kinkingbird-blog · 6 years
“Desperate for You” Tuggwood
NAME: “Desperate for You”
FANDOM: Ragehappy
PAIRINGS: Tuggwood (Ryan/Lindsay), background Michael/Lindsay
SUMMARY: When Lindsay invites Ryan to reignite their old friends with benefits relationship with roleplaying a first meeting at a hotel bar, he immediately agrees - but the likelihood of him keeping it casual when he's missed her so desperately is slim to none.
WARNINGS: Polyamory, roleplaying, semi-public sex
AO3 Cross Post: [x]
Commissions are open!!
Buy Me A Coffee, if you’d like~
”Do you ever miss it?”
”Miss what?”
”When it was simpler. When we had more time.”
The conversation played freely in Ryan’s mind as he climbed out of his car and adjusted the sports coat he wore. He had little reason to dress nicely anymore, given the status of his job, and a suit had been out of the question...but he liked to believe he was a gentleman. He liked to believe that he knew when he should look just a little nicer than he usually might in the office.
Besides. He’d missed this. Missed her.
”I see you every day, Ryan.”
”I know, but it’s...it’s not really the same, is it? Or am I just being overdramatic?"
”No, I know what you mean. And I miss it too. I miss getting to sit next to you.”
Things had changed. They’d gotten busy, that was all. It had been years since they got to see each other every morning, sharing a desk and bantering. Years since getting to see her smile had been the second biggest thing to bring him to work during the hard days – money being first. He’d never really been able to make her the first thing. Not when she had been married.
Things had changed, of course. Lindsay was irrepressible like that. Subtle glances turned to outright flirting, and he always told himself not to respond, but...but he had. What kind of man would he be if he hadn’t? Even the ever present threat of Michael’s fury hadn’t been enough to stop him – not even when he’d situate himself on the couch in that tiny office to record and would lock eyes with him and wonder why Michael was giving him that knowing smile.
Lindsay had eventually said that she was interested. That she and Michael were open. That she’d been trying to feel Ryan out for months, to see if a guy like him might ever be interested in a girl like her.
He hadn’t liked how she said that – like he was still a model and she was just some girl in the background. Like she wasn’t the sun itself.
He’d answered with a kiss.
It had never been serious – they were both too busy, and Lindsay had a whole husband to give her attention too – but it had been nice all the same. Ryan was happy with exactly what they had, just friends with benefits who cared deeply but didn’t have time for titles.
He’d been happy with it until it tapered off.
Life happened. People drifted. It wasn’t that the chemistry had died or that they’d decided to stop touching, it just...happened. One day Ryan looked up and realized he hadn’t stolen a kiss from Lindsay in a month. Then two months. Then three.
”Do you ever just wanna go back and remember what it was like when we’d kiss in the supply closet or come up with dumb excuses about why you were riding home with me from work that day?”
”It was nice, wasn’t it?”
”More than nice.”
”Then why don’t we do it?”
”Let’s go back, Ryan. Back to the first time we ever met.”
Lindsay had been beaming when she said it. As seemed to happen every day, she and Michael had arrived in the parking lot at the exact same time that Ryan did, and, as just as often, Michael had walked on ahead and Lindsay had lingered to wait for Ryan to get out of the car.
He’d never really realized that she was waiting for him because she missed him too, but...now it made sense.
”When? Tonight?”
”Tomorrow, Ryan, please. A lady has to plan.”
”Okay, uh...where?”
”I’ll text you.”
And she had. An hour before he’d left, she’d sent him the address of a lovely hotel in Austin that Ryan knew absolutely nothing about. She’d asked him to meet her in the bar, and he had dressed himself a little anxiously, going to his rarely used button-downs and the jeans that fit him tighter than the rest. A decent pair of shoes that didn’t look like he worked in a restaurant. He’d even fiddled extra long with his hair – and now he worried he’d look like a chump. Maybe she was just in pants and a t-shirt.
He entered the lobby, and the young woman behind the desk smiled at him as he approached and spoke. “Excuse me, I’m looking for the bar?”
She looked him up and down with a grin. “Meeting someone?”
Ryan almost agreed, if only to head her flirting off at the pass – but then he paused. This was their first time meeting all over again, after all, and he didn’t want to spoil the spirit. “Nah, just looking for a drink before I check in.”
“Of course.” She inclined her head and gestured toward an adjacent restaurant, quiet and beautifully decorated. “Right through there, sir. I hope you enjoy.”
“I will.” He smiled back at her in thanks before he departed.
Ryan was a grown man, and there was absolutely no reason that just walking toward the dining area should make him as nervous as he did. Tingles exploded right under his skin. Goosebumps rose on a chill from the first hints of an anxious sweat. He chewed on his bottom lip, then forced himself to stop with a snort. He was acting like a teenager going to prom for the first time without a date.
Lindsay always made him nervous. Just something about her smile and the way her eyes sparkled with mischief turned Ryan into a little boy with a crush on a beautiful older woman.
Can you just try to be cool for five seconds, Haywood?
That was totally possible. Easy, even. He was an actor. He put on a role every time cameras started rolling in the offices. Every livestream, every panel, every video – it was simple. He was the innocently bumbling master of chaos. He just had to put on that persona here as well.
He was confident up until he saw the woman in the red dress at the bar.
Holy shit. Ryan stopped in his tracks, tracing the luscious curves that filled out the knee-length silky gown to utter perfection. Her hair was gathered up at the nape of her neck, pinned high with sparkly clips that caught the low lighting of the restaurant impeccably. Her milky skin contrasted beautifully against the shade of her dress.
Ryan became the awkward teenager again – and that was before he even saw her face.
He forced himself to keep walking in shoes that felt clunky and thick as he tilted his head to the side, leaning forward an inch to catch her profile. Sleek lipstick matched the color of her gown, and smoky eyes complemented her long lashes.
She looked at him. She smiled, and his heart pounded out of his chest.
“Evening.” But the voice was the same. Though she looked like a classy starlet, the familiarity of her tone dragged Ryan back down to earth before he could kiss the stars, keeping him grounded in a way he was thankful for.
“Hey.” He grinned back as he stopped at the stool beside her. “Is this seat taken?”
“Not yet.” She picked up her drink – a dark shade, perhaps a whiskey mix – and sipped it through the thin cocktail straw. “Are you interested in a little company?”
“I might be.” Ryan sat down, and the second his weight was off his feet he was grateful. With the way she looked at him, he thought he might pass out at any moment from the blood rushing to his cheeks so suddenly. “If it’s not gonna bother you.”
“Nah. I’d like it. The bar’s quiet tonight.”
Ryan looked at the bartender, giving a little wave to get their attention, then looked back at her while he waited. “You come here often?”
Silence. She smirked, eyelashes fluttering. “Well, I haven’t heard that line in about ten years.”
“Listen.” Ryan laughed, and the high, reedy sound of it betrayed his nerves all the more easily. “I didn’t even mean to use a line, but-”
“But you’re nervous. I hear it.” Her teeth glistened in the light; she was incorrigible. “Lucky for you, I like it. Lindsay, by the way.”
“Ryan.” He offered a hand. “Nice to meet you.”
When Lindsay took his hand, he lifted it to his mouth, pressing a warm kiss to her knuckles, and the confidence she wore melted slightly in the face of stunned pleasure. She chuckled as he thumbed over the back of her hand, but made no move to pull away. “Pleasure’s mine.”
There it was. The bloom in his gut. The ever present warmth that being around Lindsay stoked – that had been stoked for years, actually. He’d been a bachelor for what felt like an eternity. He’d played games with people in college – on and off again relationships, pushing at boundaries to see how long they would stand up before they came crashing down. He’d never imagined someone would catch his eye and hold it for so long.
For the first time, Ryan felt the utter regret that he’d never pursued something serious with Lindsay – but why would he even ask? Where the hell could they even go?
She still wore her wedding ring, that beautiful jewel that his lips had moved over when he kissed her skin. It was a reminder that, even tonight, this could only be casual. Just a one time experience before they dropped into busy lives again that only featured each other for a few hours at work.
It would be better that way, he tried to tell himself, even as he finally let her hand go and turned to the bartender to order a Diet Coke. Some things just weren’t meant to be serious.
“So what do you do, Ryan?”
He paused. How far were they taking the little charade tonight? He looked at her, and when she only grinned at him he figured he might as well stretch the truth. “I’m an actor, actually. Just passing through town for a few days on a shoot.”
“Oh, really?” Her eyes lit up in amusement. “How many more days are you here?”
“This is the last night, actually.” He heaved a sigh. “It’s a beautiful city you’ve got here. I’ll have to come back sometime for a longer visit. What about you, Lindsay? What do you do?”
“Modeling, mostly.”
That was interesting. “Oh?”
“Mm-hmm! Typically lingerie. I do a little work at conventions as well.”
The equally incorrigible smile of Meg burst in front of Ryan’s mind’s eye, and he couldn’t help but laugh again, looking down and trying to collect himself.
Lindsay lightly kicked his shin. “What’s that for? Are you gonna say you don’t believe me?”
“What? No!” He looked up again quickly. “No, someone as stunning as you? I wouldn’t question it. I just didn’t realize how nice it would feel to meet someone else in the business.”
Her smirk hadn’t vanished, not even slightly. She tilted her head to the side, a few stray strands of hair falling around her cheeks. “Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I don’t know, just...sometimes you have to wear a mask around people, if they’re not in the entertainment business like you are. They never really understand the kind of life you lead. Does that make sense?”
Lindsay’s gaze softened. “...perfect sense.” She sipped her drink again, her other arm resting on the bar just close enough to his own that his cells lit up, hypersensitive, aching to feel the brush of her skin. “It’s nice to meet someone who just...gets it. Someone you don’t have to try that hard around.”
Suddenly Ryan realized they weren’t fully in character here. Lindsay was right. She was someone he’d never had to try to hide himself around, whether they were on camera or off. It was half the reason he’d never messed around with dating these past few years – he was never sure who was going to recognize him and what they were going to expect from him. He hadn’t wanted to commit himself to something if it was going to get himself hurt when they found out they didn’t like the real him – just the person he portrayed on camera.
There were similarities. Of course there were. But there were differences too. On camera, Ryan had to be constantly on the ball and entertaining. He never had a bad moment. He never rested or relaxed. He was always funny and pleasant and appealing.
Real life wasn’t like that. Real life got messy sometimes. There were fights and misunderstandings and the knowledge that eventually the ease would run out.
He didn’t have to worry about that with Lindsay. She got it, just like he did. And that was a relief.
“But sometimes it’s nice not to have to think that hard, isn’t it?” Lindsay asked, pulling him from his thoughts. “Like…just being able to be casual with someone because they already kind of know who you are from your persona.”
“Maybe. But it’s like work.” As Ryan’s drink was dropped off, he picked it up, watching the bubbles pop one after the other on the surface. “Always worrying about where it’s going to go, what’s going to happen, what they’re going to say-”
“Do you always think this hard?”
Ryan chuckled. “Maybe.” He sipped his drink as he glanced back at her.
Lindsay beamed, taking a drink of her own, and when she put the glass back down she shifted. Her arm brushed his, and his body lit up, exploding with firecrackers. “Do you want me to make it easy so you stop thinking too much?”
“God, would you?” He grinned and turned to face her a little more, turning his hand over on instinct – waiting for her to put hers in his.
She didn’t. But she did quirk a brow, that beautiful spark of mischief coming into her gaze. “I’m looking for company. Someone to make me think a little less and feel a little more.”
Fire roared in his veins, licking him up until he burned ferociously. Lindsay played coy games. She let Ryan take the lead. She never really took it for herself.
“So, if you want...you don’t have to think at all tonight, huh? What do you say?”
Ryan opened his mouth, then closed it again. He’d never be this brazen with an actual stranger, but here they were both playing a role – she was the woman making a move, and he was the man just trying to keep up. “I don’t know if mindless sex is the most exciting kind,” he murmured.
Lindsay laughed. “It will be once I suck your brain out through your dick.”
So this was happening. Things had gone from zero to one hundred extremely quickly, and, believe it or not, he was completely on board. Fuck acting. If he couldn’t kiss her, he was going to be miserable. He pulled out his card and held it up to the bartender, lifting his brows as he drained the rest of his soda. As he signed the receipt with an impressive tip, Lindsay slid off her seat and touched the small of his back.
His pen jolted, leaving the messiest signature he’d ever managed behind.
“I have a room upstairs.” She leaned close to say those words, her breath tickling over his neck, and Ryan sucked in a shaky gasp as he stood up, fumbling to put his card back in his wallet. “Hey. Relax, big shot, we’re not in a hurry here.”
“Not a chance.” He met her eyes, blue on blue, and her lips twitched as she tried to hold back her smile. “Have you even seen yourself? You’re stunning. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
Lindsay laughed. As she moved around him, her fingers just grazed the curve of his ass through his pants, and Ryan jumped before he moved after her.
Lindsay moved a little awkwardly in her heels, but it was enough reason for Ryan to stare at her rear as he walked just behind her for a few steps until he caught up. He took her arm, lacing it with his to give her more stability, and she smiled up at him.
Her eyes sparked when the edge of his knuckles brushed lightly over her breast with each step they took.
As they stepped into the elevator – alone, thank God – Ryan leaned to kiss her, but Lindsay simply turned away, lining her back with his chest as she pressed the number of her floor. Twelve. Quite a ways to go. He settled in for a long thirty seconds without kissing, but the second her ass brushed over his crotch his heart took off, hammering.
Her hands gently cupped his. “Excited already?” she teased, swaying her hips from side to side. It was a horrendous tease – just the edge of his erection getting stimulation, and nothing substantial – and Ryan rested his head on the wall behind him with a quiet groan. And then her hands...guided his. The shape of her breasts filled his palms, and he choked, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Floor four, Ryan,” Lindsay sang out, and his fingers immediately moved until they found the peak of her nipples through the silky fabric. “Yeah...”
He fixated on her quiet sighs of pleasure, tunnel vision zeroing in on the feel of her in his hands. Was she not wearing a bra? Had she planned all of this? What a little shit. The thought made his lips quirk as he let his thumbs quest for the edge of the fabric, where the silk met soft, warm skin.
“Mm?” He came to a stop, thumb loosely linked around the fabric, waiting for dissent, permission, anything.
After a moment of silence, where the elevator dinged to the eighth floor – four more to go – Lindsay let his hands go, and he peeled back the fabric, letting her breasts fall into his hands.
This was ridiculous – he didn’t have time for this at all – but Ryan was so calculated and honed with a schedule planned down to the second every damn day that there was a sense of excitement burning through him at knowing he had only a precious few seconds to tweak her nipples between his fingers while he nipped at the back of her neck. She grabbed his hip with one hand for stability, the other slamming into the wall next to them.
In a blissful moment, her sighs turned to moans, filling the air and making Ryan so hard that he ached.
The elevator dinged, coming to a stop, and Ryan whipped around, putting his back to the door to block view of her as he seamlessly slid Lindsay’s dress back into place. As the door opened, he caught her gaze – her flushed cheeks and her wide pupils – before he backed away, turning.
Someone boarded the elevator with a smile, completely unaware, and Ryan grabbed Lindsay’s hand and guided her along, his heart pounding.
“Which room?” he asked. Suddenly he’d taken the lead, with Lindsay being fuzzy-headed behind him.
“1217.” The number came out like a whisper, and when he looked over his shoulder he saw how she was slowly coming back into focus. Her glossy lips, still untouched, tempted him beyond belief – he couldn’t wait to smear the color and kiss her until her mouth was swollen.
When he stopped in front of the door to her room, Lindsay fumbled for her key card, and he watched as she took a deep breath, rested her forehead on the cool wood, then took a step back to look at him when she’d collected herself. “So you’re adventurous.”
The little tease on her voice – that sweet taste of Lindsay that always made him stare at her as she moved around a room while filming, her attitude – made him chuckle. “Are you disappointed?”
“Not remotely.” She finally opened the door and snagged him by his belt loop, pulling him in dick first. He laughed harder.
The second the door shut, Lindsay kissed him, and he melted against her, so intoxicated by how easy it was to fall into the rhythm of kissing even after so long of not doing it. He let her take the lead, tilting his head to match hers, his tongue staying tucked in his own mouth when she seemed focused on only the ebb and flow of their lips together – he knew better than to try and take control in the beginning.
She’d let him know what she wanted him to do later.
Her hands coaxed his shirt out of his waistband, and he helped her, fingers flying down his buttons at a breakneck pace.
“How adventurous, exactly?” Lindsay breathed as she pulled his shirt open and ripped it and his coat both down his arms.
Shit. Ryan licked his lips, tasting her gloss. “Uh...depends on what you have in mind.”
She smirked up at him as she worked at his undershirt next, whipping it over his head and throwing it over her shoulder. “We’ve got a balcony.”
“A balcony with a nice little reclining chair for sunbathing, like on a beach.”
Ryan’s gaze flicked to the balcony just beyond. Count on Lindsay to completely ignore the fully functional bed for something even more tantalizing.
“It’s late. I bet almost everyone else is in bed. If we kept the balcony light off, no one would see us.”
“Oh, fuck,” Ryan closed his eyes for only a second. Anything to keep his cock from twitching again.
“Think you could keep quiet for me, actor boy?” Small fingers brushed through the trail of hair leading beneath his belt, stirring and teasing, and he shivered.
“For you?” He held her gaze. “Anything.”
Something shifted in her gaze – surprise, followed by warmth. She read into his tone. She understood. And, though he knew he should want to, Ryan didn’t even try to take it back.
Okay. So he was besotted. So he ached for her and wished he could have her in his bed some nights. Whatever. He already knew that, and nothing had changed. When she cupped his cheek, he felt the band of her wedding ring on his skin.
But she wasn’t looking away. Even in the midst of him tripping over his words like that. And he wasn’t really sure what that meant.
“Okay.” Her voice was soft and tentative, but not...put off. Just present. Aware and in the moment. She took his hand again, but this time she interlaced their fingers, walking backward through the room with a certain amount of grace until her heels wobbled and the moment broke. She chuckled and kicked them away. “Grab a condom, would you?”
The box on the dresser was unopened – their favorite brand to use together. Apparently she and Michael used something different. It was a tiny thing, but it lit another flame in Ryan’s chest, knowing that this was something that she and Ryan were sharing privately. Silly, but...it made him happy. He ripped the box open gracelessly, making her laugh behind him as condoms showered onto the bed, and then he picked one up and waggled his eyebrows at her as he toed his own shoes off.
Lindsay touched him, then, her hands warm on his chest. The switch had flipped from focused intensity to slow, deliberate contact, and Ryan dropped his hands to his side, letting out quiet sounds as he watched her painted nails move over his skin – ticklishly soft, then leaving red marks as she dragged by.
How was it possible to want someone this much without just...combusting?
“I’m gonna ride you on the balcony,” she said softly, her voice thick with need. “Under the stars. You’re probably gonna get a mosquito bite on your dick.”
Ryan laughed. “Sexy.”
“You know it.” She led him there, only in his pants and socks, and opened the sliding door, gesturing to the lounge chair. He sank down onto it and looked up at her, the warm glow of the lights inside illuminating her in her dress, the curves of her gorgeous body so fully on display that his fingers itched to touch her in turn.
After she shut the door, she straddled his thighs, then lifted the hem of her dress slowly – coyly – so that his eyes were glued to her for aching seconds until, little by little, she revealed the soft thatch of hair between her legs, no panties to be seen.
“Minx,” he whispered, and she beamed at him, obviously far too proud of herself. The peek vanished as she dropped her dress, and he whined, starting to sit up and reach before she thudded him back down with two small hands on his bare chest.
“Not yet.” She winked, then went for his belt.
It was madness, laying here feeling like if she even slightly grazed his hardness, he might come. He dug his teeth into his bottom lip, running through statistics about every computer in their office as she worked his pants open, then tugged them and his briefs down little by little until he sprang free.
“Mmm...big boy.”
He choked on a laugh. “Lindsay.”
“What?” She chuckled too as she plucked the condom from his hand and opened it. “Looks like you’ve been hard all night, Ryan. Were you planning this?” They were back to the act, then, where he was the flustered actor and she was the dynamite model who set out to seduce him. “Or does it just get you hard to tease a girl up in the elevator?”
He moaned, arching his hips, inviting her to touch him. “I would’ve fucked you in there, if you wanted.”
“Yeah?” She couldn’t quite hide her gasp. “Maybe next time, huh?”
As she slid the condom over his shaft, pinching the tip to keep it closed, his heart pounded in his ears, desperate and eager for anything she’d give him. Her skirt tickled his legs as she slid forward, and then he felt the slickness of her folds as she cupped him, dragging him through her wetness like she had all the time in the world.
“What, Ryan?” She tilted her head to the side, guiding him to her entrance – and then away again, running the tip of his cock over her clit with a quiet sigh.
“Lindsay, please,” he whispered.
“Mmm...” She grinned. “You sound so sweet when you beg.”
A slow, aching tease wasn’t what Ryan expected when he came here tonight. He gritted his teeth and gripped the edge of the chair as he held his hips down, feeling how she took him in a centimeter – and then moved off again. Down a little further each time. The chair squeaked quietly under their weight, not completely steady, but he had the distinct feeling that if he grabbed her hips or thighs at all until she was ready that she’d end the game completely and laugh as he whined.
She took him in just deep enough to clench around the head of his cock, and he whimpered, completely lost to her.
“Quiet, Ryan.” Her whisper came through the darkness, tickling his ears, and he held his breath, every muscle in his neck going tight.
Behind his closed eyes, he heard the way she breathed raggedly as she rocked back and forth. Felt the incomprehensible pleasure in his veins. Smelled the faint perfume she wore. Tasted her even still on his lips.
I missed this so bad.
Finally, her hips met his, her slickness dripping on his skin, and he opened his eyes and looked up at her through the faint light. He caught her off guard. Her smile was fond, and her eyes were glossy, and her skin was flushed, and she looked every little bit like she looked when she stared at Michael across the room when he was doing something sweet.
It took him by surprise too, so much so that he lifted a hand and thumbed over her cheek, caught in a sense of wonder.
Lindsay turned her head and kissed his palm, her eyelashes fluttering, and then she began to ride him in earnest.
“Fuck, Lindsay,” he whispered, hands finally sliding to her hips and squeezing. Her stunning body shook with each impact she made on his hips, making him want to run his fingers over ever part of her, and the tightness of her thighs squeezing around his waist whispered of how strong she was becoming. Every time she reached a new goal in her workouts she sent him a silly flexing sweaty selfie, and he’d saved all of them, so enamored with her.
He was so much farther gone than he’d thought.
“I missed this.”
It took a moment for her shaky words to reach his ears. He met her eyes, stunned. “What?”
“This. You.” She pressed her hands into his chest, holding him down, and he grunted and bit his bottom lip to try and hold it back. “I miss you every goddamn day, Ryan.”
No, he couldn’t handle this – this was fucking torture. Hearing what he’d so craved while joined with her but knowing it couldn’t happen was just… “Lindsay...”
“I mean it.” She grabbed one of his arms and slid it beneath her skirt, and he immediately rose to attention, finding her clit and rubbing it just the way she liked as she gasped and squeezed his cock inside of her. “I...I want...I want this more.”
“You wanted to be casual.” It was a petty thing, having such a minor disagreement in the middle of making love on a goddamn balcony in Austin, but Ryan was too flayed open and vulnerable – he couldn’t hold his frustration back if he tried.
Lindsay breathed a chuckle. “Fuck casual, Ryan.”
She dug her nails into the faint hairs spreading across his chest, making his abs clench. “Michael says if he sees me give you...fucking heart eyes one more time...without just kissing the shit out of you...he’s gonna fucking kiss you himself.”
His eyes flew open, an aching hope spreading through his veins. It was impossible. Michael? Wanting that for her?
Lindsay leaned down just a little closer, shifting the position of how she rode, and Ryan had the perfect view of her cocky smirk wavering for just a moment as she found the sweet spot inside of her. “Oh, fuck...”
He bucked into her, meeting her in the middle and watching how she squeezed her eyes shut in utter focus and ecstasy. “I want it,” he rasped. “I want this. I want you. I want all of you.”
She nodded quickly, hair falling out of its updo, messy and striking and gorgeous, all down her shoulders and in her face. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.
“Not gonna.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her still, his fingers rubbing at her and his hips pistoning until the slapping of their skin together couldn’t be muffled. “I’ll take anything you wanna give me, Lindsay, I-I can’t stop this again.”
She opened her eyes, her lips falling open and her lids languid, and her words came out shakily, like she could barely speak. “My heart?”
His chest cracked open, his heart reaching out toward hers. It felt impossible to feel so aching and yet so fulfilled. “Please.”
Serene joy crossed her face, lighting her up from the inside out. For one sweet moment that felt like eternity, she opened herself up to him, beaming – eyes sparkling like diamonds – and he saw for the first time every single bit of love she had for him painted right there.
And he was able to watch how it shifted subtly into her being overcome, pleasure dripping off her, her hands curling slowly into fists on his skin. “Ryan?”
“Come for me, Lindsay,” he growled, and she did, letting out a sharp cry that echoed off their balcony and dragged him right over the edge with her.
Cuddling there wasn’t easy. For once, Lindsay’s famous mouth stayed shut, and one of Ryan’s arms dangled off the edge of the chair as he pet up and down her back slowly. He kept her close – their chests pressed together – as they tried to come back to reality.
It was impossible. They were floating among the stars.
“How does this work?” Ryan’s voice was spent, rough and ragged, and it made his lips quirk into a smile. “Like, if I ask you to be my girlfriend, how the hell does that work when you have a husband?”
“Hell if I know.” She painted patterns on his chest as she nuzzled his neck. “Michael printed me out a pamphlet, so I guess I’ll read that.”
A pause. “A pamphlet.”
“Mm-hmm. About nonmonogamy.”
Ryan could vividly picture Michael’s deadpan expression as he slapped a stack of papers on Lindsay’s desk with no warning just to watch her jump. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “You? Read anything Michael gives you?”
“I know, right? Weird.” The smile was audible in her voice.
It was impossible that Ryan could be able to be this happy. Absolutely incomprehensible. But here they were, dancing through the clouds together.
With her in his arms, he didn’t think he’d ever come down.
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achievebisexuality · 7 years
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Lindsay going after a totally fake poser because we all know Ryan would never make an instagram…
630 notes · View notes
rupertgayesarchive · 8 years
sometimes I go through my old posts and like. I literally do NOT remember about 3/4 of the things I wrote. Just now I saw a tuggwood ask meme I did? I thought I never wrote tuggwood in my LIFE and yet -
0 notes
strifesolution · 6 years
team same desk is so iconic
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achievebisexuality · 7 years
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How did I miss this?! Team same desk's friendship always makes me happy 💖
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Artist: royautical.tumblr.com
Recipient: kylesluna.tumblr.com
Warnings: None
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Prompt: tuggwood being adorable
I went FAHC on it. Ryan is in the middle of a torture session and Lindsay interrupts him.
Ryan hummed softly to himself as he filtered through a selection of knives, whips, and other various torture tools. His deep blue eyes landed on a particular tool, a small knife that was very sharp, perfect for slicing through flesh.
He picked it up gently, and turned to meet his guest, only to be met with the sobbing of another guest in the corner. He frowned at the noise, it was blocking out his music that played from his speaker on the other side of the room.
He walked over to them, and they cowered in the corner. He gave them a good kick to the stomach, effectively silencing them with his steel toe boots, before continuing to walking towards the chair that sat in the middle of the room. It held a man who had tears streaming down his face. He looked up at Ryan with fear in his eyes, and Ryan only smiled at him.
“Don’t be scared, dear.” Ryan murmured to the shaking man, holding the knife gently in his hand, the other brushing away his tears. The man let out a strangled sob as Ryan walked behind him and held the knife to his neck.
“I-I’ve already t-t-told you every-everything…” He sobbed out, and Ryan shushed him gently.
“I know, dear…” Ryan spoke unsettlingly sweet, his voice sounded so sincere. “It’s all going to be over soon, I promise.”
Just then, the door swung open, letting in a bright light. Ryan cursed under his breath and stood up again, looking at the figure that stood in the doorway.
Lindsay walked into the torture room, her flaming red hair was let down. She had a beautiful dress on, it was as bright red as her lipstick. Her heels clicked against the concrete below them as she walked up to her boyfriend, her face stern.
“Ryan, you said tonight was date night.” She reminded him and Ryan rubbed the back of his neck.
“Lindsay, I’m kind of in the middle of something…” He gestured to the man sitting in the chair.
“You promised me, remember?“ Lindsay said.
“Linds…” Ryan whined, and Lindsay frowned.
“Ryan.” Lindsay was on eye level with him because of her heels. “You promised.”
“I know, just…” He glanced at the clock in the corner, cursing to himself that he had taken so long. “Give me a couple of minutes.”
Lindsay sighed and crossed her arms. “Fine, but you’d better make up for it later.”
Ryan gave her a kiss on the cheek, a small smile on his face. “I will. Just a few minutes.”
Lindsay smiled at him, before grabbing the knife from him, and throwing it behind her back. Ryan looked behind her curiously, finding his other guest half way to the open door. The knife was sticking out of their neck, and their body slumped down to the ground.
Ryan smiled at her as she stepped over the freshly dead body, and stepped out of the room, leaving Ryan to the shaking man in the chair.
He grinned madly, and pulled the knife out of the body.
“Let’s get this over with, shall we?” Ryan smiled, and turned to the man. “I have a date.“
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Things to do in gta v one hand
Michael: Are you divorcing Lindsay Ryan and I don't know about it?
Ryan: no not that I know of, there is a lot of paperwork involved
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bostonchungschwa · 8 years
Tuggwood with Ryan who stress eats to the extreme and is so embarrassed about his binges. When Lindsay gets back early and sees him like that he just waits for the taunting, he's just used to expecting that when caught. But instead she just helps him put the various bowls and containers away, and hugs him. Though she does eventually lovingly tells him if he touches her ice cream and doesn't buy more then he's in a world of hurt.
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Author: ariphyll.tumblr.com
Recipient: operation-keepgavinalive.tumblr.com
Summary: The last Sunday of every month Lindsay would bake something. Ryan was probably the worst of helpers.
Warnings: Gen, N/A
Word Count: 2,010
The last Sunday of every month Lindsay would bake something. Typically it was cookies, or sometimes the occasional pie or brownies. Monday she would bring the extra to office to be fought over, but Sunday was the grievous process of actually making them. The baking itself wasn’t the issue though, it was her helper.
Well, ‘helper’.
Try as he might, Ryan couldn’t bake for shit. On a good day he could cut brownies into decent squares, and on a bad one he could probably burn the batter if he just thought about touching it. So, instead of helping he just became a menace. He would help by grabbing items when Lindsay asked for them, but that was about all of his usefulness. Ryan was there to mess with the process and see how far he could tease Lindsay before she would push him out of the kitchen entirely, trying to hide a smile on her face.
This Sunday was no different from any other.
“I mean, I could probably make basic cookies that don’t taste like plastic,” Ryan said casually, leaning against the kitchen island while Lindsay cracked a couple eggs.
“If you try to touch this batter I won’t hesitate to hit you with this whisk,” Lindsay said, glancing over at him and raising the utensil playfully.
Ryan chuckled. “Only if I get a safeword first.”
Lindsay shook her head as she leaned over to throw away the broken eggshells, humming tunelessly as she looked over the counter for the next ingredient. Ryan watched her work lazily. It was early in the morning, a good two hours too early for him to be up. If it wasn’t for the monthly bake session he would be curled up in bed with Lindsay, dozing and mumbling sleepily to each other. Lindsay was dedicated to her habit though, and Ryan couldn’t really complain. He had a strong sweet tooth and a lack of self control, and Lindsay’s baking could lead Ryan to overindulge happily.
(Whether it was due to the fact that it just tasted really good, or that it was simply Lindsay who baked it, Ryan wouldn’t ever specify.)
“Could you get the other bag of sugar?” Lindsay asked. “I don’t think there’s enough left in this one.”
Ryan made a small noise of acknowledgement and moved towards the pantry. “Is there a specific reason you can’t do it yourself?”
“Because I know you’ll do it for me,” Lindsay said, smile evident in her voice.
“Well, if I’m going to be your servant I better get paid,” Ryan said, grabbing the fresh bag and sliding it down the counter towards Lindsay.
“What, are you gonna go on strike?” Lindsay asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Maybe. I’ll make picket signs and everything,” Ryan joked, leaning on the counter next to her. “Also, I didn’t hear a thank you.”
Lindsay grinned and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Thanks. Happy now, Ryan?”
“No,” Ryan said, faking a tremor in his voice. “but I know that’s all I’ll get.”
Lindsay scoffed as she whisked the batter together. Ryan eyed the mixture and before he could even open his mouth Lindsay was already crushing his dreams.
“Don’t even think about it, Haywood,” Lindsay said. “I still haven’t forgiven you for that time you ate like, half of the batter.”
“Why won’t you let me have any guilty pleasures?” Ryan asked, jokingly pouting.
“Because they’re unhealthy as fuck and ruin my hard work,” Lindsay responded, slowing her movements.
Ryan stuck his tongue out at her and she scoffed. He tugged Lindsay away from the bowl and closer to him. He pulled her into a warm kiss, one arm wrapping around her waist while the other snuck up on the counter and towards the bowl. Before he could make contact however, Lindsay grabbed a hold of his wrist and broke apart from him with an unimpressed look.
“C’mon Ryan, this isn’t my first rodeo,” she said, pushing away from him.
Ryan sighed heavily and folded his arms, conceding defeat for the moment. “Alright, you win this round.”
“Is this a fight now?” Lindsay asked. “You wanna fight, Ryan? Put ‘em up, I’d like to see you throw a punch.”
“I am not going to fight you over cookie batter.”
“Pfft, bitch. Is it because I’m a woman?”
Ryan laughed. “Yeah, I can’t hit women. Sorry, Lindsay.”
“Well, there goes my honeymoon plans,” she joked, laughing with him.
Ryan stretched and moved to rest his head on Lindsay’s shoulder. He never could stand in one place for too long before getting bored and needing to adjust. Lindsay leaned her head slightly to give him more room, shooting him a mildly annoyed look.
“Couldn’t you have at least shaved?” she asked. “Your beard itches.”
“Oh, it does?” Ryan asked. “I’m so sorry, here just let me rub against your face and-”
Lindsay giggled as he pressed against her, cheek to cheek and nuzzling her face. “Get off me, asshole.”
“Harsh,” Ryan said as he smiled and pulled away. “Why won’t you just love me the way I am?”
“Why won’t you let me just finish the damn batter, Ryan?” Lindsay asked, but there was no spite in her voice.
Ryan rolled his eyes but let her continue, watching idly as Lindsay tested and fixed the batter to her liking. He trailed his eyes up towards the flour, the bag open and just asking for something to be done with it. Ryan glanced back over at Lindsay, who was concentrating on opening a bag of chocolate chips, and then back at the flour.
Before Lindsay could grab and stop him, a small handful of flour was tossed her way. Ryan giggled and took a few paces back, watching Lindsay cough slightly and rub at her eyes, flour sticking to her face and neck.
“Ryan, you’re going to regret that you prick,” Lindsay cursed, snatching his shirt and yanking him towards her.
Before he could respond Lindsay snatched up an egg and shoved it down his shirt, crushing it through the fabric. Ryan shivered violently, making a face at the slimy, wet feeling sliding down his chest.
“Oh god, gross,” he complained, yanking himself free of her grasp. “You just ruined my shirt.”
“You’re not even the one who does laundry, stop complaining,” Lindsay said. “You started it.”
“I started it, huh?” Ryan said, reaching for another handful of flour. “I’ll show you starting it.”
Lindsay shrieked as white powder was thrown her way, snatching up the whisk quickly and flicking a glob of batter at him. The mix splattered against Ryan’s shirt and collar, and he wrinkled his nose up.
“Not the batter Lindsay, come- shit,” Ryan said hastily, ducking as another whiskful was thrown.
“You wanted a battle so now you have to fight the war, bitch,” Lindsay said, grabbing her own handful of flour to thrust into Ryan’s face.
Ryan swatted her hand away and snatched up one of the few remaining eggs. He cracked it over her hair, laughing at her cursing and frantic clawing. Lindsay pushed him away from the counter, and before Ryan could react she had the milk jug open and ready.
“Okay,” Ryan said, immediately trying to soothe the situation before he became soaked. “let’s not waste the good, innocent milk, alright?”
Lindsay just grinned and charged, wrapping an arm around him to pin him to her and dumped the container over him. Ryan let out a shocked noise and squirmed out of Lindsay’s grip. There was milk dripping over his face and clothes, absolutely covering the floor. It was freezing cold and Ryan glared over at Lindsay, who was laughing heavily at him.
Ryan yanked open the fridge, snatching up a bottle of whip cream and flashing her a mischievous smile. Lindsay made a break for the kitchen door but Ryan got there first, giggling like a child as he sprayed whip cream at her. Spluttering she moved back a bit, wiping the cream off her face and neck.
“Fuck, Ryan, all you had to do was ask if you wanted a-”
Ryan sprayed some of the whip cream into Lindsay’s mouth, cutting her off before she could finish. He was panting, the fight leaving him mildly out of breath and feeling disgusting. Cold milk was drying against his skin mixed with egg, and Lindsay didn’t look much better, if albeit slightly more dry.
“Are you finished?” Ryan asked.
“Am I finished? You started it,” Lindsay said incredulously.
“Yeah, but I didn’t throw milk at you,” Ryan said, as if that put him in the clear.
Lindsay glared at him but there was no real heat behind it. “You wanna start this again, Ryan, or just help me clean up?”
Ryan raised his hands in surrender. “I’ll help clean up. Uh, pretty sure too much flour is in the dough now though…”
“It’s fine, I can just make another later,” Lindsay said, sighing as she looked over the ruined batter.
Ryan walked over and wrapped his hands around her apologetically. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s just some cookie dough, don’t sweat it,” Lindsay said, pushing him away. “And don’t touch me, you feel fucking gross.”
“You made me that way!”
“Doesn’t mean you have to touch me.”
Ryan frowned slightly at that, snatching Lindsay up in his arms quickly to spin her around. “Oh sorry, Lindsay, didn’t realize my body disgusted you.”
“Put me down,” Lindsay laughed, hitting him weakly. “Be careful before you slip and fall, Ryan. You’re gonna kill us.”
Ryan opened his mouth to protest but his foot slipped on a large puddle on the floor and he slammed to the ground, taking Lindsay down with him. He groaned in slight pain before laughing as Lindsay rolled off of him. Ryan flashed her an apologetic smile.
“Yeah, whoops,” Lindsay said, grinning.
They fell into a small burst of giggles, and Ryan reached over to brush away a bit of flour from her cheek. Lindsay returned the favor, brushing some drying egg away from his eyes. Ryan closed his eyes at the touch, reopening them to smile at her warmly.
“Did you really have to cover my chest in raw egg?” Ryan asked.
“You cracked one in my hair. We’re totally even,” Lindsay said earnestly.
Ryan had to agree with that, rolling over on the floor to press a kiss to her cheek. “So we are. I’m not cleaning up this milk, though.”
“If we lay here long enough we might just soak it up,” Lindsay said.
“That’s… kind of gross,” Ryan said, making a face. “I think a mop is more efficient than human skin anyway.”
Lindsay chuckled, sitting up and looking down at him. “I guess you’re right again. Is that your college intelligence kicking in?”
“You went to college too,” Ryan protested, sitting up as well to bump shoulders with her.
“That’s irrelevant,” she said, leaning over to kiss him softly. “and you’re cleaning up the milk.”
Ryan sighed and nuzzled against her face. “Fine, but let’s at least get cleaned up first. Unless you want me to smell like milk and raw egg for the rest of the day.”
Lindsay snickered against his face. “I dunno, that might be a nice cologne.”
“Ew,” Ryan said, pulling away and faking a gagging noise. “I don’t think so.”
Lindsay smiled and pushed herself up. “Care to take a shower for two?”
“Only if you help me off the floor,” Ryan said.
“Really? You’re a grown man and you can’t even help yourself off the floor?” Lindsay asked as she reached out her hands for his.
“Nope, totally useless on that front,” Ryan said happily, accepting the help and getting pulled onto his feet.
“Just like you’re cooking front, too.”
“Ouch. What are you gonna insult next? My video game skills?”
Lindsay laughed at that, turning and dragging him away in favor of the bathroom. The kitchen could be cleaned later, and the baking dealt with in the evening. It would still be Sunday then too.
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tinypeckers · 10 years
Picture perfect picnic
Pairing(s): Lindsay x Ryan (Tuggwood)
Words: 1,210
Summary: Lindsay & Ryan picnic in the par.
Day 73 of 365 of 2kficteen
“Yo, bitch – we’re going to the park for lunch.” Ryan declared boldly as he swaggered into the room. His ‘swag’ level was immediately juxtaposed by the picnic hamper resting upon his hip and the dumb dad jeans he always insisted on wearing. Still, Lindsay was not amused.
“What did you just say to me?” Lindsay replied. She spun her chair in a way that was reminiscent the villains in movies. Ryan swallowed, self consciously running a hand through his hair.
“I mean, uh, I brought I picnic to work today so if you’d, uh, like to come,” Ryan stuttered, “I’m sorry.” Ryan squeaked as an afterthought. Lindsay had told him time and time again to act more forceful (he was always apologising and asking for things he really didn’t ask for) but perhaps he’d taken it a little too far this time. Lindsay raised an eyebrow at the man, drawing it out to make Ryan suffer.
 Lindsay weighed her options. On the one hand, she had a lot of editing to do and there was a kitchen just through the doors should she need food. On the other hand she had Ryan, bashfully looking to the ground with a picnic hamper most likely filled with handmade goodies and so delicately prepared by Ryan himself. It was all too cute and Lindsay, in truth, owed it to him after bailing on their last date because Barbara had gotten herself too drunk to care for herself.
“Now?” Lindsay questioned. Ryan swallowed.
“Well, we can go later if you’d like it’s just it is lunchtime and I mean, why not now?” Ryan babbled. Lindsay shook her head at him and stood, stretching for a long minute before she smiled at Ryan.
“Let’s go, I’m starving.” Lindsay confessed. She hip checked Ryan as she passed him to get to the door. Ryan smiled back at her, blushing only slightly when Lindsay snatched his hand from his hair and held it instead.
 The park wasn’t too busy, what with it being a weekday and all of the kids in school. Those who weren’t were too young to be annoying and were being watched ridiculously warily by their parents. Lindsay and Ryan found a nice, slightly shaded patch of grass somewhere around the edge of the park. Lindsay had begged for the sunshine while Ryan had complained that his delicate complexion needed shade. They’d found a nice compromise though Ryan watched Lindsay worriedly as she settled down in the blazing Texas sun. She’d stolen some of Gavin’s cheeky shades and had slipped them on just as they stepped outside.
“You really should sit in the shade.” Ryan sighed like a worried mom, patting the ground beside him in the hopes that Lindsay would listen to him and move. Lindsay scoffed.
“I’m fine, Ryan – just feed me already.” Lindsay demanded as she reached for the picnic basket.
  Ryan didn’t stop her and he watched as Lindsay started to unpack it all. He hoped that she liked it for he’d spent at least an hour preparing all the different snacks. So Ryan was a little hurt when Lindsay scoffed as she pulled out the sandwiches,
“You cut them into tiny triangles, really?” Lindsay giggled as she set them down on the plastic plates that had come with the basket itself.
“You don’t like them?” Ryan said sadly – he’d thought they were cute.
“Oh no, no, no,” Lindsay murmured as she caught Ryan’s pout, “I love them! They’re adorable.” She gushed honestly and that got Ryan to smile.
“I thought you would.” Ryan said proudly. He knew Lindsay well, it seemed.
“You put a lot of thought into this.” Lindsay said and Ryan nodded because, hey, it was nice to see his efforts appreciated.
  Lindsay thought Ryan had done well with his selection. He’d packed string cheese, fun size chocolate, an assortment of chips, some strawberries and two Capri suns. Ryan had taken care to put an ice pack inside so that they stayed cold and Lindsay really appreciated it when the sun was beating against her back so harshly. In fact, Lindsay sort of wished she’d listened to Ryan now but she wasn’t going to give the man the smug satisfaction of being right. He shouldn’t have that much power.
“So, sandwich?” Ryan offered as he picked one up himself. He’d made miniature BLTs which just made it that much better for Lindsay – she felt like a giant and didn’t mind telling Ryan so.
“I feel like a giant.” Lindsay said as she nibbled the edges. Ryan laughed.
“Is that good or bad?” Ryan asked.
“Good,” Lindsay said as she manically squashed a sandwich between her fingers. Ryan frowned, slightly worried for his girlfriend.
  By the time Lindsay had supped her Capri sun and squashed it between her palms, she was sweating. Ryan offered her the final strawberry and she snatched it from his hands. Ryan stared in awe at her as she supped the strawberry of all its juices – Lindsay just needed to be away from the sun.
“Do you want to sit here?” Ryan offered.
“I’m fine.” Lindsay snapped back.
“You’re sweating.” Ryan replied and Lindsay sighed heavily.
“I’m fine,” She insisted but Ryan’s concerned frown had her rolling her eyes and relenting. “Okay, if you insist.” Lindsay huffed. Ryan welcomed her with open arms, holding Lindsay close despite how sweaty she was.
“You’ve got to stop being so forgiving and nice to me.” Lindsay muttered as Ryan held her.
“Nah,” Ryan replied, “I could never do that.”
  “Chocolate?” He then offered and he held the melting treat by Lindsay’s mouth.
“No, ew – get that away from me.” Lindsay whined as she pushed it away. She grunted when the chocolate clung to her fingers and stayed there. Ryan watched as she scowled at her hand before bringing it to her mouth to lick the chocolate off. There was a couple of beats of silence before Lindsay reached for the chocolate,
“Actually I’ve changed my mind I want it.” Lindsay said but Ryan shoved it in her mouth before she could grab it. Lindsay gasped.
“Ryan!” She yelled. Ryan shrugged,
“You took too long – I wanted it.” He smirked. Lindsay scowled.
“Asshole,” Lindsay muttered as she grabbed another one to eat instead. Lindsay didn’t get that one either. Ryan stole it from her hands and ate that chocolate too.
  “Ryan, stop it!” Lindsay huffed as she tried to get another chocolate. Ryan scooped all what was left and crammed them into his mouth. Lindsay tried not to laugh; she didn’t want him to make her laugh, as the chocolate bulged Ryan’s cheeks and threatened to slip past his lips. Lindsay decided that she’d had enough with Ryan’s selfish behaviour and tackled him as punishment. Ryan only had a few minutes to swallow before he fell to the ground with Lindsay on top of him.
“You’re so mean.” Ryan muttered as Lindsay pinned him down.
“You ate all of the chocolate.” Lindsay countered.
“I know.” Ryan smirked and Lindsay just had to stop him from being so smug – so she kissed him. Ryan welcomed it as he wrapped his arms around her to keep her there. The chocolate had been sweet, yes, but Lindsay’s love was sweeter.
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Am I the only one..
To imagine Lindsay and Ryan literally playing tag or racing in the office and Geoff just getting angry and yelling "God damn it! RYAN AND LINDSAY CALM THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!" And Lindsay and Ryan just point at each other and they both say "she/he started it!" No? It's just me?
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rtverse · 10 years
Pairing: Ryan/Lindsay (Tuggwood)
Rating: Teen+
Words: 1,225
Summary: Ryan finds himself playing a game of Too Hot, and he definitely isn’t complaining.
Rooster Teeth parties always result in some game or another. Sometimes, they play truth or dare or never have I ever, like the middle schoolers they all are deep inside. Other times they’ll go for something a bit more fun, like spin the bottle.
Tonight is definitely in the latter category.
The past couple hours have been full of dumb jokes and plenty of alcohol. Well, at least for most of the people there.
Ryan, on the other hand, is still blissfully sober and able to fully enjoy everyone else’s antics. That’s definitely a plus to limiting the alcohol consumption. He’s just leaning against the wall of Burnie’s house, sipping a soda and observing.
Of course, his entertainment is soon interrupted by a clearly drunk and stumbling Geoff. “Hey, Ryan, wanna play a game?” He doesn’t even get a chance to answer before he’s being dragged to the other side of the room. Sighing, Ryan gives in and follows.
Geoff stops when he reaches where Barbara, Meg, Gavin, and Lindsay are hanging out. And, well, if Ryan’s gaze lingers on Lindsay for a little longer than necessary… It can’t be helped.
Meg giggles at the sight, a bit tipsy herself. “Oooh, is he gonna do it?” She turns her attention to Gavin, the two laughing about something or other.
"Okay, what exactly am I doing?" Ryan asks with a raised eyebrow, aimed mostly at the seemingly sober Lindsay.
She shrugs. “I have no idea, Barbara just dragged me over here and I went with it.”
The slight smirk on her face affects Ryan far more than he really wants to admit, but he ignores it and turns to Barbara. “Alright, then you explain.”
The blonde just grins, obviously excited about whatever’s happening. “Have you ever heard of Too Hot?”
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Lindsay freeze, which only adds to his already mounting confusion. “No…?”
An evil look flashes in Barbara’s eyes, and that definitely doesn’t make Ryan feel better about the situation. “Basically, you kiss someone, but you can’t touch them. You can only kiss, and the first person it gets ‘too hot’ for loses.”
He furrows his eyebrows, still confused. “The first person to touch the other person loses?” Barbara nods, the smile on her face giving way to a much scarier smirk. “So…. Why am I here?”
Barbara rolls her eyes at his obliviousness. “Is it not obvious? You and Lindsay are gonna play.”
And suddenly Lindsay’s reaction makes sense. Fuck. Ryan’s face is definitely red. This is a problem. “But… Neither of us are drunk, it wouldn’t just be a dumb thing.”
Barbara just gives him a knowing look. “Is that really a problem?” And wow, he can’t really argue that.
Well… At least he’ll get to kiss Lindsay, right?
After pausing and taking a deep breath to calm down, he nods slowly. “Okay.” He can feel Lindsay’s surprised gaze snap up to him. Hesitantly, he turns to look at her. “Should we just… Do it?”
He watches the variety of emotions pass over her face before she nods shakily, stepping a bit closer to him. Running on pretty much pure adrenaline now, Ryan closes the rest of the distance so that their faces are just inches apart. Lindsay looks up at him with a faint blush on her cheeks, and it’s driving him crazy. He has to force himself not to stroke her cheek before the game even starts.
She tilts her head upwards and gets up on her tippy toes, finally connecting their lips.
Ryan feels like he’s exploding. She’s kissing him softly, and it’s all so intimate, and-
He’s cupping her cheeks, pulling her closer and returning the kiss. Distant voices say something about him losing, but they’re not important right now.
All that matters is Lindsay resting her wrists on his shoulders and pressing their bodies together, and god, Ryan’s in so deep.
A quick nip of Lindsay’s lip draws out a small gasp that he will probably remember forever, and wow, it’s making him feel things.
Ryan’s just so hopelessly in love with this girl, and it’s proven again and again as they kiss.
Smiling against his mouth, Lindsay buries her hands in his hair, twirling small pieces around her finger as they continue. It’s such a small - and probably involuntary - action, but it makes Ryan’s heart pound even harder than before. Pressing one last deep kiss against her lips, he pulls away. They’re both breathing heavily, and their flushed faces give a pretty good idea of how they feel about it.
"Damn, Ryan, you only lasted seconds." Barbara’s voice is teasing, but the look on her face gives away how adorable she thinks it is.
Ryan blushes a bit more, if possible, and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “Heh, yeah…” He glances over at Lindsay and her smile makes his whole body feel warm.
Chewing on her lip slightly, she gives him a more serious look. “Maybe we should talk somewhere.”
Ryan’s breath catches in his throat and it feels like his heart is beating in every part of him. She’s actually going to give him a heart attack. “Yeah, we should.”
They sneak off to a quiet corner of the party, passing various distracted coworkers and friends. Lindsay leans against the wall and faces Ryan with a small smile. “So that was a thing.”
Ryan stays silent, unsure of what to say.
"You know, it was pretty cute, you just immediately going for it and not giving a shit about winning. And, wow, Ryan, I haven’t had a kiss like that in ages." She sighs wistfully, definitely remembering the recent events. "It was just incredible. I didn’t think you would just go for it like that."
He smiles slightly. “Yeah, well, I couldn’t help myself. It’s just… It’d just been way too long.”
Now Lindsay’s confused. “What do you mean?”
Ryan looks up at her, his smile a bit more hesitant. “I mean, how could I? Look at yourself Lindsay. You’re absolutely gorgeous, and more importantly, you’re just amazing. You’re hilarious, fun, smart, one of my best friends…” He pauses to take a deep breath. “And I’m completely ridiculously head over heels in love with you.”
For a moment she just stares at him with wide eyes. Then, it all clicks into place, and she’s launching herself at him and they’re kissing again and it’s perfect.
Lindsay grabs Ryan’s collar and pulls their faces even closer together, a soft gasp escaping Ryan’s lips at the action. He grips her wrists and pushes them both forward, pinning her against the wall and kissing her hard. Lindsay runs her hands through his hair, sometimes tugging on a few strands and making Ryan shudder. He lets go of her hands and diverts his attention to her neck. He trails a finger across her collarbone lightly before moving to plant a kiss there, biting gently and then pulling back to look at her.
Her hair is all fluffed and pushed in messy directions, and redness stains her cheeks.
She’s absolutely beautiful.
Ryan leans in, kisses her softly once more, and steps back from Lindsay and the wall. She stands there, dazed, for a moment. Soon enough, a gigantic smile spreads across her face. “I love you too, idiot.”
And everything is perfect.
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rupertgayesarchive · 9 years
ok, so, bottom!ryan... but with *lindsay*
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rlysadgay-blog · 10 years
sooo im writing a ryan/lindsay/geoff fic and if any of you guys want to send me some headcanons, they're well appreciated!
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