 years ago
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God Knew I Needed A Best Friend So He Gave Me My 2 Daughters Shirt
Get your here: https://teespring.com/god-gave-2-daughters
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seducemewithabagel · 4 years ago
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@hoodsie-cup​ @fleximusmax1mus​ @vguardie917​ @terriblycharmingangel​ @lordeyeballz11​ @portellabea​ @ohnotom​ @akafangs​ @papi-narco​ @purple-hooligan​ @sadgrlz​ @shesindecisiveshecantdecide-blog​ @humourprincess​ @cahriana​ @gecuxejyzosifi7879-blog​ @hamletdowntherabbithole​ @heureuxox​ @aleksey4ee​ @armpitz-blog​ @all-the-best-urls-are-gone​ @chi-dan​ @mckaylanonawalker​ @truuuu-chainz​ @harry-potterspotlight​ @dyingoffeelscusoffandoms​ @cassiebearsman​ @babyimcrazyaboutyouu​ @mime96​ @dreamtwerks​ @the-motorhead-guy​ @anotherfirebender​ @honeyrasberry​ @randyhess16​ @kneatlypo​ @danagraham​ @light--life-love​ @thet4llfriend​ @mulagozetserise​ @cynnnabon​ @onefallstworise​ @badterribleblog​ @grapefruit-queen​ @bree-an-nuh​ @selfastic​ @podals​ @trickyoureyes​ @brujulas-y-mapas-blog-blog​ @elpasadoestapisado​ @mikemazzed​ @bettzamparelli​ @yeswecannabiss​ @ribenseren​ @ooooooosalah​ @excursiuns​ @breathitallout​ @pret-tybitches​ @raindropsandstuff​ @jupiterpop​ @shamefullywhite​ @pantyraiderofthelostark​ @paulren68-blog​ @idle-lanes​ @whatarethisandthis​ @armastata​ @beautifulpotatoesonthepriest​ @handrails​ @smile-big-today​ @e-mptyhearts​ @sorandom2​ @superbtimes​ @sunset-moonrise13​ @whyareyouhidingbehindamop-blog​ @m-akedamnsure​ @danicalifornia86-blog​ @kidpope​ @thegingervirus​ @mapofaheart-blog​ @twodaughters-graverobbers​ @limitless-amore​ @cynicaldisposition​ @burrritobowl​ @artichoke-that-hoe​ @resigned-therapist​ @thothead-txti​ @bryangonzzzz​ @jcrider13-blog​ @hoopesdreamseverything​ @yagurljesss​ @morebeyoncethanyou​ @nailsandrainbows-blog​ @googlechromosomes​ @derivedfromthesky-blog​ @sarahashh-blog​ @dustyshelflove​ @bofoshowhoabro-blog​ @acrossthebrooks​ @kittykittykittykittykitty​ @fuck-yeah-bagelz-blog​ @isalittlefartface-blog​ @m4cd33zy-blog​ @kenny-lane​ @convivial-dreams​ @cornkernelteeth​ @iamhalfagony-halfhope-blog​
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thomasdaniel91 · 5 years ago
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You Can't Scare Me I Have Two Daughters Shirt
Do You Love This Shirt? Get Your here: https://teespring.com/cant-scare-me-two-daughters
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curlycreatures · 5 years ago
#happiness💕 #yummy😍 #daughterslove #twodaughters #kiddy #babe #tot #tenderness #toy #plaything #trick #prank #joke #joker #leprosy #gift #friend #souvenir #present #school
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calliecarmenauthor · 6 years ago
Here is my interview with Callie Carmen
04SaturdayMay 2019
Hello and welcome to my blog, Author Interviews. My name is Fiona Mcvie.
Let’s get you introduced to everyone, shall we? Tell us your name. What is your age?
Hello, my name is Callie Carmen, and I write contemporary romance and suspense romance novels. The best I can do for my age is say I’m in my fifties.
Fiona: Where are you from?
I grew up in a small New England town that had one stoplight, with four stores on one side of the roadand four on the other. The next village was ten miles away and was where we purchased our groceries. My neighborhood was a twenty-minute walk to town, and there was a farm just down the street. Off the backyard were woods that I loved to explore several times a week.
In the summer, I’d spend every waking moment on the lake that was surrounded by magnificent mountains at my parent’s cottage. When it wasn’t windy enough to take out my small sailboat, I’d be in the rowboat with a fishing pole in one hand and a book in the other. It was heaven on earth.
Now I live in a lovely small farm town in the Midwest.
Fiona: A little about your self (i.e. your education, family life, etc.).
I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate while I was finishing up my economicsdegree in mysenior year in college. We’ve been in love and in like for over thirty years. We have three adult children,twodaughters that are graphic designers and our son that is just finishing up his game designing degree. Their talents never cease to amaze me.
Until recently, I had two small dogs. One left me while I held her in my arms. The other is fifteen-years-old,and her health seems to be rapidly deteriorating. I love them very much. They both kept me company while I wrote; now it’s just Chili keeping me company. I will be crushed when she leaves me, too.
Fiona: Tell us your latest news.
Nicolas, the second book in my Risking Love series, was recently published. To celebrate I ran a discounted boxed set promotion with book one “Patrick” and “Nicolas” combined. I am deep into edits of book three “Joseph.” I’m finding that the edits are going much faster this time than the other two books. I hope that means that my writing has improved.
I just completed my first ever supernatural romance, “Dream Catcher.” It will be on pre-order sale come September 1 as part of the “Mystic Desire” supernatural anthology being published by BVS. Several of my talented BVS author friends will be part of the collection with me. I can’t wait to read their stories.
Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?
Being an economics major in college and later joining the corporate world as a senior book buyer, becoming a writer was not on my radar. After my third child was born, I became a stay home mother. As rewarding as it was being a volunteer Mom running several book fairs a year, being on the athletic board, running the annual auction dinner fundraiser for sports, helping out with the band, drama, soccer, field hockey, football, I was ready for something else. I sat down at the kitchen table and started writing a love story that closely mirrored my own story with my husband. Patrick is of course fiction, but it does have a little bit of my life wrapped up in it too. I’ll never tell which parts. I was an avid reader, so that helped when I did start writing. No one was more surprised than me when I had my first novel published.
Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When my short story, “The Enemy I Know,” was published in the Craving Loyalty anthology.
Fiona: How did you come up with the title?
For my first novel, the character was of Irish descent, so I wanted to select a typical Irish name. I had attended Saint Patrick’s school during kindergarten,so I chose,“Patrick.” The character’s full name is Patrick O’Connor. You can’t get much more Irish than that.
For “Nicolas” I had to go with a traditional Greek name as the good Doctor Nicolas Antonis comes from a big loving Greek family. Immediately the movie My Big Fat Greek Weddingcame to mind where the father Gus is introducing the family to the groom’s to be parents. “Welcome to my home. Over here is my brother, Ted, and his wife, Melissa, and their children, Anita, Diane and Nick. Over here, my brother Tommy, his wife Angie, and their children, Anita, Diane and Nick. And here, my brother George, his wife Freda, and their children, Anita, Diane, and Nick. Taki, Sophie, Kari, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, uh, Nikki, and I am Gus.”
“Joseph” which will be out this fall was my father’s name.I miss him very much even though he passed away twelve years ago.
Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style? Is there anything about your style or genre that you find particularly challenging?
When I first started writing, I thought their is no way I could write a hot, sexy love making scene. Sex wasn’t something I talked about with my family or friends so jotting it down on paper was not something I was looking forward to. I decided to use a first time experience that I had and found that by doing that the words just flowed out of me onto the computer. I had my husband read the scene, and when he was done, he told me,“I don’t smoke, but after that scene, I need a cigarette.” From then on I knew I could do this.
Fiona: How much of the book is realistic and are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
While the six heroines in my Risking Love novels are fictional, they do mirror in some ways five wonderful women that I knew during my college years.
Fiona: To craft your works, do you have to travel? Before or during the process?
Not with the Risking Love series because it all took place in the college town and surrounding area where I grew up. I did some online research for legal advice when it came to the charges and penalties for one of my stories. I also had to get advice from an expert in the auto industry for a few of my stories. “The Enemy I Know” took place inmy grandfather’s and father’s tavern during the fifties as well as during the Korean war which my father fought in. Since I wasn’t alive at that time, I had to ask family members to fill in some of the details as well as some research that I did online. I enjoyed learning things about my father’s place and the war.
Fiona: Who designed the covers?
Jessica Greeley https://www.facebook.com/JessicaGreeleyGD/She is an amazing graphic designer that has designed numerous covers for the Black Velvet Seductions publisher as well as others. I highly recommend her for ads, banners, bookmarks, logo’s, roller banners, websites, covers, etc.
Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
That true love does exist. That working hard for what you want in lifeoften gets you what you want. And that true friends are rare and when you find them keep them in your life even if it’s just a phone call once a year or a Facebook note asking how the family is.
Fiona: Outside of family members, name one entity that supported your commitment to become a published author.
Richard Savage the CEO at Black Velvet Seductions. He read “Patrick” and said he loved the story but that it needed editing. He explained what I needed to work on and hooked me up with Laurie Sanders a wonderful editor. I’ll always be grateful for his honesty and support.
Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?
No not as a career more of a friend that keeps my mind sharp and boredom at bay.
Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Haha. There was one review that I received for Patrick where the reviewer mentioned that I had the characters brush their teeth before making love and she felt that was something we didn’t need to know. She also felt that Jaq who was dating several men at once should have been having sex with all of them. I wouldn’t change the sex issue. But if I could, I would take out the teeth brushing because it really bugged her. I figure if it bothered her that much, then it may have bothered others too.
Fiona: Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?
I am always learning new things. The book that I just finished writing, “Dream Catcher,” required that I researched on dream catchers and medicine men. It ended up being a fascinating history.
Fiona: Any advice for other writers?
A writer must set up their social media sites right away; it is essential for their success. That means before they even finish their first book. That is not to say that it is ever too late to do this just that it has to be done. If they don’t advertise to let people know about their book how will readers know that it exists? Once the media sites are set up,they shouldpromote their books regularly. Set up social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, Instagram, MeWe, Website, and Goodreads to name a few. They should pick three to start and master those before moving on to others, or they will be too overwhelmed.
They should read the genre that they want to write in. This is important so they can understand what works and doesn’t work in that genre. Of course, they should keep reading other types that they enjoy too.
They should write about things that they know, they like, and the words will come to them more easily. If they write about something that they are not familiar with they have to be sure to do plenty of research, so the story is believable.
Do yourself a favor don’t have several named characters in your book because as soon as the editor gets their hands on it, you will be editing a lot of them back out again.
Fiona: Favorite foods, colors, music?
I love Italian, Mexican, as well as Chinese food. My favoritecolor is green, but I only own a few pieces of clothing in green. Mostly, I love green in nature.
I love country music. It is often about true love, lost love, and finding love, and to me,that sounds a lot like most romance novels. I’ve been to several country concerts, and the best one yet was a Blake Shelton concert. I also listen to alternative rock like the Broods.
Fiona: You only have 24 hours to live how would you spend that time?
I would spend it with my family especially with the love of my life, my husband.
Fiona: Do you have a blog or website readers can visit for updates, events, and special offers?
I have a website at https://www.calliecarmen.com/ , and I have several social media sites:
Social media links:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011326206882
Twitter https://twitter.com/Callie_Carmen
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/calliecarmennovel/
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17829431.Callie_Carmen
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/callie-carmen-72ba98156/
Tumblr https://calliecarmenauthor.tumblr.com/
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/calliecarmennovel/
Website link https://www.calliecarmen.com/
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07BN5PXDF
Here are some purchase links:
Patrick (Risking Love Book 1)
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imtalking95 · 8 years ago
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Best damn donuts I've ever had. #nashville #twodaughters http://ift.tt/2raaE96
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johnnydany · 4 years ago
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God Knew I Needed A Best Friend So He Gave Me My 2 Daughters Shirt
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seducemewithabagel · 4 years ago
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@hoodsie-cup​ @fleximusmax1mus​ @vguardie917​ @terriblycharmingangel​ @lordeyeballz11​ @portellabea​ @ohnotom​ @akafangs​ @papi-narco​ @purple-hooligan​ @sadgrlz​ @shesindecisiveshecantdecide-blog​ @humourprincess​ @cahriana​ @gecuxejyzosifi7879-blog​ @hamletdowntherabbithole​ @heureuxox​ @aleksey4ee​ @armpitz-blog​ @all-the-best-urls-are-gone​ @chi-dan​ @mckaylanonawalker​ @truuuu-chainz​ @harry-potterspotlight​ @dyingoffeelscusoffandoms​ @cassiebearsman​ @babyimcrazyaboutyouu​ @mime96​ @dreamtwerks​ @the-motorhead-guy​ @anotherfirebender​ @honeyrasberry​ @randyhess16​ @kneatlypo​ @danagraham​ @light--life-love​ @thet4llfriend​ @mulagozetserise​ @cynnnabon​ @onefallstworise​ @badterribleblog​ @grapefruit-queen​ @bree-an-nuh​ @selfastic​ @podals​ @trickyoureyes​ @brujulas-y-mapas-blog-blog​ @elpasadoestapisado​ @mikemazzed​ @bettzamparelli​ @yeswecannabiss​ @ribenseren​ @ooooooosalah​ @excursiuns​ @breathitallout​ @pret-tybitches​ @raindropsandstuff​ @jupiterpop​ @shamefullywhite​ @pantyraiderofthelostark​ @paulren68-blog​ @idle-lanes​ @whatarethisandthis​ @armastata​ @beautifulpotatoesonthepriest​ @handrails​ @smile-big-today​ @e-mptyhearts​ @sorandom2​ @superbtimes​ @sunset-moonrise13​ @whyareyouhidingbehindamop-blog​ @m-akedamnsure​ @danicalifornia86-blog​ @kidpope​ @thegingervirus​ @mapofaheart-blog​ @twodaughters-graverobbers​ @limitless-amore​ @cynicaldisposition​ @burrritobowl​ @artichoke-that-hoe​ @resigned-therapist​ @thothead-txti​ @bryangonzzzz​ @jcrider13-blog​ @hoopesdreamseverything​ @yagurljesss​ @morebeyoncethanyou​ @nailsandrainbows-blog​ @googlechromosomes​ @derivedfromthesky-blog​ @sarahashh-blog​ @dustyshelflove​ @bofoshowhoabro-blog​ @acrossthebrooks​ @kittykittykittykittykitty​ @fuck-yeah-bagelz-blog​ @isalittlefartface-blog​ @m4cd33zy-blog​ @kenny-lane​ @convivial-dreams​ @cornkernelteeth​ @iamhalfagony-halfhope-blog​
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