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drawlody · 1 year ago
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🔔: Hi hiiiii here an art collab with my fren (⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠) ❄️: Two awesome ppl collaborating yaa!1!! . 🔔= me lol // drawlody188 (insta acc) ❄️=  @terwinsn0w // terwin_snow
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. 🔔:I saw this thing going around where u draw a sketch than switch it with someone and wanna try it out :D
❄️: im that lucky someone y'all! This was very fun, n chalenging since I myself barely draw backgrounds in my artworks lol
🔔: ya draw Marcy so well lol, looking like the show itself:000 glad I got to render your sketch since my full render haven't look this good in a while
❄️: HEHSHDHAHE THHAKYOUU SM, U DID SO WELL WITH THE RENDERING- IT LOOKED SO PRETTYY, I also RLLY LOVE how you make Simon looked so BBG WITH THAT OUTFIT CHOICE, figuring out your sketch n drawing them lineart with your style was rlly fun aswell (I adore ur artstyle sm dhsjdjwjjei)
🔔:hehehe glad u can see through my messy-ass sketch and make it work ya(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠). We have some issues with lighting n the 2 don't look like they in the same room but I think we manage. Probably. Hopefully¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠
❄️: shhhh- idk wht r u talking abt- they are TOTALLY in the same room...
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wyrmsandrocs · 8 years ago
all the ocean asks!! u can skip any that r uncomf
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?- Hm, i really want to do a trip to see the historical stuff on the US east coast, I’d also really like to go see ruins in Rome and Greece. Aside from historical interests I just…really want to be in Oregon right now
sails: describe your perfect partner. - Someone I love who loves me too
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear? - I usually do white or black winged eyeliner, silver + whatever my colour for the day is eyeshadow, lots and lots of mascara, and some lipstick, usually non natural colours like purple, green, or just like pastel pink. Even if i decide to forgo my eye makeup im usually wearing lipstick
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? - tbh a vampire cause then I would have eternity to figure out who Agent 355 was
mermaid: most embarrassing moment? - Hoo boi okay sO. One time many years ago I was a 10 year old girl on quotev. I really really liked one direction. I clicked something I probably shouldn’t have seen because of quotevs lack of an sfw/nsfw rating system. I read a lot of these because I was confused as to what they were. Instead of forgetting all about them and deleting my account like a sane person, I sent them to my best friend at the time to get /her/ to read them. Instead of asking questions abt why the hell i was reading this shit, she found way worse and kinky ones. I was horrified. I didn’t know how to delete my web history. My dad almost found the links like 20 times
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had? - The dream where my subconscious tried to tell me i was gayyyyy. It was, again, years ago, and I thought I was straight. I had just made up my first ocs cause I was doin NaNoWriMo for the first time (spoiler alert, I made it to 50,000) and i had this dream where I met and then fell in love with my oc who was super pretty and i refused to believe I was a lesbian i just chalked it up to my sleeping brain being weird
waves: favourite season and why? - Autumn and Winter are my faves because there’s rain.
breakers: would you ever consider getting married? - Yes, definitely, but gdi why isn’t poly marriage legal yet
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation. - Ignore summer all together and continue school where it’s rainy
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet? - Omg a Fennec they are my favourite little animals they are so cute. My first original story that i actually wrote down and still have was about Fennecs
sunlight: least favourite song? - The Sans version of Stronger than you
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery? - Probably not i’m ot the hugest fan of surgery at all
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature? - Man I really love my eyes i have sectoral heterochromia so my eyes are green with stripes of deep brown.
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not? - I really do like them, but i probably wouldnt get any more piercings than I have, I have two on each ear, but I wear a fake nose ring cause it’s pretty. I dont love the idea of getting a tattoo cause owww im a wimp also needles are not good.
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple? - I really love Wylan and Jesper from Six of Crows, also lotsa ships from other stuff but right now I’m loving my children, Aria and Sitara. My smol gay witch daughters
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why? - Super dark chocolate that gives you a headache but is also really great. I’m known for giving people headaches lmao not really. Idk why it just seems right, like I may seem sweet and nice but i am actually like the most bitter person. Or sea salt caramel. I am like super salty and bitter save me lmao
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor? - buddy old fashioned decor is the shit 
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched? - Okay it’s really stupid but Dot and the Red Kangaroo scared the /fuck/ out of me as a little kid the bunyip song was terrifying. I don’t really watch scary movies tho
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage? - Maaaaaage
tempest: your favourite Pokemon? - Eevee or Vaporeon. I also really love Vulpix
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance? - I’m p self conscious abt being not a small person height or weight wise. I used to always want to be a lot smaller so that I could just kind of disappear but recently i’ve just decided that if people are gonna notice me, they are gonna notice that i’m beautiful. It’s actually really helped my confidence which is kinda weird but i’m really glad for it
aquamarine: describe your dream date. - Staying at home watching musicals and drinking hot coco in the middle of a storm
brine: gold or silver? - Silver
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality? - I actually really like pinks and reds and how quickly a pink can merge to a more red colour. They both stand for love, but red is also anger
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy? - Writing honestly. Also like i really enjoy school and learning about history and languages
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years. - Hopefully well into college by then, I’m still in highschool but I’m gonna add college english in the fall.
coastline: what is your favourite flower? - Violets. I really like the smell of jasmine or orange blossoms
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order? - Venti Java Chip Frappuccino idk how to spell that tho
voyage: what are your favourite names? - I really like names related to the sea like Mara
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them. - Okay I’m gonna tell ya abt Aria and Sitara.  Aria is a Hellenic polytheist who leans toward tarot and sigils rather than actual spell work. She’s pan and loves her gf v v much. Her parents were shit and she had to leave home as soon as she could. Her parents gave her the name Megan but she really hated it so she gos by Aria. She doesn’t really know all of her parents lineage but her mother was of middle eastern descent way back in the family that no one really remembers. She doesnt want to find out and prefers looking to the future. Sitara is an atheist and has a more traditional path. Shes bi and attractd to nb peeps and women but not men, she’s also polyam which shes v v happy her gf accepts. Her parents were better but they fell out of contact a while ago. Despite not believing in Aria’s deities, she lets her worship on her own and doesnt bother her. They met in an art store, both needing to get red ribbon for a love spell. Bonus: Aria means song and Sitara means poem
cerulean: do you believe in true love? - I do, but not just the romantic kind. I think that true platonic love is also super important.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why? - French because I’m trying to learn it rn and it’s a royal pain. Eventually I want to learn all the Latin based languages
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours. - Someday I’m gonna get cute heeled boots and wear them with tights and a skirt and like a flowy long sleeve black shirt I have and do all purple makeup this will happen someday
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this? - I’m somewhere in the middle. I love talking to my friends and like that but its also really nice to just shut down skype and tumblr and read a book, yknow?
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours. - I tend to carefully chack all the walls and corners of a room while I’m entering it, like just look around and check for anything weird, even if I’ve been there a lot. This happens with places that feel specific ways tho, like they just have suspicious energy.
Ty so much for asking, friend! ^u^
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