#tube settler
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nanihefram · 2 months ago
tube settler clarifier 0813-3535-3290
Informasi lengkap : kontak kami wa.dotme/6281335353290 lokasi : https://maps.app.goo.gl/XA6LhwHGwh4gudhWA marketplace : https://www.tokopedia.com/heframid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-blue-good-quality
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sarihefram · 2 months ago
Tube Settler Polycarbonate, 0813-3535-3290
Tube Settler Polycarbonate, Air merupakan sumber daya penting untuk kehidupan manusia, dan proses pengolahan air yang efisien sangat diperlukan untuk memastikan kualitas air tetap baik. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan air adalah tube settler, yang bertujuan mempercepat proses pengendapan partikel padat dalam air. Salah satu material yang digunakan untuk membuat tube settler adalah polycarbonate. Material ini memiliki keunggulan dalam hal kekuatan, ketahanan terhadap korosi, dan transparansi, yang menjadikannya pilihan yang ideal. Tube settler adalah sistem yang terdiri dari serangkaian tabung yang dirancang untuk mempercepat pengendapan partikel padat dalam air. Tabung-tabung ini disusun dengan kemiringan tertentu untuk memanfaatkan gaya gravitasi dalam proses pengendapan. Tube settler polycarbonate dibuat menggunakan bahan polycarbonate, sebuah plastik yang kuat dan tahan lama, dengan banyak keunggulan dibandingkan bahan lain.
Apa Itu Tube Settler Polycarbonate? Tube settler adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan dalam pengolahan air untuk mempercepat proses pengendapan. Alat ini terdiri dari serangkaian tabung yang disusun dalam suatu wadah dengan kemiringan tertentu, memungkinkan partikelpartikel padat dalam air mengendap lebih cepat akibat gaya gravitasi. Tube settler polycarbonate adalah jenis tube settler yang terbuat dari polycarbonate, sebuah bahan termoplastik yang memiliki banyak keunggulan dibandingkan material lain. Polycarbonate memiliki kekuatan mekanik yang sangat baik, transparansi yang tinggi, serta ketahanan terhadap suhu ekstrem dan bahan kimia. Oleh karena itu, polycarbonate sering digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi yang memerlukan daya tahan tinggi, termasuk dalam sistem pengolahan air.
Cara Kerja Tube Settler Polycarbonate
Prinsip kerja tube settler adalah memperlambat aliran air agar partikel padat dapat mengendap lebih cepat. Air yang mengandung partikel padat dimasukkan ke dalam tabung-settler, dan karena gravitasi, partikel-partikel tersebut mengendap di dasar tabung. Air yang sudah lebih bersih kemudian mengalir keluar dari sistem.
Langkah-langkah Kerja:
Aliran Air Masuk: Air dengan partikel padat dimasukkan ke dalam tabung.
Penurunan Kecepatan: Air diperlambat di dalam tabung.
Pengendapan Partikel: Partikel padat mengendap ke bawah.
Air Bersih Keluar: Air yang bersih keluar dan dapat diproses lebih lanjut.
Keunggulan Tube Settler Polycarbonate
Kekuatan dan Ketahanan: Polycarbonate memiliki kekuatan tinggi, tahan terhadap benturan, dan suhu ekstrem.
Transparansi: Memudahkan pemantauan kondisi dalam tabung.
Tahan Korosi: Tidak mudah rusak oleh bahan kimia atau air dengan pH ekstrim.
Ringan dan Mudah Dipasang: Membuat instalasi lebih cepat dan murah.
Ramah Lingkungan: Polycarbonate dapat didaur ulang.
Aplikasi Tube Settler Polycarbonate
Tube settler polycarbonate digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi pengolahan air, seperti:
Pengolahan Air Minum: Memurnikan air dengan mengendapkan partikel padat.
Pengolahan Air Limbah: Mempercepat pengendapan bahan padat dari air limbah.
Industri: Menjamin kualitas air untuk proses produksi di berbagai industri.
Pengairan Pertanian: Menjaga kualitas air untuk irigasi tanaman.
Desalinasi: Menghilangkan garam dan partikel dari air laut.
Pemasangan dan Perawatan
Desain dan Perencanaan: Menyesuaikan kapasitas dan kebutuhan sistem.
Instalasi Struktur Pendukung: Memastikan struktur tabung kokoh dan stabil.
Pemasangan Tabung: Menyusun tabung dengan kemiringan yang tepat.
Pembersihan Rutin: Membersihkan tabung dari kotoran dan sumbatan.
Pengecekan: Memastikan tidak ada kerusakan pada material.
Pembuangan Lumpur: Mengeluarkan lumpur secara berkala untuk menjaga efisiensi.
Tube settler polycarbonate adalah solusi efisien untuk pengolahan air, menawarkan banyak keuntungan seperti kekuatan, ketahanan terhadap korosi, dan transparansi. Penggunaan material ini dapat mempercepat proses pengendapan dan memisahkan partikel dengan lebih efektif, baik dalam pengolahan air minum, air limbah, maupun kebutuhan industri lainnya. Keunggulan tube settler polycarbonate, ditambah dengan pemasangan dan pemeliharaan yang tepat, membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi sistem pengolahan air secara keseluruhan.
informasi lebih lengkap hubungi:
kontak kami: wa.me/6281335353290
lokasi: https://maps.app.goo.gl/XA6LhwHGwh4gudhWA
marketplce: https://www.tokopedia.com/beonecakraid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-tube-settler-sendimentasi
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inditechkart · 2 years ago
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Looking for an efficient water clarification solution? Look no further than Tube Settler! This innovative solution provides efficient and effective removal of suspended solids in wastewater and process water. Ideal for use in water treatment plants, paper mills, and more, Tube Settler provides a high-quality water clarification solution that is both efficient and cost-effective.Shop for tube settler online at Inditechkart and receive the best quality product. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best customer service and the highest-quality products.For more information, Visit our website- www.inditechkart.com or email us at [email protected].
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widihefram · 2 months ago
Supplier Tube Settler, 0813-3535-3290
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Supplier tube settler, Pengolahan air adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam memastikan kualitas air yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan, baik domestik maupun industri. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan dalam proses pengolahan air adalah tube settler atau pemisah endapan dengan tabung. Alat ini sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan efisiensi proses pengendapan, yang merupakan salah satu tahapan kritis dalam sistem Supplier Tube Settlerpengolahan air.
Salah satu kunci utama untuk memastikan keberhasilan pengolahan air adalah pemilihan supplier yang tepat untuk komponen dan peralatan yang digunakan. Dalam hal ini, supplier tube settler memegang peranan penting dalam menyediakan produk berkualitas yang dapat mendukung proses pengolahan air yang optimal. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai pengertian, cara kerja, manfaat, serta pentingnya memilih supplier tube settler yang terpercaya untuk mendapatkan sistem pengolahan air yang efisien dan berkelanjutan.
Pengertian Tube Settler
Tube settler adalah sistem pemisahan partikel padat dari air yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat proses pengendapan. Sistem ini terdiri dari serangkaian tabung berbentuk silinder atau pipa yang disusun secara vertikal dengan sudut tertentu. Tube settler bekerja dengan prinsip memanfaatkan gravitasi untuk mengendapkan partikel padat dalam air.
Dalam proses pengolahan air, tube settler digunakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pengendapan dalam kolom penampung air, dengan demikian dapat mempercepat pemisahan partikel-partikel padat yang terkandung dalam air. Teknologi ini banyak digunakan dalam instalasi pengolahan air (IPA) untuk mengurangi beban kerja sistem pengolahan lanjutan, seperti filtrasi.
Cara Kerja Tube Settler
Proses pengolahan air menggunakan tube settler dimulai dengan memasukkan air kotor yang mengandung partikel-partikel tersuspensi ke dalam tangki atau kolam pengendapan. Air yang masuk kemudian mengalir melalui serangkaian tabung yang tersusun dengan kemiringan tertentu. Dalam tabung-tabung ini, air akan mengalir secara vertikal dan memungkinkan partikel-partikel berat (seperti lumpur, kotoran, dan sedimen) untuk mengendap ke dasar tabung akibat gaya gravitasi.
Karena adanya struktur tabung yang tersusun rapat, area permukaan untuk pengendapan menjadi lebih luas, yang memungkinkan proses pengendapan berlangsung lebih cepat. Setelah air melewati tube settler, air yang telah terpisah dari partikel padat akan bergerak ke tahap berikutnya dalam proses pengolahan air, seperti filtrasi dan disinfeksi.
Komponen dalam Sistem Tube Settler
Sistem tube settler terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama, antara lain:
Manfaat Penggunaan Tube Settler
Sistem tube settler memberikan berbagai manfaat dalam proses pengolahan air. Beberapa manfaat utama dari penggunaan tube settler adalah:
Memilih Supplier Tube Settler yang Tepat
Pemilihan supplier tube settler yang tepat sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas dan efisiensi sistem pengolahan air. Berikut beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih supplier yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Anda:
Studi Kasus: Penggunaan Tube Settler dalam Pengolahan Air Minum
Di beberapa kota besar, pengolahan air minum menggunakan sistem tube settler telah terbukti sangat efektif. Misalnya, di salah satu instalasi pengolahan air di Jakarta, penerapan tube settler berhasil meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan air sebanyak 30%. Dengan menggunakan sistem ini, waktu pengendapan air yang sebelumnya memakan waktu berhari-hari kini dapat diselesaikan dalam beberapa jam saja. Hasilnya, kualitas air yang diproduksi lebih tinggi, dan kapasitas pengolahan meningkat tanpa perlu menambah ukuran instalasi yang signifikan.
Sistem tube settler merupakan salah satu solusi inovatif dalam pengolahan air yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses pengendapan. Penggunaan tube settler memberikan berbagai manfaat, seperti peningkatan kualitas air, pengurangan ukuran instalasi, serta pengurangan biaya operasional. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memilih supplier tube settler yang tepat agar sistem pengolahan air yang dibangun dapat berjalan dengan optimal. Dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti reputasi, kualitas produk, dan layanan purna jual, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa investasi dalam teknologi ini memberikan hasil yang maksimal untuk kebutuhan pengolahan air Anda.
Pemilihan supplier yang tepat, didukung dengan teknologi dan solusi terbaik, akan membawa dampak positif bagi sistem pengolahan air yang berkelanjutan dan efisien.
Informasi lebih lengkap hubungi :
Kontak kami : wa.me/6281335353290
Lokasi : https://maps.app.goo.gl/XA6LhwHGwh4gudhWA
Market place : https://www.tokopedia.com/beonecakraid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-tube-settler-sendimentasi
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restihefram · 2 months ago
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Tube settler lamella
Tube settler lamella merupakan solusi yang efektif dan efisien dalam sistem pengolahan air.
Informasi kontak kami :
Kontak : 0813-3535-3290
Shopee : Hefram ID
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creativeone333 · 3 months ago
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tipshouse · 3 months ago
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heframiddddd · 2 years ago
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adhitiahefram · 2 months ago
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alanhefram · 2 years ago
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Promo Tube Settler Picture Hubungi 0813-3535-3290
Tube Settler adalah susunan tube (selongsong) dengan kemiringan 60 derajat. Tabung lamella yang digunakan dalam tangki sedimentasi pengolahan limbah, memiliki masa pakai yang lama dan biaya rendah, yang dua kali masa pakai pipa miring sarang lebah.
Alamat PT Hefram : Jl. Raya Cikaret komplek ruko salsabila no 77, Pabuaran, Kec. Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16915 https://www.google.com/maps/place/PT+Hefram+Asasta+Indonesia/@-6.4378302,106.5543119,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4c873a6add3a3c31:0x5b512902988bca48!8m2!3d-6.438589!4d106.8345184?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1 No. Telepon: 02183722169 whatsapp : http://wa.me/6281335353290
Marketplace Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/heframid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-blue-good-quality?extParam=whid%3D13549232 shopee https://shopee.co.id/TUBE-SETTLER-LAMELLA-PVC-blue-i.749609936.19404256478?sp_atk=955bd9c7-a690-455a-bf44-d82d3c03aebb&xptdk=955bd9c7-a690-455a-bf44-d82d3c03aebb
plate settler, jelaskan fungsi tube settler yang digunakan pada proses sedimentasi,bak settler adalah,Tube settler ppt,
Tube settler in ETP,Tube settler design criteria,Design of tube settler
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localgasmaskliker · 2 months ago
what happens if we grab radec's gas mask tube thing and suck it like a straw
you would relive the the first helgan settlers experience. as in, youll probably die from carbon dioxide poisoning.
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altrbody · 4 months ago
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MALCOLM COCHRAN, Sad Wave, 1991. Hair (cow tails), plywood, hardware cloth, adhesive, steel tubing, air spouts, blower 5'x 24' x 7'
By combining disparate objects Malcolm Cochran's work elicits powerful emotions. SAD WAVE is a plot of cow hair that eternally "falls" toward the viewer. Surrounded by air ducts and guard rails this structure can be seen as reliquary for much of our past, both public and private: The vast herds of buffalo that once inhabited the plains (which the first settlers saw as an unending sea of grass); the millions of cattle which poured into the slaughter yards of Kansas City and Cincinnati; the movement of a horse across a meadows the tumble of the long grass under the trees of an orchard; the feel of a lover's hair, or a child's; the woven hair in mourning pins and lockets; a fur coat; a sleeping cat; a wig. All of these things and more are evoked instantly by the sight, sound and smell of this deceptively simple piece. Cochran is not angry, nor is he judgmental; he seems to be asking us only to remember. It is the depth of that request that is so powerful. That we be asked to remember all that we have done, the good with the bad. And more, perhaps we are being asked to view ourselves in perspective. SAD WAVE does not move because the cows are dead. They died so that we could eat, we eat so that we can live, we live so that others can live and we also live because others have died. Like a waver this process goes on eternally, part of us for-ever.
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friendshapedplant · 9 months ago
🔫🔫get go go gadget autisgmed again heehoo B] thoughts and interpretations on the Forgotten Land timeline? 👀
I don't got much but there ain't all too much to go with and I don't fw specififc times so don't expect no numbers jus sequences
Obviously the events we have established are Elfilis invades New World, is captured, tested on, Elfilin escapes, everyone leaves, Forgotten Lands Events. Can't quite remember if it's established they figure out the Warp Tech before or after Filin escapes or not and dont feel like checkin!
I'd say it took the people of the New World a few days to a week to subdue Elfilis and put it in a tube by Discovera. Invasive testing didn't start immediately as they didn't want to risk it escaping so soon after it's capture, they wanna rebuild shit first, but things like vitals and surface level samples were taken from Filis.
Give it a year or so and they in the Real research bizz! I feel they did more than just Warp Tech, likely not where they started, but they get there eventually, working with what they know bout this guy and buildin upon it. Willing to bet Filis was not a compliant test subject though and if not tranquilized shit often happened, but sometimes it needed to be conscious for things so! Risk n Reward.
Elfilin is born 30 years after Elfilis is captured (only actual timespan we have and I just learned is a ref to Kirby turnin 30 that year) during the first attempt to execute warp travel. I think something about either the shit they were puttin Filis thru or the sterile environment or an attempt at malicious compliance/escape caused the split. Elfilin is spawned not far outside the facility, first thing he sees is a bunch of people tryna grab at him which is scary! Thus he runs off to never be seen again, and Filis regresses into Fecto Forgo.
Some years after this event, the warp tech is perfected, and Lab Discovera finds the "Land of Dreams." What the hell that is I'm not sure but maybe its Everhood (joke). Research teams are dispatched to determine hospitality, then settlers are sent to establish colonies, and the population moves there in waves over afew years until no one's left but the animals, Fecto, and Elfilin.
About half a centruy later is where Forgotten Land picks up, enough time for the buildings to be overgrown but not entirely destroyed by mother nature. The Waddle Dees and a buncha Pop Star junk arrive and Filin aint too far! He never seen these guys before but knows in his heart they need his help.
The New World experiences time slower than Pop Star does, so over the course of a month or so, they set up a little town and make themselves comfortable with their circumstances, they're just Dees after all they can't do much, esp with no King around. There are many that also choose to explore the New World, but are unfortunately slowly captured.
Then of course their little town is located by the Beast Pack and the remaining Dees are capturing, Kirby finally making thru the portal and locating the village. And then the game starts from there yknow!
I think the entire game of Forgotten Land (about 10 hours) takes more like 10 minutes back on Pop Star. Everyone still over there just chilling until BOOM another portal opens above the planet and They get to witness Truck Kirby Live.
Also regarding Meta Knights presence, the English figure says he arrived before Kirby, while the Japanese says he arrived after, and yknow we prefer our primary sources here, the localizations are dodgy sometimes. (Susie I'm so sorry what they did to u girlie....) Bro came in a couple weeks late, set off on his own for a bit, but after findin nothin he left that to Kirb and decided to protect the Dees from attack. And beat up Gorimando one million times. For the Dees' safety.
Everything said here is Subject to Change in the future I've only been thinkin bout this stuff for like a week so yeyeye but thats it rn
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thorraborinn · 2 years ago
Aside from the account in Landnámábok, are there any other records or stories of how the early Norse settlers in Iceland viewed volcanoes or reacted to them? Or just what their general view of them was?
There are several references to volcanoes and eruptions but only a few that give insight. This scene from Kristni saga (the saga of Iceland's conversion) is pretty famous (the immediate precursor is that Christian missionaries are preaching at the Alþing; Grønlie's translation from VSNR):
Then a man came running up and said that there had been a volcanic eruption at Ölfus and it was about to engulf the homestead of Þóroddr goði. Then the heathens spoke up: 'It is no wonder that the gods are enraged by such talk.’ Then Snorri goði said: ‘What were the gods enraged by when the lava we are standing on here and now was burning?’
Landnáma mentions volcanic eruptions and lava a couple of times, the one I've talked about on here before is actually only indirectly about volcanism but is among the most interesting:
Þorvaldr holbarki var inn fjórði. Hann kom um haust eitt á Þorvarðsstaði til Smiðkels ok dvalðist þar um hríð. Þá fór hann upp til hellisins Surts ok færði þar drápu þá, er hann hafði ort um jötuninn í hellinum.
'Þorvaldr holbarki was the fourth [son of Þórðr]. He came one autumn to Þorvarðsstaðr to Smiðkell and stayed there for a while. Then he went up to the cave of Surtr and delivered the praise poem that he had written about the jötunn in the cave.'
This gives a strong impression that not only was Surtr considered, at least by Þorvaldr, a jötunn relating to volcanic activity but also to live in the cave named for him or at least be accessible via the cave, which is in fact a lava tube.
More on Surtshellir as a site of ritual activity and the connection to volcanism here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305440320302363?via%3Dihub
In Bergbúa þáttr a farmer and his slave have an encounter with a huge subterranean creature; a connection to volcanism isn't made explicit in the prose but it does come up in the poem Hallmundarkviða which is part of the story. I don't know of an English translation of the poem and I'm not up to it (dróttkvæði is above my pay grade). There's a piece by Ármann Jakobsson about the þáttr but not about the poem in particular.
After conversion, volcanoes and volcanism were associated with trolls, demons, and hell. Grýla and the Yule-Lads (who are goofy fun little guys now but weren't always) are sometimes said to live at Dimmuborgir. The volcano Hekla was sometimes considered the actual literal entrance to hell by medieval Europeans.
This is actually the subject that Mathias Nordvig specialized in before becoming a YouTuber and podcaster. I can't find his dissertation online anymore but he has a few related papers on academia.edu (2).
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lost-technology · 1 year ago
Survivor’s Guilt Ch. 1
Trigun fanfiction Trigun Stampede universe (with some Trigun Maximum elements) Rated T / PG-13 for graphic descriptions, canon-typical violence Gen, unless pairings come into it later Multichaptered, unknown stopping point, chapter 1. Main characters: Vash, Luida, Brad, Rem, Nai / Millions Knives and the horrible lingering memory of Tesla. Summary: The stars fell from the sky upon a lonely desert planet. The world was made of blood, sand and broken glass - and later on, gunsmoke. What could have been a paradise had become a violent world, one of hard-bitten, traumatized survivors...Including... the most unexpected. Rem Saverem survives the apocalypse.   Also found here - Chapter 1 on AO3 Chapter 1: Restless Dreams (read below or link above)
Survivor’s Guilt Chapter 1:  Restless Dreams She wore a halo of fire.  The wind of the back-draft rattled the little shuttle as Ship 5 screamed its death-throes.  The noise of breaking machinery, whipping fire and echoing human cries died off to noiseless space for a moment before heat enveloped the shuttle in a stifling cocoon and the turbulence of atmosphere-entry greeted the child and his brother.  Burning flak greeted his vision from the windows and the sunset sky of where they were landing on this planet was blood red.  The landing was none too gentle – a slam and skid into sand.  Nai laughed the entire time.   Half-melted sands and broken glass were all around him when the shuttle’s doors had cooled off enough to unlatch.  The atmosphere was breathable.  Ah, yes…This world was what Rem had called a “Goldilocks Zone” planet after a fairy tale about an obnoxious little girl and some bears she’d told them where the girl stole “just right” things from the bears, because it was in the “just right” zone to favor organic life (at least the only type that people from Earth had ever known of).  It had been deemed as “barely habitable,” however, and only a prospect if the long-range scanner hadn’t picked up a world more favorable that successive decades or centuries of cold-sleep could keep settlers fresh for. Nai had decided that “any planet will do,” he’d supposed. It was not like he had human needs – or Vash’s needs.   He danced and laughed in the flames, among cold-sleep tubes holding subjects mercifully not awake enough to realize they were burning alive. They would die before they felt anything, at least. There were procedures for bringing someone out of cold-sleep. Quick-thaw was catastrophic and killed instantly.   Vash gaped in abject horror as he was certain that he saw a few men twitch in their caskets.  He screamed when he saw a child – a little boy not much younger-looking than him and Nai – thrashing.     ______________ Vash twitched and reached out, his fingers greeted by a thin sheet on a flat bed.  Nai was not there, cuddled against him.  (Vash required food, water and sleep.  Nai required no “input” to remain healthy and rarely slept, but occasionally indulged in it to keep Vash company). “I was dreaming, Rem,” Vash mumbled, but as he blinked his eyes and suddenly became aware of his surroundings, he realized that she was not there, either.   He got his bearings and tried to tell himself that, no, he had not seen anyone twitching or thrashing…when he’d seen… the actual source of his nightmare. The dead had died in silence and stillness. The universe, it seemed, still held small mercies. Vash sat up and repeated what had become his daily mantra, breathing deep.  “I am on Ship 3.  It is in the sand-sea left behind by an ancient ocean on a recently-charted, single-biome desert planet with no name.”  He tried to remember the chart number and the system, but they’d been blown out of his head. There hadn’t been a single day he’d been here that he’d remembered it.  He was pretty sure he’d hit his head upon the impact of his and Nai’s shuttle – either that or the sheer trauma he’d experienced recently kept him from remembering little details.   “The ship’s crew activated their gravity-well before impact and most of the ship was left intact.  Most of the crew and passengers survived.  I was discovered in the desert and brought here.  I am locked in a small cell because I am an independent Plant and they don’t know what to do with me.”   He noted the temperature of the room. “It is stifling in here.  I do not know where Nai is.  I am alone.”   Just as he assessed his situation, the recitation of where he was and what had happened was something he reminded himself of every day to keep himself aware of reality.  It was tempting to think that he was dreaming.  Patched-up wounds from the crash and subsequent wandering in the jagged metal and broken glass of ship-remains as well as the rocks of the desert asserted themselves when he was in a waking state – and so, pain helped, too.  He was often in pain when he was asleep, but nothing was as keen as when he was fully aware and actually put weight on a leg or wandered over to a wall.  He’d started carving markings into it, counting days to keep his reality-record.  He did not know how much longer he’d be doing this.   One of the guards had already slipped a tray of breakfast through his door.  It sat there and got cold.  He was getting skinner and felt fairly weak.  Vash’s stomach asserted its existence, along with his wounds.  It didn’t matter.  He was not going to give them the satisfaction of simply keeping himself sleek for slaughter… This was a dark line of thinking… like that of Nai. There was a small, annoyingly persistent part of him that thought that maybe Nai was right.  Vash expected that Brad or one of the guards was going to drag him out of this cell any day now to pronounce “a needless drain of resources” or “a mercy” or “a need for scientific study” and shoot him in the back of the head with a SEEDS service-revolver.   That… was if he was lucky.  A certain stark image he was desperate to forget kept swirling in his mind.  It was good for putting him off his breakfast.  If he kept on this way, there’d definitely be less of him to flay and study.  Maybe he’d even be well and fully dead.   Vash knew that this thread of thought would have made Rem cry, but she wasn’t here.  She’d been haloed in flames, determined to avert disaster – and she had wanted him and Nai to survive.   “Let’s just do it already!” – Brad’s voice, arguing outside his cell.  “He is a clear and present danger to us all!  He doesn’t even produce anything!  The little brat isn’t even bothering to eat what we feed him…just a waste!” “He is a child, Brad!” – Luida’s voice. “I can’t believe you!  Not only the greatest scientific discovery in our lifetimes – “  (Vash cringed at that), but, “he speaks, he feels!  He is a person!”   “He’s a glorified cow!”  Brad huffed.  “And a defective one, at that!  You know what the old cattle farms would do with bull-calves they couldn’t use…” “Why are you so afraid?”   “You know as well as I do how much potential energy is stored in Plants.  There’s this one just walking around… You see a kid; I see a walking nuclear bomb. Diffuse, dismantle before it causes a problem, is what I say.”   “You looked into his eyes, Brad, same as me. You cannot tell me that you didn’t see a soul there.”   “I’m afraid I didn’t see anything at all - Nothin’ but trouble.  Not that it matters…if somethin’s a danger, I don’t care if it feels and thinks and talks. We’ve got a ship full of people and even more to take care of – actual human beings -our kind.”   Vash tried to go back to bed.  He wound up curled on his cot listening to tangents about rouge AI and the history of slave-revolts and the fear of the oppressed by their oppressors that kept certain bigotries alive for centuries until the remaining people of Earth had no choice but to work together to attempt to become a multi-planet species to scrap for survival.   Luida was pulling for him, but maybe, he thought, she should just let Brad end it already.  Brad was… afraid.  Vash didn’t think his hatred toward him was born from malice so much as it was terror – and Brad was right to be afraid of him.   He had given Nai the ship’s codes that he’d hacked into.  He’d thought it was for a prank – just another one of their ultimately harmless episodes of the ongoing prank war with Rem.  Nai…had used them….he was at fault – and the stars fell from the sky, wormwood…Chernobyl… Hundreds of thousands were dead and the number was rising.   Every day Ship 3’s search parties combed the wreckage of nearby ships and discovered the injured and those dying of exposure, clinging to life.  People were brought in to the hospital here. Lights and sirens sounded at least once a day when a search had returned, it’s human findings trickling in from the carriers. The population of Ship 3 was growing slowly, but not everyone made it.  Most of those coming in died on the operating tables or a few days later in bed – too drained, too wounded.   There were two demolished ships within range of search and rescue.   One of them was Ship 5.   Luida had told Vash yesterday that she was sorry. They had found no sign of Rem either alive, or any part of her body, uniform or other identifiers.  There were records from parts of the ship’s computer that were recovered that testified that Rem had held her post to the end and was, indeed, the one who relayed the signal to alert the other crews on the other ships of impending disaster. She reversed thrust, ensuring that even some of Ship 5 had survived.  The survival of Ship 3 was credited to her as well as well as the fact that ANY of the human-colony-carriers had time to respond and avert worse damage. Luida thought it strange that the glitch that had caused this hadn’t affected Plant-only carriers.   Vash could not tell her the truth, ever. He could stand the fear of him in Brad’s eyes.  He would not be able to withstand the same fear in hers.  After all, Luida’s delicate features, her dark hair (albeit short) and her kind eyes reminded Vash of Rem – enough that he wondered, sometimes, if she might actually be a relative of some fashion, a cousin, perhaps. If so, Luida gave no indication of this. _________________ Night came like a cloak.  Even within the bowels of a spaceship with no window to the world of nature outside, Vash knew the hours.  Everything dimmed beyond his window into the interior of the ship as unnecessary lights and machines were turned off for the sleep-curfew. The only light source in his room went off, plunging the room into near total blackness. A bluish-gray haze shone through the window like the static of a distant television.  It was a cold light that Vash did not like.  It felt like noise, even in the silence.   Only a few of the crew held night-time working hours.  Most of the crew and all of the settler-class had Lights Out strictly at 10 pm.   Of course, Ship 3 operated on Earth-time, just as the ships had in space.  A time-system had not yet been devised to match that of the planet they were on.  From what Vash could hear of discussions beyond his door, this planet was very close to Earth in terms of both rotation and orbit around its binary host-stars in terms of time-cycles.  It was not exact.  There was already some debate as to whether the people should re-work a calendar and their measurement for the length of a day or keep on with “Earth-time” because it was what everyone was accustomed to.   It had been another day of shock, accepting a grim reality, not-eating and overhearing arguments about his personhood, welfare and general existence.  Luida had not even come to talk with him today, as she usually did.  There were days when she was busy or otherwise restricted. Today had been a terrible day.   Vash had gotten settled on his cot and had just begun to fall into drowsiness at around 11 pm.  That’s when the light through his window shone red in alternating flashes and a loud siren blared.  He heard gurneys clattering past in the hallway.   Incoming wounded.  The last set had happened five days ago and none of those brought in had survived.  As time and exposure worsened initial injuries, fewer and fewer survivors were even found by the search parties and of those that came to Ship 3’s hospital, a vanishingly small number continued to survive.   This was on him… all of these slowly-dying. Vash hugged his knees as best as he was able in his tethered shackles and tried to ignore the siren.  It stopped after several minutes.  It was close to midnight before drowsiness began taking him again. Exhaustion took him into a realm without any remembered dreams.   ______________ Someone was shaking his shoulder.  He was being bounced around fairly violently on his bed before he snorted and blinked his eyes open.  The day-lights were up in the ship and Luida was staring down at him. “Huh? What?” Vash mumbled.   “I’m sorry to wake you up so rudely,” she announced.   Brad leaned on the frame of the open door, his arms crossed.  He gave a “Hmmph.”   “Is there something wrong?” Vash asked, seeing how pale Luida’s face was.  Sweat lay in beads on her forehead at her hairline.   “You need to get up and come with me,” she said gently.  “I mean, I’ll let you go to the toilet first, if you need it, or take a drink of water, but this is urgent.  There is someone you should see.”   “Someone..?”  Vash questioned.  A shock ran through his bones.  Had they found Nai?  Was Nai asking about him?  Was he hurt? Was Nai imprisoned like he was? Had Nai killed anyone else? Any of the Ship 3 people?  What were they going to do, knowing there were two of them now?  What would they do knowing that he’d lied about thinking his twin was dead?   He stood up.  “I don’t need anything,” he answered.  Vash was eager and also afraid.  What was he going to say staring into those cold eyes again?   Luida took him by the left wrist, just above the shackle and led him down the wall.  Brad followed closely behind, watching them carefully.  They turned down more hallways, headed toward the hospital wing of the ship.   “ICU?” Vash read on one of the signs as they entered the warren.   “You should brace yourself,” Luida said, her tone soft.  “And keep very quiet no matter what you see.  We have many patients in need of rest.  She needs it, as well.”   “She?”   Luida brought Vash into a room filled with all of the beeping machines, computer-equipment, suspended bags and tubes and medical-Plant connection equipment of a hospital room with patient hovering between life and death.   He felt every organ in him clench and the color and warmth drain from every inch of his skin.   A woman lay in the bed.  Her right arm was bandaged, down to the hand and the individual fingers.  Blooms of red seeped through the dressing.  The right side of her face from her cheek and her eye were bandaged and the hair on that side of her head and been burned off.  What remained on her left side was scraggly and midnight-black. Equipment-lines snaked beneath the sheet covering her up to her mid-chest and, by the shape of its drape, her right leg ended at the knee.  
She was thin – much thinner than when he’d last seen her.  She looked very small, like that day on their ship after he’d gotten her into a medical-bed, himself… after having stabbed her.  Vash’s rage at being denied his momentary suicidal-impulse and his fear of their kind had ultimately been pitiful in terms of not driving the paring-knife hard-in enough to cause immediately fatal damage.  The blade had not hit any major organs, although it had come dangerously close and she had bled a lot.  An interrupted suicide-attempt and utterly borked and half-hearted attempted murder were not what Vash wanted to be thinking about right now, but the came to his mind unbidden.  How could they not when the image he was looking at reminded him of what he’d seen then?
She was worse off now, much, much worse.
“R…Rem?” he said, voice cracking.  He approached the bed, reaching out.  
“Careful!” Luida warned.  
Brad was watching this from a stiff stance in the doorway, arms crossed firmly in front of his chest.  “So, this is that lady from the pictures?”  he asked.  He then spoke low, and cautiously, a sudden reverence seeping in.  “Is she the one who saved all our butts?  Is she…the Hero of SEEDS?”  
“Rem!” Vash cried, tears and globs of snot running freely down his face.  “I’m so sorry!  You’re… you’re alive?  You’re still alive?”  
Vash reached out and brushed her left cheek very lightly.  He took her hand, mindful of the IV in the back of it.  Luida pulled a chair from against the wall and pushed it under him so he could sit down.  Vash curled in on himself, sobbing next to the bed.  
“It would seem so,” Luida confirmed for Brad. “He recognizes her.”  
“She doesn’t look long for this world,” Brad whispered.  In spite of his suspicions about the “Plant-brat,” he hoped that he had not heard him.  Brad still feared Vash, but this was a moment in time in which the young one had shifted from the status of “walking potential nuclear bomb” to “overwhelmed child.”
Perhaps it was the touch on her hand, the gentle and rhythmic rubbing that Vash was doing with his thumb on the back of it, clear of her IV and over her knuckles… Rem’s nose twitched.  Her left eye slivered open as she turned her face. One of the machines registered a sharp BEEP! to her change in status.  
“Vash?” she whispered, her voice hoarse and full of smoke.  
Vash shot upright in his chair. “Rem!  Rem, it’s me!  You’re alive! You… you didn’t die! You’re here!  I thought you were..!  Oh, Rem, I, I, I, I…”  
“Slow…down…” she breathed out.  “Deep breaths…sweetheart…”  
Taking care of him – even in the state she was in.  Vash immediately calmed, to Luida’s wonderment.  He took a deep breath and snucked up some snot.  He carelessly tried to wipe what he couldn’t take care of on a wrist, bringing up his shackle and tether into Rem’s view.
Machines sprung to life in a loud cacophony as Rem suddenly tried to wriggle herself upright in bed.  Vash jumped back in alarm and two nurses and one of the doctors rushed in.  
“Why is he in shackles?” Rem demanded. Her voice was a rasp and she struggled to make it loud enough to be well-heard.  Her un-bandaged eye held fury.  “Get him out of those right now!”  
She shivered and clawed at the edge of her bed as the nurses held her by the shoulders, the equipment screamed and the lines on the monitors jumped.  “You can’t get up right now!” one of the demanded.  
“She’s gonna kill herself!”
“Easy! Easy!”  
Vash backed up into Luida, his eyes “like a deer caught in headlights” (from stories of old Earth and some of its few remaining majestic wild animals, the last time the world was known).  
The doctor quickly unhooked the drip to Rem’s saline-IV and plunged a clear fluid from a syringe into the tube.  She suddenly arched her back and looked skyward, the eyelids of her uncovered eye fluttering.  The nurses guided her gently back into bed. “V…Vaaaaasssshu…” she slurred before the sedation took full-effect and she fell into a nearly instant sleep, her mouth parted, her hair left in a graceless mess.  
Vash felt Luida’s arms around him, gently hugging him from behind.  
Brad and a pair of guards that were waiting outside took Vash back to his cell.  
The door shut loudly.  The sound of the lock was extra metallic, sharp and cold.
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