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Build Your Own 2025 Pasta Shape Rubric of Awesome (TM)
(pipe delimited if you wanna cut and paste)
Linguine|Flattened spaghetti, "little tongues". Great name for a human being controlled by a rat.|Bavettine, bavette fini, radichini, linguettine, trennete, fettuccine, Lasagnette, fettucce, ramicce, sagne, tagliatelle,|Long|flat
Pappardelle|Thick flat ribbons|Papparelle, paparele; paspardelle|Long|flat
Pillus|Very thin ribbons|Lisanzedas; tripoline (one-sided ribbon)|Long|flat
Pici|Very thick, irregular and long, hand-rolled pasta, "to stick", unclear what it will "to stick" to|Lunghetti; pinci; umbrici/ciriole|Long|rolled
Bucatini|spaghetti if it was a straw|Boccolotti, perciatellini, foratini, fidelini bucati, fide bucate, agoni bucati, spilloni bucati, Perciatelli|Long|round
Capellini|Very thin spaghetti|Angel Hair, Capelli d'angelo, cabellos de angel, capelvenere, fidelini, fedelini, cappellini, sopracappellini, capellini fini, bassetti, tagliolini a nido, barbine a nido, ramicia, vrimiciddi, barbine, fedelini, vermicelli (cut)|Long|round
Spaghetti|the OG. it's spaghetti. long and round|Fide/fidi, fidelini, ristoranti, vermicelloni, filatelli, vermicelloni giganti, bigoli (larger, longer)|Long|round
Sagne 'ncannulate|Long tube formed of twisted ribbon|none|Long|twisted
Sagnarelli|Rectangular ribbons with fluted edges|none|medium|flat
Gramigna|Short curled lengths of pasta, "weed", if macaroni married bucatini and had baby pastas|Crestine, margherite lisce, fagioletti, zitellini, tubettini lunghi, gramignoni, spaccatelle (larger)|medium|round
Ziti|Long, narrow tubes|Boccolotti, zitoni, zituane, candele, ziti candelati|medium|round
Grattini|Small granular, irregular shaped, "little grains"|grattoni (larger)|medium|twisted
Fazzoletti|Thin rectangles or squares, "handkerchief", large edible confetti|Fazzoletti di seta, mandilli di sea|short cut|flat
Rombi|Rhombus-shaped ribbons, we love a rhombus|none|short cut|flat
Strapponi|Strips of pasta ripped from a sheet|none|short cut|flat
Cavatelli|Short, solid lengths, hollow, looks like a dumplling|Cortecce, gnocchetti, manatelli, orecchie di prete, strascinati, truoccoli; capunti, cingule, minuich, rascatelli, zinnezinne; cantaroggini, cavatieddi, cecatelli/cicatelli, cecatidde, mignuicchi, strascenate, tagghjunghele; pincinelle; cavatielle, 'ncatenate, cazzarille, ciufele; cavasuneddi, cavatuneddi, gnucchitti, gnocculi, pizzicarieddi, Picchiarelli (slightly longer), cicioneddos, malloreddus; Strozzapreti, castellane|short cut|other
Lorighittas|Strands of pasta rolled twice around three fingers to form a ring, and then twisted to look like a rope, "small rings"|none|short cut|other
Macaroni|Tubes, either bent or straight, the other OG; for a good time, call cheese|Chifferi, gomiti|short cut|other
Penne|Medium length tubes with ridges, cut diagonally at both ends; the other other OG|Pennine, mezze pennette lisce, mezze penne, mezzani, pennettine, pennuzze, penne regina, mostaccioli, penne a candela, penne di natale/natalini, penne di ziti/zitoni, garganelli|short cut|other
Rigatoni|Medium-Large tube with square-cut ends, sometimes slightly curved. Always grooved, always groovy|Bombardoni, cannaroni rigati, cannerozzi rigati, rigatoni romani, trivelli, tuffolini rigati|short cut|other
Casarecce|Loosely twisted, looks like a scroll, "homemade"|Casarecci, Cesariccia, pasta al ceppo|short cut|rolled horizontally
Fagioloni|Short narrow almost tube, "large beans", like a penne green been only not green, not penne, and not a bean|none|short cut|rolled horizontally
Cascatelli|thick, half-tubed pasta with ruffled sides, "little waterfalls"|none|short cut|shape
Conchiglie|Seashell-shaped, usually furrowed (rigate); shells|Arselle, abissini, coccioline, conchigliette, tofettine, cinesini, margaritine, cinesi rigati, mezzi cocci, margherite rigate, cappettine, conchiglioni|short cut|shape
Creste di gallo|Short, curved, and ruffled, "cock's comb", macaroni with a mohawk|none|short cut|shape
Farfalle|Bow tie- or butterfly-shaped|fiochetti, fiocconi, farfalloni, galla genovese, strichetti, nocchette|short cut|shape
Lanterne|Curved with deep ridges|none|short cut|shape
Quadrefiore|Square with rippled edges; looks like it's probably a math problem|none|short cut|shape
Radiatori|Shaped like radiators|Marziani|short cut|shape
Tripolini|bow ties with rounded edges|Signorine, canestri, canestrini, farfallini, galani, nastrini, nodini, stricchetti, farfalle tonde|short cut|shape
Trottole|Pasta in the shape of spinning tops|vesuvio|short cut|shape
Cavatappi|Corkscrew-shaped macaroni, "corkscrews"|Cellentani, amori, spirali, tortiglioni, or fusilli rigati|short cut|twisted
Fusilli|tight corkscrew-shaped pasta|Eliche, girandole, rotini, tortiglioni, spirali|short cut|twisted
Fusilli bucati|A hollow version of fusilli, fusilli that wants to be cavatappi|Busiata, maccaruna di casa, pirciati, filati cu lu pirtuso, fusilli col buco, riccioli, ricciolini|short cut|twisted
Gemelli|A single S-shaped strand of pasta twisted in a loose spiral, also a pasta that wants to be cavatappi, unless you sub it with trofie|treccioni; trofie (thin, twisted), rechelline, trofiette|short cut|twisted
Campanelle|Flattened with frilly edge on one end, rolled up a bit; looks like a tall ruffly flower|Gigli, cornetti, corni di bue, ballerine, torchio|short cut|wavy
Festoni|Thick ruffled helices "festive"|none|short cut|wavy
Nuvole|Short wavy pasta, "clouds"|none|short cut|wavy
Anelli|Short annular-shaped, sometimes with ridges on the inside or outside, "small rings"|Anelloni, anellini, anelletti, anelloni d'Africa (large rings), anelli siciliani, Occhi di pernice|soup|other
Filini|Smaller version of fideos, about 12–15 mm long before cooking, "little threads"|fideos (larger)|soup|other
Quadrettini|Small flat squares of pasta, "little squares"|Quadrucci, quadratini, quadretti, lucciole, quadrellini, quadrotti; quaternei; squadrucchetti; ciciarchiola/cicerchiole|soup|other
Sorprese|Small bell shaped pasta with a ruffled edge and a crease on one side, "surprise", like a little package|none|soup|other
Gianduietta|Farm animals; pair with animal crackers to make PETA mad|none|soup|shape
Merletti|tiny little Lace-shapes|none|soup|shape
Rotelle|Wagon wheels|Biciclette, ruotine, ruote, rotelline, ruotelline, rotine|soup|shape
Acini di pepe|Bead-like pasta, "grains of pepper"anchelli (larger), piombi (larger), pastini|soup|tiny
Ditali|super short tubes whose diameter is roughly the same as their length, "thimbles" that don't look at all like thimbles|Ditalini, tubetti, tubettini, gnocchetti di ziti, ditaletti, coralli; denti di vecchia, denti di cavallo, ganghi di vecchia, magghietti|soup|tiny
Orzo|Rice shaped pasta, if rice was as large as orzo|Puntine, punte d'ago, armelline, semi d'orzo, semi d'avena, semi di riso, occhi di giudeo, armellette, puntalette, semi di cicoria, cicorietta, risetto, chicchi di riso, semini, avena, avena grande, cicorie, semi di melone, semi di mela, midolline, semoni, risone, risoni, riso|soup|tiny
Stelle|Small star-shaped pasta|anellini, avermarie, astri, fiori di sambuco, lentine, puntine, semini, stellettine, stellette|soup|tiny
Corzetti|Flat, stamped with a design|Curzetti; crosets; crosetti; croxetti, torsellini|stretched|none
Foglie d'ulivo|Shaped like an olive leaf|none|stretched|none
Orecchiette|Irregular disc with a central dome and a slightly thicker crown, "little ears"|strascinate; recchini; recchietele; orecchie di prete; cicatelli; recchie di prevete; cagghiubbi/fenescecchie; chancierelle/pochiacche; stacchiodde, strascinate (flat)|stretched|none
@sideguitars and @makicarn you may regret engaging me about my 2025 Pasta Shape Rubric of Awesome (TM). 😜
i was getting quite annoyed with the New Year's Resolution questions from friends and fam - like, i consistently fail to overhaul my life during the other 11 months of the year, why would January be a magical success month? but i was also bumming everyone out during Resolution Reveals so i decided to pick something that would be fun for me and mildly upsetting for my elders!
the initial format was to "try every pasta shape in 2025". but. there are more than 400 pasta shapes. do you know how often i would have to eat pasta to accomplish this? i mean, i had to use a calculator because i forgot a year had 365 days, but it's MORE THAN ONCE PER DAY. i love pasta, but i also love other food, and i need to leave room in my life for every other cuisine.
so then i settled on "52 pasta shapes in 2025" - but glowy! (you might say) how will you decide which 52 pasta shapes to eat??? out of more than 400???
the answer is, of course: arbitrarily! but with a spreadsheet twist, because my first love in life is hot sauce, and my second love in life is a spreadsheet - no, i lied, i forgot about ms underfoot 😸, ok, she's #1, then hot sauce, then spreadsheets, then probably my family i guess.
ok, so please understand, i literally spent 7 hours and 40ish minutes over the past week assembling, editing, auditing, and admiring this spreadsheet. i started with trusty wikipedia, which helpfully broke down pasta shapes into groups like "long/medium" and "short cut" and "soup". it also had a group for "filled", but maki, sorry to say, this group i eliminated wholesale. there was just so much variation in what they might be filled WITH, and i needed some sort of control element. i didn't think it would be fair to compare cheese ravioli with 3-cheese tortellini? the cheeses are not equal! 🧀🧀🧀
so THEN: i did my own sub-grouping. (actually, first i split long and medium into their own groups, because, duh, they're different) long-flat and long-rolled, for example. i also started combining shapes that were really similar. like linguini and tagliatelle are kinda just the same noodle with slightly different widths/shapes/ingredients? (please, nonnas of the world, do not come for me in the comments, this was SO HARD). this part involved a lot of googling. my ad content for the next 4 months is gonna be all pasta related. through many gruelling rounds of re-googling to remind myself what shape was what, and some painful, tearful cuts (lasagne noodles are for lasagne, not for unserious noodle frippery) i finally finally finally culled my list down to 52 pasta shapes. 🍝 (editor's note: the single emoji does not represent this publication's favored pasta shape)
then the FUN part: how was i going to score these 52 pasta shapes? every google result went to pains to insist that different shapes were meant for specific sauces, and i'm sure that's true, but what's the fun in scoring something based on what it's meant to do? (also i didn't want to commit to having to make 52 different sauces/soups) so i came up with this scientifically rigorous scoring rubric:
BUTTERED/RED SAUCED (depending on my mood and whether or not i have red sauce available)
a pasta may earn up to one (1) point for being really good at holding butter/red sauce
a pasta cannot lose points in this category
PRIMAVERA (my version of primavera just means that i diced up whatever veggies i had handy and tossed them w/ the pasta)
a pasta may earn up to one (1) point if i can make one perfect bite that includes veggies/sauce/pasta
a pasta cannot lose points in this category
a pasta may earn one (1) point (max 5 points) for every non-food alternate use that i can dream up. for example, orecchiette could be used as hats for frogs! or to decorate the ramparts of a sand castle! 2 points for orecchiette!
a pasta may not lose points in this category
MISC/GENERAL (here's where i let my freak flag fly)
a pasta may earn one (1) point if i think the name is fun to say
a pasta may earn one (1) point if i think the shape is "cute"
a pasta may earn one (1) point if it works in a soup
a pasta may earn one (1) point if it might stick (cooked) on the ceiling
a pasta may earn one (1) point if it could probably be used to build a bridge for matchbox cars
a pasta may lose one (1) point if it sticks together unreasonably
a pasta may lose one (1) point if water gets stuck in it and surprises me with pasta water bites
a pasta may lose one (1) point if i can't eat it with a spoon
a pasta may lose one (1) point if it won't fit in a pot without being broken up
a pasta may lose one (1) point if it breaks when dropped from 5 feet (dried and uncooked)
all pasta shapes must be eaten twice (once with butter or red sauce, and once in a primavera), and once i've submitted my scores to myself, i cannot be influenced or bribed to change them. at the end of the year, a Champion Pasta Shape will be announced and celebrated.
so... was that a lot of senseless work for an absolutely pointless goal just so i can eat lots of pasta? heck yeah it was!!
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Recipe for Instant Pot Cranberry Bean Soup Cranberry beans provide a rich and creamy broth in this hearty soup with pancetta and pasta made in an Instant Pot. 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary, freshly ground black pepper to taste, 1/2 cup diced celery, 1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic, 1 cup canned diced tomatoes with juice, 8 cups chicken broth, 2 cups dried cranberry beans, 2 ounces pancetta bacon diced, 1 cup diced onion, 1 cup tubettini, 1 cup diced carrots, 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon salt
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tubetti con fagioli misti, funghi 🍄 porcini e lardo valdostano, scaglie di pecorino e buccia di limone 🍋. #tubettini #funghiporcini🍄 #fagiolimisti #lardodiarnaddop #pecorino #zeste • • • #avvopics #avvocuoca #avvogram #picoftheday #instagram#igeravvocuoca#instapic#patrunotenace#ridebenechibeneride #adaugustaperangusta 🤙👩🍳🧜♀️🎓🐳🐟🥑🍞#igeravvo #chefplateform #avvowow#avvopicoftheday#avvogram ♡ꕥ❇♣☕ (presso Avvocuoca's Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CD7doF3Wl/?igshid=1ffmzfv1z471w
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🌴 Un prelibatissimi primi piatto di mare casereccio: tubettini e purpitieddi | Tubettini ai moscardini 🍅🐙🍷. A piacere, non male anche con l'aggiunta di melanzane a cubetti, precedentemente spurgate, asciugate e fritte. Mentuccia o prezzemolo per finire • • • #visitmesagnecuordisalento #visitmesagne #designme #minuzzerie #travel #culture #tradition #food #mustfood #primipiatti #moscardini #tubettini #pomodoridatterinorossi #prezzemolo #menta #foodlovers #foodblogger #pugliadamangiare #instacucina #eatstagram #foodstagram #eatingfortheinsta #mangiarebene #mangiareitaliano #passionecibo #delicious #unitiperlacucina #piattigagliardi #lacucinainunoscatto #lacucinaitaliana #lovefood2019 #piattidimare #piattitipiciregionali (presso Mesagne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Jjgj2i3FI/?igshid=12rnomv7h5u8m
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Ditalini pasta with chickpeas by katrinshine
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Oggi tubettini con piselli e bacon #tubettini #tubettiniconpiselli #tubettiniconpiselliebacon #calicedivino #spolveratadipepenero #olioextraverginedoliva (presso Trani) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp69SSvHhZuiPdnrZ8su3ETeINjNnOh1R7e0ZM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r6zs1gj4sifs
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Today's treat: mussel tubettini, Taranto style. #PugliaForFoodies #WeAreinPuglia 📷 Instagram @ manuella76 https://t.co/OmWdgCc2OJ (source WeAreInPuglia) 🇮🇹 🇪🇺
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what pasta should i make tonight tubettini or gnocchi
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Orville Peck a vedere Dargen D’Amico domani
Orville Peck alla sagra del vino di Carosino
Orville Peck a mangiare tubettini con le cozze
Orville Peck a farsi un giro all’Auchan
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Non vogliamo farvi venire fame e nemmeno malinconia d’estate, vogliamo solo farvi assaporare la Puglia tra odori, sapori, paesaggi, natura, arte e storia. In quel preciso istante siamo riusciti ad immortalare un momento magico: tubettini con le cozze appena cucinati, mangiati in mezzo al mare...Ma cosa vogliamo di più? #weareapulians #weareinpuglia #pugliagram #puglialovers 📸 @giorgiasem (presso Puglia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKUaHfjabY/?igshid=lb9mla4p8fl0
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pasta and beans

8 s lices pancetta, tagliato trasversalmente in strisce 1/4-inch-wide 3 M edium cipolle rosse, tritato finemente 3 M edium spicchi d'aglio, tritato 1/2 T sp. rosmarino secco 2 q UARTs fatti in casa o lowersalt brodo di pollo 2 1 51/2-oz. lattine di ceci, sciacquati e scolati 1 1 41/2-oz. può petite-cut pomodori a dadini 4 carote M edium, pelati, dimezzato longitudinalmente, e affettato sottilmente 3 costole M edium sedano con foglie, affettato sottilmente trasversalmente 1 s prestatore 3 pollici stecca di cannella sale Kosher e pepe nero appena macinato 1 C fino tubettini (o altra pasta piccola) 1 1/2 T sp. aceto di vino rosso; più a piacere parmigiano grattugiato o rasato, per guarnire
1. In un 6-quart (o più grande) forno olandese a fuoco medio, cuocere la pancetta, mescolando di tanto in tanto, fino a quando parzialmente croccante, circa 7 minuti. Con una schiumarola, trasferire la pancetta su un piatto foderato di carta assorbente. Aggiungere le cipolle alla pentola e cuocere, raschiando eventuali bit dorati e mescolando di tanto in tanto, fino a quando ammorbidito, 6 a 8 minuti. Aggiungere l'aglio e il rosmarino e cuocere, mescolando continuamente, fino a fragrante, circa 1 minuto. Aggiungere il brodo di pollo, i ceci, i pomodori e i loro succhi, le carote, il sedano, il bastoncino di cannella, 3/4 cucchiaini. sale, 1/2 cucchiaino. pepe e 1 tazza di acqua. Portare a ebollizione a fuoco alto; scremare qualsiasi schiuma, se necessario. Ridurre il fuoco e cuocere a fuoco lento, mescolando di tanto in tanto, fino a quando le carote e il sedano sono molto teneri, circa 30 minuti. 2. Nel frattempo cuocere i tubettini secondo le indicazioni sulla confezione e scolarli. 3. Scartare il bastoncino di cannella e aggiungere la pasta alla zuppa. Mescolare la pancetta e l'aceto. Condire a piacere con sale, pepe e più aceto. Servire guarnito con il Parmigiano-Reggiano.
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Tubettini al minestrone #myfoodexperience #mimmogourmet #mymmogourmet #thecommensale #mingucciogourmet #breatheinpuglia #weareinpugliatour #lifestyle #echiaccherenoncenevogliono #EatBuyLearnShare #localguides #lovelymimmo #googlemaps #foodporn #foodies #italianfood #googlelocalguides #smellmyday #smellmylife #smellmykitchen #weareinpuglia #weareinpugliawithmimmo #ApuliaTasting #mypugliaexperience https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm_mCii-fG/?igshid=1spayjt42lezh
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As a means for the family to let the priest know that he might be overextending his welcome, they would serve this pasta which had later earned the name "Strozzapreti." Another origin story is that the pasta resembles a clerical collar , commonly referred to as a "Priest Choker".
I’m guessing the other one is Ditali.
Ditalini (Italian: "small thimbles", also referred to as tubettini) is a type of pasta that is shaped like small tubes. The literal translation from the Italian language to English is "small thimbles". It has been described as "thimble-sized" and as "very short macaroni".
The fact that we have a kind of pasta named "priests choker" is sure much to think about
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Ditalini pasta with chickpeas by katrinshine
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Panfried #salmon, spinach, arugula, mini peppers, tomatoes, mini cukes, peanuts, cilantro, tubettini. Dressing is rosemary, miso, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil. #salad #salads #pescatarian #food #foodporn #lunch #homemade #homecooking (at Непин) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzeikgKhJmn/?igshid=83di8ulor49y
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