lostdrarryfics · 2 years
Hello, I am looking for a fic where Draco is living in Muggle London with a bunch of muggle friends. (It’s not „Modern Love“). I remember, that they are very protective of him. There is a car accident a some point and one girl gets injured quite badly. I think Harry takes Draco from the Muggle Hospital to St. Mungos (?) and gets in trouble for it. Sorry if that is a bit confusing :)
Other things I think I remember about this fic (but am not 100% sure): video nights, one girl is either a yoga or a kick-boxing teacher, the friendsgroups start merging at one point. Two of the girls (original characters) are in a relationship.
I have tried to find it on AO3, but without success…drives me a little crazy 😅
Thank you!
We believe you are looking for Where The Falcons Fly (283k, M) by MyNameIsThunder!
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