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turningoffjapanese · 8 years ago
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Made creamy vegan pasta and we can't stop eating it. Raw cashew sauce with sautéed mushroom and japanese chives and edamame, topped with lemon zest and olive oil. カシューナッツとお豆腐で作ったクリームソースにマッシュルーム、枝豆、ニラを和えたヴィーガンパスタ。マッシュルームを炒める時、お醤油とスモークソルトを合わせるとちょっとベーコンぽい味になるんです。#turningoffjapanesecooks #parttimevegan #🍝
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updtla · 8 years ago
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I spent last 6 hours making sweet red beans paste (anko) while watching The Search for General Tso. Is it waste of time to make things that we could easily buy at stores for a few dollars or to make a feature doc that we could easily sum it up in 5 minutes? 🤔🤔🤔 i'll post how to on story or check out my snapchat! 6時間かけて餡子を炊いてみました。小豆はここ1、2年でこちらのスーパーでも見かけるようになりました。でもAzukiではなくAdzukiってdが入って表示されてるのです。なんでだろう。#turningoffjapanesecooks #japanesesweets #anko
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turningoffjapanese · 8 years ago
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Have you ever wondered what 🍢 represents? Here's the answer. That's oden, a Japanese pot-au-feu. It's perfect for a chilly day like today, warm, soupy and comforting❤️ But for Asian food phobic like @marcdyen, this dish is pretty much a nightmare, fish cakes, seaweed more fish cakes and octopus, all in dashi broth. 「日本人だったらこれってかなり喜ぶんだろうね〜」とおでんを作っている私の横でピザを温め、それを持って自分のスタジオに戻って行くアメリカ人の夫。出汁の匂いが苦手な彼にとっておでんは納豆と同じくらい嫌なものなのです。🍢おでんの絵文字って外国人は何に使ってるんだろう #🍢 #turningoffjapanesecooks #whatjapanesepeopleeat
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turningoffjapanese · 8 years ago
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So, the vegan burger pattie from @beyondmeat that everybody's raving about. Saying this burger "tastes like real beef" and "won't know the difference" are like saying your pet doesn't smell. It smells. And the smell of cooking this "burger" is something that I've never smelled before. Having said that, is it disgusting? No. Is it great? No, but it's better than eating a turkey burger. ビヨンドミート、というビーガンのハンバーガーパティ。エンドウ豆などのプロテインからできているそうで、ビーガン、ノンビーガンを関わらず「おお!これは普通の肉と変わらない!」とか言ってるので試してみました。全然牛肉とは違います。でも、ターキーバーガー食べるよりはましかなあ。#turningoffjapanese_burger #turningoffjapanesecooks #🍔
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Need to detox after the weekend of partying? Make this delicious kale salad w @weolivepasadena pineapple balsamic vinegar. Just mix it w olive oil, fabulous kale from @the_garden_of_ @thehfm, nutty hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, goji berries, raisin and quinoa. Your body and palate will thank you😉 パサデナにあるオリーブオイル屋さんで買ったパイナップルバルサミコ酢がすごく美味しいので、それでケールサラダを作ってみました。お酢もオリーブ油も全て試���できるので楽しいですお店です。#turningoffjapanesecooks #kale (at Hollywood Farmers' Market)
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Protein overload! @meguminatto mixed with avocado over @meijitofu supreme tofu. My secret ingredient? Yuzukosho made by @morihiroonodera! Perfect dinner for #NattoAmbassador (me!) ロサンゼルスは日中25度という冷奴日和なのです。メイジトウフさんの美味しいお豆腐にめぐみ納豆の小粒版、太郎納豆とアボカドをいただきものの柚子胡椒で和えて。#納豆アンバサダー #turningoffjapanesecooks
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Soba is definitely one of my favorite food and now I know how to make it. ...Didn’t say I’m good at it😭 Took @sonokosakai soba making class on the last day of 2017... my noodles were about 4 times broader than I’d like, and inconsistent, but the firm texture and the smell of buckwheat are amazing! Pro tip: when you buy soba noodles at a store, make sure buckwheat is listed as the first ingredient. Many on the market are not. 大晦日、お蕎麦作りのクラスに参加、きしめんかと思うような太さの麺になってしまいましたがやっぱり手打ちの歯ごたえ、喉越しは違いますねー。年越しそばはもちろ��、大好きな蕎麦サラダにもしていただきました。日本食嫌いの夫も実は蕎麦結構好きで、スープベースを洋風にしたりすると喜んで食べてます。#turningoffjapanesecooks #sobanoodles
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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I’m nominating myself as the natto ambassador and I’ll try posting #NattoOfTheWeek every week in 2018. To kick things off, here’s @meguminatto mixed with ginger miso bomb with all other delicious veggies from @thehfm. 大好きなめぐみ納豆に生姜味噌卵のふわふわソースを混ぜてファーマーズマケットのお野菜たっぷり丼。来年は納豆アンバサダーになって毎週納豆ポストしよう!(勝手にノミネート) #nattoambassador #turningoffjapanesecooks #natto
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, Happy Sunday with no fear of Monday to the rest of us. Cranberry sauce includes leftover berries. 今日はクリスマスイブですが、うちはサンクスギビングの料理を作ってます。一ヶ月前は日本にいてターキー食べられなかったのでその代わりに。クランベリーソースは残ってたベリー類も入れちゃいます。#turningoffjapanesecooks #holidaycooking
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Tonjiru, literally means pork soup. It’s warm, hearty and comfort miso soup that us Japanese and all Japanese food enthusiasts enjoy. I cooked it with the best ingredients available: Thinly sliced tender pork belly from @standingsbutchery; momen (firm) tofu from @meijitofu; veggies from @thehfm, dashi by @kayanoya.official and last but not least.... sake lees miso mix that I made during @hakkaisansake fermentation workshop I took in Tokyo. I sprinkled @yawataya.isogoro shichimi for a little kick. 先月東京で八海山さんの主催する酒粕味噌床づくりのワークショップに参加した時に作った酒粕味噌。ロサンゼルスに持ち帰って毎日のようにあれやこれやと料理に使って至福のひと時を楽しんでます。豚汁は知り合いのブッチャーに三枚肉を薄ーく切ってもらってふわっとした食感。#turningoffjapanesecooks #japanesecooking #sakekasu (at 八海山千年こうじや)
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Kind of understood why millenniums pay for a toast with jam at a restaurant. Kinda. I still don’t have to, cuz I cut a thick slice of @thevillagebakeryandcafe multigrain sourdough, toasted in my fancy Aladdin toaster, spread @rodolphelemeunier butter and @sqirlla rose diamond nectarines jam. Yup, heaven or heaven AF. お洒落なカフェでトーストにジャム乗せただけの��のをオーダーするなんて若者は贅沢だなー、と思っていたけれど家でそのお店のジャムを使ってトーストを食べたらなんとなくその行動が理解できた。美味しすぎる。パンもバターももちろんこだわり有。not sure if this count as #turningoffjapanesecooks #toast
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Inspired by a staple dish at a 94 years old oden shop Otakou in Tokyo, made this braised tofu over rice. Simple tofu dish like this requires the best tofu around. @meijitofu's soft tofu is perfect for it! No, @marcdyen didn't eat this. お多幸さんのとうめし、のようなものを作ってみました。ロサンゼルスにはちゃんとした���豆腐屋さんが一軒あるのでなかなかホロっと美味しくできました!#turningoffjapanesecooks #turningupjapanese #tofu (at お多幸本店)
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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Potato crusted kuku... very herb-y🌱🌱🌱卵たっぷり目のクク、ポテトクラストでいただきます#turningoffjapanesecooks #brunch (at Hollywood Farmers' Market)
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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My plan was to make a soufflé pancake for @marcdyen (done!), then cook soba for myself. But I got greedy and tried to make my soba fancy. It'a 7PM and i'm still waiting for my soba. What I'm making is soba with agedashi veggies. All summer vegetables are flash fried, then soaked in dashi which i cooked tomato with for an hour. 昼に夏野菜の揚げ出しを作って蕎麦を食べよう!と思ったのですが味染み込ませるのに時間がかかるのを忘れており既に夜ご飯の時間になってしまった。#turningoffjapanesecooks #summervegetable #japanesefood (at Hollywood Farmers' Market)
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turningoffjapanese · 7 years ago
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The only thing I wanted to eat was soba, tempura zaru soba to be exact, but we didn't want to drive to South Bay, so soba salad for two for dinner. I'm cranky during the heatwaves. 暑い土曜日、お昼にまずーいアメリカンなご飯を二口食べてからお腹がもたれ、お蕎麦でさっぱりしたーい、と思うにもサウスベイまで運転する気なし。なので蕎麦サラダ。#turningoffjapanesecooks #sobasalad
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turningoffjapanese · 8 years ago
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I'm more of a Goyard than go-ya, but ever since I had go-ya (bitter melon) kimchi @habuyamama, I've been wanting to recreate the dish! Bitter melon is very popular ingredient in Okinawa. More about it on my IG story! ゴーヤがハリウッドファーマーズマーケットに出始めたの買ってみました!実はあまり好きではないので買うのは初めて。だったらなんで買うの?とは当たり前の質問。先日行った 沖縄料理店でゴーヤキムチがとても美味しかったので作ってみたかったのです。#turningoffjapanesecooks #bittermelon #goya (at Hollywood Farmers' Market)
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