#tumblr please let us add pages like a bio and rules through the app
yamagucji · 4 years
some tips for writing blogs, especially those who are just starting out. these are some things that works for me and may or may not work for others.
how to add a read more link on mobile
type :readmore: on a free space, then hit the enter or return button
personally i think they’re very helpful because it lessens the space you take up in your dash, and might encourage more people to rb
+ you can also add this on a spot where it gives a sort of cliffhanger, essentially making people want to ‘read more’
headers, banners, and dividers
though not necessary, it’s good to have a title for your work. make sure it’s bold and doesn’t blend in with your notes (aka pairing, warnings, etc.). this also helps when someone wants to look up one of your works in your search bar
i don’t really make banners or covers for my works. but some good apps that i know of would be picsart and canva. if you’re looking for ideas, i definitely recommend going into canva
wondering how to make those really small, thin dividers? you can make them using picsart! to make a divider hit tools > free crop > brush > size (adjust it to your preference > then draw a line along the edge of your photo > save
using the divider you just saved, go back to picsart and edit it again > draw option > hit rainbow square at the bottom left corner > hit suction/droplet symbol right below the check mark > color in the white spots bc for some reason picsart glitches and makes dividers look white-ish
new blog? just opened an account?
this is gonna sound really frustrating. but... tumblr needs to check if you’re a bot or not. what does this mean? it’s likely that your first few posts won’t show up on the search bar. you may not even get to edit your header/pfp yet ://
this happened to me and there was no visibility on my account at ALL. what helped me get ‘verified’ is that i followed a LOT of accounts, liked a bunch of posts, made some posts here and there. now that lets tumblr know you’re not a bot
the tumblr tagging system usually only allows the first 5 tags in your post to show up. so, what can do you about this? only use FIVE or less tags in your post. wait about 15 minutes or more until you can add some more tags in your post, and they usually all show up like that
another important thing about using tags is not to generalize! especially if you’re using a popular tag. but also don’t specify it too much where barely anyone looks it up. for example, if you’re writing a gn piece about oikawa, i recommend you use the tags such as: oikawa x reader, haikyuu x reader, oikawa x gn!reader, haikyuu headcanons, etc
a good rule of thumb is to use character x reader tags first, then leave the full name or fandom tag last
FOR NSFW: tumblr doesn’t let any tags with nsfw show up. so, give your nsfw works another tag. maybe #namegetspicy idk, you figure it out
FOR WARNINGS: especially if you’re a dark content creator, i highly encourage you to add tw:xyz tags. if you already have a warning note at the top then that’s great. but even better for readers who prefer to actually block these tags that way they never get to see it
another important thing to note is that people have different timezones. it helps if you rb your work at a different time of the day, in case people missed it! (icymi) i’ve noticed that reblogging helps to make your post show up in the tags
interaction + feedback
first and foremost, you are not obligated to write for your followers, and neither are your followers obligated to interact with you. remember that everyone has their own individual lives, and they have their own things to do— so do you, too.
make friends! become mutuals with other writers, visit their ask box. i know it can be daunting having to initiate these things, but you might just turn out to have fun! you can’t expect people to interact with you if you’re not interacting (back). it’s... kind of a two way thing yk? no need to be afraid to interact with other writers. oh, and rb other writers works!
pspsps join tag games or do ask games. it’s fun and very interactive
it never hurts to ask for feedback. i usually do this in a more subtle way because i don’t really expect a full on analysis on my works. maybe a little, is this okay? or feedback appreciated. sometimes it takes a little bit of coaxing for the silent readers
formatting your posts and blog
i generally put in the title at the top in big, bold letters
then comes the header/divider. helps to make the post more... visually appealing ig?
it’s important to add warnings (if any) and the pairing. the audience is not all female, and it might be a little frustrating for male readers having to find out its an x fem reader piece like halfway through your fic
if you have multiple works posted, it’s really really helpful to have a navigation page!
you can organize the posts you make with tags! for example, if you’re shitposting, you can use a specific tag for that. if you have a nsfw related post (ESPECIALLY when your blog is open to the general audience) please make a tag for it
themes + colors
if you have a color in mind but don’t know which direction to go from there, i recommend looking up color + aesthetic
looking to use the same color? download a name color app that’ll give you a hex code for any color you want to use. then, you can type in that hex code for when you’re choosing a color for your tumblr bio
wondering how to make your header image small like mine? just choose a photo for your header and turn off the stretch image option
want to use a different text color that tumblr doesn’t offer? it’s not as complicated as you think. you’ll have to go on a desktop to do this and do some html (but trust me, it’s not very difficult). look up “HTML noob but trying my best - how to use colored text on desktop”
^^ i don’t have the link for the color text tutorial so you can try looking it up
how to make an aesthetic navi and masterlist
step 1: decide a theme! if you’re stuck, think about a character + color/season/mood or look up “[insert] aesthetic” to find some inspiration. or you can try looking at other blogs too
step 2: find a color scheme! it’s easier if you choose fewer colors. if you want to use the same color for both divider and text, download a color name app in order to get the hex code of that color.
step 3: add categories to your navi! most navigation pages include a link to masterlist, about/byi, and rules. your navi should have a title that indicates that it’s... a navigation page. you can add thin colored dividers with the same color to make it easier for followers to navigate
step 4: you can choose to create a ‘cover’ or a picture for your navigation and masterlist! again, i recommend you use the canva app as a starting point
extra: search up emoticon symbols to spice up your titles!
reminder for you as a writer
you’re not obligated to do any of these things. i’ve noticed that we tend to build pressure on ourselves when it comes to content and interaction. remember, this !! is !! for !! fun !! when you realize that it’s no longer fun, then know that it’s time to take a break. and there’s nothing wrong with a bit of self care.
^^ c/p from this post lol
at the end of the day, follower count and interaction doesn’t define you. again for the love of beings, you’re here on your own accord.
will be adding more if needed/asked.
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A Guide to RPing on Tumblr
I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately, so here’s my complete walkthrough on how to create a Tumblr RP blog. 
If you’d rather view on a Google Doc, here’s a link.
Create Blog
Howdy, so the first thing you’ll have to do is click ‘register’ and make yourself a blog. You also have the choice of making a sideblog instead. I’m a person who likes to have this separated, so if you are only thinking of playing a couple characters, this might be the way to go for you. Here’s the difference between main/side blogs (taken from Tumblr’s help center):
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Choose any url for now (we’ll talk about that later), and go to the next section.
Please note: When you make a new blog, it won’t show up in the search/people’s notifications for a bit of time (a day or so). Make sure you validate your email address asap. 
Get xKit
If you haven’t installed xKit, I highly suggest it. Go to their blog here, and get it for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Opera.
What is it? A little toolkit to make Tumblr easier to use.
When you install it, it’ll pop up on your top bar thing next to the lightning bolt like this:
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It’s that thing with the x’s on it.
When you click the x’s this pops up:
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You can click ‘Get Extensions’ at the bottom and basically choose whatever you want, but may I recommend the following:
1) Editable Reblogs allows you to edit reblogs. Right. This is good because when you are replying to RP threads they tend to get rather long. Some advice that was given to me when I started: when you add your reply, delete everything before your partner’s last reply. So you should have your partner’s post and your post and that’s all. You just click ‘reblog’ and it pops up like normal, except now there’s this little guy:
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If you click that, it will make everything in your reblog box editable.
2) One-Click Postage gives you a little box if you hover over the reblog button. It lets you reblog, queue, draft, tag, and add replies right from that page. You can even choose which blog (main/side) you want it to go to.  It looks like this:
Tumblr media
The rest I will just say play around with! They are easy to add and take away.
Decide what kind of blog you want.
Multimuse Vs. Single muse: 
Do you want to play one character or a bunch of them? If you choose one character, your blog icon and theme will presumably feature that character or something to do with them. If you choose to focus on one, you should have info about your character available on your blog somewhere. If you choose to have more than one muse, you’ll need a list of the characters you offer and some info about them. 
When choosing a url for a multimuse, choose something that encompasses the spirit of you and your characters.
When choosing a url for a single muse, I go for quotes, nicknames, something about where they are from, what they like, their name, etc. Note: if you have dashes in your url (like mine @strings-have-been-cut) these won’t work with tags. People will have to turn them into separate words or one big word.
I do not have a multimuse, but I have seen them done all sorts of ways. Some people offer characters from all different fandoms, some are just one fandom, one genre, OCs, canons, a mixture...you can do what you like. 
If your blog is not affiliated with any sort of organized game, this is referred to as ‘independent’ often shortened to ‘idie’. 
Your blog description should mention which kind it is. For example: a sci-fi multimuse blog; a Star Trek OC blog; an indie Bill S. Preston Esq. from Bill and Ted RP blog. Details help sometimes. 
Canon Character Vs. Original Character
If you decide to make a canon character, make sure you have it clear somewhere where they are from! Canon characters can be canon divergent (your own version), they can crossover into other fandoms, they can be exactly as they are in your favourite book/show/movie/podcast...each version of a canon is unique and lovely.
If you decide to make an original character, make sure you give plenty of info about them! You want to tell people what fandom they fit into or if they are fandomless. ‘About’ pages are really important for OCs because there is no fanbase for them (yet!).
What should be in your description?
When someone clicks your blog, they will first see a dash preview sort of thing. It shows a description and a small header, along with the posts you’ve made. This description also shows up somewhere on your actual blog and on the top of the page on mobile view. It’s a great spot to give all the info about your blog real quick. I always include the following:
What is it? (Independent Data from Star Trek RP blog)
Age restrictions (21+)
Who you will RP with (mutuals only is called ‘private’ and choosing who you follow back is called ‘selective’.)
Mun’s name (played by [insert your name])
Possibly a link to your about/rules for easy access on desktop and mobile. I’ll talk about this more below. I call this ‘navigation’, but it varies. Note: if you edit your icon/dash header, any html links seem to go away. I’ve needed to go back into the theme customizer and add them back in. To add a link to your description, go into your customizer, go to the description section, and add the html as follows:
<a href=”url goes here”>link text goes here</a>
So mine is: <a href=”https://data-all-in-one.carrd.co”>Indie Data from Star Trek blog.</a>
The description for my Data blog reads: ‘Indie Data from Star Trek RP blog. Click here for navigation. 21+. Private/selective. Played by Fool.
What should be on this blog?
In my experience, you need a couple of pages on your blog to get you started:
About the character - basically a biography
Rules - so people know what you are about
About the mun - so people can know about the person they are writing with
Possibly a link to your ‘ask memes’ tag - see below.
These can be organized however you like, but people tend to look for a few specific things.
About the Character
This should read like a biography. Back in the day, we used to call them ‘character apps’ and they had all your basic info about the character. Sometimes this section contains a subsection called ‘verses’ in which the mun spells out what universes they exist in. Say I had an AU where Data owns an arcade in San Francisco in the 80’s. I’d list that as one of his ‘verses’. This is extremely important for OCs, but very helpful for canons too. 
Data has four: TNG era, TNG movie era, AU where he lives after Nemesis, AU where he’s around during Star Trek: Picard. I gave a little info about both. 
Rules are usually organized into the things people are looking for before they start playing with you. Some good info to include: 
Mun age
Your policy on adult content
How you deal with tagging triggers
Your policy on following back
Your policy on writing with mutuals vs. anyone
Do you allow personal blogs (non RP blogs) to follow you?
How fast do you reply?
How does your tagging system work?
How do you deal with shipping? 
Here is a link to my usual Rules page for reference. Remember, it’s not wrong if it’s different than mine!
Note: People will look for how old you are. Many people in the RPC are adults, and they want to write with people their own age. If your age is not posted somewhere clearly, they may not follow you back. 
About the Mun 
This is really just a little blurb about you. Some people include their age here. Some people include links to their other blogs. Some people include their Discord info, as that’s really popular right now. It’s just nice to know who you are writing with.
It’s important to note that there are different ways to present all of these blogs. Some people have them as pages on their Tumblr blog itself, some people put all of this (Bio, About, Rules, etc) in a Google Doc and link it, some people use Carrd.co - there are a ton of ways. A friend of mine did this amazing post about some options out there. I personally go for Carrd.co, seeing as I am on mobile a lot and I find it very helpful, but it’s up to you. 
Now I have a blog with all the info. How do I get started?
Well there are a few things you can do to get yourself out there.
Make yourself a promo. It’s basically an advertisement for your blog. If you aren’t good at graphics, you can head to an RP Resource blog and see if they have any you can use with their permission. You can also just post a picture with some info. For me, the info on this promo matches that of my blog description - I want people to know what I’m all about as soon as they look at it. Then you can tag for your appropriate fandom RP. Your mutuals will likely reblog to help spread the word. Yay.
Find a directory for your RPC by searching in the search. This will allow you to a) reblog your info and be listen in a place where people can find you and b) allow you to find others in your RPC in an organized way. Then you can go through, find people you think you’d like to follow, and follow them. 
Make a starter or plotter call. This is, again, just a picture or graphic and some information about it. Here is one I made for Data specifically asking for Picard threads:
Tumblr media
I asked for a specific universe and a specific character here. I also put all relative tags in case someone is just searching Tumblr (although I think it’s more for the people who follow me). Here’s a simpler one I made for B-4 that’s a lot more open. 
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They don’t have to be super fancy. 
When people see a starter call, they can like your post. This is a quick an easy way to let you know they are interested in a thread. 
4. Ask Memes. Asks are invaluable. There are whole blogs dedicated to ask memes that you can post to your blog, and these can be really easy ways for people to come up with plot ideas or just to read some of your writing. I always keep a link on my blog to everything tagged ‘ask meme’ so if people want to find a meme they have choices!
It seems like there’s a certain aesthetic on these new fangled RP blogs. Do I have to do that?
No! But you can, if you want. If you aren’t good at coding and graphics, there are a lot of RP resource sites that can help you. (Can I recommend this one?) It is nice to have things like a face claim, a nice looking promo, a cool theme, etc. but at the end of the day, we all just want to write and have fun.
Look, I’ve only been RPing on Tumblr for a couple of months and I am by NO MEANS an expert. I have gotten all of this knowledge through the help of friends and nice strangers willing to answer questions for me. Here are a few things I have picked up:
Respect people’s rules - We are all shy and all have our own thing going on. If someone says they’re uncomfortable doing one thing, just like...don’t do it.
Talk to other people - Don’t ignore the mun! Unless they really want you to. It’s better to ask questions, compliment writing, talk about your plots and stuff...it’s so much harder than trying to figure out what the other person feels/wants.
Ask questions - I’m a 6th grade teacher, and I get a million and fuckton questions every minute usually. It’s been eye-opening, because now I’m all about asking questions about everything all the time. I think knowledge is amazing. People know all different things, and the most logical way to be a productive society is to share knowledge (that’s one of the main teachings of Surak) so ask some questions! Hell, ask me some questions! Reach out to someone who seems nice!
Okay, that’s all. Good luck!
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spriterpt · 5 years
Hey Liss, I really want to start a small horror group rp but I never ever done one on Tumblr and I'm scared of messing up. Could you give me some advice? Is running a group rp on tumblr too stressful?
First of all, I’m so sorry for the late reply!
The biggest factor in how challenging it will be to run a group is how much time you have to put into it. That’s not to say that if you go to school or work full-time you can’t run one, but if you don’t have much time to commit to being online, it can be a lot to handle. That said, it’s incredibly rewarding to watch a roleplay thrive!
The two most important parts of your group are going to be your plot and your graphics. I wish the second wasn’t the case, but how your roleplay (and your promo graphic) looks is a huge deal when it comes to drawing people in. Roleplays with ‘basic’ graphics, sadly, often find it difficult to gain any traction in the community. If you’re not great with graphics, you may want to consider getting a co-admin who is, or contacting RPHs who do those types of services. That said, a solid plot or location is what will make people stay. Your roleplay will need to be either plot-driven or character-driven. A plot-driven roleplay is going to be harder to keep up with, as you’ll have to provide lots of events and plot drops to keep the ball rolling. Character-driven roleplays can often take a little longer to set up, as you really want to make your location come to life by providing a history and places around town for people to set their interactions, but require less upkeep as the members create their own plots. For a horror group, chances are it’s going to be a little more plot-driven.
Setting up your blog can be one of the more stressful parts of running your own group. You want to make sure everything looks good, all of the writing is error-free, and the page is properly organized so viewers can find what they’re looking for. Below is a list of important pages your page should include and my advice for them.
NAVIGATION: It’s very, very important that your navigation be properly laid out. People aren’t going to want to join a roleplay if they can’t easily find everything they need to do so. Most roleplays divide their navigation into two sections–before applying and after acceptance. The first should include your plot, rules, characters, taken/banned face claims, wanted connections, and application. It should also include any other information you’d want people to know going into it, like locations around your town. The second should include your checklist, blogroll, trigger list, and OOC masterlist.
PLOT: This should be at the top of your navigation page and, ideally, directly linked from your home page. It shouldn’t be too long or too short, just a few paragraphs. Your paragraphs also shouldn’t be too lengthy–large blocks of text can turn people away. 
RULES: The most important rules are as follows. Activity–most roleplays have an activity limit of 5 or 6 days. This allows members to balance RP with real life while still preventing too much inactivity on the dash. Characters–the number of characters you can have, the age requirements for characters/face claims if you have one, and whether characters can be on a multi-muse account or should have separate blogs. Drama/inclusivity–there should always be a zero tolerance policy for OOC drama, and rules in place to promote inclusivity such as requiring that members reply to at least 3 starters before posting their own.
CHARACTERS: This is where keeping up with a roleplay can start to get tricky. There are two types of RPs you may choose to go with–bio or appless. If it’s a bio roleplay, you need to make a graphic for and post the biography of every character. If it’s appless, you need to make sure that each time you get a new character, you update your character page. Either way, you’ll also need to keep on top of your taken face claims page. Many admins choose not to post a bio or add a character to their page until they’ve received the account for that character.
WANTED CONNECTIONS: This isn’t required, per se, but can inspire more people to join your roleplay. You should have a form for your members to fill out, and they’ll send in their wanted connections. That’s another thing to keep up with–you’ll have to put all of these on your WC page as well as remove taken connections, or edit connections that have 1 out of 2 or more muses taken (think bandmates, or multiple siblings).
APPLICATION: Your application should include, at the very least, the character’s name, age, gender AND pronouns, and face claim. Most choose to add positive and negative personality traits to their app. If it’s a bio roleplay, you’ll need to request a biography, either by simply stating ‘bio here’, or by dividing it up into sections. For instance, you can split it up into background, present, and personality, and include a paragraph or word requirement for each section if you’d like. 
CHECKLIST: This should be the first thing in your ‘after acceptance’ section and should include everything your new member has to do after being accepted. This should include getting their account in within 24 hours, following everyone on the blogroll, tracking your tags, looking at your trigger list and sending in any triggers they’d like added, sending in wanted connections, asking for the OOC blog/Discord link, posting an intro for their character, and finally posting their first interaction. Speaking of tags to track–yours should include tags for character intros, starters, events, tasks, admin notes, and new blogs to follow.
TRIGGER LIST: Some basic triggers you should include: sexual assault, suicide/self-harm, eating disorders, blood, drugs, death, abortion, violence. You should also ask that your members send in any personal triggers that they’d like added, and this should always always always be kept confidential.
OOC MASTERLIST: You may choose to only include OOC information on your character page, but an OOC masterlist can be helpful when it comes to plotting. This lists each member’s name and which characters they play, and often includes other OOC info such as age, timezone, and pronouns. This way when plotting with someone, members can immediately see all of the characters the person they’re plotting with plays.
As mentioned before, graphics and theme are also very important. Your theme should be neat, organized, but ‘pretty’. Almost all themes are going to involve at least one graphic. The color scheme of your graphic(s) should closely match that of your theme so that everything looks coherent. If there’s more than one graphic, they should look nice together without being repeats of each other. You’ll also need to create a promo graphic to post in the tags. Note that you should create a sideblog to post your promo graphics, rather than flooding your main page with them. Your promo doesn’t have to look quite as similar as the others, since they won’t be shown side-by-side, but should still give off the same ‘vibe’. You’ll want to make sure to double-check all of the writing on your page for errors, click on all of your links to see that they’re working properly, and go through your navigation from the point of view of a potential member.
The next part is being a good admin. You should be able to get on almost every single day, even just for long enough to post something in the tags and empty your inbox. Admin activity is crucial to group activity. As soon as members see the activity of the main die down, they start to decline in activity or find other groups. 
There are three key elements to promoting your roleplay. The first is through your promo sideblog and promo graphics. You should be posting these often enough that they regularly show up in the tags without being too overbearing. You’ll have to check the tags you choose and use some trial and error to figure out how often that is. {Remember that your post will only show up in the first five tags you put down.) The second is posts on your main. You can let viewers know a little about your roleplay, let them know you’re going to be around for a while, or just include a tidbit about your day. The same rules apply for how often to post these as with your promo graphics. The third element is requesting shoutouts from RPHs. This gets your RP back into the tags without having to put yet another post on the main, as well as gets news of your RP around the RPH community. Remember to always read the RPH’s rules, be polite (please and thank you), and use their name if it’s on the blog. You only have a certain amount of characters for your shoutouts, so make them count. Keeping on top of all three of these things can be difficult, but is incredibly important to running a successful roleplay. You need to make sure you have time to do this on top of your other admin duties. I’ve always found it easiest to take care of all of my other admin things first, then dedicate a chunk of time solely to promotion.
Keeping the main up-to-date is one of the most important things you’ll have to do. This includes your character page/biographies, taken face claims list, triggers list, wanted connections, OOC masterlist, and one more thing we haven’t mentioned yet. Something Tumblr has been doing lately is eating posts in the tags. That means even though you have a tag dedicated to your group’s starters, most of them won’t show up in the tag. As an admin, it’s your responsibility to keep track of all of the starters in your group and get them out to your members another way. Some groups choose to compile a list on their page, while others choose to creat a sideblog and reblog all of the starters there. Either way, this is very, very important to making sure all of your members are included. As an admin, I prefer to take things one ask at a time. New account comes in? Post the follow, add the character, add the face claim, onto the next one. Wanted connection? Put it on the WC page, post a new wanted connection on the main, onto the next one. I find that this makes it easier to keep track of everything than getting everything out of the inbox and then trying to go back through it all. 
Because there’s so much to do, you may want to consider getting one or more co-admins to help you. At least to me, it seems like most RPs have around 3 admins. It is possible to run one yourself, but you can always try on your own and ask for co-admins if you’re having trouble. You want to make sure you stay on good terms with your co-admins and consult them about updates, events, and plot drops.
Speaking of events and plot drops, that’s another thing you’ll have to take care of. Plot drops and events keep the RP alive, and if you find that the RP’s activity is a little low, something like that can help. You don’t have to do it super often, but a few days every month or so dedicated to an event can be really fun. With a horror RP, you may also want to have plot drops here and there.
You’ll also have to deal with any problems that arise in your RP. If someone comes to you with a concern about another member, you’ll have to use your critical thinking and problem-solving skills to determine exactly what’s going on and what action you should take. If you notice that someone is only writing with one or two other people, you’ll need to address it to them directly. This part can definitely be stressful and nerve-wracking, but it’s an important part of being an admin. 
One way to see how you can improve your RP is to ask RPHs for their opinions. The trick is you actually have to listen to them. If you��re repeatedly being told that your graphics need work, consider getting some help with them. If they point out a broken link or typo, you’ll need to fix it. Another way to improve is to check out other RPs! You definitely should not lift anything directly from another RP, but it can help you get a feel for how everything should be set up and what types of themes and graphics are ‘in’ right now.
I’m going to end this with a link to this amazing masterlist from rpthemehelper that includes multiple posts on every topic you could need help with. I’m sorry that this was probably way more than you were expecting to read, but I hope it helped some!
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untamedhero · 5 years
Bio for Link (Wild) done via app. Just search "lost past" to dig this up (will add an actual page in the future but right now I just want to get this up even in its current state, this will get updates)
Age: (117) 17 //mun lives in the U.K. So he's above the age of consent//
Parents: father died during the calamity and mother died giving birth to him.
Siblings: a sister who he blames himself for her death despite only being a kid and too weak to face off the golden hinox (no they aren't actual thing)
Stubborn and head strong, he frequently lands himself in trouble but rarely fails to get himself out of it. Does try to prevent fights and looks for alternative solutions to a problem if there is any.
0 notes
neomatch · 7 years
Neomatch is live!
Neomatch is a “dating site” made for the purpose of pairing the neotag’s lonely neopet OCs together with the intention of finding them friends, and maybe a little something more :)
Like all fun things, NeoMatch has some guidelines we would like you to read before submitting apps to help clear up any confusion or concerns! Please click to read more about this project and learn how you can be part of it.
Neomatch is intended to be a fun, community building activity and resource for people in the neopets fandom who would like to incorporate other’s neopet OCs into their stories/character development and need somewhere to start. We want to keep this site as drama free as possible and ask everyone to abide by the following rules:
Neomatch is purely for fun and not meant to be taken too seriously, so please refrain from starting conflict if your neopet does not find a partner or is turned down by the partner you wanted for them. This site is for making friends, not enemies! 
We ask everyone to respect the boundaries of the other individuals associated with this site. That means that if someone isn’t looking for romance for their pet, don’t ask! If they don’t want to RP or have ship art drawn of their pet then please be sure to respect that. What this also means is, regardless of the pet’s sexuality, if the user has stated they are only looking for a specific gender of partner for their pet, please abide to that as well. (I.E. someone’s OC is bisexual but only interested in girls, don’t pursue them with your male OC! Neopets can have preferences, too)
The minimum OC age to use this service is 16, and RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN UNDERAGE OCS AND ADULT OCS ARE NOT ALLOWED!!!! We have created tags with the purpose to seperate the adults from the teens, but while searching through other tags on our blog PLEASE keep an eye out for which OCs are “neominors” and “neoadults” respectively. The only exception to this is the “2 year age gap” rule which basically means that if your OC is 16, the oldest OC they can date is 18. If your pet is 17, the oldest OC they can date is 19. Please be mindful of this rule regardless of what your opinion is of age gaps irl. Anyone found to be purposely breaking this rule will be removed and blocked from Neomatch and will not be allowed to participate in events related to it.
Contact us ASAP if you receive any form of harassment from someone related to using this service. This includes disrespecting pre-established boundaries (unsolicited RP/ship art), pressuring or giulting someone into having your OCs date/be friends, and anything related to shipping minors/adult OCs together (that breaks the 2 year age gap rule). Anyone who is found to be breaking the rules will either be given a warning or be blocked and banned from using the service (depending on the severity of the situation). 
Now that is over with, let’s get to the fun part!
1. Making your Application
Below are examples of the templates available to you at this time, the first one is the Neomatch Application which is required to fill out in order to use this service.
Here’s a beautifully illustrated and completed version of the template made by Zji:
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Here is where you can download the template yourself! The folder includes a Visual Guide, a blank PNG, and a blank PSD.
The second template is the Neomatch Profile which is completely optional!
Here’s Zji’s version of the profile:
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Here is where you can download the blank version of the profile, as well as the visual guide +PSD! This template is easiest to fill out in Photoshop, but if you don’t have Photoshop you can add text to the blank profile in another art program like Paint. If you want to add emojis to your profile but don’t have them on your computer, I would type up the bio on tumblr mobile, save as a draft, screenshot it, then paste into the profile :)
Here is a brief rundown of what is OK and not ok to do when filling out the templates:
Feel free to
change the color of the background, text boxes, and font as you wish (as long as you can still read it)
add multiple pictures into picture box
use a different font to fill out the form
Please refrain from
Changing the color of the header/footer (This is fine on the Profile, but we want to keep the grey top and bottom on the Application)
Removing or editing the Neomatch logo
Leaving info boxes blank (except for the “Other” box) 
Filling out the form illegibly (if you really want to write in the info yourself just make sure other people can read it)
Using images you don’t have permission to use as the profile picture
If you have any problems filling out the form or have questions for us related to it, please send us an ask or DM and we will help you ASAP.
Here is where you can see some more of Zji’s apps/profiles if you want to see more examples.
2. Submitting your application
If you go to the Submit page you will see we have a few more rules and stuff to follow just to help keep stuff organized. I will briefly address them here as well as some other things 
We prefer at this time if you don’t post your applications to tumblr on your main blog/other blogs. You are absolutely welcome to reblog submissions from us, but we would like to keep everything in one place and don’t want to clutter people’s feed’s with the same picture over and over again.
You can submit as many apps as you want, but if we receive a lot of submissions at once we may put them into a queue to try to space out the posts.
It’s very important to use that you tag your submission correctly to save us a little bit of time when uploading them, we can’t tag them for you because we aren’t at liberty to assume what your OC is looking for
If your application or something related to your submission is incorrect we will send you a message and explain how you can fix it
If you have any questions or are confused about the submission process please shoot us an ask and we will try our best to help you
It is also required to fill out the following form in the description of your submission to be accepted:
Contact: (your blog[s] here) Is it OK to draw your OC interacting with other OCs platonically?: (yes/no/ask first) Is it OK for Neomatch to send you “Matches’ via DM with similar characters your OC may be compatible with, or would you like to look by yourself?: (yes or no) [BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR DMS OPEN IF YOU SAY YES OR ELSE YOU WONT GET MATCHES FROM US] If you marked “No” above, is it still okay for us to match your OC with other’s OCs? (you won’t get a DM from us but someone might DM you): (yes/no) Other important info: (maybe include a bit of your character’s backstory & if you are looking for characters to add to your story, etc? or anything else at all you would like to include)
3. Receiving Neomatches
We intend on providing a little matchmaker service to those who opt into it, what it consists of is the admins of this blog helping you find friends/romance for your OC by taking mutual interests, location, age, and so on into consideration and pairing your OC with someone else’s based off of that. These “Neomatches” will be DMed to you privately (SO KEEP YOUR DMs OPEN) and it’s completely up to you on whether or not you’d like to pursue it or not. The message will consist of something like “_____ has a new match!” and we’ll DM you the profile of the other OC. If you find this service annoying or are not interested in using it you can let us know and we will stop sending them to you :)
I think that basically covers the jist of it, so keep an eye out for future updates and announcements! Feel free to send us an ask here if you have any questions or concerns related to using this service! We hope you all have as much fun with this as we will!
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minatozaki-sana · 6 years
Can you help me with one kind of stupid thing? How can I start rping on tumblr? Like... How do i plot and interact?
we all had to start somewhere, so this is a more than valid question ! first off, here and here are two pretty extensive guides to tumblr rping, but i’ll try to cut everything short under the read-more and have it be more up to date. also if you have any more questions or want more details on a certain topic, don’t be afraid to ask again !
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i. types of rps.
since you found this blog i hope it’s safe to assume you somewhat know your way around the rpc ? but just in case, the following tags are most popular for different type of rps: appless rp, bio rp, skeleton rp, semi appless rp, twitter rp and lsrp. there are also a good amount of subcategories for rps, for example apartment rp, mumu rp ( multi-muse ), new rp, pairs rp, etc. it all kind of depends what you’re looking for but for starters i’d recommend appless rps as they’re the easiest to step foot in.
all of the above are group roleplays with set rules, but if you’re not into that, there’s also indie rping. the main tag is indie rp with different subcategories as well. the indie com is more laid-back as you basically write down your own rules ( always make sure to read other ppl’s rules as well ) and you can take as much time for your replies as you’d like opposed to groups where the time limit is 2 - 5 days nowadays. though, i’d only rec the indie com for people over 18 as it has many muns who like to post smut starters without properly tagging them but using nsfw gifs. also there are quite a few nasty ppl out there who like to write inc*st or non-consenting threads which just .. yikes Blocked.
ii. joining a rp.
as you’re browsing the tags, you’ll hopefully find a rp you like and would like to join. please, please make sure to read the plot, rules and if applicable faq pages completely and if it’s a new rp also scrolling through the blog itself just to avoid possibly joining a rp that allows something ( or someone ) you’d rather not be affiliated with. in case everything’s fine and you went through all the pages, it’s best to have the taken / characters page open along with the application format just to avoid using a faceclaim ( the celeb you’d like your character to look like ), name or even label that’s already in use. 
most admins are very adamant about the app format not being changed ( ex. all lowercase or certain words in uppercase, etc ) so please listen to them otherwise they’ll ask you to resend the app or they’ll have to change it on the taken page. it’s always good for an admin to see that their members actually care about what they created.
most apps ask for a faceclaim, name, age, gender, pronouns, label ( + tag ), occupation, positive and negative traits ( + tag ) and sometimes a fun fact, their zodiac sign, what they googled last, a movie / song / show they love, etc. basically just send in your app as soon as it’s finished ! below you’ll also find an old app of mine for an appless rp.
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iii. setting up an account.
hopefully you know how to set up an account on tumblr, but if not, the first guide covers it  well. as soon as your account is set up, install new xkit ( without it you basically won’t be able to write replies ). select xkit on your dashboard and install the following extensions ( click ‘ get extensions ‘ ): anti-capitalism, drafts+, editable reblogs ( the most important ! ), go-to-dash, no recommended, old sidebar, old stats, one-click reply, outbox, timestamps, tweaks, xinbox. as for tweaks, go back to ‘ my xkit ‘, find ‘ tweaks ‘ and try to see what you like best.
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from here on i recommend following the steps from the first guide, starting at ‘ THE ACCOUNT: AESTHETICS ‘ as i basically do the same. here’s also my theme tag along with a general one.
iv. writing your intro.
now before you’re able to plot with others, you’ll have to write an intro. it’s essentially just to introduce yourself with a small blurb and then elaborating on your muse ( character ). below you can find an example in the form of an old blog of mine, it was for a skeleton rp, but basically it’s the same for appless rps ( except that i never write a bio or create a headcanon page for those ). if you follow the link to the intro, you’ll see a load of text.
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the first thing i always do for my intro is add a gif icon ( usually 100x100 pixel or below and you can find them by typing in https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/danielle-campbell-gif-icons for example ), write something small about me / the rp and then add the app format under a read more. everything underneath is the muse’s backstory, personality and wanted plots. ( also as a tip it’s always good to trigger warn your writing. )
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v. plotting.
this is often dreaded due to bad past experiences or anxiety but honestly.. keep calm during this. plotting is actually one of my favorite things and i tend to ramble a Lot while talking to strangers so as long as you’re passionate about your muse it’ll work out. and if someone’s not interested in plotting with your muse someone else definitely will. as a true flop i didn’t include any wanted plots in my intro, but i’m also very spontaneous regarding connections aka i’ll read their intro and think of a plot that could work and let them add onto it bc only the mun knows their muse best. if you need any connections idea though, here and here are a few.
as for approaching someone, most of the time i’m looking for something in their intro i could use to bond over outside rping, like with my intro it could be a shared interest for dc and / or marvel. or honestly just compliment them on their muse bc i love doing so when you can really feel they put a lot of effort into creating them. alternatively just quote a vine in all caps.
one thing to avoid doing is sound soo very monotone when you can clearly see that they’re excited to plot and you just don’t seem to care. sharing excitement is a good thing while plotting and the rpc in general !
vi. replying.
plugging in this guide one last time bc the last part covers all of it !
vii. extras.
make sure you’re only following blogs from the main rp’s blogroll to avoid confusion.
if you want to leave a rp, please message the main. a simple ‘ hey ! i’m afraid this rp isn’t for me ‘ or ‘ i won’t have time to dedicate to this rp ‘ will do. it’s always better than to just delete or switch to another rp.
it’s nice to check the starter tag from time to time to make sure new members feel welcome ( most if not all rps have their own starter tag which can be found on their blog ).
in case you join a rp that has meme days, don’t be afraid to ask the admins for help even if it’s just to find some to reblog ( museinspo has a tag for them as well along with other musings blogs ). in addition it’s polite to send everyone a meme to answer / reply to.
museinspo’s navigation might also help clear up a few things, plus it’s a great blog for character creation and development.
hopefully this was beginner’s friendly ?? and happy rping !
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Taylor. As one of our most complicated characters, tying together two shows and many characters, you managed to capture Marin’s mysteriousness, while still making her human (metaphorically speaking). Marin is torn by contradictions, drawn in by a family she deserted, and running from a coven that had forsaken her. There are many forks in the road ahead of Marin, and you captured her conflicted spirit to the letter in your application. Both Emily Bennett and Marin Morrell are often neglected when it comes to fan works, and we’re excited and honored to have her in our midst, and to see how you bring her into the world of VN! 
Taylor, thank you very much for applying. As for Marin…
                     ⚜ ~ WELCOME TO VIEUX NOYÉS!!! ~ ⚜
Wondering what to do next? Click here and let the good times roll!
⤜ Name/alias: taylor
⤜ Pronouns: she/her
⤜ Age: 28
⤜ Timezone: cst
⤜ Activity: 7/10 I am usually on daily in the afternoons and evening time. I will be a bit mia on Tuesdays & Thursdays because of other commitments.
⤜ Best form of contact: tumblr is the best
⤜ Any Triggers? nope
⤜ How did you find Vieux Noyés? From my lovely friends
⤜ What drew you to the RP? I enjoy the plot as well as the characters. It seems like a very interesting place to come rp.
⤜ What is one subplot/element from the Plot page that you are particularly looking forward to seeing in this roleplay? I’m interested in seeing what comes of the differing views of the wolves. I’m curious to see what path they choose, which Alpha they align to and such. With that, I am also very curious about the Salem witches being in town. Because they aren’t bound to the ancestors (and I think that is who Marin attached herself to). It will be exciting to see what that means for the NOLA witches.
⚜ Desired Character:  Amélie-Marin Bennett Morrell
⤜ Why do you want this character?
Her bio was one of the first to really kind of call to me. She seems like she could be a very dynamic character to play. I find it really intriguing that she is kind of two sides of one coin. She has lived the life of a witch bound to the ancestors. As she was brought up but has also lived as one that doesn’t need them calling the shots. This duality can lend itself to a very interesting bit of turmoil when it comes to being back in New Orleans. I really feel like there is so much more to her than most people would instantly see on the surface. That is what I enjoy about her. She presents this persona, but really there is so much more swirling inside of her. Just waiting to be let loose.
⤜ What are your future plans for this character? I really want to develop the Bennett family ties. I don’t really have a preference for them to be good or bad. I just want them to develop honestly. I think that could add a lot to Marin’s life. Just having this thread that ties her down. I feel like she is floating in existence not really fixed to the ground. She spent the last five years learning and traveling. But at the end of the day when she stops moving, she really doesn’t have anything to go home to. If that makes sense.  I also plan on having her work through some of her inner demons. I feel like she uses control as a way to push all of it down. She understands that she’s done dark things but I don’t think she really lets herself feel the effects they have on her.She is willing to own up to them and the consequences. Which is a good trait to have?  But I don’t know if she allows herself to really feel them. I want to explore that. Honestly, I want to explore all the things she keeps buried beneath her controlled nature.
⤜ Put yourself in your character’s shoes. Give us a few lines to describe a day in the life of your character… Where do they live? Where and how do they spend their time?
Marin has a pattern she walks every morning. She finds it soothing to keep things pretty much the same every day. There is less room for her to get lost in thought. Or ponder things that are best left in the past. Coming back to New Orleans has been both a blessing and a curse. She loves being home, starting her day with a cup of tea at her favorite little cafe. Which is happily followed with a stroll through the French Quarter. There isn’t much need for a proper schedule when you don’t really have anything tying you down. She likes it that way, likes having her freedom to do as she pleases. After she has her fill of people watching and soaking in the aura that is the Quarter. She can usually be found watching over her niece. She tries not to be too obvious about it all, just checks in on her here and there. She isn’t ready for a face to face yet. Honestly, she has no idea at all what she would say to the younger Bennett. So staying in the background is probably for the best. Other minor details of her day involve sitting in her tiny flat reading, or meeting with someone that needs her help. By someone it usually means Damon but she chooses to not really dwell on the who most days. Makes for a less cluttered brain.
⤜ Give us three headcanons regarding your character of choice.
1) Marin wonders what she would actually say to Bonnie if they were face to face. It’s something she often runs through her mind. It has been many years since she has been anything to the girl outside of blood. Which makes her nervous about ever approaching her. Though deep down Marin wants to have a good relationship with her niece. She is the only family she has left. After five years of wandering with no real connection to anyone. She feels like it would be nice to have that in Bonnie.
2) Since her last coven, during her travels, she has learned more about magic than she realized was out there. Once Marin had her eyes opened it was if there was nothing she couldn’t see or finally have within her reach. It was a bit of a distraction in a way. Gave her a direction when there was no point she was headed to. Learning all she could was always more viable than wallowing on what was lost.
3) Beneath her cool exterior, she has a bit of a wicked sense of humor. It isn’t something that she will present instantly when meeting someone. It takes time for it to slowly begin to show itself. Many would consider it dark or macabre but Marin simply considers it fitting.
⤜ What are some plots you’d like to explore with your character?
I definitely want to explore her relationship with Bonnie or lack of relationship in this case. I feel like it could be interesting for Marin to be tied back to her old life in some way. Bonnie is essentially a glimpse of the life and family she left behind so many years ago. I think a part of her longs for that portion of her. When she walked away it been something she did entirely on her own accord. The risk, however, in the end, did not outweigh the reward. Yes, she was given a new branch of magic, a new way to see things in the world but that was taken away from her just as quickly. Of course, she accepts the blame for it. She did what she did.
I am also very set on working more with the whole Salvatore brother’s aspect of her bio. Just exploring more into her agreeing to help Damon and her ‘friendship’ with Stefan.  When it comes to Damon, I feel like he is just a means to an end but with Stefan, I think there is something she actually enjoys about him. Maybe it is the depth of his feelings for the people he cares for or maybe it is how he wears his care on his sleeve. There is just something she enjoys and I want to take it apart. To find out what’s really going on in her head when it comes to Stefan. It isn’t every day she willingly puts herself around people if there was no purpose for them.
The fact that Jennifer is in the quarter is something else I am dying to play with. It’s something that Marin really can’t ignore.  It’s easy for her to tell herself that she won’t allow it to affect her. Actually standing her ground and remaining unfazed by the women is another thing altogether. Or at least appear to be unfazed. If anyone can it would be Marin but I want to see that struggle. As a recovering Jennifer addict, i can see it being difficult and her falling on the coping mechanisms she developed while away for 5 years.
Honestly, I have to say the thing I am most interested in diving into is how she is going to fair being back in New Orleans. With the ancestors and the witches, she was disowned by. I mean there is a good deal of mystical forces that are pretty pissed off at her. I want to see how she deals with that, and how she gets her deserved dues interests me a lot.
⤜ Para sample:
(redacted for privacy)
⤜ Would you like to be considered for another character if not accepted as your primary choice? Isaac Lahey
⤜ Have you read the rules?: yup I have
⤜ Anything else? Thank you for looking over both of my apps :)
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julietcapulct · 8 years
Ok I really want to try tumblr rpg do you have any resources to help a total beginner?
Hi, there! Okay, I know there are quite a few general guides floating around but they’re not very up to date and I couldn’t find one, so I’ll just jot down some basics for you starting from the very beginning!
So starting out in the tumblr rpc (roleplaying community) in 2017 is going to be daunting, I won’t lie to you. Everything’s changed and evolved so much that the community is very difficult to how it was before. But it’s still fun and wonderful if you know the right places/people!!
So the first thing is to decide if you want to create a specific account for your rp things -- I used to have one but it morphed into a general main blog because I’m lazy and I know a good chunk of the rpc do that now too, so it’s up to you! Most blogs with rpc urls tend to have “__writes” and put a character or a fandom or something?? like my first rpc url was persephonewrites and then i had cosettewrites and stuff like that when I wanted to change it
Having a blog like that is perfect if you’re wanting to 1x1, which is where you and one other person pick a plot (you can reblog plots to a specific tag to save them all on your blog) and then make sideblogs to your main account for your character and then one of you would post a starter and then you’d just reblog from each other and add replies!! I’d link you to my 1x1 blogs but they deleted when my blog got deleted ://
But with group rpg, things are very different!!
So you would go into the rp tag, which is a complete jumbled Mess, and you’d sift through all these groups looking for members - however, that can be difficult as there’s so many different types of group rpgs (appless, bio, skeleton, etc) that you’re better looking in the #lsrp tag, which is basically for more “literate” and “serious” groups rather than your general appless rp where you don’t have to write an application or ‘prove’ yourself as the character you want to take.
So you look in the #lsrp tag and you find a group you like, so you visit the page and everything - if it’s a bio rp, you’d read all the bios and if you found a character you would like to ‘play’ in the group, you check out the application form and fill it out and then submit it through your rp or main account. You would stick to the way the bio is written and the fc (the faceclaim/playby, who you use to visualise your character through photos and gifs when interacting with others) chosen, unless they say you can suggest an fc change to another person! Skeleton rps are where some of the info on the character can be given, but you’re expected to come up with a lot of it yourself and shape the character. OC rps are where you bring your own character you’ve made up and they have no input into it. Appless rps are where you can just send in a message, usually using some kind of format, and say which character you’d like or what your character is like and then you have the role, whereas app rps (the most common and traditional way to group rp) is where you would fill out their application form.
Rps like to set opening dates when they’re first opening, and then usually have fixed acceptance days and have ‘application counts’ where they can tell you if anyone else has applied for that same character, and then once they’ve accepted someone, they’ll post the name and who it is so you know if you’ve got that role or not. 
For group rpgs, you make a brand new acount for your character, and you set the url to something that references your character, whether its just the character name or whatever you want!! You’d then set a nice clean theme (you can search #character theme on tumblr or I’d rec any of these) and you give your blog an icon and make it look all pretty!! 
Here’s one of my old character blogs for reference, if this helps!
So you then there’s usually a ‘checklist’ page on the rpg that tells you what to do one you’ve been accepted, which is usually to make your account within a certain time period & then send the main rpg page a message letting them know this is your account. After that, you’d check their blogroll and follow all the other characters/members and you’d track the tags given which means you keep up to date on new starters, follows, unfollows, events, etc.
So then usually the general rule is you would go into the starter tag if the rp already started before you joined, and you’d check to see if there are any new starters. A starter is just a post by a member as their character, and you would reblog it and have your character interact with theirs! For example, here is a starter tag for one of my old rps! So you’d look in the starter tag for your rpg and the most recent posts or ones with no notes aka nobody interacting, you would reblog and write your character interacting with theirs through whatever scenario they had written.
Then, you can make your own starter. You can write whatever scenario you’d like, but it’s best to keep it vague enough to apply to everyone in your rpg! You’d then tag it in the starter tag and wait for people to reblog it.
Then, you just keep reblogging back and forth, picking up ‘threads’ of conversation and plot; this is how your character develops and the plot moves forward. You can also have prompts or events, where the main/admin will propose something within the general plot and then your character can react as it’s happening - events are usually like a party within the plot, or a fight or something?? They go on for up to two weeks to give you time to fully round out a good little arc within that event, and then you finish up those threads and can post new starters.
You want to make sure you’re cutting your replies so that you only see the other persons latest reply and your reply to it, so downloading XKit and using that to keep tumblr to the old reblog system is best!
Honestly, the best way to learn about Tumblr rpg is to go into the #rp and #lsrp tags and check out the groups, especially ones that are open and active, and seeing the members and how they operate! Here and here are my two old rps, and you can scroll through the blogrolls and see how the members interacted and stuff!
Okay, this is very jumbled and Messy but I hope this helped?? I’m writing it at half 12 and my brain is fuzzy so I’m so sorry if this doesn’t make an sense. If there’s anything in particular you’d like me to go over, please send me another message either through IMs or anonymously and I’ll go over things in greater detail! Starting out is always scary, but the rpc can be lovely and if you find the right group and people, they’ll welcome you in and make sure you’re okay!! It’s perfectly okay to make mistakes and mess up, too, so don’t feel you have to know everything!
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