#turns out i typo'd it
pandora15 · 2 years
coding with R be like
R: "oops you got an error!"
me: "okay, what was the error?"
R: "there's a problem with your code"
me: "okay, so what's the problem with my code?"
R: "there's a problem with your code"
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foone · 1 year
A reddit post reminded me of a silly thing I did once: I calculated how long it would take to lose my entire body.
So I was dieting at the time and I was using a spreadsheet to track my weight loss and I decided to get nerdy with it and calculate average change per week and then I tried to add "time until I reach my target weight", so I added a cell for my target weight and set up some formulas and it gave me a date... Which seemed awfully far in the future? I wasn't that far from my goal and I was losing weight pretty quickly, so... What?
It turned out I typo'd the cell reference. It was using the cell NEXT TO the target weight cell, which was empty. And my spreadsheet was interpreting an empty cell as a zero.
So it was calculating how long it would be until my weight got down... To zero pounds (zero kilograms for you metric folks).
I'd calculated how long it would take me to lose ALL MY WEIGHT.
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aiyexayen · 11 months
hello i am eyes emojiing about chengling goes with wkx OR long long long story ch 3
ooh yes chengling going with wen kexing is a fun au of mine, though it's still in the rough draft stage. based on the premise of what if wen kexing had stumbled upon chengling before boatman li ever could, and what if he saved him in spite of himself, what if he bundled him and the shard of glass stuffed into his stomach away on his boat and then had to figure out what the heck do i do with a whole entire kid--again?
a little excerpt:
Wen Kexing flicks his fan closed and reaches out to put his free hand on Chengling's shoulder. He searches the boy's face, feeling that unavoidable kinship still burning bright. "You want revenge so badly?" he asks; Chengling nods. "You're willing to do anything?" Chengling nods again. "And you trust me?" His voice is severe but Chengling nods a third time. "Then do you believe me if I tell you that not all ghosts are the same?" Behind them, Wen Kexing hears A-Xiang's sharp indrawn breath. Chengling doesn't seem to notice; he just blinks once and considers the words. Wen Kexing watches the thought work its way through his head. In the end, Chengling still nods, but very slowly. "If you say it, Wen-shu, then I believe you. But..." "Some of them are evil, and do evil things." Wen Kexing swallows, and lies: "And some of them are very good people who want the rest of them dead as much as you do." Chengling is not, after all, that stupid. Hand still on his shoulder, Wen Kexing can feel the tremor as the boy almost flinches back then decides not to and stands his ground instead. The tension in the air radiating from behind them is also palpable and he does not have to turn to know that A-Xiang has put down her project, tensing for a fight.
also, i am a clown and typo'd 3 when it's actually long long long story chapter 2 that i'm working on XD to make up for this terrible oversight, here is an excerpt from that one as well:
A-Xiang doesn't like Cao Weining. Not even a little bit. But she doesn't have time to search the city for Zhuren and Cao Weining is the only one here at Yueyang Pai she can trust. He's always around, maybe he can finally be useful about it. Chengling being kidnapped isn't ghost business, after all, so it won't be a risk, and A-Xiang needs help--she can hardly move her arm. Ugh, whoever that awful scorpion woman is needs to pay for that. And how dare she bring up Qianqiao-jiejie? Actually, how dare she kidnap Chengling to begin with? Sure, he's a little soft and very silly, but he's the first person who's ever called A-Xiang jie. What right does some stinky assassin have to steal him out from right in front of her? It's thoughts such as these that are spilling out of A-Xiang in grumbled mutterings as she clomps her way up to Cao-da-ge's window. It doesn't occur to her to knock on the door; it's late; that would be rude. She'll shake him awake and then-- "H-Halt!" She's got the window mostly open with her good arm when she's met partway. Cao-da-ge stands there, hand on his sword hilt, stance cautious and face furrowed in cute scrunchy confusion until recognition replaces it. The relief only lasts until he takes A-Xiang's appearance in: fight-mussed hair, disheveled skirt, face full of familiar ire and unfamiliar stress. "A-Xiang?!" "Good!" she sniffs. "You're already dressed. Come on, quick, let's go get Chengling."
wip ask game
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dashawfrostart · 3 months
These Two Weeks In "Time & Again" #14: My Feelings For Facebook Are Still Surprisingly Mutual... And I'm Getting There!
A big announcement! The artist contracted a wee bit cold 🤧 This is sad, for it broke my impressive "I never get sick!" streak that lasted for, like, 7 years or so. I guess I'm not gonna get that notorious achievement anymore. And fine, see if I care! I don't like achievements anyway (which is, perhaps, pretty clearly stated in Chapter 3 😁) But don't get me wrong: under any circumstances pathetic excuses such as "having a cold or something alike" most certainly do not set me free from working on "Time & Again" 😤 They might hinder my progress, which is truly unfortunate, since the work is almost done - but that will not stop me, by any means. *for some reason, I really wanna put that weird "shake fish" smiley from DeviantArt in here*
Trying to prettify and overhaul, completely or partially, the social pages for the upcoming release of Chapter 5 is not easy at all... A long time ago - and that means well over a month ago - I submitted a name change request for my art page on Facebook, to better reflect the current obsession priority and certain ethics of the author in this great adventure. I was told that it might take up to 3 days for the changes to take effect, if approved. But it's been already that long, and there's still no change, nor can I submit a new name change request. I mean, I absolutely don't mind "Art by Dasha W. Frost" as a page title, but, honestly, "Official Time & Again Graphic Narrative Page" would simply be better right now, while I'm still working on this "genre abomination experiment of a graphic novel". That's a little bit sad to me. So this is where that post title comes from. Facebook seems to really dislike me - but you know what?! My feeling towards it is truly mutual 🤣
Somehow, I believe, constant dissatisfaction with the social netwroks has always been one of the most prominent topics I wrote on back in the day, when I used to have a secret blog on Wordpress. However, it's getting a tad too old for me (not the blog, but the topic; the blog is long gone), so I don't want to keep up with the "tradition" and I'll just move on without it. ... also, how I accidentally misspelled "networks" in the second last sentence really makes me think of yet another one Ultravox song. So, once I realized I typo'd, I just decided to leave it as is, for the sake of fun association. (I sure somehow became a big fan of this band over the course of, like, 5 months 😅)
But on a more positive note!!! I finished up all the teasers for Chapter 5 that I had in mind (and one of them you've already seen in the previous post 😁), and that's one of the biggest and the most important things I've done for "Time & Again" within the last two weeks. W00t and doot!!! You know what else happened?.. I finished up all the new inner covers (also known as Vorsatz und Nachsatz in book printing ☝) and the main cover for Chapter 5! And I really like the results 😁 (some snippets of the progress go below)
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I guess you will see the finished product soon enough 😁 And yet again, I want to praise Krita's Assistant Tool: I used Vanishing Point assistant to draw a better urban perspective for the cover art. I think it turned out pretty good and significantly less crooked. Haha)))
I also finished up the author's letter that will be included into the chapter as a bonus material. I started writing it long ago, gradually adding more and more to it as the time went by. This is not what I usually do, for, at times, writing in segments might quickly become a disaster for me. Even writing future snippets/drafts of the blog posts in here often represents a sort of challenge to me - although I clearly seem to magically succeed somehow. (yay? 🥳 I guess?..) But nevertheless, this is what happened to the author's letter/afterword for Chapter 5. And it turned out good... but big 😅 However, after an attempt to figure out how to make it shorter... I simply decided to keep it as is. Because WHATEVER! You can read the whole thing if you want. It's moderately entertaining after all 😁 Or you can skips some parts in it. Or you can skip the whole thing (because you probably came here for the artworks anyway, right?..). I don't care. I just did what I thought would be good and what makes sense to me, as an author. That's all, deal with it! 😎 The readers are not obligated to like everything 😁 Also, the author's letter/afterword turned out very sincere. ... Heh, as if I can ever be insincere? That's ridiculous.
"Then, what's left now?", you ask me. Good question. Indubitably. The right answer is: not much. Not much at all. Just one more session of proofreading (damn, I hate hate hate discovering typos already after I posted stuff! 😫), and tiny touch-ups here and there, and assembling the last bonus pages from the materials I have on hand. And I also need to write a short dialogue for a certain background. An ugly dialogue, I must admit. But I'll rickroll my sleeves up (for realsies), and I'll do it. Preferably in one sitting. Perhaps even today. 💪 And shortly after that I'll finally initiate the last stage of work: I'll recut it into a webcomic. And I'll finish up drawing all the extra designs that I need for the itch.io release.
I ask myself this question more and more frequently lately: how did Lothar even end up as a protagonist after all?.. That's quite a turn of events. Originally created in late 2014 - mid-2015 as a side character/antagonist for a story about catpeople that I never happened to finish writing (and not only that, but apparently, I never even posted any substantial artwork of the catpeople Freia and Fjolvarr together, so I cannot show almost any proof... sadness), Lothar has sure come a long way. He's been through a lot - thanks to me. I never really asked his permission; I mostly just did whatever pleased me as a writer/artist. And now... we can see him as a main character in an effing blooooody graphic novel - a format that I haven't even been familiar with up until a few years ago! That is quite a change!!! And what the peck even happened to me as a content creator? I think I possibly lost my mind. But again... Lothar has sure been through a lot in the last few earthly years. And my first comedic one-shot is probably gonna be about that.
But I think that's enough talking for today. The important piece of a dialogue won't be finished today if I keep talking. See you next time!
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marlynnofmany · 3 years
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I didn’t get any writing done yesterday, cuz family, but I discovered something else you can do with Easter Egg dye! I think we’ve found a new holiday tradition.
That and ill-advised fingerpainting. My fingers are gonna be purple for a week, but I have no regrets.
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kangofu-cb · 3 years
Silent unspeakable enemies, if you're still going please
If you know anything about authors it's that we never shut up about our WIPs!
Although I had to do a double check to make sure I hadn't typo'd the name of my own fic.
Silent Unspeakable Memories is a *drumroll*
PacRim AU.
I mean. Guillermo del Toro made a soulmates movie about the power of love while fighting in giant robot suits come on!!!! What's not to love here. I was thinking of doing it for WHOB but I thought it was going to be too long Laughs In 80 thousand WHOB words for another fic.
Anyway, the basic premise is that Bucky and Steve were THE jaeger pilots, until Bucky gets ripped out of the jaeger in a battle and is presumed dead. Long story about kaiju brain fuckery later, he turns up washed ashore where Nick Fury finds him, but he and Steve aren't drift compatible anymore. Meanwhile, Clint is drift compatible with just about anybody thanks to Loki brain fuckery I haven't totally sorted out, so he's everybody's backup. But the first time he drifts with Bucky it's fucking transcendent.
I mean drifting with someone doesn't leave any room for misunderstanding or miscommunication, and there's no hiding in the drift. Everything that you are, or have been, or will be is right there in the drift.
In between that, there's your standard pining-from-afar, a Bucky who's afraid to drift again because of the shit in his head, and Clint who's maybe a little bitter at first that Steve's long-lost bestie has turned back up and shaken up all their carefully constructed found family things. Nat is still his best friend, but... well. Things are kinda weird for a bit.
And then Bruce suggests they try drifting because Clint is drift compatible with everyone else, and Bucky is hurting under his stoic, grumpy exterior, and then they fall in love!
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littlemousejelly · 3 years
Is it weird to ask how you managed to get those abs? I’ve been trying for a while and I just. Cannot figure it out. I have the biceps, just not the abs, which is frustrating.
honestly i seriously think it's just my body type, abs just show up on me as long as i do at least a little work.
in high school i developed a two-and-a-half pack from golf (just from golf, no time in the weight room), which turned into a four-ish pack junior and senior year when i did pole vault and spent five days a week in the weight room.
then after college, the four-pack just sorta turned into a sometimes six-pack (almost typo'd sex-pack lmfao) after climbing and doing light weight work and weighted ab work three times a week.
my stomach has never done that flat, 11-line ab thing, it's always just been either nothing or definition of at least two abs.
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