#turns a lot of people off river as a char bc it takes so long before you can turn him down
ryssabrin · 1 year
so i've been watching the other romances and such on yt and reading comments about them and it's kind of blowing my mind how much people act like panam and judy's romances are automatically "better" because they have the "happier" star ending option. like that means the writers cared about them more and gave them more focus and development? which isn't true at all lol. all of the romances aside from panam feel like they were added as an afterthought but each of them is at least consistent to the characters. and not every player is looking for a nice neat happy ending and having one doesn't automatically make it better lol.
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
hello! do u have any omo hcs for any mha chars? if not, that's okay :) btw some of the stuff u posted from a while back was from homestuck, just wanted to point that out ig- have a good day!!
To answer your other thing first, yeah I know hom/estuck! :D I never got super into the fandom side of it or even finished reading it unfortunately bc it's just SO LONG (I got up to some point in the middle of Act 4 or 5 I think? That was years ago though). I know the 4 kids and the first batch of trolls around their age (K/arkat and all of them) but once it gets to the older ones from that other timeline or whatever I got lost and only really know about D/irk and Ja/ke haha. I've still tried to avoid spoilers about the stuff I didn't read and the ending and such since maybe one day I'll have nothing else to read and finish it lol. The most interaction I really do with it nowadays is reading the occasional omo fic or looking at art because the piss side of that fandom was chock-full of quality content (and in some places still MAKING IT ) that I'm still working my way through.
But you didn't ask about that you asked about SUPERHEROES! SO HERE WE GO! :D
I've posted a few for certain popular chars like De/ku, Baku/gou, and Tod/oroki before (which I will reblog right after answering this in case you'd like to see those), so I'll do a few of my favourites this time!
M/ina (aka pink bae) :
* Pretty big bladder, but not a high tolerance for pain after a certain point. As soon as she feels a nagging urge she usually just goes instead of waiting. She can technically hold a lot/for a long time if need be, but it really bothers her and psyches her out.
* Drinks WAY too much soda. Not that it really affects her bladder, it's just unhealthy lol
* Very whiny and vocal when she needs to go. At first jokingly/to vent her annoyance, then if she's desperate enough it's solely to distract herself because somehow talking about it is easier than struggling in silence. Groans really exaggeratedly to show how annoyed she is.
* Super bouncy, like hopping up and down on her toes or bouncing in her seat in class/on the bus. Tugs the hem of her shirt down to cover or places her hands to the front of her bladder and presses while doubled over/bouncing on toes. You know that kind of stuff.
* Doesn't really grab her actual crotch unless dying. She'll press her knees together/grind her thighs though, or rut against the edge of her chair
* She tends to sweat/get flushed when super desperate/straining, and if she's especially nervous she might lose control of her quirk enough for her feet to slip in a light bit of acid. Usually she can keep the quirk under wraps even while bursting though.
* If she wet in public/in front of important people, she'd be pretty embarrassed and would take a few days to get over it. But if it's in front of friends she doesn't mind as much. It's still an uncomfortable experience but she can usually find a way to turn it into a joke with everyone instead of them laughing at her expense. She has a good sense of humor about it and hey, at least she finally got to pee.
* Will pretty much pee anywhere. Boy's bathroom, outdoors, a bucket, whatever. The only time she'll hesitate or refuse is if it's super gross.
* Has gone in the pool once to see if the rumor was true. Only once though.
* Probably doesn't have an omo kin/k, but is open to experimenting either way.
Toko/yami (birb boi) :
* Tiny bladder (like smaller than De/ku's). Gets squirmy shortly after a single juice box or small soda. Cannot get through drinking a large-sized drink without multiple potty breaks. Mostly sticks to water except for rare treats because caffeine goes through him so fast.
* Very self-conscious and shy because of said tiny bladder. Doesn't like looking weak or seeming baby-ish compared to his peers and def doesn't want to have to ask multiple times on long trips or classes, so he tries his best to monitor his liquid intake and sneak away when everyone is busy. This usually works out okay since he's so good at hiding out in corners/being quiet, but it's becoming harder now that he has /gasp/ friends who want to keep tabs on him or include him in stuff. He would low-key rather die than tell anyone he has to go at all, let alone if he has to go really REALLY badly. Dorm sleepovers will be hell.
* He isn't really pee-shy as far as public bathrooms go, but if he has to take an emergency pee outside or smth he has a hard time going, esp if he has someone with him trying to stand guard. Some people probably like to joke that because he's part animal he can go outside whenever he wants. That is Not The Case and it isn't funny
* Da/rk Shadow, on the other hand, gives no fucks and will try his best to force birdy to say something or blurt it out himself. Mostly at very embarrassing and inconvenient times with crowds, or hollering at everyone to wake up and move out of the way during said sleepover in the middle of the night when To/koyami is trying to sneak past the maze of sleeping bags to get to the bathroom quietly. Da/rk Shadow would be lying if he said he didn't get a bit of amusement from making birdy boi so embarrassed, but at his core he also does it because he's concerned the poor guy's gonna hurt himself testing his limits so often, and he would be even more embarrassed if he wet himself so HE'S DOING HIM A FAVOUR REALLY.
* Mostly fidgets with his legs. Lots of jiggling and partial bouncing and shifting weight from foot-to-foot. Crossed whenever he's sitting. Squeezing and rubbing thighs together, the whole she-bang. If he's alone and it gets this bad you can count on a full-blown potty dance.
* If he really has to keep up a good impression and can't afford to let anyone know, he can stop the fidgeting, but pretty much only by standing stock-still and straight and not really moving. His whole body ends up shaking from the strain though so it isn't actually that much of a cover
* If he's literally about to pee himself/knows he has to hold it for a LONG time with no other options he'll cave and hold himself really tight, but he seriously has to be on the verge of a full blown accident before he'll dare do this. Even around close friends he'd usually rather just try his best to keep his legs together and put up with the few leaks praying they don't notice.
* He leaks a LOT of tiny trickling leaks. He never loses control in one big gush, it just keeps dribbling out and he stops it for like half a minute and then it starts again, rinse and repeat each time more agonizing than the last until he finally loses full control and the rests hisses out.
* He tries to be quiet when desperate but the worse it gets the more he starts to let out little whimpers and moans, which can then devolve into incoherent rambling. By the time he's about to lose it he's basically Izu/ku levels of chatter, albeit much much quieter.
*When he does finally let go completely (whether that's in the bathroom or in his pants lol) he definitely has those fullbody pee shivers. You know the lil shudder all the way up his spine, complete with the softest little moan and his eyes slipping shut? His head feathers floof up for a second when he does it and it's adorable.
* If he wets he's going to be completely mortified. He doesn't cry (openly at least, his eyes will be watery), but he isn't as good at maintaining a stoic facade as Tod/oroki could. He's shaky and his words come off broken, he can't quite calm his breath hitching. Depending on the witness, he might try to BS an excuse to leave immediately and pretend it didn't just happen, not confronting them for several days until he's tracked down. Or he might break down enough to be unsure how to leave/end up staying to be comforted.
* probably doesn't have a ki/nk for it himself but would hold/wet for a partner. I don't care how edgy he looks he's 100% a SUB
* Da/rk Shadow would enjoy being the dom and even have birdy hold for him maybe, using his shadow powers to poke and tease at his bladder
Ts/u (froggy) :
* BIG bladder. Is that friend who never seems to have to pee no matter how long you've been hanging out. She also has a decent pain tolerance and keeps control fairly well. It takes a lot to push her into a state where she's at risk of wetting.
* Always well-hydrated. Always. Mostly water, juice, or tea, she doesn't drink soda very often. Doesn't mind it though and the caffeine doesn't seem to affect her much, but the fizzing's weird.
* She doesn't really give outward signs of desperation. She doesn't bounce around or grab herself. The most she'll do is press her thighs together, or cross legs if she's sitting. Usually she just tries to stand still and focus on keeping control, and will be less talkative. Usually she's very observant of her peers and the situations around her, so her classmates can tell something's up when she gets like this and keeps missing details or not joining conversations.
* Still appears pretty calm, even when bursting. You'd have to know her very well to tell that she's nervous.
* Not shy at all about asking/leaving to go when needed, unless it's an extremely formal or serious situation. Even so, if genuinely close to wetting she'd excuse herself or find a way to take care of it.
* If desperate during an actual hero mission, she would intentionally wet herself as soon as the need started affecting her performance. Pride isn't worth making errors and putting others' lives at risk, and taking time to find a hiding place/get out of her costume wouldn't be an option.
* No problem going outside or in odd receptacles, even around friends. She's not going to go out in the open, but has no problem going while someone keeps watch or asking for a bottle during a long bus ride.
* Pretty chill about going in water, but still has standards. In the shower/further out in the ocean where it doesn't affect people? Perfectly fine. In the pool or a closed lake where people are hanging out? That just makes you a jerk. River? Depends on whether it's a super clean stream or already gross, and where it leads to.
* No omo ki/nk to speak of. Pretty confused about it, but perfectly chill with giving it a try if someone asks.
Kyo/ka (earphone girl) :
* Average bladder. High pain tolerance. Can hold for a while longer if necessary, but she'll struggle/wet eventually.
* Not shy at all about leaving/asking, barring special circumstances. Not a fan about going in weird places/outdoors, but will if she has to. She'll gripe about it though.
* Doesn't get nervous so much as frustrated when desperate. She's the type to bang on the door to snap at someone to hurry up, or yell at the bus driver to pull over before she soaks their seat. Her squirming is mainly just leg crossing or jiggling when seated, foot tapping when standing. Lots of sighing/growling and grumbling to take her mind off of it.
* If she's genuinely close to losing control though or in one of those special circumstances, she won't be nearly as frustrated. Instead she gets unusually shy and quiet, withdrawing to the corner and trying to stay unnoticed while she squirms and whines under her breath.
* Will only grab herself once she's on the verge of losing it. This is when she gets truly nervous and starts to panic.
* Wetting is embarrassing no matter what, but her reaction heavily depends on the circumstances. Close friends can comfort her after some sulking and then she can kind of chuckle about it. Regular peers get some threats not to talk about it, then she'll withdraw for a few days before she can get over it. Strangers she just tries to get out of there ASAP and wants to crawl under a rock
* Probably has a pretty big omo kin/k (mostly seeing others desperate, but sometimes indulges herself), but she's super embarrassed about it. You'd have to work real hard to get her to bring it up/ask you to participate. If she can though, oh boy is she gonna be into it. She gets a real thrill out of the dominant side of it, teasing people and watching them squirm (she's a very affectionate dom so expect some kisses and hugs while she casually straddles your bladder), breaking down their defenses until they lose control just for her. She does love being the sub on occasion though, it's nice to be the one flustered and nervous/having to be coddled for a change since she's usually so chill and tough.
Ko/da (animal whisperer) :
* Average bladder despite his large stature. Not overly weak, not overly strong. Mild pain tolerance. Can force himself to hold on for an exceptionally long time if necessary, but will be much weaker and prone to accidents afterwards.
* Pretty dang shy about asking/leaving, and is also legit bladdershy in public restrooms unless they're completely empty. Usually holds it during classes and then slips back to his dorm room's private restroom during lunch hour. Once he grows comfortable enough around certain friends he can use their dorm/house bathrooms, but that still takes some coaxing and a lot of visits to ease into it.
* He actually has less trouble going outside as long as there's plenty of cover and nobody's around (like a forest or smth). Animals don't judge the way people do. It's definitely not his first choice, but between say, a campground public bathroom and the woods, he'll take the woods.
* While most of his classmates/teachers in 1-A have gotten to know him enough to understand most of his miming communication, when he has to spend time with other classes/teachers or strangers in town, it can be a struggle. He's much more hesitant to 'speak up' about his need in the first place, and even once he does they don't really understand at first and it gets really embarrassing (short of doing an actual potty dance or starting to leak they might not figure it out in time). Sometimes he just writes it down instead/types it on his phone, which helps, but he's so used to charade communication that half the time he forgets that's an option.
* He tries not to be too obvious about his need when desperate, but isn't the best at hiding it. He gets really sweaty and can't quite wipe the nervous expression off his face, and his body posture is really tense and shaky. To be fair, he looks nervous a lot of the time, so most people might not pick up on the exact reason unless they know him well.
* When it gets REALLY bad he starts to squirm a little, pressing his knees together or rocking on his heels, shuffling in his seat, or the classic 'both hands gripping the edge of the chair with legs on either side, but you're not actually grabbing your crotch so it isn't obvious right?'. Any further and he'll do the actual crotch grab and a full potty dance, complete with tears budding in the corners of his eyes and little whining hums and whimpers.
* If he wets, he will be completely humiliated. Horribly ashamed, trying to clean up the mess but with no idea how, crying and on the verge of panic. That's all just alone. Have it happen in front of friends or in public and it's even worse, because now they're all gonna think he's a baby and not cool like them and he doesn't know whether to keep apologizing/crying or run away to hide forever.
* Luckily he's pretty easy to comfort once people try. He won't learn to laugh about it or anything but if people convince him they aren't mad or gonna make fun of him, he can meekly accept the offer to hang out or go back to join whatever group he left once he's cleaned up and had time to decompress.
* Doesn't really have an omo kin/k, but is a big sub with a humiliation kin/k so he could go along with it for his partner. He kinda likes the whole squirmy, blushy side of it and all the comfort and spoiling he gets afterwards uvu
Pi/xie Bob (blonde kitty teacher from the summer camp arc) :
* I actually don't have many for her since she was only in a few episodes, I just think she's really cute and cool
* Probably pretty good bladder capacity and strength to hold. High pain tolerance and endurance
* Would wet during a mission to avoid making mistakes bc she's a professional and isn't that embarrassed in the moment, but she thinks it's kinda gross and will shower ASAP afterwards. Also because her group is kind of idol-esque so there's a reputation on the line.
* Will go outdoors without much fuss if she needs to, but definitely prefers more civilized accommodations. You know she's got a nicer private bathroom than whatever general camp one the others have to use. Pros get privileges.
* Bounces/whines a lot when desperate and kind of paws at her crotch without really grabbing it. Lots of leg crossing and wriggling/hunching over. Only when by herself or with her close friends though. If she's in Pro-Hero mode trying to make good impressions or teaching camps, she can mask her needs remarkably well to focus on the task at hand. She forgets what she's saying periodically or has a shakier smile, but that's about it.
* FYI those giant cat paw gloves make getting a decent grip on her crotch imPAWsible
* Wetting is kind of embarrassing but she's also super relieved so it kind of balances out. Unless it happened live on tv or smth she'd probably be able to get over it pretty quickly. In front of any camper students she'd be embarrassed on the inside, but not let the flustering show. Instead she turns it into a teachable moment.
* Could have an omo kin/k or could not. We don't know a ton about her so I like flexible hcs.
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wildandfound · 6 years
One would think visiting the Cariboo during the largest forest fire disaster to ever hit the province would be a big mistake. Yet, in the midst of burnout, both my own and the regions, the beauty of the Cariboo-Chilcotin landscape and the kindness of its residents made the experience one to remember.
I came into the Cariboo region via Prince George, after driving nearly 4000km from Whitehorse through the Yukon and a large portion of Alaska. A year prior I’d decided I wanted to hike the Berg Lake Trail at Mount Robson and, after hearing how beautiful the Cariboo was from a guy who grew up there,  it seemed a natural place to visit.
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The cutest welcome mural I’ve ever seen!
My plan was to drive from Prince George to Quesnel, south to William’s Lake, across Highway 24 (The Fishing Highway) to Wells Gray Provincial Park, up to Mount Robson for my hike and back to Prince George. It would be the perfect end to an epic 3 week trip, but I didn’t account for forest fires.
2017 was a devastating year for the region. Between April and November, more than 1300 fires burned over 1.2 million hectares of forest, displacing thousands of residents and costing the province 564 million dollars. It was officially the worst wildfire season in the history of British Columbia. Perfect time to visit, right?! 😉
I watched the fire reports and DriveBC’s road closure maps for weeks. Many of the parks were closed which was a bummer, but highways were opening where I needed them to be.  I almost decided to fly home early, but the lure of the mountains and conversations about the Cariboo tugged at me.
Flying into Prince George, I got to talking to the guy beside me about my travel plans. There are a lot of places one can go in Northern BC and he seemed a little perplexed at that my first stop was going to be Quesnel. What was I missing?
It wasn’t until I left Prince George and made my way south, that I started to understand the mindset this man must have been in.  He didn’t realize he was talking to a country girl who grew up in a rural farming community; similar to what you experience as you drive south.
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I’m pretty sure my grandfather had that tractor.
To be quite honest, entering the Cariboo felt a little like coming home. Farmland, hay bales, pick up trucks, ATV’s. Find a country radio station on the dial and I’d be fit right in. This was exactly the kind of place I needed.
The massive gold pan, pick and shovel at Quesnel’s city limits, pretty much confirmed stories I’d heard about its strong connection to the Cariboo Gold Rush.
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Welcome to Quesnel, the “Gold Pan City”.
You can’t really visit here without recognizing that they take great pride in their heritage. Murals adorn building facades and references to famed prospector, Billy Barker, abound. The city is small, but the area has a lot to offer.
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Mural like this are all through town. Loved this. 
Quesnel sits at the confluence of the Quesnel and Fraser Rivers. I took a walk along the Riverfront Trail, which was lovely and calming. I could watch it running for hours.
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The largest wood truss walking bridge in the world. 
The city is surrounded by over 30 historic sites, it is home to the largest wood truss walking bridge in the world, the award-winning Barkerville Brewing Company and its backyard boasts some of the best fishing and wilderness adventure spots in Canada.
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Fraser River Bridge
A quick drive outside of town you’ll find Barkerville Historic Town and entrance to the world-renowned Bowron Lakes Canoe Circuit. If you like hockey, there’s quite a few former hockey greats living here too. My stay was going to be short, so I wanted to visit all of the above. And of course, my first stop had to be for a beer.
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Welcome to Barkerville Brewing Company!
I first heard of Barkerville Brewing Company after watching an episode of Timber Kings while at my parents. I told myself that if I did make it to the area, I’d make sure I visited. Luckily for me, it was one of the few places open while I stayed in Quesnel.
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Now that’s a table!
I envisioned a much larger brewery but, as they say, good things come in small packages.  Ashley, the retail manager, gave me a warm welcome and set me up with a flight of their beers right away. This is definitely a favourite pastime when I’m travelling and Barkerville beer is pretty awesome. I wished I could have sent some home!
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Not a wit girl, but everything else was stellar!
Shortly after I arrived, a regular patron, Carl, came in and we hit it off. It was really nice to have some company and he was game to chit-chat about Quesnel, our mutual passion for wine and his beloved Saskatoon berry wine. He was a wealth of knowledge and joy to spend time with. Truth be told, some of my favourite moments in the Cariboo are from sitting bar side at the brewery.
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Long live (and bring back) this delicious licorice stout!
Carl and I shared a mutual appreciation for Barkerville Brewing Co.’s licorice stout. I’m a big fan out stout and this one was unlike anything I’ve ever had. Sadly, they had just discontinued it, but not before Carl and I were able to share a pint together.
I enjoyed my time at the Brewery so much that I ended up spending the better part of the afternoon there. Before I left I picked up some mementos and made sure to pay the bill to treat Carl for his company. I think it was a welcome surprise for him and that felt great.
If there is one thing that sticks out about my time in Quesnel, beside the huge tires on all the trucks in the grocery story parking lot (ha!), it’s the people. I can’t count the number of people who said hello to me on my walks through town, or at Granville’s while grabbing a coffee. It’s the kind of thing that makes a person want to return; which I plan to do next summer.
It came as no surprise to me when I returned from work a couple of months later to find a package from Carl with a special gift. Saskatoon berry wine, straight from the Cariboo!
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Saskatoon Berry Wine!
The second place I’d heard a lot about what Barkerville Historic Town. I’d seen pictures and it looked so beautifully restored I wanted to check it out.
Barkerville owes its name to William “Billy” Barker, a famed prospector who hit gold in August of 1862 near where the town sits.  Officially declared a National Historic Site of Canada in 1926, it is now home to over 125 buildings, museums, displays and shops and restaurants that make up Barkerville.
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Barkerville Historic Town. A must visit in the area!
As soon as you walk out of the admission doors, you do feel a bit like you’re stepping back in time. The old church is wonderfully restored, horse-drawn stage coaches pass by carrying tourists and actors dressed in costume perform live scenes right in front of you.
The inside of the buildings hold old memorabilia and antiques. You can pan for gold or buy objects at the blacksmith shop, send a letter home from the post office, or have your picture taken in vintage costumes. If you’re a bit adventurous, you can even stay overnight a hotel or bed and breakfast in the middle of the town.
With a little imagination it’s easy to picture it brimming with miners and workers of the time.Notably the largest living-history museum in North America, Barkerville is definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area.
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Outside one of the buildings in Baskerville. Loved the pop of yellow!
From Barkerville, I wanted to check out Bowron Lakes Provincial Park, famous for its 5 lake canoe circuit.  The drive there was a fun twisty-turny adventure through the interior, trees hugging the roads on either side. I loved the lushness of this area, though it was strange to think that swaths of the region were facing massive destruction.
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Enroute to Bowron Lakes. I didn’t get far into the park, but the drive was beautiful.
I was a bit disappointed upon arrival, as I expected something more like my home park, Algonquin. What I did come to accept is that the beauty of Bowron Lake requires a bit more effort, and as such, with a great deal of excitement, I intend to return to complete the full circuit in summer of 2019.
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Good morning and goodbye, Quesnel. We’ll see each other again soon.
Having completed the few things on my bucket list, I decided to hit the road a bit earlier. The morning I left, I winds must have picked up, bringing with it hazy skies filled with smoke. It made for a beautiful moody sunrise as I headed south on Highway 97.
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Felt like the Kawarthas, just south of Quesnel.
Areas between Quesnel and Williams Lake reminded me a great deal of my home region in the Kawartha. The Cariboo-Chilcotin area has such a diverse range of landscapes, it was truly a joy to drive through it.
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Loved this view on Highway 97.
I honestly hadn’t researched a great deal about the landscape, so every bend in the road seemed to offer some kind of new picture worthy moment or scenic vista. I’d love to take a drive through here again, when I have more time.
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Welcome to a very smokey, Williams Lake.
The more south I went the more think the smoke appeared. Never did I ever feel in danger, but it was evident that Williams Lake on the precipice of the danger zone. In the weeks prior, this city did face evacuation orders. It was the only place I actually witnessed fire ravaged tree trees from the roadside.
On the outskirts of town, I had the pleasure of seeing 5 deer running out of that charred forest and across the road. I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad for them. It was clear their homes had been destroyed and they were seeking refuge. Highway 97 was not ideal.
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Mountains have their allure, but country-side does too. 
Lac-La-Hache, about 45 minutes south of Williams Lake, was probably my favourite spot along Highway 97. I so wished my Dad was with me through this stretch.
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Canada or Italy? Surreal beauty in Lac-La-Hache.
The land flattened out and it turned into some stunning farming landscapes. At times, I felt as though I could actually be driving through southern Italy. So incredibly pretty.  I will be back to explore this area one day, for certain, as it’s never quite left my mind.
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My dad would have been in his glory here.
It was after this stretch that the smoke got really bad again. To the point that I eventually closed off my car’s external air vent to re-circulate air inside. You could actually start to taste it in the air. I’m sure residents here are used to that smell, but I certainly wasn’t.
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  In order to get to Mount Robson, I needed access to BC’s Highway 24, to cut across the region. Luckily, authorities had opened this stretch the week prior, though I couldn’t go any further south of the junction where it met Highway 97 .  I was pretty relieved to make it without any disruptions.
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Highway 24 is also known as, “The Fishing Highway”. I was interested to learn it follows the same route once used by fur traders, then supported the transport of over 100,000 gold seekers and is now an important road for logging, ranching and tourism.
Known as “The Fishing Highway”, due to it providing access to over 100 fresh water lakes, it’s a beautiful stretch to drive through. The road itself is higher than I expected, so you’re not driving alongside many of the lakes, but there are some lovely view points along the way.
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  The drive across Highway 27 takes about an hour and a half, after which you come to another famous park called Wells Gray, just outside of Clearwater.  Known as Canada’s “Waterfall Park”, it is home to over 39 waterfalls and counting – including this one…
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That’s probably a good place for me to leave this post, but stay tuned for more on this stunning park, and why it made me believe that dinosaurs could actually have lived here.
Wild and Found
                Cariboo-Chilcotin: Burnt out in the Land without Limits One would think visiting the Cariboo during the largest forest fire disaster to ever hit the province would be a big mistake.
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