mrsclearwaters · 4 months
Paul Lahote x Emmett Cullen imprinting fic
Paul imprints on Emmett at a meeting and tries to fight it.
Some angst, fluff
3,068 words
(I originally uploaded this like a month ago on another account that I’ve had for years. It was my first ever post but I’m stupid and the email I used for that account was from when I was 13 and I don’t have access too it so now I’m logged out permanently which is kinda heartbreaking. Luckily I still have the story in my drafts so I’m reposting).
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Paul was unable to make it to the treaty meeting after Jacobs imprint and didn't witness Seth and Leah's imprints but he was less than pleased when he saw it replayed in the shifters minds.
He likes to think he could've stopped this madness, not the imprints but at least the treaty mishap, if he was there.
The leeches claimed 3 of his friends, his family, and it pisses him off to no end. He knows he can't blame his pack mates for their imprints but he can sure as hell blame the vampires for choosing Forks, for meeting the pack, for everything that led to this moment.
Sam decided to make them come to this meeting in their human forms, something he'd argued against for hours but eventually had to give in to his Alphas decision.
Seth, Leah and Jacob seem to have warmed up to their imprints, Leah more reluctantly than the others and as much as it infuriates him, he can't exactly expect them to deny their fated mates.
This meeting is to discuss fighting techniques for future issues that both may encounter and he reluctantly follows Sam and Jacobs trucks on his bike, with Seth clinging onto him as he drives and the others riding with the Alphas.
When he finally pulls up and Seth runs towards his imprint before he fully stops, he groans at the inevitable torture.
Leah and Jacob stay put on either side of Sam but they aren't as tense as Paul in front of the vampires.
"Hello Carlisle," Sam addresses their leader who smiles and greets him back.
"I'm glad you're open to building trust with us." Sam nods,
"It'd be best for the future of both of us. You said we we're going through fight techniques?"
"Yes, Jasper is a trained general, he knows how to fight vampires, specifically newborns who would be a great threat should we ever come across them. It would be a useful tool to learn."
"Okay so let's do that." Carlisle nods and Jasper steps forward, he goes into an explanation and then a demonstration with all of the Cullens.
Paul thinks this is a pointless exercise, they know how to fight, and vampires are their natural enemies, they don't need tips.
He watches Sam go against Quil, Embry against Colin, Rosalie against Jared and Alice against Seth until Jaspers eyes land on him.
He rolls his eyes and steps forward, cracking his knuckles.
"Who am I fighting?"
"I think Emmett should be a good fit against you." He learns that Emmett is the brute when he steps forward with a shit eating grin but his eyes shift when they land on him.
Edwards eyes widen and he looks at him confused, the mind reader just shakes his head as if to tell him to wait.
He shakes it off but he feels them eyes stay on him as he goes behind a tree and shifts before coming back to face his opponent.
When he does he regrets everything. He should have skipped this meeting too, because the universe clearly hates him.
His imprint, his whole world, his sole purpose for living, is a fucking leech. That must have been the reason for the shift in the brutes eyes, he'd mated and when Paul shifted so did he.
The shifters who'd already had their matches started exclaiming their shock in his mind until Sam silenced them all.
'Oh my god! Paul, you too man?!' Jared, he didn't fucking ask for this.
'This is so good!' Seth, and he rolls his eyes because this is anything but good.
'Maybe this is a good thing,' Colin, he appreciates the effort but he wants to fucking scream at the thought of this.
'Come on Paul, he's your soulmate, there's clearly a reason for this.' Embry, yeah and the reason is that the universe has it out for him.
'I still don't get how this shit is possible,' Quil, the voice of fucking reason.
'Everyone Quiet!' Sam, now he's going to get a lecture about accepting this and not breaking both of their hearts or some shit.
'I don't wanna hear it Sam.'
'I won't lecture you. Just talk to him before you do anything you'll regret.' Too late.
As soon as his imprint steps forward, he moves back and then before he knows it he's running.
He hears the pack shouting for him, and Jacob telling his imprint to, "give him time," but he doesn't dwell on any of it.
He's outside his house and he's unshifted. He thinks about it for a moment and decides he'd rather not face his parents right now, he's too out of it too make anything up.
So he does the next best thing, and climbs in through his bedroom window.
The only thing he can think to do is sleep, he doesn't want to think about what just happened and what it means.
He's fated to a leech, what a fucking nightmare.
When he wakes up his head is throbbing and he knows it's not normal but he ignores it and goes out for his usual run, pushing through the pain and ignoring the occasional tug from the new link in his mind.
Every day that goes by with him ignoring the imprint, the pain gets worse but he forces himself to push through it.
His heart feels like it's being ripped apart every time he thinks about Emmett's face when he ran away but all he can do is push it to the back of his mind and ignore it.
On day 5, Sam asks him to do patrol, he's avoided shifting for this long knowing how much worse it will get when his wolf has control. He's been pushing his wolf down for so long and it's been fighting back, pushing him towards Emmett.
When he finally shifts with Quil and lets Jared end his patrol he feel's everything tenfold. The pain from Emmett is mixed with a hunger he's never felt before and he realises his mate hasn't been feeding.
'Ffs, I need to hunt for him now.'
'Mate, you should just speak to him. Clearly it's affecting you. You can barely function.'
'I'm fine. Quil, you need to give this to him. I can't be near him.'
'You can't trust yourself with him?' Quil laughs and he gives him a deadpan look knowing how weird it looks in his wolf form.
'Alright, I'll do it.' He rolls his eyes and begins his search for prey.
He comes across a deer and slowly sneaks up on it, attacking the jugular and making sure it's dead before dropping it in front of Quil who grabs it and runs towards the Cullens house.
He watches through the pack mind as Quil comes to a stop in front of the mansion and a confused Carlisle opens the door.
"Quil, right?" He nods and Carlisle smiles still confused before Edward joins him and reads his mind.
"Paul knows Emmett hasn't been feeding, he sent Quil to give him the deer. He hunted it himself."
Emmett steps onto his balcony as soon as he hears his mates name and jumps down in front of the wolf who drops the food in front of the vampire.
"Thank you." They all know it's aimed at Paul and he practically swoons at the small smile sent his way.
'You're already sappy for him bro.' Quil laughs.
'Shut the fuck up.' He watches Edward laugh a bit at the conversation and tells him to fuck off too.
Quil nods at them all before leaving and making his way back.
Slowly the hunger Paul could feel through the link dissipates and the pain that has been lingering for days also dulls slightly.
He repeats Emmett's smile in his head through his whole patrol and Quil practically runs home when they're done, glad to be done with his pining.
'Just talk to him man,' he hears before the pack mind is empty. He rolls his eyes and unshifts himself to go back to his usual routine, sleep, eat, and then sleep some more.
Sleep is the only thing that dissipates the pain, heartbreak and throbbing head alike.
But at the 2 week mark his mind is playing with him, his days consist of staying in bed, his parents and the pack forcing him to eat, he can't shake the squeezing of his heart and the feeling that his very being and soul is hurting, his dreamless nights have turned into a nightmare.
Emmett being chased by some random vampire, she's right on his tale until she starts jumping through trees in the preserve and then finally lands on him and rips his head off.
He wakes up screaming and sweating when it happens. Sam comes running in with the rest of the pack in tow, they were discussing what to do about Paul's imprint when they heard his cries.
"Paul! Paul, what's happened. Calm down, tell me what happened."
"Em-Emmett. He died- ahhhh." He thrashes and screams at the pain that fills his whole body now, his heart is breaking, the guilt of not being there, of not saving him is overwhelming.
He hears muffled talking and shouts until Jacob and Leah are in front of him, "Paul, he's okay. He's alive. We just saw him."
He looks up at them, trying to find out if there's any truth in their words, and he finally feels the link in his mind still exists. His heart rate picks up in relief and he lets out a sob.
"Paul, please. It's killing you. Just go see him." Sam begs and he looks at the alpha.
"He's not doing well either." Seth starts, the look Jacob and Leah share with him doesn't go unnoticed.
"He's been begging us not to tell you, to let you figure it out on your own. But you haven't shifted, so you haven't seen it. When you told Quil to give him that deer because you felt the hunger when you shifted. It's the last thing he let himself eat because you got it."
"He's been getting worse, like he's punishing himself for not being good enough for you. He won't leave his room, he shouldn't get sick but he looks paler every time we see him, like he's disappearing before our eyes." Jacob adds and he reels in anger, shock, and guilt.
He knew ignoring his imprint would hurt him, he didn't know that mates worked the same way, he thought Emmett would be okay without him. Albeit hurt but okay nonetheless.
"What the fuck?! Why hasn't he been feeding? Why does he think he's not fucking good enough?!" Before the pack can say anything else he storms out and shifts.
He pauses when it hits him, agony. He feels like he hasn't eaten in months, the link between them that's stronger when shifted is weak, he can barely feel him.
His wolf cries out and he runs as fast as he can towards the Cullen house.
When voices pop into his head one by one he ignores them and pushes through, finally reaching the mansion.
He shifts back, pulling his shorts on and speeding to the front door, where Alice opens it with a sympathetic smile.
He doesn't deserve that, he's pissed at himself more than anything. He could take the pain, but how dare he cause his mate the same fate.
"Where is he?" She points to the stairs and he rushes past her, the rest of the Cullens scattered across the living and the pack piling into the house behind him.
"It's the second room on the left," she says to him as he goes and he mutters a small thanks as he runs up.
He barges into the room, and the sight he's met with makes him want to throw up.
Emmett quickly stands from his bed and smiles softly, "Paul." He looks so pale, even for a vampire this doesn't seem natural, his eyes are bloodshot, there'd be tear tracks down his cheeks if he could cry.
Paul rushes forward and shoves him into the wall next to the balcony,
"Why haven't you been feeding?!" Emmett looks confused and shakes his head,
"How could I? I don't deserve to feed. I'm a leech remember, you could never love me." Paul reels in shock, his grip loosens and he feels a lump in the back of his throat.
"You- you're."
"Im sorry you had to come here Paul. You can leave if you want." He knows neither of them want that. He can see in Emmett's eyes that he's hurting at even the idea.
He doesn't know what to say so he does the next best thing, he holds out his arm. Emmett looks even more confused now, eyebrows knitted together, it's kind of cute.
He shakes the thought out of his head, right now he needs to help his mate, and his blood should bring back his strength faster than anything else.
"Eat." He demands and Emmett's eyes widen. "I- I can't. I haven't fed, I don't think I could stop myself."
"I'm willing to take that risk... and.. I trust you." Emmett shakes his head,
"I'll hurt you. I can't."
"Emmett, you're weak, this is the only way to bring your strength back. I'm your mate, I know you won't hurt me."
Emmett looks at him, his eyes conflicted and he brings his arm too his own mouth, using his sharp wolf teeth to penetrate the skin, hissing a bit, before pushing his arm closer to Emmett's mouth,
"Eat." He says again and finally he gives in, gently holding his arm and bringing it to his mouth. He hesitates for a second before licking the dripping blood and then allowing himself to continue.
It doesn't hurt the way Paul thought it would, it's like the more his mate drinks, the more satisfied he feels. When Emmett finally feels the liquid he worries for a second that he won't stop. It's better than anything he's ever tasted, and he knows it's because it's Paul. But he also knows he could never hurt him and allows himself to enjoy it for a moment.
Paul feels weak, not from his blood being drained but from the feeling of giving his mate strength. It's overwhelmingly good.
He rests his head on Emmett's shoulder and feels the vampire pause, "it's okay, keep going." He says it in the softest tone and he doesn't think he's ever heard himself use that tone with anyone.
When Paul actually starts to feel lightheaded he lets Emmett keep going for a few seconds before he stops him.
"Emmett.. that's enough." He thinks the vampire can't hear him for a second but then he feels the fangs retract and Emmett licks the wound to clean it up.
When they look at each other they realise what just happened, Paul can't help the blush that spreads across his cheeks. He'd ignored it for so long and when he finally gave in it was so intimate that it was overwhelming.
"I'm sorry I caused you pain," he whispers and Emmett just smiles at him,
"You don't understand how long I've wanted this."
"I think I do." Paul can't help but steal a look at his imprints lips before looking back into his eyes.
"You're the most stubborn man I've ever met you know." Emmett says. He laughs a bit and nods.
They're so close that their breaths are mingled and Paul can't help it anymore, he leans in and closes the gap, catching Emmett's gasp and deepening the kiss.
When they pull away so Paul can catch his breath their lips are bruised and Emmett is beaming at him.
Paul feels even more lightheaded after that and stumbles the tiniest bit, but Emmett catches on and helps steady him, moving them towards the bed.
"Did I go too far," he panics and Paul shakes his head, "no, I'm fine. It's fine." He whispers softly.
"Do you want to sleep?" The thought of climbing into his imprints bed and being surrounded by that smell is so tempting. He nods and moves to get under the covers.
When Emmett sits on the chair next to the bed he looks at him confused and the vampire looks back with a similar look.
"Why are you over there?" The vampire grins cheekily, "you want me to lay with you?"
The growing smirk makes him blush and he rolls his eyes indignantly, shaking his head.
"Nah, I'll just sleep on my own." He turns to his side and hears a laugh that makes his heart race.
"Paul?" He ignores it, "pauul," and he shakes his head.
It's silent for a second but then he hears ruffling and their's a breath on his neck, "Alright, I'll lay here with you." The hairs on his neck rise and he turns around quickly. His breath hitches at how close they are again.
"I didn't think you'd want me too." Emmett tells him honestly.
"I just let you drink my blood. I think sharing a bed is a small step compared to that." He whispers back and Emmett laughs a bit.
"That was a hell of a way to start wasn't it?" And Paul just nods in agreement, closing his eyes.
"Does this mean you've accepted me?" Emmett asks after a few moments of silence. Paul peeks an eye open to see if he's being serious and when he realises he is he looks at him incredulously.
"Okay, okay. You have. I was just making sure you won't leave again." Paul feels a pang of guilt hit him again when he realises how much he's hurt his imprint and shakes his head.
"I'm sorry. I should have come sooner." He whispers and Emmett smiles softly, "I understand." Paul shakes his head, "no, I won't ever forgive myself for putting you through that." Emmett rolls his eyes now, "you put yourself through it too. You're just stubborn." Before Paul can speak, Emmett kisses him softly.
"Sleep," Emmett tells him when they pull away and he sighs but obliges, closing his eyes and falling asleep comfortably for the first time in weeks.
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hprtalent · 4 years
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HPRtalent: NEW VACANCY! Production Manager – Food Manufacturing Location: Derbyshire Salary: £35-43,000 + benefits Shift: Twilights 5.15pm-1.30am Details & apply at: https://tinyurl.com/r6p9uvu #hprtalent #managingyourtalent #productionmanager #productionmanagement #twilightshift #manufacturing #jobsinmanufacturing #job #jobs #nowhiring #derbyshire #jobsinDerbyshire #production @hprtalent https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cRARDlwYN/?igshid=bi0ug0j3atmr
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Me in my Twilight DR after Bella tells me she thinks Edward likes her, but he was at my house last night:
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tittyanker · 10 years
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hprtalent · 5 years
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HPRtalent: NEW VACANCY! Production Team Manager – Food manufacturing (Twilight/Nights) Location: Flintshire Salary: £30-38,000 + benefits Twilight/Nights - 4 on 4 off - 6pm - 6am Details & apply at: https://tinyurl.com/y4pqoehb #hprtalent #managingyourtalent #manufacturing #manufacturingmanagement #flintshire #jobsinflintshire #job #jobs #newjob #newcareer #foodmanufacturing #twilightshift @hprtalent https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfiH-vlsRg/?igshid=azfaonf1phuw
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