#tumblr hiatus is sumn else
hotboygucciglockboy · 2 years
Tag how many mutuals you want to ask these 33 questions to
tagged by @kyameron 🤝
1).Name and nickname: Andre. My true friends say Andre The Giant, but few and far in between.
2).meaning of your tumblr username: black kray lyrics. 98 flameboy
3).What is one dream you have yet to accomplish?: travel, but before that i want to own a home.
4).What accomplishment are you most proud of?: moving out to texas on my own.
5).What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?: at rolling loud 2015 a group of friends and i left the venue and got back in line with a duplicated vip email and got back in successfully.
6).What type of music are you into?: mostly rap/ hip hop but there’s an appreciation for a bit of everything.
7).What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: i’m suppressing all of that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8).What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?: that i’m off and can’t explain why.
9).If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?: i want my health intact. a steady stream of income and the ability to protect those i love most.
10).If you had superpowers, which one would you have and why?: i would either be a stand user or have baki’s strength and fighting ability.
11).What is the strongest animal you could win against with just your bare hands and feet?: i would destroy a crab fr.
12).What is your strongest qualities?: i think patience is my strongest quality. i’m working on empathy as well.
13).What's the best advice a family member gave you growing up?: my mom told me “there’s nothing worth taking your life.” i think about that often.
14).if you could have an one night stand with anybody who would it be?..it could even be an mutual if you like or celebrity: 🤐🤐🤐
15).Ethnicity & Nationality and do you take pride in it?: Alexa; play Black & Proud by Robb Bank$
16).hobbies or talents: i like to play video games mostly. no standout talents :/
17).what is your fashion style: i’m on the fringes of street wear. haven’t had any new shit since 2019 fr.
18).What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you?: i couldn’t tell you honestly.
19)..are you an lover or fighter: it could go either way.
20).If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?: Earl or The Dude.
21).What problem are you currently grappling with?: self image and things that deeply affected me in the past.
22).What's your favorite physical attribute about yourself?: my hair and shape. wish i were a bit more muscular tho.
23).What hobby/talent have you always wanted to develop?: i want to produce music, or get better at gloving. but FL studio is $200 away!
24).What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?: chewing gum, a life saver if you get heartburn…
25).what is one thing you would change about yourself: i wish i had thicker skin.
26).What personality traits did you get from your parents?: i’m quiet and soft spoken, i think i get that from my mom.
27).Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?: shit seems easier when you “go with the flow” but that can land you in some shit if you aren’t careful. but being in control is another form of pressure. let’s meet in the middle.
28).What are your phobias?: heights, car accidents. bodily harm in general.
29).What qualities do you want in a partner who will be with you for the rest of your life?: i just wanna feel like i can be myself. even if i don’t show that right away. as yams said (R.I.P) you gotta get to know me to truly see my swag blossom.
30).Who is your role model in life?: as of late.. Joe Budden. (work harder)
31).What are the things that drive you crazy?: it’s usually a buncha tiny shit that builds over time, no specifics.
32).Do you plan to have kids?: i have a beautiful son, and have plans for 2 more then i’m out the game.
33).Would you rather visit your ancestors in the past or meet your descendants in the future?: why not both? knowledge from the past to bless the future.
alright gang, if you see this or are tagged just lmk. also copied the questions if y’all want me to send it (if the messages will even let you copy text)
@bluegriptape @q00chie @vuzi @gytbro @slumperella @idcdontfwm @occvltswim @doublecupleen @slurpdemon @mwadvillain
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limi-pie · 2 years
About TTORW Min Yoongi fanfiction
Alright, this is my third attempt💀 to write this f*cking darn update post but Tumblr keeps crashing on me and my f*cking ass! 💀💀💀
Erhmm, so this is super awkward for me🤠 to write and explain myself. But my bestie called me out for my whack behavior. Anyways, so you’ve probably been wondering about what’s been going on with me or the Mafia fanfiction I’ve been writing. I’ll explain in detail what happened under the ‘keep reading’.
Let me start by saying yes, I’m the author of the mafia-au Min Yoongi fanfiction “The taste of Red Wine” aka ‘TTORW’. For those of you who may not know, she was my first ever fanfiction that I wrote. (I’m actually lowkey proud of her, ehehe.)
I believe I posted the first chapter back in the 2020 summer, I was extremely sad and unmotivated to do anything (I believe we all were due to covid and quarantine, but I also lowkey have summer sadness) so as the smart individual I am🤓 I began reading K-pop fanfictions or even watch them on Youtube at 2 or even 4 AM instead of sleeping💀 (mind you at that time I had also just received a new full-time job at a cafe lmfao I kept f*cking my sleeping schedule so hard, ahaha.🤠)
I’m sorry letter
So yeah, first of let me apologize to those who’ve been reading TTORW and been waiting patiently for part 9 or an update. I’m usually not the type to write or update anyone on social media at least about my whereabouts or hiatus, so I just usually just disappear without telling or explaining it to anyone. Sorry about that it’s a bad habit and I’m a bad person for doing so. But I owe you an explanation and I’ve finally pulled myself to get to write this long a*s post! 
Where it all started
I originally posted a prologue to that story before part 1, but I deleted it. I think it was due to the many grammar errors in it or because I thought it was awful who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So yeah back then I would regularly post each new chapter at least once a week? Even though it had like 8000+ grammar errors, no f*cking spacing, improper English, and it was awfully written too💀
I thought being a “great” fanfiction writer was to post or update frequently despite how badly structured or written it was. I thought to myself, this is sumn good sh*tz🤓 at 3 AM posting without even reading through it several times before posting it.
Also, maybe the fact the “Y/N” I created in this story is a woman of color and I thought fanfiction writing is a lot of fun. And I sorta wanted to give a unique personality or at least write her differently in contrary to the typical shy and quiet Y/N. (nothing’s wrong with that type of Y/N I just wanted something else or at least I tried to write a different Y/N.)
Another thing, since I’m a multi fan I find it very fascinating to include other idols from other groups in this mafia universe, ehehe. (I hope some of you can like see some of the small easter eggs/references🌝 I’ve placed in the chapters, ehehe.)
To be honest I actually do like writing fanfictions and I’m surprisingly very passionate about it too. I like making a plot and putting much thought into the side characters and how the dynamics affect the others too. It’s not that I stopped writing or updating on TTORW because I lost interest in fanfiction writing.
Why did you stop writing/updating on TTORW?
It’s because of several reasons I’ve listened down below.
1. I’m lowkey very insecure and often doubt myself, whenever I find myself enjoying something. I always somehow end up comparing myself to other great fanfiction writers (which you obviously shouldn’t because people are at a different level of writing and some people are obviously more experienced in writing. But I end up doing it regardless) and I end up being so harsh on myself, like saying things like “no one is going to read this or like this” or “this is extremely bad” etc. (I’m trying my best to not do that but sometimes it’s just very hard. Especially when you’re always so harsh on yourself for no reason…)
2. I’ve been super busy with work, I’m actually in the process of resigning from my old job since I’ve received a new job. This b*tch (me) keeps overworking herself because I’m a Mark Lee fan, I can’t afford to be broke and I’m planning on saving money to finally and hopefully move out or travel who knows.
3. Writing block is hitting me so hard. Sometimes I get that fire moment of just getting down and listening to my K-pop playlist and BANG! I’ve successfully written paragraphs of good Mafia/fanfiction writing. You guys don’t want to know that I have countless of long Google docs files just dedicated to NCT/BTS smut writing because I’m h*rny and can’t think about anything else than abs and f*cking… You know I might post them one day but when? I can’t answer that maybe an anon will ask me about it? Or maybe one day I will get out of my comfort zone and give in to temptation then finally I can post smut. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tumblr media
4. I’m somewhat of a perfectionist. Sometimes when I’ve finally released a chapter I kept going back and forth to check if there’s something wrong with it or any wording that’s terrible. (we love bad habits in this household🤠)
5. I’m a sloth, I’m so lazy🦥 sometimes that I’m not in the mood to like to write or even think about fanfiction. Sorry about that. Also, I’ve been spending too much time on Tik Tok🦥 (it’s become a bad addiction of mine at this point.)
In conclusion
Now I’ve thought about it for a while I do plan to keep continuing and writing on “The taste of Red Wine”. To me personally, fanfiction writing isn’t about gaining the most likes and reblogs, I just do it because it’s a lot of fun and I want to keep trying in order to improve my writing skills too. I had a lot of exciting things for the story line and I’ve really looked forward to writing Y/N’s character development!🤠
I’ve read tons of good K-pop fanfiction lately here on Tumblr. I want to make a master list later when I’m home because I think it would be a great idea to keep all my chapters linked in one post. Thanks for reading and I guess for being patient, part 9 is on the way I’m expecting to release it soon.
Sincerely, Limi 💞
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