#two bit Mathews
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dallaswinstontruther · 2 days ago
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went to the outsiders house museum today 🤗
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mister-mickey · 2 days ago
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Awful awful boys in every font
@crazability @darryscrow @lostsghostz
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my favorite thing about Dallas Tucker Winston is that he is literally only cool to a.) people who don't know him b.) two children c.) himself
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mary-matthews-world · 1 day ago
Johnny slept at my house at LEAST 5 times a week, I can confidently say he would not like this woman.
hi I’m Johnny’s twin sister
Hi Johnny's sister!!
I'm Keith's sister..😒
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alaskan-wallflower · 1 day ago
two bit would get ts for pony’s thirteenth birthday
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lucyandlucy · 1 day ago
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Haha I made more
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rinajjbp · 2 days ago
The boys and their thoughts on ASMR:
Pony: You already know he’s falling asleep to somebody whispering the entirety of Gone With The Wind. In several parts.
Soda: Hell yeah brother. Give him a good role playing ASMR to fall asleep to. Y’know the ones that make you feel like you’re at a Japanese spa? Or an 80s hair salon? Or the girl in the back of the class doing your makeup??? Yeaaahhh.
Johnny: Idk, he’d think it’s kinda weird—but wait the inaudible whispering is kinda…💤😴 —aaand he’s out.
Two-Bit: Oh, he fucks with mukbangs.
Darry: N.o. No, don’t even get him to try and listen to that lady eating a giant pickle, Two-Bit. Soda, if he wanted to fall asleep in a hair salon he’d just go to one…
Steve: Teases the rest of the gang for liking it, calling it weird, saying Two-Bit’s a freak for liking mukbangs (he secretly likes all of that shit, he even dabbles in making his own videos).
Dallas: Hell—to the fuck—no. Evil. Like nails on a chalk board to him. Hates the fuckin tappin. Hates the fuck ass whisperin. Hates the the weird ass prompts and role playing. Whatever happened to just white noise? What the FUCK is that fucking slurping noise coming from the phone TWO-BIT???
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fangirl-docintraining · 1 day ago
Dallas Winston I’m so sorry for the backstory I just wrote for you for cowboy like me 😭
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asksteverandle · 2 days ago
complete honest opinion on two-bit
He’s a good buddy. He’s also sorta annoying sometimes. And I wish he’d try washing his socks for once. And also I wish he’d stop hiding my damn tools just for fun. One time I asked him to hand me a wrench and he gave me a fuckin’ screwdriver. And when we were littler an’ I was dumber he liked makin’ up stupid shit just to fuck with me. I wasn’t so into that.
But he’s a great guy, honestly. He’s tough and can hold his own, and he’s got real fast wits and insane confidence. Honestly, I’m jealous of both. I don’t think he likes me much as he likes the Curtises or anything like that, and we don’t hang out just one on one all that often, but he knows the score.
One time after uh…the night of the rumble, I caught him passed out at ol’ Merril’s place, and I guess I’d forgotten until then that there’s more goin’ on under the dumb jokes an’ whatnot. So I uh…worry ‘bout him a bit nowadays.
…Actually, come to think of it, maybe I oughta call him up instead of answerin’ these here locker notes or doin’ my math homework…I could go for a pop or somethin’, maybe he’s free to come with…
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iluvdallywinstonn · 3 days ago
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cutie patootie
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cloversplace · 14 hours ago
They’re all happy right? Wrong.
Curtis bros edition! (2/3)
1965 - Johnny and Dally are dead. Ponyboy’s not the same, though, nothing really is. Or will be ever again.
1969 - Pony’s off to college, Darry’s at a better job. Money’s less tight. But Soda can’t help but feel like he’s falling behind, losing in a non-existent competition against his brothers.
1970 - Soda’s drafted to Vietnam, this isn’t going to end well… is it?
1971 - Darry’s been working too much lately. Not sleeping, turns out, he didn’t get another job. He just started working overnight, quadruple shifting almost every day. His body can’t take it anymore, and he collapses from exhaustion. Shame he did that while on a roof.
1972 - The news of his eldest brother’s death reaches Pony, the only family he has left is halfway across the world, fighting in a deadly war. He begins protesting the war, he just wants Soda back. But things go south eventually.
1973 - Soda is finally able to return home. But he comes back to an empty house, Darry’s gone, Pony’s gone, Johnny’s gone, Dally’s gone, his mom and dad are gone. He has no family left.
What a sad way to live.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 2 days ago
hey johnny!! how are you doing? i feel like we never hear from you with all these knuckleheads just yappin away
hiya man!! I'm good!! (HEY) I just don't have much to say I s'ppose!! (knuckleheads?) but I'm doin good!! (YAMMERIN AWAY?) been round!! (hey I think they're sayin we talk to much yall) n well. I s'ppose everyone else is just louder (you think we talk too much?) I can see your point ha (HEY)
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alittlebitofloveliness · 2 days ago
Falling in love with Two-bit Matthews was easy. All it took was half a snickers bar and the first real conversation she’d had in years.
Staying in love with him was easy too. It’s everything else that’s the problem.
They don’t talk at school, for both of their sakes, even though a pang goes through her heart every time she walks past a couple and knows she could be with her own sweetheart if only the rest of the world saw him the way she did, could look at him like he was a dream instead of a delinquent. She thinks she wouldn’t even care about the stares or the whispers or even the shunning. She thinks she could get her parents on her side, or at least her dad, could make them see Keith instead of the showman he always pretended to be. 
If it was up to her they’d be public already. At least, if it was only her reputation on the line she’d have said to hell with it weeks ago and found him in the parking lot at lunch and kissed him in front of his buddies and god and everyone. She dreams about it more than she cares to admit. 
But it’s not just her reputation or her place in her friend group that’s on the line. It’s not even her place as dad’s perfect daughter, the crown jewel of his collection of beautiful, expensive things. Going public would be social suicide for her, yes, but for Two-bit… it could be deadly. 
Despite what most people think, Marcia is far from stupid. She knows being in love with a boy from the east side, a gangster with no money and ghosts where friends used to be, who fought hard and violently and unapologetically was the sort of thing that almost always ended in disaster. She knows by kissing him and cuddling him and giving him her heart she’s putting him at risk, painting a target on his back that will see the light of day sooner or later. Randy’s gone off the deep end, but Bob Sheldon had plenty of other friends who’d love to see a greaser guy bleed, especially one from the Curtis gang, and her secret relationship with Two-bit would give them the perfect excuse.  
Still, she can’t help it, the fact that she’s in love with him, and maybe that makes her selfish but he’s just as selfish as her because neither of them are thinking about calling this off, not even a little bit. 
Loving him is dangerous, but he isn’t, to her he is fun and funny and warm in a way that makes her heart race and her face flush and for the refined giggle mom taught her at a young age to give way to inelegant snorts. It’s too late to back out now. She couldn’t stop loving him if she tried. 
When she takes her seat in her art class, she allows herself a quick glance across the room. A pair of twinkly grey eyes, like the mercury they’d played with in chemistry a week ago, meet hers and he winks, quick as a flash, before he focuses back on his paper.
She can feel her cheeks flushing. 
Yeah, she’s all in.
It’s just past six, the sun big and orange on the horizon when she drives across the bridge and past the malt shop that’s the unofficial marker of exactly where the east side begins. She knows she looks out of place, sitting in her corvette with her hair done all fancy, but the old lady behind the counter at the shop is used to her by now, and hardly gives her a second glance when she cuts the engine and checks her lipstick one more time.
“You lost?”
She jumps a little, snapping her compact shut, but it’s just Two-bit, grinning at her where he’s leaning against the car, his slick red hair like liquid copper, tousled like a daydream where it curls around his ears, bleeding into his ridiculous sideburns.
“Well, heaven is pretty far from here.”
It takes a second for the meaning to sink in, but when it does she can’t help the snort that escapes her. 
“That’s so stupid!”
“It made you laugh though,” he says, looking extremely pleased with himself, like that was the whole point, and she can’t help but reel him in for a kiss. He kisses her back before rounding the car with a whoop and leaping neatly into the passenger side, wild as she is but never so restrained.
She loves him for it.
“So darlin’, where are we off to ton-”
She cuts him off by pulling him into a kiss, a proper one this time instead of a simple peck hello, and even though the gear shift is digging into her hip and her curls are almost definitely tickling his nose, it’s kind of perfect anyway.
She loses herself in it for a second, the roughness of his lips and his possessive hand on her hip a contrast to the soft way he cradles her cheek, and she kisses him back just as desperately. It’s only when his hand starts to migrate away from her hip into more dangerous territory that she pulls away.
Not that she’s averse to the idea, but she’s not about to let him get a hand up her skirt in the parking lot of a malt shop when it isn’t even dark yet. She’s not the princess she pretends to be, and he’s exactly the rascal he claims to be, but she likes to think neither of them have quite reached that level of depraved. At least not yet.
He chases her lips with a groan.
“Oh c’mon, we were just gettin’ to the good part!”
“Buy a girl dinner first, why don’t you?” 
“No food in the world is better than that.”
“Not even Joey’s diner?”
“Hm,” he pretends to think about it, “it’s close, but no.”
“Glad to know I can narrowly beat a double cheeseburger in terms of holding your interest.”
“You beat everything when it comes to holding my interest,” he promises, abruptly sincere and absurdly sweet in the way he was the night they first met and no one else was paying attention, “I…never really stop thinking about you.”
All she can do to respond to that is kiss him again, and they end up making out for about another five minutes before she finally manages to gather enough mental strength to tear herself away.
“Okay, okay,” she shakes her head a bit, trying to remember how to think, and he laughs at her, though his pink cheeks and dazed eyes tell her he’s just as kiss drunk as she is, “we have to go or we’ll never get out of this parking lot.”
“I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to stayin’ here all night if we continue on like this.”
“And here I thought you might like to go further than a tongue kiss and some over the clothes action.”
He chokes on air, still unused to her boldness even after all these weeks, and she cackles, starting the engine and peeling out of the parking lot, unwilling to waste a minute of their precious time together. 
She drives them a town over, him alternating between pawing through her cassettes and whooping as the wind rushes through his hair. They go to their usual diner, hands intertwined and it doesn’t matter that he’s a hood and she’s supposed to hate him for it. The waitress’ eyes brighten with recognition when they walk in and she shows them to a booth in the window and brings them apple pie and ice cream for dessert when they finish their food, even though they didn’t order it. When they’ve licked the last of it off their spoons she pays, even though he offers to, like she always does, and he tucks an errant curl behind her ear, smiling at her like she’s a person instead of an idea of one, and Marcia is so in love she could die. 
Later, as they park on an abandoned back road and his sweet touches turn searing, she’ll wonder how anyone could ever think something this right could ever be wrong. 
She doesn’t think about it for long though. For a while, Two-bit makes it pretty hard to think about anything at all.
It’s a few weeks later, after he’s told his family and his gang, and she’s told Cherry, that something happens. 
“He’s going to hurt you.”
The words come from a younger girl with pretty red hair and hard blue eyes. Marcia doesn’t know her but she knows who she is. It would be hard not to: she and her brother look shockingly alike, apart from their eyes. While Two’s eyes are warm moonlight, this girl’s are like a river in the winter, unyielding and unforgiving.
“My brother. He’s going to hurt you.”
“He would never-“
“He would never mean to, maybe,” Susie Mathews cuts her off, “but that’s not the same thing. He will hurt you. He loves his beer more than he’s ever loved any person and if you think you’re any different then you’re as stupid as everyone says you are.”
Marcia feels her cheeks heat. She knows what people say, that everyone thinks she’s ditzy for all she has some of the highest grades of anyone in the entire school.
“I’m not stupid.”
“Prove it then,” Susie challenges, “don’t fall for him. You’ll only hurt yourself. He’ll always disappoint you.”
It’s funny, Marcia thinks, as Susie stares her down and her entire world shifts unpleasantly. When Two-bit talks of his sister he speaks of a sweet girl who looks at him like a hero. He’d been near giddy the night he’d called after telling her and his mother about their relationship, so excited to share his family with her. But there is none of Two-bit’s fond rememberings in this girl, nothing to suggest the love her brother feels for her is reciprocated at all. Instead of an adoring baby sister, all she sees is another girl from the east side, the kind of tough, pragmatic girl, who’s tired eyes belied a type of hardship Marcia herself had never experienced and was sure she never wanted to. 
Susie may share Two-bit’s freckles and red hair, but clearly she shares none of his warmth. Marcia doesn’t know if she never had it in the first place, or if something happened to drain it away. She doesn’t think she wants to know.
“You think I’m being mean,” Susie observes, cocking her head, and a flood of copper curls fall over her shoulder, “but I’m not. I’m just being honest with you. God knows he never will be.”
She gives Marcia one last look, contemptuous and pitying and tired all at once, and turns on her heel, long hair swishing behind her, years more jaded than any fourteen year old has a right to be, and struts away.
Marcia stares after her, a seed of doubt taking root in her chest for the first time since she first kissed Two-bit months ago. 
What the fuck?
The thing is, Marcia knows the drinking is a problem.
She’s seen it in him, the way once he starts he can’t stop, and the fact that he’d shown up to one or two dates drunk. She knows, from the way he talks sometimes, that sometimes he cant live without it, and can’t face reality with it. She knows that he hates, sometimes, how much he drinks it. She knows.
But he isn’t mean. He isn’t cruel, has no quick temper or easy violence the way Bob did, no lust for bloodshed or beatings. Randy used to like his booze too before he went off the deep end, and Two-bit is mellower than even him when he’s soused, only becomes more him, wild and laughing and fun, but never mean, never dangerous.
Maybe it doesn’t excuse it, but Marcia lives in a house where mom’s sherry glass is full before noon, and dad’s scotch is always somehow empty, and they somehow manage to stay human, stay present, live despite the drink instead of getting lost in it. They are not cruel people either, for all that mother snipes,  and Marcia knows in her hear that even though she is in love with a drunk, Two-bit is the kind that can function, just like her parents. It’s fine. Everything is fine.
But Susie Mathews’ tired eyes follow her in the hallways and her words haunt her, ringing in Marcia’s head.
She doesn’t think Two-bit will ever hurt her. He never has yet, only ever came close the once, before the rumble, before they were even together. He doesn’t want to, that much she is sure of just like she is sure he doesn’t want to disappoint her, even though in every relationship that is something that is inevitable. 
And yet, Susie’s words still echo in her head, rooting themselves there and refusing to leave, no matter how much she wants them to. 
Loving Two-bit is easy. Not even the east side is enough to tear them apart. And yet the thought lingers, will this be?
As soon as she sees him in person she knows deep down that it won’t be. She’s all in, for as long as he’ll have her. It might break her heart, and she might just have to let it.
“I met your sister.”
“Really?” He lights up, a sun or a supernova or something even brighter the universe doesn’t have a name for yet, and he’s sober right now, and she couldn’t say anything to hurt him even if she wanted to, “what’d you think? She can be kind of standoffish sometimes.”
“I think,” Marcia says, thinking of Susie’s harsh words and tired eyes and the betrayal that seeped from her every pore, the kind that only came from a specific kind of bone deep hurt, “that she loves you very much.”
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badmilkk · 3 hours ago
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Grrr outsiders girlfriends 👊💥❤️
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Could I ask for Dallas on the ask character thingy? :333
hiya hon!! certainly!!
oh dallas tucker winston. God at least whatever is wrong with you is funny. dally was actually the character that really got me into into the outsiders. there's somethin about him that makes me a little rabid gnawin at the bars of my enclosure insane. he's a rabid dog. he doesn't know why he bites. he seems so much older when Pony talks about him but not in the same sense as Darry, bogged down with responsibility, Dallas has seen more than any kid his age should have. n it shows. but he is still so distinctly. a kid. he gets up to stupid mischief. he fucks around in diners. he wrestles with Johnny. he sees what he mightve been in Johnny. He wants to protect the innocence he sees in Pony. he's an outsider to the outsiders. he'll die young n desperate n foolishly preventably. no one will remember dallas winston. they'll remember a hood.
dallas ships!! again I'm so sorry I'm real borin when it comes to the shippin scene!! the only one I can go for is tally (tim n dallas) n that's mostly cause I think they'd be god-fuckin-awful together. n I think that's silly. (I COULD break down the serious reasons why I like tally but that's another post🙂‍↕️)
non romantic otp/ friendships- dear God. do not get me goin on Steve n Dallas. they're the same brand of anger. they're the same snarlin fist n narrowed eyes. they are the only sons of fathers that should've never had children. they don't know where to put all this hate. Steve n Dallas were never real good friends. but when Steve stands in the street n watches Dallas go down he thinks. for a moment. maybe they really weren't so different. n he deserved better. maybe they both did.
unpopular opinion!! Dallas did. not. only love johnny!! oh pony!! my sweet summer child!! maybe Dallas outwardly expressed his care for Johnny different but Dallas cared for every last one of the gang. the problem is Dallas' love is violence. n if you don't look careful you'll miss it.
one thing I wish had happened in canon!! God the things I would do to see more of Dallas n Darrys relationship. I think, despite what Pony says, Darry cared for Dallas like a younger brother. Not in the same ways as he did Two or Soda or even Steve but he cared about him. When Dallas holds up the corner store n calls the Curtis' n gets Steve. he asks. for darry. god. it's a detail I ain't ever gonna shut up about. he wanted darry. he wanted his older brother.
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