#twit fic
its-aji-here · 1 year
It's Always You
Chapter 11: Sing Your Heart Out
A few days later…
Kim was invited to sing at the anniversary celebration of one of the biggest malls in the city. It is the first of the many shows he has booked for the next few weeks. He has a full calendar and he was happy about it. Kim is one of the biggest rising stars in the country and it shows through the number of events and shows he has been booking.
Kim just released his latest single the night before and tonight is the first time he will be singing it live. You're also coming to watch him at the mall show. It will also be the first time you will be seen with his family and their lovers. Time and Tay will be coming with you so you would not feel left out, although Kim’s big brothers are really fun, kind and humble people.
It also means his former lover will be in the mix. You have never met him in person though you have been seeing him in pictures. P’Tankhun has been especially proud of the younger male since he has been excelling in his studies and music unlike their youngest cousin who seems to struggle with his. 
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Kim asked the organizers to send his brothers and cousins invitations for the event. Fortunately, all of the Theerapanyakul boys decided to grace the event with their presence. It is the first event after a long while anyway. Kim went on a long hiatus after he and Porchay broke up. He lost all the will to write music—lyrics and melodies just won’t come to him. It felt like his music left him the moment the younger boy decided to turn his back on him and step out of his life. 
However, it is only one person that Kim wants to be there—and he's not confident that he will see him there. He’s a total wildcard, extremely unpredictable. However, Kim hopes against all hopes that he will show up and watch Kim perform his song.
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You stepped into the backseat of Time’s car. Your best friend was seated on the passenger seat across from his lover. His body is turned towards you at the backseat, a beautiful smile on his face. You reciprocated it before addressing Time that is busy maneuvering the car onto the highway with a hello. 
“You look so excited,” Tay commented.
“Of course!” you answered enthusiastically. Tay shook his head as he turned back to face towards the front. “This will be the first time I get to watch him sing in his full element,” you sounded so wondrous and exuberant that Tay hesitates to burst your bubble.
Tay wanted to point out the latest song he released is another break up song. It is another song that illustrates how he has been longing for his former lover. He wanted you to open your eyes and be made aware of this fact.
Time noticed how worried, annoyed and anxious his lover looked. He took Tay’s hand to anchor him and calm him. Time watched as the little tension that the exuberance of the girl behind them brought Tay slowly dissipated. He offered Tay a reassuring smile when he noticed his lover take a glance his way. Tay squeezed his hand and exhaled a slow sigh to calm down.
You noticed Time’s hand holding onto Tay’s. It made a small smile appear on your lips. Your eyes shifted between the comforting and reassuring smile plastered on Time’s lips and the trust in your best friend’s eyes as he looked at his lover. It made you more appreciative of Time and his positive influence in your best friend’s life. 
Although you have known Tay since you were in middle school, it was only in high school, when Time came into the picture, when you first saw Tay smile radiantly. The radiant and carefree smiles and laugh was thanks to the very person that holds him now. 
Time was the person that took Tay out of his shell. He let him fully express himself and discover who he is. Time let Tay become the brave person he is today—a proud gay man who is not afraid to stand up for every thing or person he loves and what he believes in. Time is the foundation that ensures Tay will always be standing strong through quakes and obstacles that may shake him and who he is. Nevertheless, his presence in Tay’s life assures you that someone will be looking after you best friend even when you’re gone.
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Kim had to come in for make up and styling, so he left earlier than everyone. Everyone else was still either sleeping or busy with their own businesses. It made him more worried and apprehensive about what can happen later at the event. After his stylist gave him the okay, he was ushered inside the van that will take him to the venue. Kim immediately took out his phone as soon as he got inside the van to check upon his brothers.
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He exhaled a sigh of relief when his brother mentioned that he would be coming to watch him. On the other hand, it also made him more nervous and apprehensive. This will be the first time he will perform this song live. It’s the first time he will sing it in front of an audience, a crowd of people that includes the love he will never deserve to get back. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back to get a hold of his sanity. Kim was in the middle of performing a breathing exercise when his phone chimed. He took a look at the screen and found you shot him a text. He forgot that you will also be at the event.
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After a few moments, the van arrived at the underground parking lot. It stopped by the door where all artists pass through to get to the dressing room at the back of the stage of their event hall. Kim was ushered by an army of guards, from the mall and from his brother’s personal army. Although the access was private, he still had to pass through the mall to get to the events mall. So, to make the journey easier, the mall had him ride a cart to minimize the time he had to spend on the main mall floor. Getting inside the venue, he was immediately pulled through sound checks and run-throughs which had become second nature to him. After a minor issue with his in-ear not working, he finally was able to get to his waiting room and relax before he needed to get on stage. 
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The boys arrived at the venue half an hour before the event was scheduled to start. They were photographed as they walked down the red carpet laid down for the prestigious guests. These two powerful families are known for being great clans of business tycoons, holding a few of the largest brands in the country. The Theerapanyakuls have some of the top hotels and resorts under their belts while the Kittisawasds own a few widely known fashion brands. It is what made them influential figures and widely known to the public even beyond Kim’s fame.
Kim was scrolling through the blue bird app as he waited for the event to start and for his cue. He saw the photos of his brothers from fans that know of them and from legitimate media entities covering the event. A photo of Porchay made him stop scrolling. He was wearing an all white outfit that made him look ethereal. Porchay looks like the angel that he is tonight. Kim sighed and locked his phone, willing the image of the younger male out of his head and failing. A few moments later, he was notified that the event is starting and he will be on in a few minutes.
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Kim is already at the entrance to the stage, waiting for the performer before him to finish their stage. He was hiding behind the curtains, sneaking a peek at the crowd to look for his brothers, to look for him. He found Kinn and Porsche a few rows from the stage, but failed to locate him. Kim was still looking for Chay when the AD cued him for his turn. He greeted the crowd, smiling one of his brightest smiles due to the intense cheer of the crowd.
“Hello, guys,” he greeted once again as he was reaching the middle of the stage. “Are you having fun tonight?” The crowd cheered even louder as he looked around while standing on stage. He doesn’t have his guitar now, and it makes him feel naked and exposed. But the loud cheers from the crowd is boosting his confidence. He smiled again as he addressed the crowd more. “It’s been quite a while, right?” he chuckled at the disappointed rumble of the crowd. “I’m back now, and I’ve brought a few songs with me. Do you want to hear it?” the crowd answered him by shouting a collective ‘yes’ in perfect unison. 
He looked at the band behind him with a smile to cue them before flashing a brighter smile at the roaring crowd again. The beginning notes of ‘Loop’ began resonating through the hall as the guitarist started strumming his guitar. 
Kim watched as he began singing the first verse, letting each note engulf his being. He started to feel everything again, how he wrote this song on the first few days of Porchay walking out, how he struggled to put words into paper due to the multitude of things he wanted to express. It took him almost three months before he became satisfied with its sound. 
His eyes roamed the venue as he started running out of words before the chorus. He gave up looking for Porchay and began singing with his whole heart, willing the younger man to hear his words. Kim sang his heart out, hoping he could hear his sincerity.
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She watched Kim sing with everyone he’s got. Kim has always been a soulful singer. His voice has always been full of emotions whenever he sings for you. However, this is the first time he heard him sing like this. It’s like he has put his everything into the performance. 
Soon, the first song ended and a spotlight opened to illuminate a seat behind a piano. You watched as Kim sat, fiddling with the keys before beginning to play the first few notes. Even through the noise of the crowd, you instantly recognized it as the song he drunkenly wrote while begging for the boy a few seats down to stay with him. It contains the words he longed to tell him but is now too late and he’s too afraid to utter them.
You watched as Porchay watched him with sad eyes and concern etched all over his face. The look he has been giving Kim at the stage is enough for you to know how much the two souls long for each other. Your focus on the younger male took your attention from Kim. You missed the look Kim gave when his eyes finally collided with younger male’s—full of longing, asking for forgiveness, begging him to never stop loving him. It was a look that did not escape his brother’s eyes.
The song ended and Kim stood up from the piano. He smiled like he did not just pour his heart and soul on the stage. It was breathtaking and you felt mesmerized by it. Kim addressed the crowd and told them how it's his last song. The audience gave a collective chant of disappointment and complaints—how it’s too short and too fast. He laughed at their complaints and apologized playfully before giving the band the cue to start playing the last song. It was another one of the many songs you heard him write for him. You felt Tay put his hand on your back, providing you comfort and reassurance. All you can do is fake a bright smile, telling him that you are okay. 
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Kim was the last person to perform for the event. He thanked everyone for coming and reminded them to go home safely. The lot stood up from their seats and began socializing with the many faces in the crowd. You looked at your best friend and saw him happily conversing with Pete. He was one of his fashion influences, being a person that is not afraid to wear anything and everything he feels like wearing. It is what made him boldly dress up every day. You’re happy for him and lets him have his fun. Unknowingly, a younger male was eye-ing you as you observed everyone else. 
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He looked at the male beside him who was busy with his phone. Sighing, he nudged his best friend to get his attention. Macau begrudgingly looked up and saw his best friend’s doe eyes. One of his eyebrows automatically came up in annoyance and curiosity.
Porchay was still holding on to the sleeves of his coat. He tried to pull his hand away, but Chay’s grip only tightened with every millimeter. Macau sighed while rolling his eyes and looked at Chay inquisitively.
“What is it?” Macau finally asked. “What do you want to do now?” Chay bit his lip as he stole quick glances to his side with just his eyes. Macau followed the direction he was looking at and found the older female enthusiastically chatting with a few people. He can only shake his head at the martyrdom of his best friend. “I’m not gonna help you with that,” he flatly declined.
“But Cau~!!” Porchay begs. He was giving the best doe eyes he can muster to persuade him to even just accompany him.
“You will only hurt yourself, Porchay, and I want no part of that,” Macau gave him a flat look, taking out his phone again.
“Macau~ Please??” Chay begs as he sways his hold on Macau’s arm. “You just have to stand beside me,” he flashed the other boy a begging look, trying to persuade him with all his might.
“Then, tell me, Chay. Why do you desperately want to speak with her?” Porchay can hear Macau’s annoyance in his tone. “You will only be hurting yourself,” Macau sighs.
“I just want to befriend her,” Porchay uttered. “you looks like a good person, Cau. It’s not her fault that you fell in love with Kim,” he reasons. “Besides, I don’t want her to think I hate her when I don’t even remotely feel any negative emotions for anyone,” Porchay fiddled with his fingers as he explained to Macau his thinking.
Macau sighed. He knows he can’t dissuade the latter from wanting to interact with the female. “You’re too kind for this world, Chay,” Macau sighed and took Chay’s arm to start pulling him in the direction of the older female. 
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Porchay smiled at his best friend while Macau just continued to look annoyed. He enthusiastically walked with Cau towards the female, trying hard to calm his nerves and not show how he truly felt. The circle of people that surrounded you dissipated as they came nearer, like they knew that Porchay was coming. Macau and Porchay stood in front of you—Cau looked like he’d rather be somewhere else (which he does) and Chay trying his hardest to flash a friendly smile. You can only look at them with astonishment and awe.
“Hi!” Porchay greeted you. “I think you already know us,” he said with a giggle. “But, I’m Porchay and this grumpy gremlin here is my best friend Macau,” he introduced the both of them. Macau huffed at the description Porchay gave, which made the other boy giggle even more in amusement.
You were shook out of your stupor by his melodic giggle. Chuckling at your ridiculousness, you flashed them a bright smile. “Uhm… yea,” you answered shyly. “It’s nice meeting you both,” you added.
“So…” Porchay cutely put his hand together as he swayed back and forth on his foot. 
He was about to ask more about you when a hand and an arm suddenly came around you which took their attention. Your face lit up as you turned to face the owner of the hand. Porchay’s and Macau’s eyes followed the arm that led to the face Macau hates the most at this time. Kim was looking at them as Porchay’s bright smile slowly dimmed and Macau’s face became even gloomier, the tension between the three males becoming even heavier.
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krazieka2 · 1 year
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Vampire Mercedes lore doodles (and vampire Lorenz bullying)
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shibaraki · 7 months
I like ‘bad’ fanfiction I like crackfic and silly AUs I like fic that diverges so far from canon that it’s practically unrecognisable and fic that is blatantly self indulgent I like fanfics with no plot and cliches and predictable twists and repeated tropes! not every fanwork has to be a bestselling novel every single fic has a place and a purpose and sometimes I want to come home and read something that doesn’t require me to think! sue me
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londonfoginacup · 1 year
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ofmdee · 2 months
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As the Ocean Meets the Shore (5491 words) by gaydeviants, pirate_captains_captain_pirates Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Explicit Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Trans Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Beach Sex, Oral Sex, Tender Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, NSFW Art, Embedded Images Summary:
Life at their little house by the beach has been great so far...but on a morning when the past feels a bit more present than usual, Ed could really do with making some new beach memories.
This fic contains embedded NSFW gifs!
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wahoo!!! @piratecaptainscaptainpirates wrote the loveliest fic, and i made some gifs, and now we have this for you!! pls enjoy, it's so good, in my Humble opinion 😂!!!
wanna collaborate??
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crsinclair · 2 years
Shouta after the Hospital War arc, getting used to his eyepatch and prosthetic. New injuries, new scars, new ways to deal with them.
Then there's Eri. 
Eri who watches him in his peripheral as he's putting his eyepatch on as he's getting out of bed, as he straps his prosthetic on and then makes sure his pants cover it up. Who sees him always, always careful of the scars, keeping the eye covered and the stump in a special sock. 
He wonders why at first, thinking perhaps she's worried about him, or that maybe she thinks he looks too different.
Then one day the straps to his eye patch break, and she panics.
"Eri, it's fine," Shouta says, even as she frantically starts looking for anything to try to fix the straps.
"It isn't!" she says, tears forming and her tiny hands shaking. "You're just saying that!"
"I'm really not," he says. "My eye will be okay until I get home." 
"But everyone will see your scars!" she wails.
Shouta frowns. "What?"
"Y-your scars, A-a-aizawa-san!" she repeats, starting to hiccup as she sobs. "You - you're covering them up, and now everyone will see them, and - and I'm s-sorry I can't h-help!" 
As Eri cries, loud and wailing with crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks and her hands messily and uselessly trying to wipe them away, Shouta sees her clothes.
Her long sleeves. Her turtleneck. Her thick tights under the floofy skirt.
His heart aches as everything clicks. 
"Eri," he calls. "Hey, come here."
He pulls her into a hug, rubbing her back and calming her down, and waits until she can breathe properly again before attempting to explain to her.
He doesn't wear the eyepatch to hide his scars - he wears it to protect what's left.
"It's the same with my leg, too," he says, patting just above his knee, and Eri looks down. "I can't risk dirt or germs getting in, or I might get an infection. If that happened, I couldn't go back to fighting villains."
Eri sniffs, thinking for a moment. "...Really?" 
Shouta cracks a small smile. "Really."
"You..." She wrings her small hands, voice quiet. "You're not...ashamed...?"
"No," he tells her, squeezing her shoulder gently. "I got these scars because I was..." He thinks for a moment. "Fighting bad guys. 
There's nothing for me to be ashamed of."
Eri bites her lip, and she looks at her own arms. "Oh."
"Hey." Shouta tips her chin up so that she's looking up at him again. "You don't have anything to be ashamed of, either, alright?"
Shouta takes a deep breath - this is still a sensitive topic with Eri, but perhaps it's time to broach the subject for this conversation. "The one who hurt you. You'd say he was a bad guy, right?"
"Maybe even one of the worst of them all."
Eri gives a small nod.
"Well, I know it might be hard for you to understand right now, but you'd been fighting him for a long time. It was because of you that Midoriya and Togata were there to fight him, you know."
Eri's lip trembles.
"So, if anyone ever asks..." Shouta continues gently.
"You got your scars by fighting bad guys, too."
Eri sniffs once, twice, and then throws her arms around him as she cries.
After that day, she doesn't watch him put on his eyepatch or prosthetic anymore. Instead, she starts wearing short-sleeve shirts and shorts with a smile.
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as-troz · 2 years
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uhhuh yea totally
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ashethehedgehog · 3 months
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Shoutout to @ariaofthewinds's fic Plantslaughter for making me cackle at Akechi playing Kamelot for his plant
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I'm a nice middle of the pack with 823 (I would have more, but one of my fandoms had a great fanfic purge around 2021 due to the actions of one of the creators in the fandom (fair) and I lost probably 100~ fics to that alone)
Oh. Oh no
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shatterinseconds · 2 years
Canonverse au where Keith gets bitten by a space werewolf and refuses to tell anyone about it. Too bad that all Keith wants to do when he’s a wolf is be next to Lance.
aka my new klance fic that’ll be posted on ao3 this friday!
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
I feel greedy asking for more when you’ve already posted so many snippets, but if you’re okay with it…🌧️
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
The pasta hit the water with a satisfying sizzle. Even though it'd been two years since Roy had been personally victimized by a meal plan, the novelty of eating pasta was one he'd learned to treasure. He turned down the heat. As the bubbles dispersed, the sound of Jamie's voice again picked up from the living room, where from the sound of it Matilda's parents owned quite a nice house. Roy snorted as Jamie pitched his voice higher. He was really going for it now, trying to sell the dialogue of the little girl and landing somewhere in the vicinity of Rebecca Welton with a sore throat: "'I don't see how sawdust can help you to sell second-hand cars, Daddy.'" The next voice was gruff, sloped lower as if it were stolen from Roy's own vocal chords, "'That's because-'" The voice ground to a halt. Roy opened his eyes curiously. Before him, the water simmered in a contented roil. From the living room, the rustling of someone adjusting themselves on the couch. Jamie cleared his throat, and it was uncomfortable, strangled sound. "You alright there, Phoebe?" "I'm fine," Phoebe answered. A question mark lingered under her words. "We can keep going." "Right. Right," Jamie agreed. He cleared his throat again. Coughed. When he picked back up, his voice was flat and matter-of-fact: "'That's because you're an ignorant little twit.'" He stopped again, or Roy thought he did. It was hard to tell over the sudden ringing in his ears. "Matilda's dad's a bit of a prick, ain't he, Phoebe?" "He's awful," Phoebe agreed eagerly. "Didn't you see the movie?"
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its-aji-here · 1 year
It's Always You
Chapter 13 : Interlude
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On the other hand, Macau and Porchay are still inside. The three of them were awkwardly standing together. Porchay was trying really hard to engage her in a conversation. Macau can’t help but roll his eyes. Taking out his phone, Macau shot Porchay a text to ask him about the bullshit he said when he introduced them. Seeing the two younger individuals sent each other messages, albeit regrettably for Porchay’s part, Kim’s girlfriend excused herself. She flashed them an awkward smile before walking away to talk to other people she knows that attended the event. Macau sneered at her as she was walking away.
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Kim sighed and took out his phone as his big brother walked away. He felt it vibrate a few minutes ago but was too preoccupied by his conversation with his brother. 
The screen lit up as he brought it out of his pocket showing him that his girlfriend sent him a message. It made another sigh slip from between his lips. Kim still does not know what he will do. He’s still contemplating how to better approach the inevitable. Like it or not, he will have to hurt her one last time, and he does not know how she will handle the pain. 
Still, tonight is not the best time. Kim started typing a reply to her. He decided to put off meeting her and spending time with her since he is still trying to decide how he will go about things. 
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After receiving her reply, he locked his phone screen and leaned back. He reclined further until his head was laying on the backrest of the bench. Busying himself with what little glittering stars can be seen in the night sky, he concocted the beginnings of a plan in his head. A few moments later, he felt his phone vibrate again. He brought it up to his face, seeing messages from Vegas and from Kinn on the group chat room they made for them, cousins. Kim began with Vegas’ message.
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Kim just read your message and did not respond anymore. Letting a sigh slip from her lips, you exit the message window for Kim to shoot your best friend a message. Although you know that Tay will always come to your rescue, no questions asked, you really hate asking him for help every time. You already owe him too much and it made you feel less—less of a friend and less of a person. Nevertheless, you have no other choice now. 
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Kinn took out his phone as he walked back inside the mall, on his way back to the events hall. Most people, save from a few staff and security services, have already left the mall. It’s well past midnight, about an hour since the mall’s official closing hours, so Kinn did not really think much of it. He found Porsche messaged him a few minutes earlier and he missed it. Kinn shot him back a message which he immediately replied to. He bet his lover has been checking his phone every few seconds to check if Kinn has answered his text. Kinn shot a message on their group chat too before going back to the message window of his lover.
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Kim was offended by the audacity of his brothers and cousins to talk in their group chat like he’s not part of it. He decided to shoot them a message. Kinn and Vegas just shot him back with reaction emojis instead of replying. He just shut off his phone screen with an exasperated sigh, annoyed at his family.
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virtualingz · 2 months
Hi I usually use this account to lurk but I wrote a lynether fic! You can read it here:
“Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t found me.”
Well that doesn’t answer a lot of questions, but the sinking feeling that washes over him supplies enough of any answer he needs. Whatever he planned to do, the traveler already has a decent idea of what it was even without a full explanation.
A sort of character study/love letter to Lyney and Aether, their shared issues, and how they are special to each other. Lots of comforting and soft moments, I promise this is a good one!
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wxndswept · 3 months
Oh god, I'm becoming one of those brain-dead doom scrollers, but with Hoyo/Type Moon girls, Vtubers, and Clive Rosfield
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bitch-exe · 2 years
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good morning flight risk nation
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riacte · 6 months
had a bit of coffee and weeeeeeeeee rearranged my feel it still au timeline and ohh it's coming together 🔥🔥 or not 🔥🔥 it's like when you have those ideas at 3am that sound cool but not except it's 3pm and i had coffee 🔥🔥
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