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bittersweet-mojo · 9 months ago
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I am not a prey animal.
168 notes · View notes
thatspaceace · 5 years ago
⚠Warning, latest Sanders sides episode spoilers⚠
My friend @onelongboy and I rewatched the latest Sanders Sides episode a few days ago and decided to think about it. We started by looking at what people have said on tumblr and came across a post by @metatoshi about the code. But I will get to that later.
We had started with Janus' name. We looked up the meaning and got that Janus is a Roman god of two faces and transitions. We looked up the meaning of the other sides and their orgins too.
Virgil was a very famous poet. He had twin descendents that were named Romolus and Remus, the creativity twins.
In the twins story, Romulus and Remus had a fight because they were trying to see who could find the most birds. Remus said he found 6 and Romolus said he found 12. Remus accused Romulus of cheating since Remus said he had seen 6 first. Romulus was upset and built a wall between the two. Remus went over the wall and was them killed by his brother.
This is where Janus comes in. When Romulus and kis men were kidnapping the Sabine woman, Janus had made a volcanic spring erupt, killing many of Romulus's men. Romulus then started to respect Janus and worshiped him.
This is where things change. Patton and Logan are not Roman names.
Patton comes from the name Pattrick. Saint Pattrick was famous for the comi ng of Christianity. This could also be seen as change. Logan is also of Irish origin. Logan means mountain, hinting that he may be needed for other to build off of.
From the understanding of their names we started to see how they are connected. Virgil is the start of everything. His descendants founded Rome. One of those descendents had a run in with the god Janus. Many years later, Pattrick came in and changed everything to Christianity. Sometime after the change Logan became a name meaning mountain to hold everything up.
After connecting everything, we figured maybe the sides appeared in the same order as they did in history. The sides were not a huge deal until anxiety became to much to handle. Thomas needed somewhere to channel his anxiety, creating the creativity twins. They might have gotten along well until an argument and the twins built a metaphorical wall separating them. When Roman caused a problem, Janus did what he could to make it right by taking care of Remus. When this eventually became top much for Thomas Patton appeared, making a huge change in Thomas' life. Patton needed someone to rely on so he created Logan, his mountain or his rock.
Once we had gotten here, we started looking deeper into the names.
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These are some pictures of the paper we used for a visual.
First we started with a color wheel. We looked at the opposites. Roman and Remus are the obvious opposites. But then you have Virgil and Janus. We figured mayby Virgil isn't comfortable with lying in case someone figures out that Thomas is lying. But then we have blue and orange. The would mean that Logan and Patton are the opposite of the possible new side. We didnt really know where to go from this so this is where we got into the names.
We noticed that Patton and Virgil are the only sides that have 6 letters. Their males also dont have the same ending as anyone else. IL and ON not US or AN. We thought maybe these two sides are more important and possibly closser to Thomas than the rest.
Rather than it being just Virgil being the first side, maybe it was Patton and Virgil. Once Patton couldn't help Virgil with his anxiety as effectively, Virgil created the twins. From there the same as mentioned before with the twins story and Janus coming in. With all of the other sides becoming a lot for Patton, he made Logan as his metaphorical rock.
Then we wanted to see if there was more to Virgil and Patton that we were missing. This is where the code comes in.
I read a book recently where you make an alphabet revolving around your name. You get each letter of your name without repeats and write it down. When you finish your name, you continue the alphabet from the last letter and don't repeat any of the letters.
We decided to use an alphabet for both Patton and Virgil. We used the regular alphabet and found a corresponding number for Virgil's name. We had gotten 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12. We put these numbers into Virgil's alphabet and got e, p, a, n, p, t. From here we used those letters and went to see what the matching number would be in Patton's alphabet, getting 16, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3. We put these numbers into the regular alphabet and ended up with p, a, b, e, a, c. We didn't know where to go with this so we stopped with that there.
But that's not where we stopped with the importance of names. We then used another page to write the regular alphabet and Thomas' alphabet. We wrote the name of every side twice so that We would be able to use both alphabets.
We used the regular alphabet to get Virgil's numbers. His numbers were 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12. When we plugged his numbers into Thomas' alphabet getting l, w, g, u, w, z. We did the same thing but starting with Thomas' alphabet.
Here is a list of the results:
Virgil 1- 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12 and l, w, g, u, w, z.
Virgil 2- 8, 19, 26, 18, 19, 22 and i, s, z, r, s, v.
Roman 1- 18, 15, 13, 1, 14 and g, d, b, t, c.
Roman 2- 26, 3, 4, 5, 23 and z, c, d, e, w.
Patton 1- 16, 1, 20, 20, 15, 14 and e, t, j, j, d, c.
Patton 2- 23, 5, 1, 1, 3, 2 and x, e, a, a, c, b.
Logan 1- 12, 15, 7, 1, 14 and z, d, u, t, c.
Logan 2- 22, 3, 18, 5, 23 and v, c, r, e, w.
Remus 1- 18, 5, 13, 21, 19 and g, a, b, k, i.
Remus 2- 26, 16, 4, 7, 6 and z, p, d, g, f.
Janus 1- 10, 1, 14, 21, 19 and x, t, c, k, i.
Janus 2- 20, 5, 23, 7, 6 and t, e, w, g, f.
Thomas 1- 20, 8, 15, 13, 1, 19 and j, v, d, b, t, i.
Thomas 2- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and a, b, c, d, e, f.
We wanted to see if there was something that all the sides had in common but there was nothing that EVERY side shared. There were some letters that a few of the sides had in common. s, t, e, c, and a. We couldn't think of anything significant about those numbers so we left that there.
Here we started to pay more attention to Thomas' name. In Thomas 1 (as seen above) he had the letters j, v, d, b, t, and i. In Thomas 2 we had the letters a, b, c, d, e, f. We decided to see what letters we could connect to the sides and came up with:
J- Janus
V- Virgil
D- Duke
T- Thomas
I- Intelligence (Logan)
A- Anxiety
C- Creativity
F- Father-figure (Patton)
We noticed that there were only 3 actual names: Janus, Virgil, and Thomas. So we decided to look into their names again:
Janus 1- 10, 1, 14, 21, 19 and x, t, c, k, i.
Janus 2- 20, 5, 23, 7, 6 and t, e, w, g, f.
Virgil 1- 22, 9, 18, 7, 9, 12 and l, w, g, u, w, z.
Virgil 2- 8, 19, 26, 18, 19, 22 and i, s, z, r, s, v.
Thomas 1- 20, 8, 15, 13, 1, 19 and j, v, d, b, t, i.
Thomas 2- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and a, b, c, d, e, f.
We looked through all of the names to see what they had in common and only found similarities in Janus and Thomas. e, f, t, and i. We used the corresponding numbers in the regular alphabet and got the new letters e, f, a, and s. When you put those numbers backwards it spells 'safe'
So going back to what we had thought earlier, we had thought that Virgil was an origional side, the cause of the rest of the sides.
We thought that Virgil might be an evil side and maybe Janus is trying to protect Thomas from Virgil. Virgil is associated with spiders, meaning that he has six arms to use. And spiders have string and can have a 'web of lies'. Virgil had just enough arms to control everyone. If there is a 7th side, Virgil has exactally enough arms for everyone.
So going back to the names. Patton and Roman are the only sides that don't have a letter of Virgil's name in their 'first new name'. Throughout the series Roman doesn't like Virgil, meaning that Virgil isn't able to keep him undwe control very well. Roman might have been trying to get rid of Virgil because Roman knows what Virgil is doing to Thomas. Patton on the other hand is trying to reason with all of the sides including Virgil.
From here we thought that the new side would be able to stop Virgil from doing something bad. Janus might have been the only side that could get Thomas to feel 'safe' around the new side.
But then we went back to the names. We noticed that h was the only letter of Thomas' name that wasn't in anyone's 'new names'.
We decided we would try to find the h. We used Thomas' house and found the corresponding number in the regular alphabet getting 8 Which is v in Thomas' alphabet. We had gone back and fourth between the alphabets for a while before we had gotten h.
We then used those letters and translated them I to Thomas' alphabet. We ended up with only 2 numbers that didn't appear in both. h and w. We found the corresponding letters. In both alphabets adding them together, getting 11 and 31. We decided to add these and subtract them ending up with 42 and 20. We simplified 42 into 16. From here we found each letter in both alphabets and ended up with j, t, p, and e.
Three of those letters were similar to some names. Janus, Thomas, and Janus.
At this point we thought maybe we were wrong about Virgil being bad. He may be trying to protect Thomas from something (or someone). Janus might still be the only side that can make Thomas feel safe but where does that leave Patton?
That led us to thinking that maybe Virgil /and/ Patton were the first sides. Thomas needed somewhere to channel his anxiety, causing the Creative twins. And Patton needed someone to rely on, making Logan, his 'rock'. Roman betrayed Remus, causing Janus to show up.
This just leaves the new side and their origin. We think that the name might start with an e because that is the only letter that we don't have a corresponding name for.
Thanks for reading,
- Nova 💜🖤🤍
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"minnesota fire insurance surcharge
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for a day/week for a learner
Hey, basically i am going to take my practical test in a couple of weeks (14th) and im taking it in my car, i was just wondering if there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for just a day or a week for learner drivers. if so what companys and how much am i looking to have to pay, thanks""
Coverage characteristics of health insurance?
What are some of the coverage characteristics of health insurance
How much would I pay for my yearly motorcycle insurance?
Thank you for your time. I am a 18 year old freshman university student living in Canada and I am really interested in buying a new motorcycle. I recently got my M1 and I will be going for my M2 next, so I am still kinda inexperienced. I looked at a few motorcycle websites and a couple of them read that motorcycle insurance is affected by age, experience, driving record, bike engine, etc. I figured that a medium sized engine probably wouldn't cost too much so I looked at a bike with 600cc. I am not worried about the initial cost of the bike since my scholarship money out-pays my tuition and housing by an excess of $4000. Also, I have had no history of accidents in cars or anything. I was wondering, based on my history and my status, what would be a good approximation of the yearly insurance I would have to pay given that I am a student and I am looking at a 600cc bike? Any input is appreciated.""
Best car insurance for college students?
I need to know what the cheapeast car insurance is... ....
""Can anybody suggest an affordable health insurance company for a low income, young man?""
I would really like to have the ability to go to the doctor when I need. But, I can't seem to see the necessity of having health insurance. Being it so expensive, and that I so rarely need to seek medical attention. On the other hand, the clinic in town will not schedule appointments for anyone without insurance. I would like to be more concious about my physiological self with the advice of a medical practitioner. But, not at the cost of hundreds of dollars a month, which I can't afford. Its just not in the cards. HELP!""
Is homeowners responsible or car insurance?
The brakes on my aunt's car went out and when she turned into her driveway she hit the house. SHe is fine both airbags came out, but now the home owners says they will not pay and the car insurance say they will not pay. They said if someone else had hit the house they would. Can anyone give me some insight to the iNSURANCE industry.""
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
Should we cancel our whole life insurance policy?
we bought a whole life policy for a couple of years ago b/c we liked the safety of not losing our money(the way u do w/ term)--anyway we have since learned that u don't make any money this way and it's better to take those premiums and put them in better returning investments. we already have a huge chunk of money in this whole life policy that will be down the toilet if we cancel. what should we do? can we convert it back to term?
Question about insurance?
im getting out on my parents insurance soon when i get a car, and they want me to buy a small truck which the insurance would be about $130 a month, and they dont want me getting a littlte car, about how much more would my insurance be on like a stock 93 del sol or something similar""
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
Car insurance?!!HELPPPP?
I'm from Chicago, IL. i don't know how Chicago road law operate so i hope u guys will help me out a bit.i just found out that my car insurance had stop it coverage with me for the last 3 month for whatever reason. I just called them today to reopen up my account again and the new insurance card is being sent home. today Can i still drive my car even if i don't have a actually insurance card in the car? if a police does stop me and ask for my insurance, can i say that it's being mail home and if he/she don't believe me, they can called my insurance agent??""
Should my 85 year old grandparents but life insurance?
I am very upset with this insurance company who sold my 85 year old grandfather some life insurance. He gets $5000 worth for $91 per month! what a rip-off! They REALLY want to buy some insurance . does anyone know the best option for them? Please help!
Car insurance rate (red light ticket!)?
Sorry if this is too long, but i really need help! I just got a ticket for turning right on red w/o stopping in WA state. i googled and know that insurance companies don't often check driving record. unless when you make some change to your policy, make a claim or every 2 renewal cycles? my questions are: -How long does it take for my insurance company to notice this if i don't make any changes to my policy or make a claim within 3 yrs (this will stay on my record for 3 yrs right?)??? -Usually how long is ONE renewal cycle in car insurance? -If i tick the mitgation hearing option, and explain the infraction to the judge and he/she reduce my penalty, Does that mean the record will stay on me shorter? the penalty money will reduced? and hopeful insurance company will not increase my rate? -I am a student and I am cover under my dad's insurance, so if they increase my rate, does that mean the whole amount of premium increase or just my part? PS: if this help, my insurance company is American Family Insurance. I just switch to it 3 months ago.""
Can car insurance take money even if i cancelled the policy?
I cancelled my car insurance but they took the monthly premium and another pay ment and have not paid it back like they said they would i am now overdrawn on my bank account and getting charges!
What does comprehensive car insurance cover?
I caused damaged to my own car, scraping it against a wall while driving out of a car park. The damage was done near the rear tyres and on my door and quotes I've received were all above the 900 range. My standard excess fees are $725, I was wondering if having comprehensive insurance (with AAMI Insurance) does that cover damage done to your OWN car? (I pay $2,500 annually for insurance) and there was no third party involvement, it was just a driving error. Would my insurance fix up my car even if it was entirely my fault?""
How can I lower my auto insurance rate in California?
Details: Licensed at 19/Now 25yrs old. I have a clean record but can't afford full coverage because it's in the thousands. Is it pricey for me because I'm Asian? I don't get it, I hear about people being fully covered for a whole year for less than $1200, but I only have basic coverage and I'm paying $1100 per year. Can anyone help?""
English c european car insurance???
I am with tesco which doesnt offer euro car insurance so I'm wondering if theres a company that you can just buy cover for like a month or something without buying the full year?
Need advice on car insurance excess cost?
I had a bad accident yesterday morning and I payed to bring my car home but I didn't inform my insurance company yet because I haven't got the excess fee at the moment. The car seems to be a write off according to the police and the locals who helped me while I was in shock but will there be a problem if I waited a few days until I have the excess cost ready then I'll tell the insurance company what happened? It wasnt my fault and also the traffic lights were out of order at that junction as this person came at high speed hitting my car at the left corner sending me flying towards the road to the right and onto the pavement. I've gathered pictures of everything for evidence. But the problem is at the moment I cant afford the excess fee, If i let the insurance company know will they ask me to pay right away?""
Why do red cars go hand in hand with a high auto insurance bill????
Red cars always get a high insurance rate. Not all red cars are sporty or fast so why is this?
Proof of insurance issue (Houston)?
I received a ticket while visiting in Houston for not having a valid TX license and for a traffic violation. The ticket costs over $300, but I would like to take a driving class to lower the cost and avoid a points penalty. I was driving my friend's car when I got pulled over. She has insurance for her car and she was with me, but since I was driving, I got the ticket. I am currently not an any insurance policy and I need to send in the defensive driving course request with proof of insurance. Is it okay to send the insurance of her car? Please help. PS. I already took care of the license part. Thank you.""
People are force to pay for car insurance but been force to pay for health insurance is a problem?
You get fine for not having car insurance, car will get impounded, n you can go to jail for it also. Where is the logic here?""
Best health insurance plan available for 2+1 family?
My family is 2+1, I need best health insurance plan in all aspect such as premium, service, facilities etc.. Suggestion needed""
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker?
Is it any difference between Insurance agent and broker
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
Cheap insurance?
my 20yo son has 6 points and no ncb its his 1st car can anyone tell me a insurance company who not charge him a fortune please...........
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
What is the diversion program for a possession of marijuana while driving a car and how much does it cost ?
This happened in Los Angeles CA i got pulled over and the police officer found a small ending of a marijuana joint it was just a burnt piece of paper. My court date is next week and i dont want my insurance to go up so do I ask for the diversion program or what ?? what would be the best thing to do?
Insurance and tottalling cars.?
well my husband totaled our car and we havent done anything with the insurance people yet and im wondering are they going to cover losing our car if we have the lowest insurance on a car that we are still paying payments on??
I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?
I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!""
What is the cheapest n nastiest car insurance I can possibly take out?
I'm 26, just got my license, have 0 years no claims bonus... What is the cheapest car insurance I can get? I don't care if they cover me for hardly anything... Also will they insure me on a Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR 2000 I want the cheapest of the cheap guys!! Suggestions??""
What determines how much the unemployed/disabled get paid?
I have to type up a report on unemployment insurance/diability insurance. I can't find out what determines their pay. Any help or resources would be greatly appreciated :) Also I need to interview an unemployment insurance agent. I don't know where to find one?
Insurance problems?
hi were looking at buying a new car we have full comp insurance on our car and are covered to drive any car the car were looking at has mot and tax vut no insurance as we checked with the mib web site, can we still drive it using our own car insurance for the car we have now or do we need to insure it on it's own we haven't got a new car yet but still looking wanted advice before we got a new car many thanks for any advice and best wishes diane xx""
Best renters insurance in california?
Best renters insurance in california?
Can a good credit score get you cheaper insurance?
Can a good credit score really lower your insurance rates?
How much home insurance should I get?
I just bought a house for about $180,000. I am looking for homeowners' insurance, but I am confused as to how much I should get. Should I insure for just the replacement cost of rebuilding the structure, or for the % of the mortgage I am financing. I got 3 different quotes, and they were for $396, $502, and $858. The lowest one was for $396 b/c it was with my car insurance company, but they will only insure the cost of rebuilding the structure, which they estimate as $110,000 (the house is small and in a decent neighborhood.) The second company wanted to insure me for that, but I got them to quote me on $140,000. That amount, when you add in the 25% overflow they allow you, meets the 90% of the mortgage amount I am financing. The 1st company would not do that for me. The 3rd quote was for $140,000, and was with the people w/whom I have had renter's insurance for 12 years. The only difference was that there was not a wind damage deductible of 2% on the 3rd quote. My loan officer says to just get enough insurance to rebuild the structure. How much insurance should I get?""
Would a BMW Z3 be expensive for a teens insurance?
Would a BMW Z3 be expensive for a teens insurance?
Why are our insurance rates going to go up again?
When Obama pushed his Affordable Care Act, he said that insurance premiums for families would go down. Last year mine went up. Now that the plan will be put in place fully next ...show more""
What insurance company should I choose for my car?
I just got dropped from state farm because of high risk and I'm looking for something affordable for a college student/ musician. I have to get full coverage as well. What is a cheap company I can go with that's not going to screw me over or anything?
Can i get motorcycle insurance without a license?
i live in massachusetts and was wondering if i could get insurance without having a motorcycle or car license all i have is a permit but i do not know if i can get insurance thanks
Anyone know where my husband can get dental work done with no insurance?
he is in a huge amount of pain and nothing is working anymore he has even went as far as rinsing his mouth out with peroxide! [ i know right!] but any how we don't have dental insurance and i was wondering is there anywhere he can go like a free clinic or something? we live in East bay California any help would be great thanks! no rude comments please
Would car insurance be expensive for a Mazda RX-8?
expensive being around sportscar/ muscle car range or like a regular cars insurance?
Airplane Insurance Cost?
How much will airplane insurance cost a student pilot? Do I need insurance to rent a plane? What if I buy my own cessna skyhawk while I am a student?
Backed into something. Will insurance rates go up?
Today I backed into something in my car. It did slight damage to the rear bumper but nothing else. Could I choose to file this through my Insurance, and would this make my rates go up? I'm 18. Thanks""
How much would it cost me to get a basic insurance for an used R1?
In London?I' m 41 years old,i ' ve hold my driving licence since 1994 and i'm getting it converted into the UK one .""
Why does having access to more than 1 car put your insurance premium up?
I'm trying to get insured on my mums car, the quotes on insurance comparison websites are higher when I mention that she is insured on somebody else car though...""
""I recently got a dui in florida, I'm 19 and i'd like to know what does everyone pay for their sr22 insurance?""
trying to find cheap sr22 insurance, i juss read that its going to be required that i have it in order to reinstate my license. Been lookin around online for quotes and I was wondering what other people in similar situations are paying monthly and by which carrier. Thanks""
Do you hav to hav insurance to drive a car?
well i might buy a cheap old car (one that i dont have to worry about scratching or dinting) but do i HAVE to get insurance? and what other stuff do i HAVE to get like tax and what not and how much does all that cost?
Where can I find the cheapest car insurance?
I'm living in Arkansas (working in Texas and in Arkansas). I'm an 18 year old male. I need to obtain FULL coverage on a 2000 Mazda Protege. The cheapest quote I had found (through Geico I believe) is $585/month for full coverage.. that's over $7000 a year... I have two tickets on my record. That quote was done without listing any tickets at all. I work 65 hours a week, so the only place I really drive is to my jobs and back. Unfortunately, I need a car in a hurry.. which means I'm going to finance one, which means full coverage is required. Any recommendations on places to get quotes from aside from geico and progressive?""
Questions about car insurance?
I understand that I will need car insurance and when I do get my first car my insurance will be high (I'm 17). My parents don't drive, so I can't rely upon them. Tell me if I'm wrong and help me out... 1. So the big picture of car insurance is that if I get into an accident, the money I put for my car will be paid for with the money I put in? 2. Will car insurance cover anything I do with the car? (Such as swapping parts, oil change, etc.) 3. Why does insurance quotes matter? Doesn't the more you pay the better coverage you have? Why do you need to save money? Are they trying to make you pay less so you if your accident can't be paid fully, you will pay with some other type? 4. How much will insurance supposedly cost? My first part-time job will only pay approx. 30k a year, I don't know how much I'll lose. 5. Does the type of car affect how much I will pay? (Hopefully, but I will be getting a Scion FR-S automatic) 6. Which car insurance company is mostly recommended for teenagers? Thanks for your help!""
If I provisionally insure myself then will my insurance be cheaper when I pass?
I'm 17 and I was wondering if I bought provisional insurance on my car then would it be cheaper to insure after I pass than it would if i didn't have it?
What value does insurance companies go by to determine if car is totaled or not?
I have 2001 honda civic ex with 140,600 miles on it. I recently wrecked it and the body work, paint, and labor is coming up to $3900. There is some work under the hood that needs to be done, but I was told to get a seperate estimate for that and contact the insurance company. How much does the repairs have to amount to before the car is considered totaled???""
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
Can my car insurance company do this?
I have recently been involved in an accident which i was at fault. My car is written off so they said they will pay out 3,000 for my car minus 250 excess on the policy. so i am left with 2,750 but they said because my insurance was renewed two weeks ago they will deduct my remaining 11 month insurance premium. So I am only left with 900. can my insurance company to that?""
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Can i sue a car insurance company?
Heres the story, me and 5 friends were driving from Los Angeles to Bakersfield in the middle of the night, it was really rainy, i was in the backseat sleeping. My friend hit a puddle and hydroplaned, cleared 3 lanes and we rolled 5 times down a hill and slid into a field, everyone was ok miraculously. I sustained minor injury, had cuts and bruises all over. Was out of work for a week on doctors note, but was really out longer because i work at lowes.....im lifting heavy stuff all day and i couldnt move well at all for weeks this happened all in November, it is now may and i just got a letter in the mail from my friends insurance stating that there is a possibility they wont pay my medical bills in full and i should consider other options pretty much How the hell do i handle this?""
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
A rough price of my insurance?
I was wondering how much will it cost for me to insure a 1.4-1.6L car.
Question on car insurance?
My grandmother passed away, and on her car insurance, my uncle was the primary driver. Since my grandmother died and my uncle was on the policy as the primary driver, would it be ok to leave her name on the policy? We want to leave her name on it cause its the last thing that she got in her name, kind of a sentimental thing. But would it be ok to leave her name on the policy since my uncle is the primary driver? i have State Farm insurance if you need to know.""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
I keep trying to find a cheap car insurance as a new driver but the cheapest I get is bloody 3000 pounds .
Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck?
Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck AND it was NOT my fault? This is what happened: I was completely stopped because everyone else in front of me stopped in the middle of the road (some idiot in the front slammed on the brakes). A lady rams my rear end because she wasn't paying attention. My car got damaged, her's didn't. How do I go about claiming it? Is her insurance company going to pay for my repairs? Do I need to contact my insurance company at all? I don't want to pay anything and I don't want my rate to go up. Something I was planning to do way before all this happen was to change insurance companies because I can get the same coverage for less with someone else. Now if I tell my current insurance company that I was in a wreck and it was not my fault, would my new insurance company give me a higher rate than what I would've gotten if I didn't tell my insurance company?""
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
High insurance on car?
Ok so I really don't know much about cars or insurance and I really want this (Nissan 350z) but someone told me it has high insurance ..what do they mean by that? If my car gets damaged it will cost more to repair? Idk..someone help though!
Auto insurance for Toyota celica gts 2000?
I am getting my license on my 18th birthday and I am planning on getting a celica. The car will be on my dad name, and he's over 25yrs old. I want to know the rates of auto insurance for a sport car vs me getting a regular 4 doors. I just got a quote today and the guy told me that my insurance could be $116 a month for the celica with progressive please help me make my decision ty""
""Ninja 250 kawasaki Insurance rate,?""
I live in Canada ontario, and am 18, and i talked to my parents about getting a motorcycle today which they had no complaints about as its my money. Etc. Yet my dad said the insurance would be Higher than car insurance which im really worried about if i do get myself a sportsbike, my first one being a ninja 250, not sure what year but im going to get it used for sure and resell it at a later time. Basically, ill be 18 by the time i get my ninja 250, and would like to know the range of insurance for each month, thanks. Or point me in the right direction where i can check.""
How much would it cost to make an insurance comparison site?
I live in a place that doesn't currently have a good insurance comparison site. I have little experience with website design and costing. I would be looking for a good quality site, comparing 4 markets and 6-8 companies for each.""
""If I do not have health insurance in Fremont, California, and I want to deliver a baby?""
how do I deliver it with low income, also, if you are going to suggest Tri City, is that good, what are your experiences with that place? I think it is Tri Shitty. Also, what else do you suggest besides Tri City? Please help me I am one month pregnant and need to figure out where to deliver a baby Also, I just wanted to mention if you are pregnant and applying for health insurance do not tell them that you are, they refuse you flat, just tell your doctor the truth about your missed period date at your first appointment, fight with this backwards health insurance country""
If I show proof of insurance?
I was driving my car on the clock. I use my vehicle as a work vehicle. Anyways I was sent to the store to purchase sodas. when I tapped a vehicle on the rear bumper. We pulled over and exchanged information. And later found out that my own insurance was expired. Am I covered. By work or can I purchase insurance after the fact. And still be okay?
Insurance claims car was stolen but police report doesn't?
my car was hit about 5 months ago and the police report was filed. i received my copy of the police report and it doesn't state the car was stolen. now my insurance company is claiming, 5 months later, that the car that hit me was stolen. can this happen? how do i know the insurance company isn't making this up so that they wont pay me back for my deductible? thanks!""
Car insurance cost monthly?
Hi, I'm a newbie at this and maybe I should call my dad and just get the answer but he's kinda busy atm. How much does car insurance cost monthly or during a 6 month ...show more""
""Insurance problem, auto?
recently took a new job in Canada as a social worker and tried to add business coverage on my vehicle. I was told by my insurance company that this would be commercial because there is some risk I would have kids in the car. I called another company who told me it is just business. The initial company is cancelling my policy as they do not offer commercial insurance which they claim I require. They are not cancelling it for any negative reasons but will this cancellation show up and effect my rates even though it is not my fault. I tried to add the correct insurance but they did not have it so they are cancelling me. Other companies say I do not need commericial coverage so I should be ok with business but because there is a this cancellation I worry. I know if you have a cancellation for things like non payment or tickets it will impact you but what about this?
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old male in Alabama?
Please only educated, backed-up answers.""
I need health insurance?
i am a student in college from the ages of 18-26 looking for a affordable health insurance..
How much did your insurance go up?
I am unemployed. My wife has me, our son, and herself on her job group rate medical insurance. Up to October this year, for the last 10 years, she pays $79.00 per month for medical ...show more""
About how much would insurance be on a used 2005 Ford Mustang per year?
I'm a male. I live in Reno, NV It has 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission 2 wheel drive - rear The car cost $10,880""
Liability Insurance for an Electrician?
I am an electrician and would like to get liability insurance because I do a lot of jobs on my own. Where can I find this? And is there an inexpensive plan? I live in New Hampshire.
Can AAA raise my Homeowners insurance rate by $300 for the next 3 years?
My property was stolen from the backseat of my car. AAA is saying if they pay out more than $750 (including my co-pay) then my Homeowners insurance will be raised by $300 for the next 3 years and it will be a point on my property. Is this right/legal??
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
Insurance RSX vs S2000?
Hi there, my dad is planning to buy me a car by the latest the last week of March. I asked him for an RSX simply because I like the reliability of a civic, but i feel that a civic is under powered. So I'm opting for an RSX. No, i will not be getting the type S because I know insurance rapes you for it. Well my dad said he'd rather buy me an S2000. I think it's cause he wants to drive it around so my mom doesn't have to nag at him for buying a sports car. I was wondering how the RSX BASE model will compare to the S2000? I know the Type S RSX's insurance is much higher than the S2000. I was wondering how about the Base model? My dad will be helping me with gas and insurance up until I graduate which will be in a few months. So I just want to start being smart about everything. Please help!""
Renters insurance?
What is a good company to have renters insurance through, that is still pretty cheap?""
How much would the insurance cost on a 50 cc moped for an 18 year old?
I know that insurance can vary dramatically.....but it would be good if someone had a rough estimate...and are there and insurance compare sites that don't require the number plate of the bike and the liscence number and stuff ?
Car insurance claim?
Around a month ago already my passenger side car window got shattered. It's still intact, just completely spidered out. I had been on my thirty minute break from work and parked near the grass side of my apartments. My window was actually rolled down half way too. While inside my apartments ( we live on the first floor very near to where my car was parked) I remember a guy mowing the lawn around the apartments. When I went back outside to go back to work I had saw my window. We know for a fact that the lawn mowing guy ran over a rock and it had hit my window, but we didn't actually see it. Again, my window was rolled down a bit so if someone wanted to break in they could have. I have called the apartments on several occasions and they said they would get back to me on the lawn mowing company so I can make a claim. Still never have. This was almost a month ago. What can I do? If anything since I didn't physically see it? I also only have liability coverage on that car.""
How much is car insurance for a new driver?
How much would car insurance cost in BC in a rural area for a 17 year (new driver). Thanks. The car would be a mustang from 1995-2001
Best way to insure my boots are kept in good condition.?
I just bought some nike hypervenoms and received them today. I just started breaking them in today by just walking around my house but I really want to make sure I take good care of them. I usually take really good care of my boots, but I just want some good tip and maybe some good product as well to use. I know my mom won't be happy buying me new boots after buying these ones, so I want to insure the longest life I can out of these.""
""Having a driver's license, but no car? Insurance question.?""
I'm 18 years old and currently have my driver's license and pay car insurance on it under my parents insurance plan. I want to know if it's possible to sell my car and stop paying for the car insurance. Is it possible to have a drivers license, but not be paying for insurance? I wont be driving any cars, I'm going to get a motorcycle. I live in Florida.""
Cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
I am 18 and just passed my test. Any one know of any really cheap insurers that i can go with?
Why is car insurance so expensive for an 18 year old?
I was looking at quotes and they all range from 1000-1400 just for six months on a Nissan Sentra SR-E spec v. Which insurance is the cheapest and you would recommend. Its for a college student just for school and work.
Allstate Insurance Price Estimate?
I was wondering what the price of a 1993 2.3 L V4 Mustang LX would be for a 17 year old male would be with less than 100K miles on it
How does a wrecked car loan payoff (by insurance company) affect credit score?
I have a car that I have a loan on that has been wrecked. Since the bank owns the car, I have full coverage & insurance is writing it off. They are going to cut a check to the bank for the balance due on the car. I have so far paid this loan on time; it has been rebuilding my credit. When the loan is paid off by insurance, will I get more points to my score since the loan was technically paid off early? Or will I only gain based on my status as paid ontime at this point?""
Is this a new car insurance con?
Just tried to get car insurance through that confusing website. We chose the cheapest one and when we went to pay for it, the swines said error phone this number bla bla bla . So we phone up and they add another 35 onto the quoted price. Of course we said on your nelly . Is this a typical con? Have you experienced that?""
What kind of insurance do used car dealerships have and how much does it cost?
I looking to start up a small used car dealership. What type of insurance do I need and what would it cost me Im only looking to open a small lot with about 5-8 cars at a time thanks
Car Insurance / Case is not resolved / New Insurance?
Hi I had car accident about year and a half ago. My case went to court and it is still not resolved.I haven't been driving since that time. I bought a car now and I want to insure it. How does it look with the insurance companies ? there is no option to choose when you do insurance quote online.
I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and no insurance?
Is there any doctor of Rheumatologists in Las Vegas that accept cash payments for people who have no insurance?
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
Why is my insurance going up?
I've been working with my employer for 7 years, as of right now I have employee & spouse coverage, I pay about 150 a month (auto deduct from paycheck) and that amount gets me a $5000 deductible and about a $25-$30 co-pay. this morning in a company meeting we were told that our insurance is going to go up (starting June 1st) now for employee and spouse it is going to be $410 a month (everything else the same as before co-pay and deductible) last year my hubby had some medical issues and we have about $7000 in medical bills (on a payment plan we pay $400 a month) so now when my new rate kicks in (in about a week) I will have to pay a total of $800 a month just for medical stuff... I can't afford this. my employer is very upset and wants to shop around but has been shopping around for 8 months now and can't find anything better than this. why is health insurance rising?? I am thinking about dropping myself from health insurance all together (I am 31 and healthy), also i plan on getting rid of my cable and internet (which would save $140 a month), my husband (with medical issues) will get health insurance through his work (about $160-$200 a month) and I will go without for a couple of years just so we can keep our heads above water... I just have a question about my plan of action- can I drop my Health insurance? will I get fined for opting out of health insurance when Obamacare goes into action next year?""
Is American Family Insurance a good insurance company?
Currently I have State Farm on my car and EMC on my house. I found out I would save money if I switched both insurances to American Family Insurance. I was wondering if this would be a good choice?
Is it true that if some one borrows your car and they don't have their own insurance they are uninsured?
If they don't have their own car and insurance and you just have basic liability are they driving uninsured and could get fined if pulled over. Please advise
Would my car be an insurance write off?
my automatic gearbox has gone on my car and cost of repair is 4000 supplied and fitted this is more than the cost of the car please help
Why is car insurance so much money for seventeen year old males?
my daughters boyfreind has just passed his driving test, he has been quoted 5000 for his insurance by car insurers. is this true, or is it a joke.""
Why has my health insurance coverage gotten worse under the Affordable Care Act?
This was supposed to be affordable, but it's making everything worse!""
Im 17 and pregnant where can i get affordable prenatal care in las vegas?
i dont yet have medicaid because my mom needs to take me off of her insurance...i just need to know where i can get either free or affordable prenatal care in las vegas...i dont need ...show more
""Low cost health insurance, where can I find some?
I am able to squeeze 150 dollars out of our family budget for a monthly health insurance. I would like to be able to choose a doctor. I live in Florida. I'd like any help and ...show more
Where to find affordable auto insurance?
I have a 2002 Mi Gallant ES , I have had my full coverage insurance for over a year now but its currently 160$ a month and I would like to find something more affordable , any ideas? all comments and suggestions are appreciated BTW: Ive never had any tickets or accidents or a lapse in coverage I am 22 years old Thanks in advance!""
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
minnesota fire insurance surcharge
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