gotankgo · 2 years
Hammerhead “Tuffskins”
• Ethereal Killer (1992)
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Stone Shield Surface Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services designed to protect and maintain various surfaces, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Our antislip sealing service enhances the safety of walkways and floors, preventing slips and falls by applying a high-quality sealant that adds grip to the surface. This is particularly beneficial in areas prone to wet conditions or high foot traffic.
For those dealing with brick surfaces, our brick acid washing service effectively cleans and restores the appearance of bricks by removing stains, efflorescence, and other contaminants. This process not only revitalizes the look of brick structures but also prepares them for any additional treatments, such as sealing or painting.
We specialize in Tuffskin surface protection, a revolutionary solution that safeguards surfaces from scratches, etching, and staining. Tuffskin is ideal for high-use areas like kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities, offering a virtually invisible layer of protection that preserves the natural beauty of the stone.
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Natural stone sealing is another key service we offer, crucial for maintaining the integrity and appearance of natural stone surfaces such as marble, granite, limestone, and travertine. Our advanced sealing techniques penetrate the stone, providing long-lasting protection against moisture, stains, and UV damage, while enhancing the stone's natural color and sheen.
Pressure cleaning is an essential service for both residential and commercial properties, effectively removing dirt, grime, mold, and mildew from a variety of surfaces, including concrete, brick, and stone. Our high-pressure washing equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning agents ensure a thorough clean without damaging the surfaces.
In addition to these core services, we offer specialized treatments such as non-slip surface applications and anti-graffiti coatings. Our non-slip solutions are perfect for enhancing the safety of outdoor areas, including driveways, patios, and pool decks, while our anti-graffiti coatings provide a protective barrier that makes graffiti easy to remove without harming the underlying surface.
For those looking to preserve the longevity and appearance of their outdoor spaces, our paver sealing service protects against the elements, prevents weed growth, and enhances the color of pavers. We also offer acid wash treatments for deeper cleaning and stone restoration services that can bring worn or damaged stone surfaces back to their original condition.
At Stone Shield Surface Solutions, we are committed to delivering high-quality results that exceed our clients' expectations. Whether you're looking to protect a new surface or restore an existing one, our team of experienced professionals uses the latest techniques and products to ensure your surfaces are both beautiful and durable. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you maintain and enhance your property's value.
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stalewhitebread · 4 months
"I'm Ugly And I Don't Know Why" -Butt Trumpet I was walking home from school one day When I saw Danny standing there I tried to show him my dirty underwear He showed me his and nothing would compare And he said
[CHORUS] You're ugly What the fuck gave birth to you? You're ugly And I bet your mom is too You're ugly Man what's with that doo? You're ugly because you're ugly
I kinda wonder when I think back to those days Why did all the boys get scared and run away? So I looked in the mirror to see if it was true My reflection looked at me like it was scared too And it said
Let me tell you guys a little story about my second grade love. His name was Danny and he looked so good this one day in his plaid Tuffskins. And everyday after school I would go pick him up at his classroom, and one day these three girls came out before he did, and this one girl named Heidi Weller had this handful of pumpkin seeds.
And I said, "Let me see those pumpkin seeds," and she said, "No." And I grabbed her hand and I said, "Let me see those pumpkin seeds now, bitch!" And I looked at them and they had Danny Irving's name written on every one of them damn pumpkin seeds and I said, "Hey bitch! That's my boyfriend! Why do you have my boyfriend's name written on all your pumpkin seeds? I'm gonna have to kick your fuckin' ass, bitch!" And you know what she had the nerve to say to me? She said...
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restoreafloorla · 4 years
Wood flooring options have always grabbed attention because they are simply unpaired when it comes to maintaining oodles of style and warmth in your residence or office space. Let's look at the following discussion to learn about the specific benefits which you can procure out of Cheap wood flooring Los Angeles.
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sickermx · 3 years
Por : Stephen King
Sheridan conducía con lentitud frente a la larga fachada lisa del centro comercial cuando vió al chiquillo salir por las puertas principales, situadas bajo el cartel iluminado. Era un niño, de tal vez algo más de tres años, aunque, sin duda, no pasaba de los cinco. En su rostro se leía una expresión a la que Sheridan se había tornado muy perceptivo. Estaba intentando contener las lágrimas, pero no tardaría en echarse a llorar.
Sheridan se detuvo un instante mientras le acometía la familiar sensación de disgusto…, aunque cada vez que se llevaba a un niño, la sensación se hacía menos acuciante.
Sheridan estacionó la furgoneta en unas de las plazas mas cercanas al centro comercial y reservadas a los inválidos. En la parte trasera de la furgoneta llevaba una matrícula especial que el estado concede a los inválidos. La matrícula valía su peso en oro, porque impedía que los guardias de seguridad sospecharan y, además, porque esas plazas resultaban muy prácticas y casi siempre estaban vacías.
Se apeó de la furgoneta y camino hacia el niño, que miraba en derredor con una expresión de creciente pánico. Sí, señor, pensó Sheridan, unos cinco años, tal vez seis, pero muy menudito. Bajo las estridentes luces fluorescentes que emanaba el interior del edificio, el niño aparecía blanco como la nieve, no solo asustado, sino realmente enfermo.
Sheridan supuso que su aspecto se debía al miedo. Por lo general, reconocía aquella expresión cuando la veía, porque había visto un gran terror reflejado en su propio espejo durante el último año y medio.
El niño alzó los ojos esperanzado hacia las personas que pasaban junto a él, personas que entraban en el centro comercial ansiosas por comprar, que salían cargadas de paquetes, con el rostro soñador, casi como drogado, impregnado de algo que probablemente tomaban por satisfacción.
El niño, enfundado en vaqueros Tuffskin y una camiseta de los Penguins de Pittsburgh, buscaba ayuda, buscaba a alguien que le mirara y comprobara que algo andaba mal, buscaba a alguien que le formulara la pregunta adecuada.
«Aquí estoy yo -pensó Sheridan mientras se acercaba-. Aquí estoy yo. » Cuando estaba a punto de alcanzar al niño, divisó a uno de los guardias del centro comercial. Avanzaba despacio por el pasillo central en dirección a las puertas principales. Tenía la mano metida en un bolsillo, sin duda buscaba un paquete de cigarrillos. Dentro de un momento saldría y al diablo con el golpe de Sheridan.
Sheridan retrocedió unos pasos y fingió rebuscar en sus bolsillos para asegurarse de que todavía llevaba las llaves. Su mirada pasó del niño al guardia de seguridad y otra vez al niño. El pequeño se echo a llorar. No a aullar, todavía no, pero gruesas lágrimas, que parecían rosadas, empezaron a rodar por sus mejillas.
Al fin Sheridan decidió ir hacia donde el chiquillo estaba.
¿Has perdido a tu padre? pregunto Sheridan.
Mi papito- repuso el niño mientras se secaba las lagrimas. No lo encuentro.
De pronto el niño estallo en sollozos, y una mujer se volvió con una expresión de vaga preocupación.
La mujer siguió su camino. Sheridan rodeó los hombros del chico en ademán de consuelo y tiró de él hacia la derecha… en dirección a la furgoneta. A continuación echó otro vistazo al interior del centro comercial.
Quiero a mi papito- Sollozó el pequeño Claro que sí- Lo consoló Sheridan. Y lo encontraremos.
Empezó a dirigirse a la entrada principal, olvidadas ya las lágrimas, y Sheridan tuvo que hacer un gran esfuerzo para no agarrar al pálido chiquillo en aquel preciso instante.
Primero tenía que conseguir que subiera a la furgoneta.
Llevo al chico a la furgoneta, que tenía cuatro años y estaba pintada de un desvaído color azul. Abrió la portezuela y dedicó una sonrisa al niño, quien lo miró con expresión de duda. Los ojos verdes parecían nadar en su pequeño rostro pálido, ojos tan grandes como los de un niño extraviado de una de esas fotos que anuncian en los semanarios sensacionalistas baratos.
Sheridan salió del estacionamiento principal del centro comercial, se detuvo para comprobar que no venían coches. El niño estaba sentado en el borde del asiento, con las manos sobre las rodillas de los téjanos y los ojos completamente atentos.
¿Por que vamos por detrás?- Quiso saber el niño.
Hay que dar la vuelta para ir a las otras puertas- Explicó Sheridan. La expresión atormentada del pequeño se transformo en otra de sublime alivio, y por un instante, Sheridan sintió compasión por él. Al fin y al cabo, no era un monstruo ni un maníaco, por dios. Pero las deudas iban aumentando un poco mas cada vez. Y era la única forma que tenía para pagarlo.
Sheridan extrajo unas esposas de la guantera sin que el niño lo notara. El chico se inclinó por un momento, Sheridan se acercó a él y cerró una de las esposas sobre la mano extendida del niño con toda la facilidad del mundo, y entonces empezaron los problemas. El crío peleaba como un lobezno, retorciéndose con una fuerza a la que Sheridan nunca habría dado crédito de no estar experimentando sus consecuencias en aquel mismo instante.
Sheridan agarró al niño por el cuello redondo de la camiseta y tiró de el hacia dentro. Intentó cerrar la segunda esposa en torno a la riostra especial que había junto al asiento del copiloto, pero falló. El niño le mordió la mano dos veces hasta hacerle sangrar. Dios, tenía los dientes como cuchillas de afeitar. Le acometió un intenso dolor que le ascendió por el brazo. Asestó al niño un puñetazo en la boca. El niño cayó sobre el asiento, medio atontado, con la sangre de Sheridan sobre los labios, la barbilla y el cuello de la camiseta. Sheridan cerró la esposa sobre la riostra y se hundió en su propio asiento mientras se succionaba la sangre de la mano.
El dolor era terrible. Se sacó la mano de la boca y observó las heridas a la mortecina luz del salpicadero. Distinguió dos hileras de orificios superficiales, de unos cinco centímetros de longitud, que avanzaban hacia la muñeca desde los nudillos. la sangre brotaba en pequeños hilillos. Pese a todo no sentía deseos de volver a golpear al muchacho, y eso no tenía nada que ver con dañar la mercancía.
-Se arrepentirá- Anunció el niño. Sheridan miró en derredor con impaciencia. -Mi papito es muy fuerte, señor. Me encontrará. ajá- dijo Sheridan Puede olerme
Sheridan no lo dudaba. El mismo podía oler al crío. El miedo despedía un olor con el que se había familiarizado en sus expediciones anteriores, pero el olor de este niño era irreal, una mezcla de sudor, barro y ácido sulfúrico hervido. Cada vez estaba mas convencido de que al niño le pasaba algo grave.
Siete kilómetros mas adelante, Sheridan tomó un camino de tierra apisonada que rodeaba el lado norte de una laguna. Ocho kilómetros mas adelante y hacia el oeste, tomaría la carretera 41.
Echó un vistazo a la laguna, una extensión plateada a la luz de la luna… y de pronto la luna dejó de brillar. Desapareció.
Sobre la furgoneta se oyó un ruido parecido al que producen las sábanas al ondear al viento. ¡Abuelito! gritó el niño. -Cierra el pico- es un pájaro.
Pero de pronto sintió que un gran escalofrío le recorría el cuerpo. Un escalofrío tremendo. Miró al pequeño. Había vuelto a abrir los labios, mostrando todos los dientes. Tenía dientes blancos, muy blancos y grandes.
Algo aterrizó sobre el techo de la furgoneta con un gran golpe sordo. ¡Papito! Volvió a gritar el pequeño, casi loco de alegría.
De pronto Sheridan dejo de ver la carretera… una enorme ala membranosa, sembrada de venas palpitantes, cubrió toda la extensión del parabrisas.
El abuelito sabe volar.
Sheridan lanzó un grito y pisó el freno con la esperanza de que aquella cosa saliera despedida del techo.
Me ha raptado abuelito.
De pronto, una mano, que parecía mas una garra que una autentica mano, atravesó el vidrio de la ventanilla y le arrebató dos dedos. Al cabo de un instante, el abuelito arrancó toda la portezuela de cuajo, convirtiendo las bisagras en brillantes birutas de metal inútil.
El abuelito sacó a Sheridan del coche de un solo tirón, y sus garras se le clavaron en la chaqueta, después en la camisa y a continuación, en lo mas profundo de la carne de sus hombros. De repente los ojos verdes del abuelito adquirieron un color rojo oscuro como la sangre.
Hemos ido al centro comercial para comprar juguetes articulados- susurro el abuelito.
El aliento le olía a carne plagada de cresas.
Todos los niños los quieren. Debería haberlo dejado en paz.
Zarandeó a Sheridan como si de un muñeco se tratara. Cuando el hombre gritó, lo zarandeo un poco mas. Sheridan oyó que el papito le preguntaba al niño con toda amabilidad si todavía tenía sed; oyó al niño responder que sí, que tenía mucha sed, que el hombre malo lo había asustado y que tenía la garganta muy seca. Vió la uña del pulgar de su abuelito una fracción de segundo antes de que desapareciera bajo su barbilla; una uña mordida y gruesa que le rebanó el cuello antes de que se diera cuenta de lo que estaba ocurriendo, y lo último que vió antes de sumergirse en las tinieblas fue al niño, con las manos formando un cuenco para recoger en ellas el río de sangre.
source https://dzulum.tk/Popsy/
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level8cases · 3 years
The Best Luggage Pieces You Can Use For Traveling In 2021
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Do you have a suitcase with wheels that keep spinning in every which way? Or do you a carry-on with a zipper that’s in its final stages of life? If you answer with a resounding “yes” to both questions, then you’re probably going to need a new luggage set or just one bag to make do for the time being. With the increase in the COVID-19 vaccination drive, more and more people are planning to resume traveling. Now that everyone is gaining access to traveling again, it’s the perfect moment to think about upgrading your luggage. Have been fantasizing about walking through the airport lounge lately? You can turn your fantasies into reality with the following products.
1. Level8Cases Gibraltar: If you want something classy yet functional, you should buy the best aluminum luggage available at http://www.level8cases.com. The Gibraltar series introduced by this company features full-fledged aluminum construction from America Alcoa. Every product in this series features smart, mature, confident, lighthearted, and thoughtful designs. All of these suitcases have to pass through thousands of tests to ensure they’re suitable for the modern traveler.
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  2. Paravel Extended Stay Bundle: Paravel’s Extended Stay Bundle features Aluminum Luggage pieces that are the power players of this brand. The company is earning popularity quickly for its efforts towards establishing sustainability with products featuring recyclable polycarbonate exteriors, vegan leather details, aircraft-grade recycled aluminum handles, and recycled zippers. The manufacturers crafted the conventional travel cubes included in this set from 52 post-consumer water bottles made of plastic.
3. Piece Luggage Set: There’s a certain irresistible charm exuded by the stylishness of marble prints. If you experience that charm, you should choose Calpak’s products. You may even swoon once you take a look at what this brand has to offer. It provides options in both white and black marble design details. The classy carry-on bags sold by this company will get you excited enough to tote your belongings through the TSA checkpoint and beyond.
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4. YETI Crossroads 22” Carry-On Luggage: If your bags and suitcases tend to suffer from wear and tear, then this product from the house of YETI can prove to be your best travel friend. Crafted using TuffSkin Nylon combined with a molded base of polycarbonate; the YETI Crossroads Carry-On is much more rugged than it appears to be, despite looking like any other traditional soft-shell luggage piece. It receives a few bonus points mainly for its removable compression straps that let you carry more inside the back. Furthermore, there’s a mesh interior divider that will ensure you always get to see what you brought.
5. Dagne Dover Landon Carryall Bag: There’s no point in disappointing minimalist travelers in this write-up. That’s why it includes the Dagne Dover Landon Carryall Bag. If you’re a minimalist, you’ll love it. It’s a carry-on duffle perfectly crafted for expert packers. If you want your hands to remain free while navigating the terminal, you can use the adjustable shoulder strap to make this item adapt to your needs. Additionally, this duffle is spacious enough to accommodate all your necessities. The manufacturers designed it with durable materials.
Final words
So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on one of these luggage marvels before the day of the adventure arrives.
Blog source: https://level8cases.wordpress.com/2021/06/22/the-best-luggage-pieces-you-can-use-for-traveling-in-2021/
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angelramirezjr · 6 years
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You Need People Like Me So You Can Point Your Freakin' Fingers & Say, “That's The Bad Guy!” 👊🏽😡 #TonyMontana #HardKnockLife #GelousOnesEnvy #MiseryLovesCompania #Lol #AramiLove #AramiPics #xoxo😇💋 #ElBoyDelBarrio #TuffSkin
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earthscraper69 · 7 years
Dry shave with dollar razors is how I do it. How do you shave ? #earthscraper69 #dryshave #tuffskin #realman #canyoudoit #shave #shsving #dollarrazor #minitrucker #minitruck #minitrucker4life
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thelostsheeper-blog · 8 years
26. “Far too long since we’ve seen each other” hug woodys--round-up
Her eyes watered, it had been years since her eyes had seen that silly hat, let alone Woody in general. She had avoided pictures and even just thinking about him, not wanting to remember the pain it had caused her to leave those seven years ago. She stepped towards him and held out her hand for a shake before the tears began to roll down her check. She couldn’t do it, she couldn’t just be so casual to the man who held her love all those years. Betty ran forward and threw her arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. Her hands shook as she tried to grasp at his shirt but she failed, dropping to her knees as she sobbed more. She had spent all of those years forgetting him only for him to show up out of the blue and her heart just didn’t want to accept it. Not yet.
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kapustadiamond · 8 years
things I played tonight and Tuesday morning
things that got played tonight and I had no idea anyone still cared about Steel Pole Bathtub enough to request them but HEY, it's college radio.
galaxy trio - jungle juice radio birdman - murder city nights supersuckers - creepy jackalope eye dirtbombs - trainwreck jimi hendrix experience - manic depression (request) thin lizzy - toughest street in town (request) le butcherettes - shave the pride zen guerilla - empty heart meat puppets - we don't exist les thugs - dirty white race thee headcoats - in blood (request) hammerhead - tuffskins mudhoney - fix me the effigies - quota the gits - while you're twisting I'm still breathing the mekons - memphis egypt (request) void - who are you sun & sail club - alien rant farm minutemen - cut (request) the germs - lexicon devil unsane - alleged party diktator - quiet line bad religion - you are the government (request) firehose - brave captain (request) scream - I look when you walk pj harvey - long snake moan (request) fu manchu - grendel snowman (request) helmet - gigantor jawbox - ones and zeroes shellac - crow
2/14/17 - songs that were kind of about love maybe. 
wipers - window shop for love dirtbombs - stop nirvana - love buzz gutter twins - I was in love with you harvey milk - I've got a love spirit caravan - dead love /jug fulla sun for love not lisa - had a lover pixies - la la love you the the - love is stronger than death x - burning house of love (unclogged version) deftones - no ordinary love (sade cover) starflyer 59 - blue collar love minutemen - love dance chelsea wolfe - crazy love portishead - glory box (request) afghan whigs - come see about me (supremes cover) type o negative - love you to death catherine wheel - love tips up killing joke - love like blood brmc - love burns pj harvey - oh my lover the plugz - achin' bad brains - sacred love sleater kinney - let's call it love faith no more - underwater love
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trenttrendspotter · 5 years
Design Trends to Live By
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Every year the design world gathers to show off all their new products and latest innovation with different shows across the country. They connect the most inventive manufacturers and the most influential design minds in the hospitality and design industry for discovery, education and conversation. A lot of the trends we spotted can be incorporated in many places. From the workspace to retail to homes to the outdoors, this year’s trends were very versatile. 
Here are some of the major trends and topics we spotted at the shows:
Brightening up lights: Say goodbye to the days of boring lamps, outdated lighting fixtured and ugly florescent lighting. Add style to your space with the lighting in it. Diane Keaton’s collaboration brand, Aidan Grey, the British brand Mr. Brown and Luna Bella are all companies introducing bright innovations to all spaces of the home. 
Contrasting: Contrasts result from the combining elements of content and form (warm-cold, light-dark, male-female, urban-rural) and contrasts are key to the Dôme Deco image. Dôme Deco offers you a total interior concept built around furniture, home accessories and interior textiles
Custom Carpets – At this point, we are able to get pretty much anything customized, so why stop at carpets? Companies like NOW and Tibetano are delivering their signature looks on demand carpets made just for you.
Accented Leather – From furniture to private jets, leather accents with elaborate designs are popping up in unexpected places from legacy brands like Garrett Leather and Townsend Leather.
Textiles to Withstand All Circumstances – There is a deep science to keeping textile going longer; it’s not as simple as picking something stylish; and not all fabrics and textiles are meant for all environments. A restaurant requires very different textiles than a hospital. Applied Textiles uses technology and science that goes into formulating them which makes a huge difference in durability and longevity.  
Bringing Back Color – The big trends for the past few years have been muting colors and working with neutral tones like creams, whites, tans, greys, etc. American Bath Group is stepping out of the box and bringing color back. They are specifically bringing color to the bathroom through way of the shower, a place that has never been touched with color before.
A Stone Comeback – For years, consumers and designers alike have strayed away from using stone kitchens, homes, restaurants etc. because of how hard they are to maintain. One spill of red wine could leave you with a stain counter top, they upkeep has been outweighing their beauty. TuffSkin has brought us the solution. With their sealer your stone is guaranteed to never etch or stain. You can now have lasting beauty for natural stone.
Art That Lives On – green and moss walls was one of the biggest trends that took over BDNY. Garden on the Wall, Greenmood and Opiary incorporating plants, moss, greenery, flowers and more onto vertical gardens. Some of the green walls are made with preserved plants that require no water or sunlight, some provide beautiful aesthetics while other provide acoustic absorbance. These green walls are integrating nature into art.
Concrete in Unexpected Places – Traditionally when you think of concrete you think sidewalks and buildings. Companies like Nood Co. and JM Lifestyles are using this surprising material in bathroom in the form of sinks and tubs which give a space that doesn’t change update often a very modern and fresh take.
Colors from Nature – From autumn changing leaves, to the budding springtime flowers to the dirt and stones, there are so many different colors and hues that make up our world. The Keller Collection is a collection of painting where all of the colors used are inspired by colors collected from nature.
You can be on the lookout for all of these trends in all aspects of your life. Whether it is at your workplace, in the stores you shop or the houses you call home. Companies are incorporating amazing design features that elevate your everyday furniture to the next level and allow them to be functional pieces of art. We are exciting to see new trends that emerge in the coming months.
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Do You NEED to Seal Your Marble Countertop?
Do You NEED to Seal Your Marble Countertop?
The short answer is NO. You don’t NEED to seal your marble or granite countertop. You might be that special person who ALWAYS uses a coaster or a trivet or some other method of protecting your marble countertop.
But then again, maybe you’re like most of us humans who makes the occasional expensive mistake.
For today’s guest post, I contacted a LOT of stone restoration companies asking them for their feedback on sealing marble & granite countertops. Sadly, most of them replied with a bunch of marketing speak. Ken Frotten from First Impression Marble Restoration was the only one who treated my offer as an opportunity to genuinely help homeowners.
Of course, if you decide to have Ken protect or restore your stone countertops, he won’t say no to the business…..but I just wanted to give Ken props for his attitude of helping before selling.
Back to the article…let’s check out what Ken had to say when I peppered him with questions about sealing…or not sealing…your marble & granite countertop:
Do You NEED to Seal Your Marble Countertop?
Imagine that you’re planning to install a new marble or granite countertop installed as part of a kitchen renovation. After you’ve chosen your slab, debated edge profiles and prepared yourself to be kitchen-less for a pretty long time, you will presented with a final decision…..do you want to seal your new countertop?
Ken estimates that approximately 50% of people seal their countertops. Of those 50%, his experience leads him to believe that less than 20% are sealed properly.
To get a better idea of what can happen to an unsealed countertop, I asked Ken to outline the natural stone countertop damage that most end users need to learn about: STAINING and ETCHING
Natural stone, including all marble and granites, needs to be sealed to protect against staining because it is porous, meaning it has many pores or “gaps” within its structure that are not visible to the naked eye. Staining can be defined as any foreign substance being able to penetrate the surface of the stone, into these pores and gaps,  and leave a blemish or spot that changes the natural colour and look of the stone. When a stone is properly  sealed, these pores are essentially covered by the sealer, and staining agents are mostly repelled from penetrating too deeply into the stone. I say mostly repelled, because the initial surface protection and tension can be broken down if staining agents are not wiped up quickly. The surface tension and protection will also break down with general cleaning and wiping of the stone surface, meaning the sealer will have to be reapplied.
Natural stone also needs to be sealed in an attempt to protect against etching, although this is a much tougher task than protecting against staining. Many natural stones have a calcium carbonate makeup, and etching is a corrosive chemical reaction that essentially eats at the stone. Think of it like a burn that removes the finished top layer, it’s very noticeable on a polished surface because it appears as a dull spot. Any splash of lemon juice, orange juice, or acidic alcoholic drinks are going to leave a mark, as seen in these pictures:
Natural stone sealers will help with staining, but offer little protection against etching, as most of the offending chemicals will also eat through the sealer. Once a stone shows signs of etching, there are two options, learn to live with the marks, or have them removed and the surface restored by a stone restoration professional.
Okay….none of that sounds good….doesn’t look good either…see below for real-world examples of etching
How much will it cost to restore my stained and/or etched marble countertop?
As part of his stone countertop restoration business, Ken has a minimum charge of $450 per day, as do most of our competitors, which would mean $45/ft to restore a standard 5x2 vanity.  If there are several pieces, then the price would come down to as low as $20/ft, this usually has to be done annually to keep the marble looking as good as new. If the customer wants to push it to 2 or 3 years, they will have to be prepared to live with some staining or etching.
Conversely, TuffSkin (the sealant Ken uses) can be installed for $25-$30/ft and will provide lasting protection from between 3 years for an extremely busy bar, to up to 10 years in a home.
Are all stone countertop sealants the same?
Short answer: NO. Longer answer…..when it comes time to seal your marble or granite countertop, there are a number of considerations:
Do you want a natural or enhanced finish?
Natural sealants leave your stone looking natural. Natural sealers neither darken the stone nor alter the color or provide a sheen of any kind.
Enhanced stone sealants enhance or darken the color of most stone tiles, although they typically have little to no effect on polished stone. With an enhancing sealer, you’ll notice that the stone will have a sheen to it otherwise known as a “wet” look.
Do you want solvent or water-based stone sealants?
When we talk about ‘water based’ or ‘solvent based’ stone sealants, we are referring to is how the sealant is chemically applied to the stone.
Without getting too nerdy…..polymer molecules are what seal your stone countertop. These polymers form a protective barrier in or on stone tiles. But to get those polymers bonded to your countertop, we need water or solvents to both carry the sealer into the stone and then evaporate away, leaving the sealer molecules behind. Told you it was nerdy.
How are solvent and water-based sealants similar?
Solvent and water based sealers have “similar” performance ratings for UV resistance and durability.
They are applied in a similar manner.
Solvent and water based sealants may both be used for interior as well as exterior applications.
How are Solvent and Water Based Sealants Different?
Solvent Based Sealants
With solvent based stone sealants, polymer molecuses and mixed with solvents to create a solution. As the sealant dries, the solvent evaporates, leaving only the polymers to protect your marble or granite countertop. During this process, the polymers actually link themselves together to create that protective barrier in or on the stone.
What’s not cool is that solvent-based sealants often have a higher VOC (volatile organic compound) rating than water based sealants.
What are VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds? 
VOC refers to the gases emitted from solids or liquids. You have probably heard of VOCs as they apply to household paints. The problem with VOCs is that they include chemicals that could become harmful without proper ventilation. For more info on VOCs - www.epa.gov/iaq/voc.html.
Water Based Sealants
Water-based sealants are created when the countertop sealing polymer molecules are disseminated in water….as opposed to solvents. As this form of sealant dries, the water begins to evaporate and the polymer molecules are drawn together, becoming entangled and forming that barrier we are looking for.
Unfortunately, while water-based stone sealants are better in terms of VOCs, according to Ken, they don’t provide as effective a seal on the countertop :(
Do you need Penetrating or Topical Stone Sealants
It depends if the stone surface to be sealed is indoors or outdoors.
Penetrating sealants…penetrate the surface of the stone. Makes sense, right? The stone actually absorbs the sealant into itself. This application is recommended for exterior applications and for thick, smooth polished stones like granite and marble.
Topical sealants bond directly to the surface of your stone countertop. These sealants are recommended for interior applications and for textured surfaces.
How do you know when the sealer needs to be reapplied?
 A proper stone sealer application will result in the surface having a beading effect when water is applied as seen in these two pics:
If your stone does not bead like this, then it needs more sealant in order to provide protection against surface staining. I said surface staining, because once a stone has been properly sealed, the sealant should have penetrated down into the pores to prevent stains from penetrating too deeply, thus allowing stone restoration professionals to hopefully be able to remove surface damage using a combination of resurfacing and or poulticing. Resurfacing might involve the use of diamond tooling to remove a layer of the surface of the stone including the stain, and then polishing or honing the surface back to its original look. Poulticing would involve applying a mud type solution to the surface that will pull the stain out of the stone and absorb it, a successful poultice usually requires knowledge that the surface had been previously sealed, knowledge of the staining agent, and often several applications for full removal of the stain.  
There are several products available to seal natural stone, and the formulas are constantly being changed and improved. Some of the better sealers have a higher fluid viscosity which allows them to penetrate deeper into the stone, others have more protective agents that allow for more covering of the pores and gaps. Consulting with a stone restoration professional when choosing a sealer, and having them apply it properly would be a prudent move to make.
At First Impression Marble Restoration, Ken is proud to be the sole distributor of TuffSkin Gloss and Satin sealants in Southern Ontario. Both of these TuffSkin products are topical sealants. They are fully transparent and breathable, and they also enhance the polish, colour and definition of most stones.
TuffSkin eliminates etching and staining caused by alcohol, coffee, water, wine, juice, oils, lemons, perfumes, toothpaste and makeups. It also tolerates heat over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.
TuffSkin is a laminate that is liquid impermeable but also gas permeable, thus it lets the stone “breathe”. It disappears on surfaces and brings out the stone’s natural beauty. TuffSkin’s Gloss is perfect for polished stone while TuffSkin’s Satin complements a honed stone surface. TuffSkin is quick to install and, and adheres to a stone’s surface substrate. It can be removed and replaced from a counter or vanity top in less than two hours.  The following pictures are of stones protected by TuffSkin:   
As mentioned above, Ken and his team at First Impression Marble Restoration also offer installation and restoration services for all natural stones.
About the Author
Ken Frotten has been in the flooring/restoration service industry for over 25 years. He began my career at Servicemaster of Toronto in 1992, and in 1995, he jumped on board with a new side venture that turned out to be his life`s passion. Ken spent the next 18 years directly involved with doing stone restoration at Marble Renewal of Toronto. In 2013, Ken became owner of First Impression Marble Restoration, and recently has acquired the rights to TuffSkin Surface Protection in Ontario.
Contact the Author
Website: http://www.firstimpressionmarble.com/
Instagram: @tuffskintoronto
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Stone Shield Surface Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services designed to protect and maintain various surfaces, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Our antislip sealing service enhances the safety of walkways and floors, preventing slips and falls by applying a high-quality sealant that adds grip to the surface. This is particularly beneficial in areas prone to wet conditions or high foot traffic.
For those dealing with brick surfaces, our brick acid washing service effectively cleans and restores the appearance of bricks by removing stains, efflorescence, and other contaminants. This process not only revitalizes the look of brick structures but also prepares them for any additional treatments, such as sealing or painting.
We specialize in Tuffskin surface protection, a revolutionary solution that safeguards surfaces from scratches, etching, and staining. Tuffskin is ideal for high-use areas like kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities, offering a virtually invisible layer of protection that preserves the natural beauty of the stone.
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Natural stone sealing is another key service we offer, crucial for maintaining the integrity and appearance of natural stone surfaces such as marble, granite, limestone, and travertine. Our advanced sealing techniques penetrate the stone, providing long-lasting protection against moisture, stains, and UV damage, while enhancing the stone's natural color and sheen.
Pressure cleaning is an essential service for both residential and commercial properties, effectively removing dirt, grime, mold, and mildew from a variety of surfaces, including concrete, brick, and stone. Our high-pressure washing equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning agents ensure a thorough clean without damaging the surfaces.
In addition to these core services, we offer specialized treatments such as non-slip surface applications and anti-graffiti coatings. Our non-slip solutions are perfect for enhancing the safety of outdoor areas, including driveways, patios, and pool decks, while our anti-graffiti coatings provide a protective barrier that makes graffiti easy to remove without harming the underlying surface.
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For those looking to preserve the longevity and appearance of their outdoor spaces, our paver sealing service protects against the elements, prevents weed growth, and enhances the color of pavers. We also offer acid wash treatments for deeper cleaning and stone restoration services that can bring worn or damaged stone surfaces back to their original condition.
At Stone Shield Surface Solutions, we are committed to delivering high-quality results that exceed our clients' expectations. Whether you're looking to protect a new surface or restore an existing one, our team of experienced professionals uses the latest techniques and products to ensure your surfaces are both beautiful and durable. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you maintain and enhance your property's value.
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TuffSkin Surface Protection will exhibit at an interactive booth during the International Interior Design Association HD Expo (Booth 1858), running May …
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