#tumblr hates gifs i be out here fighting for my life trying to post these fjdkslgh
moonlightspencie · 1 year
Wrong Time
Description: Dean doesn’t know how to act right. Sam doesn’t get the animosity. Reader is just trying to live life. Otherwise known as Mutual Pining: the Fanfic.
Pairing: jealous!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader, platonic!Sam Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: jealous dean :), minor angst, spells and other supernatural things, plenty of fluff
Word Count: 6.6k
A/N: originally posted on tumblr like 3 years ago (rip in peace to the like 3k notes it had). then posted to ao3. now it’s back on tumblr.
Tumblr media
I walked into the bunker after Sam and Dean, throwing my bag down as soon as my feet hit the floor. I shuffled into the library, noticing Castiel at a table on a laptop.
“How was the hunt?” He looked up at me.
“It was crap,” Dean answered gruffly. I took a chance look at him, and he shot me a glare that could kill. “I’m taking a shower.”
Sam watched his brother stalk past. “I— it was… Fine. I mean, something almost went wrong, but we all ended up okay.”
Cas nodded slowly. Then he noticed my expression. “Are you okay, (Y/N)? You look unwell.”
“It was my fault.”
“(Y/N)—” Sam started.
“No, Sam, I mean— I was stupid. I almost got myself killed. I would have been if Dean didn’t find me first.”
“Still wasn’t your fault, we all make mistakes.”
“What do you mean you almost got killed?” Cas interjected.
I huffed a sigh, sitting next to him. Sam took a seat across from me.
“Well, we walked into the vamp nest, and started going to town. It seemed like it’d be pretty easy to take care of, but then I heard a boy crying. I went to go look for him, and— and I saw him. He was in another room, probably about 15, 16 years old. I didn’t think anything of it and went to go help him, but he… I was wrong. He was turned, just trying to get his prey to come to him, apparently.”
Cas furrowed his brow. “What happened? Are you alright?”
I absentmindedly scratched at the table.
“I am now, I guess. I set down my machete like a fricken idiot, letting my guard down, and he jumped me. I tried grabbing it to fight him off, but he kicked it out of my grip. I thought it was the end of the line until Dean came barging in and got him off me. I was so stupid, he’s pissed.”
Sam reached across, brushing his thumb over the knuckles of my now-closed fist. “Hey, don’t worry about it. We got out okay. It was just a mistake.”
“And Dean—,” Cas began, “He is… It will be alright.”
He gave a kind smile as he said this. I tried one back at him before standing up and giving a quick goodnight. As I walked to my room, I hovered by Dean’s door before thinking better of it. I hated when he was angry with me, but figured I better not upset him more by barging in on his alone time. I hated when any of the boys acted coldly towards me, but Dean’s always cut the deepest for some reason. I wouldn’t let myself think on why that is for more than a few seconds, though. I walked to my room, changing into an oversized t-shirt and flopping onto my bed, essentially passing out.
I woke up in a cold sweat, tears wetting my face. I sat straight up, trying to catch my breath. My fingers gripped the sheets as I tried to keep my cool, but to no avail. I got out of bed, walking out of my room, and heading a few doors down. I knocked quietly before entering.
“Hello?” I spoke, voice wavering. I walked towards the sleeping figure, gently nudging his shoulder. “Sam?”
He rolled over, slowly opening his eyes. “(Y/N)? What’s going on?”
I wrung my hands.
“I— I had a nightmare. I can’t be alone right now,” I said, trying to hold back tears.
“Oh. Oh, okay, yeah, come here,” He replied, sitting up and scooting over. I sat next to him, pulling the covers over my legs as he threw an arm around me. “You alright?”
“I don’t know.” I leaned into him. “It was about the hunt. Except, it wasn’t me. I mean, I still went and found the boy, but, um, when Dean came in this time he— the kid knew somehow, and attacked. I tried helping, but I couldn’t move, and then… Then they, they got him. And it was my fault. He died.”
I noticed a few tears had escaped my eyes, and I rubbed at them quickly.
Sam hugged me into his side. “I’m sorry. That’s really tough.”
I nodded.
He continued, “But, you know, it was just a dream. We all got out, we’re all okay.”
“I know, but what if we didn’t? It would’ve been on me, it would be my fault.”
“There is always a “what if” when we do the things we do, and focusing on that is only going to cause you pain. Don’t do that to yourself,” Sam sighed, laying down and taking me with him. “Dean just needs to let this go, don’t let his attitude make you feel stupid.”
I nodded again. “Thanks, Sammy.”
“Anytime, kiddo. Now, let’s go to sleep. C’mere.”
He pulled me into his chest, letting the hand that wasn’t around my shoulder rest near my rib cage. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew I was waking to Sam’s snoring in my ear. We’d separated during the night, but my head was still against his arm, our legs still caught up together. This put me in a predicament as I tried to move away from him without waking him. I somehow managed to wiggle out of bed, and land on my feet; thankfully Sam was a surprisingly deep sleeper. I tiptoed to the door, slowly and carefully opening it and backing out. I shut it as quietly as I could, and turned around to see Dean walking towards me, looking down at his phone, only a few feet off.
“Morning,” I greeted him.
His steps faltered slightly as he looked up. “Morning.”
His expression changed from tiredness to confusion in an instant. He furrowed his brow, looking at me, then to the door I had just stepped out from.
“I’m making pancakes. If you want some, they’ll be ready in twenty.”
I smiled, nodding a thank you before he squeezed past me towards the kitchen.
‘He’s not mad at me!’ I thought to myself.
I went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around myself, and headed towards my room to get dressed. We had a day in, so I decided on a fresh pair of pajama shorts and another t-shirt. The smell of pancakes drifted through the bunker, and as soon as I stepped out of my door that smell carried me all the way to the kitchen. I stopped in the entrance, watching Dean for a moment. He stood at the stovetop, watching and flipping the pancakes as necessary. I watched the way his arms and shoulders moved until his simple gray tee, and how delicately his hands held the spatula. Then he turned and noticed me.
“Hey,” he said, taking the plate-full to the counter.
He was getting a little scruffy, having not yet shaved since a couple mornings ago. He looked tired, but peaceful. He looked handsome. I chewed my bottom lip, finally stepping into the small room.
“Hey. That smells amazing.”
I walked near him as he grabbed two plates, throwing a few pancakes on each. He handed me one, and we both went to work preparing them with with butter and syrup. I was about to take mine to the table, when his hand shot in front of mine.
“I’ll take these if you want to grab the coffee pot.”
He looked down at me, the sides of his lips just barely tilting up into a smile, and I felt a familiar flutter in my heart.
“Yeah, of course,” I said, then turned quickly to grab the coffee and two mugs, trying to push down that feeling as far as it could go.
I shuffled closer to him as he sat at one side of the table. I placed the mugs in front of the plates, filling each of them and setting the pot at the end of the table. I sat across from Dean, digging in immediately.
“Okay, wow.” I shoved another forkful in my mouth. “These… These are genuinely amazing. You shook cook more often.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I got a few tricks up my sleeve. What about you, though? Anytime you bake anything I lose my mind.”
“Guess I just have that effect on people,” I shrugged laughing.
“Yeah, you’re not kidding.” He smirked and glanced up, locking eyes with me for a moment that felt like forever. I looked away first.
“Um— about… About yesterday, Dean, I—”
He cut me off, throwing a hand up. “Just— Let’s just drop it. Okay?”
I nodded, looking down. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
He took in a deep breath before things went silent for a while. We both were nearly finished when Sam came in the room, as much a morning person as ever.
“Morning, guys!” He smiled.
I couldn’t help but let out half a laugh at his cheerfulness. “You are way too excited in the mornings.”
He smiled my way.
Dean got up abruptly. “I’m gonna go work on Baby.”
As soon as he was out of the room, Sam raised an eyebrow at me. “He always goes out there when he’s upset. Did something happen? You two looked fine when I came in.”
I shook my head. “I tried talking to him about yesterday. Guess that was a mistake.”
Sam’s lips tightened. “Yikes, I’m sorry.”
I shrugged. “It’s fine. At least he let me eat his pancakes.” I smiled.
Sam laughed, “Yeah, guess that’s a start.”
We went about our day as usual; Sam worked out and looked up cases, Cas helped with case searches, Dean spent most of his day in the garage, and I decided on a movie marathon. Before long, it was later than I realized and I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Sam poked his head around the door. “What’s up? You’ve been in your room all day.”
“Oh, no worries. Just a movie marathon. Harry Potter, wanna join?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him, and fell belly-down on the bed next to me. We watched about half of the 6th movie before we stopped watching altogether. We talked and laughed all night long until we were passed out together. This time, I woke up again to Sam’s gentle snoring, but we were much closer. His right arm was once again under my head, but his left was wrapped tightly around me, and his chest pressed into my back. Admittedly, it was a bit strange, but on a cold morning, not unwelcome. I gently rubbed his forearm, trying to wake him.
“Sammy, get up. You’re trapping me here, pal.”
He groaned sleepily, hugging me just a little tighter before he opened his eyes and realized what he was doing. “Oh crap, I’m sorry.”
I laughed, “Dont worry about it. You were keeping me warm.”
He hummed, “Well in that case, you wanna go back to sleep for a little bit?”
“Fine. Five more minutes and then we get up.”
I giggled as he pulled me back in, nearly squeezing the life out of me for a moment.
“You know, as weird as this is, it feels nice to have a cuddle-buddy,” Sam breathed out.
“Hey, at least it’s nothing too scandalous,” I chuckled, eyes closed.
Then I heard a knock at the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me,” Castiel’s voice rang through the closed door.
“What do ya need?” I answered back. Then I heard the door open, and looked up.
He started stepping in, but stopped dead in his tracks. “I, uh— Oh. Pardon me, I seem to be interrupting.”
“Cas—” I tried getting his attention but he’d already showed himself out the door. “Crap.”
Sam chuckled, I felt it in his chest. “That’s gonna be a fun one to explain.”
I sighed. “Hopefully he doesn’t go running his mouth so it’s an easy one to explain.”
I laid with him for a few minutes longer before my bladder called for release. “Sam, we gotta get up, man. I gotta pee.”
He groaned. “I don’t want to.”
“Whoa, what happened to happy-go-lucky, I-love-being-up-in-the-mornings Sam?” I half laughed.
“He’s tired,” he grunted out, rolling over.
I flipped to my back as he stole his arm from beneath my head, and sat up. I looked over to see him struggling to get up himself, but my urgency for the bathroom left no time for me to help him up. I bolted out the door to the bathroom and relieved myself, thinking of how to explain to Cas that what he saw was not at all what he thought it was. I ended up back in my room, finding Sam staring into space still sitting on the edge of my bed.
“You alright, Sammy?” I suppressed a smile.
His head shot up. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was zoning out.”
I nodded, throwing a thumb over my shoulder. “You wanna go grab breakfast?”
“That sounds great.”
We left the room together, chatting on our way to the kitchen. Then, I nearly lost balance running into Cas.
“Oh, hey! We wanted to talk to you,” Sam said, tapping Cas’s arm with the back of his hand
He put his hands up, defensively. “No worries. I understand.”
I dragged my hand on the side of my face. “No, but you don’t. I know you caught us looking a little precarious, but trust me, we just fell asleep together. We were watching Harry Potter and passed out.”
His eyes widened. “Oh, okay. I was sure you two were sleeping together.”
I laughed, “Yeah, no. Not by a long shot, man.”
“Alright, well that definitely clears things up for me. I will see you later.”
“Seeya, don’t get into any trouble.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about me,” he smiled, walking past.
Sam and I entered the kitchen soon after, finding Dean alone with a cup of coffee and a computer.
“Morning, sunshine.” Sam joked.
I walked over to him, leaning an arm on the table next to him, peering at the screen. “Found a case?”
He nodded silently, not looking up.
“Well?” Sam pressed, peeling a banana. “Care to enlighten us?”
Deans jaw ticked for a moment before he spoke gruffly, “Looks like a ghost. Strange, but similar, deaths happening at an old motel. So far three of ‘em.”
I took the seat next to him. “Where at?”
He pointed at the screen. “Plainfield, Wisconsin.”
I perked up, grabbing his arm for a moment. “Hey, that’s where Ed Gein committed all his murders!”
“Dude, yeah!” Sam joined in. “That guy was messed up.”
Dean huffed. “Well aren’t you two just perfect for each other. Be ready in half an hour.”
He got up, slamming the laptop shut and stalking out of the room.
I looked to Sam, confused. “What the hell is his problem?”
He shook his head, “No clue.”
I shook my head, slightly irritated. “Guess we gotta go get ready now.”
I walked out of the kitchen, going in the direction of my room. I stepped inside, pulling a duffel bad from my closet and throwing in at least enough clothes for a week, not knowing how long we’d be gone. After I was packed, I decided on a quick shower. I put my hair up into a topknot so I wouldn’t have to wash and dry it, and took the fastest shower I could. I finished getting ready a few minutes early, and grabbed all my things. I was going to throw it all in the car and wait for the boys, until my irritation got the best of me. I walked to Dean’s room, knocking on the door.
He answered harshly, “What.”
“It’s me, can I come in.”
“I guess.”
I flung the door open to find Dean standing there in the midst of getting dresssed. He was at his closet, so far only having his jeans and a tight-fit tee on, and I would be lying if I didn’t say that I couldn’t catch my breath for a moment. How in the world could he look so good rocking the simplest of things?
He pulled a flannel of a hanger, the deep red one that I liked. “What do you need?”
“I want to know what’s wrong.”
He turned to face me, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “Nothing. Is that all?”
I crossed my arms. “You may do a lot of lying for the job, but you’re kind of the worst at it sometimes.”
He shot me a glance, unenthused. “Nothing is wrong. Let’s move on. We got stuff to do.”
“(Y/N),” he shot back, staring for a second before going about his business.
I clenched my jaw. “I’m gonna find out sooner or later.”
He huffed out, almost a laugh, as he threw things into his bag. “Yeah. Sure.”
I turned on my heel, leaving the room, everything in me fighting against my urge to slam the door behind me. He really knew how to push my buttons, more than anyone else sometimes. The boys were finally ready and came out into the garage where I was waiting. I pushed myself off the side of the impala, getting in the car. Dean flew out of the garage, heading straight for the highway. Most of the car ride was silent, only the faint sounds of Dean’s music over the speakers. Then he had to open his mouth.
“So, you two are sleeping together now, huh?”
I almost choked, head whipping to the side to look at Sam. He did the same, glancing at me, confusion set in his face.
“What? Dean, no, why—”
“You two seemed to be getting pretty cozy the past couple nights,” he answered back, staring straight at the road.
I scoffed. “Excuse me?”
“I saw you coming out of his room yesterday morning, (Y/N), don’t act dumb. And Cas told me he walked in on you all over each other this morning.”
“That was not what was happening. We saw him this morning and explained it all. We just fell asleep watching a movie together.”
“And the night before?”
Sam spoke up, “(Y/N) had a nightmare, Dean. She couldn’t be alone.”
“What, so you slept together?” His hands held tightly to the steering wheel.
“Yes, and that’s all we did. Sleep. Nothing more, we don’t feel like that about each other.”
He bitterly laughed. “Doesn’t seem like it.”
“Dean, seriously.”
“Fine. We’ll drop it.”
I huffed out a breath. “Thank you.”
The rest of the ride was quiet. We only made one or two stops for gas and bathroom breaks. It took us about 10 hours before we arrived in Plainfield and searched for a place to stay the night. We finally found a little motel just outside of town, and booked a room. Luckily, a pull-out couch was included so I wouldn’t have to give Dean more ideas about Sam and I, and I wouldn’t have to spend the night beside someone who was pissed at me for no reason. I walked in the room to find it perfectly adequate. and I threw my bag down on the floor, beginning to open up the pull-out.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked as he came inside. “I can take that, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not making you take the couch, Sam.”
“It pulls out into a bed at least. And you aren’t making me if I’m offering. Now, move your crap.”
He nodded at my duffel.
I sighed as dramatically as I could, “Fine.”
“So dramatic.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, I gotta be sometimes. Thank you, though.”
I pulled my bag away, walking to the far bed as throwing it down. I began unzipping it when I heard the thud of Dean’s duffel hitting the second bed behind me. I turned.
“What are we doing first?”
He glanced up at me. “Thought we’d check out the murder scene early tomorrow.”
“Alright. All three of us need to get dressed up?”
“Whoever wants to go.” He shrugged.
“I think I’ll hang back and do some more research on the town and possible leads, if that’s okay with you guys,” Sam said, setting his laptop on the small table in the room.
“Okay,” Dean answered, pulling out his ‘FBI’ suit to hang.
We went to bed, all exhausted from the trip. I woke up at 7 the next morning to Dean’s alarm blaring. We all ate a quick breakfast before getting ready to leave. I grabbed my suit, heading to the bathroom to change, and kicking myself for not being the one to stay at the motel. I didn’t know how I’d handle being alone with Dean, especially when he was in a mood. I changed quickly, making sure I looked professional enough to fool whoever we’d have to get past. I stepped out to see that Dean had already left the room.
I looked to Sam who had already got his computer up and running. “Where’d he go?”
“Waiting by the car outside,” he said, not looking up.
I walked across the room, stepping outside. Dean stood leaning against ththe impala, his back to me as I made my way over.
He heard my footsteps and turned. “Took you long enough.”
I stopped for a moment. Wow, he looks amazing right now.
“Gonna get in?” He asked.
“Oh. Yeah.”
I shook my head, opening the passenger door and sliding inside. He started up the car, and took off out of the parking lot.
“So,” he started, “you’re not sleeping together?”
“Dean. Seriously?”
He shrugged. “Can’t blame me for thinking so, you two spend a lot of time together.”
I looked over at him. “Yeah, that’s kind of what friends do.”
“We don’t do that.” He shot me a quick glance, raising an eyebrow.
“Give me a time and place and we will, then.”
He tried to hide the smirk that appeared on his face. “Yeah, sure.”
“What? Don’t want rumors spreading about me and you?”
“Sweetheart, you don’t want those rumors.”
“Who said that?” I furrowed my brows, the corner of my mouth twitching upwards.
He smiled at me. Butterflies, again.
We drove a few more minutes into town before we reached our destination. I peered at the building through the windshield as we drove up. It was creepy. Caution tape everywhere, the old run-down motel, the cloudy skies; it looked straight out of a horror movie. Dean parked the car, and we got out, walking to the police officer that was waiting on his team inside. We flashed him our badges and he let us past.
“I’m surprised no murders happened here before this,” Dean said quietly, leaning in.
I laughed. “Yeah, not the nicest of places for sure.”
He hummed in agreement. “Let’s see if we got any Casper activity.”
He took out his EMF detector, walking around the room, being careful not to step in any of the dried blood. He took a lap; no readings.
“Huh. Nothing here.”
I glanced around. “What the hell would’ve done all of this though?”
“Dunno. Judging by how all of the blood left their bodies and ended up friggen everywhere else, I could’ve sworn it would be one of those suckers.”
I nodded. “Wanna try to hospital?”
He shrugged. “Sure.”
We spent the day gathering as many clues and evidence as we could, to no avail. By nightfall, we decided to call it a day and head back to our room. We got inside to find Sam taking a nap.
Dean whispered to me, “I’m gonna take a shower.”
I nodded. He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I decided to get dressed in something more comfortable and landed on a pair of sweats and a plain t-shirt. Can’t get more laid back than that.
I sat on my bed for a moment before I heard Sam moving around. I looked his way as he opened his eyes.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” I said.
He smiled. “Hey. You guys find anything useful?”
“Figure it’s probably not a ghost. Other than that, nope.”
“Mm.” He sat up, stretching before he stood. He walked over to me, taking a seat by my side and swinging an arm over my shoulders. “I didn’t find anything either. Not even connections between the people who died.”
“So weird.”
He agreed, falling back on the bed and taking me down with him. “Yeah. I’m sure something will turn up, though. It has to.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“You wanna go out tonight?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m beat. I didn’t get my nap today.” I laughed.
He snorted, squeezing my shoulder. “You’re no fun.”
Then we heard the door open, Dean stepped out.
“What about you? You wanna go out tonight?” Sam asked him.
“I’m good,” he said without so much as a glance our way.
Sam sat up. “Man, both of you? Since when am I the one to go out alone?”
I chuckled, sitting up next to him. “Since now, apparently. Go, though! Have fun enough for all of us.” I nudged his shoulder.
He shrugged getting up to get ready. Then I heard the tv switch on, and looked over to Dean. There he sat, on his bed, flipping through channels.
“What are you gonna watch?” I asked.
He stared silently at the tv and shrugged. Here we go again.
I heaved out a heavy sigh, pulling out my phone to fiddle on. Sam came out of the bathroom with a new shirt on, and what smelled like a little bit of cologne. I looked up from my device as he pulled his shoes on.
“Who are you trying to impress, sir?”
He smirked. “We’ll have to find out. I’ll see you guys later.”
He left the room, leaving me and Dean to ourselves. I looked over at him again as he settled on an old comedy. He noticed.
“What?” He asked, eyes still unmoving from the movie.
“Your attitude is what.”
“I don’t have an attitude.”
I scoffed. “Oh, sure. We were fine working the case today, and now you’re acting like I stole all of your leftovers or something.”
He shook his head. “It’s nothing.”
“Funny how you keep saying that, and then end up in the same crappy mood again. Why won’t you just talk to me about it?”
“I can’t.” He grew impatient.
“Yes, you can.”
He sat up, finally looking at me. “No. I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because, I just can’t. It’s stupid, you wouldn’t understand it.”
He stared at me.
“Maybe I would if you’d just talk to me!” My voice raised slightly.
“Why do you even care?” His voice raised to match mine.
“Why do you think? I care about you, and I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
He closed his eyes. “I’m not mad at you.”
“Then what is the problem?” I leaned forward, searching his face for an answer.
He sighed, voice lowering. “Can we— maybe we can talk about it tomorrow. Just— not tonight, please.”
I shrunk back. “Fine. Promise me.”
He tilted his head with a blank stare.
“I’m serious, Dean. Promise me.”
He let out a heavy breath. “Okay. I promise. You’re a pain, you know that?”
I shrugged. “You’ll get over it.”
He stared for a moment, my heart fluttering until he looked away again. He laid down, turning off the tv. I laid back too, turning off the lights.
“Goodnight,” he said, turning over.
I woke up to sunlight hitting my face through the window. I glanced towards the couch; no Sam. Then my eyes went to Dean. He was still sleeping. I watched him for a moment; he looked so at peace. The lines in his face were smoothed out, no worries were apparent on him. His eyelids began to move, but I couldn’t pull my gaze from his face. He looked handsome in the early morning hours, his eyelashes delicately fluttering until his eyes were opened. He noticed me and smiled.
“Way to be creepy, watching me sleep.”
His voice was deep and soft and full of sleep.
I smiled back, “You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t help it.”
“I bet you say that to all the guys.”
I laughed. “Nah, only the special ones.”
He rolled his eyes, chuckling. “I don’t want to beat up monsters today.”
“If we can’t find out what’s killing people, you might not have to.”
“That isn’t a good option either.”
“I know.” I yawned, stretching out. “Guess Sammy found a girl.”
Dean looked over his shoulder at the empty space. “Oh.”
“You still believe we’re together now?” I raised my eyebrows.
He looked back towards me. “I might, might, have been wrong there.”
“Told ya.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “We better get the day going.”
I agreed. We fully woke up and grabbed some breakfast from a cafe down the street. We went back to the motel to find Sam in the shower, and our day went on as normal from that point on, until we found the clues we needed to lead us to the killer.
“A witch? Oh, come on, I’m so sick of them,” I complained.
Sam shrugged. “Hey, we found hex bags in each of the rooms. Most likely the owner of the motel, or someone who works there.”
“Maybe a maid? It’s always the butler, so maybe it’s always the maid too,” Dean suggested with a sly smirk.
“That, as lame as it is, actually could be a really great place to start,” I responded. “Let’s pack up and find out who’s been cleaning the place up.”
We went and questioned the owner to find out which employees had been working when the murders took place, and landed on only one housekeeper: a man named Ken. We got his address and decided to do a little questioning. We arrived to his house, and Sam knocked loudly.
The door creaked open. “Hello?”
“Hello, we’re with the FBI, we have some questions to ask you,” Sam responded, flashing his badge.
The man behind the door, opened it a little wider. He grinned. “Yeah, I’m sure you are.”
He looked to me.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
Dean stepped halfway in front of me before I could say anything. “You might want to watch yourself, you’re suspect for the murders that took place the night you were working at the motel.”
The man’s eyes widened. “Oh? Why don’t you come inside, then.”
He stepped just inside and he shut the door behind us.
“Anyways,” he began, “I’ve always wanted to meet the Winchester’s.”
Before we knew what was happening, our bodies flew up against the wall and landed on the ground harshly. We all attempted to scramble up, but as I attempted to stand, I felt a hand wrap around my neck. Ken pulled me backwards into him.
“Let her go,” Dean boomed.
Ken chuckled. “See, that’s where you’re making your mistake. Your little protective act only lets me know that your little girlfriend, here, is valuable to you. So, you might not like it if I just—”
He dropped me, and I felt my legs give out. It felt like all the air had been pulled from my lungs— No, it felt like I didn’t have lungs. I couldn’t breathe.
“You son of a—”
Dean was slammed against the wall again. I watched from the ground where I lay as Sam attempted to go at him, but then it all went black.
I woke with a gasp, my body flying upwards in shock. I breathed heavily, finally catching my breath for the first time in what felt like eternity.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down, you’re okay.”
I heard a voice, foggy. I turned my head quickly, finding Dean right next to me. Wait, no, he was holding me. We were someplace else, maybe in the house still? I heard distant voices. I felt tired.
“I… think I… need a nap,” I said, barely hearing myself speak.
“Whoa, no, no, don’t fall asleep, okay? Just— Here, just look at me. Look here, stay awake,” he spoke to me as I tried to listen.
My eyes still felt heavy.
“But— I’m tired. Just a… Just a nap.”
“No, (Y/N), don’t fall asleep yet, okay? We gotta make sure you’re alright.”
“What… Where are we?”
“In the house of a very bad witch.” I heard a woman’s voice. I looked up to see red hair. “I mean, come on now, I was able to fix you right up quite easily.”
“Yeah, thank you, by the way,” Sam said to Rowena, a tight smile accompanied his words. My vision began clearing.
“What are you doing here? What happened?” I cleared my throat, trying to sit up to find Dean’s chest hard against my back. I noticed his arms around me, too. I ran my fingers over one of his forearms, happy to be there. Then I realized there were two other staring at me, trying to communicate. I stopped and tried to listen.
“—and then, well, you’re lucky Sam had enough sense to call me when he realized what you’d be dealing with, otherwise, my dear, you’d be dead. Hmm.”
“Oh. How’d we get away, though?”
“It was really all me, of course.” She smiled, pleased with herself. “You’d have really been in trouble otherwise, too, with Dean letting his jealously get the best of him and punching someone in the face.”
“Yeah, well, the douche bag deserved it.” I felt him speak, the bass in his voice vibrating in his chest. “He was getting too handsy with her.”
“I would have gotten him away quicker if you hadn’t made him even more angry, Mr. Winchester,” Rowena sassed. “Anyways, I’ve got things to do more important than speaking with you two giants and the wee fuzzy-brained girl. Toodleloo.”
She picked up her dress and walked out of the house. I liked her.
“I like her,” I giggled.
I started feeling funny. Almost drunk, maybe more giddy.
“Can’t say I feel exactly the same,” Dean said.
“Regardless, she did save us there,” Sam responded.
I laughed, “Yeah, she’s fun.”
“I would’ve gotten him,” Dean continued his conversation with Sam.
“Dean, we all would’ve been in trouble if she wasn’t here. Even you’ve gotta admit to that.”
“Yeah, whatever.” He reached into his pocket for the keys, throwing them at Sam. “Here, go start the car.”
“Alright, hurry it up,” Sam said as he left.
I leaned my head up to look at Dean. “So, you were jealous, huh?”
“I am not. I just didn’t want his grimy hands on you, now come on, let’s get you back to the hotel.”
I felt movement as he began to move from behind me. I tried to stand up, but before I could, I felt his arms swing underneath me. He picked me up, and carried me out the door. I held onto his neck, enjoyed time in close proximity to him and wishing I could just tell him how I felt about him. If I could even figure it out for myself. He sat me in the backseat, helping me buckle in before we took off. Soon enough, we were back at the motel and Sam decided to go on a dinner-run. Dean and I entered the room alone, he helped me to walk until I could sit down.
“Here, just sit here,” he said, helping me to rest on the edge of his bed. He moved around me, squatting down between my legs and looking up at me. “Are you okay?”
I tilted my head, looking at him looking at me. “Yeah.”
He let out half a laugh. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
I shrugged, a contented smile on my face. “You’re cute.”
“I figured out why you’ve been so grumpy,” I cut him off, unable to stop from speaking.
He put his hands on the bed on either side of my legs. “Why’s that?”
“I think you didn’t like me and Sam.”
“I already told you I wasn’t mad at—”
“No, no, no. You didn’t like us together. You were being jealous. Like with the weird witch man. Rowena said so, and she’s smart.” I giggled.
He raised an eyebrow, gulping. “Uh, let me get you some water. Maybe that’ll help.”
“I’m right.”
“Now’s not the time to talk about this stuff, (Y/N), let’s just—”
“Uh uh. You said we’d talk about it today.”
“We can, later.”
He tried getting up, but I put my hands on his shoulders.
“But I like you, I wanna talk now.”
“This is just the spell wearing off, if you just—”
I sighed harshly. “No it’s not, stop it. I like you a lot. You’re so cute and you give me butterflies and make me nervous and make me smile a lot and all I can think about is you all the time.”
“(Y/N)…” he started, eyebrows knit together.
“I’m not saying it because of the spell, okay?” I started rambling. “I mean, I always feel that way, but I didn’t want to say anything. You know, I was kind of scared. Now, it kinda seems like maybe you feel the same way, and I just want to know, otherwise this is gonna be really awkward when I’m not feeling all weird and giddy and I jus—”
Before I knew what was happening I felt his lips on mine. I felt shocked. I took a moment to gather my wits, but I seemed to take a moment too long. He pulled away.
“I… I’m sorry, I didn’t want to force that on you, I thought you wanted…” He trailed off, a hand going to rub at his face. I reached out, pulling it away from his face. He looked up at me, apprehensive.
“Trust me, I wanted it,” I confirmed before leaning back in as quickly as I could.
His hands moved up to settle at my waist as he smiled into the kiss. I held his jaw in my hands, pulling him in as closely as I could. I never wanted that kiss to end, but it had to soon, as we needed air. Our foreheads rested against each other.
“I have wanted to do that for so long,” I whispered.
He laughed. “I’m just happy to know that Sam wasn’t the one doing it. Because you were so right, I was definitely jealous.”
“Knew it.” I giggled.
He hummed, pulling away from me. We looked at one another for a minute, taking it all in. I let my hand reach back up to his face, my thumb brushing against his cheek, looking at all the freckles that dusted his face.
I sighed, happy. “You wanna go again?”
He chuckled, a smile on his face. “Oh, for sure.”
I slapped the bed next to me, and he scrambled up, facing me. His arms immediately snaked around my middle, pulling me in tight. I held on to his neck, gazing up at him.
“You good?” He asked, a smile stuck on his face.
“More than.” I nodded, grinning.
He pressed his lips to mine, wasting no time. We stayed like that for several minutes, enjoying our time together and hoping it would never end. Until the door swung open.
“Whoa, walked in at the wrong time,” Sam exclaimed, closing the door as quickly as he shut it.
Dean and I looked at each other. He shrugged, “Whoops.”
I laughed, and he pulled me back in.
(EDIT: starting taglists now! let me know if you want to be on any!)
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Fight Club
Pairing: Matt Murdock x (AFAB)Reader (with platonic Frank Castle x Reader)
Summary: @hellskitchenswhore is killing it with the prompts lately. Per her request: Matt's freaking out thinking you might be cheating on him because for the last few weeks, you’ve been coming home smelling like Frank. What he doesn’t know is that you asked Frank to teach you how to fight and didn’t tell Matt.
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Warnings: 18+/SMUT. No use of Y/N. Female/AFAB reader (use of terms like girlfriend and female anatomy.) Established relationship. Brief mention of an active shooter at an office, Frank and Matt using pet names like sweetheart, mentions and accusations of cheating but no actual cheating, Unprotected sex, Fingering, P in V, Creampie, and Possessiveness from our dear Matt. Sort of getting caught after the fact.
Notes: I started taking kickboxing like three weeks ago, so I like to pretend that qualifies me to know what I'm talking about (It doesn't lol). So apologizes if I got any of the terminology wrong. UPDATE DEC 2023: I wrote an alternate ending to this fic that ends in a threeway with Frank that you can read here
WC: 5,000
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
“That’s it sweetheart, last round I promise.” Frank encourages you as you take swings at the bag in front of you. 
You’ve been at this for at least an hour and your arms feel like jello. You can’t remember the last time you were breathing this hard that wasn’t from Matt bending you in half. Jumping directly into the Hudson would have kept you drier than the amount of sweat currently pouring down your face and exhausted body.
“Atta girl, atta girl!” Frank praises as you take your last few swings, arms too weak to make any real movement of the bag
“Alright, you’re getting the hang of it now. Few more sessions and you’ll be out there with Red every night.”
“Pfft I don’t know about that, Frank. I’m just trying to make sure I can protect myself is all.”
“So remind me again why you didn’t ask him to teach you this?”
It started last week. One of your favorite coworkers was going through a bitter divorce and her estranged husband decided to confront her at the office and pulled a gun. You heard two shots ring out from your desk and feared the worst - all the active shooter situations you'd seen on TV were happening live in your life. Fortunately, as you fled for safety, Jerry from accounting was able to disarm and tackle the guy before he could hurt anyone thanks to his black belt in Jiujitsu.
Even though the incident ended okay, it had spooked you enough to get yourself some defense classes, for all those times when your vigilante boyfriend was too far uptown to protect you at a moment’s notice and Jerry wasn’t around to save the day.
Matt was always overprotective of you and you hated to think how he’d react to the incident, so you hadn’t told him. When the story hit the news, you lied (via text so he couldn’t detect it) and said it happened on a different floor and you didn’t even notice. 
You also didn’t tell him about your decision to learn self-defense. Matt was more than qualified to teach you, but for some reason, you just didn’t feel comfortable asking for his help with this. Maybe it was his propensity to throw himself into helping those he cared about, you especially, that gave you hesitation to give him another thing to prioritize over himself. Maybe it was just how good he was at fighting that made you not want to “be a beginner” in front of him (not that Matt would ever judge you about anything.)
In fairness to you, you hadn’t intended to learn it from his frenemy and former client, but you’d showed up at the boxing gym near your work and the gruff men inside intimidated you so much, you bolted out the door before signing up for a class, tears welling in your eyes when you quite literally bumped into Frank on the street.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, nodding towards the door of the boxing gym
“I thought… Look I want to learn how to fight. Or at least how to defend myself. This place is close to work but um… might not be the right fit for me.”
“Why don’t you just ask Red?”
“It’s a long story,” you replied with a sigh “but I really don’t want to ask him. Or for him to even know about it. So can you please not mention you saw me here or we had this conversation?”
“Okay, can I ask why not?”
“You can but I’m not gonna answer.” 
Frank chuckled and shook his head
“Well if you want to learn to fight, this isn’t the best place. I know Vinny the owner and he’s a shit teacher. But if you want to learn for real, I’m happy to teach you.”
“What? Wait really? Wait, Frank you know how to fight?”
“Sweetheart, I was a Marine for over 15 years, ‘course I know how to fight.”
“And you’d do that for me?”
“Course. You’re Red's girl. What times’ he leave for his little night job?”
“Great, meet me here at 9:30. Tonight.”
And that was how you ended up here, collapsing on the gym mat beneath you with a groan.
“Not bad for your first time. We just gotta get you in the habit of resetting your hands after every hit, and you’ll be golden” Frank praises again
“Oh yeah, I forgot, always protect the face so I don’t end up lookin like you.” you jest
“Ouch” he feigns hurt with a smirk on his face “Red teach you to swing low like that?”
“Nah Castle, that’s all me. It’s part of why he loves me. Same time tomorrow?”
“Sure. See you then.”
By the time Matt returns home, you’re showered and in bed, sore muscles pulsing every time you twist and turn in your sleep. Between the smell of sweaty clothes in the hamper and the scent of your freshly washed skin rubbing against silk sheets, plus the heat radiating off your sore muscles as he crawls into bed silently beside you, Matt figures it out pretty quickly.
‘She started going back to the gym. Hmm. Have to ask her about that in the morning.’ he thinks as he drifts off beside you.
You awake in the morning to gentle hands rubbing at your back. 
“Mmm morning Matty” you mumble, still pulling yourself out of sleep
“Morning sweetheart.”
“What are you doing?” you ask as he works a little lower down your spine
“Giving you a massage. I can tell you’re sore. When did you start going back to the gym?”
“Just yesterday. And you’re right I’m super sore. Thank you, this is a nice way to start my day.”
“Of course sweetheart. What gym did you go to? Did you have fun?” he inquires
His innocent prodding has you waking fully quickly, trying to cover your tracks without outright lying and getting caught.
“Oh this gym near work. Couple people in the office recommended it. And yeah I had fun.” 
All truths.
“That’s nice. Mmmm do you want to start the coffee or shower first?” he asks, seemingly letting the subject go
As you rush around to get ready for work, Matt grabs the laundry hamper from the bathroom, walking it over to the washing machine. Your dirty workout clothes from the night before sit on top, now less potent that they have completely dried. But he can’t help but feel like something smells off.
Sure it smells like you - natural scent mixed with your fading sweat, but there’s something else. Something familiar. A very subtle hint of spiciness mixed with… is that gunpowder? 
‘Weird’ Matt thinks to himself, but brushes it off a moment later, the smell not strong enough to really garner more than a passing thought.
But three times he does the laundry in a row, he smells it. It’s so subtle, he might not even give it another thought, but it’s just so damn familiar. 
It takes another week for him to ask you about it.
“Hey sweetheart, you’ve been going to the gym a lot lately,” he mentions over dinner 
“Mmmhmm. Yeah, can you feel my muscles growing? I’m feeling stronger.” you reply
“Yeah. What exactly are you doing at the gym? It’s really working.”
“Oh a little cardio, a little strength, you know…” you skirt around, being intentionally vague
“That’s good. Is it like a class or?”
“Um sort of. Just this guy at the gym, he’s been helping me. You know, walking me through the exercises.” 
Also technically the truth.
“That’s good. Well, I’m glad you found something you like.”
‘Okay, so that guy must smell like this. She’s close enough to him in a warm sweaty gym, so there’s a little bit on her clothes. Makes sense.’ Matt thinks to himself. But he still can’t shake the feeling that that smell is so familiar.
Two weeks later, Matt is out on patrol when he hears a familiar heartbeat on the fire escape a few floors down from where he’s perched.
“You just gonna sit there all night, listinin’ Red?” Frank asks
“Very funny Frank.” Matt says, hopping down to Frank’s level
“Haven’t seen you in a while” Matt comments
“Been busy. Madani’s been usin’ me more.”
“Oh don’t tell me you’re going legit Frank.”
“Not a shot in hell, Red. But gotta pay the bills somehow.”
And then a strong breeze blows. Frank’s signature blend of sweat, aftershave, and metallic mixed with gunpowder from all the weapons he handles overwhelms Matt’s nose. Matt cocks his head in confusion. It’s so damn familiar. But of course it is, it’s Frank. How many times has Matt been on a rooftop with him like this, bs-ing the night away while monitoring the city?
After catching up for a bit, they go their separate ways, the rest of Matt’s evening turning uneventful.
He returns home to you shortly after 3 am, your soft breathing as you sleep calms him as he strips off his suit. 
You hadn’t met with Frank tonight. He said something about following a lead and you were perfectly fine with that, you needed an off day. 
Matt curls up in bed beside you, resting his head on your back and falling asleep quickly.
The next night, Frank is really putting you through your paces and you swear you’re ready to collapse when he finally calls it for the night. 
Per usual, Frank offers to walk you home when you’re done and for the first time since you started coming here, you accept the offer since you stayed a bit later than usual tonight. At least until you can make it to Hell’s Kitchen and within range of Matt. 
You and Frank make small talk as you go and eventually, the chill of the autumn air has you shivering in your still-damp-from-sweat workout clothes. 
“Here sweetheart,” Frank says with a lopsided smirk, slinging his worn jacket over your shoulders. 
“Thank you Castle. Always a gentleman.”
“Course, ‘specially for Red’s girl.”
You make it to 35th and 10th, close enough to home and hand his jacket back to him, parting ways with a nod and a polite “goodnight.”
The later hour coupled with the particularly intense session has you collapsing into bed without even removing your shoes, let alone your gym clothes.
When Matt returns a few hours later, the smell hits him like a truck. 
‘I swear to god Frank, if you’re bleeding on my couch again…’ Matt thinks to himself. 
But when he enters the apartment the only heartbeat he can hear is yours. He inches slowly toward the bedroom and rolls the door open gently. He reaches down to feel the soft lycra of your leggings on your body, careful not to stir you from your slumber. The smell of your sweat clinging to your clothes fills his senses, way more potent than normal plus that other scent you’re bringing home from the gym. Matt pauses to wonder why he thought Frank was here but then it hits him. 
Oh my god. The mystery smell from the gym you’ve been bringing home is Frank. 
But how could you smell like… 
And then the gears in his head start turning. And he feels like a goddamn idiot. 
You had been going to the gym. But not to work out. You were cheating. With Frank of all people. And you’d made the critical error of not showering when you got home. 
Matt begins to pace the apartment, rubbing at his chin as his thoughts move a million miles a minute about what to do. 
Did he confront you? Did he confront Frank?! What should he even say?
The sun rises and he’s still pacing and contemplating when his alarm rings out. He shuts it off before it can wake you too. He needs more time to think about his next move. He gets ready for work quietly and slips out the door before you awake. 
You find it odd you haven’t heard from Matt all day. When you woke up you saw his Devil suit in a heap in the living room and there was no damage to it or blood on it. So you knew he had come home and was relatively okay. But it was so odd for him to leave without a goodbye kiss or go this long in the day without so much as a text. But he had been busy with a heavy caseload lately. You finally break shortly after lunch and text him first. 
“Hey Matty. Know you’re busy but I miss you and I love you. Dinner tonight?”
“Can’t. Working late. Don’t wait up.” He responds
That was… oddly curt. But again you figure he’s stressed and busy. 
Matt on the other hand has been wracked with stress all day. It only took an hour of his constant pacing and fidgeting for Foggy to break and finally ask.
“Matt. What’s up?”
“I think… I think I’m being cheated on.” Matt confesses. He leaves the Frank part out of the equation, wanting Foggy to be as objective as possible about his response. 
“What could possibly make you think that?”
“She’s been going to the gym like every night for a month now right when I leave for patrol and she came home last night smelling like… another man. And she’s been smelling like it a little the whole month but last night it was all over her”
“So did you ask her?”
“Well no but…” 
“Matt you are literally a human lie detector and yet here you are jumping to conclusions instead of doing the rational thing and just asking her.”
And maybe Matt would have taken Foggy’s advice if he thought you were just cheating with your gym trainer. But this was Frank. And that made it all the more complicated. 
Matt decides finally what he’s going to do. He’s going to follow you tonight, catch you in the act and confront both of you together.  
Matt still hadn’t come home when you depart for your nightly workout session, but little did you know he’s there. Pacing on the roof, waiting for you to leave. As soon as he hears the lobby door shut behind you, he springs in to action, taking the stairs two at a time into the apartment and changing out of his lawyer suit and into his devil suit as quickly as possible, making sure not to lose your heartbeat now a block and a half away. He makes up for the lost distance quickly and is practically on top of you by the time you enter the gym. 
“Hey Frank” you call out as you enter
“Hey. I’ll be over in a second.” he replies from the locker rooms
Matt crouches down by the side of the building, just close enough to the windows to hear everything going on inside. 
You’re almost done wrapping your hands when Frank emerges from the locker room. 
“Alright let’s start with our usual, then you can have a go at me again.”
“I don’t know Frank. You really wore me out last night. I woke up still in my clothes and shoes.”
Matt knew it. He fucking knew it. 
“Tough shit sweetheart,” Frank responds with a chuckle. “And what did your boyfriend think about that huh? He got any idea what we’re doing here yet?”
“Honestly I don’t know. I didn’t see or hear from him at all today. Which is weird even for him. And no I don’t think he’s figured it out yet.”
“You’re gonna have to tell him eventually”
“No, I don’t”
“So what you’re just gonna keep sneakin’ around, becoming a prize fighter without him gettin’ suspicious? Shit even a regular guy would raise some alarm bells by now, but especially Red and all his … shit”
“Frank, I am not here trying to become a prize fighter. I’m just trying to get strong enough to defend myself if he’s not around to do it. That’s all”
Matt’s heart drops. 
How could he possibly think you were cheating? And with Frank of all people. He felt like an idiot. Like a total asshole. Sure you had lied, well, technically withheld the truth and he’s sure you’ll explain why. And he’s hurt if you wanted to learn to fight that you didn’t come to him.  But this was not nearly as egregious a stain on your relationship as he thought it was. 
“I don’t know. Think you should tell him. Show him your moves. Shit, you’ve gotten a couple good hits on me these last few days I’m sure you could give Red a run for his money.” 
“I am not fighting Matt, Francis.” You say with an eye roll
Matt listens for the next hour as Frank talks you through a few hitting drills, then the two of you sparring. Frank is clearly taking it easy on you, but Matt is still impressed by what he could tell of what you were doing. He absolutely would need to take you on to really gauge your skills. 
Franks's phone rings out just as you’re cooling down with some stretches. 
He answers and speaks for a few minutes. 
“Alright sorry to jet out of here but Madani has somethin urgent for me. You good to get home alright?”
“Yeah, thanks Frank. See you tomorrow.”
Frank gives you a fist bump and then disappears through the front door. Matt uses the opportunity to sneak in just before the door slams closed behind Frank. 
You’re sitting on the floor undoing your wraps as he finally speaks up. 
“If you wanted to opportunity to hit Frank, I’m sure I could have arranged it some other way”
Your spine goes icy cold at the sound of the voice behind you. 
“Matt… I” you stumble to explain. 
“It’s okay sweetheart,” Matt says, hands up in surrender before reaching up to remove his mask
“What are you doing here?” You ask, ready for him to chew you out for your little secret. 
“Alright if I’m honest, do you promise you’ll be honest?” He asks
“I followed you here because I thought you were cheating. With Frank. And I know now that’s not what’s happening. And I’m sorry for not just asking you.” He confesses with a sigh
“Oh Matt. I’m so sorry that I did anything to make you think that. That’s not at all what’s happening here.”
“I know. Been listening all night so I know. But I have to know why. Why are you doing this and why didn’t you tell me? And Frank? Really?”
“It’s a long story. Can I tell you while we walk home?”
And so you do. By the time you make it home to your apartment, you’ve come clean about the incident at work and running into Frank and how he’d been coaching you the last few weeks, and why you were so hesitant to ask Matt to be the one to do it.
Matt is oddly quiet through your explanation but nods as you speak. He finally speaks up just as you’re unlocking the front door. 
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t ask me. But now that I know, I am curious…”
“You want to see how much I’ve learned?”
He nods enthusiastically 
“Fine. I guess since now you know you can join us tomorrow. If you want.”
“Perfect, I’ll be there”
He tucks you in to bed with a gentle kiss before heading out on patrol again, no longer clouded by doubts about your relationship. 
When you arrive at the gym the next night, Matt is already there, looking extra adorable in his gray sweatpants and messy hair. 
It’s all so familiar to him - the buzz of the fluorescent lights, the smell of sweat and heat, the gym mat sticking beneath his bare feet with every step. Just like Fogwells when he was a kid. He feels at home here.
“Hey sweetheart” he greets you with a kiss
“Hey Matty” you can’t help but smile whenever you see him after a long day “Frank texted me, he’s running late, but um do you want to help me warm up?”
Matt’s face lights up with excitement. “Yes. Okay. What does Frank normally have you do?”
“Two rounds of jab crosses on the bag. Three minutes each.”
“Okay, have at it”
You wrap your hands and begin hitting the bag. Not even thirty seconds in, Matt speaks up.
“Woah woah woah. Frank has been letting you hit like this and not correcting your form?”
“Yes. Wait, what the hell is wrong with my form?”
“You’re too far away from the bag. I can hear your shoulder joint rubbing every time you jab, which means you’re over-extending that left arm. Makes you put way too much energy into each hit, you’re gonna wear yourself out way faster. Here. Step closer.”
Matt moves behind you to help you correct your position, then lets you take a few more punches.
“See? More power, less effort.”
“Yeah. Any other pointers?”
Matt places his hands on your shoulders and places his feet right beside yours, pressing his body tight against your back. You never thought of boxing as particularly erotic, especially not with Frank teaching you. But with Matt’s breath against your ear, you can’t help but feel a chill run down your spine straight to your core.
“Go ahead, gimme a few more, I want to feel how your body moves. See just what else Frank has been teaching you wrong.”
“Matt…” the words die on your lips. You want to speak up and defend how kind Frank has been these past few weeks to spend the time to teach you, but Matt’s sweet whisper of encouragement has you forgetting anything else but him.
“C’mon sweetheart, don’t get all shy on me. You hesitate like this for Frank?”
“N..no.” you stutter, then weakly throw out a few more punches
Matt chuckles, knowing just how much he’s winding you up with so little. 
“Put a little more power behind them. Don’t let me being here hold you back.”
You try to do as he says and throw some real hits, but Matt is still pressed right against you.
God, his body is warm usually, but being flush behind you as you move and hit, he practically feels like white-hot iron against you. Your heart is thumping out of your chest, and it’s not just from the few minutes of warming up you’ve done. You know Matt can hear it and is going to play you like a fiddle. His own wicked form of punishment for not telling him about your training.
His hands drop from your shoulders, running down your back lightly and coming to rest on your hips. He plants a soft kiss right under your ear.
“You’ve been working hard. Maybe Frank does know what he’s doing.”
He places a second kiss a little lower down your neck.
“You throw any actual punches at him yet?” he asks
“A few. Landed some of them too.”
A third, fourth, and fifth kiss down your neck, working his way toward your shoulder. His stubble is coarse against your skin, sending goosebumps across your flesh, your toes curling into the squishy mat beneath you.
“Mmm that’s my girl.” he says, as he begins sucking on your neck, his right hand snaking around to your front, tickling at the top of your leggings.
“Matty” you chastise
“What?” he feigns ignorance
“Matthew. Do not start something you can’t finish. Frank will be here any minute.”
“You said he’d be late.”
“His text said ‘a few minutes’ and that was already several minutes ago.”
“Well I can’t hear his heartbeat yet, so we’ve got at least five.”
You want to protest more, you really do, but you just can’t resist Matt. 
Laughing low, he nuzzles into the crook of your neck, his steady breath against your exposed skin a stark contrast to the growing labor of your exhales. You spread your legs a little wider. He takes the invitation and reaches his hand fully into your leggings, using a finger to circle your sensitive bud.
You throw your head back onto his chest with a moan, his name falling from your lips in a breathy whisper.
He continues to suck on your neck as works at your core, finally sliding a finger inside you, then another.
You reach forward to grab the boxing bag for stability, Matt’s touch causing you to writhe enough that you’re not sure you’re able to stay standing without it. As you thrash against him, he inhales deeply, a mix of your natural scent and your arousal consuming his lungs. 
In order to get you exactly where he wants you, he keeps a quick pace, knowing he does not have a lot of time. His rhythm never falters, stroking you over and over in that perfect spongy spot inside you. It’s not long before you're coming apart with a cry of his name.
Just as your head stops spinning and you’re returning to earth, Matt is turning you around and connecting his lips with yours. So hungry to have you, he guides you back a few steps, never breaking his lips from yours, and pushes you against the wall behind you.
His kisses grow more and more desperate, sending an electric tingle down your spine, though that could also be because the wall behind you is made of mirrors and the glass is cool against the heated skin not protected by your sports bra.
As soon as you make contact with the wall, his hands are back on your hips, pushing your leggings and panties down in a heap on the sticky mat beneath you. His clothes soon follow.
You throw your leg up and around his hip, opening yourself to him. An offer he quickly accepts. A soft gasp simultaneously escapes both your lips, the relief between the two of you as he guides himself slowly into your wet and eager core until he’s fully sheathed inside you. Restless fingers reach down to wrap your other leg around him, now fully holding you in the air against the mirrored wall behind you. 
He repeats the pace of his fingers only moments ago and slams into you harshly and quickly, over and over again, desperate to feel you release around him again, knowing Frank could appear at any moment. 
God, your familiar warm heat is absolute perfection, he thinks as he continues to bury himself into you over and over again. You’re still incredibly worked up from your previous climax and it takes just a few thrusts for you to be close again. The way your body is clamping around him and tensing lets him know just how close to ecstasy you are again.
Matt leans forward and you can feel his quickening breath against your ear once more.
“Damnit sweetheart, you scared me so bad. Made me think I was sharing you with someone else.” he grunts as he continues to drive his hips against yours.
“No Matty. I’m yours. Only yours — oh God. I promise.” you whimper back, arching into him further.
“Good. But to make sure you don’t forget, I’m gonna cum inside you, right now and every single night before you leave. So I’m dripping out of you after every hit, every kick. No matter how much Frank trains you. So you remember exactly who. You. Belong to.” he growls lowly against your skin, pushing you even more firmly against the cool glass with every thrust.
“Yes. Please Matt — Fuck. I’m all yours. I promise. Please.”
He thrusts one more time before he cums with a rumble of your name, his arms tightening around you, holding you impossibly close as he releases inside you just as he promised.
As he grinds against you in just the right way to hit that perfect spot one more time, your own orgasm sweeps over you. Your nails dig into his back, holding on to him as you let go, his harsh thrusts now slowed just enough so he can keep the both of you upright.
He feels you release, causing a final low groan from him, slowing down his pace, as your molten pleasure fades away. Still consumed by him and the feel of him holding you close, you lean your head back to rest against the mirror behind you as you catch your breath. Just as you feel like fully slumping against him, he sets you down gently.
You don't even really register him pulling away from you until he speaks. 
“Might want to put your pants back on. Frank’s a block away and I don’t think you want him to know how I warmed you up before he got here.”
You open your eyes and see that Matt is already dressed, a smirk painted across his face as he listens to you scramble to put your clothes on.
Just as you’re adjusting your leggings back in to place, Frank and his large frame enter the gym.
“Hey –” he pauses at the sight of you and Matt in front of him, both sweaty and still panting a little.
“Hmmm. Guess Red knows now.” Frank grumbles
But then his eyes go wide.
“You wanna tell me what that’s about?” he asks with a point of his finger.
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you turn behind you to see what he’s asking about. The mirror is covered in smudges that look vaguely like the outline shape of your body.
“We don’t talk about what happens at fight club…” Matt jokes as you bury your face in your hands in embarrassment.
My Masterlist
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
hi there :D!
Ok so... this is my first time requesting in Tumblr and i Saw The announcememt You gave so My mind told me 'why not?' and thougt about a request
(it's about lackadaisy btw)
So this one is about general dating hc's(or oneshot, watever You feel comfortable doing) with Rocky and freckles
The Reader can be female (if You want ofc)
Thanks you for reading My simple request (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
(sorry if there was something wrong)
A/N: heya!!! so here's the Freckle headcanons I mentioned in the last post!!! I decided to also make this with gn!reader, so I hope you don't mind that anon!!! there are also a few people who've requested a cute date with Freckle, so I'll try to do that someday as well! anyway, here ya go everyone!! hope you all enjoy!! BY THE WAY!! I had to take these headcanons out of the bullet format unfortunately, due to tumblr not letting me post it unless that was done, so I hope you guys don't mind that!
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Freckle McMurray x gn! reader general dating headcanons!
-If anyone wants to date Freckle Mcmurray, they’d have to be the one to confess and show feelings first. Because Freckle isn’t the most comfortable expressing his feelings or opinions to others, which is often because he’s known as the ‘good kid’ amongst the public and he works with some dangerous people in his true job at the Lackadaisy.
-Though, just like Rocky, how you’ve met him could cause different scenarios, which, unlike his cousin, make you see two completely different sides of him that are not as connected as his cousin's is.
-Met Freckle at the little daisy café? Well, for the longest time, you’ll only see his ‘good kid’ side, the one who stays out of trouble and is keen on keeping quiet, the cat who mumbles most times around you when you ask questions about his life and hides behind a notebook when he’s shy. Though, in time, when conversations do finally get exchanged and he doesn’t hide behind a few pieces of paper anymore to speak to you, you do learn much more about him, just not the part where he’s a talented shooter who enjoys the thrill of shootouts and gets obsessed with it sometimes. or the part where he’s a bootlegger in a close to failing speakeasy and not actually just an errand boy for Mitzi May.
-The reveal of the truth, even the faintest thought of it, shakes Freckle to his core. He never wants you to see it, afraid that it would tarnish the strong friendship you two have and have you become freaked out or afraid of him. So when the truth does slip out, which is most likely during a chase, he’s more stressed out than usual and his tongue has seemed to become twisted, for he doesn’t speak nor say a single word to your or the crew and focuses on the fight instead.
-If you don’t approach him yourself after it, he’d avoid you for weeks and run away when you were in the room, feeling immense guilt for what he’s done and thinking that you must’ve despised him by now. Rocky or Ivy must be the ones who coax him out of the kitchen and convince him to at least, exchange a few pleasantries with you in the day.  
-You’d have to choose your words a bit carefully, and try your best to reassure him that you don’t hate him, but do feel a bit offended that he hasn’t told you the truth. He’d apologize profusely, and the normal conversations would be started over again, but now, with a bit more comfortable Freckle than before, since the cat’s out of the bag, he doesn’t feel the need to be cautious around you when speaking about his life.
-Though yes, you are the one who gets feelings first, he’s the one who falls harder. It takes him a few more months, but when it does kick he’s suddenly reverted a bit back to his past behavior- avoiding you at all costs, yet still saying a ‘hello’ and ‘how are you’ at least before running off.
-This, is the best moment to strike and confess. Though Freckle is not known to be expressive when it comes to showing much joy in the day, nor known for being much of a romantic, the smile and blush he has on when you confess is enough proof that he’s head over heels for you as well.
-There’s not much of a difference from friendship to a relationship with him. you still talk about the same things, though if asked, Freckle would talk about a few extra interests and topics he has such as baseball trivia or a few memories of his childhood with Rocky and his mother.
-Although a few memories are spoken about, not much detail is said on what exactly has happened, or how exactly it all has ended, and unfortunately, no matter how curious or concerned you are, Freckle will not speak about it much more than that.
-His love language is mainly spending time with you, and being comfortable enough to speak to you. He only has conversations with people he considers his friends or cares about, so as his lover, you tend to have the most conversations with him, especially when you’re both alone. The love language he likes to receive most would be the same thing. He values all the moments he can spend with you, so when you go out of your way to make time for him it means a lot, and he feels a bit flustered and guilty about it.
-“you didn’t have to make time for me, I know you were busy with that project this whole week.”
-“it's fine,” you shrugged. “and it’s not a bother at all anyway. I like spending time with you.”
-A beat red Freckle is what you’ll be seeing the whole day after that.
-Freckle isn't the best at romance, so usually, if he does want to use another love language such as gift-giving or words of affirmation, etc, he’s a bit awkward and shy about it. he tends to feel out of his element and a bit stressed when doing so. A few compliments and words of comfort from you are much appreciated.
-You will most likely never meet Nina Mcmurray of Freckle’s own accord, since he for one, never wants you two to meet in fear of her disapproving of your relationship. Though, if the meeting ever does happen, he’d be freaking out the entire time through it. he’d be quiet, yet his eyes were panic-stricken and his tail is wagging everywhere. it’d take him a few cups of tea to start calming down. Nina isn’t the most easiest person to please, so if she does like you, then great! Expect her to invite you for some tea or dinner with Freckle at times, but if not, then though you are probably unwelcome in the house, Freckle reassures you that it won’t affect your relationship with him in anyway, and that you’ll only have to avoid coming to his house, which isn't much of a problem since you both usually spend time elsewhere.
-not at all a PDA person, he feels like it’s a bit disrespectful to kiss or hold hands and flirt while everyone else is in the room. though, he does do very small things such as put his hand on top of yours and caress your fingers under the table, or put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, things that you could only notice and feel to make you feel calm during frustrating times. And if you do them back he’ll melt, and you’d have successfully calmed him down.
-Whether you like it or not, the teasing comments of his dear cousin Rocky will be a part of it all, though mostly targeted at Freckle himself, he does sometimes jab some at you as well, mostly speaking about how you’ve got Freckle wrapped around your finger.
-There are often times when Freckle is questioning his entire morality and life, where he regrets most of the things he’s doing right now, since he’s been taught in a Christian household about how people who do such actions are foul and must be punished. Which, on rare nights, leads to rethinking his entire life and feeling the utmost self-hatred and unworthiness of love. Those are times when you’re needed most, to reassure and comfort in however you can. and despite not believing you when you tell him he’s a good person, if the self-hatred is strong enough, he will, while looking away embarrassed, ask if he can hold your hand or hug you. since those actions bring lots of comfort and warmth to him.
-He’s also quite insecure about his laugh, what he sees as a complete failure in his personality and the thing that makes unfortunate things happen to him. so If you ever compliment him or say you like it, he’d first gawk at you as if you said unicorns were real, then he’d thank you with a stutter and think about your compliment for an entire week, always getting flustered each time the memory comes across his mind.
-If you have any hobbies of your own, he’d happily try them out for you. whether it’s painting, dancing, or anything you’re quite passionate about, he’d like to give it a try at least once, if not for the quality time, then for it to be an excuse to see you smile and rambling on excitedly.
-There will be times when you’re stuck in an extremely dangerous situation alongside Freckle, such as shootouts and gang fights, if you weren’t involved in such fiascos in the first place and were just a normal citizen before meeting him, he does feel guilty for dragging you into it all and does try to minimize the number of times he sees you before finishing up a task. He also tries to usually meet up with you when it's broad daylight and cops are out, which would decrease the number of fights that could happen.
-All in all, he’s a calm and peaceful lover, and although he isn't much verbal about it, he appreciates you much more than you know it.
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mothmorality · 2 months
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my muses can be found here i post and reblog plots i'd like to write here
open starters are here
ask memes are here!
hello!!! my name is moth (she/her) and i'd love to get some more writing going while i do my replies! i write here on tumblr and also on discord!
i am 21 years old and i will not roleplay with anyone under the age of 18…
i am a huge fan of anything horror related, dead dove, angsty, anything dark really. i enjoy writing smut but do not necessarily need it if you are uncomfortable. 
i much much much prefer to write as the female, but can absolutely still write males. i am a semi lit-adv lit writer, though i mostly just match whatever length my partner sends  i'm not picky.
keep reading for some pairings/plots/fandoms!
NOW… onto the pairings/plots/fandoms!
italics are cravings, bold is who i'd prefer to write as…
professor x student
non-fan x celebrity
vampire x human
vampire x vampire hunter
pirate/sailor x siren
ghost x human
assassin x target
ex x ex
bodyguard x client
older neighbor x new younger neighbor
serial killer x serial killer
serial killer x innocent
accidental murderer x skilled murderer
​​​​​​​fandoms/fav movies and shows
the hunger games
the last of us
final destination
the walking dead
the 100
the uglies series
the purge
some very basic plot ideas:
(yellowjackets based) Our muses get stranded in a remote area after a horrific plane crash. they must navigate young adulthood with the rest of the passengers starving, terrified, and hopeless. supernatural forces throughout the forest begin to make themselves known, and our survivors see themselves going down darker and darker paths until they cannot recognize themselves anymore, convinced society has moved on from rescuing them anymore
(serial killers/kill for hires lover) Muse A is a killer, and also a wonderful partner. muse B is their long term partner, blissfully unaware of their lovers real profession until muse B catches muse A in a very compromising position. lots of angst, hurt/comfort, dark themes
(haunted) our muses are urban explorers, they find themselves inside an old abandoned theme park from decades ago, decaying from the inside out. while walking around, they discover that they haven't seen the way out, or any way out, even once. things are moving that shouldn't be, and they are hearing more and more off putting noises. what happens when the spirits finally show themselves? how will our muses appease them, or fight to escape?
(​​​​​​​apocalypse) muse A and muse B are life long enemies, constantly trying to one up the other and always hating being around each other. when they are forced to work together on a work project and the apocalypse hits, they are forced to either let their pettiness win and be alone through all of this horror, or stay together and try to survive as a team. various traumatic events bond them closer and closer until they discover hidden feelings beneath layers of vines. enemies to lovers
thank you so much for reading!! like this post if anything interests you and i'll send you a message! feel free to message me as well <3
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unlikely-bloom · 1 year
Honestly the constant discourse about Kyman, as someone who ships it, is kinda making me want to distance myself from what used to be my OTP. People speaking ill of Kyman shippers is working on me and starting to make me worry that I'm doing something wrong by shipping it. I shouldn't care about what ppl on the internet think and I usually don't but constantly being told that I'm "supporting" something thats "abusive" or problematic is getting to me. Like dammit, I didn't even know about the discourse when I got into Kyman; I got into it by watching the show itself and it was my first SP ship but honestly if I knew that people gave a shit about it in the SP fandom I probably wouldn't have bothered. It'll always have a place in my heart but I'm getting tired of this shit 😔 Im extra emotional rn so Im not being rational here and you dont have to publish this. I know fandom shouldn't have that affect on me I'll get over it after Style vs. Kyman fight 2192943290 blows over. Idk if you're comfortable with vents sorry if I crossed a boundary here.
Oh, anon. It never used to be like this.
Fandom discourse these days is insane. Unhinged, even. The idea that anyone is more morally correct than someone else for what they ship and enjoy in fiction is absolutely ludicrous. Especially within the context of shipping fucking South Park characters.
The hard truth is that every fandom is like this now. You don't have shipping wars just arguing over what makes more sense 'in canon', but moving on to an ever-changing line of what is and isn't 'morally acceptable.' As if that's ever something the majority of people would ever agree on. (Hint: it's not!)
But there is a certain irony to see people arguing this for South Park of all things, as if we aren't all equally degenerate for enjoying such a 'problematic' show in the first place. Like... seriously. Be so serious, people. It's South Park. Everything is exaggerated for comedic effect-- including character's personalities, their actions and their relationships to one another. It's never going to be a character driven show no matter how much this fandom sometimes wishes it was. We're going to have characters who don't give a fuck about each other, literally wishing death or plotting to kill each other in one episode and then they're just going to be chilling playing video games in the next episode like nothing happened. It's episodic. That's part of the appeal. It's why it's such a sandbox.
Even if you didn't ship Kyman, their dynamic is impossible to ignore, try as some might. They say they hate each other, yet they keep hanging out. Both parties are there of their own volition. They both enjoy each other's company, and no amount of write-up's anyone can post on tumblr dot com is going to change that canon fact. They're friends.
Also-- they are just plain fun to watch, fucking hilarious and a huge appeal of the show! If someone else who watches the show doesn't like them, that's their problem. Them not liking an aspect of the show isn't going to make that part of the show any less valid and/or canon. And guess what? You're supposed to like their dynamic. It's supposed to be entertaining and captivating. How you interpret it is up to you, but there is 100% nothing wrong with watching an episode of South Park and enjoying Eric and Kyle's dynamic-- that is what you're supposed to do. So don't feel bad about it. The show is made for people to enjoy, after all. Also, it's important to keep in mind that just because you can find a dynamic appealing doesn't mean you endorse everything about it. That's such a wild and new-age fandom take. Fiction is an escape-- a safe space to explore unrealistic relationships and unrealistic characters. You're allowed to like fucked up things in fiction. You're allowed to like stuff in fiction you'd find repulsive or abhorrent in real life.
I think I can speak for a good chunk of the fandom when I say, I'd fucking hate Eric Cartman in real life. Hell, I'd probably hate Kyle, too. I have a lot of favourite characters from different fandoms I'd probably hate in real life. They're fun because they're fictional and it's different from real life. If I wanted to read about stuff that happens in real life, I wouldn't be here.
In the end, anon, fandom is supposed to be fun. To me it's just fun to take these silly little egg construction paper kids, draw 'em as anime characters, and give 'em some angst. It's fun! There's so much to do with them! They're soooo dynamic!
But if you're not having fun-- if you're stressing-- there's nothing wrong with taking a step back for your own mental well-being. I'm not about to tell you your feelings are invalid, because I know how any internet discourse, no matter how trivial or silly it may seem, can still stress you out. If you're constantly being told you're morally corrupt or problematic, it can take a toll on you-- even if you know you're not. The truth is you're never going to agree with everyone on the internet, and people will weaponize something as trivial as a South Park ship to make them feel better about their ship while also making you feel worse about your ship.
Anyways, when it comes to stepping back, I think there's a few ways you could go about this;
You could disengage with the social part of the fandom-- focus on the show itself, maybe just hunker down with some fanfics.
If you'd like to remain active on social medias, I think it wouldn't hurt to start blocking liberally. Anyone who has anything along the lines of 'Kymans DNI' in their profile, just block right away. You don't want to see their opinion, anyways. You're never going to convince them otherwise.
If you have a few close friends, I recommend sticking close in a small private discord server where you can discuss your headcanons and gossip in private. It's much more liberating than trying to get involved in any of the insane discourse that plagues both here and Twitter.
Anyways, anon, do what's right for you. Kyman shippers will always be here to welcome you back! They can say what they want-- we have too much canon fodder for us to ever go away!!
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dreeftaway · 1 year
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hi, hello everyone! i'm jamal and here's my stoic, slightly emotionally constipated scientist jin dosoo. super excited to be here (haven't been in a tumblr rp for years so i'm a little nervous) but i hope i can write with every amazing writer here! here's dosoo's brief info (will be updated gradually) and here's dosoo's app that contains her story pre- and post-outbreak. below the cut is some trivia about her and some wanted connection (which is not much). i'm also available on discord for a discussion! :D
dosoo is the only daughter in her family. she has (had?) 5 brothers, 3 older, 2 younger. they were fishermen and they had a sashimi restaurant by the beach. so naturally dosoo was expected to work there after she graduated high school
her family is the typical asian family who thinks sons can do no wrong and puts daughters on a higher pedestal; dosoo was very self-sufficient because she was expected to do all the work in the house when her mother wasn't around (while her brothers were lazing around after work)(bad). no one ever asked her what she wanted out of life
she wasn't born a genius; she was fairly average in school but she was very very very dedicated to her studies (who trades sleep for a study session kind of student). she's also very critical of herself but she hates it when other people criticize her (bad)
her relationship with her family made her not want to get married but she still did nevertheless (it was an arranged marriage). her husband, jungha, is very chill about her and the whole relationship was business-like more than anything. they b chilling 2 meters apart, watching the news and reading books, sometimes bitching about their colleagues
dosoo is not a fan of teamwork and prefers to be left alone but her marriage taught her that not everything can be done alone (and that its okay to ask for help!)(she's still feeling very conflicted about that but with the apocalypse going, she's learning to cope)
not a fighter, more of a runner. she ran marathons and it all pays off! very sloppy with weapons, it's a surprise she didn't take her eyes out or something. fairly good with knives because of her years serving sashimi in her family restaurant but she doesn't have the stomach for violence (violent thoughts are where she draws the line)
she brings her journal everywhere like a holy book. it's like a diary for her, where she writes her daily routine and what she encounters on the road especially about the infected. she's very observant when she's not getting chased by the infected (which is why she prefers to sneak around so she can take notes of everything that's going on around her)
loves animals but does not have the commitment to keep a pet. dosoo would wave at stray cats but shrink away from them because she doesn't want the cat to get attached to her. she really doesn't have the energy to take care of another being.
wanted connections:
dosoo is not a fighter and therefore susceptible to attacks by the infected or other aggressive civilians. please teach her fight! (she's not good at it)(there will be frustrated screaming)
you catch her snooping around trying to figure out what the hell is up with the fireflies. dosoo is curious about a lot of things (the wrong things). more fighting? or just talking ensues?
probably with one of the gen zs? dosoo used to teach and host lectures so maybe you've seen her before. she's not very enthusiastic when meeting people but she'll talk your ear off about her research
something in the team reminds dosoo of her husband and you, a kind soul, offer to listen to dosoo loudly denying that she misses her husband while being all melancholic
i'm always up for a discussion! i'm down for anything angsty comedic thriller any genre to ever exist please don't hesitate to pitch your idea to me
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zalrb · 2 years
Do you have a personal favorite “toxic” couple or pairing? I hate using that word because it’s so over used lol but I don’t know how else to phrase it. Just like two people who obviously aren’t the healthiest together but they can’t stop themselves and you can’t stop yourself from enjoying their dynamic/scenes together ?
It's only overused because people refer to relationships they don't like as toxic and then try to defend themselves by being like, they had a fight one time so they're obviously toxic and it does my head in to the point that my header on tumblr before this one was this
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because i was fucking SICK of anons telling me ships were toxic because there were low points in the relationship.
Toxic relationships when done correctly can be extremely entertaining and fun and compelling, I love watching fictional toxic relationships when the writing is honest, which is why I've always maintained that if Delena was crafted properly I would've at least been entertained by them but they weren't. So, for me, it could go from:
Kelly and Ryan from The Office, which is a thoroughly dysfunctional relationship where they're both terrible people together but also portrayed in a very comedic and lighthearted way
or it can be Cesare and Lucrezia where the very fact that romantic feelings exist at all is in it of itself toxic and it's tearing them both apart but it only gets worse and better at the same time and it's just a constant struggle for them
I end up arguing against Spuffy a lot because Spuffy shippers come into my inbox and start shitting on Bangel and Angel and calling that relationship toxic and I don't ship them as a lasting couple but particularly season 6, as a sort of symptom and embodiment of Buffy's dark psychology at the time, it's a good example of a compelling toxic relationship
I was asked a few years ago about relationships that transition from toxic to healthy and I always went to Gallavich so Gallavich doesn't end up being a toxic relationship but they were when they first started and it's complicated because the toxicity is wrapped up in so many different things
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but there was a certain angst that came with it that, like, ruined my life and I was absolutely here for it
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Cookie and Lucious was another ship and I remember having to breakdown to an anon why Damon and Elena weren't in the same league as Cookie and Lucious and if any canon ship on the show would be remotely close, it would be Klaroline
From other posts of mine:
The World of the Married is some toxic, awful, terrible, entertaining shit where it’s a husband and wife, the husband carries on an affair while all of their mutual friends know and like have dinners and vacation with him and his mistress she finds out,
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they get a divorce and he marries his mistress except that he’s obsessed with his ex wife
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and even dresses his new wife just like his ex wife and his ex has sex with his best friend to get back at him
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and then they have hate sex,
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it’s this whole thing and it’s based I think pretty much shot for shot on a British show and it was just so fun to watch.
Tony and Carmela are not an OTP of mine but I’m a big fan of the writing for that marriage and of how Edie and James portrayed that marriage and it is a possessive relationship but an entirely hypocritical one, Tony cheats on Carmela frequently and Carmela is expected to deal with it because that’s the deal she made, she gets to live a luxurious lifestyle and Tony gets to fuck around  but that’s not working out
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but when Carmela just flirts with the idea of another man, Tony loses his shit.
First, it was this eroticism with her priest and he slept over one night and Tony was bothered by it
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then it was Furio and Furio flees to Italy because he’s in love with Carmela and thought about killing Tony even though the two of them didn’t really do much or spend much time together
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and I remember when David Chase said he would’ve changed this line
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to infuriate Tony even more to this:
“I remember being on the stage at, like, 2:30 in the morning when [Gandolfini and Falco] did that,” he said. “It was just unbelievable.” But that got him thinking about a way he could have done it differently.
“What she should have said — instead of ‘I have been dreaming and wishing and … about Furio’ —  she should have said, to get [Tony], ‘I have been dreaming and masturbating and blah blah blah,” Chase said. “But it’s too late.”
There are some ships that are portrayed as cute and romantic but are actually really toxic that I do enjoy like Joe and Kathleen from You've Got Mail because the concept of that entire movie is psychotic. Joe is a sociopath.
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Like, ma'am, he ran you out of business, continued your online relationship while he knew you were the one he was talking to while you didn't know he was who you were talking to, and then he befriended you irl and tried to get you to hate his online persona so you could like him for him, like WHAT?
I want to like Loustat more than I actually do because, like, there are some great things that happen? Like Lestat sending Louis a record with his lover singing on it as an apology that then riles Louis up so much that he swims across the river, kicks down Antoinette's door, demands she get out of her own apartment so he can have hate sex with Lestat while she listens on the balcony crying? I was like THIS is the type of shit I want from IWTV but it still all somehow very perfunctory like a lot of the show because the emphasis is on the voiceover and dialogue so there are aspects of Loustat where I'm like I want to live in this moment, I don't want to hear about it, I want to see it, which is also why I make vids of them because it's basically taking those moments out and emphasizing them more.
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randomlut · 2 years
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I posted 10,563 times in 2022
That's 983 more posts than 2021!
68 posts created (1%)
10,495 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,815 of my posts in 2022
#jason todd - 365 posts
#spy x family - 97 posts
#the sandman - 93 posts
#red hood - 68 posts
#lol - 51 posts
#task force z - 44 posts
#dc - 42 posts
#netflix the sandman - 38 posts
#dc comics - 38 posts
#anya forger - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#as long as you don't let it take control of your life and made you cruel to other people irl just because they have different intepretation
My Top Posts in 2022:
Non of the family was really fighting. They were trying to capture Jason. Jason was trying to run away/stall. There are scores of comics where a group tries to capture Jason and he gets away. Leviathan had Bruce and several league members fight Jason and he beat them. All I know is the issue was one of the few moments since UTRH that stressed how good Jason is a strategy and playing people.
Yes! the way I read it, it feels like an ordinary sibling brawl but vigilante standard. I remember back then when I was a kid when my Mom made me jump into the pool, once I get into the pool, I didn't want to stop to the point of my sister had to drag me out of the pool with physical force (we were both kids, nothing serious happen). same thing here.
Also, your examples show that it's USELESS to debate which one is stronger among batkids because almost DC comics are plot-driven, so it really depends on which one is being the main character/main villain in the series.
i feel like in the TFZ, the bat sibling "fight" is written quite fairly. no one really wins here, not even Jason because TFZ managed to escape but barely and they have to deal with being chased in the next volume.
the complaints feel like they just hate Jason can even hold up against batfam, like it's not allowed for Jason to be slightly competent, he must be the dumbest one against their fav and be beaten easily, which you know, is unfair.
89 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
So i got this ask and the more i think about it, you're absolutely absolutely right anon. This must be how this zombie group idea was pitched
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And this one is from Rosenberg's interview, about how Task Force Z comic was pitched
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See the full post
110 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
For people that complaining about Jason won against the Batsibling, especially Cass, did you actually read the whole run or just this panel then got angry out of context?
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193 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
So finally catch up with task force Z (the only run that i read that now since I'm still on DC Comic break).
Not really love Jason's describing himself as the same level with Bane (who literally killed Alfred?! and Jason killed him in issue 4 but now Bane's rising again because death really mean NOTHING in this run, like NOTHING NOTHING)
And no one corrects him, which seems that this is also Rosenberg's take on Jason and not just Jason's being self deprecating
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Like no Jason, maybe this is just me being a Jason's stan, but no, you're not the same, like why suddenly Jason is really into this team? Maybe because they just saved his ass earlier?
However, love Jason and Batman conversation. like what Jason said to Batman is exactly what i think about their relationship too.
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397 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Lol i just realize that there are Gotham citizens in the background. and they just standing there, watching vigilantes sibling fighting and all, being dramatic af while they just waiting for their train
Just another Tuesday for Gotham citizens.
Also, Jason's face is just open like that in public?
2,223 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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dotted-ink · 2 years
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I posted 54,717 times in 2022
That's 24,411 more posts than 2021!
80 posts created (0%)
54,637 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,258 of my posts in 2022
#long post - 112 posts
#crab post - 47 posts
#road work - 41 posts
#not a reblog - 23 posts
#unreality - 21 posts
#checkpoint - 17 posts
#prev - 12 posts
#omg - 9 posts
#girl - 8 posts
#color of the sky squared - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Nice gender you got there....sure would be a shame if something were to happen to it :)
What is going to happen to my gender!?!
13 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
15 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
No because Portal isnt about secret love or the horrors of humanity and unchecked progress or whatever its about a place built on apathy crumbling in on itself and years later you wake up in its ruins in its terrible glory, On the pedestal, these words that yet appear, about ozymandias and icarus and the strive for more killing them all. A haunted place that hates you, hates your existence, seven zeitgeists of itself stacked upon each other, foundation upon foundation rotting and rotting and full of- well, not death, but the complete and utter absence of life where there used to be
And above, an everchanging grand machination of not apathy or hatred, but emotion- a need to get out, a need to live, feel, exist. Life exists here in all forms despite the places best efforts, struggling against the foundations of the place, daring to change it and rise beyond it. It is about life, trapped by the consequences of its choices centuries previous, breaking finally free from the apathy and absence of its foundations, picking fights and making mistakes and ultimately coming out the better for it. In other words, it is absence vs everything, life opposed to unlife, stasis opposed to unfiltered change
16 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Meow ?
18 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
C!tommy (chommy, if you will) used to be about hope, I've realized. Its nothing new that he represents hope, represents a bright light in the face of whatever conflict comes, whether or not he's on the other side of the war. But its new to me that he isn't about hope any longer. Now, he's only trying to survive. He isn't reconnecting sides, he isn't retaining friendships despite it all, he isn't forgiving because he think it's right.
Hes just grasping at what used to be, at this point. And its miserable, and its all he can do. He'd been hope for so long, and now he can't be it anymore. I wonder if that will change, sooner or later. I wonder what it will change into.
21 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
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I posted 8,554 times in 2022
That's 514 more posts than 2021!
94 posts created (1%)
8,460 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,345 of my posts in 2022
Only 14% of my posts had no tags
#disney - 1,529 posts
#amphibia - 586 posts
#tales of arcadia - 478 posts
#the owl house - 444 posts
#encanto - 376 posts
#trollhunters - 323 posts
#lgbtqia+ - 311 posts
#favorite posts - 274 posts
#anne boonchuy - 260 posts
#tiktoks - 252 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#but when i watched wizards for the first time i remember just looking at him when he was in a scene no matter who was speaking
My Top Posts in 2022:
Merlin is such an interesting character, with so much angst potential, and hardly anyone realizes that.
He isn’t the typical Merlin. When I, at least, think of other versions of Merlin, the Sword in the Stone Merlin is one of the first to come to my mind. The Sword in the Stone Merlin is sweet, a little bit forgetful, and a little weird. His magic can only be used for educational purposes, according to him. ToA Merlin is a jaded, guarded person. He’s a warrior who’s been through a lot, to say the least, and he remembers everything. Maybe that’s why most of the ToA fandom still doesn’t try to analyze him at all. They don’t look at the layers of his character, they only look at the surface, and go, “Merlin’s a bad person!” That’s barely covering the whole Merlin hate train after Season Three came out, ugh.
Anyway, here’s the hell that he’s been through: He’s been fighting evil for thousands of years. In his words, “I was battling evil when the world was still young.” Because of that, he’s seen millennia of terrible failures, death, and pain. He fought the Arcane Order and their Titans for a thousand years straight, and it’s implied that he was the one who sealed them away. He only got a hundred years of peace before he went to sleep. Well, not even that. Guinevere died, and Arthur’s massacre began, which affected everyone. He became emotionally distant from Douxie. He tried to lessen the effects of Arthur’s massacre by taking creatures under his protection. I doubt Arthur could kill him, but he could have been imprisoned, or banished, for treason. His former apprentice, Morgana turned against them, then she died in front of him.
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She came back to life, and he was still trying to process the fact that she had died in the first place. Then Killahead happened. He literally got impaled with her magic, then he learned that Arthur died. He was confused. Before he had the chance to try to process another death of one of his few friends, Morgana tried to kill him. She wanted him dead, irrationally blaming him for her brother’s death. He had to go to sleep for nine hundred years because of that, and the only reason he was asleep for that long is because Morgana was stealing his magic for nine hundred years. Even though he prepared for everything, he was hoping that it wouldn’t happen, and he didn’t know that Morgana had taken his magic until the Eternal Night.
He’s a great judge of character. In a few seconds of meeting Angor Rot, he told Morgana, “Leave them alone, Morgana!” He was talking about both AAARRRGGHH!!! and Angor Rot. She beat him up, wanting to kill him again. He realized that Morgana stole his magic for nine hundred years, which is what kept him asleep. Then after she beat him up some more, she told him that she murdered his Trollhunters. Before that, he had to learn that she was keeping a slave when he met Angor Rot.
See the full post
200 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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I’m screaming
407 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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I have a type.
502 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Some people really don’t understand complex characters, and it shows.
625 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
968 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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welcometoqueer · 2 years
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I posted 78 times in 2022
5 posts created (6%)
73 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov is a cultural and generational touchstone - 2 posts
#goncharov (1973) - 2 posts
#lgbt - 2 posts
#queer pride - 2 posts
#goncharov - 2 posts
#goncharov deserves more love and recognition - 2 posts
#give goncharov the respect it deserves - 2 posts
#or studio execs - 1 post
#respect for marriage act - 1 post
#tw politics - 1 post
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#*hits studio executives with broom* keep your grimy hands away from our baby!
My Top Posts in 2022:
The U.S. Senate just passed the Respect for Marriage Act which federally protects same-sex and interracial relationships!!
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
It took way longer than it should have but federal law now recognizes that everyone, no matter who they love, is entitled to respect and equal treatment. Love is love and that sentiment will now be codified into law! 🏳️‍🌈🎉⚧🎊
Now, I’ve seen some of the comments in response to this announcement: “Okay, so what? LGBTQ+ and interracial couples have been able to be married before though, why is this so important?”
With SCOTUS overturning decisions such as Roe v. Wade in recent years, it is clear that established precedent is not enough to secure what seem like basic rights.
(Not to mention it’s importance since interracial and LGBTQ+ relationships have really only been accepted within recent history but still face extreme hate and discrimination. That’s another whole tangent though.)
Essentially, this act is important because it serves as a preventive measure against other attacks on peoples’ rights or their access to fair and equal treatment.
The act itself passed with 61 to 36 votes, only 12 Republicans were for the act at all. Even Mitch McConnell, who is in an interracial marriage himself, voted against the bill.
Below are the 37 Senators that voted against the fair treatment and equal access for those in interracial and/or LGBTQ+ marriages/relationships. Note the names of the people who want to strip away freedoms for those who don’t align with “traditional” values.
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1 note - Posted November 29, 2022
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bestie <- blushing screaming crying 🤩
omgay I wonder who it is ahhhh
2 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
I’m worried some studio exec will see Goncharov trending, get the wrong idea, and actually try to make a movie to “appeal” to us…
Now if that does happen, I believe it’s our duty to pretend like it was never a liked/popular thing and to absolutely flame whatever product comes of it.
On the other hand, I think it’d be hilarious to get tumblr an academy award for a completely fake film, I mean, it is critically acclaimed, it should recognized as such.
8 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
is he…ya know…, an
amBIvert ???
good question, misha doesn’t seem to know either
24 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
man, we gotta make like, an extremely long, detailed test people gotta survive and pass before they’re allowed to make a “informal” tumblr account
AND THEN the survivors of that get thrown in a gauntlet where og tumblarians get to watch them fight and panic as they try to figure out how to survive on this site
if they manage to survive all that then I guess, they can stay…I still won’t be happy about it but I won’t be as pissed off if they “pay their dues,” so to speak
no but for real, y’all are doing great work out there, keep those twitter users far away from here!
37 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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I knew I wasn’t that active this year cause my life got busy and stressful but not bad
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iridescentsugar · 2 years
Giving Up.
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Social media in 2015 was a more social place.
There weren't as many algorithms around, making it feel impossible to connect with like minds. Now its more like being herded like cattle. Going after the shiniest objects (like going viral) and getting the most engagement.
Its even become an issue for users that just want to share some thoughts and moments with the world and let it be known that we exist.
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To combat the person I felt I was becoming because of all of this, I deactivated all of my gaming social media (yes, even Discord) and just go off the grid.
I don't get enough engagement to feel like I matter, and I hate that this is how I feel.
It's unfair to spend so much time, fighting through life (e.g. mental health and neurodivergence) just to be further disappointed by how little "Big Social" cares about really letting human individuals connect with one another.
Or, it could just be my personality. I can accept that. I grew up the youngest child and really already felt like an only child (no complaints to my family, I get they were older and busy just trying to make it).
But even in my little solitude, I still like the thought of being seen.
However... algorithms, mental health, timing, whatever it is may just mean I will remain a beautiful soul, dancing in the dark like its 2013. The time of life that felt like what Studio 54 meant to music artists back in the 70s.
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So, hello Tumblr. Excited to have an outlet that's easy to post both text and images on. And maybe venture out and discover some blogs I like.
Until I feel too ignored, and have to delete this too. :( But I'm a hopeful person. Happy to be able to write so much, find cute gifs and share my thoughts alongside cute photos.
hehe. I might like it here.
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 10 months
Fight Club [Frank's Version]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x (AFAB)Reader x Frank Castle
Summary: If this seems familiar, that's cause it is. When @hellskitchenswhore sent this prompt I gave two options: Either Matt fucks you before your next session so he's dripping out of you while you're training with Frank so you "remember who you belong to" ORRRRRR he busts up your session and you end up having a three way with him and Frank in the gym. She chose the former but the later has honestly been bouncing around my brain since then and I finally wrote it. The fic is the same until Matt follows reader to the gym, then the fun begins...
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Warnings: 18+/SMUT. No use of Y/N. Female/AFAB reader (use of terms like girlfriend and female anatomy.) Established relationship. Brief mention of an active shooter at an office, Frank and Matt using pet names like sweetheart, mentions and accusations of cheating but no actual cheating, Unprotected sex, Fingering and hand job, Oral (M & F receiving,) THREE WAY! A TRIP TO PARIS!, P in V, Creampie, etc.
WC: 7,200
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
“That’s it sweetheart, last round I promise.” Frank encourages you as you take swings at the bag in front of you. 
You’ve been at this for at least an hour and your arms feel like jello. You can’t remember the last time you were breathing this hard that wasn’t from Matt bending you in half. Jumping directly into the Hudson would have kept you drier than the amount of sweat currently pouring down your face and exhausted body.
“Atta girl, atta girl!” Frank praises as you take your last few swings, arms too weak to make any real movement of the bag
“Alright, you’re getting the hang of it now. Few more sessions and you’ll be out there with Red every night.”
“Pfft I don’t know about that, Frank. I’m just trying to make sure I can protect myself is all.”
“So remind me again why you didn’t ask him to teach you this?”
It started last week. One of your favorite coworkers was going through a bitter divorce and her estranged husband decided to confront her at the office and pulled a gun. You heard two shots ring out from your desk and feared the worst - all the active shooter situations you'd seen on TV were happening live in your life. Fortunately, as you fled for safety, Jerry from accounting was able to disarm and tackle the guy before he could hurt anyone thanks to his black belt in Jiujitsu.
Even though the incident ended okay, it had spooked you enough to get yourself some defense classes, for all those times when your vigilante boyfriend was too far uptown to protect you at a moment’s notice and Jerry wasn’t around to save the day.
Matt was always overprotective of you and you hated to think how he’d react to the incident, so you hadn’t told him. When the story hit the news, you lied (via text so he couldn’t detect it) and said it happened on a different floor and you didn’t even notice. 
You also didn’t tell him about your decision to learn self-defense. Matt was more than qualified to teach you, but for some reason, you just didn’t feel comfortable asking for his help with this. Maybe it was his propensity to throw himself into helping those he cared about, you especially, that gave you hesitation to give him another thing to prioritize over himself. Maybe it was just how good he was at fighting that made you not want to “be a beginner” in front of him (not that Matt would ever judge you about anything.)
In fairness to you, you hadn’t intended to learn it from his frenemy and former client, but you’d showed up at the boxing gym near your work and the gruff men inside intimidated you so much, you bolted out the door before signing up for a class, tears welling in your eyes when you quite literally bumped into Frank on the street.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, nodding towards the door of the boxing gym
“I thought… Look I want to learn how to fight. Or at least how to defend myself. This place is close to work but um… might not be the right fit for me.”
“Why don’t you just ask Red?”
“It’s a long story,” you replied with a sigh “but I really don’t want to ask him. Or for him to even know about it. So can you please not mention you saw me here or we had this conversation?”
“Okay, can I ask why not?”
“You can but I’m not gonna answer.” 
Frank chuckled and shook his head
“Well if you want to learn to fight, this isn’t the best place. I know Vinny the owner and he’s a shit teacher. But if you want to learn for real, I’m happy to teach you.”
“What? Wait really? Wait, Frank you know how to fight?”
“Sweetheart, I was a Marine for over 15 years, ‘course I know how to fight.”
“And you’d do that for me?”
“Course. You’re Red's girl. What times’ he leave for his little night job?”
“Great, meet me here at 9:30. Tonight.”
And that was how you ended up here, collapsing on the gym mat beneath you with a groan.
“Not bad for your first time. We just gotta get you in the habit of resetting your hands after every hit, and you’ll be golden” Frank praises again
“Oh yeah, I forgot, always protect the face so I don’t end up lookin like you.” you jest
“Ouch” he feigns hurt with a smirk on his face “Red teach you to swing low like that?”
“Nah Castle, that’s all me. It’s part of why he loves me. Same time tomorrow?”
“Sure. See you then.”
By the time Matt returns home, you’re showered and in bed, sore muscles pulsing every time you twist and turn in your sleep. Between the smell of sweaty clothes in the hamper and the scent of your freshly washed skin rubbing against silk sheets, plus the heat radiating off your sore muscles as he crawls into bed silently beside you, Matt figures it out pretty quickly.
‘She started going back to the gym. Hmm. Have to ask her about that in the morning.’ he thinks as he drifts off beside you.
You awake in the morning to gentle hands rubbing at your back. 
“Mmm morning Matty” you mumble, still pulling yourself out of sleep
“Morning sweetheart.”
“What are you doing?” you ask as he works a little lower down your spine
“Giving you a massage. I can tell you’re sore. When did you start going back to the gym?”
“Just yesterday. And you’re right I’m super sore. Thank you, this is a nice way to start my day.”
“Of course sweetheart. What gym did you go to? Did you have fun?” he inquires
His innocent prodding has you waking fully quickly, trying to cover your tracks without outright lying and getting caught.
“Oh this gym near work. Couple people in the office recommended it. And yeah I had fun.” 
All truths.
“That’s nice. Mmmm do you want to start the coffee or shower first?” he asks, seemingly letting the subject go
As you rush around to get ready for work, Matt grabs the laundry hamper from the bathroom, walking it over to the washing machine. Your dirty workout clothes from the night before sit on top, now less potent that they have completely dried. But he can’t help but feel like something smells off.
Sure it smells like you - natural scent mixed with your fading sweat, but there’s something else. Something familiar. A very subtle hint of spiciness mixed with… is that gunpowder? 
‘Weird’ Matt thinks to himself, but brushes it off a moment later, the smell not strong enough to really garner more than a passing thought.
But three times he does the laundry in a row, he smells it. It’s so subtle, he might not even give it another thought, but it’s just so damn familiar. 
It takes another week for him to ask you about it.
“Hey sweetheart, you’ve been going to the gym a lot lately,” he mentions over dinner 
“Mmmhmm. Yeah, can you feel my muscles growing? I’m feeling stronger.” you reply
“Yeah. What exactly are you doing at the gym? It’s really working.”
“Oh a little cardio, a little strength, you know…” you skirt around, being intentionally vague
“That’s good. Is it like a class or?”
“Um sort of. Just this guy at the gym, he’s been helping me. You know, walking me through the exercises.” 
Also technically the truth.
“That’s good. Well, I’m glad you found something you like.”
‘Okay, so that guy must smell like this. She’s close enough to him in a warm sweaty gym, so there’s a little bit on her clothes. Makes sense.’ Matt thinks to himself. But he still can’t shake the feeling that that smell is so familiar.
Two weeks later, Matt is out on patrol when he hears a familiar heartbeat on the fire escape a few floors down from where he’s perched.
“You just gonna sit there all night, listinin’ Red?” Frank asks
“Very funny Frank.” Matt says, hopping down to Frank’s level
“Haven’t seen you in a while” Matt comments
“Been busy. Madani’s been usin’ me more.”
“Oh don’t tell me you’re going legit Frank.”
“Not a shot in hell, Red. But gotta pay the bills somehow.”
And then a strong breeze blows. Frank’s signature blend of sweat, aftershave, and metallic mixed with gunpowder from all the weapons he handles overwhelms Matt’s nose. Matt cocks his head in confusion. It’s so damn familiar. But of course it is, it’s Frank. How many times has Matt been on a rooftop with him like this, bs-ing the night away while monitoring the city?
After catching up for a bit, they go their separate ways, the rest of Matt’s evening turning uneventful.
He returns home to you shortly after 3 am, your soft breathing as you sleep calms him as he strips off his suit. 
You hadn’t met with Frank tonight. He said something about following a lead and you were perfectly fine with that, you needed an off day. 
Matt curls up in bed beside you, resting his head on your back and falling asleep quickly.
The next night, Frank is really putting you through your paces and you swear you’re ready to collapse when he finally calls it for the night. 
Per usual, Frank offers to walk you home when you’re done and for the first time since you started coming here, you accept the offer since you stayed a bit later than usual tonight. At least until you can make it to Hell’s Kitchen and within range of Matt. 
You and Frank make small talk as you go and eventually, the chill of the autumn air has you shivering in your still-damp-from-sweat workout clothes. 
“Here sweetheart,” Frank says with a lopsided smirk, slinging his worn jacket over your shoulders. 
“Thank you Castle. Always a gentleman.”
“Course, ‘specially for Red’s girl.”
You make it to 35th and 10th, close enough to home and hand his jacket back to him, parting ways with a nod and a polite “goodnight.”
The later hour coupled with the particularly intense session has you collapsing into bed without even removing your shoes, let alone your gym clothes.
When Matt returns a few hours later, the smell hits him like a truck. 
‘I swear to god Frank, if you’re bleeding on my couch again…’ Matt thinks to himself. 
But when he enters the apartment the only heartbeat he can hear is yours. He inches slowly toward the bedroom and rolls the door open gently. He reaches down to feel the soft lycra of your leggings on your body, careful not to stir you from your slumber. The smell of your sweat clinging to your clothes fills his senses, way more potent than normal plus that other scent you’re bringing home from the gym. Matt pauses to wonder why he thought Frank was here but then it hits him. 
Oh my god. The mystery smell from the gym you’ve been bringing home is Frank. 
But how could you smell like… 
And then the gears in his head start turning. And he feels like a goddamn idiot. 
You had been going to the gym. But not to work out. You were cheating. With Frank of all people. And you’d made the critical error of not showering when you got home. 
Matt begins to pace the apartment, rubbing at his chin as his thoughts move a million miles a minute about what to do. 
Did he confront you? Did he confront Frank?! What should he even say?
The sun rises and he’s still pacing and contemplating when his alarm rings out. He shuts it off before it can wake you too. He needs more time to think about his next move. He gets ready for work quietly and slips out the door before you awake. 
You find it odd you haven’t heard from Matt all day. When you woke up you saw his Devil suit in a heap in the living room and there was no damage to it or blood on it. So you knew he had come home and was relatively okay. But it was so odd for him to leave without a goodbye kiss or go this long in the day without so much as a text. But he had been busy with a heavy caseload lately. You finally break shortly after lunch and text him first. 
“Hey Matty. Know you’re busy but I miss you and I love you. Dinner tonight?”
“Can’t. Working late. Don’t wait up.” He responds
That was… oddly curt. But again you figure he’s stressed and busy. 
Matt on the other hand has been wracked with stress all day. It only took an hour of his constant pacing and fidgeting for Foggy to break and finally ask.
“Matt. What’s up?”
“I think… I think I’m being cheated on.” Matt confesses. He leaves the Frank part out of the equation, wanting Foggy to be as objective as possible about his response. 
“What could possibly make you think that?”
“She’s been going to the gym like every night for a month now right when I leave for patrol and she came home last night smelling like… another man. And she’s been smelling like it a little the whole month but last night it was all over her”
“So did you ask her?”
“Well no but…” 
“Matt you are literally a human lie detector and yet here you are jumping to conclusions instead of doing the rational thing and just asking her.”
And maybe Matt would have taken Foggy’s advice if he thought you were just cheating with your gym trainer. But this was Frank. And that made it all the more complicated. 
Matt decides finally what he’s going to do. He’s going to follow you tonight, catch you in the act and confront both of you together.  
Matt still hasn’t come home when you depart for your nightly workout session, but little do you know he’s there. Pacing on the roof, waiting for you to leave. As soon as he hears the lobby door shut behind you, he springs in to action, taking the stairs two at a time into the apartment and changing out of his lawyer suit and into his devil suit as quickly as possible, making sure not to lose your heartbeat now a block and a half away. He makes up for the lost distance quickly and is practically on top of you by the time you enter the gym. 
“Hey Frank!” you call out as you enter
“Hey. I’ll be over in a second.” he replies from the locker rooms
Matt crouches down by the side of the building, just close enough to the windows to hear everything going on inside. 
You’re almost done wrapping your hands when Frank emerges from the locker room. 
“Alright let’s start with our usual, then you can have a go at me again.”
“I don’t know Frank. You really wore me out last night. I woke up still in my clothes and shoes.”
Matt knew it. He fucking knew it. 
“Tough shit sweetheart,” Frank responds with a chuckle. “And what did your boyfriend think about that huh? He got any idea what we’re doing here yet?”
“Honestly I don’t know. I didn’t see or hear from him at all today. Which is weird even for him. And no I don’t think he’s figured it out yet.”
“You’re gonna have to tell him eventually”
“No, I don’t”
“So what you’re just gonna keep sneakin’ around, becoming a prize fighter without him gettin’ suspicious? Shit even a regular guy would raise some alarm bells by now, but especially Red and all his … shit”
“Frank, I am not here trying to become a prize fighter. I’m just trying to get strong enough to defend myself if he’s not around to do it. That’s all”
Matt’s heart drops. 
How could he possibly think you were cheating? And with Frank of all people. He felt like an idiot. Like a total asshole. Sure you had lied, well, technically withheld the truth and he’s sure you’ll explain why. And he’s hurt if you wanted to learn to fight that you didn’t come to him.  But this was not nearly as egregious a stain on your relationship as he thought it was. 
“I don’t know. Think you should tell him. Show him your moves. Shit, you’ve gotten a couple good hits on me these last few days. I'm sure you could give Red a run for his money.” 
“I am not fighting Matt, Francis.” You say with an eye roll
In that moment, Matt decided this had gone far enough. He needed to come clean. He slipped quietly through the door into the studio. 
“Oh I think she absolutely could, Frank. Especially if you’ve been teaching her”
Your spine goes icy cold at the sound of the voice behind you. Both you and Frank jump with a gasp and whip your heads to look at the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, standing in front of you. 
“Matt… I” 
“It’s okay sweetheart,” Matt says, hands up in surrender before reaching up to remove his mask
“Shit Red, you been here this whole time?” Frank asks nonchalantly 
Matt nods, shame painted on his face.
“Matt, I can explain…”
“No. I need to explain.” Matt holds a hand up, interrupting your thought  “I followed you here because I thought you were cheating. With Frank. And I know now that’s not what’s happening. And I’m sorry for not just asking you.” 
Frank scoffs and holds back a low chuckle while your face softens in empathy.
“Oh Matt. I’m so sorry that I did anything to make you think that. That’s not at all what’s happening here.”
“Really Red, you think I’m that kind of guy?”
“No... I don’t know.”
“Nah, wouldn’t lay a finger on your girl. Unless it was okay with you.”
Matt shakes his head.
“Now that I’m here though, I wouldn’t say no to a little demonstration of what you’ve been teaching her.”
Frank immediately looks to you, reading the signs on your face to make sure it’s okay. You nod. Now that Matt knows, its time to show him.
“Kay sweetheart, just a few rounds on the bag. Like we been practicing.” Frank reassures
You step up to the bag and look to Frank once more. A soft smile spreads across his face and he nods in encouragement. 
You take a few swings. Jab, Cross, Left hook. Like Frank normally has you do. Not even thirty seconds in, Matt speaks up.
“Woah woah woah. Frank, you’ve been letting her hit like this and not correcting her form?”
“Yes. Wait, what the hell is wrong with her form?”
“She’s too far away from the bag.” Matt places his hands on your shoulders, maneuvering you with slight adjustments and positions his feet right beside yours, pressing his body tight against your back. “I can hear your shoulder joint rubbing every time you jab, which means you’re over-extending that left arm. Makes you put way too much energy into each hit, you’re gonna wear yourself out way faster. Here. Step closer.”
You take a few more swings. Matt’s breath is against your ear and you can’t help but feel a chill run down your spine straight to your core. God, his body is warm usually, but being flush behind you as you move and hit, he practically feels like white-hot iron against you. Your heart is thumping out of your chest, and it’s not just from the few swings you’ve taken. You know Matt can hear it and is going to play you like a fiddle. His own wicked form of punishment for not telling him about your training.
“Go ahead, gimme a few more, I want to feel how your body moves. See just what else Frank has been teaching you wrong.”
Frank throws his arms up in offense as you try a few more punches.
“See? More power, less effort.”
You grin, happy to finally be sharing something Matt is clearly so knowledgeable and passionate about with him. Craning your neck, you mesh your lips with his in excitement and only pull away when Frank loudly clears his throat and you remember that he is still there watching the two of you.
“Eh, so you gave her a minor tweak. Still say how I had her doing it was perfectly fine.”
Matt finally steps away from you, turning to face Frank.
“Sure Castle, but I think the real testament to your teaching skills is how she does with an actual partner.”
Matt turns his attention back to you. His hands drop from your shoulders, running down your back lightly and coming to rest on your hips. He plants a soft kiss right under your ear. His stubble is coarse against your skin, sending goosebumps across your flesh, your toes curling into the squishy mat beneath you.
“You throw any actual punches at him yet?” he asks
“A few. Landed some of them too.”
“Let her show you Murdock, maybe she can knock that cocky attitude out of you like I never could.”
Matt chuckles and shakes his head. He steps away from you, holding out a hand and leading you to the center of the room, the area in the gym dedicated to partner sparring.
You stand a few feet apart from your boyfriend, nervous to demonstrate on him. You’re not arrogant enough to think just a few weeks of training with Frank puts you anywhere near Matt’s skill level. But you also know that Matt loves you and will probably take it easy on you just to be supportive and also not hurt you, so you may just be able to get a few swings in. You don’t need the guilt of piling onto his already long list of previous injuries and scars.
Frank approaches behind you, placing a hand on your arm in reassurance as he leans close to your ear.
“Remember that knee to crotch move I showed you last week? The one I said to only use if some creep comes at you head on and you need to take him out quick?” 
You nod, already shifting your feet towards the set up position for that move, trying to activate the muscle memory to bring it back into your brain.
“Well” Frank continued, “might not be a bad time to try it.”
You chuckle at his suggestion.
“Frank, you know Matt can hear all of this right?” 
You glance over at your boyfriend, amused smirk painted across his lips as he stretches his perfectly toned bicep across his chest, warming up for your little face off. He’s discarded his tight black shirt in a pile beside him. A cheap bid to distract you from the task at hand with his incredible body that he knows you can’t resist.
“Yeah, just figure if he wants to be a jealous fucker why not rile him up some more? Plus it’s the least he deserves for thinking the worst from you and I, of all people.”
You try not to laugh at the statement. Frank’s askew moral compass being perfectly fine with the regular amount of murder he commits, but thinking being a taken woman’s side piece crosses a line.
He squeezes the hand still resting on your bicep in reassurance before stepping away with a wink, sending a wave of goosebumps across your skin, radiating from the point where the warmth of his touch still lingers. Frank always keeps it incredibly professional around you and you know he is pushing against the line of flirting just to get into Matt’s head.
“Ready sweetheart?” Matt asks as you step towards him, gloved fists by your face prepared to fight
“Yeah” you reply and Matt also assumes his stance, nodding in your direction as a go ahead
“Ding ding, round one!” Frank remarks
You go for the right hook first, but Matt easily blocks the hit. You throw a few more punches, all of which Matt dodges and blocks without looking like he’s putting any effort into it. He’s cocky and sly in the way that he moves, refusing to even take one swing at you but making you work stupidly hard just to get nowhere.
Fine. New strategy, you decide.
Swinging a roundhouse knee in the air, you connect directly with his ribs. The oof sounds he lets out gives you a rush of adrenaline knowing you legitimately got a hit on him. It’s incredibly short lived as he’s quick to recover. Rushing towards you, he tackles you to the mat, knocking the wind out of your lungs as your ribs connect with the floor. He’s pinned you to the point where you can barely squirm, knee pressed firmly between your legs while his arms cage you in place.
“Nice try baby, but not good enough.” he whispers in your ear, shifting his leg to provide just a little friction against your core
“Woah, take it easy on her. She’s still a beginner. She’s here to learn, not have you be an asshole to her about something you thought she did.” Frank interjects, pulling Matt off of you
“Just cause you take it easy on her Frank, doesn’t mean I have to. She wants to learn, then let her learn with a real opponent, not just you going easy on her cause she makes your dick too hard to think straight.”
“Woah!” you interject, ripping the boxing gloves off your hands while still flat on your back
“Jesus, Red” Frank exclaims as he offers out a hand to get you back on your feet
“Oh come on Frank, you’ve been hard since she walked in here. Just because you’re not banging my girlfriend doesn’t mean you haven’t thought about it. I can hear it rub against your pants every time you move. You’re a weirdo, but not nearly weird enough to show up to a gym in jeans unless you had a reason.”
“Look, I’d never…” Frank stumbles over his words, redness creeping up his neck as it tenses with every clench of his jaw
Your pulse is thumping loudly in your ears at Matt’s observation, skin flushed with heat in both embarrassment for Frank who is still stammering beside you and also a little flattered that you so effortlessly turn him on so much.
“Never? Even with my permission?” Matt inquires
Frank’s pupils grow wide at Matt’s suggestion
“Woah, hold up Matt. Permission?” you loudly exclaim, offended at Matt’s implication “Like you own me?! I’m my own person, what about my damn permission?!”
Matt scoffs at your statement and steps toward you, spinning you around so your back is once more pressed against him and you are now facing Frank, who is hesitant to look up. His gaze transfixed on the floor as he tries to find the words to refute Matt’s claims. You didn’t think sheepish was a word one could ever use to describe Frank Castle, nor did you think he’d ever back down from a fight with Matt, even a verbal one.
“Okay sweetheart, let’s talk about you then.” Matt speaks lowly, damp bare skin of his rising and falling chest pressing into your back as he speaks, his own hardness obvious as he pulls your body flush against his
“While I appreciate that you haven’t crossed any lines since you started training, that doesn't mean you’re not enjoying these nightly sessions with Frank. Your heartbeat has risen every time he's been within a foot of you or complimented your progress tonight.” 
His voice rumbles against the skin of your neck, right hand snaking around to your front, tickling at the top of your leggings. For some reason, you don’t stop him, feeling a little shy but letting him tease you in front of Frank.
“And you want to talk about how wet you were when I first got here?” he continues “I could practically smell you from blocks away. Frank get you that excited, hmm?”  
Frank's head snaps up at the statement and he locks eyes with you just as Matt pushes his hand all the way down, collecting the slick he was just describing on his fingers.
“Matt, I…” you attempted to protest, still watching as the lust grows in Frank’s stare while Matt runs his fingers through your folds.
There was no hiding how your body reacted to both men. The evidence drips onto Matt’s fingers as he toys with you.
“No, it’s okay sweetheart.” he reassures, placing a few kisses on your neck “I get it. Frank and I have always said we're two sides to the same coin. It makes sense we’d both find the same woman attractive. And that she’d want us both.”
Matt once again turns his attention to Frank, not relenting in his teasing of you as he slips a finger into your opening, causing a moan to escape from your lips.
“Go ahead, Frank” Matt says with a nod against your shoulder, “if it's okay with her, it's okay with me.”
Frank finally wills himself to step forward. Never wavering in how deeply his gaze is locked on you, he hovers his hands over your waist while Matt continues to lazily pump his fingers in and out of you, waiting for your go ahead. You nod, granting him the permission to finally act on the feelings you’ve both been resisting. 
Frank’s trembling hand finally cradles your jaw as he leans into you and softly connects his lips with yours, taking the pace slowly to give you both the space to gauge how you’re feeling.
Matt, on the other hand, is happy to move things along as he pushes another finger inside you. Immediately working his calloused digits against that spongy spot inside you that drives you wild every time. You're not sure what causes you to groan into Frank's mouth, the way Matt touches you so expertly or the tingly sensation spreading through your body as Frank’s tongue and hands begin to explore.
Matt only removes his fingers from your core momentarily to aid Frank in ridding you of your clothes, eager to assist as it now gives him so much more easy access to your sopping cunt.
Warm, wet kisses are placed all over your heated flesh from both men as Frank’s calloused fingers dance all over you, eventually resting just above Matt’s hand to work your clit while Matt picks up his pace.
Your orgasm crashes into you like a strong current against a rocky shore, hands gripping onto Frank’s forearms to hold your self steady as you ride the waves of pleasure to the end. He watches with an almost sort of reverence as you come down, indulging in every beautiful hint of pleasure painted across your face and body.
Your cunt squeezes Matt’s fingers one last time before he removes them, allowing you to fully fall into Frank’s strong form while Matt tastes the nectar of his labor. The groan that escapes his lips is sinful as he indulges in the familiar taste of you. Meanwhile Frank is stepping away from you, shirt joining Matt’s across the gym and jeans following not long after.
You were used to staring at Matt’s scarred and muscular form, but Frank’s sculpted, but slightly beefier body is also decorated with the ghosts of his past. You can’t help but salivate at how well his toned muscles look as he frees his cock and removes the last of his clothing.
He pumps himself a few times while Matt kisses you deeply, guiding you downward.
The squishy gym floor beneath you cushions your knees as you crawl on all fours towards Matt, who is shimmying out of his cargo pants and laying down before you. 
Frank follows closely as you makeout with Matt, continuing to touch himself at the sight of your bare body splayed out on the mat. He lunges forward to place a few kisses down your spine as you’re bending forward, ass in the air and inches away from taking Matt into your mouth.
As you begin to suck Matt’s length, his low moans echo out through the musty gym, lips parted in pleasure.
Once Frank is satisfied with how much you’ve got Matt worked up, he slides back up behind you, lining himself up with your entrance. You moan into Matt’s cock as Frank pushes into you.
Alternating between your mouth and your hand, you work Matt up until his eyes are pressed shut, overwhelmed by all the sensory input of Frank fucking you. Matt seizes the opportunity to sit up a little and kiss you deeply, just as Frank begins to increase the harshness of his thrusts. You can’t help but cry out in little mewls and whimpers, as Matt moves kisses down your neck and jaw and guides your lips over his cock once more. 
Your legs feel as though they may give out from under you at any moment based on how violently they’re trembling.  With Frank only increasing his rhythm and Matt now thrusting up to meet your face and running his nails along your back has you careening closer and closer to your edge once more.
Unable to hold back, you cum with a cry, Matt and Frank both lunging to put their lips all over your skin as you do, sandwiching you in a throng of sweaty flesh and ecstasy. 
Pulled fully on your knees now, Matt reaches down to where Frank was just fucking you, running his fingers through your folds again and sending your already overstimulated nerves into over drive.
The room around you now feels stifling, the heat of three bodies in such a state of activity not able to compete with the squeaky and outdated hvac system buzzing above you head. Frank and Matt are both damp, hair sticking to their flushed foreheads as their mouths hang agape in an attempt to slow their panting. Matt’s hazel eyes dart back and forth, reading the signs that both you and Frank are ready for more; the steadying of your heartbeats, the evening of your breaths, and the minuscule sounds of both your muscles relaxing as the seconds tick on. Even though you’ve leveled out a little bit, you’re still dizzy with pleasure and your heart rate surges right back up as Matt moves to position you on your back.
“Atta girl.” Frank encourages as the sticky flesh of your back meets the soft, rubbery floor. He’s laying down beside you, hands roaming over your breasts and taking a nipple into his mouth just as Matt pushes himself forward, beginning to work his tongue all over your pussy. 
The crescendo of pleasure begins to grow deep within you again, Matt knowing just how to expertly play you like a conductor leading a symphony as he kisses and sucks on your clit. He inserts a finger just as Frank grabs your jaw, shoving his tongue into your mouth. 
Frank’s kisses move down your jaw and towards your ear, whispering sweet praises while Matt continues to eat you.
“Shit sweetheart, look so pretty when you cum. Knew you would. Let me see it again, come on, all over Red’s face. Atta girl.”
While Matt is always phenomenal in bed, never have you heard him talk as filthy as Frank. Usually his moans and grunts turned you on plenty, but Frank’s words are a welcome, new sensation that has another orgasm crashing through you before you even realize its happening.
You practically shove Matt off you as you know he’d be content to just keep going until you were over stimulated to the point of tears. He chuckles and wipes away the slick you left on his mouth and chin.
“Sweetie, you want to help Frank finish while I remind you who you belong to? Hm?” Matt asks as he crawls to hover over you, lining up just the tip of his cock with your slit and causing your cunt to clench around nothing
“Yes, Matt.” you respond, propping yourself up on your elbows so Frank can have his turn fucking your mouth
Frank’s scoff is cut off with a groan of pleasure as you wrap your mouth around him and suck his length towards the back of your throat.
“What Castle?” Matt asks, still teasing your hole while he listens to you blow Frank “You think just because I’m sharing doesn’t mean she’s only mine?”
“Ah shit– I know Red. I know.” Frank replies, chin tilted down to watch the way you look up at him as you swallow him down
“Good.” Matt responds, before harshly thrusting all the way into you. 
The vibrations of your moans from how intensely you’re getting fucked, plus the sight of you taking Matt’s dick while sucking him off causes a build up in Frank much quicker than he’d like. Part of his ego doesn’t want to finish before Matt, so he guides you by the jaw off of him and resumes laying on the floor, supporting your head with his chest and guiding your hand to his hardness so he can watch the show and also help you cum a final time while staving off his own orgasm a little while longer.
“That’s it sweetheart” he coos in your ear, hand steady around your throat while you stare up into his eyes and work him over with your hand. Your skin feels on fire as they toy with you, every brush of them against you like electricity firing through your nerves.
You can tell Matt is close by the way his face is scrunched up, focusing on only the feeling of your body beneath his and trying to tune out the rest of the world around. You can only assume Frank is as well, based on how much tighter his grip has gotten around your neck as you continue to jack him off and by how his sweet praises are now replaced with grunts occasionally punctuated by a singular swear word.
Frank reaches his calloused fingers down to goad you along, rubbing your clit in smooth circles, a stark contrast to the harshness of Matt’s now faltering pace. 
The slapping of skin over and over combined with the lust-filled groans and moans all of you are making has your head spinning and your final orgasm blooms like a rose in late July, soft and warm and delicate in a way that only these two working in tandem can give you.
Frank watches as you fall apart a final time, not stopping his assault on your sensitive bud until he’s satisfied with how hard you've orgasmed.
You’re totally spent and laying back against Frank. Too distracted by how delicious every drag of Matt’s cock feels against your satisfied walls, you let him use you while you revel in the dissipating fizz of your body being so thoroughly fulfilled. Barely able to even reach up and stroke the taught muscle of Matt’s chest, you do though as a small act of gratitude for sharing you tonight and allowing you to experience such pleasure. Frank takes over for your weak and trembling hands, touching himself while kissing whatever area of your skin he can reach to bring you back down. 
Matt’s senses are overwhelmed. The smell of pure sex invades his nostrils and he can still feel the aftershocks of your orgasm in the light pulses of your velvety walls every time he drives into you. Frank’s musky scent blends so beautifully with your natural, floral smell and hearing your satisfied sighs being breathed into Frank's soft kisses is the most beautiful music he’s ever heard. Your hands trace down from his chest and rest on the back of his thighs, encouraging him to find his nirvana as his thrusts become erratic.
“Matty.” you let out in a breathy lament and it finally tips him off the cliff, spilling inside you with a low moan that will echo in your ears for days to come.
Frank, unable to hold himself back any longer and cheekily pleased that he held off longer than Matt, even if it was only for a moment, spills across his stomach and chest as you kiss him through his orgasm while still stroking Matt’s skin to bring him down.
The three of you collapse side by side under the humming fluorescent lights of the gym, labored breathing finally slowing as you all come back to reality.
“Tell you what Red, that was a hell of a warm up for your girl. Ain’t that right sweetheart?” Frank finally speaks up, gravely voice cutting through the silence.
“You’ve got to be kidding Frank, I am not training tonight after all that!” you argue back
Frank turns towards you and presses a kiss to your temple before standing up and finding his clothes. 
“Matt, c’mon back me up here.” you turn to your boyfriend and watch as his signature cheeky grin spreads wide across his face.
“You know my dad and I had this mantra, this thing we’d say before every fight he had ‘It ain't how you hit the mat. It's how you get up.’ 
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“It means, you better get back up and do what Frank tells you.”
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alltomevibes · 2 years
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I posted 804 times in 2022
That's 485 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (7%)
749 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 100 of my posts in 2022
#alltomevibes - 36 posts
#arithoughts - 14 posts
#ao3 - 14 posts
#ao3fic - 11 posts
#fanfic - 11 posts
#ao3 link - 8 posts
#not beta read - 7 posts
#go ahead - 7 posts
#bl series - 6 posts
#my school president - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#hyungshik came out of the army like im xclusively only doing roles where my character is quietly but obviously in love with his best friend
My Top Posts in 2022:
hands down kinn wears the best suits I've ever seen in a drama. close runner up is fang leng (my girlfriend is an alien) and it's only because he's so "charismatic" that he could wear a trash bag and still have me in a chokehold.
28 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
So. where is the SCOY fanfic?? asking for a friend.
42 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
the way I'm obsessed with cha sunghoon,,,, like, mans had my heart since the FIRST episode. really about to write fanfiction for him & young-seo
42 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
attuma/okeye + shuri/namor + namora/riri demons & angels au!
okeye - as one of Heaven's top generals - is sent on a mission to capture one of hell's most calculating and vicious demon (who also happens to be a general) named attuma.
something is happening in the underworld, with more and more demons popping up in random places and shuri (the top angel/ (Michael ig since this is slightly supernatural based ngl)) is TIRED of it. she sends okeye to earth where attuma is rumoured to be.
okeye finds attuma with a bunch of kids hanging off of him LAUGHING.
okeye has no clue what's going on, but she instantly is on guard. she doesn't attack first - no that's dumb and a way to get yourself killed.
no, she waits until attuma spots her (who saw her the moment she appeared) and throws down a challenge.
"come with me peacefully or come with me unconscious"
attuma - who is one of the most vicious demons for a reason - is annoyed at this uppity angel who's interrupting his peaceful time. he thinks it's going to be nothing to kill her.
he is wrong and they both come out of that battle bruised with no clear winner. and that's when attuma falls in love.
Yada yada, more things happen, attuma keeps flirting with okeye and being respectful and good with kids (of all ages) yet never loses his intensity, he rocks her world, she rocks his, and shuri comes down from heaven because at this point she's going to have to kill attuma herself because something is scarily different with okeye and she's heard stories about attuma, and namor (Lucifer ig) comes up because shuri! is! here! and the whole demons popping up was him trying to court her because she hasn't been off of his mind since three thousand years ago when she could've killed him in a battle but gave him mercy.
and namora? namora hates angels, would kill anyone who tried to ruin her people, but that girl - the smart girl who hangs around attuma and laughs with - at - him like he couldn't kill her with a twitch of his finger - riri Williams who's all human but has amazing weapons because she was raised in the life but she's always been a little twisted. Oh, namora wants to kill her, wants riri's blood underneath her fingernails and then they fight and namora is being blasted with holy water and now she wants riri underneath her for other reasons.
..... Okay I'm done, who wants to write something like this?👀
(main MAIN couple is okeye/attuma tho)
51 notes - Posted December 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was so nervous when I saw keanu trending on Tumblr, my whole world view almost crumbled😭😭
388 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
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darkfromday · 2 years
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I posted 1,003 times in 2022
12 posts created (1%)
991 posts reblogged (99%)
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I tagged 784 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#art - 201 posts
#genshin impact - 59 posts
#videos - 51 posts
#congrats on being featured! - 47 posts
#harry potter - 46 posts
#cats - 46 posts
#kingdom hearts - 42 posts
#mcu - 41 posts
#marvel - 37 posts
#writing - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#seriously though who the fuck at ffn decided that fics needed ads embedded in the middle rather than just at the top and bottom of the page?
My Top Posts in 2022:
worst part about moving back to tumblr full-time is now I have to go back to boring y’all with cry-posts about mean shit my mom says to me
1 note - Posted November 18, 2022
finally getting back into reading Dawn of the Future YEE
2 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
me: I already have a 4pc Blizzard artifact set for Ganyu, why should I risk RNG to level a Wanderer's set with 2 weeks until her banner?
2 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
I used to wonder how anyone in-universe didn’t realize Bruce Wayne and Batman were the same person, but now that I’ve run two separate twitter accounts for six years I completely get it
4 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
PLEASE keep the HP Wiki to canon information *only* ffs, and here’s what I mean by that
looks like recently someone has edited Dumbledore’s page, specifically about Harry, with some of the most common fandom misinformation: namely about Harry and the Dursleys, Dumbledore’s intentions, guardianship and a godfather’s rights and responsibilities (parental or otherwise). Seen here:
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since I can’t edit this section myself to correct it, and since it pisses me off, I’m debunking it in order instead:
‘taking him away from his godfather and rightful guardian’: far, far too many people have mixed up the terms “godfather” and “guardian” in the HP fandom. We’ll come back to this in a sec, but first...
An aside: The line above is written as though Dumbledore swooped down from the roof like a bat and snatched baby Harry out of Sirius’ arms. Funny image, but it’s not what happened. Dumbledore didn’t “take” Harry away from Sirius. Sirius made one attempt to take Harry at Godric’s Hollow, but when Hagrid rebuffed him and said “Dumbledore says he’s going to his aunt and uncle’s” Sirius did not fight back until he won. From Hagrid’s words, he “argued, but in the end he gave in”. He then immediately pivoted to trying to get revenge for Pettigrew’s betrayal. 
He did not say “Petunia?! Great Scott, Lily and James wouldn’t want this! She hates Lily, she won’t raise Harry right” or any of the many other lines that have been included in innumerable fanfics (which is fandom’s right, no one’s arguing that! the lines just aren’t supported by canon like so many people seem to think). 
So there is no argument to be made that any of Lily or James’ friends “knew” anything about Lily and Petunia’s strained relationship, or that she even brought it up. Even Severus Snape (who would have probably seen/heard most of their relationship firsthand as it evolved and devolved) never brought this up in canon.
Back to “taking him away from his godfather and rightful guardian”. This was clearly written by a Dumbledore-basher and an uncritical Sirius fan. I say “uncritical Sirius fan” because I like Sirius myself, but I’m more interested in seeing him portrayed accurately in canon discussions/writings like the Wiki is meant to be, in order to preserve his agency and prevent other characters from being bashed in the name of ‘protecting’ him. I’m worried the author of these pro-Sirius edits is a fan that doesn’t see his flaws, because this is not only unsupported by canon, it’s not even supported in real life. This is the dictionary definition of “godfather” that comes up via Google:
See the full post
12 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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peppermint-moss · 2 years
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“I hate worrying about the future, ‘cause all my fucking problems, are based around the past–!”
my Fine, Great jayfeather AMV is here!! It’s watercolour themed, centered around the concept that when jay uses his powers to sense thoughts+feelings, he takes on the eye colour of the other cat, like how watercolour bleeds into other colours!! (music in the video is ‘fine, great’ by modern baseball)
commission info || tip jar
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