#tulio is adhd
stupidlysunny · 5 months
Theyre so adhd and autism duo ngl
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miniaturegnome · 2 months
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What I love the most about hyperfixations is that I cannot choose when or what the next one will be, so I watched a couple of new movies thinking I'd end up fixating on those for a bit but no! It's Miguel and Tulio
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transexualpirate · 2 months
i would love to function normally in society truly i would but unfortunately my brain wants me to throw myself off the roof if im not having fun or interested in what im doing and boredom equates to psychological torture
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scribblevoid · 1 year
Tulio and Bodoque are basically ADHD (B) vs Autism (T)
Bodoque has BPD, along with ADHD and depression
Tulio has autism and infodumps about bugs all the time (I feel like he also has a superiority complex and inferiority complex for obvious reasons)
Somehow, these two dumbasses are like toxic asf but they somehow work
They do stupid shit all the time it's ridiculous
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& 17-20 for miguel!
mental health headcanons
17. Has mental illness ever interfered with your muse’s ability to work or attend school?
Miguel doesn’t do much work-wise, so not really. If he’s playing guitar for tips, he’s actually more able to focus on the music. But a couple of Tulio’s plans have gone awry because Miguel forgot what he was supposed to be doing.
18. Has your muse ever attempted or considered suicide?
19. Has your muse experienced stigma relating to mental illness?
Not really? It’s the 16th century so people don’t really think of him as mentally ill or too out of the ordinary, they just see him as unintelligent and very, perhaps too, excitable and exuberant.
20. Does your muse feel supported in their relationships? Do their family and friends know about their mental illness?
Miguel himself has always felt different, that his mind struggles with focus and he’s often restless, but again, he lacks the terminology for it. His parents didn’t know about his ADHD since his father left and his mother died when he was a child. Tulio is perhaps his sole friend, who’s known Miguel since he was 10 and thus been there for him through his “quirks”. Miguel’s also been there to support Tulio.
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edelwary · 7 years
I got tagged by this cutie @flockofpidge
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 amazing people you would like to get to know better.
Name: Anaelle Nickname: I don’t have any ? Maybe edelwary then ? Birth month: January yey  Height: 1 meter 70 ? idk how much feets it does Ethnicity: South European Orientation:  bi or pan idk  Fruit: pineapple and watermelon and banana and strawberries. Im good at choosing ahaha. Favorite season: Haa.. idk, my favorite moment is night but early night in July is just as cool as late nights of october so idk maybe all of them Books: Mechaniques Fatales, Ou aller avant qu’il ne soit trop tard, l’histoire de Pi, voyage d’une parisienne a Lhassa, La guerre des clans and Magyc and Tara Duncan and Argentine.  Flowers: Edelweisses, that’s were i got the name.  Scent: Summer scoop, pink ones and turquoise ones, white ones (synesthesia here you go).  Animals: Coatis. Also pandas. and turtles but seas ones.Tiger and panthers alsooo kittiiies Beverage: Water ? hot chocolate and pineapple smoothies. Smoothies all the way.  Hours of sleep: AHAHAHAHAH Favorite fictional characters: All of them orr just until your eyes bleed ? I love the Natsworthy Family, HIRUMA YOICHI ilovehim also Sena kobayama and globally the whole casting of the Devil Bats, Kakashi and Shikamaru but also kinda Kiba, DEKU !! TSUYU !! SHOTO !! The whole fukin crew of Voltron, Sally Lockhart from the serie of the same name, Diego of Argentina, Hiccup and Rapunzel, Milo Tatch because Atlantis fuck man, TULIO and MIGUEL mighty and powerful gods of my heart, this kid Kaneda, Chocola and Natsume, also Blacksad, Lindsay from Freaks and Geeks i love her,Jean and Marco of SNK, the whole crew of the BEBOP too !!! Idk there are too many... Jughead also Eleven and Mulder and i could say the LOST people, Killua and Gon, Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood, Nathan Drake from Uncharted. I’ll let you live from here im so sorry. You have many fandoms to come and talk to me about please i love talkin about fictions.  Number of Blankets You Sleep with: its fuckin hot here like one but half covering me?  Dream Trip: Nepal, Bhoutan, Khazak,  Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Tokyo, Patagonia, Oregon. In fact everywhere ahaha. I went to Thailand so that’s one done.  Blog Created: 2015 i think ? im here from a long time but never done anything before 3 weeks ago LOL Number of followers: 287 WTH 
Now, yeah, tagging people hum... @transtoast, @tamakid @chenkari @blue97 @aph-ice-cube @ararewanderer @mouse-battery @lattekitten @adhd-suga @queefcocaine and @majesticlolipop and i think im good but honestly it’s for fun don’t do it if you don’t have time or anything 
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