#twd wank
thereadersmuse · 1 year
omfg is the daryl dixon twd spin off really called: “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon?” I AM GOING TO FUCKING LAUGH UP MY SPLEEN. This is perfect.
“The Walking Dead: Narcissism” ... I mean “Daryl Dixon!”
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rickbisexualgrimes · 2 years
s11 has been a bit of a letdown, huh?
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goldenispunk · 3 months
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freefromthecocoon · 3 months
I really thought with all the wonderful activities of the weekend and the excitement and joy that Melissa had on her face that the gaslighting by a certain person on this app would end. Sadly, I was wrong. Do not let her steal your joy or your confidence that Melissa and Norman have complete control and that this upcoming season of The Book Of Carol is going to be stellar.
I have noticed that the engagement numbers for this person are down to usually less than 5 notes per post and it's basically the same 5 people who engage with her posts. She has basically painted herself into a corner of negativity and it looks like the majority of the fandom on this app have figured out that her posts are not anything to be taken seriously. I am glad about that.
I posted on Twitter (I will never call it X, lol) that I am glad that joy has returned to our fandom and that the fissures seem to be healing. A lot of division in the fandom went down over the past two years. And the person who was a big cause of it is trying to retain her "perceived power." She blocked me well over a year ago when I pointed out inconsistencies in her theories. Listen I am full well a believer in curating your timeline. I do this to maximum benefit on Twitter and it has helped my mental well being tremendously. Actually her blocking me was the best thing that could have happened to me as it took away the daily experience of wading through her hundreds of asks that she gets and posts. I have a theory that the people sending the asks are from people in her small inner circle.
She seems to have fixated on Zabel being the evil person puppet master that does not have Melissa's or Carol's best interests at heart. You all have probably seen the quotes from the weekend or clips where Melissa talks about being able to address the unresolved issues for Carol in these upcoming episodes. Zabel and Melissa have discussed this at length per both of their statements. So that is a narrative that has been destroyed.
She is also fixated on the credits for Norman and Melissa. From what I have been told and read, the credits are as they should be. Norman's name fading into Melissa's. A majority of shows list the actors in this manner. It's my understanding that Carol has been added into the animation for the credits and that at the end of the opening credits Daryl and Carol are standing in the same frame in the animation. (I do not know the context of the imagery though.)
I said at the beginning of this post, that I hope that the gaslighting will end. I truly hope she can start to get some enjoyment from the show and join in on the fun and celebration instead of being doom and gloom all the time. But I will believe it when I see it, for she seems to be more concerned about being right and maintaining her perceived power and notoriety in the fandom. But that's enough about that. Please continue to enjoy and anticipate the goodness we have received and will receive. Caryl on everybody!
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hypermania · 1 year
Beth was 18 by the time there was anything romantic between she and Daryl and most people confuse Daryl's age with Norman's. He was supposed to be 30-35.
...do you think the reason that people are uncomfortable with reading beth and daryl as romantic is because they believe beth hasn't crossed some imaginary legal line into adulthood (that doesn't even exist in that world anymore anyway) and not because he's a whole ass 30 or 40 or 50 year old man and she's a teenager? ship whatever you want. it's none of my business. but like. come on now.
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extacitic · 10 months
Carol from twd fucking someone up makes my clit perk up and there’s nothing I can do to change that but wank
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laststandx3 · 1 year
Spoiler for twd daryl dixon ep 3 I'm once again buffled by the amarican wank that is daryl dixon. It's not possible that a whole country speaks english for him but he can't manage ONE mercì. I fuckin hate him. Learn the fucking language. And he speaks too american for people to understand him.
Then everyone acting like that kid is jesus back on earth. For fuck sake. He's just got some antibiotic blood.
You want me to believe that's the same little girl from last episode? It's been 12 fucking years in the story timeline: that child is dust. You can't ignore that much physics
Even for post-apocalypse standards the demimonde is low tier for a nightclub. Great music. But are they supposed to have electricity? There's a girl with pink/purple hair. How do they still have all those stuff 12+ years after the apocalypse. Im not saying everyone should be sad and gloomy and never dress up ever, but it seemed to me that even eating was a hard task. Where do all those party people live? Don't they have to grow their food? Having a nightclub in a post-apocalypse setting isn't wrong per se. but the society around it needs to match up to that level of surplus. we're shown 3 guys and a grill who grow all the food for the community that's hosting dixon. nothing else, except the zombies. now to have at least alchol (admitting that for electricity they have a generator and if you want to eat you eat home bc the demidome isn't a restaurant) there should be people growing fruits or potatoes or anything really bc you can be a wonderful singer but if there's no food not only people won't have time to listen but you'll be to hungry to sing. anyway i feel like i'm digressing so back on the story:
we're 34 minutes in (48 total) of french people bending over backwards to accomodate daryl dixon's need. (like you know french people are just like that. that if you ask any european we do love to help americans, it's like second nature here, we respect them so much we don't want them to go back to their country asap and never come back. I think i understand why all those people are trying to give dixon a boat now. i hope they manage to get rid of him fast.) what was I saying? yes 34 minutes in AdNag shows up in the classiest outfit i've ever seen him in. everyone say thank you to tdw costume dept who saw him in that blue acrylic adidas zipper and said we can aim a little higher with this one. So it's been 12 years and Quinn is still crushing hard on Izzy, simp. and in the same sentence we find out he saved her after a suicide attempt we also discover that (spoiler), 1) he sort of tried to kill sister, and 2) HE FUCKED THE SISTER!! he's little jesus' dad!! smelling god-complex already, but that would be putting to much faith in the writers So for the privilege of getting rid of dixon, izzy would introduce laurent to his dad (who if you forgot, has tried to kill her sister not once but twice, although leaving her to die is a technicality, but i think the point was he REALLY wanted to not have sister around) dixon calls the "deal" off, ruining the lives of french people once more bc the evil militia guys are back, and this time instead of nuns they kill those 5 poor souls who made the mistake of inviting dixon in and not kicking him out right away. And you'd think that since dixon and izzy just had a fight and he's packing to leave alone in the night he'll take this opportunity to leave those people alone and stop endangering them. but no, he tells them to meet him later in a different place. Genuinely tho, does he understand 20+ people (mostly nuns) died bc the evil guys are after him? Is he asking team-jesus to follow him bc he cares or does he wants human shields? I'm really confused bc if i knew bad guys were after me SPECIFICALLY i wouldn't invite people i care about with me.
let's finish on a bright note: compared to the other 2 episode this one was well written. Izzy's actress is good, she's just given a very inconsistent character that is badass until the writers need her to be a sad womanTM. i don't think the writers put effort and depth in the character but surely she's doing what she can since she just got the vibes of the character instead of a backstory. I said bright note: great music. great plot twist (i mean maybe it happens a lot in other genres but I'm not used to secret father subplots). AdNag.
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nanoland · 2 years
mutter mutter
ofmd wankfolk being big mad at the prospect of 1 (mildly) antagonistic char who has thus far killed 0 protagonists maybe getting a redemption arc next season, meanwhile over in twd fandom we got an antagonist who brutally, GRAPHICALLY murdered a protagonist in front of that protagonist’s pregnant wife getting a FULL BLOWN spin off in which he’s CO-STARRING WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED PROTAGONIST’S WIFE anyway my point is fandom wank is silly, any antagonist char can be yr fave and that’s fine and i love you, and also twd fans are literally stronger than God at this point sweet mercy we have endured so much ._. 
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shana-silver-fox · 2 years
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thereadersmuse · 1 year
I think AMC and Norman Reedus are in for a rude awakening. I think Daryl spin off will be a flop in my opinion. And I also think Dead City spin off will flop as well. The only spin off I see being successful is Rick and Michonne spin off.
Admittedly, I am not the person who has the best grip on the pulse of how The Walking Dead franchise is doing in terms of ratings or how they live in the hearts and minds of fans these day. But like- mood.
Personally, it is dead. Just let it goooooooooooo, AMC.
In terms of the Daryl spin off, I have more thoughts.
I think a lot of carylers (who aren't dead like me) were set to watch the Carol and Daryl spin off. And because Melissa is no longer in it, I don't think there is much interest watching a Norman-Daryl hybrid stank his way across eight episodes and potentially find true love with a rescue chihuahua with two teeth that he found in a dumpster.
...I would actually watch that for the chihuahua tbh...
Lets make it the descendants of the three tiny queens we saw in the nursing home in Atlanta in 1x03 and it will be like we have come full circle.
Clearly, I need to write for this spin off, because I had no intention of watching, but- now I am tempted if this head canon comes true.
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mcbride · 2 years
I think it's understandable people want and demand Rick's return. I don't think that makes them stupid. I thought you liked Rick too
i didnt say that. what i said and what i meant is it was Andy's decision to leave the show to spend more time with his family. he openly talked about this, too. it's inconsiderate to keep demanding Rick to return when it's clearly, obviously something Andy is not interested in. the fact, there's zero progress on those Rick movies should be a clear sign of how he ain't interested in doing those either. time will tell...
the main show is ending, but the franchise is expanding with multiple spinoffs, while the fandom is painful slowly dying, becoming more misogynistic and toxic every day. i'd just bring Rick back to reunite with his family in TWD finale and close that chapter for everybody, giving them all a happy ending. no one needs to watch 3 more spinoffs to know what happened to Rick. i mean, last year, it was watch TWD: World Beyond for more Rick crumbs... next year, please watch all the new spinoffs for more Rick crumbs... Rick will return, eventually, if ever.... thank you for watching!
and yes, i do love Rick. he is one of my fav characters, it's why i think he and Andy deserve better.
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freefromthecocoon · 3 months
I understand your thoughts about negative person. And I kinda agree. but I don't understand why me or anyone else should be satisfied with what was done in s1 DD? They purposely baiting Daryl and Isabelle. Zabel, Norman or someone else was fine with that. and maybe you like it or are satisfied with it or you blindly don't notice it - but it's not going anywhere...It's there on the screen. and people, ordinary people, noticed it. Do you think Carol and Melissa need to be involved in this kind of story over and over again? If she's okay with it, then it only means that we've been worrying for nothing all this time. and Kang, enemy #1, did everything that our beloved EP liked. and that means one more thing...which is not so positive. that we just didn't listen to what they were trying to tell us. and we were manipulated. which lead to nothing. and it still leads to nothing and according to your thoughts we should blindly follow. and not to do work on mistakes when we were so deceived before
Hello to my new follower who followed me from a random account shortly before I got this ask. I won't name the account here but it seemed to be a fairly random account. So I will address your concerns.
"Do you think Carol and Melissa need to be involved in this kind of story over and over again? If she's okay with it, then it only means that we've been worrying for nothing all this time. and Kang, enemy #1, did everything that our beloved EP liked."
In everything I have read by people who were in attendance for the episode and in all the videos of the panel I have seen, Melissa seems completely at ease with everyone that was on the stage and hell she even posed for pictures with just she and David prior to the event.
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I have included a clip from Melissa herself on the panel on Saturday.
Melissa voiced the frustrations that so many of us have felt over the years, that because of the bigger picture of TWD, it wasn't deemed important that Carol's traumas were properly addressed. David went on to say that he spent a lot of time in discussion with Melissa to make sure they advance the character of Carol and not keep her stagnant.
Gimple and Kang were in charge during all of that period. Gimple oversees the bigger universe, but thank God during the time that Season 2 filmed, he was busy with TOWL on which he was the showrunner.
Anon, I am not sure if you watched Season 1 or not. I have read accounts by people who were in attendance and watched the premiere. They all say that it sets up a parallel of Daryl's journey in Season 1. I truly hope that after all of this is over with you can sit and watch every season and see how it perfectly tells their story.
The shipbaiting was clearly there in Season 1 and no one can deny that, but no, I did not..not "blindly notice" some of the beats in Season 1 that disturbed a lot of the fandom. But I also DID notice the subtleties in the story telling of Daryl wanting to return home to Carol which were undeniable.
Everything I know about 201 from video clips I have seen that are floating around...from song choices to flashback memories, point to canon for Caryl. But if we have misread all of it and you and those who have chosen to look at the negative possibilities are correct. And we have been "deceived" as you say, just know that Melissa would be in agreement of friend-zone Caryl. If that is true she will have participated in the deception of all of us just as much as much as you all claim that Norman and the rest of TPTB have So my question to you, Anon, is that if that turns out to be the case, will all of you go after Melissa like you did Norman and TPTB or will you just admit defeat.
I don't recall suggesting that someone should blindly follow anything, but I do trust Norman and Melissa, if it turns out we were wrong about romantic canon, I will be disappointed, but I do not believe that is something we will have to worry about if I am being honest.
I hope you have a lovely day and I hope all of our Caryl wishes come to fruition.
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siddiqtwd · 3 years
Siddiq’s death in TWD was poorly written and completely unnecessary. Here’s why:
Siddiq was smarter than his actions. He figured out that Dante was a whisperer and was tainting the water. He wouldn’t have tried to kill Dante right after figuring it out. He would’ve made Dante think everything was okay, then Siddiq would go to the council and tell them everything. Him trying to kill Dante immediately after figuring who Dante was only makes sense because Siddiq had just experienced a PTSD episode and wasn’t thinking clearly.
There’s no way Dante would’ve gotten away with killing Siddiq, even if Rosita hadn’t showed up right after. Dante would’ve probably tried to pass it off as Siddiq killing himself, but no one would believe that, especially Rosita. Daryl and Gabriel wouldn’t believe it either, as it wouldn’t have been a coincidence that Siddiq died right after Dante claimed Siddiq ‘accidentally’ killed the whisperer Carol was holding hostage because Siddiq packed hemlock in their doctor’s bag.
Dante being a whisperer spy for only six to seven episodes doesn’t make sense, either. It would’ve been a much more interesting plot if it had been dragged out, rather than only lasting a short amount of time. It also would’ve been more interesting if Siddiq was more oblivious to the fact that Dante was a whisperer, instead of slowly figuring it out.
Like Father Gabriel said in 10.08, it doesn’t make sense for the Whisperers to keep Siddiq alive just to kill him after. There is no part of Dante’s killing Siddiq that makes sense, it only made sense because Siddiq figured out who Dante was. 
But even so, Dante could’ve not killed Siddiq, say that Siddiq tried to kill him, and pass it off as Siddiq being overly paranoid about the Whisperers. Dante spent a lot of time gaslighting Siddiq anyways, and Siddiq would’ve had zero proof that Dante was a whisperer besides Siddiq’s own memories.
Siddiq’s death was just so poorly written and I’ll never get over that. He deserved to live ‘til the end of the series, and he deserved to watch Coco grow up. 
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imaginedragonsfly · 4 years
Me looking in the Caryl fandom today.
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lamportb · 5 years
Sneak peek of what Daryl dreams of: 
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renee-walker · 5 years
I’ll just be over here giggling because apparently there’s discourse about how everything is Carol’s fault or some shit. However, in my infinite wisdom, I have apparently blocked every last asshole who made this argument the last 5278356129 times it came up, so I’m seeing nothing.
I will say only what I have always said. If she were a dude the whole world would be lining up to take turns polishing her knob.
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