#two: for some reason i always get these streets by bastille stuck in my head when i see this show
ilkkawhat · 5 months
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Levihan Traveling HCs
Every OTP needs traveling HCs because I believe travelling brings out the quirkiest people especially when they’re stuck in a hotel together and trying to accommodate each other’s whims 24/7 so have some Levihan travelling AUs for random places. 
At the hotel
Hange always wants to leave the hotel at 5am because she does not want to waste time but Levi has a certain way he wants the hotel fixed so they end up leaving the hotel 2 hours after Hange had wanted to leave (She wanted to leave at 5am). 
“I just want to walk into a clean room when I’m tired after a long day” Levi has to explain. Hange never gets it.
When sightseeing 
Hange is a very niche person. I feel like Levi would be very conventional because he doesn’t do much research beyond the eiffel tower or the great wall of china so he creates a plan at least to see all the iconic sites in each country and he plans them all very meticulously while trying to accommodate Hange’s very niche requests. 
Here’s the thing, Hange likes to get lost in cities and she hates taking public transportation because she’d rather walk from one place to the other and get a feel of the cities so all the plans get thrown off anyway. 
“If we left the hotel 2 hours earlier we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Hange comments before brushing it off to further explore the city. 
Some snapshots I had in my head of the two of them in some random places.
Hange will request that they see the random water pump where John Snow the father of epidemiology discovered the cholera epidemic. She goes on a two hour rant about how it jumpstarted modern day epidemiology and their plans are thrown out in two hours over a two feet water pump
Hange overglorifies visiting the Bastille saying it’s a must see and goes on a historical tirade on why it is one of the most important places in the city as they walk there. 
“Here it is!” Hange flails her hands out at the random monument in the middle of a random road in Paris. 
“Where’s the Bastille?” 
“If you were listening to my story, the Bastille fell so this is what was left.”
Levi just walks away because he thought at least they’d be able to see a museum. 
New York 
Hange sings “The Schuyler Sister’s” on repeat and blasts Hamilton in the hotel room every night while they’re in New York. 
When they’re on the road out of New York she begs that they stop by Chesapeake Bay because “THAT WAS WERE LAFAYETTE WAS WAITING.” or they stop by “Montechello” because “THAT WAS WHERE JEFFERSON WAS SUPPOSED TO BE AND THE WORK AT HOME BEGINS”
During walking tours, Levi is the only one who actually chuckles at the jokes of the German tour guide. 
Bay Area
They never made it to the city because Hange wanted to make sure they hiked all the hiking trails in the surrounding areas--- more than once. 
Southeast Asia
Hange will have an intense fascination with mangroves (“Because of their ecological value and the complex ecosystems within them and the biodiversity”) so they find themselves in some no name town instead of some famous beach for actual swimming and sunbathing because Hange wants to study the trees along the beach. 
Hange and Levi fight over where to eat all the time. Levi is hesitant to try hawker food and street food for sanitation reasons. The few times Levi does win the argument and they are in a normal restaurant,  Hange sulks about how the food isn’t authentic about why don’t they just go back home if he was gonna eat vanilla food anyway.  
When they’re navigating temples in Thailand, Hange tries her best to pronounce the names how the guides do so Levi doesn’t understand what she’s saying half the time.
In Hong Kong, Hange is horrified to find out water is more expensive than tea. Levi doesn’t mind.
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tiredcowpoke · 4 years
TITLE: Always Fleeting PAIRING: Arthur Morgan/Reader REQUEST: @arethusa-arose said: “Wow I've read all your stuff on ao3 so first of all thank you for sharing the talent and cowboy thirst! I'm a sucker for anything with the enemies to lovers trope. I'm thinking of the reader being Brontes right hand but meeting Arthur under different circumstances so that when the rivalry is revealed it adds more tension. I've tried writing some shitty drabbles on this but I'm actually terrible at writing lol”  WARNINGS: Angst, confrontations, mentions of kidnapping, some suggestiveness but it’s mostly angst I’m sorry.  NOTE: First off, thank you! Secondly, this is more like ‘lovers to enemies,’ but hopefully this is to your expectations! I really like this idea and there’s a lot to do with it, much as I struggled to find a spot to end this. Still, I’m flattered you trusted me with it. Thank you. lol Also, I should mention that I’m still struggling with my writing so I’m sorry if things seem...off. 
It was approaching late evening when you heard a knock on your front door. 
You were leaning against the small balcony of your apartment--it wasn’t anything special. As much as you knew you had enough in both money and connections to get a better place, you felt it was less suspicious with your line of work. Saint Denis was as busy as it always was, wagons and horses moving down the cobbled streets and people talking and bustling about. You didn’t give your address out to many, you could only count a couple people who knew. 
So, the sound had you pausing as you furrowed your brow. You glanced behind yourself toward the closed wooden door, straightening somewhat as you took in a breath as another knock broke through the faint noise of the street. Who could that be? Your boss rarely came to you--it was almost always the other way around. If it was a disgruntled...former associate of him, you really didn’t like the idea of them knowing where you lived. 
You paused a moment to pick up the weapon you had placed on a table, holding the hand behind your back with the revolver in your palm. Opening the door somewhat, you were greeted with an unexpected sight. 
The last time he had visited had been almost a month ago, he sight of him taking a moment until your brain recognized him as Arthur turned to look over at you, hat in his hands. As gruff as he was, as rough as the lifestyle he led, the sight was always a bit amusing to you. It was rare to run into a polite outlaw--not that there were many who frequented the streets of Saint Denis. Still, the sight put a small, confused smile to your expression. 
You felt a little bad for keeping the gun hidden behind your back and the door. 
“Mr. Arthur,” you replied around a small chuckle, “What a surprise. You didn’t write--I would have come to meet you.” 
“Naw, ya never need to do that,” he returned, “Didn’t intend to visit, anyway, but…” 
“Well that makes me feel special,” you returned, sarcastic but it didn’t run too deeply. Still, the comment seemed to make him raise his head to meet your gaze, brow furrowed somewhat. 
“Didn’t mean it like that, just...this whole situation’s real complicated.” 
“Well, come in,” you offered, some confusion pulling the confidence from your tone, “If you’re not here to see me, you must have something else in mind.” 
It was strange--you had gotten used to Arthur disappearing from the city for long periods of time. He had no reason to stay, much as a part of you liked to think you gave enough influence to, and he had to head back to that gang of his. Really, you hadn’t been expecting to get close to the man at all. It was a risk, doing this. Having attachments. It was a risk in that you made plenty of enemies working for your boss; it was a risk in that you had someone to use against you if you pissed off your boss. 
Still, there was something about Arthur. He had stuck out in the city the first time you had met him, tucked away into the more run down saloon Saint Denis had to offer. The regulars of the Bastille had a habit of staring if you acted in a way that wasn’t easily dismissed, so you had gotten used to telling people to head to this one when you needed to see them. Who walked through the door, however, was not the man you were looking for. For all the tailored suits and haughty dispositions that ran around the city, Arthur’s dirty and travel worn clothing along with his gruff demeanor had caught your attention. It had been enough for you to open up conversation with him, buy him a drink for the length he had rode to get to the city--as unintentional as he said it was. 
He looked like he hadn’t set foot in a city in his life--it was later on that you learned he had, and it was enough so to have him avoid them for the rest of his life. 
“Seein’ you is probably the only reason I’ve been ridin’ out this far these days,” he admitted one night, his voice low as his breath tickled the back of your neck as you lay in bed together. 
It had been a revelation that put such a warm feeling swelling in your chest while it also dropped a heavy, fearful stone into your gut. That had been the sign you got that this whole dynamic was getting more serious, and you weren’t the only one who had been feeling it. 
You hadn’t intended to get close to him--he was a way to pass some time the first time you met him until a nervous looking man had walked into the saloon from the back door, staring at you from across the room until you were able to make your leave to attend to him. It hadn’t been a friendly conversation, a concern over a poor man’s debt that your boss eventually dismissed after he had sent you and a couple of his men to the debtor’s home to collect it. 
That had been the way of things, and you had carried on as normal.
Well, not completely so. You kept running into the cowboy. 
He had come and gone, not exactly open to telling you what he was doing there. You had no room to judge, you kept your past close to your chest. Still, a couple drinks and conversations were shared, the two of you growing closer as time went along. Arthur seemed to embody a lifestyle that you had only heard about in storybooks and novels about old gunslingers. Sure, you hadn’t exactly had an easy life, either. Growing up in the poorer areas of a city, your remaining parent doing what they could to keep food on the table until they were eventually gone, too. You knew the ins and outs of the city streets, and that had been valuable when Angelo Bronte picked you up off the street. 
Though, with the eventual closeness you developed with Arthur, it was revealed that you may have had more in common with him than you had expected. Yet, he seemed more...free. He wasn’t tethered to Bronte, something you resented but were powerless against. It was either this or the streets. With how people started to know you were associated with Bronte, living on the streets was dangerous and it wasn’t something you wanted to risk. 
Still, you kept that to yourself. Bronte, what you did for work, you didn’t tell Arthur anything about it. Even as you let him further in. Into your life, your home, your bed. 
Despite everything, you could admit to you starting to miss him while he was gone, especially with only a letter every now and again saying he was coming. 
So, the current moment? It was odd. 
“I guess...well, I figured you might know this city better than I do,” he said once you let him into the apartment, “I’m lookin�� for someone. It’s real important I find him.” 
“Well, I know the streets but people might be a little difficult…” you said, not liking where this was headed as you shut the door behind him. 
“You heard of a man named Angelo Bronte?” he asked, glancing toward you as you paused somewhat. 
Ah, shit. Shit, shit, shit. 
You tried to not shut your eyes against the surge of thoughts that raced through your head at his question. Had he figured you out? What did he want with Bronte? 
“...I mean, sure,” you returned, “I heard his name muttered around the streets here and there, but I don’t think I could tell you where he is. He’s a hard man to get to.” 
“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me…” Arthur muttered, rubbing the back of his neck somewhat. 
“What do you need him for?” you asked, wishing you could have been anywhere but there. 
“I...We got some business, it’s just real important we find him,” Arthur said, meeting your gaze as you tried to keep your expression even. 
“Well...he’s very rich, I doubt you’ll find him around these parts of the city,” you said, Arthur seeming to accept that with a small sigh. 
“Alright, thank you for answerin’ my question,” he returned, making you nod lightly in return. 
He seemed to pause a moment before stepping forward to pull you into a bit of an embrace, something you would have returned in full and yet in the moment you couldn’t hide how tense you were. Still, you rested your hands against his shoulders for a few moments before stepping away before there could be any further affection. 
You knew you had to tell Bronte--if you didn’t and he knew you knew who was asking around for him, well you didn’t want to know what he’d do. Still, you could feel the tension mounting as Arthur cast you a strange look. 
“Well...once this is sorted, I’ll come see ya proper, alright?”
“Sure,” you said with a quick nod, something he returned with a questioning look and grin before heading toward the door. You followed him toward it somewhat. Though, upon him glancing back as he moved to close the door, you found your voice again. 
“Just...be careful,” you said, “Bronte...from what I’ve heard, he’s not a man to be underestimated.” 
“I’ll try,” Arthur returned before shutting the door behind him, leaving you to bow your head and stare at the floor in thought. 
There were many reasons he could have been looking for Bronte over, though you didn’t know if there was anything--unless…
“You’re back!” 
You forced a small smile at the excited cry once you entered the room, Jack lifting his head from the toy he had been playing with, sitting on the bed in the room. Night had settled, leaving the room to be lit by the lanterns and hanging lights. It had been a while since you had returned to Bronte’s home, since you had last seen Arthur. If he was showing up that night, you weren’t too sure, but you had to know if he would be alone. Doing so would be a death wish--he seemed smarter than that, but you wanted to confirm. So, you ended up wandering down toward the room where Jack was being kept. It was...odd to see him so content staying there--you had been expecting more crying, asking for his parents. There was plenty of that in the beginning, but Bronte had a charm about him. Especially on the impressionable. 
“How are you doing, friend?” you asked, kneeling somewhat at the edge of the bed so he didn’t have to look up at you. 
“Good! Is Papa Bronte going to teach me more Italian words?”
“Maybe, when he’s not busy,” you replied, offering him a somewhat tight smile. “Though, actually, I wanted to ask you some questions.” 
“Yeah. Not too many,” you replied, “You remember how you said your parents lived with a big group of people?”
“Yeah!” he said with a quick nod before lighting up some. “Are they coming?”
“I-I’m sure they are, but I don’t know. I’m sorry,” you replied, “Though, do you remember the names of the other people you live with?”
Jack nodded somewhat enthusiastically, despite seeming to deflate somewhat at your answer about his parents. 
“Do you know an Arthur?” you asked, “A big guy, has a black hat.” 
“Yeah! Uncle Arthur!” Jack exclaimed, seemingly happy to hear about a familiar face. 
Happy for him, not so much for you. You had to battle the sinking feeling in your gut from showing too much in your expression--maybe if you left now, you could avoid the confrontation. It seemed that Arthur was running with that group of outlaws Jack had been talking about--it was unlikely he would show up by himself. Warning Bronte might give you enough of his grace to not get into much trouble over tucking tail. 
Not that it mattered, you already felt like shit over a number of things. 
“Oh, good,” you returned, a little stiff but you offered him a small smile as you rose to your feet, “I think that’s all I…” 
You trailed off at the sound of quick footfalls coming toward the room, a rather stern looking guard of the manor sticking his head in the door. He opened his mouth to speak, but you raised a hand before approaching the door more. Whatever was happening, you didn’t want to risk Jack making too much noise about it. 
“We have some men approaching the house,” he stated, “Signor Bronte wants you to keep with the boy and join once we are sure there will be no shooting.” 
“Thank you,” you muttered, turning to offer Jack another reassuring smile before slightly closing the door somewhat and stepping into the dark hallway. 
It took a minute or two before, sure enough, you saw some of Bronte’s armed men escort three men in from outside. The first two you didn’t recognize, one of them being rather sharply dressed while the other had some notable scars on his face--the third, well, you knew very well. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like Arthur had seen you, following the other two into the room with their hands up. 
A good sign. 
You lingered, hearing some conversation from the other room--Bronte’s voice, mostly, though one of the newcomers was speaking to him as well. However, you noticed the shift in atmosphere, watching as the man nearest to the hallway subtly gestured you forward. Carefully, you moved toward them, watching as Arthur kept his eye on the man in front of him as he seemed to hover his hand over his pistol. 
However, as you moved to stand beside the man who had gestured you toward him, Arthur’s gaze flickered toward you. It landed on you for a moment without much recognition until he lingered, the hardness to his gaze shifting somewhat into confusion and surprise. With a slow inhale against the tightness in your chest, you removed your revolver and raised it to point it toward his head, training your expression to be impassive. 
Arthur’s, however, was pretty easy to read. That confusion shifted into some sort of anger--betrayal. Really, you knew a part of you wanted to say something--tell him something. Yet, you had no idea what you would even say. You already raised your weapon at him, there was no taking that back. 
However, much as the tension was thicker than ever between you and Arthur, it seemed to break with a sharp laugh from Bronte in the parlor, claiming his love for the man currently threatening him--Dutch Van Der Linde, as he had been quick to introduce with a somewhat charming laugh of his own. 
Thankfully, Arthur and his companions were invited to sit in the parlor with Bronte, giving you a minute to breathe as your lover’s gaze lingered on you for a moment before he turned to join the other two in the room without a word. 
It was hard to focus, hard to keep your expression from giving the current situation away too much. 
Still, unsurprisingly, Bronte managed to spin the situation for his benefit. Do something for him, they get their reward--it was a routine you knew very well. Considering the reward was Jack returning to them safely, it seemed like Dutch was fairly quick to push Arthur and the other man, John, to head into the cemetery. As the two of them rose and Dutch seemed to preoccupy himself with his drink for a moment, Bronte met your gaze and gestured lightly with his head. 
Escort them outside, make sure they didn’t cause any issues. 
You turned to walk out toward the front of the house, John very quickly left the grounds--you figured he must have been Jack’s father. However, Arthur found himself pausing before turning back to face you, taking a couple steps forward. 
“You--” he hissed, pausing as you pressed a hand against his shoulder to keep him where he was. 
“Later,” you stated, voice low. You held his gaze for a few moments, seeing the anger sitting there clear as day. You let out a light scoff, more bitter about your situation than at what you were seeing from Arthur. “I’m not sleeping tonight, you know where I live.” 
Which meant that John, Dutch, and whoever else would know should he make it their business. 
However, you had a feeling this was personal. As foolish as it may be, you didn’t put much stock into that thought. 
“Arthur!” John called, pausing in the street, “The hell’re you doin’?”
The man in question shouldered off your touch, moving out toward the gate that was being held open for him. You lingered, watching him storm off toward his horse. It was almost funny--a few hours ago you had been joyously surprised to see him. All the conversations, the embraces, the kisses, the nights spent together…
You let out a low breath, turning to head back into the house to check on Jack and likely be forced to sit in on Dutch and Bronte’s conversation. 
You knew it had to have been a while since you had left Bronte and Dutch at the house, returning back home to your own. Yet, it didn’t feel long enough until you heard the sound of hooves against cobblestone in the relative quiet of the streets, the noise stopping just outside your building. With a sigh, you rubbed at your eyes before rising from where you had been sitting at the edge of your bed. 
Sure enough, a few hard knocks came at your door. Well, at least he was nice enough not to kick the damn thing in. 
Though, Arthur was quick to slip into the room when you opened the door. He turned on you almost instantly, the confrontation you had been expecting ever since you had cut him off in the yard. 
“Bronte?” he almost growled, completely tense but made no move to grab or corner you. 
Still, you couldn’t help but spread your arms out at your sides somewhat as you stepped around him. 
“You met the man,” you replied, “What do you make of him?”
“Real charmin’,” Arthur snapped, “Though, he didn’t make as much of an impression than you pointin’ a gun at my head!” 
“I did what I was told,” you replied, letting out a sigh through your nose as Arthur scoffed. 
“Was you just doin’ what you were told when you kidnapped a kid? That somethin’ you agreed with?”
“I don’t have the luxury to decide if that was agreeable or not!” you snapped, “I don’t get to question what Bronte does. If he starts questioning my loyalty, with all I know about him--you think he’d let me live a week?” 
That seemed to stop that train of questions, Arthur turning his head away with his lips pressed into a thin line. He shook his head, running a hand over his mouth. As much as you were stern in making your point across, you were aware of how this must have hurt him. If you were being honest with yourself, it was ripping you apart. Ever since Jack had gleefully confirmed that you would have to defend Bronte in front of Arthur, you knew this was over. 
Yet, it hurt. It hurt to see him like this, the anger and betrayal he carried in his body language. You took in a slow breath, biting the inside of your lip before letting it out through your nose. As much as you weren’t as foolish enough to do so, there was a part of you that wanted to reach out toward him. Comfort him. 
“Arthur…” you started, the softer tone there despite yourself. However, that wasn’t lost on him. 
“Oh, don’t you start,” he replied, the bite far from leaving his tone like it had done so with yours. You let him stand there in silence, you could almost see the wheels turning in his head, the heavy breathing. 
“Tell me somethin’...” he continued, his tone tense but somewhat more calm, “All them times...all them times you kissed me, held me, made love to--they mean anythin’?” 
“Yes,” you replied, stepping closer but stopped when it seemed like he didn’t want you to even do that, “Yes. Arthur...I had no idea why you had turned up earlier today.” 
“I can’t believe this,” Arthur replied, shaking his head slightly. 
“Bronte...he pulled me off the street when I was a kid,” you started, “Wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart, no--I was good at stealing, getting information. I learned pretty early on that his mercy and good graces are conditional. If I had turned on him in there, if he had known we were...I’d be dead.” 
“Could’ve told me,” Arthur remarked, “Would’ve tried to protect you.” 
“No,” you said around a bitter laugh, “I know you haven’t explored this city much, just the places I’ve taken you. You don’t know Bronte.” 
“You don’t know Dutch,” he returned, turning to face you, “Y’know he’s gonna be milkin’ Bronte for all he’s worth. How things have been goin’, ain’t gonna be pretty.” 
“I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other, then.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” Arthur stated, narrowing his eyes, “This mean you gonna shoot me when you get the chance?”
“Are you going to do the same?” you challenged, tilting your head, “Taking Bronte out, taking me out--you’ll be doing me a favor. It doesn’t matter what I want, I can’t leave.” 
Not unless Bronte was gone. 
Arthur let out a sigh, shaking his head as he pressed a hand against his temple for a moment before dropping it back down to his side. “Can’t believe this.” 
“Me too,” you muttered, “I’m not going to beg you to stay, I knew as soon as I pointed that gun that everything before then was gone.” 
“...Jack’s gettin’ welcomed back by his family and I’m here with you,” Arthur said, narrowing his eyes before shaking his head and turning to head back toward the door before he paused a moment. “I ain’t gonna beg you to change sides, but...well, I don’t need to warn you.” 
“No. No, you don’t.” 
He really didn’t. Yet, you knew if Dutch and Bronte went head to head...there was a chance that Bronte could be gone. There was a chance you could be free from this. It didn’t matter with the deeds you had already committed under his guidance, the people you had hurt--Arthur now included. Still, there was a chance. 
Yet, as you heard your door shut heavily behind Arthur, you knew that you’d be alone regardless of the outcome.
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nicksilveirart · 5 years
(SING!) The Best Valentine's Day (one-shot) – follows Story Not Told
Story Not Told Masterpost
Hey, if you haven't read Story Not Told, you'll be a little lost in this. The link's up there for you to read it :D If you've already read it, just click below to read The Best Valentine's Day:
Rated: T for implied sexual activity
Dating for a while now, it was normal for Ash to eventually sneak into Buster's office to cuddle or kiss, even though she preferred to do it when everybody had left. That way, they'd have more time, and not being interrupted was almost certain.
But today was Valentine's Day, and she wasn't gonna wait until night to be with him. Quite frankly, she never cared about the event. Mostly because she and Lance never did anything special to celebrate it. He was too cheap to take her out, and the one time she had taken him out he found a group of RPG players and played his way into the night.
That is, until they got kicked out by the owner, and then Ash was stuck with five drunk guys playing in her apartment. But something told her Buster wasn't gonna do that.
They'd go out and have a good time together.
That is... they would have a good time together, if they could go out together. She knew Buster, and he wouldn't risk their relationship to take her out. Why risk? Because they were 25 years apart, and as close as she might be, she's not 18 yet.
So they'll just spend the night at her house. Watch a movie, play songs, whatever. They'll be together. And that is good enough for her.
"Hey, Ms Crawly!" She greeted, going past her boyfriend's doddering assistant.
"Hello, dear!" The lizard replied. "Do you want some coffee?"
Miss Crawly always had the best intentions, but she also had a missing glass eye that could be anywhere, including that mug. "Thanks, I pass." She directed herself to Buster's office. All blinds were open, which was odd.
"He's not here now, he had to go somewhere."
"Do you know where? He's usually here at this time."
"He's out for lunch. Somewhere down the street." Opening the door, Ms Crawly quickly grabbed a box. "Shouldn't you be home with your loved one, dear?"
Well, he hadn't told her. And she wouldn't be the one to do it. "I don't have a loved one." She lied. "I'm by myself today. I came here to see everyone and just chill. I'm gonna go after Bust- Mr Moon."
"Oh, just call him by his first name, dear. He considers you family anyway." Ash nodded, smiling, and left. She had heard that before, the lizard had that to the entire cast. No one called him by his first name, and she wasn't gonna be the one to do it. It'd be too suspicious.
Ash walked down the street, looking into restaurant after restaurant for Buster. He was very characteristic, it wouldn't be hard to find him. She froze. In one of the diners, Buster was talking nonchalantly to a female koala. She mentally slapped herself. Come on, the guy had the right to be friends with girls. On the other hand, she had dated a cheater previously.
She took a seat outside the place, almost instantly recognizing the girl as Laura. She watched their interaction. They were laughing, tossing words back and forth. They could be mistaken for a couple, but until then there was nothing suspicious. They seemed to be good friends. Ash wasn't 100% sure of how she felt about this, until it happened. Both stood up, and hugged, staying like that for quite a while.
They kissed each other's cheek, and tossed a few more words in air, giggling. Ash's heart sank.
"Are you working tonight? Or will I have to look for someone there?"
"I'm working, so is Munro. I told him to take you guys there just in case we don't see each other. No way you miss him. Taller than you, buff, and few friends face."
"If he scares me, you will have ruined my date, because I'm running off!" He laughed, soon being followed by his ex. "Tell me about the room. It isn't... too much, is it? Ash is simplistic, I don't wanna make her uncomfortable."
"Buster, if it wasn't a fancy restaurant, the room'd cost $200 for the night. But it is a fancy restaurant, so it's tad bit beyond that. I promise, the room's the definition of simple, of course it has decoration, but nothing too great. It's gonna be a nice candlelight dinner for the two of you. A dinner that can't last a second over 8:30, because that's when the cleaning personnel's stepping in to clean the room to the couple that actually paid for it."
"And dinner?"
"Nothing you can't afford. But stay away from the wine chart, the cheapest thing you're gonna find there is $2,000 bucks and tastes like grape juice. Sneak wine in on your own."
"I'll hide it on my top hat, don't worry." Laura cracked up laughing.
"If you're gonna use one, you'll see me first thing there. I can't lose that." This was Buster's turn to laugh. He quickly brought the woman into an embrace once again.
"Thanks. I owe you." She nodded, and smiled.
"Go and have fun."
But of course Ash heard none of that conversation.
When Buster went to pick her up that afternoon, he was his usual formal, hadn't he added a beautiful bouquet for his loved one. Knocking on her door, he didn't get an answer. He figured she must be taking a shower or whatever, so he grabbed the spare key she kept under her 'welcome' mat, and unlocked the door.
Ash was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and cursed herself for leaving that key there. "There you are! Didn't you hear me?" He said, cheery. "Listen, I know it's a last minute thing, but I need you to get dressed. I have a surprise for you. Now I'd really it if you wore a dress, but anything's fine." She didn't say a word as he handed her the bouquet. "I got these for you." She kept her eyes glued to the screen, but didn't miss his ears lowering. "Hey, you alright?"
"Listen, Buster… why don't you go give those to Laura, or whatever her name is?"
He looked puzzled. "Why'd I do that?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because the two of you were hugging and kissing out there like you didn't have a girlfriend!"
"What?! What are you-" She glared at him, and he froze. "Oh. Ash, it's not what you're thinking."
"Save it. Was it a one day thing?" She mocked Lance's voice. "I heard that one!"
"Laura's a friend! I was just getting something ready for you."
"With your ex-girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I needed a favor from her."
"For Pete's sakes, Buster! That's the lamest excuse for cheating I've ever heard!"
"I didn't cheat on you! Ash... I once dated her, these hugs and kisses are a thing we do for old times' sake."
"Not an excuse!"
"Ash, Laura's engaged! Her fiancée is an ex-cop, I want none of that in my life!"
"What's cheating for you?! Looking for an old friend's help to make your girlfriend a surprise, is that it?!"
"The way you hugged her!"
He crossed his arms. "Have you ever seen the way I hug you? If I was with her, I'd hug her like that."
"Ha! In front of everybody?!"
"Well, yeah! It wouldn't be illegal! What, you think I like having to hide us?! If you were ten years older I'd hug and kiss you in public. But you aren't! And I'm not growing younger! Forget ten years, another one'd work just fine!" He threw his head back, surprised at his own energy. He hated heated arguments. Taking a seat by Ash's side, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. We had lunch together, talked about the good old days, and when we left I hugged her and kissed her cheek. And the only reason I did this was to get a room at La Bastille for the two of us. I wanted to make you a surprise."
Ash's expression softened a bit. "La Bastille? That's one of the most expensive places in town."
"That's what I needed Laura for. She works there, and she's getting me this room for free."
"You're joking, right?"
"If we get there in time, you'll see for yourself."
"You really have nothing with her? She's an old flame who went out of her way to help you?"
"I told you she's a friend. I'd never go back to a cheater, they cheat again. And I'd never cheat on someone, I know how much it hurts."
'Terrible' was an understatement to how Ash felt right now. She felt awful, and there was something about his speech that made her throat tighten. She moved over and hugged him, not surprised he didn't return it.
"Babe, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry."
"Listen, Ash... this has to stop."
"I know, I-"
"We can't be together if we don't trust each other!"
No. That wasn't an option for her. This had to work. "I know we can't, but when I saw you there, I thought you might- how would you feel if you saw me and Lance hugging out there like it was nothing?"
He shrugged. "If it really was nothing, I wouldn't care. Just because you're hugging someone, doesn't mean you're seeing seeing them."
"I know. And you know I have previous experiences with cheating-"
"So have I. And guess with who." She nodded firmly. "But I've put that behind me. She changed, I've grown to forgive her and enjoy her company. We are gonna do things to remember ourselves of how good our relationship was, that doesn't mean I'm seeing her. Just that we bring back old mannerisms we had when we were dating. It was a happy time. I was happy."
"Yeah, I know."
"Just because someone's your ex, and no matter the amount of crap they pulled in the past-" Ash couldn't help but think of Lance. Buster was now friends with his cheating ex-girlfriend, would the same happen to the two of them? She figured time would tell. "Everyone can change, and turn into a nice person. And it's not a problem to hang out with an ex. After all, our hearts care about the ones we are or once were attracted to, right?"
Ash knew he meant it as something poetic and wise, but couldn't help herself. She burst out laughing, and earned a weird look from her boyfriend. "You think I still care about Lance?"
"I didn't care about Laura for the first few years after we broke up." He confessed. "I think this happens over time."
She brought him closer, and gently kissed him, smiling when he returned it. "Alright, I'll take your word in that. I'm sorry, Buster."
"It's fine, you didn't know."
"I could've asked, not outright accused you. I didn't see a romantic kiss there anyways..."
"Love, it's fine. But we gotta get ready, we're running short of time."
"Alright, just let me take a shower." She stood up, and walked ahead, a smirk on her face. "Wanna join me?" He blushed, and she just laughed.
"We'd need more than 20 minutes." Ash turned to look at him, surprised. "Wouldn't we?" His mouth was twisted in a grin.
"I guess we would." She laughed lightly, shutting the door behind her. She hadn't expected him to retort.
Ash hated dresses. She hated them with all of her might. But Buster had asked her to wear one, and that's what she was gonna do. Problem is, apart from her performance's dress (which was creased now) she only has one. It was a flat plain black dress, it was dull and... boring? In lack of a better word. Dressing up, she slid a pair of red leggings underneath, for her own sake. She put on her combat boots, and looked at herself in the mirror. I guess this'll do. She looked decent enough for a date.
Going back into the living room, Ash was surprised. Buster was playing a tune to himself on her guitar, and humming along with the melody. His tie - for once not a bow tie - lying flat on the ground, she took a good look at him. Wine red suit, light pink shirt, and black shoes.
Buster cut the song short, and looked up at her, checking her out. "So are you! You look great, rockstar." He smiled at her, and leaned over to grab his tie. "Sorry, I got a little carried away."
"I don't mind. You're a good singer. Must've been a sensation when you were young- when you played." She knew he had problems with their huge age gap, and didn't need to hear any mentions of that now.
Buster seemed not to care, as he let out a heartfelt laughter. "Ha! One can only dream. I only performed in my friends' parties, Ash. I never got a proper..." He adjusted his tie around his neck, and shut his eyes in thought. "Gig! I never got to perform live." He offered Ash his arm and, altho laughing, she took it.
"I rarely got a gig. Apart from the theatre, I mean." Both walked out the door, and locked it behind them. "As you know, Lance was lead, and not many animals cared for that."
Ash laughed. "Yeah, okay. We hardly ever got a gig together."
"Pity. You got a beautiful voice." Ash blushed, and thanked the dim lights of the street for hiding it. Whenever he told her that, her heart melted. "And I got us a ride." He pointed to an old-fashioned car. "It's Eddie's, he let me have it for the night. Can't get in trouble if I crash, right?"
Ash froze in place. "Wait, what?"
"Nothing. Nevermind." He opened the door for her, and stepped in. There were adapted pedals in the car, as it had been made for animals thrice their size.
"Do you know how to drive?"
"A little. It's been a while. Seatbelt on for your safety, please."
"Hey, I can drive if you want. License's still valid for another year."
"Nah, I'm good. Erm, just remind me... which one is the brake again?"
Ash rolled her eyes, and let go of the seatbelt. "Alright, move over."
"I can drive! I'm asking for a quick reminder."
"The middle one. The left one is the clutch, and the right one's the accelerator. Indicator is the left lever behind the wheel. Push it down if you wanna go right, and up if you wanna go left." Buster was looking at her with eyes wide open. "What? That's basic."
"You're the boss! Alright... so we go!" He turned the key in the ignition, and the car sprang back to life. It took Buster a moment to grab the gear, accidentally set it to reverse, and send the car crashing into a garbage can behind the vehicle until Ash pulled the parking brake, sending the car into an immediate halt. She shot him a smirk, cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah, I can't drive."
"I noticed." She laughed. "So you were saying..?"
He sighed. "Can you drive?"
Not long after, Ash pulled into a fancy looking restaurant. It was Victorian-styled, but had been repainted over the years. Whenever there was a holiday, the prices of rooms dramatically increased to numbers bearing a few zeros. How does she know this? Well, her parents used to throw parties at this place.
"Good evening, ma'am." A smiling monkey greeted her. He opened the door, and offered his hand. She shook her head politely, and climbed off.
"Thank you monsieur!" Buster faked a French accent. "And park nearby, s'il vous plait?" The monkey nodded, already pulling ahead. "Merci!"
"Buster, nobody speaks French here." Ash laughed.
"I'm just having some fun." He motioned for her to round the building. "We gotta use the back entrance. Nobody besides me, Laura and her fiancée know we're using the room." He quickly came to a halt. "And uh... I forgot to tell you, we just might bump into her, she works here."
She nodded. "Alright."
"Does that bother you, by any chance?" She shook her head. "Sure?"
"No, I mean... you're entitled to your past, right? And you two are friends, I don't mind you having friends. Just introduce us if you see her." Buster was listening intently, looking slightly concerned. She sighed. "I'm not as jealous as I made you think."
"I know, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to."
"I want to. After that day in the theatre..." Ash laughed. "She actually sounds cool."
"She is." Buster smiled, leading her to a door. "Thanks." She nodded. Buster then turned to a tall alligator who was keeping the door. "Hello! I'm looking for Laura or uh... Munro. Know where I can find them?"
The guard opened the door just enough to let the couple in. "Know what a sommelier is?" Buster nodded. "See that sommelier over there? Past him, straight to the bar. Munro is a koala I think a couple hands taller than you, he has a tattoo on his left arm, and is always wearing sunglasses. No way you miss him."
"Thanks." Both went in the direction the alligator had pointed, and not long after they were at the bar lounge area. On the other side of the room, a koala held a frown on his face, wore black aviator shades and had a dragon tattoo on his arm. Despite his size, he looked just ready to kick someone's ass. Ash laughed lightly. "What?"
"I have a question for Laura. I wanna know how she went from you to him." Buster gave her a bored stare, only making her laugh harder.
Altho shaking a little, Buster approached the guy, being followed closely by his girlfriend. "Uh... hey. Are you Munro?"
The guy took a good look at the couple, and shrugged. "Depends. Are you Buster?" The other koala nodded. "Laura talked to me about you."
"Good things?" Buster said, voice slightly shaken up.
"She said you are the biggest dork she ever met." His expression hardened, and softened up when he let out a heartfelt laughter. "But with a good heart. Finally get to meet you!" Munro moved closer to shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you. You scared me!"
"That's my job."
Buster let out a nervous laugh, and took a few steps back, wrapping an arm around Ash. "And this is my girlfriend, Ash."
"Nice meeting you." Ash took a step ahead.
"Nice to meet you!" The pair shook hands. "Man... you got a firm grip! Have you ever been in jail?" His tone was serious, and Ash was about to retort when he laughed. "I'm just kidding, Ash. It's nice meeting you. Anyways... tag along, the two of you." He held the door open for the couple. "So. I know Laura talked to you about this but I'm gonna say it again because I want to."
"Can we go on a double date with Laura and him?" Ash whispered.
"If he promises he's not gonna kill me, maybe." Buster replied. Both laughed quietly.
"The cleaning personnel is stepping in 8:30, and not a second over that, do you get me? If you make me lose my job, I'm gonna kick your ass." Buster gulped audibly. "But not much, I don't like hitting girls!" Ash cracked up laughing, pointing at her boyfriend. "Loosen up, Buster!" He smacked the other guy's shoulder. "Just leave in time."
"We got you a good room, hence why your date is so early." A voice spoke behind them, making the trio turn to look. "Clear view of the sky."
"Thanks." Laura nodded, and Buster turned to his current girlfriend. "Well... I want to introduce you to someone." He walked her over to the other female. "Ash, this here's Laura. Laura, this is my girlfriend Ash. You two were never introduced."
"Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you."
"So have I about you. I got you the tape, by the way, and let me tell you... didn't think I'd ever see Buster here hitting someone."
"Oh come on, it was a one time thing!" Buster interrupted.
"And it suited Lance just fine. He's an idiot." Ash stated, matter-of-factly.
"That too."
Silence hovered over the quartet for a while, until Laura spoke up.
"Well, we'll let you to your date. Enjoy your evening, don't make much noise. Oh, and leave before-"
"8:30, alright. I have an alarm set up."
"Better yet. Nice seeing you again, Buster. And Ash, nice meeting you." The porcupine nodded, smiling. "Let's go, Mun!"
"Be right with you, dear!" Laura went ahead. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Ash." The two exchanged a quick hug, and the man went to the stairs. "And Buster. Treat her right. She's a keeper."
"I know." He turned to his girlfriend, a broad smile on his face.
"I see you guys. Be downstairs if you need me!" Munro called out, hopping down the stairs.
"So, if a thief climbs up the vines we know who to call." Ash laughed, and Buster swopped her in for a sweet kiss, walking ahead and pressing the girl against a wall. They kissed for just enough time to be panting upon parting. "Shall we?" She nodded, and both went into the room.
The room was nice and cozy. You could tell why it was the favorite of couples all over town: it was bathed by moonlight, had a big balcony, and some neat background music. The balcony faced a big lake, and there wasn't a light into the night in except for the stars'. Sure, some of the star light was obfuscated by city light, but it was still a great view.
In the balcony, Buster and Ash gazed up at the stars, a dim candle keeping them from absolute darkness. Both decided words were too much for that moment, and remained silent for most of the time, yet eventually sharing a kiss. Ash climbed onto his lap, sitting sideways for obvious reasons, and rested against him, closing her eyes.
"Sleepy?" He muttered. She shook her head.
"Just resting my eyes. Moon, you, this… this is awesome." She smiled sweetly at him. "This is the best Valentine's day ever. Thank you."
"Thanks for being here with me. You made this special." She blushed slightly, and frowned.
"And I'm sorry about-"
"No, don't start that. It's alright, love." Nodding, she leaned in to kiss him. Had him been Lance, and she had slightly doubted his fidelity, he would've dumped her; and then her fears came true. But Buster wasn't gonna do that. He had nothing to hide. He explained himself, and forgave her for doubting him.
Parting her lips, she was greeted by his, and gently nudged him asking for permission. He broke the kiss for a moment. "Let me just… catch my breath." Both were taking short breaths. Buster rested back on the couch, pulling her over him, and earning a surprised gasp from the teen.
"Do we have time?"
"Let me worry about that." She undid his tie and tossed it to the ground, smirking down at him.
"You are usually the upper half."
"Night's young." He said, bringing her closer. "We'll have a chance. But for now, we can continue." With that, he French kissed her. She returning it eagerly.
Not long after, both laid flat on the couch, breathless. Ash resting on Buster's chest. The two animals smiling at what the night had brought. They just remained silent, enjoying each other's mere presence.
A while later, the clock rang, indicating they should get going. Standing up, both quickly started dressing up.
"Not bad for our first Valentine's day together, was it?" Buster smiled, redoing his tie. "I just forgot about one thing."
"And what's that?"
Buster reached out for the windowsill, and grabbed a bottle of wine. "I taped this to the building for us." Ash cracked up laughing. "Hey, I can't afford the wine they serve here!" He sounded embarrassed, and she immediately stopped laughing.
"Moon, look at me." He turned to face her. "That's not something to be embarrassed of. This was just really unexpected, that's all. It's even kinda… cute." She hated the word, but used it for his sake. "And this, everything you did today, it's awesome. I kinda expected we wouldn't be having wine here, because it's super expensive and tastes horrible. I didn't count on you sneaking wine in, though."
"Yeah, alright." He let out a nervous laugh.
"Sorry for laughing at you."
"No, it's okay. I guess anyone would've laughed if their date grabbed some wine from the side of a building." They shared a laugh and a brief kiss.
"I guess they would."
Perfect timing. As the couple went down the stairs, the cleaning personnel stepped in to clean the room to the scheduled - and paying - couple. Bidding Laura and Munro goodbye, and thanking them for the night, the two went to get the car, and in no time were back at Ash's apartment.
There, they changed into some more comfortable clothes and watched whichever movie was on TV, snuggling close to each other.
Ash reached over, and grabbed a flat box. "This is for you. After all this, I'm kinda embarrassed of how simplistic it is, but…"
"As long as it's from your heart." Buster smiled, undoing the ribbon. Opening the box, he found the picture of the theatre's first inauguration. But now, its frame was fixed, and didn't seem to have ever been broken in the first place. Holding it in one hand, he looked at her, his jaw dropped.
"I know it's not even a gift, but I didn't know what to give you. And I saw how upset you were that'd you'd have to change the frame, since it had been a gift from your dad and the all. It just clicked in my head. It was hard to get it from your office without you noticing, and sad to see you going around looking for it but… here it is."
"I searched all over town for someone who'd fix this. Everybody said it wasn't worth it, I was better off buying a new one."
"I have a friend who had a friend who is a restorer. She usually does that kinda things for museums and such, I asked her to do it. Good as new, her words. It will stay strong for a good twenty years."
Buster had his mouth agape, and pulled her into a tight hug. "Thanks, Ash! I really didn't expect this one! Especially because I thought some collector had stolen this." He laughed lightly, waving the portrait in air.
"Welcome. And I'm sorry it's not something… better. I was just really out of ideas."
"This is the best thing you could've gotten me. It's a great gift, love, seriously."
"Glad you like it." She replied, a smile on her face.
"So. Shall we open that bottle?"
"Can't. Underage." Buster froze for a moment, and then shot her a humorous smirk.
"Like it ever stopped you before." He teased, and Ash burst out laughing. She went into the kitchen, and returned with a pair of glasses. He quickly served the two of them, and raised his glass.
"To the best Valentine's Day we've ever had, and the luck of finding each other in such a big city."
They toasted. "Cheers."
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