#tuvok x male reader
all-for-the-simps · 2 years
Imagine Tuvok emotionally logically adopting you
Tuvok x son-like!male reader Star Trek: Voyager {IMAGINE}
Word count: 646 Trope: Father-son relationship, mentor vibes, reader has innocently clumsy and chaotic energy, found family, babyyyyy. Pronouns: He/him Context: You’re a relatively young and inexperienced security ensign (human) on Voyager. A/N: I like this concept, if you people want to see this as a oneshot, just tell me :)
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
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Imagine Tuvok seeing you struggling after Voyager left their stop at Deep Space Nine in the early days. Struggling as in “trying to do your job, but you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing.” Tuvok would try to ignore your shenanigans as long as he could, but he’d crack at some point. He’d take you to one side and give you a short lecture and you would immediately emotionall attract yourself to him. He’s like a beacon of hope for you and your frank clulessness at your job. You’re trying to be a good security ensign, but it’s hard when you talk to everyone you pass and trip over your own feet. Tuvok offers to mentor you for a short while to make sure you knew what to do when something serious happened.
Your relationship would grow from mentor-mentee to more father-son, as much as Tuvok wouldn’t care to admit. You admire Tuvok, and it shows. You follow him around when you can and as much as Tuvok would look away sort of annoyed and act like you weren’t there, he admires your outlook on life. You think that Tuvok is an inspiration and you learn a lot from him. Sometimes your perspectives on the way to do things are different, but both of you soon got over those differences and instead used them to analyse situations together to get better outcomes.
Tuvok doesn’t want to admit it, but he sees you as a sort of son. Sure, he thinks you have a tendency to be annoying and clingy, but he knows that if he’s occupying you, you won’t accidentally get yourself locked in the brig. During missions, he always insists that you go with him. Tuvok always says it’s for your “work experience benefit”, but Janeway can see straight through this. She lets you go with Tuvok on away missions and such, but not because of this so-called “work experience”. Janeway knows, like everyone accepts you and Tuvok, that you are basically Tuvok’s emotional support human. No one’s judging, people are just glad to see Tuvok loosen up a little bit and you be occupied by someone who’s a good influence.
Tuvok takes care of you and you take care of him, not that either of you actually realises this. You both can often be seen walking around the halls together, Tuvok lecturing you as you listen intently. You sit with him in the Mess Hall and talk about whatever nonsense you can think about. Tuvok used to be slightly bothered by this, but he later realised that in order to teach you, he needed to know you as a person. So now, he listenes to your ramblings with the same attention you give him when he’s talking.
He’s secretly proud of how far you’ve come since the first time he saw you. He often responds to your actions with affirming words to make sure you know you’re doing alright. In return, you try your best to take every piece of advice he gives you to heart so you can improve.
If you’re ever hurt from either a mission or a minor accident, you can guarantee that Tuvok will be the first person to see you in the Sick Bay. If he’s hurt, you do the same and everyone notices because you won’t be as warm as usual, you’d be jittery. Frankly, if you’re hurt, Tuvok experiences the same sort of thing, maybe in a Vulcan way, but everyone can tell he’s stressed.
Tuvok is someone you can trust, someone who grounds you to the present and someone who will never betray you. You remind Tuvok that he is part of the Voyager family and you remind him of his children back in the Alpha Quadrant.
You are there for each other even if you don’t realise it.
Tuvok: Father of the year, everyone.
I know I haven’t done the requests, I’m so sorry ;-;. I’m trying to get them done, I promise. I’ve just hit a point where I’m trying to get the plot to make sense. I’m giving you this shorter kind of content because I find it easy to write, it's still content for you and it’s fun for me.
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crowfootwrites · 10 months
Warm Welcome
Day 2 from @creativepromptsforwriting's December Prompt List! I have this fanfic plot bunny of Neelix and a baker falling in love. I'm not in a place to write that whole thing right now, but this felt cute and on-topic, so.
December 2: Baking (Neelix x GN!Reader)
Also, I've written this so that the reader-insert character is Banean, a feathered humanoid species that looks like this:
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Warnings: none; not beta'd we die like men. | Words: ~975
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As you settled yourself in your new quarters, you found you couldn’t keep your mind off the awful business with Tolen and Lidell Ren. It had opened your eyes to just how cruel the Banean penal system had become as fear and suspicion towards the Numiri grew on your homeworld. Even your lifelong friend Kray had fallen victim to his own distrust, using his power as Minister of Science to deliver a cruel punishment to an innocent man. Kray hadn’t known that Lieutenant Paris was innocent at the time, but that hardly made you feel better. The constant tension and cynicism swallowing Banea whole felt foreign to you, antithetical to everything you were raised to believe in – compassion, exploration, goodwill, trust. You found that you barely recognized your homeworld anymore. 
And so it was time to go. You’d approached Lieutenant Paris and Commander Tuvok before their departure, requesting an audience with the captain. You’d asked her about the prospect of joining Voyager and, as you’d assured her of your ability and desire to learn and become a useful member of their crew, she’d agreed. 
The chime sounded at your door. 
“Come in!” You rose from where you were unpacking the few personal effects you’d brought with you.
The door slid open, revealing a smiling Ensign Kim. 
“Welcome aboard,” he offered. “The captain has asked me to give you a tour and introduce you to some of the crew. Is now a good time?”
You nodded eagerly, ready to try making some friends. 
The ensign towed you around the ship, presenting various departments, decks, and friendly faces in uniform. You made small talk in the corridors and, if you weren’t mistaken, Ensign Kim appeared to be trying to flirt with you. Biting back a grin, you did your best to steer the conversations back to more neutral topics.
As you approached what your companion had identified as the mess hall, a delectable scent wafted through the corridor, stopping you in your tracks.
Following your nose, the ensign allowed you to lead as you entered the mess, revealing a stocky Talaxian male frantically stirring pots and flipping something in flaming pans. 
His eyes and smile widened as he noticed you. He scurried around the corner out of the kitchen to grasp your hand eagerly in his. “You must be our new Banean crew member! Welcome aboard!” He shook your hand firmly, glancing between you and Ensign Kim. “I’m Neelix, I’m the cook here on Voyager – lots of mouths to feed here!”
A burst of flame erupted around one of the pans in the kitchen and with a yelp, Neelix hurried back to it. Grinning amusedly, you followed after him. The heat of multiple cooking sources going at once pressed down on you and you fluttered the feathers around your face to combat it. 
“It smells incredible in here,” you exclaimed, a swell of warm spice and baking bread rolling over you. 
“Thank you!” Neelix replied, whirling around the kitchen confidently, somehow managing multiple pots and pans over the fire, packed chopping boards, and a crammed oven. 
“We have replicators on Voyager,” he continued, stirring a pot that was perilously close to boiling over. “But they’re something of an energy drain, so usage has been rationed, and I run the kitchen to make sure the crew is fed without depleting energy reserves!”
“Seems like a big job,” you commented, your fingers itching to help as Neelix flitted between chopping and flipping and stirring. 
“Oh, completely!” His response sounded cheerful. “But I enjoy it, and it’s my way of contributing to th-” 
“Your bread’s about to burn,” you interjected, wincing as you did. “I apologize,” you added as you made your way toward the oven, grabbing an oven mitt before yanking several loaves out and placing the pans on an overhead rack to cool. 
“I didn’t mean to interrupt, but it was just a few seconds from being too overdone, and I-.” You shook your head, suddenly self-conscious, and backed away.
“I’m sorry, I overstepped. This is your domain, I-I only meant to help.” You lingered near the entrance to the kitchen, your hands wide and open in surrender. Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed Ensign Kim was nowhere to be found.
Neelix watched you with wide, kind eyes, not appearing angry in the slightest.
“No, no! I appreciate your help!” He sounded earnest, which soothed some of your embarrassment. “If I may ask… how did you know it was about to burn? You only just arrived.”
You shrugged awkwardly. “By the smell… I used to do a lot of baking on Banea.”
You watched as Neelix’s whole face lit up, his jovial smile erasing the remainder of your uncertainty. He picked up his ladle and resumed stirring the bubbling pot. “You know, I could certainly use a hand in here, if that was something you’d like to do,” he suggested gently. “And aside from birthday cakes, I’m not much of a baker, myself.”
He fixed you with a knowing stare. “I happen to know the crew would appreciate someone to… temper some of my own creations.” He set the ladle back down and wiped his hands on his gaudy apron. “And they would certainly never turn down consistent desserts.”
He held his hand out toward you again, waiting with an eager smile. 
Your confidence bolstered somewhat, you slid your hand into his. “I’d love to help.”
“Wonderful!” After a vigorous handshake, he launched into a monologue about the evening’s dinner and you found yourself good-naturedly cutting in. 
“Back on Banea, I made this pipfruit and roasted leola root cake with parra creme sauce-”
“Leola root? Oh, I’ve always said that leola root is one of the most versatile vegetables in this quadrant. There's no better source of vitamins or minerals!” Neelix raved as he coaxed you back into the kitchen.
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starfleetimagines · 3 years
Received Requests
These are the requests that I've gotten for the "characters that don't see the light of day" thing! If you sent in a request but don't see it here, that means your ask did not go through. Please resend it if that's the case! Ones that are crossed-out are those that I have written and posted.
1) Beverly Crusher - Heart Break (Platonic; parent-child)
Could I request a Beverly Crusher x daughter reader where the reader goes through her first heart break, and goes to her mother Beverly Crusher for comfort, please?
2) Hugh Culber - Overworked (Platonic or romantic)
Imagine Hugh Culber chastising you when you overwork yourself?
3) Paul Stamets - Saviour (might rename idk)
Could you maybe please do something with a Male reader trying to impress Stamets because he has a crush on him? Maybe it culminates in the reader getting hurt to save Stamets
4) Travis Mayweather - Childhood Memories (platonic)
Imagine bonding with Travis over both growing up on cargo ships (or alternatively, imagine being best friends with Travis because you both grew up on the Horizon?)
5) Dating Tasha Yar Would Include...
Could you a "Dating Tasha Would Include"? Preferentially overlooking her death in canon (Also anon you are not stupid for not realizing I write for her. My list has been changed and updated a few times, so it's possible at one point I did not write for her)
6) Culber & Samets - Stress (platonic; child/child figure reader)
I would love to request a culber/stamets with a child/child figure reader? Female/gn reader pls. Perhaps the reader is in their late teens and is feeling the stress of starfleet academy weigh on them and hugh and/or paul are there to comfort them?
7) Reginald Barclay - Dream Date
something involving the holodeck would be pretty in character for barclay! maybe like. it’s a date or reader walks in on something they’re not supposed to see?
8) Hikaru Sulu - A Rose By Any Other Name
Could you d something about Sulu showing the reader (male) the botany room or whatever its called? Like he' s giving a tour and maybe a kiss or something?
9) Chris Rios - My One and Only
Aye a fluffy Chris Rios one would be super cool ❤️
10) Working in Engineering With B'Elanna Torres Would Include...
could you do platonicaly working in engineering with B'Elanna Torres?
11) Tasha Yar - Date Night
May I request a romantic (and not sexual) visit to the holosuite with Tasha Yar?
12) Being Friends With Tuvok Would Include...
May I get a plutonic relationship with Tuvok?
13) Soji Asha - Puppy Therapy
could you do read and Soji (platonic) find and play with a dog?
14) Hoshi Sato - Repaying a Favour
Maybe something where Hoshi helps out a GN or male reader when their universal translater malfunctions and they offer to thank her by taking her to dinner?
15) Ezri Dax - First Kiss
Can I request your first kiss with Ezri Dax for a female or gender neutral reader please?
16) Tasha Yar - Complementary Skills (platonic)
I would love Engineer!reader and Tasha Yar go on an away mission and have to use their respective skills to get the job done
17) B'Elanna Torres - Stargazing
Imagine taking an evening hike with your friend B'Elanna Torres when Voyager stops at an uninhabited planet for shore leave. You hike to a good spot above the tree line so that you can stargaze.
18) Dating Vorik Would Include...
May I just get Vorik relationship headcanons?
19) B'Elanna Torres - Admiration (Platonic)
Could you write something with a reader who really looks up to B'lana for being straigh forward and a skilled engineer. Perhaps they developed a sister dynamic and now the reader tries to get better at engineering even though she is a security officer?
20) Paul Stamets & Hugh Culber - Watchful Eye (Platonic)
May I request a Paul Stamets (DISCO) imagine? With the reader being his new assistant and always so on top of things that everyone is wondering how they do it. Paul soon realizes that it's by working far too much. So he and Hugh decide to intervene: And from that moment on the annoying 'loving' work police is around every corner driving the reader insane.
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all-for-the-simps · 2 years
x Male!Reader Masterlist
Don't worry, I'll make more :)
🚫female-aligned people DNI🚫
red for oneshots
orange for imagines
green for headcanons
blue for incorrect quotes
pink for other
Star Trek: TNG
Wesley Crusher x half Vulcan!male reader
“I Thought I’d Never See you Again!”- Wesley Crusher x male reader
“I Thought Our Voices Broke Years Ago.”- Wesley Crusher x male reader
Star Trek: DS9
Scenarios based on oneliners, and quotes from my old, discarded fanfics… Part 1
Scenarios based on oneliners, and quotes from my old, discarded fanfics… Part 2
Star Trek: Voyager
“I Can’t Sleep”- Harry Kim x male reader
Imagine Tuvok emotionally logically adopting you - Tuvok x son-like!male reader
Interview With a Vampire
Imagine playing with Louis’ hair - Louis de Pointe du Lac x male reader
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Turtles
ROTTMNT characters x Platonic!male reader
What They Would Do If They saw You Get Badly Injured – ROTTMNT characters x Platonic!male reader
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