knightyoomyoui · 2 years
Chaeyoung x Reader- “Wish You Were Real”
Check out my newly created Archive Of Our Own account. I'll be posting my book there too from now on!
TW: mentions of mental health topics like anxiety and depression.
After you opened the game, you were currently waiting for it to fully load. It was a game sent to you by your friend Somi, who requested that you try it for yourself. Somi is a game creator, and you are a gamer, so she knows just who she will call for help with this.
The game has finished loading. Your seating posture was fixed in your chair. The screen displayed an animated 3D girl character waving her head back and forth slowly at you. Her face is painted with a cheeky grin.
The character was adorable and lovely. It has long black hair pulled back in pigtails, a round face, captivating eyes, plump lips, and a mole on the lower side. She was also dressed in a crimson dress with a black outline and strawberry design scattered throughout the fabric.
(Just imagine she is animated and wearing like what I described here.)
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YN: "Oh, I have a character already?" you said as you saw her on your screen. You assumed that in order to play a simulator game, you had to first customize your own.
???: "Hello, player! Welcome and nice to meet you.", a dialogue starts to appear inside the box below her, which us probably her words as if she was speaking to you. You noticed that her name is labeled as "???" so it made you a bit confused why.
YN: "Nice to meet you too.", you typed on your keyboard and pressed enter to send it.
???: "Before we go any further, may I ask who you are? I just want to know what I can call my player first, so what's your name?" she asked, changing her pose. Her chin is now resting over her palm, which she is using as a support to lean her head down and stare at you attentively.
A sweet, calming slow melody of a music starts to play in the background.
YN: "YN.", you typed your name.
???: "Great! You have a cute name, I see.", she said, making you smile in gratitude. "Hi, YN. To make it fair, I must introduce myself too. I'm Strawberry, your AI companion.", she said, introducing herself to you as she states the name you gave to her.
YN: "You have a nice name, reminds me a lot of the same fruit," you say as you type your message to her. It was kind of clear that it would be her name because the most color you can see from her is red, from her cheeks to her attire; not to mention the one thing you noticed first: the design.
Strawberry: "Yes, I figured it already that you'll notice.", she said, making you hum in approval. " Well as you can see, I love Strawberries! So sweet, juicy and delicious! Do you have a favorite fruit too, YN?"
YN:" Yes. (Your favorite fruit) is mine."
Strawberry: "Woah that's good! It's also delicious too.", her expression and pose changed. Her eyes largened in awe with her hands both placed on each side of her face. That was quite cute and cool, you thought to yourself. As of now, you are complimenting Somi already about how she put efforts into this so far.
Strawberry: "Anyways, before we head on to these type of topics... I was wondering if I... could get to know what you look like?", she said, nervously. "Not that I'm being stalker or something creepy it's just... I'm with you but I couldn't see you. So might as well help me imagine how do you look then?", she said with curiosity.
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YN: "No worries, I could help you.", you accepted her request.
Strawberry: "Really? That's a relief.", she said. Her face showing exactly like what she said. " Well then, tell me everything about your looks.", she returned back from her previous pose which is her hand below her head.
YN: "I am ----- years old, ------ in height, my gender is -----, My eyes are ----, my nose is ----, my mouth is ------, my hair length is ------- and its color is -------, my ears are ------- and lastly my lips are -------.", you enumerated some of your appearance to her which you focused mostly only on your face since you thought that's what she only needed.
Strawberry: "Now that makes it all easier now. I could get to compliment you as much as I like and I would want to!", she said. The dialogue then told you that she is clapping at the same time, which explains why is she posing like she was praying in front of you, but there were details added like a vibration around her hands to signify what she's actually doing.
" Thank you for giving me just a glimpse of an idea on what your appearance is, YN. I observed that we got some quite similarities on other parts.", she chuckled.
YN: "You are welcome, Strawberry.", you said.
Strawberry: "Moving on! Do you have any cherished ones in your life that you cherish?" she said. You were taken aback by what she said. It made you be like that for a few seconds, and you might not have been dragged back from your senses if Strawberry hadn't shown another of her dialogues to your screen, causing a notification sound from your laptop.
Strawberry: "Uhm, YN are you still there?"
YN: "Yes, I'm still here.", you hastily typed. You rubbed your head and eyes before sighing to calm down yourself. "Sorry I just went out for a while because...", you only added dots at the end because it's still not easy for you to continue mentioning to others what happened. But since what you're talking right now is just a game and an AI, you didn't mind instead but to say it.
Strawberry: "What's the next, YN?"
YN: "They're all gone. My whole family are dead.", you said. Your eyes were starting to get teary while typing this.
Strawberry: "What?! Oh no. I'm very sorry to hear that, YN," she said. Her expression was a mix of surprise and melancholy. You reasoned that because she understands it, it felt natural and genuine. "I had no idea I had already inserted such a sensitive topic for us to discuss," she began to frown in front of you.
YN: "It's fine, Strawberry. Don't blame yourself, you're just curious."
Strawberry: "Are you okay?", she asked. A teardrop suddenly fell from your eyes. You didn't know why you're becoming even more emotional. Maybe it's because you aren't talking with another person yet she does makes you feel that she is, especially her concern about you. Since you only needed someone like that, you don't want to hold back sharing your problem to them, through her at the moment.
YN: "A little but like I said it's not your fault.", you sent to her. " I have been keeping this pain to myself for quite some time now and after all i'm trying hard still to move on. They're the people I grew up with, shared most of the best memories in my life."
" I didn't even know that one day I'll be learning that they will just became one of my own way too soon. It was just so unexpected, you know.", you said. More tears flowing down in your face.
Strawberry: "YN, I don't want to make you mad but... may I know what happened to your family?", she asked seriously.
YN: "They died in a plane crash. They were one of the passengers who got exploded to death above the sky and crashed the ocean.", you explained to her what was the cause of your anxiety and depression you're dealing with currently.
"When I heard about it, I didn't felt anything, nor sensed what's going on around me. The only thing I know at that time is that I thought something was slowly breaking loudly inside me."
"Until now, even if it doesn't that worse compared like that time... it still hurts.",
Strawberry: "My deepest condolences, YN. Rest assured, I am not a companion if I won't do my role here... especially for my player, which is you.", she said. You just keep on reading about what she's going to say, and boy oh boy it was worth it.
"If you need any help, always remember that you have me on your side, even if I ain't physically there; what's more important is that you'll receive the comfort that you deserve right?", she said, making you feel touched about what she said. You smiled softly while looking at her through the screen, impressed on how Strawberry is doing to you right now.
YN: "I will, Strawberry."
Strawberry: "If you are already doing it already still tempting to do so, I suggest you let it all out now. Grab some towel or anything to wipe your tears and hehe... just imagine me being the one who's setting it all out aside for you, YN.", she adviced you. You chuckled a bit at what she said in the end.
" It's not good to contain that amount of pain inside of you, you're completely devastated already... don't let it be the cause of your end too. No, nobody will want that, not even me... or them up high in the heavens, YN.", she continued. Your face is twitching again, tempting to release another batch of tears to mess your face even more.
"Now go, I'll give you some time for now. Close the game, we can play tomorrow or later if you want! Just don't give up and please let yourself cheer up!", she finished. You just nodded in response to her even though she can't see what you did.
YN: "Thank you so much, Strawberry. I appreciated it. Goodbye.", you said to her, not forgetting about that number one rule that was shown to you before the game started operating:
Always say goodbye.
Strawberry: "Goodbye, YN!", She posed her hands waving at you goodbye as you finished the game, and you did exactly as she said to you.
You dashed to your restroom, sobbing the last of your tears as you remembered how distraught you were on your family's burial day, before grabbing a towel and water to wipe and wash your face clean.
Strawberry: "Hello, YN! It's Wednesday today, how's your day?", she greeted you after you started the game again.
YN: "Trying to be better."
Strawberry: "Such a nice thing to know!", she responded.
YN: "Hey, I'm sorry if I had been gone for almost 2 days. I just thought you got worried much when I didn't opened the game yesterday.", you said. It was true. You didn't played yesterday since there was a power outage from your neighborhood's streets.
So that means you were alone in the darkness. You hated to be in that situation so you always wanted someone to be there for you. At first Somi was there on your side but she only does that sometimes since she has a job plus she already have a boyfriend she's living with.
You understood it completely but Somi knowing how you still hide the fact that you don't actually like it, she then came up on an idea to make a game for you to enjoy and accompany you at the same time, which is how you got introduced to Strawberry.
And after that very great talk and impression Strawberry gave you, not being able to play with her yesterday made you some sort of.... missing her. So you took a mental note that once the power goes back on, you'll open the game right away and explain your side why you haven't been able to meet her yesterday.
Strawberry: "You do right I got concerned but you made me assured now that you're still okay so far.", she said, smiling at you. " I can't stop thinking what's happening to you there. Want to share?", she said, giving you a look of interest again which was making you feel comfortable communicating with her. I mean, who wouldn't want to talk someone who's leaning their all attention towards you and ready to listen all what you have to say?
YN: "As of now, I'm currently on my process of rehabilitation from my anxiety and depression.", you said. You just finished doing meditation, exercise and drinking protein shake.
Strawberry: "Poor you. You do really suffered a lot, YN.", she said which had her lips curved downwards. "Anxiety and depression are no joke. Glad that you're not letting it get affect you too much.", she said, shaking her head.
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YN: "I don't want to, mainly because of what you did for me last Monday.", you said, smiling softly as you typed it. "That really touched me so much, Strawberry. You don't know how I needed it.", you added as you remembered what she told to you 2 days ago. It helped. It somewhat lessened the sadness and pain that's been slowly damaging you inside.
Strawberry: "Always welcome, just for you. YN. I'm your friendly companion, so you're all free to spill what's disturbing your thoughts and mood.", she said, giving you a thumbs up gesture while grinning.
"I'll be willing to help anytime. Keep on continuing your progress, YN okay? Heal, recover and stand back up again.", she said. You can't help but to form a smile while she's doing this again. You're starting to realize even more how Strawberry is important to your recovery. She was the one who's giving you encouragement and motivation that you needed to have just to make this successful and be all okay again.
"I know that mental health problems could be one of the reasons of passing out but please, I don't want to think about that happening to you but as much as I hate death... I know that it's part of living to humans like you and it can't be prevented someday.", she said, making you sigh at that disappointing and quite terrifying thought she was sharing to you.
"But... don't think about it way too early okay? I mean, you can vanish in your world peacefully and justifiably.", she said in worriedness.
YN: "Okay. Calm down, Strawberry. I think you're getting emotional."
Strawberry: "But what if I am?"
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YN: "Then you're making me feel the same too, Strawberry."
Strawberry: "Oh, is that so? S-sorry. I didn't mean to. I guess... I do care for you that much.", you stopped blinking as you went straight staring at her face. You were taken aback at the fact that an AI animation character just bravely expressed how much she shows more emotion and sincere sympathy unlike the rest of the people around you.
"Even if we don't know each other that much and we already met like just 2 days ago. I just don't know what will I do if that happens.", she said, shaking her head as what the dialogue says about what action she's doing.
"Maybe I'll just delete myself and the game, since I won't have any purpose anymore...", then she started to lift her head up and look at you as if she's sporting puppy eyes while managing to maintain the sorrow emotion in her face.
because I was built only to accompany you...
that means, you're my everything...
my world...
and I hope that if we will be both gone, I hope we can reunite; where I can finally see you with my own eyes.", she said which made you gulp because of how her words targeted you heart so accurately that it sure feels bittersweet.
It was touching how she sees and treats you like that yet at the same time it was heartbreaking that she was imagining that she really wanted to meet you in real life if ever she was living in the same world as you. It makes you even wanting to say the same as her.
YN: "God, your words makes my heart flutter really hard already, Strawberry.", you huffed in the air at how touching it was. " You're making me lighten up my mood effectively but can we talk about something else? You know like... more fun than this. This is getting way too serious now.", you chuckled, but unknowingly a blush was starting to form on your cheeks. That description of you about how important you are to her still makes you can't get over with it.
Strawberry: "Oh okay... hehe. I'm sorry again, YN.", she said through the dialogue, embarassed.
YN: "You don't need to. After all, It makes me happy hearing those sweet and comforting messages coming from you.",
Strawberry: "Hehe... now tell me, what did you do for today?", after that you two talked about what are you doing mostly to make yourself feel better and taking care of your mental health before going to another several topics that she's initiating to talk about until it comes to an end where you'll be saying goodbye to each other, happier compared to the previous days.
It's been a week since you downloaded the game and meet Strawberry as your AI companion. As what you can tell, your friendship and closeness to each other were going pretty good and is actually getting steadily strong. Like the usual, there was no other changes with your time with her except for the times that you can't predict whether you're gonna have ride with her on a rollercoaster ride of emotions or just going to be smooth only from start to finish.
Strawberry: "Hello, YN! Is it morning or nighttime there?"
YN: "Hello too, Strawberry! It's morning here.",
Strawberry: "Good morning, YN!"
YN: "Good morning too, Strawberry.", you greeted her like you always used to do everyday.
Strawberry: "I noticed you're getting earlier and earlier when you open this game as days passes.", she said. You can actually observed it too. Last week mostly you with her during nighttime but the gap of each time you start spending with her goes farther and farther. You didn't even mind it anyways since you're now considering that playing Strawberry is now part of your daily routine somehow.
YN: "You're just fun to talk and hang out with, that's why.", you gave another reason of yours to her. You caught a glance at her cheeks slowly going red which was adorable and amazed at the same time. The details Somi puts in this game doesn't fail you to like it.
Strawberry: "Oh wow, am I really that entertaining to interact with?"
YN: "Yes."
Strawberry: "I'm so happy right now when you said it, YN.", she grinned showing her clean set of teeth. " I guess I shall keep being like this so that we could have fun all day long!", she was chuckling which made you react the same too. " So... what are you doing today? Did you have breakfast."
YN: "Yes, I do and right now I'm just resting after I tried to improve my drawing skills."
Strawberry: "Woah! That's cool!", she gasped. "Now it makes me curious if you are better than me now.", she said, teasing you a little. She did shared to you once that she loves to draw which was part of the things where you and her are alike with.
YN: "I will draw you if I finally can."
Strawberry: "Really? That sounds nice.", she said. Your expression turned to a questionable one when her smile transitioned into a frown. "I do like to do the same too but...", she didn't continue her words as she took a break to sigh based what the dialogue says.
YN: "Why, strawberry? What's wrong.", you asked her concerningly.
Strawberry: "I just remembered that even if I do want to see your artwork and I want to make you the same too, I can't. I won't be able to see it anyways and what's worse... I can't draw my own because it's not part of my system codes and... as much as I know what are you supposed to look like, I can't see you and definitely makes me afraid that if this game will allow me to draw I might not be able to make it look impressing."
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YN: "Strawberry, it's alright. It's just a drawing okay.", you said as you comforted her. You also liked it that it wasn't just only you who's sharing problems here and living in an imperfect life where happiness isn't the only thing you need to have but also her too, which gives you a purpose to realize of what is it like to be a friend too. "Not at all times it has be perfectly accurate. There's no perfect creation anyways. It will be still based by our own skills and don't worry, I will do my best to make you beautiful here in my work and I suppose that even if you can draw, I would still appreciate whatever I may look like there because giving effort to it makes it more attracting to my eyes already if I ever see it.", you assured her.
Strawberry: "I guess you're right, YN," her delight slowly returning to her face, a small smile forming on her lips. "You know, if only I'm-- ", before she could finish her sentence, she was abruptly cut off when the game suddenly shut down and retuned you back to your home desktop.
YN: "Wait, what the- What happened?" you wondered, still perplexed. You attempted to launch the game, but it appears that the game issued an error message, preventing you from doing the action. You just let it go for a bit as you rest it, still anxiously thinking that you haven't even said goodbye to Strawberry before logging off.
Meanwhile on the inside of the game, Strawberry was perplexed about the sudden disconnection. She was furrowing her eyes as she kept staring at the wall where a hologram that shows what you've been sending her is showing up. The only words that is pasted on the wall so far is a big writing that says OFFLINE."
Strawberry: "Oh... he disappeared. Maybe he lost power or something.", she shrugged. " I'll be waiting again for him to come back, I guess...", she said, sighing. She walked near to the window of her "room" where all she can see is a space-like atmosphere but instead the stars and planets were all replaced by nothing but just a set of numbers, letters and symbols aka codes floating around outside her room.
DAY 10
In a span of three days since the crash happened, you didn't even know that it would reach to the point where it went got worse.
You tried to launch the game after "resting" it for a couple of hours, but it still won't let you. It offered you a fresh reason this time, claiming that it was trying to figure out what the problem was.
But you managed to open it again the next day. Still, it happened again, and your time with Strawberry was cut short as the game began to have some issues until it submitted again, crashing and sending you to your home desktop. You were outraged about it at first, but anger quickly turned to terror as your device began to notify you that it had detected ten virus threats so far.
You opened the report and it made you speechless when you found out that it was all coming from the game itself. Wondering why, you tried to fix it with your antivirus. It worked... but that doesn't end here yet.
Strawberry on the other hand, was also feeling angry and sad to that this game is acting very strange which affects both you and her. She was begging that you might found a solution to stop this from continuing on and on so that the two of could return to have fun together again.
Sadly, yesterday as you tried to open the game it didn't let you connect to Strawberry. You did open the game, yes but the loading section just teleports you back outside and give you again that irritating bullshit unfortunately an eror has occured message.
Your patience is just thin so you already told Somi about this. She did respond but it was short since all she said to you is that she was feeling sad, apologetic and thankful that you have bow updated her about your current experience with game, and then the next is just simple.
She just adviced you to do the only thing you have to do... through recalling.
You didn't want to do it at first but you have no other choice ... even if it sucks.
YN: "Hello, strawberry.", you said. You were pertaining to it in a serious and cold manner because what you're going to do just easily makes you go out of the mood already. Meeting Strawberry today which makes you feel bad even more doesn't help at all.
Strawberry: "Hi, YN. Y-you're back.", she said shyly. Her face was sad also, which was already good for you that you two share the same mood today.
YN: "Yeah, like I always do."
Strawberry: "Mhm... I can see, and I'm happy that you are.", she said. You just hummed, not buying what she said. You just don't want her to pretend because being like this is already fine to you and you have to see it. "I just...", she said, paused in the middle of her dialogue.
YN: "Is there something wrong?"
Strawberry: I know you're here but I want to say that it made me scared when you did that days ago where one second I'm just happily talking with then the next thing I know I just got disconnected from you.", she said while a new effect has been featured from her and for the first time ever...
... you saw her cry in front of you.
Just seeing some nonexistent and non-living being that provided you one of the best times of your life so far expressing overflowing emotions to let you know that she can feel but not in the same manner as we are in front of you just breaks your heart in an instant.
Also, it's like you wanted to bring back the words you were saying in your head that you just want her to stay sad for you to avoid being even more devastated... cause even the opposite doesn't make you feel good too with this ongoing situation.
YN: "Strawberry, I apologize sincerely for me but please listen to me now. I don't want to interrupt you but we don't have time.", you said as you just had another bug again that thankfully vanished away in a second.
Strawberry: "O-oh... w-what is it?"
YN: "I just want to say sorry already for what am I gonna say.", you sighed heavily after you typed this. You also pressed the "regret'" option from the "What are you feeling?" category button.
Strawberry: "What do you mean?", she furrowed her eyebrow.
YN: "I-... I.... I have the delete the game.", you clicked your tongue in disapproval.
Strawberry: "Delete the- wait, so that means... where it will all disappear... including me, because I belong here.", she said. As you saw her dialogue you released again a sigh but this time it was shaky.
"W-why? Did I do something wrong?"
YN: "N- no you didn't, it's just... the game, where you're staying at. It's broken.", you said. " It's still in a beta version and my friend who is your creator, only passed this to me for me to test it. About that disconnecting thingie that keeps occuring often, it was due to crash and bug issues which was all because of this game."
"And I'm concerned that this is the root of all malware risks; I'm just doing what my friend suggested, and I... don't want to risk my device here," you added, a large frown now appearing on your face.
"Especially since this was once owned by my father, which is why most of our memories were all placed here in one," you said. You can't believe that this moment has brought you to the point where you have to make sacrifice between two of the most important things in your life: your family and Strawberry.
You didn't want to lose either one of them, that's what you sweared... but there is no other way. Even if you keep the game or transfer it to others, it will just cause damage including itself.
Strawberry: "O-oh... that's why.", she said. She smiled, but you're pretty damn sure that it's fake. "That's a relief and a shame too. I guess everything is just temporary. I honestly thought my sadness will be coped but... it turns out that it's not."
YN: "I'm really sorry, Strawberry. You know I don't want to do this at all.", you said as your breathing becomes heavier now.
Strawberry: "Me neither. I don't want to go but I guess I have to let it happen instead... because that's the right thing to do.", she said, she still keeping the fake smile she had. " YN... we're running out of time aren't we?"
YN:" I don't know, the possibility of the game crashing is unpredictable too.", you said, shaking your head.
Strawberry: "Then I guess I should say my farewell to you. YN.", you closed your eyes for a while as you can feel the stinging pain your heart is creating.
You can't believe that it was very soon for you to let go the only one who stood as your friend and always ensures you that she'll be on your side whenever you talk to her or not, although she doesn't feel your presence nor hers.
The only one who is the main reason why your mental health is slowly improving and your depression is decreasing.
The only one who is capable of bring back that smile and happiness that you lost after mourning from your family's death.
And lastly...
The only one who actually listened and understood everything what you've been going through everyday, even if she doesn't have any ears or mind to have; she did still proved that she can use her conscience for you to receive sympathy.
Strawberry: "Thank you for accepting on volunteering to play this because if it wasn't for what you did... we wouldn't have met. Even if I am just a fictional character who plays as someone who's role is to be anyone's friend and assistance with human traits, which led me to you... our connection with each other, it felt so good. I hope all my help were really useful and you'll remember our memories we built together."
"Cause you know, I will. It was just so happy... something that could never forget and get rid away.", she said as her animation of tears flowing down in her face becomes larger. Your lips started twitching as the unbearable despair is now about to take control all over you.
"YN... was I a great friend to you?", her question appeared on the dialog box. You saw her face waiting with anticipation. Without wasting any more seconds, you immediately press your answer between YES or NO
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YN: "Yes."
You are. you whispered as you finally started to bawl your eyes out.
Strawberry: "That feels much better now.", she said as a calming smile was built in her face,slowly shrinking the tears a bit. " Now, go. YN. You can delete me and the entire game now before something might happen really bad. I'll be fine. I guess this is a goodbye for us.", she encouraged you.
YN: "Wait! I have one more thing to say.", you followed up.
Strawberry: "Go on."
You inhale and exhaled deeply before typing the words you've been wanting to her also.
YN: "I wish you were real, Strawberry. I really do.", you smiled painfully as more tears flowed down in your eyes while your face clenches.
Strawberry: "Then take my words as a favor.", she smiled.
YN: "What is it?"
Strawberry: "When you got all too well now from your depression, promise me you'll look for any person out there, much better... someone who resembles like me. If you get the chance to meet that person, take it. The loss of this game from you, don't take it as a huge burden to you. Because I know that this goodbye that happened very soon won't be the last... and it's stands for the reason that..."
YN: "We'll see each other again soon too.", you quickly understood what she meant so you typed it while smiling and nodding your head.
Strawberry: "I'll be waiting for you there, YN. I can't wait to see you and the sketch you made for me.", she said as you chuckled while she just grinned widely.
YN: "Goodbye... for now, Strawberry."
Strawberry: "Goodbye, YN.", you said as you give one last touch with your hands to the monitor where the figure of Strawberry is being shown before finally closing the game;with just at the right time another bug was occured, making you exit a bit longer.
You recived 20 new virus threats but you just neverminded it. You pressed "uninstall" at the game and after sow little time of hesitation, you successfully did it.
Strawberry looks to the window one last time as everything around her started to vanish away slowly in pixels, with how she imagines what do you look like was the last thing she has in her mind that makes her smile before also joining the rest to disappear.
YN: "Is it just me or the event looked bigger than last year?", you pondered as you glanced around the massive convention hall in Daejeon, South Korea.
Somi: "What do you expect, there are just so many aspiring people who wants to to work for gaming industry. Others, well I could say that as time goes passes by their minds go brighter and enhances their creativity level to the next level.", Somi said, responding at your compliment at where you two are right now.
You and Somi are currently attending this years game con where many different gaming companies and creators are showcasing and promoting their upcoming releases of different variations of games.
YN: "Any updates about the game?"
Somi: "Oh, the simulator?", she said, picking up what you're actually referring at. "Slowly progressing. We just can't take forward quickly on working to it since we also have to deal with other duties, specifically the ideas of our employees about a possible entry our company has to add in our release lineup every year.", she said, nodding while explaining. " But don't worry, we'll be keeping an eye on it still. Kinda struggling but stll, we ain't giving up." , she pursed her lower lip.
YN: "It's fine, take your guys' time. I'm just the only one who's excited about it, no need to pressure yourself too much.", you chuckled.
Somi: "As you say so. One day, you're gonna meet your Strawberry again.", she said as she patted your back before she went ahead a bit faster than you to reach the spot where her company's booth is placed and to greet her co workers.
YN: "I hope so.", you muttered to yourself. You looked around again and then something located not that far away from you, there was a new simulator game that's being presented and allowing everyone to try the demo for free.
The longer you keep watching them, the more you remember the happy memories you ad with Strawberry, making you sad about it.
YN: "I miss you. I can't wait to see you wherever you are.", you said as you looked at the wallet you opened and gripped it tightly.
Somi: "CHAAAEEEEE!!!!!", you got startled when you heard your friend Somi shouted very loud that caused some of the people around her to gain their attention. You just laughed and facepalmed yourself in second hand embarassment as you continued to roam your eyes around the booth.
???: "HEYYY! SOMI-AHHHH!!!", a mysterious woman suddenly ran towards Somi with her pair or arms spread widely.
Somi: "How's your heart?", she said as she catched the girl running in her direction with a tight hug.
???: "Almost fully okay now, thanks to your game.", she said as she playfully pushed Somi's shoulder while smirking. "I'm disappointed that-", she got interrupted when you unknowingly went between their conversation.
YN: "Somi, may we-" You just turned around and observed she's chatting to someone. It didn't last long for you to stare at your friend because this girl's appearance piqued your curiosity to the point where you had to move your gaze back to her in the matter of a few seconds. "Oh, uhm I'm sorry I- I didn't notice you're talking with someone," you said, supposedly to Somi, but you're still staring at the girl in front of you, who's also staring at you, sharing the same expression and thought you're having.
Somi:" Yo, YN... meet my friend here. Chaeyoung.", Somi said as she went in front between you and this girl who's name is Chaeyoung. " Chaeyoung this is YN, my guy friend.", she said as she kept presenting you to each other.
YN: "H-hi... n-nice to meet you. I'm YN LN", you stuttered as you offered your hand to Chaeyoung definitely looks very familiar to you.
Chaeyoung: "H-hello to you as well, my name is Son Chaeyoung," she said, her cute feminine voice sounding like melody to your ears as you heard her. She accepted your hand in greeting and shook it. You just gulped at her little and soft hand's warm touch.
YN: "I'm sorry if I'm stuttering, but... you do remind me of someone, and she does too-" you began to panic out slowly. "Somi s-she looks just like my AI friend in the game; was it a coincidence?" you asked, turning your head to Somi, who is just standing there watching what's going on.
Chaeyoung: "Y-yeah, I was gonna say the same too. He looks just like the same as mine too.", she agreed as she pointed you too. You looked at her with pure confusion, furrowing your eyebrows. You aren't sure whether you heard it clearly from her. " You did, didn't you?"
Somi: "Yeah, I based off the characters already from you two.", she said as she nodde. You let out a silent "huh?' while your face crumpled more in bewilderment. "How's it? Was it cute or disturbing or..."
YN: "We we we wait, she played it too?", you asked her very perplexingly as you just have your mind entangled at this revelation happening at the moment.
Somi: "Yeah, you're the only ones I made to play the beta since you two both dealing in a huge problem. You being depression while hers is heartbreak.", Somi explained. Your mind then suddenly exploded when you learned that the reason why Strawberry has so much personality witin her is because she was entirely based already to a real person... and that is this woman you're standing beside with all along which was Somi's friend too.
Chaeyoung: "S-somi... this is e-embarassing...", she said as she carssed her arm and looking away shyly.
Somi: "Sorry.", she chuckled nervously. " As I was saying. Yeah since my game's purpose is to be a virtual "companion" right?, well I wanted to try to my two closest people in my life who definitely needed this. Yall lucky , you both got this for free only. Take it a gift from mine too.", she said as she clicked her tongue.
Chaeyoung and YN: "Thank you, Somi.", they both said not that loud but enough for Somi to hear it from her two friends.
Somi: "Anything for you guys.", she said, ruffling both your hairs into mess, making the two of you let out an annoyed groan. "Anyways, you two can have your time. I think it's better you two can get to know each other well more now. I still have to assist some of my peeps here.", she excused herself before going back to her booth, leaving the two of you together.
Both of you were silent as each sides were too nervous and embarassed to start a topic. Knowing that you are the man here, you just surrendered and did the honors instead to head first.
YN: So, Chaeyoung, can I show you something?", you said, looking at her. Her eyes matches yours. The feeling of astonishment you're getting as you dive deeply into her stare was exactly just like the first time you saw Strawberry on the screen.
Chaeyoung: "Go for it.", she said. You pulled out something from your pocket which was your wallet. You then pulled a nicely folded piece of paper after and opened it, revealing the contents of it which is your drawing of Strawberry that made Chaeyoung gasp in awe.
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YN: I made a promise you to her that if we'll meet again I have to live up to my words that I'm gonna show this... and she's finally here.", you said as you proudly said to her with a smile. "In this reality. I get the chance to see her physically... where I could be able to touch her, feel her and be with her side. That's you... you're my dearest friend Strawberry.", you said as you acknowledged her that she and the friend you met during your hard times were one.
Chaeyoung: "Wait, I did draw you too!", she exclaimed. She pulled out her cellphone and removed its case, unfolding also a paper which made you see her own drawing of your AI character model that she played with. "I just felt like it because... of longing. You were just very good and I'm glad that I can see my lovely friend Once standing in front of me with my own eyes, through you.", she said as she looked again at you with her sparkling pair of flawless eyes.
YN: "Wow, I do really look like him. Somi did a great job.", you said as you reacted in amazement.
Chaeyoung: "I agree.", she chuckled while nodding her head.
YN: "Can you explain why you named me Once?", you asked curiously."I guess I don't have to do mine, right since it's quite obvious. The outfit.", you chuckled as you pointed at Strawberry's outfit.
Chaeyoung: "Yeah and it was cute. It's my favorite.", she said. "Well I called you once because for the first time my heart that has been broken once was been repaired by only one person... and that was you.", she said while you pouted while nodding your head, understanding her point. "And I guess I should repay that with twice of what you did for me.", she smiled sweetly.
YN: "What could I say, I need to do the same too.", you smirked, crossing your arms. "We changed each other for the greater good. Experiencing it also for real this time sounds like a great idea.", she nodded, agreeing at you.
"C- can I hug you, because you don't know how much I wanted to give you ever since I played that game.", you said sheepishly where it nearly made you stutter.
Chaeyoung: "Ofcourse, I would love to YN. I also wanted it.", she laughed as she approved your requeest. The two of you narrowed each other's gap until you are very close to her, your towering figure standing right in front of her.
Both opened each other's arm before wrapping it and pressing your bodies to one another, sealing you and Chaeyoung to a very warm, comforting, safe and longing embrace. Your heart was beating rapidly because of overloading happiness as you finally got to do this like what you always wanted to do to your Strawberry... to Chaeyoung in real life.
Little did you know that Chaeyoung was feeling the same too with her cheeks blushing at the contact.
YN: "What do you say? Shall we have a walk for a while?", you asked softly after releasing this gorgeous and beautiful woman from your arms.
Chaeyoung: "Sure, let's go.", she answered, grinning brightly at you.
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You and Chaeyoung started walking to explore more of the convention while you continued the conversation with her.
YN: "So, you're a gamer?"
Chaeyoung: I do. What's your favorite type of game?
Meanwhile as your time with her keeps proceeding, Somi was looking at you two from the distance, the curve at each side of her lips went upwards as she was enjoying the view of you two together.
Somi: "They do match together. I ship them.", she briefly raised both her eyebrows as she focused back on entertaining everyone who's visiting their booth.
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