#tw // tsundere
campeyourdiems · 2 years
T . . . Tsundere Daniel x reader?
yea sure, i can do that. =w= love your art, btw. :)
Tsundere Daniel x Reader
cw : insults, calling the reader "pathetic", being ignored, general tsundere behavior.
we all know that Daniel represses his emotions a lot. especially those he believes will make him weak.
so it's no surprise that when he gains feelings for you, he tries even harder to push you away.
this fails miserably though as his true feelings are still rather obvious.
he's not exactly the type to say something as tropey as "i-it's not like i like you or anything!!" but he does have a certain way of going about things.
first of all, he's definitely the type to silently sit beside you and help with something you're having trouble with.
"i'm not helping you because i want to, i just want this done."
he's very good at making his words cold and biting though, so if you didn't already know this trope you may have assumed he hated you.
honestly, he might even go out of his way to avoid and ignore you. if he must answer, it's a simple reply. at best a sentence, at worst a single word.
if you ever showed you were upset with this behavior he'd feel guilty though. he wouldn't show it, but he'd go out of his way to do something nice for you.
so don't be surprised if soon after he's giving you something you like while saying something along the lines of, "you were pathetic, it made me feel sorry for you."
despite what he says, obvious care is put into the gift.
he's also definitely the type to go out of his way to keep you safe.
say you're somewhere dangerous or trying to take over an area with dangerous individuals. he'd go out of his way to keep you out of harm's way. though he might not admit to it.
eventually, he softens a bit and he's shyer than you might expect about things.
he may still retain a few of his past behaviors, but be patient with him.
times he may have snapped at you give way to him giving rather normal responses. sharp words replaced with softness.
don't get me wrong, he'll still be stiff and awkward about things. but now he'll at least be open about how much he cares.
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Moka is one who hates showing weakness, and will deny any interest in Ventus. Ruby can keep teasing her all she wants, it is false. But the second she sees Kurumu and Mizore, all bets are off. She is superior to everyone, and the only one who can have Ventus is the strongest, which is her.
"Just admit it. You like Ven-Kun." Ruby look at glaring, blushing Inner Moka with a slight bemused smirk on her lips unfrazed by the fierce look on the S-Class vampire. "It quite obvious that you like him so much~"
"I don't like the damn fool!" Inner-Moka denied strongly as she send a fierce glare to the calm-as-ice witch. "I rather drink holy water than liking the...fool."Inner Moka crimson-red look over to Ventus and saw him chating with the succubus and yuki-onna that her outer self was 'friend' with and from the look on their faces was flirting with the fool.
Her mood was swift as her crimson-red eyes flared up in intense anger at the sight of the damnable fool flirting with the dirty succubus whore and the stalker bitch who was unworthy to spend even a second as she stomped toward to Ventus in order to prove she was the strongest and better option than either of those weak-minded vapid bimbo.
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bamsara · 7 months
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probably a bit difficult to get dried blood out of wool
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novaisheartless · 1 year
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2-dsimp · 5 months
As someone use to not wearing bras or even underwear around my house (mostly old oversize t-shirt and maybe shorts) , I would forget about Xavier being around the house with free access to everywhere (since he is a ghost and all). Doesn't help I like a cold house so nips are noticeable underneath my shirt.
I feel like he would totally try to lift up the reader's shirt or pull down their pants to get a full view of the lack of undergarments or mess around with a y/n like that.
『Featuring your Yandere Poltergeist harassing you 』
(Fem reader!)
Xavier: “You’re so needy you know that? Just begging to be touched by me 24/7 huh dolly?”
You were startled by the sudden chilly presence hovering over your shoulder. You couldn’t see him but boy could you feel the putting of his icy cold hands trailing underneath your shirt and towards your perky breasts.
Y/n: “Oh shut it you dead perv! Why is it that you always view me being comfortable in my own skin as an invitation to harass me?”
Sure it was technically his original house that you were occupying. But it’s not as if you were paying rent, to act like a guest in your own home. So If you wanted to go braless and walk around half naked then you were gonna do just that damnit.
Xavier: “Oh? You wanna act like a bratty bitch? When I’m just pointing out the obvious?”
The ghost sneered at your comment and started to pinch at your cold hard nips. Tugging and rolling them harshly underneath his ghostly fingertips. To relish in hearing you squeal and squirm from his touch. As punishment for that smartness comment of yours. Not only that he was gonna check your attitude and make some needed adjustments to get you all pliant and needy just for him.
Xavier: “Ha! You should really learn to be half as honest as this hot body of your babe… But don’t worry you’ll learn real quick since I’m a great teacher.”
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
FLIRTY! READER: *through text* Wanna be my boyfriend?
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *does a little happy dance*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *twerks in front of his shrine of you*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *removes all of his angsty taylor swift/olivia rodrigo songs from his playlist to add lovey dovey ones*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *changes your names on all his social medias/phones to “my one and only”*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *informs his parents for their blessings in case of a wedding while planning out how to get some from yours*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *and the names of your future children and/or pets*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *plans out your shared bedroom space and basically every interior design of every room*
YANDERE/TSUNDERE! PRETTY BOY: *is yelling out every single sappy love song out there as he answers your text*
FLIRTY! READER: so can i breed you now or…?
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suiana · 8 months
Sometimes I feel like I see a lot of mean darling (no offense to the mean people out there, do whatever you like with your pathetic yanderes)
but what do you think of a darling that’s super nice and friendly but then one day someone says something stupid (like a homophobe or smtn lmao 💀) and they just immediately say “Kill yourself” with no hesitation, then when people tell them they can’t say that they just say “whatttt I’m just saying what we’re all thinking”? You don’t have to answer, I just really am going insane because I’m too scared to write this myself 😭
i like ur idea anon
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(yandere! tsundere x gn! sweet reader) (reader is secretly very unhinged)
"ugh you're so- i hate you! you don't deserve to-"
"kill yourself."
the tsundere, who is your classmate, immediately shuts up, staring at you as his mouth drops wider and wider by the second. what did you just say? are his ears working right? there's no way you could've said that haha...
"what? could you repeat that?"
"i said, kill yourself."
your tsundere classmate and you maintain eye contact, standing in silence as the weight of your words sinks in. the reality that you had just cursed at him comes crashing down on him like a ton of bricks and all he can do is stare at you like a dumb fish. and the fact that you don't have your usual cheery smile and aura is adding to the shock factor.
like seriously?
did you just seriously tell him to kill himself?
did you get possessed?
hit your head on something?
or maybe you were threatened to act like this?
the tsundere puts aside his pride for a second, walking up to you and observing your face with a careful expression. hm... you look okay...
"h-hey are you okay? you can't just say that you know-"
"I'm just saying what's been on my mind."
the tsundere is even more shocked now. flabbergasted even. what happened to the sweet and friendly darling he knew?! who is this person?!
"I'm the person you've always tormented. i just couldn't handle you acting like you hate me anymore that's why i said that."
you shrug at him before going back to being all happy and cheerful.
"anyways remember to do the homework! it's due tomorrow! bye bye!"
you then skip out of the classroom, humming a merry tune as you leave your classmate alone with his thoughts. he stares at the spot you once stood at, completely stoned as his brain lags and he tries to compute what just happened.
there's no way you actually said that... kill himself? are you serious?
but somehow, he can't help but feel even more attracted to you. huh...
maybe he's a masochist.
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cumtastiics · 7 months
Following up on a previous ask, how would Nicholas (yan mean ceo) act if he caught y/n crying & venting to Bryan (yan nice ceo) about them being yelled at during work?
Also, I love your writings so much!!
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tw: yandere
a/n: can i tlak about the new txt (i lvoe txt guys) comback april omg..... my head cannto comprehend ii still havent gotten over freefall
and!! thank u for supporting my work!!
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he hates it.
not that you're just talking with his younger brother, but that you won't talk to him.
nicholas is simply helping you become a stronger person.
it's not nicholas fault you were slacking off! who cares if you were on your lunch break, why do you need to talk about dates at work?
bryan was already starting to look up to nicholas less and less every passing day, and this made bryan feel terrible. nicholas is being a jerk again? why won't you come work with bryan? you can be his cute little secretary, already a much higher paying position then what nicholas had you at.
nicholas really does care for you. if he didn't, why would he pay so much attention to you? why would he talk to you more then his own secretary?
nicholas just thinks you're a bit dumb, that's all.
you need nicholas to succeed.
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limitedgigi · 1 year
nobody requested this, m js writing this bc im bored 😭
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yan! bully headcannons
yan! bully who's been making your school life hell since middle school after you rejected his invitation to the school dance.
yan! bully that wants you to notice him, but just doesn't know how to communicate his feelings.
yan! bully who knocks your supplies out of your hands when you're switching classes.
yan! bully who bullies everyone who tries to befriend you so he can have you all to himself!
yan! bully who is enraged after he sees you getting close to another person in the courtyard.
yan! bully who sends said person to the hospital after they got a bit too touchy with you.
yan! bully who keeps you close to him when you're out of class.. to make sure you don't talk to anyone.. yeah.
yan! bully who makes sure nobody else bullies you. he's the only one that gets to do that!!
"what do you mean why am i so close to you? to make sure you dont go snitch to anyone.. of course.."
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coffee-and-tea-time · 4 months
ᯓও Wish I was your safe space…
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Hi, coffee speaking! This is a comfort drabble about a kind of tsundere yandere and a reader who went non verbal, I'm not really used to writing tsun in yanderes but I think it ends up well.
Hello, there! Tea speaking! It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been a bit busy with college stuff and whatnot, I'll be sure to edit and make some more stuff once i have a break (I'm dying with all these assignments)
Tw: yandere behavior, swearing, somewhat willing reader, established relationship?, anxiety, nonverbal reader due to burnout, hints of safe food/drink, general comfort and fluff, it's a tsundere-yandere but protective so yeh…
"Why aren't you replying to my messages?"
You get surprised at the sight of those bright yellow eyes on you as he gets closer, his voice sounds like something between annoyed and worried. It also appears that he already managed to get a copy of your house keys
"Why aren't you saying anything to me? How can you manage to get hurt in the blink of my eye?"
You slightly shake your head, wondering what you could do to make him understand, your head goes a million thoughts per second, fearing to upset him due to being nonverbal at the moment, your breath quickens a bit… until a warm and tender touch on your check steals your attention.
"You don't seem like you have a fever or injuries, is this the 'battery' thing you told me about?"
You nod, relieved that he seems to understand what is going on. He then sits on the bed right beside you and holds you in a semi hug, as if you're gonna fly away or something.
"It's okay, you don't need to talk, you just need to be here and exist with me… I will stay right besides you, I won't let anything come in your way, you need a proper rest right now, I'm gonna make sure you take it and if you rather me not being here, then, sucks to be you, I will stay and make sure you don't die or something"
Despiste his words that make you kinda want to punch his stupid pretty face, it also feels nice to be cared for, although not with the best word choice, it's clear that he cares when you feel his hand shake a little as he holds you gently, he must've gotten worried and run here without missing a beat, it's almost sweet enough for you to forget to ask yourself how he got inside your home in the first place.
"I will order some of your favorites, lay down on bed while I go get some water for you, I'm not that dumb not to guess your schedule must be fucked up right now"
You were about to fight back but he gently pushed you down onto the bed again.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. you don't like being ordered around and bla bla bla but when you feel like the energy is drained out of your body, it means that you really are forced to have a rest"
You really can't fight back that logic, although part of your brain is worried about being a burden, you decide to let yourself indulge him for a bit as you watch him leave the room, probably going straight to the kitchen; Now that you think about it, he did say he would order some of your favorites, does he really already know your taste on food? Well, guess you will find out soon.
"Here, I got some water, the food will be here in about half an hour, it's good that I brought this with me before coming here"
As you put your gaze on him, you notice he's holding a glass of water in one hand and your favorite drink in the other, you instantly reach to grab it like a desperate dehydrated man in the desert who just found an oasis.
"Nope, not so fast, hun"
You return your focus on him as a frustrated frown appears on your face.
"First the water, then you can have your special drink"
Reluctantly, you drank the water since there's not really much of an option and you truly need that drink.
"Huh... It's weird and a relief that you didn't kick me for saying that or tried to grab the drink anyways, well done, honey"
You do a little happy huff as you grab your precious prize just as he sits beside you on the bed to quietly pat your back.
"You know? I'm aware this is close to a story you tell the police about rather that something romantic but, even if you find it unsettling, I want you to know that I care for you, even if it seems like it takes just a second for something to happen to you, I hope to be here every single time"
A feeling of a faint kiss meets your forehead.
"You're a disaster, but you're my disaster, dummy"
Even if you think of hitting him for saying that, a stupid smile creeps on your lips.
"Oh, that it's my phone, should be the food. we will eat first and then come back to cuddles"
He stands up and just when he is about to leave the room to go get the door.
"Oh, and don't think for a moment you will be free from me, I'm gonna make sure you get better"
That sounded more threatening than it needed to, but it didn't sound that bad…
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
Images from pinterest
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my-lovely-writing · 7 months
Mammon, desperately: "I don't love ya, MC! I don't care 'bout ya at all!"
Solomon: *Behind a bush and quietly laughing his ass off as Mammon's nose grows longer and longer like pinocchio.* "This is the best curse I've ever thought of!"
MC: *Smiles sweetly.* "I love you too, Mammon."
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
Summary of the Question: How would Heather react to her mother about to expose to Cody of her daughter's crush on him?
Theme: (Tsundere)
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sexiersecrets · 2 years
l own you
l own your body
l own your soul
I own everything from you
Everything thats mine is yours
Your my possession
You belong to me
You are mine to own
Mine to love
Mine to look at
Mine to adore
Mine to fuck
Mine to spoil
Mine to taste
I can do whatever i want with you
Your my property
Your in my custody
Till death do us part…
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novaisheartless · 1 year
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a little to real ^^
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2-dsimp · 3 months
Ironic that Xavier’s love language is physical touch but he’s a fucking poltergeist. Ahahahah 😂😂😂
- 💎 anon
『Featuring your yandere Poltergeist being a needy jerk』
The irony is real XD.
Since Xavier’s a deadman deep down he truly does miss the feeling of being able to actually get that humane feel of closeness.
Which is why the ghost is a groping opportunist. Meaning that whenever you pass by him or vice versa he’ll manhandle you into his arms. And give you a groping tax, which is just a dumb excuse to fully cash in his urge to be affectionate. By squeezing and caressing at any part of you until he’s satisfied. Being able to touch you actually helps Xavier to ground himself to reality. Since he still cannot fathom how he’s no longer fully present in the physical world.
When the Poltergeist isn’t terrorizing you, often times he’ll hover over the bed only to faceplant right into your chest. Smothering you underneath his body weight like an weighted blanket. And If you bother to complain he’ll snort and harshly pinch your ass relentlessly until you’re squealing for mercy.
“Just Shuddap and let me cuddle you, obviously you’ve got nothing better to do toots.”
Xavier huffs, meanwhile you’re in the middle of doing a work assignment of which you’ve procrastinated for days on.
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hana-no-seiiki · 9 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere/tsundere! modern hero x villain! reader
✧ status: unedited
✧ tw/cw: yandere themes, violence, morally dubious reader, horny hero, tsundere hero.
✧ a/n: both character’s genders are up to your imagination. also i’m making this my permanent theme now for general yans fics (consistency/recognizabilty’s sake)
[series masterlist]
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“You’re getting a bit sloppy aren’t you, lil hero?”
“Shut up, wretched being! C-Come back here!”
You and Yandere! Hero have been nemeses for what felt like lifetimes. Ever since you became a sidekick as a kid, up until the present time as adults.
You saw them as a sibling. You’d fight once in a while but neither truly hurt each other. In fact, you never once attempted to kill them, and they in turn never attempted to put you behind bars. The cycle always repeated.
You were relatively close in terms of power. More times than not, things would end up being a tie where the two of you would be too tired to continue. But recently your cutie patootie hero has been getting sluggish. Their attacks lacked any sort of vigour, and their reflexes dulled.
You would offer to talk and assist them, but another one of your hidden rules in this relationship of sorts was that you two would never interfere with life outside of crime and fighting thereof.
Unbeknownst to you, Yandere! Hero fought another villain (cheater!) whose powers were related to nightmares and fears.
Their greatest nightmare . . . was losing their status as a hero — losing you.
You have been such a huge part of their formative years and beyond that the thought of even retiring and losing contact scared the hell out of them. The idea of never being able to banter as you sparred, the concept of losing sight of that smug grin of yours on the times you won, and the very notion of you being dealt with by someone else — their chest would tighten to the point of being unable to breathe.
But they always shook their head, drowned themself in tasks as to avoid the anxiety that threatened their focus. After all, you were a villain. A monstrous creature that have hurt and killed people. The only reason they haven’t taken you down yet was because they were instructed by their predecessor not to.
Yeah, the fear of losing you? Probably just an extension of their desperate and zealous view on their position as a hero
They prayed it was.
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“I told you that they were mine to take care of! You gave me this duty!”
“You and I both know you’ve been losing your fights more often than not. Look at how many people they’ve started to hurt again! I can’t leave you with a responsibility you, can’t, handle.”
Yandere! Hero couldn’t believe their ears. Everything they feared was starting to come true and it was only getting worse.
They started disobeying their mentor/predecessor’s commands. Commands that they used to referees — worship even. They knew they were making things go from trash to absolute shit, but they couldn’t care less anymore.
So what if you hurt those people? From what they understood, those people were a bunch of assholes at best; Crime-lords, all types of traffickers, and violent thugs. In fact, the very reason you aren’t in cuffs was because you often took justice into your own hands. You were just quite cruel and brutal when it came down to it.
One of their more unforgettable moments of you together was the time you saved them from another villain. You in your blood-soaked glory as you grinned, an attempt to comfort them while they neck-deep in voices that screamed failure. They were barely hurt while you could barely stand, yet you were the one hushing them as you rubbed circles on the small of their back. Shared whispers they’ll die before they talk of it to anyone else.
Yandere! Hero keeps meeting you again and again. Doing duties they were already forbidden from completing and abusing the favor of being a sidekick for so long.
Things get from worse to oblivion when they get news of being replaced.
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“At least let me accompany them on patrols! What if they get hurt?”
“You worked alone just fine.”
“That is an entirely different story!”
This newbie didn’t know you for several years. This newbie never experienced fighting you much less alongside you. You would eat them alive.
Granted, it would be the newbie’s fault for being so incompetent but they digress.
While on patrol with the newbie, they do their best to sabotage them in every way they can. Giving them the wrong intel, alerting the enemy of their arrival if they do figure out the proper location, and above all making sure you two never cross paths at all. A peer of theirs hurting you would kill them.
Of course, with their frantic and frankly stressed out mind, it wasn’t long before you and the newbie encounter one another.
And, the two of you got along quite well. Your moves like a beautifully choreographed routine in the battlefield. More importantly, it looked as if you were having so much fun.
They really couldn’t help themself
When they stepped in and interrupted the two of you
A glaze in their eyes as they walked ever so slowly to the newbie and strangled them.
That horrified look on your face. They didn’t know if they liked it or hated it.
But what they did know is that from that moment forward, they can never call themself a proper hero again. Their mentor’s words echoed in their head.
“You are staying at the base and that is final. If I see you again out on the field, I’ll be the one to put you behind bars.”
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“Breaking News: A new vigilante has been spotted! Has our favorite hero been replaced? Well our sources say yes!”
“And would you look at that, they’re even worse at hiding their interest in their nemesis! Is this the love story we’ve all been waiting for?”
Yandere! Hero doesn’t remember when they last saw the sun anymore.
Their days were spent deep within the basement of the hero HQ, scrolling through any information they could find of you.
Their head constantly replaying the memories you shared, written in a systematic obsessed manner on a journal. From the very second you two first met, to the time you looked at them with eyes full of horror.
Your image had been scribbled, drawn, painted, carved, broken down, and built back up again hundreds of times.
But it just wasn’t enough.
Yandere! Hero used to wish that there would be a day you two would stop fighting. Whether it’d be them finally ending your streak of misdeeds, or you quitting. Anything would have satisfied them.
But now, now they just couldn’t see the appeal of it all.
All they could see was eternity with you.
And they’ll have that one way or another.
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“I never could have imagine this to happen.”
“Really? You must have thought that I’d put you behind bars one day.”
“My fantasies were always, well — the other way around.”
You wore a calm expression.
Yandere! Hero, ever the fragile ego they had, would have seen this as an insult. A slight to their prowess.
But right now they couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Of course you wouldn’t be mad if they did this. You were you after all. You’ve been through much worse than being tied up and forced into a small cage more fit for an animal than a human.
And you being you, knew the many other ways to unnerve your poor rival.
“Wouldn’t it be ironic? If your replacement were to save me that is.”
You fought the anticipation from appearing on your face as you continued.
“Then they would truly become my hero.”
But your hopes were dashed, your giddiness dimmed as they simply replied.
“Then I’ll just kill them, and the next replacement after that. Until I go through every single capable human this planet has to offer and then more.”
Perhaps there was a reason why Heroes wore a mask aside from hiding their identities. That would certainly explain the chill you felt crawl up your limbs and spine as they lovingly stared at you.
“Because now I know that I love you. I’ll save you from everyone else but myself.”
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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