#turns out it's like a wig? or a bob? all the search results were like in french
boneskullravenriver · 6 months
Me every time I read a Lysander chapter:
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vnderoos · 6 years
fight club ❁ isaac lahey
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(gif is not mine, credit to the owner) warnings / language, an unprecedented ass-grabbing, punching, mentions of blood, mentions of underaged drinking, and some fluffy stuff to make you smile word count / 4.6k
masterlist in bio ↴
ANOTHER SWEATY BODY stumbled back against Y/N as she fought her way through what felt like a mosh pit of drunk teenagers. "Excuse me," she grunted as the person carelessly knocked her into the wall, the motion resulting in some of the amber liquid inside of her plastic cup sloshing over the rim and onto her hand. She glanced disgustedly at the beer trickling down her wrist and she wiped it off on her jeans. All Y/N had wanted to do was find Peyton, her designated driver, and leave, but instead, she was covered in beer. "Mind watching where you're going, please?" She jabbed half-heartedly, the alcohol running through her system causing a few of her words to mingle together.
The blonde hair of the girl who'd bumped into her flew by in a blur as she whipped around to look at Y/N. Her eyebrows—illuminated by the dim lighting of Lydia Martin's party—were noticeably furrowed at first, but when her brown eyes gave Y/N a once over, her expression softened. "Oh, my God," she uttered, reaching out to Y/N in a guilty manner with her free hand. "Honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you there," the girl explained with undeniable sincerity—and the lingering effects of a few shots—laced in her voice and written all over her face as she spoke.
Y/N, who suddenly felt really bad about snapping at her, shook her head softly. "No, no, you're totally fine," she reassured her with a nervous laugh, hoping it'd be enough to bury the fact that she almost wigged out at this poor girl. "I don't even know why I was such a bitch about it, I'm sorry," she apologized, putting some of the blame on herself and flashing the girl an awkward smile.
She only nodded her head, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards slightly as she tucked a lock of golden hair behind her ear. "Don't worry about it, girl. Go have a good time," she suggested, shooting off a playful wink as she brought her cup to her lips.
"You, too," Y/N replied, her smile becoming a little more certain as the interaction ended exceptionally better than she'd imagined. The blonde flashed her a drunken grin and sent her off with a flittering wave of her fingers, which Y/N repaid with a casual flick of her hand, and the girl turned back around to face her friends.
When Y/N remembered what she'd been doing before the girl had knocked into her, which was looking for her ride, she started moving again. Her eyes scanned over dozens of heads bobbing to the music and flitted over tons of faces, but none of them were Peyton. She continued to push between and around people, though, muttering excuse me's and a couple of excuse you's as she did.
If she was being honest, she didn't feel like looking for Peyton anymore. There were so many people and so many rooms in this giant house and, being the tired, drunken girl that she was, all Y/N wanted to do was find a nice, empty room to take a nap in. She didn't change course, though, because putting in the extra energy to make it to her own bed seemed more worthwhile than hopping under the covers of a stranger's.
She hardly got to take another step before she felt a hand, large and rough, against her ass. Her movements faltered as the hand squeezed harshly, the fingertips of whoever it belonged to digging into her flesh.
Without waiting another beat, Y/N whirled around, the beer in her cup splashing onto her skin again. She decided to ditch the cup on a coffee table to her right before switching her attention back to the tall, bulky, brunette asshole who thought it was a good idea to touch her ass without permission. There was a crooked smirk on his face and his eyes were bloodshot, but his intoxicated state didn't justify his behavior in the slightest. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled, a scowl tugging at her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"OH, SHIT," Isaac hissed as he carefully avoided yet another flailing arm, swerving expertly around the Solo cup to avoid the contents spilling out of it. He moved a bit further to the edge of the crowd, figuring his chances of getting doused in Budweiser were far less on the outskirts. He continued to look over everyone, though, searching for the familiar spastic movements of Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall's crooked jawline, and the telltale signs of the rest of his friends.
Unfortunately, he'd been looking for them for the past twenty minutes, but he'd had no luck finding any of them. His eyes kept mulling over the same familiar faces of his peers and, at one point, he'd thought about asking someone for help, but he doubted that any of these people were sober enough to give him any valuable information. He kept moving as much as he didn't want to anymore, knowing he'd find them sooner or later, but after a while, something caught his eye.
A girl—attractive, alone, and a decent distance away from him—spun around so fast he thought she might topple over, but instead, she set her cup down on a table and glared daggers at the guy in front of her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He could hear her spit from across the room, humility and disgust radiating off of her. If Isaac had been anybody else, her voice would've been drowned out by the loud music, but since he was a werewolf, he filtered through the pulsing of the beat to pick up what she was saying.
Either way, he would've known she was uncomfortable because of the unmistakable anger written on her face.
His eyebrows furrowed as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He looked at the buff guy in front of her, who smirked triumphantly down at her as he held a near-empty bottle of beer in his grasp. "Just havin' a little fun, babygirl," he slurred and that was all Isaac needed to hear to know that the dude was completely shitfaced.
"That doesn't mean you can grab my ass without my permission, you prick," the girl hissed and Isaac's eyes widened.
At this point, he felt like maybe he should intervene. Instead of continuing to look for his friends, he started to make his way over to the girl. Getting her away from that intoxicated dickhead became his new objective.
Y/N WASN'T just disgusted; she was absolutely repulsed. This jerkoff just tried to justify groping her ass by calling it 'a little fun' and then, he had the nerve to call her 'babygirl'? She wanted to puke so bad at that, she could almost taste the bile in her throat. "That doesn't mean you can grab my ass without my permission, you prick," she growled at him, but the guy laughed.
He shrugged his broad shoulders and took an unnecessary swig of his beer. "Well, if you didn't shake it in my fucking face, we wouldn't be having this problem," he snarled, his crude behavior suddenly turning aggressive, and anger bubbled up under her skin at his useless excuses.
Y/N let her arms fall to her sides and she clenched her fists. "I didn't shake anything in your face, dude," she hissed. "I was literally walking by you, minding my own goddamn business, and you grabbed my ass!" She shouted, earning a few glances from people around them.
The only person who seemed sober enough to actually care what was going on was a tall, well-built boy with a mop of curly brown hair on top of his head. He stepped into Y/N's vision, his hands reaching out to brush against her shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asked, but she didn't hear him. She didn't even register that he was standing right in front of her.
She didn't register anything except the white hot rage and the dribble of alcohol inside of her, so she drew her arm backwards, whammed her fist against the first thing in sight, and listened to the satisfying crack as it collided with something.
Instead of getting the ideal cry of pain from the pervert who'd grabbed her ass, the curly-haired guy who just suddenly appeared brought his hands to his nose and staggered backwards. "Holy shit," he exclaimed, blinking a few times because his head was fucking spinning. He regained his balance after a few seconds, but there was a waterfall of blood gushing down his face and between his fingers.
Confusion swirled around in Y/N's mind as she watched this tall, extremely cute lacrosse player contort his face in pain until it clicked. "Oh, my God," she whispered quickly, glancing behind him only to realize that her violator was long gone and this guy had just been trying to help. "I'm so, so sorry," she blurted, stepping towards him and reaching out to hesitantly, but gently, grab his elbows.
His hands were still cupped over his face and he gave her a wide-eyed look. "What the hell?" He asked and his voice was slightly high-pitched. His eyes darted back and forth, searching her expression for any kind of explanation for why she'd just sucker-punched him in the nose.
Her face washed over with a mixture of guilt and concern as she looked at him and she shook her head rapidly. "I didn't mean to do that, I swear," she protested, but he didn't seem to be buying it. "I've had a few drinks and I was aiming for that asshole. I was so mad I didn't even realize you stepped between us, I'm so sorry," she apologized, her thumbs brushing over the skin on his elbows gently.
Isaac scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay, fight club," he hummed unenthusiastically, and she laughed nervously at the nickname. He slowly brought his hands off of his face and she took her hands off of his elbows so that they could both assess the damage.
The entire bottom half of his face and the palms of his hands were smeared in red and Y/N widened her eyes at the sight. "Oh, God," she muttered, before taking one of his blood-stained hands in hers. "I'm gonna help you clean this up and get you some ice, okay?" She told him, but it seemed like more of a statement than an offer, so he nodded his head.
She started to pull him in the direction of the kitchen but after a few steps, she paused and looked over her shoulder at him. "I'm Y/N, by the way," she introduced herself, flashing him a small smile in an attempt to lighten the mood.
He shook his head softly and let out a dry laugh. "I'm Isaac," he replied. She grinned at his response, though, happy that she hadn't ruined all chances of a friendship, and she started to tug him to safety once more.
It didn't take long before Y/N was guiding Isaac gently into the empty kitchen, leading him to the other end so that they stood in front of the sink. "Just..." she trailed off, letting go of his hand and tilting his head upwards so that he was looking at the ceiling. "Stay like that so you don't get blood everywhere and I'll clean you up," she instructed, missing the amused curve of his lips as she turned to grab a wad of paper towels. She turned on the faucet and ran them underneath the tap.
When she turned back around to face Isaac, she stumbled over her own two feet and just about into the side of the kitchen island. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," he blurted, breaking his eye contact with one of the lightbulbs above them, and he hurriedly reached out to steady her. His hands clasped around her elbows and a small giggle spilled from her mouth. "You good?" He asked and she nodded her head.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied confidently and Isaac let his hands fall back at his side. "You're the one with a bloody nose," she added, smiling to herself when he rolled his eyes.
Isaac huffed. "I wonder why," he teased and she laughed, picking up one of his hands and wiping off the blood with her wet paper towel.
Y/N glanced up at him with an infectious smile on her face, but he could still smell the guilt on her. "I'm really sorry about that, by the way," she confessed again. "If I was in my right mind, that never would've happened," she explained.
He nodded his head as she spoke. "It's fine, really. Happens more often than you'd think," he told her with a note of amusement playing in his voice. She didn't seem to think anything of it, though. "Plus, I can't really blame you for wanting to deck a guy like that," he continued, but he regretted it the second that her cheery expression fell awkward.
Instead of saying anything else, Y/N let go of his hand and carefully grabbed his other one, working on cleaning that one off, too. He watched her intently as she put all of her attention on shining him up, studying the way her eyebrows knitted with focus and the way her lips pressed together in concentration.
There was a lot of irony in their situation, if you thought about it. I mean, he was completely sober and, somehow, there was a drunk girl taking care of him.
A few more seconds of Y/N scrubbing away at his palm and wiping away whatever had trickled onto his forearm passed before a drop of blood landed on her wrist. She looked up at Isaac, her cheeks flushing red when she found his eyes already on her, and she held her hand up to him. "Isaac, you're dripping," she pointed, her voice laced with a combination of concern and nerves.
"Oh, sorry," he told her. His eyebrows quirked upwards at that and he went to look back up at the ceiling, but she shook her head.
"It's okay, I'll just wipe your nose off and see if there's an icepack somewhere," she said and he didn't have the heart to tell her that he didn't need one. Not that it didn't hurt, because damn, she had one hell of an arm, but because of the accelerated healing that came with being a werewolf.
Instead, he nodded and dipped his head down into her reach. She smiled sympathetically up at him, cupping the side of his jaw delicately with one of her hands and starting to wipe the blood away with the other. The paper towel was cool against his heated skin and, if he was being truthful, it felt nice to not have to deal with the mess on his own for once.
"Thank you for doing this," he told her when she pulled the paper towel away from his face, wiping the excess water off on the sleeve of his shirt.
Y/N nodded her head and made her way over to the freezer, dropping the soaked paper towel into the trash can on her way. "It's the least I can do after punching you in the face," she responded and they both laughed at that. "But you're welcome," she said more seriously, glancing at him over her shoulder and smiling warmly. There was something about seeing her grin crookedly at him, her features illuminated by the light of the freezer, that made his heart flutter, but he chose to ignore it. He leaned against the countertop when she turned away, instead. "Hey, there's no icepacks in here," she said, ice crunching as she sifted through the bags and boxes. "Are frozen peas alright?" She questioned, pulling the bag of frozen vegetables out of the bottom and holding it up for him to see.
Isaac nodded at that, knowing that frozen peas were the next best thing to an actual icepack, and she shut the freezer. He watched her as she stepped back over to him, wobbling very slightly as she did, and she hopped up onto the counter beside him. "Here," she hummed, dropping them into his hands when he held them out.
"Thanks," he told her, pressing the peas over his nose to humor her.
A minute or two of silence fell over them after that and they each avoided looking at each other, their eyes flickering over different objects in the room instead. Isaac tapped the fingertips of his free hand against the counter and Y/N knocked the heel of her shoe against the cabinet absentmindedly as they sat there.
Y/N glanced over at Isaac quickly, silently admiring his features that weren't covered by the bag. He had a mess of beautiful, brown curls and his blue eyes were nothing short of enchanting. His jawline was sharp, his eyebrows were full, and she didn't even want to get started on how kissable his lips looked in the moment. God, he was really handsome.
She looked at him a little while longer until he peeked over at her. She focused her attention on something in front of her quickly, her cheeks warming up at the fact that she'd just been caught staring. "So, I just realized it, but I think you're in my English class," she pointed out randomly, just hoping to break the barrier of awkward silence that had formed between them.
She looked back at him and he furrowed his eyebrows slightly, analyzing her features carefully. "Oh, yeah," he said in realization. "I guess I didn't recognize you right away because I usually only see the back of your head," he added and she shrugged.
"Maybe," she answered. "And I guess I didn't recognize you because I usually don't see you at all, so," she trailed off and Isaac chuckled at her revision to his own words. Just another negative of sitting in the front, she thought to herself.
He shifted his position so that he held the bag of peas against his nose with his other hand. "No offense, but I never took you as a party person," he said, glancing down at the floor before looking back up at her.
Y/N scoffed. "That's because I'm not," she explained. "I don't know if you know Peyton James, but she was the one who asked me to come tonight. I mean, free booze, chips and dip, and some quality best friend time? How could I refuse?" She joked, ending her sentence with a mockingly glamorous tone of voice.
Isaac cracked a smile. "Well, if you're having fun, that's what counts, I guess," he told her.
She laughed and shook her head. "Fun's not exactly the word I'd use to describe it," she said. "I'm covered in the booze, the chips were stale, Peyton ditched me, and some creep touched my butt," she explained, rolling her eyes at the mention of the pervert from earlier.
"Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean, not about the guy touching your butt, just the 'everything-gone-wrong' part," he agreed. "I came here to hang out with my friends and I literally haven't seen them the whole time I've been here."
"Oh, so you've just been floating around the whole time?" Y/N asked, watching as he switched between hands again.
Isaac shrugged. "Kind of, I guess. I mean, I've been texting them but nobody's answered and I couldn't find them, so I pretty much have been walking around for the past half hour."
Y/N made a face at that and she sighed. "Yeesh," she breathed, leaning back on the palms of her hands. "I've kind of been doing the same. I was trying to find Peyton when I ran into that guy but, luckily, I have a few beers in my system and I wasn't looking for long, so I'm not too upset about it anymore."
"I don't drink, so I've just been bored out of my mind," he admitted. "Well, up until now, at least."
Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "You're not drunk?"
Isaac shook his head. Due to the superhuman rate of his metabolism, he processed alcohol way too quickly to feel the effects of it. He couldn't exactly tell her that, though, so he decided to go with a different reason. "No, I don't like what it does to people," he told her and she squinted her eyes at him curiously. "When I was growing up, my dad," he paused, shaking his head. "He sucked when he was sober, so when he got drunk—" he stopped when his voice cracked unexpectedly, snippets of the way his childhood was—slaps, bruises, and broken glass—flashed through his head. He opened his mouth to keep going, though, because he felt strangely connected to her, but Y/N set her hand on his bicep to stop him. It was weird how comforting her touch was considering how little he knew about her.
She offered him a reassuring smile. "Seems like it was rough for you," she told him, giving his arm a squeeze, and he nodded his head. "We can talk about something else, though. I don't mind," she told him.
Isaac flashed her a grateful smile. "Yeah, like how much this party blows," he said, switching hands on the makeshift ice pack again.
"Here, I'll hold it," she offered and Isaac nodded, handing her the bag of peas.
"I'll move so it's easier." He pushed himself off of the counter and stepped in front of her, blushing slightly when she moved her knees apart. Y/N gestured for him to slot himself between them and he did, albeit hesitantly.
She laughed softly at the way his cheeks tinted pink and she held the peas back against his face. Truth be told, Isaac really wasn't hurting anymore, but he kind of wanted the excuse to get closer to her. He was a little nervous at first, that him being so near to her would make her feel uncomfortable or violated, but she seemed alright. She seemed content as she held the peas gently against his nose, a small smile set on her lips.
Y/N's eyes fluttered over his own briefly and her smile grew. "It's not so bad, though," she whispered and his eyebrows quirked upwards as if to urge her to continue. "I had a cute guy come to my rescue," she admitted a little bit louder and Isaac's heart skipped a beat in his chest.
His cheeks flared with color, a nervous laugh bubbling out of his lips, and Y/N beamed at him. The way he smiled at her words was beyond adorable and she leaned forward a little bit. Not to kiss him, but just because she was super comfortable with the fact that she'd just called him cute.
Usually, she wasn't that bold, but she was kind of thankful for the liquid courage in her system, because his reaction was the cutest freaking thing she'd ever seen.
He tried to fight the goofy grin that tugged at the corners of his lips, but he couldn't, and he wasn't really sure why. "Well, yeah, I guess it's not all garbage," he agreed quietly. "I mean, I did get punched in the nose, but the girl who did it is really pretty, so," he confessed lightly, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he did.
As the words left his mouth, it was Y/N's turn to grow pink and her stomach did a backflip in her abdomen. "Not fair, Isaac," she teased him, pushing playfully on his shoulder, and he laughed. "You totally jacked my move."
Instead of continuing the banter, he just chuckled again and he gently took the bag of peas out of her hand. He dropped the bag in the sink and he sighed softly, slipping out from between her legs and leaning back against the counter. "So, look," he started. "Can I ask you something kinda weird?" He questioned randomly.
Y/N shrugged. "Well, I'm drunk, so this might be your only chance," she joked and he rolled his eyes. "I'm kidding. Go ahead," she told him, urging him on.
Isaac nodded. "So, I get that we don't really know each other, but I'm kind of tired," he explained. "I don't know where your friend is and I wouldn't feel right leaving you here all by yourself, so, since I'm sober, do you want me to take you home?" He asked.
Honestly, Y/N had been waiting for some sort of stupid question that would change her opinion about this boy completely, but then, he pulled that on her. It was nothing short of thoughtful and it made her feel a little fuzzy on the inside, so she took a moment and then, she nodded her head. "You know, I'd actually really like that," she admitted with a nervous laugh. "Do you think I could put my address in the GPS on your phone really quickly, though? I don't wanna have to do it in the car because I'll probably fall sleep," she told him.
For some reason, the thought of handing a pretty girl his phone made his stomach twist, but he pulled it out of his back pocket anyways. "Oh, uh— okay, so you don't have to," he paused, tapping in the code to unlock his phone, "but if you wanted to put your number in, too, I'd kinda like that," he confessed.
Her eyes widened slightly at his request, mostly because she hadn't really expected him to like her that much, but she nodded her head. "Of course." She bit her bottom lip gently to fight back a huge smile as she tapped away on his phone.
Isaac pressed his lips together to keep from grinning and he pretended to clear his throat so that he could seem less giddy. "Cool," he told her, a little more awkwardly than he'd meant to, but she didn't seem to mind as she handed him back his phone. She put the phone in his palm and the screen was still set on her contact page, which contained her phone number and the words "fight club :)" written in bold above it. When he read over the nickname that he'd given her earlier that night, he couldn't fight his smile any longer. "I'll call you sometime," he promised.
A grin spread across Y/N's face like soft butter and she gently knocked her elbow against his. "You better, Isaac," she hummed, before hopping off of the countertop and looking over at him. "Now, if you could bring me home," she paused for dramatic effect, "that would be superb," she finished. It'd sounded a lot better in her head, but now that she had said the word 'superb' out loud, she wanted bang her head against a wall.
Lucky for her, Isaac thought it was cute.
He laughed and nodded his head in response. "Of course. Just don't give me a goodbye punch when we get there," he teased and, as they made their way to the door, something gave her the feeling that he'd never let her live that down.
↴ author's note / okay so, not what i had in mind when i first came up with title for this imagine because it was gonna be something totally different. i'm really proud of what i did here with the plot and their interactions, even if my writing isn't at its top, but we all have our days. i still think it's really cute. leave me some feedback! thanks for reading x
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
July 2, 1949 - June 25, 1950
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“My Favorite Husband” ~ Season two aired on CBS Radio from September 2, 1949 to June 25, 1950.  There were 40 half hour episodes sponsored by Jell-O. Episodes were also aired on Armed Forces Radio & Television Service (AFTRS) without advertising.
Regular Cast: Lucille Ball as Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Cooper, Richard Denning as George Cooper, Gale Gordon as Rudolph Atterbury, Bea Benadaret as Iris Atterbury (and others), Ruth Perrott as Katie the Maid, and Bob LeMond, Announcer.  
Season 2 Guest Cast: 
Hans Conried (17 episodes), Frank Nelson (11 episodes), Hal March (8 episodes), Jay Novello (5 episodes), Eleanor Audley (5 episodes), Peter Leeds (4 episodes), Elvia Allman (3 episodes), Richard Crenna (3 episode), Herb Vigran (2 episodes), Jerry Hausner (2 episodes), Anne Whitfield (2 episodes),  Doris Singleton, Jack Kruschen, Rolfe Sedan, Joe Kearns, Wally Maher, Johnny McGovern, Sam Hearn, Norma Zimmer, Sam Edwards, Jim Backus, Gege Pearson, Joe Forte, Mary Jane Croft, Harry Bartell, and Veola Vonn (1 episode).
To Experience the Full Episode Blogs - for both “My Favorite Husband” and “I Love Lucy” - simply click on the hyperlinked (underlined) text.
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“The Elves” ~ September 2, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz and George arrive home from summer vacation to find that someone has been ordering strawberry ice cream from the milkman every day, and the pink trail leads to the doorstep of their new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, and their ten children.
“The Auction”* ~ September 9, 1949
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“The Bank Outing Baseball Game” ~ September 16, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz is determined not to be left out of the baseball game at the Annual Bank Outing, so she persuades her neighbor Mr. Wood to teach her how to play the game.
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“The Attic” ~ September 23, 1949
Synopsis ~ One of George’s old Glee Club friends is in town and George wants to find his old ukulele, so he and Liz search for it in the attic but get locked in.
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“Women’s Club Election” ~ September 30, 1949
Synopsis ~ George has cause for alarm when Liz is elected treasurer of the local women’s club because he knows how much trouble she has with figures but Liz has a surprise for him.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Club Election” (ILL S2;E19) 
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“George Needs a Raise”~ October 7, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz tries every trick in the book to convince Mr. Atterbury to give George a raise. To get results she even resorts to selling apples in front of the bank where he is employed.
Basis for “Ricky Asks for a Raise” (ILL S1;E35)
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“Too Many Television Sets” ~ October 14, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz can’t get George interested in buying a television set, until they spend an evening at the Atterburys, who have one. With his interest piqued, George arranges one be sent over on trial. Little does he know Liz has done the same thing - as have the Atterbury’s!  
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“Liz’s Superstitions” ~ October 21, 1949
Synopsis ~ A chirping cricket in the Cooper’s hearth is driving George crazy, but Liz is convinced it means good luck. When Liz insists that it isn’t lucky to banish a cricket, George gets upset with her superstitions.
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“Halloween Surprise Party” ~ October 28, 1949
Synopsis ~ The Atterburys decide to throw a Halloween surprise party for Liz and George, but when Liz hears about their party at the beauty salon, she thinks that she and George just weren’t invited.
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“Mother-in-Law” ~ November 4, 1949
Synopsis ~ George gets a letter from his mother that she’s moving to Sheridan Falls. Liz has no doubt that means staying with them!  But when will she ever leave?
Although similarly titled, this radio episode is not the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy’s Mother-in-Law” (ILL S4;E8) in 1954.
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“BABY SITTING” ~ November 11, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz takes up baby sitting to balance her financial books and earn money for George’s Christmas present.
Shares plot elements with the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Amateur Hour” (ILL S1;E14) 
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“Liz The Matchmaker” ~ November 18, 1949
Synopsis ~ After dating Mr. Negley the postman for three years, Katie feels that their relationship is not going anywhere, so she enlists Liz’s help!
Although similarly titled and themed, this radio episode is not the basis for the “I Love Lucy” episodes “Lucy Plays Cupid” (ILL S1;E15), “Lucy is a Matchmaker” (ILL S2;E27), “The Matchmaker” (ILL S4;E4), or “Lucy, the Matchmaker” (HL S1;E12).
“College Homecoming”* ~ December 2, 1949 
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“The French Lessons” ~ December 9, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz and Iris are humiliated when they can’t read the menu at a French restaurant, so they decide to take French lessons. The lessons lead to the prospect of a duel between her favorite husband George and her amorous French teacher.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episodes “The Adagio” (ILL S1;E12) and “The French Revue” (ILL S3;E7)
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“George’s Christmas Present” ~ December 16, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz vows to finish knitting George a sweater by Christmas. She finds George’s Christmas presents for her and exchanges it too early.
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“The Sleigh Ride” ~ December 23, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz is taken for a sleigh ride (figuratively and literally) when she and her neighbors borrow a milkman’s horse and make a jingle bell trip to the countryside for a yule log. The party turns sour down when the horse insists upon making all the stops on his milk route.
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“Liz & George Are Handcuffed” ~ December 30, 1949
Synopsis ~ Liz is playing ‘cops and robbers’ with little Tommy Wood from next door, and lets him handcuff her and George with what turn out to be real handcuffs! During the time the Coopers are linked George finds himself under the hair dryer and Liz later has to stand by at the barber’s while her husband gets a shave.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Handcuffs” (ILL S2;E4)
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“Is There Another Woman?” ~ January 6, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz buys a book that lists the danger signs to look out for to tell if your husband is being unfaithful, and George has them all!  Liz then she finds herself innocently coupled with her husband’s boss!
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“Liz Teaches Iris To Drive” ~ January 13, 1950
Synopsis ~  The Atterburys have bought a new car but Rudolph refuses to teach Iris how to drive. Liz readily volunteers to be Iris’s driving instructor.
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“Liz & The Green Wig” ~ January 20, 1950
Synopsis ~ George goes over Liz’s accounts and discovers that she has listed $180 for miscellaneous expenses! George decides she can eliminate the $10 a week she’s spending on her hair. Liz buys a green wig to show George what might happen if she dyed her hair at home.
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“Liz Writes a Song” ~ January 27, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz is convinced that she is a musical talent, but when a music professor tells her she’ll never be a singer, she decides to take up songwriting.
Portions of this script were used as inspiration for “The Benefit” (ILL S1;E13)
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“Country Club Dance” ~ February 3, 1950
Synopsis ~ Iris and Liz want to go to the country club dance, but George and Rudolph want to go to the fights.  The girls decide to get dates and go anyway, until their plan ends in disaster.
The plot inspired elements of the story in “The Girls Want To Got To A Nightclub” (ILL S1;E1)
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“Mrs. Cooper’s Boyfriend” ~ February 10, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz decides that the only way to keep George’s mother from coming over on Valentine’s Day is to get her a boyfriend.
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“Liz Teaches the Samba” ~ February 17, 1950
Synopsis ~ George talks Liz into teaching Wally, the son of the bank’s newest director, Mr. Forsythe, how to dance the Samba, and Wally gets a crush on Liz.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” “The Young Fans” (ILL S1;E20)
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“Liz Redecorates the House” ~ February 24, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz wants to hire the town’s new interior decorator, Andrew, to redecorate her house, but George tells her she’ll have to do the job all by herself.
Although this script never directly inspired any specific episode of “I Love Lucy” it is most like 1952′s “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8)
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“Women’s Rights - Part 1″ ~ March 5, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz and Iris start a campaign for equal rights, so George and Rudolph take them out to dinner but insist they pay their own check. With no choice but to do dishes, Liz plots to make the boys resent abandoning them - but even when everything is patched up they still want equal rights.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episodes “Equal Rights” (ILL S3;E4)
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“Women’s Rights - Part 2″ ~ March 12, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz and Iris have bet George and Rudolph that they can hold down a job, and the boys have bet the girls that they can take care of the housework and cooking.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Job Switching” (ILL S2;E1)
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“The Wills” ~ March 19, 1950
Synopsis ~  After Liz and George make out their wills, Liz is convinced that George intends to do away with her. Liz is startled to find a receipt for some arsenic and rope in his pocket, but is shocked when George suggests a trip to the country - with a one-way ticket for Liz!
Basis for a scene in “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy Thinks Ricky Is Trying to Murder Her” (ILL S1;E4) 
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“Liz’s Radio Script” ~ March 26, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz’s entry is a finalist in a playwriting contest, and the Coopers and the Atterburys perform it on the local radio station.
Portions of this script inspired the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy Writes a Play” (ILL S1;E17)
“April Fool”* ~ April 2, 1950
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“Hobbies” ~ April 9, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz and Iris are tired of waiting at home on weekends while George and Rudolph are at the golf course, so they decide to leave half-smoked cigars around the house to make the boys jealous.
Some elements that were later used on “I Love Lucy” in “The Golf Game” (ILL S3;E30) 
“Anniversary”* ~ April 16, 1950
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“Liz Appears on Television” ~ April 23, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz and Iris make an appearance on a television show celebrating Friendship Week. Their friendship is tested, though, when they discover they’ve bought the same dress for the occasion.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3) 
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“Spring House Cleaning” ~ April 30, 1950
Synopsis ~  Liz sends George an anonymous love letter that she wrote to him during his bachelor days, and he thinks its from his secretary, Gladys.
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”The Health Farm” ~ May 7, 1950
Synopsis ~  Liz and Iris are fed up with their husbands taking them for granted, so they check in to a fat farm.
This episode features elements that later went into the “I Love Lucy” episodes “The Diet” (ILL S1;E3) and “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15) as well as the “Lucy Show” episode “Lucy and the Countess Lose Weight” (TLS S3;E21)
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“Numerology�� ~ May 14, 1950
Synopsis ~ Mr. Curry, George and Liz’s landlord, is raising the rent, supposedly on instructions from his late wife, Bernice. Liz figures that she can fix things with a crooked Ouija Board.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episode “The Seance” (ILL S1;E7). It is a revision of the script used for “My Favorite Husband” episode #24, also titled "Numerology” when the characters were then known as the Cugats.
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“Mrs. Cooper Thinks Liz is Pregnant” ~ May 21, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz tells George’s mother that she’s ill so the older Mrs. Cooper won’t try to come to Liz’s bridge game, but George’s Mother thinks Liz is really pregnant, and tells all of Liz’s friends what she thinks.
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“Liz Sells Dresses” ~ May 28, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz accidentally returns a dress to a more expensive store than where she bought it, and makes money on the deal. She then decides to go into business buying dresses at one store and returning them at another.
Basis for a scene in “I Love Lucy” episode “The Freezer” (ILL S1;E29). It was a revision of the script for episode #14 from season one, when the characters were known as the Cugats. 
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“George is Messy” ~ June 4, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz is fed up with George’s messy habits around the house, so she draws a line down the middle of the living room and divides the house in two -her half and half his.
Basis for “Men Are Messy” (ILL S1;E8) of “I Love Lucy”
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“Liz Learns to Swim” ~ June 11, 1950
Synopsis ~ George makes a bargain with Liz: If she’ll learn to swim, they can go to the beach with the Atterburys for their vacation.
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“Be a Pal” ~ June 18, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz feels thinks George would rather not spend time with her anymore, so she tries everything she can think of to be a pal to her husband.
Basis for the “I Love Lucy” episodes “The Camping Trip” (ILL S2;E29) and “Be a Pal” (ILL S1;E2). It is a revision of the “My Favorite Husband” season one episode "Be Your Husband's Best Friend" when the characters were named Cugat.
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“Dance Lessons” ~ June 25, 1950
Synopsis ~ Liz cons George in to taking her to a nightclub by telling him it is to celebrate their anniversary but it is actually to celebrate the anniversary of the last time they went out to a dinner dance.
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amplesalty · 4 years
Halloween 2020 - Extra - The Stand (1994) - Episode 3 The Betrayal
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Betraaaaayal! Betrayal! Betrayed me!
This thing has a real habit of immediately bringing you back down to earth at the start of each new episode, episode 3 opens with Redman performing some impromptu surgery on a straggler their group has picked up along the way, only for the guy to die on the table. I mean, Stu was a mechanic so that’s like a surgeon for a car, right? No licensed music this time though.
Stu is a busy man though as he is also making moves on Molly Ringwald’s Fran, much to her friendzoned buddy Harold’s chagrin. Absolutely massive nerd this guy, like if you were to Google the word nerd it would pretty much be him that comes up on the image search results; thick glasses, slicked hair, rampant acne. He tries to play it off like he’s not bothered by this sudden development between the two, even though Stu downplayed his own interest in Fran when they first met and Harold feared he was being cockblocked. Inside though Harold is stewing.
Molly Ringwald looks very different in this, she has this dark hair in a bob cut that really looks like a wig. I don’t know if that was just her general look at the time or a stylistic choice by the production team but it makes me think it’s a choice by her to almost reinvent herself. Apparently in the early 90’s she moved to Paris for a time so maybe if this was something of a reintroduction to American audiences for her, she was trying to shed that famous image of her with the red hair?
I feel like Harold tries too hard, when Stu and Fran break the news of their budding romance to him he pretty much cuts them off to congratulate them and act like he isn’t bothered in the slightest. In his image as well, they’re using motorcycles to travel on (I guess it helps to weave between all the abandoned cars) so he rocks up in this full leather getup. Like not just a jacket but the chaps and everything. It’s like he’s trying to project this more macho image for himself in light of this competition, not it’s doing him much good. Then he just mostly goes off on his own, pouting and brooding.
Much like Nick and Tom were the breakout pair of episode 2, the stars of the show here are Harold and Nadine. Nadine popped up in New York City along with the singer Larry, there was something very off about her that was underlined when it was revealed that she was having strong visions of Flagg and they seem to have this romantic link, only she’s not entirely into it? I dunno if it’s like a split personality thing or if part of her is trying to fight it, there are times when she tries to walk back toward the path of righteousness but she keeps being led astray. Her hair has massively turned grey as well in whatever span of time has passed between episodes, probably only days or weeks tops. Possibly some after effect of her visions with Flagg?
The acting from these two borders on comically over the top at times, like there’s a scene where a bunch of newcomers are introducing themselves to Mother Abigail and Nadine almost floats through the crown like she’s In a trance. She approaches Abbie with her back turned and this usually quiet, jovial old woman leaps up with finger outstretched bellowing “WHO IS THIS WOMAN THAT GOES THERE?!” and Nadine introduces herself with this smile and slight head tilt that gives off this massive degree of faux coyness and sweetness. Abigail is always so warm and welcoming to newcomers but she’s noticeably shaken by Nadine’s arrival, who in turn almost seems to be toying with Abigail. It’s like whoever was in charge of this scene wanted everyone to dial it up to 11 to really get the point across that Nadine is shifty but that seems pretty pointless considering we already know she is considering her relationship with Flagg. And it’s not asif it’s to plant the idea in Abigail’s mind or anyone else around as it never comes up again.
The best part though is Nadine being rejected by Larry, who has since moved on and found a new woman in his life, and is told by Flagg to go to Harold where she seeks to manipulate him and talk him into acting out against the people who have wronged him like Stu and Fran. I don’t know if they were playing this up for laughs or if it’s just a byproduct of the world it takes place in but there’s this whole seduction scene where Harold comes home to find his door ajar and a sexily dressed Nadine inside. She’s kinda like if you mixed Sindel from Mortal Kombat and Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled. This whole thing plays out against his backdrop of a post apocalyptic world so you’ve got Nadine seducing a man dressed in coveralls and smelling of God knows what considering he’s spent the entire day cleaning up dead bodies from the town. Luckily she prepared two jugs of wash water that she’s left on the back porch and after that she’s prepared a fancy meal of tinned beef. It’s all shot really weird as well, all dutch angles and she’s partially obscured in shadow, sunlight streaking across her face but broken up by the shadow of the blinds on the windows.
Then, now that Harold has finally gotten some action, it’s like it instills him with copious amounts of dickbag confidence as he keeps telling her to keep her yap shut and suddenly the power in this relationship has shifted entirely, now she acts like she’s some poor put upon little housewife who needs to have her man’s dinner on the table when he gets home or else she’ll be sorry. I suppose it worked out in the long run though considering he’s following through on his plan to blow up Stu, Fran and the other town committee members that he feels he was shunned from.
Not that they’re without fault, as pretty much the first thing they do is decide to recruit spies to send over to Las Vegas where Flagg and his followers are hanging out in order to work out what he’s plotting for them. Or, as Larry puts it, “We’ve been in charge less than a day and we’ve already re-invented the CIA”. Which makes perfect sense, even if they do acknowledge they may be sending people off to their deaths. Only, it comes across a lot worse when they chose Tom as one of the potential spies, or ‘scouts’ as they prefer to call them. I get why they’d pick him in the sense of him being mentally challenged so Flagg and his followers might not suspect him of any nefarious intentions. But to do this they hypnotise him which I don’t fully get, I guess it’s like they’re deeply imbedding it in his head so it’s instinctive for him. It gets pretty uncomfortable though when Stu tells him that if anyone tries to stop him, if it’s two or more people then he needs to run but if it’s just one person he needs to kill them. Bloody hell, I thought this was a peaceful new world utopia you guys were building here? And if anyone asks him why he’s here? Well, as Stu puts it, “They drove me out of the free zone because of my feeble mind. They were worried I might have a woman who would give birth to idiot children.’ Or as Tom repeats it back “You were worried I might have a woman and I might fill her belly with a retard like me.”. He has this sort of twitch when he’s receiving the instruction, almost as if it bothers him on some level. Maybe that’s what the hypnotism is for, maybe they were worried he might not understand that this excuse is just an act and take it seriously? If they get past the conscious mind that would see it that way and implant it in the subconscious, almost like a sleeper agent sort of thing? Or maybe it would strip away all the emotional language and only take in the direction intention of the plan. Fran actually asks him during the hypnosis if he’s the same Tom that Nick met, which he answers yes before hesitating and saying no, he’s God’s Tom, so maybe on that basic level he will act for what is good for his fellow man even if it’s detrimental to his own personal well being?
It comes across as a little cold given that Stu doesn’t try to qualify the questionable things like the murder or the feebled mind excuse. He doesn’t seem entirely comfortable with it himself though, hesitating at times or having noticeable changes in his facial expressions. Everyone else in the room seems more sympathetic to Tom in the moment though, asking Stu to finish up whilst Stu pushes on a question or two more. Between this and an earlier scene where the scout idea is first floated though, he seems to have settled on a very pragmatic approach, the ends justifying the means.
There is a moment with Tom that underlines one of my favourite little things involving Flagg which is that given that people are travelling to see Mother Abbie from all over the United States, each new character in each new location seems to have a different way of referring to Flagg. Tom mentions two names himself; ‘The Hard Case’ and ‘The Walking Dude’. It adds to the scope of the situation, people from totally different areas are having near enough the exact same dreams but without that shared initial way to discuss these dreams, they’ve all come up with their own names for the people within them. Kinda ties back to that idea of people interpreting the dreams differently as well.
With all the scouting stuff though, it never seems to occur to them that if they can think of this idea, what’s to say Flagg hasn’t already thought of it too? Which is why they never see Harold’s plan coming when he has Nadine leave a nice little shoe box full of dynamite in Stu’s house, ready to detonate the next time they have one of their big meetings. Regular Guy Fawkes this guy. Only, he actually gets to set his off, albeit he doesn’t get his main targets. Nick wasn’t so lucky…damn.
And so we’re finally reaching the big crescendo as Mother Abbie’s dying words are a new instruction laid down from on high; that four of our great leaders of the free zone are to head out into the wilderness alone in order to face off against Flagg. Bring it on!
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69annebowlin69 · 6 years
25/1/19 Watching True Detective Episode Three
Woke from dream about repeating harris wittel joke to best friend in bar where i work, only best friend left halfway through me telling it, my audience turned in to this really hateful guy who works there as well and i fluffed the punchline. Called the dr for an appointment, got 10.50 w dr cummings. Text Emmy. Set alarm for 10.
Woke, feel shitty about what i ate last night. Apple core floating in one third of a glass of water. Gross. Searched Harris Wittels on podcast app, skipped first fifteen of last CBB appearence, straight to introducing himself as pontiac. Chelsea Peretti was my fav comedian in 2013, like everyone else.
Running late. Emmy text ‘what practice r u?’ I said ‘C’ she said ‘for [my name]’
Old guy at desk told me i could check in next time via the touch screens next to the door, like i’m a returning customer. Emmy whispered ‘so proud of you for coming.’ Said i love you maybe six times in half a minute.
Dr Cummings asked why i came today if it’s been so long, i mentioned Emmy, he took it and ran with it ‘it’s always when the women get involved. well, nothing new there.’
Didn’t want to go on the scale, couldnt make out the numbers and he didn’t tell me the number, just asked my height and told me my bmi was low but not alarming. Wore tracksuit bottoms because although i wanted to look serious for the drs, i didn’t want to add weight with jeans and heavy materials if it came to a weigh in. If it came to it i’d have shown him the gaunt phots from ‘thirteen. I might show them to Emmy.
Have to see a psychologist
Emmy crossed the floor with her arms out when i exited the dr’s office. Christopher’s intervention where Sil says ‘disgusting’.
Trying to remember anything from media studies to apply to the title sequence and all i can think is that uh the camera is skewed inverting the horizon transposed over Mahershala’s silhouette, denoting…that this shit is fucked up.
This title sequence is way too long. I could literally blend some kale/spinach/ginger, throw up, read that carver story where the whole family are trying to work out who the baby looks like, , ,
True Ass Detective
What i’m wasting mum’s inheritance on this week
-123 pounds on bed sheets in ikea how did it come to 123? Ate 1 1/2mg xanax before we went and stopped looking at the prices of the bedsheets to save time which in hindsight was not a Good Idea. Actually a Bad Idea because now i need two buses to go back and return two duvet covers that cost 30pounds apiece.
-A subscription service called Stingray Quello? I did the free trial to watch the Classic Albums on Graceland because Simon’s supposedly very problematic in it which is equally fascinating and expected, and funny? I fell asleep ten minutes in and i’ll watch the whole thing tonight but i bet i forget to cancel the subscription. I should set a reminder. I need to set a reminder to text back dad and not to eat after nine. Some people need to remind themselves to eat which is the absolute opposite of the problem I have. I would love to have to remind myself to eat. Just texts coming up telling me to have dinner because i’ve forgotten again and haven’t been calculating stupid ass numbers all day hoping they add up to less 1800.
-For 44.99 i can return to raccoon city and contract the D-virus. Yes, please!
-cancel Netlfix, keep adobe, maybe cancel WordPress, wait for dad to work out that his phone bill comes out of my direct debit and offer to pay it himself
everyone’s always got diseases. Mil has completed the Guarm section of the Cowboy Game and just discovered the cowboy has TB. He said Arthur Morgan is one of the most important characters in modern culture; I have to agree, although Mil’s version hasn’t got the long hair or the moustache-stubble or even the bear hat.
In the parking lot of a Walgreen’s in Big Bear i had the second worst instance of fear ever. We asked the motel receptionist for the nearest pharmacy and missed the exit twice. There are videos of us waking up and her talking in Spanish. There are videos of us in Joshua Tree drinking warm Tecate and saying i love you  out of rote. She said you couldn’t get pregnant on your period but i was in the headspace where you question/google everything instead of trusting yourself/anyone. She remembered it was Sunday, went to fetch a bible from the car, which i didn’t know she had, and recited old testament; i read the first one and a half google results and dressed myself from the open boot of her car. Some woman asked ‘where you goin?’, like flirting.
The wolf hat we bought the night before from a liquor store that had a fun hats section. Like a stuffed wolf toy, but only it’s head and stuck to a skip cap, fur pouring over the sides, enveloping the whole head - fun! the scanner wire wouldn’t stretch to her head, she bent so the cashier could ring it up along with 12 more Tecate.
The toilet we met in, in which we met, was like two cubicles at a time and mine had Bernie stickers all over it. we were being sick at the same time, she hd acid reflux and i said that’s what i had as well. She couldn’t eat meals we never finished a meal together no siree not one, in the space of fifteen meals we either didn’t order or moved stuff around on the plate til it looked like less than it did before. She couldn’t keep anything down and disappeared to the bathroom for minutes at a time and then i would, too.
At Walgreens i’d decided that actually she was hoaxing me, that her saying i love you and wanting to come out here in the first place, us leaving in the dead of night, wanting to get married and crying when i didn’t must have been like a series of jokes to her. She said ‘you want it so you ask’ at the counter and the woman couldn’t understand so she took over, the bear hat bobbing with her rhythms. We left once with the plastic case that you need scissors to cut and i went back in for the scissors. She swallowed with warm water from her trunk, made a face. Her reflux was bubbling. She was in the Walgreens toilet for a long time and then, like Mahershala, we went back to the motel to fuck, and got drunk again and i decided it wasn’t just a joke again, until we got so drunk that she crashed the car driving back in on the 105. Wedging all the empty cans underneath our seats before the highway patrol got to our window was number one worst fear i ever had.
Hi i’m stephen dorff and this is Interrogation
*jackass theme*
Ok things i know from the first two and a half eps:
The nerds were into dungeons and dragons
1980, 1990, 2015
My dad turned me against shows where police are the audience surrogate when we watched Zodiac or something else earnest w Mark Ruffalo. My dad: not into police. One time he got very angry when i questioned how anarchistic he was when he implemented a hard bed-time of 10pm. Like maybe the most i managed to intentionally rile him. I was trying to watch Die Hard 2 in bed and invoked the 10pm curfew and questioned why i wanted to watch a film about a copy anyway. But yeah, it’s tough to get behind any of these characters. They’re portrayed as flawed, but lovingly, like you can tell we’re supposed to appreciate their flawed masculinity or whtever.
Pizzolato is AT LEAST a moderate republican, maybe not a Trump guy on a good day, but probably into Paul Ryan.
Dorff’s wig is off-putting
The fellas will return to the house above Devil’s Den
The first two episodes were the best shot. Some of the scenes in the mist at twilight as the police searched the fields were eerie and unsettling. Since then it’s been kinda rote stuff, no flashes. Maybe that helps in establishing the story, but the pace has been slow as hell and could use something fancy to support it.
I do not care about these kids nor who killed/abducted them.
Dorff gets shot at some point. He calls Hays ‘killer’ soo….
Brown sedan, white suit, some guy with a scar. Dorff demanding two fingers of soco and talking about his dick is funny but not in the way intended.
Annoyed at whatever the song on Rhythm of the Saints is where he says ‘i was drinking herbal brew’ grow the fuck up
0 notes
lamiaward · 8 years
Soulmate Au
Soulmate Au;
Where Regina is kind of a pharaoh, she kind of doesn’t love and her soul is divided into pieces and one of them belongs to her soulmate, Emma. Except she doesn’t know all that. Also, she might be a vampire.
[this is what you get when I wanted to continue writing for ‘sorry, we have already filled our villain quota’ but also for SQ week and also remember something about the really interesting Egyptian concept of the soul when searching for inspiration for this] I don’t own OUAT or the Egyptian ideas of the soul .
 Regina had never felt love. She had heard the laments,  seen it in weaklings that stared at each other with such tenderness,  had heard the blabbering mortals go on and on about ‘our love will win’. It usually faded away approximately two seconds after she had bitten whatever food she had encountered that day.
Either way, she did not believe in love. It was a result of both her mother’s harsh upbringing and a lifetime of disappointment and pain. At this moment in her life, she honestly counted herself fortunate to not have that weakness living in her blood.
That is likely why she reacted the way she did.
Regina hardly dreamt at all. And when she did, she dreamt of the smoke that came from the villages, the screams of the villagers and the taste of sweetened iron in her mouth. She never dreamt like this. First, there was a lurching. The scenery around her suddenly changed, from the golden walls with their blue edges to the deep red sand of the desert. From the ground to a view from the sky, which made her flail for a moment before she slowly started to descent.
She felt the hot sand beneath her feet. She heard the startled gasp behind her and swirled around, allowing her teeth to lengthen as she grinned to- look upon a lovely creature.
She had hair like the Sun God, the absence of the wigs that were in fashion usually an annoyance to Regina but now she didn’t even mind. Her eyes were lined with the traditional black, her face empty of any toilette apart from that. Anyone else likely would have been intimidated by the dagger she carried, or the broad leather bands that covered part of her torso- suggesting she might be a trained warrior. Regina was drawn to it.
As soon as she took a step forward, the woman changed. Her paler-than-usual skin chalked, after which her neck sprouted feathers and lengthened, her eyes shrunk, a black spot erupted over her nose that immediately turned a soft orange and became a beak. Her body remained unchanged , apart from the paler hue, but her head had changed completely.
Before Regina could let a single sound pass her mouth, she felt the lurching again and she stumbled forward. When her eyes snapped open, the first thing she noted was the cold. She spread her fingers, what in the name of the sacred- but it was still true. She felt the cold. She never did. She slowly pushed herself up, glanced around. It was the same chamber, with the same gold-blue walls and the same sparse furniture and the same-
She thought of the woman. Who – then gasped. Her chest- there was something in her chest. She had felt it, had felt the thud as it nearly crashed into her ribcage. She managed to stand up, hand still pressed to her chest, and narrow her eyes. The woman must have done something to her.
And she was going to suffer for that insult.
Regina was standing in the doorway, her eyes still closed. She could hear the soft wails of several babies, the laughter that followed gossip, the notes of the lyre struggling to reach over all the noise. The wails slowly fade and the laughter turns to excited chatter.
She opens her eyes. The women are scattered around the room, some bend over papyrus, some huddled close together as they speak , some rocking babies in their arms, several teaching the youngest children. She approaches the latter.
They don’t hear her approach of course, but her favourite turns its head and smiles giddily. “ Regina!” he exclaims,  the teacher behind him stiffening with fear like usually. He doesn’t seem to notice, throwing his small arms around her. She pulls him up and in her arms.
“ Hello, Henry” she says kissing him on the cheek.  He giggles. “ Hi, Nbty”.
“ Is it interesting?” she inquires, placing her fingers beneath her chin. He nods enthusiastically , his braid bobbing. “ Very much so. We are learning all about the Gods!”.
She smiles. It is so easy to smile around this child. “ Well, you should not forget to honour them”.
“ Uh-uh”
“ Henry- “ she scolds and he grins a little at her. “ I am, really”
“Good. It is very important to honour them”
He shifts in her arms. “ Do you want to know a secret? “.
She bites down on her smile. “ Yes”.
“ You have to swear you won’t tell” his expression becomes more serious than you would expect from a five-year-old. He narrows his eyes a little, something she suspects he has picked up from her. Or hopes- because it could be one of the other women here, too.
“ I swear- “.
He lowers his face.  “ On your true name”
“ That is a very serious thing”.
“ I know. That’s how I will know’
She waits a moment, then nods. “ Very well. I swear it, on my true name”.
He gives her a solemn nod, then leans in a little. She can hardly hear him when he whispers “ I have a favourite deity”.
“ Henry, you are supposed to- “.
“ It is the protectress” he grins adorably. She should probably a little mad at him and she does scold him, but as soon as she sees his lip start to pout and the enthusiasm in his eyes fade, she salvages the situation by saying “ It is okay if it is just in there- “ she taps his heart. “ But do not forget to honour all of them. Deal?”.
He nods vigorously. “ Deal” he kisses her on the cheek, then starts to wriggle. He tries to jump out of her arms, pushes at them but she keeps him there until she has lowered herself and put him down again. He runs back into the circle of children staring at the teacher. She ignores the teacher, chats with a few children, gives a select few hugs. Some try to hang on to her, but they’re pulled back by the teacher under stammering apologies and a lot of bows.
She gives Henry one last hug , then moves to the two women that she has already spotted lounging in the far right corner. They are pressed close together, talking animatedly and occasionally squeezing each other’s hands or threading gentle fingers through each other’s hair. They pull away when the notice her. She doesn’t miss the regret in their eyes.
She doesn’t talk, just cocks her finger. The brunette on the right stands after a short hesitation, glancing at the woman that is staring after her one last time. She follows Regina obediently, who opens one of the many doors this chamber has.
As soon as the door closes, she moves in. She presses Ruby against the wall, buries a hand in her hair and tugs her head back.  She feels the woman’s rapid pulse as she sucks on the skin. “ Relax” she mutters, but the woman remains slightly tense against her.
She pulls back. “ That was a command”.
“ My apologies” she mutters, though there is that hint of disobedience and fury in her eyes that made Regina choose her in the first place. Ruby is the perfect meal : she enjoys it, but at the same time bristles at being ordered around. She is a free spirit, which Regina can definitely enjoy. It makes this much more thrilling.
She slowly extracts her hand from Ruby’s hair, to place it on her cheek. She keeps it there for several moments, staring into Ruby’s eyes. Most people would only be able to stare into her eyes and deny her anything for two, perhaps three minutes. Ruby easily does it for ten.
She smiles, leans forward again. “ As a reward for your obedience, you are allowed to take the girl”. She might be a little possessive of the few girls she has actually chosen for purposes like this. But she is also not blind and Ruby has been pining after that girl for too long. The only reason she has not acted on those feelings , Regina knows, is the fear that Regina might hurt the girl in a fit of possessiveness.
“ Are you – “
“ Yes “ she hisses. Ruby immediately throws her head back, offering her throat. Regina chuckles, drags it out. Ruby is starting to tense a little again, but it is in anticipation this time. She keeps her lips pressed to warm skin for half a minute, then suddenly strikes like a Cobra. She feels Ruby’s arms on her hips as her knees buckle.
It lasts perhaps ten minutes, before Regina slowly pulls back and licks her lips. She is almost gentle when she leads Ruby to one of the simple stone benches. She allows Regina to pull her down, eyes a little glazed over. She stares at Regina as she snaps her fingers. A servant immediately runs towards her with a goblet, which she offers to Ruby.
“ Thank you “ she says, smile a little too bright for it to be about the goblet she is sipping from.
Regina nods. Ruby throws her a confused looks as she sits down next to her. Regina never sits down. “ I wish you to apprehend someone”.
“ Who?”
Ruby flinches a little at the look in Regina’s eyes.
“ A rodent, nullity” Ruby actually shivers, unpleasant ones unlike the earlier ones.
“Will you grant me this favour? “
They both know what Ruby will answer. What is her duty to answer.
“ I just need some details”
 Annoyingly enough, the next time the Lurch happens, it is far more dangerous.
One moment, she feels the press of her chariot against her legs and hears the soft neighs of her horses , the next she is stumbling forward. When she blinks the black spots from her vision, the woman is there again.
Regina licks her lips at the sight of muscular arms, sweaty bare skin and a furious look. The woman stalks forward, one of her hands on the dagger, and murder in her eyes. Well, maybe not murder but the fervent wish to punch her at the very least.
Regina tilts her head a little, gives the woman her most haughty stare, the one that says ‘you are so far beneath me’. Even if from the inside, she is not that cold at all. No, she feels her cheeks heat a little- what kind of magic – and that same thudding against her ribcage and her mouth is dry even though she has fed perhaps a day ago.
That heat magnifies as the thought of biting this woman crosses her mind.
She is already reaching out when there is a blight of light that has stumble backwards and cover her eyes. What she sees from her eye corners, is best described as the sun on the hottest day. Even glancing at it makes her grit her teeth in order to hide the exclamation of pain that immediately wants to slip through.
She must be insane, for she is reaching for it despite every bit of logic warning against it, and there are sunrays on her hand but it is rather pleasant really not the pain she expect and she is starting to feel soft skin and –
She lurches, stumbles. When she slowly drops her hand and opens her eyes, she is staring straight into the worried eyes of one of her favourite servants, the one that has a way with horses and gentle eyes.
It is the first time she ever snaps at him.
It becomes something off an obsession.
At day, she is still ruling of course but her free time is slowly being swallowed by plans and plots, the meetings with her advisor sometimes interrupted by Ruby running inside and whispering something in her ear and the chariot rides she takes venturing farther and farther away from home.
At night, she finds the woman. She finds her with her hair tangled up and the red desert behind her like flames. She finds her leaning against palm trees, with the half of a coconut in her hand. She finds her in cities, hiding behind a market stall. She finds her and is pulled towards her and lurches.
It makes her furious.
She has lost all control, and all choice. She is furious.
And one of the worst part is, how it slips into everything. She is less sharp during meetings, has to force herself to focus on the children’s words, has to read things several times before she actually registers what the words means. It is embarrassing and frustrating and infuriating.
And she doesn’t understand. She is always one step ahead, knows a little more, is the one to bring people off-balance. But now, there is that thudding against her ribcage and food has suddenly lost what little appeal it had and she glances at the sun that is always there and can only think of her. And her magicians are useless, for they protest meekly they have not found any spells, that it must be something else. So now she has to find new ones, because one was fed to her crocodiles and the other probably ran away.
It makes her all very furious.
Her hands suddenly tremble, no matter how many times she drags a girl towards the room to drink.  Her teeth burn and the thudding against her ribcage increases and everything conspirers against her.  Every bronze thing she sees reminds her of that dagger, every yellow thing of the hair, everything. She has never felt so much like impulsively ripping someone apart like she does now.
But if there is one thing important, it is the illusion that she is always in control so she doesn’t. She smiles tightly and has people trip over themselves in their rush to placate her and talks to foreigners in half-threats. The illusion is feeble, but holds to that day.
The day she has some time to visit the children and possibly spend some time with the new girl ( she hardly ever approaches Ruby for this now, who is very happy with her own girl) when she comes within two inches of killing the teacher. It is only a dozen paling faces that keep her from it.
“ What do you mean, gone “ she growls
The teacher shakes, tries to speak. Regina reluctantly relaxes the grip on her throat for a moment. “ H-he left. I d-don’t- “ .
“ Inept” she spits, before pushing the woman away and ignoring the way she cries out. She stalks towards the door, the guards almost jumping away from her and slams the door closed behind her. Two minutes later, she steering her chariot to where she thinks a young boy might run off to.
She finds him quickly,
But not quite enough.
The snake is nearer than she is , quicker than she will be and she is already thinking of ways to punish that teacher for ever endangering him when the snake hisses, once, and yanks left once and then dies. She stares at the dagger that has killed it and sa-
The woman accepts Henry’s hug with an awkward smile that she also turns on Regina. “ Hi “.
“ You were in the proximity of my home all this time? “.
How dare the woman roll her eyes like that.  “I wasn’t , actually. But you see, I was kind of chased so I had to move every day”  she throws a pointed glare Regina’s way.  “That is when I finally came here”.
She looks down at Henry. Regina kneels next to him “ Henry?”.
He finally lets go of the woman’s legs, staring at the ground. She is pretty sure his bottom lip is trembling. She reaches for his chin, gently move his head up. “ Why did you frighten me like this?”
“I wanted to find her. For you”. His voice is very small.
“ That was very peril- dangerous behaviour, Henry”
“ You will have to face the consequences of this insubordination’
“ Insu-be what?”
“Insubordination. Disobedience”.
“ M’ real sorry”.
“ I know” she opens her arms, he throws himself in them before she can even finish saying “ Now, give me a-“. She chuckles and lifts him in her arms. He lays his head on her shoulder as she looks at the woman.
“ I suppose I ought to thank you for saving him”.
She shrugs. “ Anyone would have helped”.
“ I am not certain. I did send guards after you”.
“ Yeah, why did you even do that?”.
She stares at the woman “ Because of the-  “ the skin beneath her hand is warm, and soft and there is a lot of muscle. The hand at her hip is strong and sure and still gentle. I never stumble like that. “ Are you okay?  “ the woman whispers.
“ Yes” she suddenly really wants to do something with this woman’s lips. Perhaps bite them? Except you would not get as much blood from them as from a place lower, like – she hears the woman inhale sharply. Then slowly pull away.
She is still not convinced the woman hasn’t cast a spell: the contact breaking actually hurts
But then the woman grimaces and Regina sees little droplets of swear clinging to her brow. Her hands are trembling, like Regina’s have been. She licks her lips nervously, Regina flits her eyes up and down. She takes a step nearer. The woman does, too.
‘ You are still holding a child” the woman mutters.
Regina stops, the proximity sweet torture. She can smell her and hear her and if she reaches out a little-  “Yes. You are right” even if every step is like walking in quicksand, she forces herself to continue until she has reached her chariot. She turns around again, at the forlorn-looking woman. “ Step in”.
She is really quick. As soon as her feet touch the chariot, Regina is urging the horses forward. Her hands only stop trembling when the woman covers them with one of hers, warm and slightly rough. It is perfect- or it would be if Regina’s body wasn’t thrumming with more more closer closer . She cannot even talk, apart from asking the woman for her name – “ Emma- and telling the servant to bring her horses to the stables.
She barely manages from tugging Emma towards her and she suspects Emma feels the same as she grabs Regina’s hand and nearly presses against her. They give Henry to one of the women that usually watches him- Regina presses a kiss to his forehead and leaves six guards with him- before Regina is tugging Emma , not towards the room that is for the girls she particularly likes, but towards her sanctuary.
Her personal chambers.
“ You are going to stop seeing those others” Emma growls
Regina bites on her lips, licks the blood of them. “ I am your ruler, you will not- “
Emma pushes her. “ If you want me, you will say goodbye to the others”.
“ Perhaps” she pants. She likes to have a little variety in her diet.
“I don’t share” Emma gasps between furious kisses.
Closer closer closer Regina finally gives in when Emma somehow finds the divine strength to put distance between them, instead of giving in to what they both want. “Fine “ she growls , not really furious even if a tiny and slowly disappearing part of her feels like she should be.
“ Fine?” Emma is still keeping their bodies apart and Regina grabs her arms and turns them. She smirks , then claims another kiss. This time, it is different. This time, the thrumming stops – no gentles and Regina feels calm for the first time in weeks. She sighs and hears Emma do the same.
Regina never believed in love. Not until she found her soulmate anyways.
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ramjfkclub · 8 years
Week 4 - About a Boy
It isn't Friday the 22nd of November, 1963 The time isn't 12:30 p.m. It's actually October 18th, 1939, and we're in New Orleans, Louisiana.  A kid called Lee Harvey Oswald has just been born and looks a bit put out that someone has made him wear a yellow dress.
Welcome to Part One of the strangest story of them all.
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  Ever since the assassination, the details of Oswald's childhood have been a rich source of speculation for researchers trying to understand him. Whether they're accusing him or defending him, there's a sense that the answers can be found in his formative years - that small actions here can be extrapolated into significant actions later. 
For example, they point to the fact that his father died two months before he was born. This MUST have had a negative impact on his life, they argue.
They then psychoanalyse the mother - describing her as either a woman with good morals, doing what she thought best, or a domineering matriarch, consumed with self-pity. 
Consider this from Lee's step-brother   - 
"If Lee was guilty then he was aided with a little extra push from his mother in the living conditions that she presented to him."
The conditions he refers to are various stages of poverty and dislocation brought upon by Oswald's mother constantly moving around looking for work. Again, they point to the unsettling effect this must have had on the child and, to be fair, it's hard to argue with the basic facts -
During his childhood, Lee Harvey Oswald lived in 22 different places and attended 12 different schools. 
So far so bad for the poor kid then - his family are basically accomplices to a future crime and his early life is the worst series of The Littlest Hobo ever. 
If he’d had a jaunty theme tune maybe things would have turned out differently. 
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With the simplistic overview out of the way, researchers and investigators dig deeper into his life looking for evidence of violence or rebelliousness - some sort of Rosebud moment that helps their case. 
Some of these are potentially damning - he once threatened his step brother's wife with a pocket knife and, when his mother tried to intervene, he punched her in the face.
Some are just funny - he once got kicked off the school football team because he said the coach's rules violated his constitutional rights. 
And some are just bizarre.
Julian Evans, a family friend of the Oswald's, told The Warren Commission a story about how he once took the young Oswald fishing with a group of other boys. He said everyone else threw the little fish back in the river and took the big ones home for dinner. But Oswald, he's at pains to add, was different. 
Apparently he lined up all the fish he caught on the bank of the river and just walked off, leaving them to die. 
The point of such testimony, of course, is to make an orchestra suddenly start in your mind - a crescendo of low notes that damns Oswald and convinces you of his guilt. But can they be trusted? How many of these stories have since been told through the prism of what he has been accused of and coloured by confirmation bias?
Here’s another section of Evan’s testimony to illustrate the point –
Mr JENNER: Did you ever see Lee Oswald in any fits of temper, so to speak?
Mr  EVANS: - No; I didn’t.
Ok, that’s good.
Mr JENNER: Did you ever observe anything about Lee Oswald that would lead you to believe that he had any propensity toward acts of violence on the person of anybody else?
Mr EVANS: - No
Even better, I reckon he’s definitely innocent now.
Mr JENNER: What other impressions did you have of this boy?
Mr EVANS – Well, I thought he was a psycho.
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Probably the best assessment of Oswald’s childhood comes from his time in New York in 1952. 
At aged 13, he attended a junior high school in the Bronx only to find himself a figure of fun due to his southern accent and his “western clothes.” So, not for the first time, he decides that school isn’t really for him and, instead, spends his days riding the New York Subway and hanging out at the Bronx Zoo. It’s here that a truant officer finds him and he’s subsequently remanded to an institution called Youth House for psychiatric evaluation.
One of the doctors there described him as a “seriously detached, withdrawn youngster”. She further added that there was "a rather pleasant, appealing quality which grows as one speaks to him." For his part, the young Oswald confirmed that he felt there was a veil between him and other people that he preferred to keep intact. He blamed his mother for virtually everything, telling the doctors that he felt she never cared enough about him and that he was a burden to her. He also admitted to fantasies about being powerful and sometimes hurting and killing people. But when asked to elaborate on these, he told the doctors it was none of their business.
The initial report on him states -
“Lee has to be diagnosed as personality pattern disturbance with schizoid features and passive--aggressive tendencies. Lee has to be seen as an emotionally, quite disturbed youngster who suffers under the impact of existing emotional isolation and deprivation, lack of affection, absence of family life and rejection by a self-involved and conflicted mother.”
It concluded –
“Despite his withdrawal, he gives the impression that he is not so difficult to reach as he appears and patient, prolonged effort in a sustained relationship with one therapist might bring results. There are indications that he has suffered serious personality damage but if he can receive help quickly this might be repaired to some extent.”
Unfortunately, though, Lee never received the prescribed help he needed. One day his mother came to visit him and he said “I want to get out of here. There are people in here that have killed people, and smoke.”
Deciding that she’d had enough of doctors interfering with her son, they packed their bags again and returned to New Orleans - moving into a red light district of prostitution and low level gangsters.
That’s bound to help. 
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In future years, when that perennial question was asked – “Where were you when you heard JFK had been shot?” – it was the people in Dallas that had THE answer. And as we’ve seen so far, it was just the beginning of the stories they would tell.
“It was a heckle. Umbrellas are not a particular hobby of mine.”
“God put me there because I’ve got super eyesight.”
“I had a load of dark wigs back then and a prototype camera.”
The six seconds they witnessed would become the starting point for the rest of their lives whilst, yet again, the 24-year-old in the Texas School Book Depository was different – providing a testimony to these events that would be frustratingly brief and lacking any detail. Still, of all the characters in Dealey Plaza that day, he’s the one who deserves a backstory – the one that I want you to feel like you know before 12:30pm.
Not that it’s easy.
I’ve read so many accounts of Oswald’s early life now that it’s difficult to be certain of anything other than a sense of tragedy and a touch of empathy. At its most benign, the character that’s painted of the young Oswald is similar to my own experience through adolescence, as I’m sure it is for many other people. Even Bob Dylan, a month after the assassination, said that he saw a lot of himself in the accused assassin – a comment that sparked a huge controversy but was probably more reasoned than people gave it credit for.  
Didn’t we all sometimes wear a veil when we were growing up?
Haven’t we all got our own version of the fish story if we zoom in on our own lives?
I know I have, which is probably why I find some of these stories amusing rather than damning. Maybe it’s me, but I’ve often paused to think about how his ex-football coach must have reacted to seeing Oswald in police custody in 1963.
“Here he goes, emphatically denying these charges and banging on about his constitutional rights again. He hasn’t changed much.”
Still, people are different. I guess that’s the point and, as I’ve said before, my imagination is prone to get in the way of the search for truth here.
My own sense of teenage estrangement passed because I was fortunate enough to benefit from a counter culture that catered for it. But Oswald had no such luxury, he’s stuck in 1953, listening to classical music because Psychocandy hasn’t been released yet. He’s 14, it’s the time in his life when he’s looking for external stimulation to define himself.
We know of two things that happened next.
Firstly, he went for a walk one day and an old woman on a street corner gave him a leaflet about a Jewish couple that were about to be executed for being communist spies. He follows this with a trip to the library and starts to read a series of books on Marxism.
Secondly, in October of 1953, a new television show premieres on American television called I Led Three Lives. Its main character was simultaneously a suburban husband, a member of the Communist Party, and a spy for the FBI.
It became Lee Harvey Oswald’s favourite TV show.
And it’s where we’ll leave him for now - glued to a programme whose message was that you could be anything to anyone.
Join us next week, when we head back to Dallas.
Martin Fitzgerald (@RamJfkClub)
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lindawfowler101010 · 6 years
10 Things To Remember Going Into Deadpool 2 This Weekend (Spoiler Free)
With Deadpool 2 slated to hit theaters everywhere in just four days, we thought we'd catch up anyone who might've be living under a rock for the last several months when it comes to being in the know about all the awesome developments for the highly-anticipated sequel to the breakout Marvel Comics success of 2016, Deadpool.
1. Celine Dion has recorded a song for Deadpool 2.
For many fans of Deadpool, Celine Dion might be the last artist that anyone would expect would contribute a song to the soundtrack for the sequel; but she's done exactly that. "Ashes" is Dion's brand new single, and in true Deadpool fashion, the Grammy-winning singer--best know for her song "My Heart Will Go On" from the soundtrack of James Cameron's Titanic has even filmed a hilarious music video for the track with Deadpool himself taking part doing some intepretative dance in high heels!
Watch it here:
2. Ryan Reynolds had a hand in writing the screenplay for Deadpool 2.
Accompanying screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (Deadpool, Zombieland) this time around is the actor behind Wade Wilson, Ryan Reynolds. This is something that makes so much sense, as given Deadpool's uncanny ability to craft hilarious one-liners, seemingly, it might be obvious that some of these came from the mouth of Ryan Reynolds on set during improvisational moments during the shooting of the film in Vancouver, B.C.
3. Deadpool 2 is taking the pop culture references to the next level
There are more this time around than in a entire episode of Fox's Family Guy, although we're uncertain ithat they'll be included in the finished movie.
As 20th Century Fox has been rolling out their campaign to market the film leading up to this week we've seen a hilarious collection of pop culture references in support. First, there were as the Deadpool 2 poster which paid tribute to the 1983 film, Flashdance. In the poster, Deadpool is arched up and back on a chair just as actress Jennifer Beals does so famously in the 1983 blockbuster film which was about a steel worker who aspires to be a professional dancer in the ballet.
Then, there were some Deadpool / Ryan Reynolds references to the hit 1985 Steven Spielberg-produced The Goonies -- to unveil the casting of actor Josh Brolin in Deadpool 2 as "Cable." Reynolds took to Twitter on Feb. 12 to unveil Brolin's casting by posting this hilarious photo of Deadpool painting a portrait of Cable in the image of actor Josh Brolin's Goonies character, "Brandon" aka "Brand Walsh."
Let's not forgot the sneak peek poster in the spirit of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Then, there was the whole insane Bob Ross tribute to promote Deadpool 2. Dressing us as iconic PBS painter Bob Ross (with the wig), Fox released a teaser for the film with some first look footage to excite Deadpool and Marvel fans about the release.Watch the Bob Ross / Sneak Peek Here:
4. A stunt woman died on the set of the film during its shooting.
Stuntwoman Joi Harris, doubling actress Zazie Beetz as "Domino," was accidentally killed in a motorcycle accident during the shooting of the film. It was a tragedy as this was the stuntwoman's first movie shoot! The sequence as it was to appear in the film Deadpool 2 was being filmed at Jack Poole Plaza when the stuntwoman lost all control of her motorcycle and swerved off the set and went through a window at the close by Shaw Tower. The production of Deadpool 2 was shut down for two days as a result; many in the stunt community have said that the accident could have been avoided. The stunt required that the stuntwoman ride through two open doors before turning left; however her exit was onto a big safety ramp. The stuntwoman overshot the platform and was unable to stop the motorcycle, hitting a curb before flying into a massive glass window.
5. 20th Century Fox ordered re-shoots on Deadpool 2 after potential bad test screenings.
Sometimes, a studio ordering re-shoots on a film can mean trouble. It can mean that the movie stinks or that it needs a quick fixing. But, reports are saying that the sequel has won over test audiences. It's been reported that the re-shoots were not ordered to fix any problems with the film but to add in more footage of characters that tested better than anticipated with audiences; however this could just be spin. It is possible that audiences had too many expectations with Deadpool 2, and that the re-shoots were ordered to satisfy those expectations. We won't know until this Friday.
6. The secrey around Deadpool 2 has been epic; nearly as secret as the latest incarnations of Star Wars.
20th Century Fox, Ryan Reynolds have been very careful about what they've said in relationship to the sequel's storyline. It's been unveiled, natch, just hunted at over the last year; firstly, there's been Ryan Reynold's dropping bits and clues on Twitter, and then there's been the numerous sneak preview or trailers that have been slowing popping up in theaters and on television. The producers of Deadpool 2 even parodied the last Avengers or Star Wars films demands for secrey. The letter itself is a spoof of a similar one made by the crew behind Avengers: Infinity War. It even parodies the hashtag made for the Avengers film, #ThanosDemandsYourSilence, #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryAutoCorrectSilence”
The funny letter was posted online on Twitter:
"We have embarked on the "Deadpool 2: This is Kind of Your Guys' Fault" World Tour. Almost everyone involved in the film has given Maximum Effort the past two years, maintaining the highest level of super secrets, like how David Blaine catches bullets in his mouth. A nd the secret blend of 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders' delicious moustache.
Only a handful of people know the film's true plot. One of them is not Ryan Reynolds. We're asking that when you see Deadpool 2, you don't say a fucking word about the fun shit in the movie. Cause it'd be super lame to spoil the fact that Deadpool dies in this one. Kidding. Not kidding. Kidding?
The studio even leaked a fake plot in the spirit of Deadpool's sense of humor:
“After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste,” reads the synopsis. “Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the Yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World's Best Lover.”
The REAL, spoiler-free, basic plot for Deadpool 2:
Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy of supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling mutant, Cable.
It is common knowledge now that Deadpool will be assembling X-Force (aka The New Mutants) and here are the actors that will be bringing them to life, although it's uncertain if the X-Force will be based on the original Rob Liefeld period at Marvel. What we know: Josh Brolin will be playing Nathan Summers aka Cable, Lewis Tan will be playing Shatterstar, Zazie Beetz will be playing Domino. That just leaves confirmations as to whom will be playing "Boom Boom," "Cannonball," "Feral, " and "Warpath." Actress Shioli Kutsuna had been announced to be playing a major role in Deadpool 2: would it be a stretch to speculate that she'll be playing Boom Boom in Deadpool 2?
7. What Ifs and Missed Deadpool 2 Opportunities
It's always fun to talk with fellow Marvel fans or those with a real passion for the world of Deadpool about the what ifs or could ofs.
Did you know: Actor Brad Pitt originally met with the director of Deadpool 2 David Leitch about playing Cable but was unable to commit to the role because of previous obligations; although actors like Dolph Lundgren, Michael Shannon, Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, Sly Stallone, Ron Perlman were also considered. Actor Russell Crowe was Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld's first choice for Cable. What would've happened if the director of the Deadpool (2016) had returned for Deadpool 2? Original director Tim Miller announced in 2016 that he would not be returning to the franchise due to creative differences with Ryan Reynolds. What would Deadpool 2 be like with Miller at the helm? A fan petition was made for Quentin Tarantino to direct the sequel -- what would that look like?
8. A slight difference from Deadpool the comic to Deadpool 2: the movie?
The comic books depict Domino as a longtime ally and former girlfriend of Cable, who hates Deadpool. In the film, she is introduced as an ally of Deadpool working against Cable. WTF?
9. Deadpool 2 will most likely spin off a X-Force blockbuster franchise for 20th Century Fox.
Seeing how things have been done in the past with Marvel characters popping in and out of various superhero movies as they've been released, it seems apropos that 20th Century Fox is already planning a X-Force movie, if not, franchise. Various undisclosed sources are reporting that the studio will be using the ending of Deadpool 2 to set up the rumored X-Force movie. Most likely, this will come during a scene that could be inserted during the films end credits, or in a moment post-credits. While Deadpool 2 screenwriter Reese has tried to nix the rumors about such on Twitter, it seems like just a obvious move -- especially since Ryan Reynolds already has been reported to be involved in the writing of the X-Force movie for the studio.
10. The love story between Wade Wilson and Vanessa will be amped up.
Duh, you probably already guessed that would happen.
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