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sirksome · 4 years ago
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I’m in the rare mood to post stuff I’ve actually drawn myself on here. 
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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I got OC’s. They have long hair I just noticed. Maybe I like to draw hair too much. One day I’ll eventually finish the first chapter of their comic. Maybe by 2022. 
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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For a minute let’s all pretend like I was still doing my one comic that I attempted some time ago. Like last year or something. It was really bad and embarrassing and so is this and I don’t know if I’ll ever do another page but I really want to. I just kind of lack the confidence, but I guess I’m posting this anyway sooooo....enjoy?
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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Let’s pretend for a second I was a guy who actually made comics and told stories with his characters. Wouldn’t that be fun?....A man can dream though...a man can dream. 
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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So I spent most of my day sketching this nothing because sometime last year I had this really bone headed idea of trying to do a comic but I like suck at drawing so it didn’t last long. 
The idea of this was my OC (gross) Ty lives at an apartment that’s part of a Asian restaurant ran by a woman named Ren. He’d just gotten fired and couldn’t pay rent and the main conflict of the first chapter would be him trying to come up with rent money before Ren kicks him out. This would be her place and Ty not wanting to go in and reveal his lack of money to her before she gets pissed about it and thus starting the whole thing. 
There’s a giant stone snake there because I thought that was cool and the comic has a fantasy element to it so maybe one day something would happen with it. 
......I still really want to do this comic.....I just don’t have the confidence to. 
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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I was brainstorming some crap for my OC’s in that comic I’m never gonna try to do again and I sketched this nonsense!
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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I found a new sketching pencil I liked so I drew a Price. One day her time will come...maybe. I’m thinking of posting this on my twitter but also..will anyone even care? 
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sirksome · 6 years ago
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Ugh! I couldn’t figure out a way to color this page and make it even look passable. Still looks better than the original though! That’s not saying much.......Uh. You can read my comic on my deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/mrsirk
According to them it’s been over a month since I uploaded a page. I gots to step it up! 
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sirksome · 5 years ago
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I feel like I don’t draw dudes enough so I drew this dude. He doesn’t have a name but I feel like he’s a criminal type who owns something sleazy like a nightclub or a strip club that he does legally ambiguous shit out of. Sometimes for the good of the people, most times for the good of himself. 
I feel like he has a history with Renda. Like they banged a few times as teenagers but then he grew up and got hot and became an asshole. Yeah that sounds cool. 
Maybe he also hates Ty for reasons... I don’t know...Ty’s a thief so he probably stole something from him....something sentimental soooo...like a pocket watch from his grandpa who immigrated with it from the old country? Yeah that works! I don’t know which old country though, you pick!
This is how I write shit! I’m probably never gonna do anything with any of this! 
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sirksome · 6 years ago
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Wasn’t sure if I was gonna upload this anywhere cause it’s unfinished, but it’s a concept of the setting for where Ty lives in my comic. I’m trying to do a big background piece like something out of Kill six billion demons but that noise is super hard bro!
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sirksome · 6 years ago
Yo. So believe it or not I’m still working on my comic. I know it’s been a week or five or who knows? But I was talking before about just moving on from a page that I didn’t like? Remember? Well here’s what it looks like. 
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Yeah I was like lining it and stuff. But it was looking real ugly to me. So I was gonna move on, but well I’m like really pessimistic about this art stuff so I couldn’t and re-did the whole page. 
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Now while I personally think it’s looking a lot better you quasi-anonymous followers may not! I actually followed some secondhand advice I got from talented artist pseudofolio on twitter! It’s secondhand because it wasn’t actually directed at me or even really advice. The jist is that basically not caring makes you a better artist somehow. Look I don’t question it, it worked! 
Anyway the whole point of this is I probably won’t finish this page this week now cause I gots to go help my aunt move or some family shit I’m somehow obligated to participate in and will be away from my art stuff! But I did something. Enjoy the wips...or don’t.....Pretty sure I’m doing this mostly for myself and I only have a few followers because I once posted a page of Gokushufudou! 
Geez I rambled A LOT in this one huh? We cool? We Jordan? Ah’ight! See ya! 
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sirksome · 6 years ago
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HAHAHAHAHAHA!! What a JACKASS!!....I’m talking about myself of course. For continuing this fruitless attempt at comicing for 10 pages! Hooray I’ve done 10 pages! That’s like a milestone. 
Still trying new stuff every page even if each one looks worse than the last. Next page I’ll try something different and so on..I know I’ve said this before.
I have a deviantart by the way. I don’t alway post pages here on my trash tumblr because I don’t know, but you can find all of them here: https://www.deviantart.com/mrsirk
You can also find a bunch of other crap you’ve maybe seen already if you actually care about the original content this obscure tumblr page produces. 90 percent of you are bots so probably not. Well..uhhh....that’s it see ya! 
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