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levexer · 5 months ago
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yirenistt · 2 years ago
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megabuild · 6 months ago
though tbf what do you even do as a mcyttwt user who mains etho because so much of mcyttwt seems to revolve around the same 3 jokes and trying for cc notices meanwhile etho logs on twice a year to announce like family illnesses and his pc spontaneously exploding the fuck are you meant to do with that
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 month ago
every time you say mikko deserved to get traded and was too selfish and greedy an angel fucking kills themselves 💔💔
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luivezchu · 18 days ago
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heo jiwon packs.
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moetachiins · 1 month ago
its kind of nice here because theres nobody trying to start war on nonsharing yumes because a hater anon on strawpage but its getting too quiet.
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onlinetwunk · 6 months ago
Okay yes, I’m a tumblr user not a twitter head… I embrace my roots!!!
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levexer · 5 months ago
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xdreamie · 11 months ago
reddit always complains about shit WHO GAF ABOUT THEIR OPINION…majority are twitterheads anyway
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yirenistt · 2 years ago
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megabuild · 1 year ago
same thing as xbs whole AI fiasco like "my dog just died and i want to make AI art of him can you leave me alone" huh....... some of these guys hate criticism and just want to be right all the time
thing is that they're going up against twitterheads who also just want to be right all the time except instead of right with themselves it's right in the eyes of their peers who are all also constantly looking to each other for reasons to push them down and prove themselves as better. like i think that ai generating an image of your pet is sort of fucking lame and doesn't really help any situation at all just use a photo. but at the same time being a teenager on twitter and thinking "i NEED to tell this man whose dog just died that he's singlehandedly ruining the art industry" is extremely lame. at least though you have the excuse of being a teenager on twitter, one of the most harrowing experiences a person can have without breaking the law
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biro-slay · 11 months ago
Wow Twitter sucks more every time I go there
For those who don't know(which is probably every one of mutual), there's been a drama in the VGC community(VGC, Video game championship, is a form of competitive Pokemon playing) about a person by the name of Neil VGC. This is the photo that started it
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I think the big people took it really well, a lot of poketubers are good allies, and they all took a stance against Neil. But guess who fucking didn't - Twitterheads.
I quote some of the replies to the post/comments on the post "saying you personally don't support something but won't say it out loud is shameful? What?" Looking at their later comments, yeah they just don't like trans people, they also said "you get so hostile over every little disagreement"
There are a lot more people, but the one that broke me was "Don’t you think it’s a little bit centralizing and oppressive, possibly even hypocritical, to force everyone to share the same opinion regarding transgender people?". Like, first of all, trans people aren't forcing anyone to "agree with them" or something (unlike transphobic people who force trans people to not transition but whatever). But also, no???? Letting people live their life, and not calling their existence a mental illness, should idk, probably be common sense or something? Do you not think that?
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robotlyra · 1 year ago
The fact that some people are responding to Hbomberguy's plagiarism video with complaints that he's "just not funny" is the most spectacular demonstration of his final thesis- Youtube Content Churn leads to incentivizing theft, which is a greater symptom of capitalist devaluation of the arts- that I feel like slow clapping
Man spends a year making a very careful video prosecution of a major youtuber's intellectual thefts, extensively researched and evidence-backed, with other examples to support his criteria of claims, concluded with a pledge to use the video profits to compensate those who've been plagiarized because of his commitment to not wanting to incentivize "drama and callout content", and ending with encouragement to all artists and creatives out there to keep pursuing their own integrity, because it means something important in these uncertain times...
and some irony-poisoned twitterhead can only complain that he didn't make them laugh.
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goatedgreen · 1 year ago
im so glad im tumblr-brained in a world of tiktokkers and twitterheads because it allowed me to make the most horrible women OCs without a hint of shame. these women are awful and i love them
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luivezchu · 18 days ago
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twitter headers with polarr code.
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bittyfromquotev · 6 months ago
Second controversial take of the day, bc apparently we're on a roll
but just with how some of the way y'all be talking, I honest to God don't blame bitty for throwing out the fact that at any point some of you fuckers could be the gore anons (which is never out of the realm of possibility, it's not hard to hide typing quirks or mimic someone else's). you act the Exact same
'bu-bu-but we don't send gore we're just-' white knighting? yeah. exactly my fucking point. the whole, "doing it for the greater good" and speaking over the actual people that want you to shut the fuck up. The Exact. Same. Thing.
With the g-anons, they do it in the name for defending solarmoon shippers by running 'fake queers' off the internet. they speak over other shippers, that explicitly tell them to shut up and fuck off.
And here you are, trying to defend the gore victims by trying to control and criticize how others chose to cope with the situation. Even though Several people including some of the victims want you to shut up and fuck off.
This isn't assumption either, this is fact. Your actions speak loud and clear all on their own, regardless of how you may try to justify them.
Learn to take a hint, that your opinion is neither wanted or asked for. it is not your place to decide what bitty should or shouldn't do. better yet, ✨it's none of your business✨
Congratulations for being a hypocrite btw and contributing to another actual problem in general fandom spaces. I don't even want to acknowledge the toxicity of unsolicited criticism, but you're doing just fine indulging in that topic all on your own aren't you?
[side note: "To that anon? Way to completely not read what I said at all." you sure do like to pick and choose what you read and complain about don't you? awfully convenient to miss the point of the whole paragraph. ironic considering you then go on to complain about bitty not seeing your dozen of points that are explicitly unwelcome on this blog. And that's not ever addressing trying to side with a harasser anon, not a good look. dare I say, blatantly obtuse if not worse.]
Seriously tho bitty, you and anyone else getting this bs (bc I doubt you're the only one rn) really should just block them the next time they try to repeat themselves. Don't matter if it's the same person, or 3 different ones. People like these are the how and why g-anons exist in the first place. This mindset is explicitly Dangerous. Which sounds extreme, but as someone who's been in more than 60+ fandoms for over 7 years, I know wtf I'm talking about. It always ends the same. Twitterhead whiteknights doing bigoted shit in the name of the greater good, no matter how well meaning, is how petty callouts come about. And when it doesn't stop immediately in its track, it snowballs and gets even worse from there - ❄
Thank you so much! Lmao I almost thought you were them because of how this ask started off but I’m glad it’s you :)
Yeah they—
They don’t seem to want to listen to me. They keep telling me the same stuff over and over and it’s funny yet irritating because I’d explained myself already (I know I’ve said this like 15 times but I need to get this point across). I do plan on blocking them if they ever try something though.
But like ❄️ said, I am allowed to cope and react to things however the fuck I want. I do my best to comfort or be there for my friends and those affected more severely, but I’m personally not gonna cry about it.
No one should speak for anyone else. I let the “friend” who abused me for 10 years speak for me a lot and it doesn’t make people feel good. It’s very invalidating and no one wants someone to speak for them.
Once again, thank you so much anon. I greatly appreciate it :)
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