carterhaughs · 6 years
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screencapping this scene gave me heart palpitations oh my goodness...so I didn’t notice the first time I watched but Tulip puts her hand on Cassidy’s after she tells him she loves him and leaves it there the whole time she’s crouched down speaking to him, and smiles even more softly and openly at him while he’s nearly gasping for breath. The shots of her standing in the early morning (or perhaps late afternoon?) still looking down at him with such a loving expression are gorgeous in spite of the dead goat from the Boyds in the background lol and are yet another example of Tulip’s association with the sun for Cassidy. "It's like one look and you're done. She's burned herself into your brain. That face. Those eyes. That smile..." also every single time Tulip has kissed or said she loved Cassidy he’s gotten shot or heavily injured recently/right afterwards what’s up with that LOL
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tulipscassidy · 6 years
Q: In Episode 4, Tulip refuses to run away with Cassidy and she says she doesn’t love him. How devastating is that for him?
Joe Gilgun: That was one of my favorite scenes to shoot. That was a really honest and beautifully written scene. When scenes are written in that way, the truth of it is on paper, it’s hard to f–k a scene like that up. That moment there, I mean she has to do it for him. She doesn’t want to. It’s heartbreaking, telling someone you don’t want them like that. I’ve certainly been in that position where I’ve been told someone doesn’t want me, and f–k it hurts, man. It’s happened a few times and it doesn’t get easier, that feeling. I can’t imagine that in a 119 years that that f–king thing wore off any more than it has in 34 years, for me. If anything, it feels like it kind of gets a bit worse, not being wanted, not being needed in this world. God, that f–king feels so lonely. For Cassidy, he’s looking for that all the time. You know, he needs that, and he’s not gonna get it with Tulip. He’s just not. It’s a long, hard road for him and I’m hoping he’ll get there in the end.
Q: He could have used the love potion on Tulip. Why do you think he chose not to?
A: Because it’s not the right thing to do. It’s just not. He’s completely in love with her, and when you are, you know that f–king cliche, “If you love her, let her go” — he’s trying to do that, he’s trying to just let it go. And in that moment, as much as he wants to, he just knows it isn’t right. Ultimately, Cas does have his moments where he thinks, “F–k it” and he’ll push his son through a window. He does have his moments where he can have a schizophrenic snap. I really believe that there’s something probably deeply wrong with Cassidy that needs addressing. But he also is very kind and tries to do the right thing, as best he can.
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triumviratuse-blog · 7 years
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tulip o’hare & proinsias cassidy: (n). for a love that, perhaps at another time, in another lifetime, could have saved and damned them both. [edit 7 of ?] 
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peculiaritybending · 6 years
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carterhaughs · 6 years
Ruth Negga was asked whether there’s any hope left for a reconciliation between Jesse and Cassidy after Tulip sent Cassidy away. Negga explained Tulip’s motivation behind telling Cassidy she wasn’t interested in him romantically. “Well, I think it’s her way of saving him, really. I think it’s her sacrificing her relationship to get him out of the way because she thinks he’s in danger,” said Negga. “She needs him to be out of danger and that’s why she tells him that.”
Negga added, “Also, there’s a truth there. She genuinely wants to be honest with him and I think she suffers from that. She could have gotten rid of him in a different way that would have been easier for her. I think she loves him so much she wants to be honest.”
Joseph Gilgun agrees that Tulip did what she needed to do to keep Cassidy safe. “Cassidy, I think, needs telling that way. Otherwise he would have just kept pushing,” said Gilgun. “You’ve got to be cruel to be kind sometimes, and that’s what she did. She needed to protect him and their friendship as well.”
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carterhaughs · 6 years
it’s hard to tell but in the scene where Tulip asks Cassidy what he thinks of Jesse’s plan and he says, “I think it sounds like another plan. But sure. Let's go and kill some people,” he winks at her and it’s so sweet...peak romance
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tulipscassidy · 6 years
The phonecall I do with Joe - She has taken Cassidy for granted for a long time. She's very good at compartmentalizing. She realizes she needs to invest in him as he invests in her.
Ruth Negga, Inside Preacher: Season 3, Episode 6
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tulipscassidy · 6 years
There's a really beautiful scene with Cass and Tulip and it's in the car. I don't know how much I should divulge really. I just remember thinking, this is a very honest and beautifully written scene and it came so easy and...there's times when you feel a scene and there's times when you think a scene, right? And I think - and I feel - in that moment, that I was fully in it and I fully understood the rejection and it felt real. It felt very, very real. The moments, for me, where the lines blur, I know we're doing a good job...that we've done something here.
Joe Gilgun on what makes a scene work [x]
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carterhaughs · 6 years
@hermouthslipped pointed out to me that both Tulip and Cassidy have lost children now. while Tulip has kind of come to terms with her loss, though probably still blames herself to some extent, Cassidy has talked to no one about it at all and while it is definitely his fault, he is likely going to blame himself to the point that he starts to believe what Denis said to him - “It’s what we do.” Denis is clearly the first person Cassidy’s ever turned - the thought of turning someone had never crossed his mind prior to that Tulane professor translating Denis’ request that he do so, and even then it was the absolute last thing he wanted to do to help Denis. But what of his past in terms of indiscriminate bloodsucking-induced murder - the sort we saw Denis engaging in? I think he’ll be struggling with relapsing into that this season and it will be a side of him we’ve only seen fleeting glimpses of previously.
I’m wondering how Cassidy’s self-loathing will affect his relationship with Tulip this season - they actually ended last season closer than ever, with Cassidy having thoroughly proved himself as a friend and comrade in arms as close to Tulip as he was to Jesse in s1 - more so, I would argue, than he ever was with Jesse in s1 because Jesse has a tendency to distance himself from people that is greater than that of either of his companions - not to mention the fact that he opened up a huge gap of trust and caring in his relationships with both Cassidy and Tulip last season. 
I think he will likely be lost in a haze of drugs and quick fixes for the reawakened lust for blood Denis catalyzed. Serving as a tourist attraction in Angelville will likely make things even worse, and he’ll end up in a more miserable and dangerous state than we’ve ever seen him. Tulip will dealing with her own undead, possibly immortal woes this season so we’ll see how all that plays out. We don’t see any of the trio directly talk to each other in the trailer (though there’s a few scenes where they might have been talking to each other but we just see one of them in frame) and I think that speaks to how distant they will be from each other in some ways this season...they will need to find themselves again and rebuild themselves anew, and hopefully they will be able to help each other do that, but you just know it’s going to get worse before it gets better. 
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tulipscassidy · 6 years
this is a really good summary of cassidy’s arc through the first two seasons and emphasizes tulipcass a lot which is always good in my book...v well-edited and a good trip down memory lane
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tulipscassidy · 6 years
oh wow...this is great
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carterhaughs · 6 years
amc taking the “I love you” scene out in the trailer and cutting the scene where tulip’s checking on cassidy after he got shot so that we think tulip’s laughing at cassidy saying he just peed himself a little bc they knew if they kept that scene in I would’ve died before s3 even started
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carterhaughs · 7 years
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tulipcass enjoying their allotted 5 minutes of happiness per episode
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carterhaughs · 7 years
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wow I’m so ready to die next episode
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tulipscassidy · 7 years
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carterhaughs · 7 years
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Tulip’s smiles at Cassidy in this scene and when she’s talking to or thinking of him are so fond, it melts my heart. And just a few minutes earlier she was feeling sad about Jesse - trying to close the book (by means of a song) on a relationship she knows will always affect her whether they’re together or not. But Cassidy’s able to pull her out of that to the point where she’s so genuinely happy in the moment that she smiles openly and warmly WITH TEETH!!! which is something she rarely does. 
bonus - the way he smiles at her:
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