#two drafts got deleted because of this lovely site and I almost gave up on it
clown-gore · 1 year
SFBF23-> week 1
Prompts: Fire. Wound(s). Suburbs. Bondage
Keywords: Acrid. Malignant
His Souvenir
Micheal Myers X GN!reader
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Halloween was a cursed time at Haddonfield, and that was a fact. Every window and door got locked during the night. Parents dreaded their children going trick-or-treating for it might be their last time seeing them.
Every year the town holds it’s breath waiting for the Boogyman to strike again. Sometimes he doesn’t, but that doesn’t make the situation any better.
And every year there were people foolish enough to roam the town at the dead of night and taking the situation lightly, unaware of the dangers their actions hold. Guilt doesn’t begin to describe the feeling that dawns after that.
And here you are, as guilty as ever…
Unfortunately you were one of those foolish people, and now you’re tied in the basement of some stranger, but that stranger is no other than the Shape Of Haddonfield himself, Micheal Myers.
You were tied and way that left you exposed. Hands behind your back tied at the elbows down to your wrists, thighs and knees bound with painful knots to the old heater behind you that scraped your back, and your mouth taped shut. Even your neck had a rope around it that threatened to choke you with every move.
Looking around you frantically, you tried to understand what is going on. Last thing you remember was Micheal chasing you and then nothing, something it you on the head and you didn’t know whether it was him, or you hit a brick wall or a tree, but the ache in your head is very much true.
The basement had an acrid smell of mould and smoke, smoke so strong it brought tears to your eyes. The only light came from a small window next to the sealing. Looking up, you could make out flames, and panic rose up again. The place was burning…
Your breath was frantic, and you started to fight against the ropes bounding you.
What made you stop your movements close to none was the figure emerging from the dark, far end of the room. The Boogyman himself.
Fear doesn’t begin to describe the feeling that crept through your body. The sight of his chalky white mask sent shivers down your spine.
Your throat went dry, more tears sprung to your eyes and your breath quickened with each silent step he took towards you. The blooded knife in his hand shined, reflecting the light from the fire up ahead. Is he staying her to burn with you? You kept asking…
You thrashed away at your restraints as they burned through your skin, definitely leaving marks. Micheal kept coming closer as you screamed through the tape on your mouth. Whatever plans he had in store, you were sure they won’t be empty of blood, and that knife was a witness for his never ending thirst
Hopelessness started creeping in, the realisation that the situation you found yourself in is inescapable started pouring down on your soul like cold water..
Micheal stood in front of you, inches away, the fire burning behind him made his form look large and looming compared to you. Death personified. He took one step closer, and went down on one knee to closer at you as your restraints make you vulnerable beneath him. His gaze under the mask make you feel ten times smaller, it was dangerous, malignant, yet curious, like he was looking at a shiny toy.
Michael’s right hand that was holding the knife moved and you jumped shutting your eyes close, bracing yourself for whatever’s to come, but it never did. Scratching sounds hit your ears and when you opens your eyes to look, he was carving something on the wooden floor.
When he was done, it was a singular crooked looking word that made your heart sink like it gained a thousand pounds over..
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thetwoplayergays · 4 years
During quarantine, my dad and I have been taking long drives and visiting some of the nearby forest-y places, how do the RFA and MC spend their time together?
Speaking of, I hope everyone out there is having a safe quarantine, including you anon (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ I hope this satisfies what you had in mind! I had to write it twice cause I deleted the first draft...
RFA during quarantine
His first instinct when he thinks about being stuck inside for the next few months isn’t how he’ll be spending it with you...
No, instead his first instinct is to turn on the computer
Of course, with the increase in players and traffic to the site, the game appeared to be getting a lot more maintanance than it usually would, which annoyed the blonde boy.
“I’m meant to be doing a raid today MC! What am I doing to do now....”
“...Well for one you could do something with me?”
“Oh yeah!”
After finally tearing him away from his computer, the two of you decide to be productive during this time and learn a couple new skills!
First week: Cooking.
Of course, it would be easier to learn about such a thing if the supplies in the shops weren’t extremely limited, causing you both to have to make up substitutes as you went along.
You almost burnt the kitchen down twice in one week
You gave up with cooking after that
It wasn’t entirely a bad thing, you even got Yoosung to invest some of his time into your favourite games, which to your pleasant surprise he seemed to genuingly enjoy!
A few weeks in, he found an old guitar from high school in storage.
Worst. Discovery. Ever.
“Yoosung no...”
The next few days were filled with the sound of out-of-tune plucked strings overlapping the various youtube videos Yoosung was ‘learning’ from.
“Hey MC, I think I can finally play Hey There Delilah!”
“That’s wonderful honey...”
This man was SO EXCITED to spend lockdown with you and immediately started to plan all the wonderful things you two were going to do together.
The beast certainly had a few ideas as well
It was domestic bliss for you two
You couldn’t get your hands off of eachother for even a minute
You did everything together - eating, sleeping, showering etc.
The RFA commented on how suffocating it was, but neither of you seemed to mind.
It only solidified the knowledge that you two were destined to spend the rest of your life together.
A few times, Zen had caught himself almost calling you his wife, causing him to immediately hide his face away from you in fear of you commenting on his sudden blush.
There was a downside however. 
Zen’s routine was in shambles
Products were sold out left right and centre, food shopping was even worse, it was driving him crazy.
You found yourself having to remind him that a break in his rountine wasn’t going to be the end of the world and that you loved him regardless, even if he got a pimple or two.
Don’t even go there MC
You found yourselves cooking together more often too, showing Zen how to prepare more meals that were normally out of his diet range.
Of course, it wasn’t like he could resist your cooking anyway.
Whenever you two got a little too stir crazy, he would take you on motorbike rides through the city, more often than not resulting in you two at the top of a mountain stargazing.
It turned into a weekly tradition, one which you both promised to keep up even after quarantine.
You would think that the lockdown would give Jaehee the break she so desperately needed, right?
You would be wrong.
With the cafe closed, this girl threw herself into her work just for something to do
Much to your dismay.
It took a lot of persuading for her to get up from the computer and spend time with you during the initial first few weeks, but it was definitely worth it.
This girl was also extremely prepared to the lockdown before it was even announced.
Sanitiser? Got it, she had spare incase the cafe ran out
Masks? No problem. She had many still in storage from the days she would force herself into work even whilst sick
Again, much to your dismay
You suggested that instead of doing mindless work on her computer that she could help you with a different project you had in mind.
“A project? Whatever could we do in a time like this?”
Redesigning the cafe!
It was something the two of you had talked about many times before quarantine, but had never gotten round to going through with it.
You both took it upon yourself to fill your day with physical and mental labour, pushing around furniture, painting the walls, coming up with new bakes and sales to draw the customers in etc.
It was hard, but it was so worth it.
During the evenings, you two would bundle up together on your sofa and pick a set of movies to watch before bed.
One of you always fell asleep before the end- not that either of you would mind.
Out of all of the RFA, he was definitely the closest to breaking the social distancing rule
The idea of not seeing you- touching you- for an unknown amount of time was driving him crazy.
Mr We-shouldn’t-move-in-together-until-marriage was certainly about to rip that view right out of his head just for the chance to kiss you again.
He distracted himself by constantly checking up on you.
“Do you need food? I can have one of the guards stop by a local shop to grab- what do you mean everything is sold out? Can’t they just order more?”
“Jumin no-”
You had to teach him about video calling so he would stop asking for selfies every ten minutes, disputing his claim about how he ‘was already missing your beauty’. 
It went about as well as you might imagine it would...
“Press the little video icon to turn on your camera- no the other one. It looks like a small- NO JUMIN THAT’S THE MUTE BUTTON.”
When you did eventually get it working, he was more than thrilled to be able to talk to you face to face again. He even looked up how to take screenshots on his computer so he could save them.
“You know MC, this platform has a lot of potential uses...”
Down boy its only been a week.
At first you thought just video calling him was enough to satisfy his need to see you, hoping he would stop complaining about ‘missing your touch’.
That was until Driver Kim showed up at your door.
“Mr Han has asked that you pack your bags ma’am. It seems he is rather fond of the idea that you spend this quarantine with him instead.”
Of course he does.
You are thankful though, you missed him more than you were willing to admit. 
This boy spends his life indoors anyway, he barely registered the lockdown announcement when it finally came.
But when you brought up the idea of spending quarantine with him instead of in your own apartment, that’s when his interest finally peaked.
He picked you up in one of his babies, grinning from ear to ear as he helped you with your small bag of things. 
“Operation 707 and 606′s lockdown extravanganza - COMMENCE!”
To no one’s surprise, he had hacked into the shopping network the moment he knew basic supplies would become sparse and ordered everything you both would need to come straight to his doorstep.
Which in his eyes meant a dozen boxes of Dr Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips. 
He would often complain to you about being an ‘essential worker’ because he was still hacking even in the lockdown, but you quickly shot him down.
“MC! You’re so mean! I’m doing this for you! Reward me!!”
The only reward he got was a pillow to the face
When he wasn’t working, the two of you spent your time playing games and watching movies mostly, with the occasional prank call to Yoosung sprung in if you were extra bored.
As much as he joked around about it, Seven was genuinely thankful that you chose to spend such a delicate time with him instead of alone, and made sure to remind you of it at least once a week.
Sometimes he’d go out of his way to cook you your favourite meal, sometimes he’d run a special bubble bath and light some scented candles for a relaxing night, sometimes there were other things too-
But he was genuinely happy to spend every day with you like this, it reminded him of how lucky he was to have you in his life.
Jihyun was concerned at first about the lockdown and his career as a photographer.
Where was he going to go now? Where would he find his inspiration?
His questions were thankfully answered when you walked through the door.
The two of you started a small project amongst yourselves to try and spread some positivity in the community involving V’s photographs.
You’d find inspiration around the house you shared and create these elaborate photoshoots between the two of you that you would share online, encouraging those at home to do the same.
It actually became rather popular, so the two of you continued it.
Your personal favourite entries were the photographs from Jumin as he tried to capture Elizabeth in all her glory but failed miserably.
It was the effort that counted though
When you weren’t taking photos, Jihyun was constantly entertaining you with various activities and puzzles, leading to your weekly board game tradition which was one that you very much enjoyed.
Living in the countryside, you were lucky enough to be able to spend your exercise out in the wilderness with your boyfriend, mindlessly cloud gazing and discussing what the future could possibly have in store for the both of you.
You made sure to spend this time making Jihyun feel as loved as possible too, showering him with little gestures of gratitude for his efforts in keeping you sane during this scary time, which only made him fall in love with you more.
Stuck.... inside...?
For months???
Saeran was not about that lockdown life, and immediately went into a grump only you were able to drag him out of.
“Saeran it won’t be so bad! I’m sure it’ll go by in a flash!”
“....You’ll stay with me for it?”
“Of course.”
The two of you slowly get into a comfortable rhythm with eachother, with the you both making sure to give each other space if the other felt suffocated or emotionally drained at any point.
You find yourselves searching around the house for anything you could possibly use to entertain yourselves, eventually stumbling upon a pile of old jigsaw puzzles you had forgotten about.
And thus a tradition was born
Both you and Saeran discovered your love of jigsaws during the quarantine, finding them to be both mentally stimulating and emotionally relaxing at the same time.
Plus, the satisfaction of finishing one you had been working on for the last few hours was extremely satisfying to say the least and quickly became one of your favourite activities to do with Saeran.
You ended up asking Seven if he could do you a favour halfway through the lockdown when your boyfriend had had a particularly hard day, and low and behold, a whole box of ice cream appeared at your doorstep a week later.
“...MC how did this get here?”
“Must have been a miracle darling. Now, how about a movie night, hm?”
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shalegas34 · 7 years
bizarre love triangle chapter 4
I tried really hard on that report. I put my fucking soul into it. I skipped lunch on Tuesday so I could finish drafting a cool bit of maths (likely rudimentary to Macquarie) on the proposed Northstar interest rate swaps.
“It’s looking good,” he said early afternoon. “The main deal is Sundance though, don’t forget that.”
He was in a rush so elected not to say anything else. He was fully right though. I’d neglected Sundance pretty badly, so I opened up Jule’s papers and filched a few more of the key cash flow and oil price forecasts, following what Macquarie had thrown together in April.
“The structure’s no good, I can’t follow it,” he said, handing my laptop back to me later that day. “Just an idea, combine the two sections and make a comparison. It’ll be easier reading. I’ll send you the returns on our blue chips, you can use those to make anything look good. Just make it really convincing, all right, or these people will take their money and run.”
Had he actually forgotten I’d only been here two days? I was starting to regret all my life choices.
On Wednesday, I finished what he suggested, and he left early (early as in 7pm) to meet his daughter’s teachers. He didn’t even seem pissed about it. He really had changed.
‘It’s starting to come together,’ he emailed back close to midnight. What else did he want? I found Northstar Copper’s website and took some mine site photos from their annual report.
‘Leaching cleanup,’ I saw hiding in size 11 font at the bottom of page 35. ‘Northstar is committed to sustainability, which is why we are investing $14.4million in heavy metal cleanup at the Stokes River concentration facility.’
I’d seen that number before. I pulled up the front page of Sally’s prudentials report. NST60, total principal: AUD14.4mn.
I was too tired to care. So the company was issuing stock to finance an environmental cleanup. That was good. I put in a quick detail about it in the report; maybe rich people cared about rivers these days, I didn’t keep up with trends.
On Thursday, Princess Monster Truck fell sick. It was probably the long journey and stress of a new home. I turned on one of the radiators for her to drape herself over, then left to go to work, hoping that the low setting would stave off any fire hazard. I’d check in on her at lunch.
Except Macquarie chose that day to schedule lunch with Sally Zhou, and invited me along, now it seemed I was going to survive as a long-term fixture.
We hit up a hipster café near the railway station. Macquarie introduced me as his new secretary and partner (which was interesting) and showed Sally my report on Northstar.
“Not bad, what do you reckon?” Macquarie asked.
“Didn’t even realise it wasn’t yours,” Sally admitted. That was flattering.
I noticed this wasn’t my latest draft, and was missing the detail about Stokes River.
“I’ve added a bit about Stokes River,” I said.
Two heads turned to stare at me. “What?” I said, laughing nervously. “I read it in the annual report.”
“What did you write?” Macquarie asked, after Sally gave him a look in turn. He looked like he was sweating, but the food was a bit spicy.
“Just a note that the funds are going to environmental cleanup. I thought it might appeal to people’s… conscience…” I trailed off when I realised neither of them was about to agree.
Macquarie smiled. “That isn’t quite right. The equity issue is funding expansion at the mine. They discovered a new deposit slightly to the east of the existing orebody.”
I must have missed it. “Sorry,” I said. “Just use what I sent you then, I didn’t add anything else.”
The conversation turned to Sundance Energy. Macquarie’s fund was buying approximately 5% of stock on the secondary market, plus almost 100% of a new issue, discounted through Sally’s bank. Turned out she regularly went to Macquarie with special deals on risky equity the bank underwrote then failed to sell. A win for both parties.
I asked Macquarie for the afternoon off to tend to my cat.
“Yeah, you’re good. Just have a last look over that report; I want it out by 10am tomorrow.”
“No problem,” I said.
Princess Monster Truck still wasn’t eating, but at least my document was looking on point. I deleted the Stokes River details and kept the photos.
I could see a protest march winding its way down a wide street form my window. I’ve always loved a good protest, like marching against climate change could absolve me of my decade-long involvement in its most perpetuating industry. I decided to check it out to take my mind off things.
The rally was a petition to close the ageing brown-coal power stations in rural Victoria. Exactly my scene. Solar thermal was up and running in SA by now, and the people were bemoaning Victoria’s apathy on the matter. The Premier was yelling about how we’d be the ones borrowing power from SA if the plants closed.
My phone was ringing. It was Macquarie.
“What is it?” I shouted over the row of the crowd.
“Where are you? I can barely hear you. I just talked to Sally about the report,” he said. I turned my phone’s volume up to maximum.
“Everything good?”
“I know you worked hard on it, but she’s made some suggestions and I agree. There’s too much about Northstar in there. We don’t want to overwhelm the investors. We’ll feed them more about Northstar closer to the deal; I think we should take out all the stuff about interest rate swaps and business plans and just leave an expected return, if that.”
I could feel blood rushing through my head. I’d pulled two all-nighters to finish that report.
“Don’t worry though, what you wrote won’t be wasted. Keep it, and I’m sure we’ll be able to use it. Can you do something about the Sundance section though? We need way more detail. Seems like you put all the effort into Northstar, and I’m sorry, that was my fault.”
“I... Yeah…” I said, but I wasn’t even hearing myself talk anymore. I glared at the innocent Premier to try release some of my frustration.
“You want this by 10am tomorrow,” I suddenly snapped.
“It shouldn’t be a problem…” Macquarie began.
“For you maybe,” I shouted. Oh no. My blood pressure was rising. After all these years, I still hadn’t learned how to control myself.
“If it’s too much…” Macquarie started again.
“My cat is dying,” I bellowed. “I’ve had this cat for ten years. Princess Monster Truck is my life.” I was seeing red. People were starting to move away from me. “I can’t work like this,” I dramatically roared for emphasis.
Macquarie seemed to shrink away from the phone. I knew I was being unreasonable, but I couldn’t stop. “Why now,” I yelled at him. “Where was Sally yesterday? I won’t be able to produce anything good for you in 12 hours. You might as well fire me already.”
“Can I call you back later?” Macquarie said, sounding distant.
“Or don’t,” I shouted like a fourteen-year-old girl.
I stayed until the end of the protest, but I was simmering beneath the surface. I still felt like shouting when I got home, so I went ahead and did precisely that, hammering my cats’ eardrums with profanities and getting shamefully angry with Princess Monster Truck when she refused to rise to the bait.
Because it wasn’t enough, I got out my phone and drafted a voluminous text message to Macquarie, paying him out for being disorganised and talking too much and taking me for a fucking ride. I was angry enough to hit send.
Silva, my other cat, was in my line of sight so I dragged her yowling out onto the balcony for some therapeutic stargazing. Fifteen minutes later I was back on my laptop, editing my report, and starting to feel really bad about the baseless insults I’d thrown at Macquarie.  
He called me back at eight.
“You’re too hard on yourself,” was the first thing he said. I was kind of taken aback. “I was just saying to Sally, I couldn’t have done what you did a week after starting my first banking job. None of us could. That being said, I don’t feel much sympathy for your stress… that’s just how corporate life goes. You have to learn to think fast, or you’ll be spun out. I bet you’ve started editing already.”
“Yes,” I said.
Macquarie laughed. “Didn’t peg you as having a temper. I’ll have to watch out for you.”  
“You’re not firing me?”
“Why would I fire you?” He sounded genuinely confused. “You’re already an asset. Wait till you’ve been around a few more months.”
I took a deep breath. I had to say it. “Sorry, Macquarie. I didn’t mean to roast you like that.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, and we left it at that.
The investor update went out at 10am on the dot on Friday.
Macquarie booked Princess Monster Truck in for a vet visit, where I wrote her name down as Pia. Turned out she’d swallowed some shit – the vet suspected Styrofoam peanuts from the moving boxes – and needed an operation to get them out. Macquarie footed the bill. I couldn’t even describe how much that meant to me.
“How about we call that a week,” he said to me with a wink on his way out on Friday night. “I need to talk to you sometime about our investor presentation end of June. I want you to be part of it, but we’ll have business in Adelaide before that. Have a good weekend, Aurizon.”
I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened at the wedding. Was that it? Was that all I’d done to receive this sort of kindness?
I received my first paycheck the next Wednesday. The day after that, Sundance Energy filed for bankruptcy protection.
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