#tw schutzstaffel
cawthedwal · 19 days
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Reich and Julius were,, very close.
I might start making pages describing lore and stuff. For now, some lore on this piece under the cut !!
Anton (Third Reich) has been around Julius (Schutzstaffel) since SS was about 3-4. He. groomed him for several years, leaving the younger to be quite emotionally (and sexually) dependent on him ,, In this piece, Schutzstaffel is 12, 7 years into Reich's perversions.
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deer-motif · 4 years
y’all. y’all—
I’m gonna need you all to listen to me right now— at least once, please.
don’t call Sanders Sides ‘SS’. just don’t.
why? because that abbreviation is highly associated with the N/zi orginization known as Sch/tzst/ffel.
there are literal fanders triggered by this.
One time someone tried to debate with me on this saying that “Thomas says it” but guess what?? I don’t give a fuck! I know Thomas is a wonderful person, but even he doesn’t know some things and he can make mistakes, too, like the human he is. Stop putting him on a pedestal of perfect. I have never seen him use the abbreviation anyways, so I’m not even sure if that person’s argument was solid. Either way, there are people in and out of the fandom triggered by this organization. We cannot be using this abbreviation.
“but what would we use to abbreviate Sanders Sides, then?”
Literally anything else. The most common ones I’ve seen are ‘TSS’ and ‘SaSi’ but you can make up new ones, too, as long as they aren’t ‘SS’. Spread this around as much as you can, I’m begging you. I’ve seen people use it more lately and I want to scream. This isn’t up for fucking debate.
thank you for listening. and if you keep using ‘SS’ after seeing this, I don’t want to interact to you.
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peiperpotts · 3 years
Twelve days of Christmas
I wanted to post smth for my birthday (nov. 20th) but I was too busy to write, so this is kind of a makeup gift; from me to meyall. Winter is my fav time of the year, can you guess?
TW: suicide.
also: not spell checked. im tired and hungry.
After the break, enjoy.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.
’There are whole pear forests near the Swabian Alps, you know..’ She says nonchalantly. The juice of the fruit dribbled down their chin, on a girl’s fresh as petals and a boy’s spattered with freckles under the setting autumn sun.
’Just imagine eating all these fruits all the time.’  
Planting a seed and watch it grow.
A story as ancient as time.
’I believe a pear forest is called an orchard.’ The boy smirks with thin lips tainted with sweet sap, a glint of mischief playing around his mouth tending to turn upwards.
’Don’t get smartass with me, Peiper.’
Their laughter is lost among clumsy-juicy kisses, so sweet and not yet so forbidden, just a peck of a boy and a girl, not yet those of a man and a woman.
’What does a city girl like you know of farming anyway?’ 
They didn’t knew anything, but the taste of innocence in their mouth. To remain pure, untouched by reality, devoured from afar with pleasure.
’ You lived all your life in the Capital.’
And so did he. In a quiet middle class neighborhood in Berlin, a proud son of a respectable veteran and a pretty daughter of a constable.
Maybe they were meant to be.
’I’m just…  thinking.’ She says at last, chewing on pear and saliva stained lips. ’Maybe there’s more out there.’
’You want… more?’ He asks, interest piqued in deep blue eyes.
’Yes. Don’t you?’
She pretends not to notice that their next kiss wasn’t so innocent.
  On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me two turtle doves.
’Hans committed suicide.’
He tells her behind the schoolyard shielded by massive oaks, puffing on a cigarette, most likely bummed from his older brother’s even older friends.
’Oh Jochen, es tut mir leid.’ Her arms are wrapping around him on instinct, drawing the blond head against her budding chest.
’He succeeded this time.’ The words pass through the cotton of her shirt into her skin, right into her heart.
Like Icarus flying into the sun.
It lasts maybe a minute or two and he is breathing normal again.
It’s women’s work silently done.
Mending together the pieces of men.
’Father says I am to follow Horst to the Hitlerjugend, then the Schutzstaffel.’
Her arms drop around him as if he was made of hot iron.
’Why? Isn’t one soldier enough?’
Isn’t one sacrifice sufficient?
’My father said he can arrange you to join their Police Office if you want to…’ Minna starts tentatively.
’The Führer said that the police needs to be unified under state controll. Once he takes power…’
’May that day never come.’
Jochen flinches and climbs out of her embrace.
’You shouldn’t talk like this, Minna.’
’It’s the truth. He is beyond hateful.’
’He has good many reasons to resent our enemies.’
’I… when is Hans’ funeral? I wish to pay my respects.’
’He won’t have one. It’s a sin to kill yourself. He was cremated.’
She pretends that its the smoke of his cigarette that hurt her eyes.
  On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me three French hens.
He was handsome in that uniform, she couldn’t lie about it.
Tall and lean and blond and shiny like a poster.
And he was all hers.
For now.
And Minna pretends the rest doesn’t really matters.
 On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent me four calling birds.
He is too busy to come, but he calls on the phone every once in a while.
He seems cheery but tired, and all too excited for panzers – whatever those are good for.
Minna pretends she is happy for him.
 On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent me five gold rings.
He slips a ring on her finger with a sheepish smile during a leave from the barracks.
’Frau Peiper.’ He cooes into her hair, styled into Hollywood waves, her mother’s careful handiwork.
Minna pretends not to notice her father’s scowl when her fiance is talking.
  On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent me six geese a-laying
A friend from university tells her, blushing and embarrased. 
Jochen is seeing someone else from work. 
People saw him holding an umbrella over a tall woman with broad shoulders, and even bringing roses to the Kanzlei on his arms. 
The flowers weren’t for her.
Minna pretends she trusts him.
 On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent me seven swans a-swimming
Jochen no longer lives in Charlottenburg with his parents but in a fancy apartment overlooking theTiergartenplatz. She decides to pay an unannounced visit.
’Herr Peiper left for a soiree in Frau Heydrich’s salon.’ The landlady tells her with her nose upturned. Well behaved ladies seldomly turned out in bachelor’s apartments. Yet she tells her the address.
Minna pretends she doesn’t care about the contempt in the woman’s eyes.
  On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent me eight maids a-milking
There’s a crowd in the rain before Frau Heydrich’s home. The wetness of her coat slowly seeping into her dress, making her shiver with cold. A man touched her hand as if by accident and then she knew she couldn’t stand around any longer.
Just then a car draws up by the gate, With both elbows, forcing herself out of the group, ran like mad towards the car and into a man wearing an army officer’s greatcoat. He had just got out of the car, a dreadfully tall man, so tall that Minna had to raise her eyes to see his face. But since he had his cap down over his eyes, she saw nothing but a gigantic nose.
’Please forgive me, Sir. But I would like to go with you.’
’You would like what?’ He asked, taken aback.
’I would like to go with you for a moment. Ladies are only allowed in if they’re in the company of officers.’
’Ah.’ The officer looked her up and down and seemed to like the prospect.
’Come on then, Fraulein.’
Minna pretends that his gaze through her dress did not gaze her shivers.
 On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent me nine ladies dancing
It was a celebration, for sure. Women in their expensive silks and jewellery flanked by uniformed men she saw on the pages of newspapers.
’Obergruppenführer! The Reichsführer’s speech is about to start.’
A man quips towards Minna’s right and the tall man nods with acknowledge towards a group of officers.
’Well go, take a look around, Schatzie.’ The large nose turns to Minna and pats her hand tucked into his. ’Duty calls.’
Minna wanders to the next room with a fireplace, grateful for its warmth, looking around for a familiar face.
’Excuse me everyone, I would like to start my speech.’ A small mousey man announces, clicking a silver spoon against a sparkling glass of champagne handed out to everyone by busying waiters. Minna finds one in her own hands too, its golden liquidity shaking from the cold in her hands.
’Our beloved Jochen’ The Reichsführer continues pointing towards a couple sitting next to each other on a sofa, ’has decided to honour his duty towards family. Here I am happy to announce his engagement to Sigurd Hinrichsen, my loyal secretary.’
She heard the scream exactly as everybody else did. Shrilly it cut the room in two and hovered over for a moment. Only seconds later did she realised it came from her.
The next moment she found herself in front the man she thought she knew. A vein was quivering on his temple.
Facing each other for what seemed to be an eternity. But it was perhaps no more than the fraction of a second. Then she turned her eyes to the woman.
Freakishly tall and with red patches around a long face. Frumpy, even in her expensive silk gown.
Oh, how she hated her.
With one sudden lunge, she threw the glass of champagne at her feet and Sigurd Hinrichsen started to screech hysterically.
Minna pretended she didn’t heard her.
 One the tenth day  of Christmas my true love sent me ten lords a-leaping
 She found herself running for all was worth, running through a hall into the rain drenched street as the other guest recoiled from her vicinity in terror and past the guards who tried to seize her by the arms. 
The wet darkness enveloped her as if it was in her nature.
Then she stopped running, walking across a bridge. The Spree! 
Leaning over the ballustrade she saw thousand and thousands of lights dancing in the water. Up and down with the waves.
How merry it looked!
Never before in her life had she ever been so lonely.
It hurt so much that she could no longer stand it.
Putting her hands on the parapet, trying to pull herself up and then…
Strong hands gripped her by the shoulder, pulling back. She tried to shake off the stranger.
’Leave me alone!’
Seized by both arms she was dragged away from the parapet.
’Quiet now, quiet. Don’t be a fool! He is not worth it.’ A man in an uniform tutted her, with his epaulette shining the same as Jochen’s did.
Minna could not pretend it did not fill her heart with hatred.
 One the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave me eleven pipers piping.
A hand, a big warm hand came towards her and searched for her fingers.
’Are you an adjutant as well? Do leave me alone. I hate adjutants!’
’There are adjutants and – adjutants!’ the man proclaimed in a matter of fact voice.
There was some rustling in the dark and a coat was laid across her shoulder.
’Your coat will be soaked.’ She said. ’I am wet from the rain. Very wet.’
’Never mind. You ran like a gazelle, Fraulein. I could barely catch you.’
Why did he came after her?
Is she going to get arrested?
Minna pretended the thought didn’t made cold sweep into her heart.
One the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave me twelve drummers drumming.
’When you ran away so suddenly, I followed you. Only, you ran so fast I preferred to call down a cab and keep on your track. But I wanted to leave you alone as long as possible.’
’And why were you so awful then and didn’t leave me alone the whole time?’
’Because it was no longer possible’ the man said calmly and put his arms around her shoulders.
Minna was dead tired and weary and didn’t care any longer what happened.
He could arrest her or just drive her on and on and never get out again, never see again or hear again… so she put her head on his shoulder and he pulled her closer.
She tried to remember what he looked like but couldn’t disentagle his face from all the many faces she had seen that night and was too tired to look up from under his heavy arms.
’I deliberately splashed the champagne on her dress.’ She confessed into his chest. ’It leaves stains. She could never wear that godawful dress again.’
’That’s very resourceful of you.’ There was a hint of a smile in his voice.
’Do you know Obersturmführer Peiper?” Minna asked suddenly.
’No. I’ve only seen him before in the Führer’s ante-chamber with Reichsführer Himmler. I didn’t like him.’
’Why not?’
There was a pause in the man’s speech.
’Don’t know why. These things, likes and dislikes cannot be explained. You, for example, I like.’
The car fell silent again after that.
’That’s a shame. I for one - hate all Obersturmführers.’
’Then I can happily tell you I am a Sturmbannführer.’
The man cupped her face in his large palms, stroking a warm finger on her tear-stained cheek.
’I’m so sorry to tell you this Fralein, but you are the last girl Joachim Peiper would have married. Sure, you’re lovely, beautiful even but you have neither money nor connections. What could you possibly offer him?
Minna cannot pretend any longer that he isn’t right.
One the first day of the New Year, my true love gave me a new hope.
Three months later she marries Sturmbannführer Max Wünsche in a quiet ceremony and Minna Wünsche no longer has to pretend what’s not right.
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