#turns out the portfolio wasnt his and belonged to someone that worked for him :^)
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would love to see and/or hear about your howl's moving castle tattoo!
Tbh it's nothing grand, it's super simple 😅 it's the scorch marks from the note that The Witch of the Waste gave to Sophie

It was one of my first tattoos (I got 2 as soon as I turned 18, same time), and the "artist" that did it was an ass, so it doesn't look great. He also had too heavy a hand for the delicate line work, so practically the entire piece is raised and has tiny blowouts and inconsistent lines throughout. It doesn't look too bad from a foot away, tho and hey, ya live and learn and at least it's not as bad as it could've been🤷 it's still cute and I still love it☺️
#by ass i mean he was the owner of the shop and showed me a portfolio of work that 'he did'#and it was good enough for me to trustthat he could do a simple line tatt and it not turn out bad#turns out the portfolio wasnt his and belonged to someone that worked for him :^)#i also sent him a clear picture of what i wanted and when i asked him to fix it bc it was lopsided he said it was bc of the pic i sent#so he basically intimidated me into shutting up bc i was young and i was nervous as i knew nothing about that kind of thing#but hey it could be so much worse#i want to get it touched up but the only shop in town i trust is a stick'n'poke place#more time will have to pass before im okay with tattoo guns again#i talk and ramble a lot my bad lol
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This Life Chapter 17
Title: This Life Chapter 17
Summary: Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language
AN: Thank you love @sams-serialkiller-fetish . The song for this chapter is Summertime Blues by Joan Jett.
“What are we still doing here?” Ruby asked the morning after the funeral. They were all gathered back at the garage, trying to figure out what to do. “We buried Benny. We should be heading back to California.”
“That requires having to go near Horsemen territory. And we kinda just killed one of their members.” Andy told her. “We’re just gonna stay here for a little bit and figure things out.”
“That’s why I’ve called in some reinforcements.” Meg said.
“Who?” Cas asked. That’s when a yellow AMC Germlin pulled into the lot.
“A friend.” Meg said. “She’s a genius. She can help us keep track of the Horsemen.” A redhead got out of the car with a smile on her face.
“‘Sup bitches.” She laughed.
“Guys, this is Charlie.” Meg introduced her. “She can hack anything.”
“So can Ash.” Cas said, crossing his arms. “You’re just bringing another person into the crossfire.”
“I laugh in the face of danger.” Charlie said, smiling. Cas just rolled his eyes and headed over to where Caleb and Jim were. “Is he always this friendly?”
“Trust me, the Hunters aren’t exactly a warm and loving bunch.” Gabriel sighed.
“One of them was.” Ruby added.
“And Sam’s not too bad.” Lucifer said with a shrug.
“Sam is one of us. Not one of them.” Gabriel pointed out. “So of course he’s awesome.”
“Guys, let’s face it,” Andy said, looking at all of them, even Charlie. “Sam might be one of us, but his true home and family is here in Wolfpine.” He motioned over to where Sam was perched on a stool, watching Dean tune up Baby. “And I have a feeling, he won’t be going back to California with us.”
“So, do I get to meet this mysterious Sam?” Charlie asked.
“Of course sweetheart.” Meg said. “I’ll go introduce you to anyone and then we’ll get you set up.” She led Charlie away from the other Wayward Sons.
“I wonder what she’s supposed to be doing here?” Andy asked, looking at Ruby and the brothers. “I guess we’ll find out.” He said when no one answered him. He made his way over to where Meg was introducing Charlie to some of the Hunters, ready to find out.
Charlie was set up in the office by Ellen, typing a mile a minute and looking at reports. Ellen was impressed to say the least. Charlie was a woman on a mission obviously.
“You need a job?” Ellen asked. “I’ve got about fifteen years of files that need typed up and organized right. I’m no computer expert and Jo’s not that fast of a typer.” Charlie laughed some.
“Maybe when I settle down and decide I don’t want to be a grey hat anymore.” Charlie told her. She had a beautiful Blueberry iBook and a Wifi card. So Ellen assumed that she was doing something to make some money. “I heard someone say that they were sending me help?”
“Um, I’m not sure.” Ellen told her. “What do you need help with?”
“Nothing. That’s why I’m confused.” Charlie told her. That’s when a bright orange El Camino pulled into the lot, Lynyrd Skynyrd blaring from it. The engine was cut and music stopped as Ash climbed out of the car.
“Relax everyone, I’m here.” Ash said. Caleb laughed and Cas wenet over to talk to him. A few minutes later, Ash was walking into the office with Ellen and Charlie. “Who’s this?”
“Charlie.” Charlie said to him. “And I don’t need your help.”
“Tracking the Horsemen can be a tough challenge. And I did go to MIT.” Ash said, flipping his hair back.
“MIT? That’s cool. I went to Cornell.” Charlie told him. “And I think I can manage just fine.” Ash flopped down on the dirty old couch that set in the office and got his own laptop out.
“You might be able to handle it just fine, but I want to help anyway.” Ash said. Ellen laughed a little.
“I’m just gonna go find Bobby. It’s getting a little too crowded in here for me.” With that, Ellen left, leaving Ash and Charlie to stare each other down while typing away.
“Watchya lookin’ at over there?” Ash asked, glancing at Charlie.
“Things and stuff.” She said. “You?”
“Updating my stock portfolio.” He said with sarcasm seething.
“Well, if this a competition, may the best woman win.” Charlie said.
“Oh I intend to…” Ash realized what Charlie had said and glared and started in on his search. He was going to win.
“Why is Ash here?” Sam asked, looking to where they had set Charlie up. Dean looked over and shrugged, not sure why he was here.
“I called him.” Cas said. “I’d rather have someone from our team working on this. I just don’t trust some of those Wayward Sons.”
“I saw the way you’ve been looking at Meg.” Jim teased. Cas’s face turned red.
“I have not…” Cas said. Bobby laughed.
“Guess Cassie boy isn’t as much as monk as he wants us all to believe.” Caleb announced.
“You guys are all assholes.” Cas said, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, I wanted a backup in case this Charlie isn’t as good as Meg said she is. And I trust Ash more than I trust Charlie.” There was a motorcycle pulling into the lot. Gordon got off his bike and headed to them.
“Hey guys.” He said.
“Hi Gordon.” Bobby said. “What can I do for you?”
“Bike’s making weird noises. Can you check it out for me?” He asked.
“On it.” Dean said, heading over to Gordon’s bike. Gordon looked at Sam and his eyes widened slightly before he plastered a smile on his face.
“Hey Sammy.” Gordon said. Sam frowned more than he already was.
“Hi Gordon.” He grumbled.
“Okay then. Uh, point me in the way of the bathroom?” Gordon asked. Sam motioned to where the bathrooms were and let Gordon on his way. Gordon made his way in and shut the door. He thought Azazel was going to kill the crown prince. Alastair had sent him there to scope out the situation. He noticed Benny wasn’t standing around with them like he used to. So that was one down.
He looked around the small bathroom, wondering what he was supposed to do next. He looked at the sink, ready to splash his face to get his head around everything, when he saw a bracelet laying there. A bracelet he had seen before. It belonged to Sam. An exchange gift when he gave Dean an amulet that was supposed to protect him on runs. Sam had lost it once when Gordon was over and he thought the kid was going to have a panic attack until they found it.
It was perfect.
Gordon pocketed the bracelet. He wasn’t sure why he did, but it seemed right. He gave himself another minute before he headed back out. Dean was wiping grease off his hands talking to Caleb. He looked up at Gordon.
“Just a couple loose wires.” Dean told him. Gordon nodded.
“Don’t have a job for me, do you?” Gordon asked.
“No man. Sorry.” Caleb said. Gordon nodded again and went back to his bike.
“Well, thanks for the fix.” Gordon said, starting up his bike and driving off. Dean looked at the others.
“Something doesn’t sit me right with him.” He said. Sam nodded in agreement. He looked around.
“Anyone seen my bracelet?” He asked.
“Sorry man, I haven’t.” Cas said. “It’ll show up though.”
Gordon made it out of Wolfpine and headed to New Mexico. He stopped close to the state line where Alastair was waiting for him. The Horsemen looked like he was ready to fight. Gordon just hoped it wasn’t with him.
“What did you find out?” Alastair asked.
“Everyone was there except for Benny Lafitte.” Gordon reported. “Even Sam.”
“Damn it.” Alastair sighed. “Azazel was a capable leader, but he let his emotions get the best of him.”
“I snagged this.” Gordon said, handing Alastair Sam’s bracelet. “It’s Sam’s. I don’t know if it will do any good or not…”
“I actually think I have a plan.” Alastair said, smirking. “Good job Gordon. You’re definitely a Horsemen.”
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @supernaturalwincestsblog @sams-serialkiller-fetish
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