#tupp’s favorite fics
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Oooh, I know this is a bit obvious of me, but 'Catch Your Voice'? Because I love having additional headcanons while I am podficcing something. ;D Or, alternatively/additionally, 'The Issue of Cuddling'?
Sooo, for the sake of podfic (Catch Your Voice and none for The Issue of Cuddling because I’m selfish that way and this is getting a bit long. ;)
1. This (huge picture) is the cruise ship where Clint sort-of-not-really meets Phil.
2. There was supposed to be a second part to the story but I never got around to writing it. So, Additional Headcanon: The What Was Phil Thinking Edition.
Phil never even realized he was falling in love with Clint (because he’s never had any close friends, not really, and friends want to spend time with each other a lot and get worried and get that flippy heart feeling and want to smile when they see each other, right, THAT’S TOTALLY NORMAL FRIENDSHIP) until Nick Fury pulled him aside and told him he better decide soon whether he wanted that boy or not because, dude, heartbroken assets are the whiniest little fuckers underneath God’s blue sky.
And Phil was all, “Bwuh? What no we’re friends what are you even talking about wtf?”
And right after that, lasagne-and-mac’n’cheese and Clint asking him out and Phil just panicked, okay? It happens! And so he said no, and Barton let it drop easily enough, so Fury can stick his, “Wrong fucking decision, asshole!” where the sun don’t shine!
Except then Phil not-quite-dies and everything hurts and he’s miserable enough even before Fury plonks that laptop down on his hospital blanket and starts pulling up security feeds and field reports, and, just. Clint is a wreck.
He’s a wreck, and it’s over something completely stupid, honestly, Phil’s an important man but in the grand scheme of things he’s nothing, and there is Clint, grieving. For Phil.
And, okay, obviously he misjudged the situation? Like, entirely? But he’s an adult and a professional and he can absolutely keep his calm face on as he tells Fury, “I may have made a mistake there.”
And Fury’s “Damn right you did,” is smug as hell, but whatever.
Phil’s gonna go get his man.
#phlint#clint/coulson#shieldhusbands#phil coulson x clint barton#clintcoulson#fic rec#tupp’s favorite fics
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Hello to the 2 Zukka fans who may actually see this, i bring you Free Thoughts of a 2 am snacker!
Zukka hockey player/figure skater au
Now, i know what you’re thinking: Lydia! Tupp! This has already been done before!
And you would be correct! However! My brain has tweaked it in a way i have personally yet to see (wink wink nudge nudge drop the fic links if you’ve read this before)
So! My thoughts on the subject:
Hockey Player Zuko and Figure Skater Sokka
Zuko, child figure skating prodigy who suffered a tragic accident, is hidden away for two years before he reemerges under his Uncle’s care as a fierce hockey competitor after everyone said he’d never skate again
Sokka, who’s sister Katara became a World Junior Champion at 16* in ice hockey and who Sokka feels he can never live up to, enjoys after-hours figure skating on the same ice he works to maintain. Sokka, who watches singles programs galore and learns his favorites and recreates them, posting them to youtube for his 6 followers (Hakoda, Bato, GranGran, some kid name Aang, and two other anonymous strangers). Sokka who has a natural grace to him despite the obvious lack of formal training, who skates like he’s got everything and nothing to lose, whose love for the art shows in every glide and every turn. Sokka who gets discovered one day by an old grumpy coach who offers to give him a few tips. Sokka who is a fast learner and spends ages 14 to 18 quickly climbing the local ranks.
Zuko, who, at 16 faces a second injury that takes him out of hockey forever. Zuko, who has just been officially disowned as his own sister takes to the spotlight. Zuko, angry at the world, lashing out at everyone around, but goes willingly with his uncle when Iroh suggests a change of scenery 6 months into his recovery. Zuko who is determined to skate again, if only for himself, if only to prove that yes, he is strong enough to come back again. Zuko who strikes a deal with local ice rink that if he sits and runs the front counter during the day while his uncle runs the popular new tea shop inside the rink, he can use the rink after hours once his injury is healed enough. Almost 17 year old Zuko who stays late to reorganize some papers behind the counter one night and sees Sokka step onto the ice and go through vigorous warm ups and exercises. Zuko, who drifts a little closer and watches as Sokka is told he can skate anything he wants for the first skate. Zuko, hearing the song from the last program he ever skated come on through the speakers and watching as Sokka skates through it easily, with a passion Zuko himself had never managed to feel. Zuko, who occasionally stays behind to secretly watch a pretty boy skate and never gets caught for 4 more months. Zuko, who is finally cleared by his physical therapist to get back on the ice but with orders to take it slow, gliding carefully out onto well-taken-care-of ice for the first time in almost a year in skates very different from his last pair, and it feels strangely like coming home.
Sokka who watches a stranger hesitantly enter the rink. He comes to the rink on his nights off when everything at home becomes too much. He loves his sister and his parents- because Bato never needed to marry his dad to be a second father to him- and he even loves his sweet crazy old GranGran, but sometimes it all gets to be too much. They know he’s seriously training in figure skating now but they’ve never come to any of his recitals**. Its not that they dont care, but theres always something else going on. “Oh, we cant, Katara has her out of state tournament that weekend” or “Oh no bud Im so sorry, Bato and I are going on a late anniversary trip that day” or even “I have too much homework, Sokka, I’ll come to the next one, promise!” The only one who never makes an excuse but he also never actually sees in the audience is GranGran (this’ll be important later on wink wink). So, when things get to be too much and Sokka gets tired of having to be the loudest person in the room just to simply be acknowledged, he comes to his safe place. The rink after hours. Sokka watches from the upper shadows as the stranger takes careful, measured, practiced glides. Like riding a bike for the first time in ages, they’re hesitant at first before they slowly gain traction. At first, he thinks the stranger is just going to glide from one end to the other all night but instead he watches as they slowly begin a few exercises. Very familiar exercises. (Do you see where im going with this?) And then, they turn around, and Sokka is suddenly breathless because before him is the most beautiful boy- the most beautiful human- he’s ever seen. And sure, maybe Sokka has always fallen too fast and too hard, and sure, Sokka has literally never talked to this boy in his entire life, but Sokka looks at him and sees that look on his face and knows. ‘He’s just like me.’
Zuko who keeps coming back and lingers before Sokka gets on the ice. Sokka who stays late to watch Zuko retrain himself. Piandao who is sick and tired of watching these two boys dance around each other when they could clearly be learning from one another because, though Zuko had not trained in figure skating in years, he had been a true prodigy and he picked it back up easier than he should have been able. Piandao who was Zuko’s first coach before his father transferred him to Zhao’s guidance. (Jeong Jeong, a retired pro hockey player who is tired of listening to his husband bitch all day anout oblivious idiots because they’re starting to remind him of himself and Piandao when they were young and headstrong.) Jeong Jeong who finally takes matters into his own hand and tells the boy who runs his front counter that Piandao would like for him to come to Sokka’s next practice and then tells Piandao to “Stop whining and do something now, I’ll see you at home” with a kiss on the cheek as the two boys shyly trade introductions.
Zuko who begins helping Sokka with his training even as he himself recovers and relearns. Sokka showing up on the nights Zuko skates alone with greasy takeout and the occasional baked good his GranGran made that day. Sokka and Zuko curling up on the couch in the back office watching old figure skating videos on an old laptop and Sokka finally realizing exactly who Zuko is as Zuko finally realizes Sokka is that one youtuber he watched for years when he was younger. Zuko laughing and telling him that the random subscriber Aang is actually a friend of his and the other anonymous subscriber was just Zuko’s second account after he lost the password to the first.
On one of their casual skate nights, once Zuko is back to full strength, Sokka suggests they learn a pairs skate tongether for fun. Ike a trust exercise!” He says as if he hasnt been dying to know what it would feel like to skate in tandem with Zuko since he first saw his face. Zuko agrees and he and Sokka find a program they both like. They decide who’s skating what and then begin to fumble through learning their individual parts. A week or two later, they try it together for the first time, no music, and its not half bad. They continue to learn it together and notice that the more they skate together, the better they get individually. Zuko’s refined control gives Sokka a more polished look without smothering his passion while Sokka’s passion and fluidity allows Zuko to loosen up and actually enjoy what he’s doing. (1 hour mark)
Eventually, they put it to music, and Piandao and Jeong Jeong emerge from the shadows at the end of the song. Piandao asks them if they want to learn their own pairs program to compete together this year. The two boys share a look and agree almost immediately. The next few months are spent learning the choreography. Sokka and Zuko both go through core strength training and lifting weights because Piandao is currently planning to have them both lift each other at some point in the program.
Time jumps forward to the competitions and Zuko and Sokka blow it out of the water. This time, Sokka spots his GranGran when Zuko is pointing out and waving to his Uncle Iroh near the top of the rink. She’s sitting with Zuko’s uncle and he’s elated to see her there and yet, disappointed that his family still hasn’t come to support him. Time jumps again. Sokka and Zuko spends hours training and then hours on their off days hanging around Zuko and Iroh’s house or even Iroh’s tea shop. They ofc have spent all of this time in continual pining.
But, time jump to when they’re both 18 and 19 and they’ve both just qualified to skate pairs at Junior Worlds for the second year and this year they’re sure to win. They’re in Zuko’s kitchen, baking, and as they’re waiting for the over timer to go off, a slow song comes on. Sokka, in contrast to his norm, is quiet and gentle in the way he offers Zuko his hand and they slow dance in the kitchen with flour in their hair. They’re a little giggly and high on adrenaline but neither are sure who leans in first, only that they are both very much on board with the whole kissing thing. Despite the years of tension, the kiss is tentative and sweet. They begin dating and it only makes their program better. The love they have for each other so clearly pours over into their skating.
This Junior Worlds is the first tike GranGran finally drags the rest of the family by the ear to come and watch Sokka compete and to Zuko’s surprise, he sees Aang and a few of his other friends in the audience. Sokka and Zuko win (to no ones surprise).
Insert sokka family angst and resolve here. Insert zuko family trauma etc here
Sokka and Zuko go om to do more pairs skating things and they live happily ever after etc ete
I ran out of steam there but its 3:10 in the morning and i started at 1:51. Hope you enjoyed, this has been 2 am thoughts with Lydia.
* i did minimal research here, be proud
** same thing but even less this fime
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Struggling Bug: Chapter 1
Yeah yeah I know I made a new fic when I have 3 others to work on! At least this one is for everyone's favorite boi! Now enjoy!
Kuki burst into Selene's house surprising her and her mother.
"Hey Selene! I just got a letter from the new chairman of the Galar pokemon league! A tournament is being held for all the region champions and you're invited!"
Selene ran over to him and read the letter. She had been Alola's champion for a year now and was amazed how quickly it got out of her new status.
"It says I can bring some guests! Do you and professor Burnet want to come with?"
"As much as I want to, we're both needed here. But I know someone who probably would like to go!"
"Oh hell no!"
"Why not?! Kukui thought you'd like to go!"
Selena followed Guzma as he paced outside Kukui's house.
"Kukui doesn't know what he's talking about!"
Selene thought for a moment. She has gotten used to reading Guzma, usually he'd be up for something but she had to word it differently or mention something to entice him.
Alright, I'll see if Plumeria, Tupp or Rapp want to come instead."
That got his attention.
"Hold up, you can't just take my crew without me! I'm going!"
Guzma knew he got tricked again when he saw her victorious grin as she hugged him.
"Great! We're leaving in two days!"
Two days later Selene was stepping out of the plane and into Galar. Plumeria was up front with her while Guzma trailed behind with Tupp and Rapp. Selene saw a young man waiting for her with a sign with her name on it. That must be the guy that invited her.
"I'm guessing you're Leon?"
Leon grinned and held out a hand for her to shake.
"That's me. Welcome to Galar, I'm the new chairman and battle tower owner Leon."
Selene shook his hand and smiled.
"Thanks! I'm very excited to be here!"
"The opening ceremony is tomorrow so you and your friends have time to unpack and relax. I apologize our champion couldn't be here to greet you as well but she might be in the wild area training her team if you want to meet her."
Guzma perks up at the mention of this wild area and steps closer so he's at Selene's other side.
"What's this about a wild area?"
Leon turned to look at him with a grin.
"It's a vast area on the edge of this town. It's full of wild Pokemon and most trainers go there to train, camp or find Pokemon for their team. You're welcome to explore it though I'd caution that since you're here in Hammerlocke, the nearby Pokemon are tougher than the rest in the wild area. I'd suggest taking a corviknight taxi to Motostoke where the wild area is much easier."
"Yo! You calling are boss weak?!"
"Are boss could beat you no problem!"
"I thought I told you dolts I'm not your boss anymore!"
Plumeria rolled her eyes and waved to get Leon's attention.
"Don't mind them. Kukui said you could update her Dex for Galar pokemon right?"
Leon nodded and Selene passed her rotom Dex to him to update.
"There we go, please enjoy your stay and see you tomorrow!"
He gave her Dex back and waved goodbye to her before making his way to the next terminal to catch the Sinnoh flight landing. Plumeria looked over at the group while placing a hand on Selene's shoulder.
"We'll make our way to the hotel and unpack if you want to go to this wild area. Just remember the hotel is Rose of the Rondelands in Wydon"
Guzma grinned slightly, Plume knew all too well that he wanted to see what bug Pokemon were in this new region.
"Alright Plume, take care of the squirt and we'll be back later."
Plumeria and Selene left to use a taxi while Guzma along with Tupp and Rapp wandered into the city until they found the entrance to the town and wild area. Guzma whistled as he looked out into the vast area. This was definitely not like Alola. Tupp and Rapp ran past him, ready to go searching for Pokemon when they were grabbed by the back of their shirt collars by Guzma.
"What do you two think you're doing?"
Tupp looked at Rapp and then back at Guzma.
"Uh, going to look for pokemon?"
"Don't you remember what that chairman said? This is a tougher area. Don't go running off without me you hear?"
Tupp and Rapp nodded in understanding. Guzma let them go and followed them as they wandered through the nearby grass. Guzma was watching Rapp trying not to scare away a toxel she was planning to catch when Tupp noticed a pokemon den.
"Yo! Check this out!"
Rapp pouted when the toxel ran away and looked over at him with a glare.
"You just scared away that cute pokemon!"
Tupp noticed a shiny rock on the ground and tossed it in to see how deep it was when a column of light shootout.
"Whoa! What is this?"
Guzma had a bad feeling and was about to tell Tupp to move away when Tupp stepped on a loose rock near the edge and fell into the den.
Guzma ran over to the edge of the den and looked down. The column of light made it hard to see but he could hear Tupp's voice which was a good sign. Unfortunately he didn't notice Rapp running up until he watched her jump into the den.
"Goddamn it Rapp!"
He couldn't just leave those two in there while he got help. With a groan he jumped into the den, cursing out loud as he fell. What he didn't notice was a young woman had seen the whole thing and followed into the den soon after.
"Are you two stupid?!"
Tupp and Rapp jumped at the sound of Guzma's voice as he landed. Guzma glared at the two who looked terrified. Good, he was pissed.
"I knew you two lacked common sense but this I a whole new level!"
"Did you even think about if you could get out Rapp?"
"You better hope there's a way out of this place or you two are in deep shit."
Rapp pointed a shaky hand at something behind him and he turned to see a giant flaming pokemon.
"Holy shit what is that?!"
"That's a gigantamax centiskorch."
The three of them looked over at the voice to see a young woman walking over to them.
"I take it you three don't know about raid battles huh?"
Guzma was confused and was about to tell at her but was interrupted by a roar from centiskorch.
"I'd suggest you three send out a Pokemon."
Tupp and Rapp listened and sent out salandit and zubat. Guzma sent out golisopod while the new woman sent out a Milotic. Guzma wasn't expecting her to return her pokemon and the ball to grow large. When Milotic returned, it was as large as the centiskorch.
"Use max geyser Narcissus!"
The Milotic sent out a large torrent of water which hit the centiskorch and almost knocked it out. Guzma had golisopod use razor shell while salandit used venoshock and zubat used bite.
Thanks to Milotic's attack the centiskorch was quickly defeated.Guzma tried to catch it but his pokeball had no effect on it. A larger pokeball then was thrown by the woman which easily caught centiskorch and shrunk back down to a normal sized net ball. The woman picked up the ball and held it out to Guzma.
"Here. You wanted it right?"
Guzma growled and slapped the ball out of her hand.
"I don't need your help!"
The woman raised an eyebrow at him.
"Alright, have fun getting out."
She tossed a pokeball and released her corviknight before looking over at Tupp and Rapp.
"Would you two like a ride up?"
The two nodded and climbed up on the corviknight which shocked Guzma.
"Hey! What about me?!"
The woman looked back at him with a smirk.
"I thought you said you didn't need help?"
Guzma grumbled as corviknight took off. Before he even knew what was going on, corviknight grabbed his shoulders with their talons and lifted him up and out of the den. Corviknight dropped Guzma before landing and letting the rest off.
Tupp and Rapp were looking at the woman with amazement as she returned corviknight to their ball.
"You were so cool sis! Can all pokemon from here do that?!"
The woman laughed at Rapp's enthusiasm and explained to her about dynamaxing and power spots while Guzma stood off to the side with Tupp. His phone went off and he checked to see it was a message from Plumeria.
"Rapp, we're going now."
Rapp looked back at Guzma, slightly disappointed she couldn't talk more but cheered up when the woman passed her the ball with centiskorch and a card that she immediately pocketed. The woman said goodbye to Guzma and Tupp as well and planned to leave when Guzma stopped her with a shout.
"Yo! You never gave us your name!"
The woman looked back at Guzma and smiled.
"The name is Ceri."
#Struggle Bug#guzma#pokemon guzma#pokemon sun and moon#pokemon sumo#pokemon swsh#pokemon sword and shield#guzma/oc#pokemon guzma/oc
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