#tubby trousers
valgodd · 11 months
Pull up that shirt for me, tubby, I want to see how much you have grown for me. Oh, dear…No nothing, you’re just… bigger than I expected.  Weren’t those jeans loose on you when we first met? God they are so snug now. You’re really spilling out of them. When was the last time you exercised love? Looking at you…. I’d say it must have been a couple of months ago. At least. You really let yourself go huh. Maybe someone got a tad too comfortable in our relationship. You’ve been lying on your back, munching on the pastries I baked for you, slowly outgrowing your clothes. Those trousers are really digging into your sides now. You must be so uncomfortable. Why dont you let me unbutton them for you, my chubby darling… There you go. Much better. Oh what is that? A stretchmark? Gosh it looks brand new. My godness, perhaps I’ve been overfeeding you dear. Mmm…. Maybe I shouldnt put quite so much butter and cream in your food…. Or bake so much for you… but i just can’t resist feeding you, seeing your face light up as you savour my heavy, rich food. I wanna keep my special someone happy, content and well fed. And dependent on me.
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onlycosmere · 10 months
Stormlight 5 Preview Chapter
Brandon Sanderson:
<Dyel> had the most unusual of visitors. That was not uncommon in Iri these days, now that the owners had returned. They walked the streets with bodies bearing patterns, like they were painted red, white, and black. But these visitors were not of the owners. These visitors were different.
The three sat at a table in her shop, on the far side, near the cubbies on the wall where her grandfather—before his murder—had put shoes. They huddled around their table, and when they’d come in, they’d pretended they were from “the east.” But <Dyel> knew accents, and these men were not from the east. Besides, their clothing was very strange, particularly the tallest man, with the long white coat and the strange spectacles peeking from his pocket.
She hovered in the doorway to the kitchen after delivering their tea, listening in, hoping her mother wouldn’t notice her loitering.
“Are you certain this is the right time?” asked the tall man, the one in the coat. He had skin like he was from Azir, with short black hair and muscles like a soldier. She could almost believe he was from the far east, where terrible men were said to be the fiercest warriors. And he had the height to maybe fit in there. But he liked sugar in his tea. What kind of fierce warrior liked sugar in his tea?
“Of course I’m not sure,” said the tubby one, who was constantly scowling. “The device is always unpredictable, don’t you know?” This one was Azish, perhaps, and completely bald. Older, shorter. Again, he wore odd clothing for this region. Most people she knew went around without shirts, and only <bandlo> for the women. He had on robes beneath the cloak. A cloak and colorful robes, in this weather?
The tall man grunted, then sipped his sugared tea. The third of them sat quietly. A Shin man, maybe, of middling height, but also balding, with lighter skin and more normal clothing, for an outlander. Shirt and trousers. He didn’t talk as much, but he watched things. She knew people like that.
Lest they think that she was observing them, <Dyel> busied herself with other tasks for a short time. Cleaning tables, standing by the door to give welcoming smiles to those who passed on the street. She liked that part. Looking at all the different kinds of people that were part of the One. She also liked smelling the ocean air. Though they were too poor to have a shop in the best part of town, the breeze still carried crisp, salty air inward to them. A gift of experience she could add to the One.
Outside, an owner walked past, a hulking figure with carapace and eyes that glowed red. There was some discussion—were these singers, these owners part of the One? Were they part of the grand connecting experience that unified all people? Or were they something else? <Dyel> thought they must be the One. It wouldn’t be the One unless it—God—encompassed everything. Every person a piece of it, extended out into the cosmere to live a different life and bring back enriching knowledge. Her mother didn’t believe that, but <Dyel> did. Because if she did, then grandpa Ym was always with her, and she with him, because they were the same.
“Serving girl,” one of the men called, “could I get another?”
She started, then hurried back to the table with the three strangers, her hair aflutter. She kept it long, only trimmed it when Mother forced her to. She was Iriali, and golden hair was her heritage.
She quickly refilled the men’s cups, though the thoughtful one—the quiet one—sat a sphere on the table. Her breath caught. A full broam? She looked to the man, who had a round friendly face. He nodded.
She snatched it up, the azure light inside making her skin glow. But Mother would insist she ask, so reluctantly, she spoke.
“Would you like some change?”
“No,” he said, still smiling. “Thought wouldn’t mind if you answered a question or two.”
She shrugged. “Sure.”
“Have you ever seen,” the man asked, “a strange collection of lights that moves across the wall or floor, though you can find no source reflecting it?”
<Dyel> felt an immediate spike of terror. She nearly dropped the teapot. She’d suspected they weren’t what they said, but this? This?
“I’m sorry I have to go I forgot my mother wanted me to check on the biscuits stay as long as you want thank you for the tip we’re closed now good bye!”
She scampered into the back room, now kitchen and living space transformed from her grandfather’s workshop. She put her back to the wall, heart thundering, and tried to breathe in and out. He was back. The murderer. What to do?
Find Mother.
But Mother was gone. <Dyel> searched the entire shop. Wasn’t hard, considering how small it was, and found nothing but a note: Back in fifteen. Watch the shop.
Oh no. No no no no no no no.
She scrambled and found a knife—for spreading butter—then she hid in the corner holding it, trying not to be too loud as she cried and trembled. Until they darkened the doorway. Three men, two shorter, one taller.
<Dyel> yelped despite herself, holding out the knife. The three looked almost bored, as if killing her would barely bother them.
The tall one looked to the thoughtful one. “Look what you’ve done, Demoux,” he said, gesturing to her. I told you should keep quiet about that!”
“I need an intelligent spren to study,” he said. “They keep telling me no!”
“Perhaps that’s because you keep saying you want to study them, isn’t that so?” the grumpy one said. “We certainly frightened fewer people when your translator didn’t work.”
The tallest man walked up to <Dyel>, then knelt beside where she knelt, trying to force herself back against the wall, her skirt getting twisted and crumpled, the rough grain of the wood pressing against the skin of her back, except where she wore her <bandlo>. The man considered her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “to have—”
The back door slammed open, and there was her mother, frantic, in loose trousers and <bandlo>, a glowing mane of hair that was radiant with the light of the setting sun. She seemed alarmed, wild-eyed, then she saw the three strangers. Her Shardblade materialized a second later, bright and silver. Their family’s hidden secret, kept quiet since it had manifested a few months back. But few secrets mattered when you burst into the room and found your twelve-year-old daughter frightened by three assailants.
“Woah,” the tall one said, leaping backward.
He was the one, the killer named Darkness!
“Woah!” He pulled something from his belt, something he brandished like a weapon, though <Dyel> had never seen a weapon that was just a small tube of metal.
Strange lights followed as the grumpy one smashed a sphere on the ground, somehow cracking it. Stormlight flowed up around him, and strange symbols formed in the air. Mother leapt in front of <Dyel>, sweating, holding her weapon in two hands.
“We knew you’d come back,” Mother said. “We knew you’d come for me once you heard!”
Mother’s voice trembled. <Dyel> crawled forward and grabbed her around the legs, terrified.
They all stood quietly in the room until the thoughtful one, the Shin man said, “What the hell is going on?”
“We know about you,” Mother said, inching backward toward the door. “I spent months trying to find the tall Makabaki man who killed my father! I spoke to the families of the others you killed! We know what you are, what you do, murderer!”
<Dyel> cowered. Mother kept trying to inch them toward the door. Strangely, though, the tall man—the murderer who had killed her grandfather—relaxed, lowering his… strange weapon. The bald one lowered his hands, the strange glowing lights around him evaporating.
“I told you you looked like him.”
“I do not," the tall one said.
“You kind of do,” the thoughtful one said.
“Just because he and I are both dark-skinned?” the tall one said.
“I’m dark-skinned too,” said the bald one, “and no one says I look like him.”
“You’re silver most of the time, Galladon,” the tall one said, depositing his weapon back in his cloak. “Look, I’m not the murderer you’re worried about. That’s Nale, the Herald. I’m just a traveler.”
They both watched him in terrified quiet until Mother, strangely, cocked her head. She dismissed her Blade, which made <Dyel> quiver. Surely Mother didn’t believe the words of this killer?
Uma appeared a second later, sliding up the wall, a collection of lights like those scattered by a prism. Except none existed here. She made a kind of shimmering pattern that she said was unique to her.
“It’s alright, <Dyel>,” Uma said. Her voice was quiet, like the sound of glass when a cup vibrated in the hands of a musician. “I told your mother as well. I know the Herald Nale by sight, the one called Darkness, and this is not him. I suspect he is from very distant lands indeed.”
Oh. <Dyel> carefully stood up behind her mother, her heart still pounding, likely the same as all of them.
Until a moment later, the thoughtful one said, “Can I study you?”
“Umm,” Uma said, “no?”
“I told you to stop phrasing it like that, Demoux,” said the one called Galladon.
“I don’t want to lie to them,” Demoux said, gesturing.
The tall one cleared his throat. “Perhaps we should be going.”
Mother eyed them and was still tense. <Dyel> realized why. Yes, this was not Darkness, but she’d still burst into the room, likely after hearing her daughter cry out, and had still found three strange men in a part of their shop where no customer was allowed.
“Mother,” <Dyel> whispered, pointing, “they knew. They asked me about Uma.”
“How?” Mother demanded.
“We didn’t mean to frighten the girl,” the tall one said, with a placating hand forward. “We simply heard rumors. We’re scholars and like to study spren.”
“See?” Demoux said. “Baon uses it!”
“Baon is not an example of how to be in any way tactful,” Galladon said. “Crazyfools, all of you.”
What a curious word, smashing two together like that. He stepped forward, and though he had been the grouchiest at the table ordering drinks, he made his tone polite now.
“I’m sorry we frightened you. We will go now, with your leave, Radiant.”
Mother looked down at <Dyel>, then sighed, looking back at the men. “I have a letter for you.”
“Mother?” <Dyel> asked.
“You remember when that odd woman visited last month?” she said. “She left me a letter, it’s in my nightstand. Please fetch it.”
<Dyel>, confused, did as she asked. Mother remained eye to eye with the three strangers. <Dyel> did remember that woman, the one who wore too many rings, and who had helped for several weeks at the local charity hospital. A healer skilled with herbs, and whose room had smelled of fish, from the creatures she had caught in the Purelake, then dried. She’d come for tea each morning, but had left a few weeks ago. Apparently not without leaving something.
In the nightstand beside the table they shared, <Dyel> found a sealed envelope. And on it was drawn roughly the profiles of the three men. These three men, except with quite comical exaggerated proportions. She’d have found them amusing if she weren’t so tense.
What an odd experience from the One. How had the woman known? But then, <Dyel>’s life had been turned upside down ever since Uma had arrived and her mother had started glowing sometimes. Unique experiences indeed. She cherished thinking of it that way, as she’d been taught. So many didn’t believe these days, but she did, for Grandfather’s sake.
She scampered down the stairs and handed the letter to her mother, who tossed it to the men.
“I was told,” Mother explained, “I would know who to give this to.”
The tall one, Baon, caught it. He eyed the others, then slit it open with a pocket knife. “It’s from him,” Baon said.
“Of course it is,” Demoux replied. “Right as we’re leaving. You think he wants to tease us back, make us keep wasting time?”
“What,” Galladon said, “does it say?”
Baon closed the envelope. “It has only his signature. And a crude depiction of male genitalia.”
“From the Trickster Aspect?” Mother said. “He was here too, last year.”
“Of course he was!” Demoux repeated, then sighed. “I’m ready to be off this rusting planet. What about you two?”
“Yes, please,” Galladon said. “One of the eldest beings in the cosmere, and he has the mental age of a thirteen-year-old.”
“If this man ever returns,” Baon said, “keep your distance. He isn’t terribly dangerous, but things around him always are. When he’s spotted, innocents get hurt. It’s inevitable.”
Well, of course. He was the Trickster Aspect, spun out of the One to create chaos. But you couldn’t just insult him by not serving him tea when he asked.
A ding came from Galladon’s pocket. “Time,” he said. The three men nodded to the two of them, then started out. Baon hesitated by the door.
“Things might be chaotic in your city for a little bit, but it will pass. Best stay inside.” Then he too left.
<Dyel> hugged her mother. Because they were alive, tense though it had been, but also because she was worried. Not just because of what Baon had said. Because it meant Darkness had not yet come, and they still needed to fear him.
Outside, people started shouting.
“I will look,” Uma said in her tinkling voice. “Stay strong. I do not know yet what this is.”
Mother nodded and grabbed <Dyel> and led her up the steps as Uma went out the door. Their shop was part of a larger building, four stories high, and they helped keep it tidy and fix things. Which meant Mother could take them up the access stairway all the way to the roof. There they burst out, and found what was causing the chaos.
Cusicesh the Protector had risen from the bay. The great multi-armed spren made only of a column of water. It had risen high in the air, larger than usual.
That was all? <Dyel> relaxed. She’d seen Cusicesh many times. This was nothing to fear. But why, then, were so many people pointing and crying out? Why were so many people running?
“It’s the wrong time of day,” her mother said, staring across the rooftops toward the bay.
Cusicesh, breaking tradition from the way he normally acted, waved his hands out to the sides, palms toward the city. And then, before him in the bay, the air split in a glorious radiant font, a column of light.
“The gateway,” Mother whispered, “to the Land of Shadows. Honor’s gateway. Oh, Father, Mother, ancestors become one! <Dyel>, it’s time! Run and fetch the traveler packs, it’s time!”
<Dyel> froze. Time? The traveler packs? All good Iriali kept them, of course, in case they needed to leave, but that was mostly a formality, unless…
It was time?
“PEOPLE,” Cusicesh spoke.
That spren never spoke.
The voice was deep and vibrated the city, somehow loud enough to make her soul shake, but not so loud it hurt her ears.
Time. That meant time to continue the Long Trail. Time to find the Fifth Land. Finally shocked out of her reverie, she went running for the travel packs, terrified that this great day should have come during her life. The One was certainly testing her with new experiences. She wished there were a way to explain that she was filled up with them, that she’d rather experience some peaceful days, without owners returning to the land, or her mother starting to glow, or the call to the Long Trail itself occurring.
But it wasn’t to be, as when she met back with her mother, Uma had returned. Mother was crying.
“We will try,” Mother whispered to the spren, who brightened the floor of the rooftop. “We will see, see how far you can go. Come, <Dyel>. We mustn’t miss the call. The gateway will not remain forever, and boats are already rowing out to meet it.”
And so she went with her mother. Found their way to a boat with only their travel packs. Joined with the light of the gateway, which she thought briefly must be like rejoining the One when she died. She emerged into a place of shadows with the leaders of their kind, who had already begun preparing caravans to cross the darkness. Other portals, she heard, had opened all across Iri, one in every major city. Nearby, she did spy the three strangers passing, Demoux complaining about the “odd behavior for a perpendicularity of this nature.”
Mother settled her down on some blankets to wait as she went to find their position in the caravans. <Dyel> clutched her pack to her chest, stunned by how fast it had happened. Stunned to realize that her time in the city, with the shop, was over.
And so she whispered a quiet farewell. It was time to leave Roshar.
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smokygluvs · 1 year
James Grout
I fell in love with James Grout watching Inspector Morse, Yes, Minister, All Creatures Great and Small in the 80's.
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He did a good job of looking severe.
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Or concerned.
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And he also looked good in braces. I love the look of a mature, tubby man in braces. They also help to get your trousers down quicker.
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fatteningmenstories · 7 months
Benched part 4
The first biggest challenge was defiantly the walking, under doctors orders the crutches were retired and Devon was instructed to slowly start to move more and more. But even this was challenge, after a couple of steps he was struggling, his legs felt weaker and with every step there was this burning sensation in his bones. He would not even make it halve way through the doctors mandatory excerise routines before he had to call it quits. What was going on, he was a star athlete how was he letting a couple of steps be the boss of him, sure he had been out of practice for a while but Devon was not going to let this stop him. So he tried again and again, until he was blue in the face and felt sweat in places he didn’t know he could sweat and after each routine he felt exhausted but luckily for him the doctor had said nothing about cutting down his food intake, so chief continued to pull out all the stops making sure their employer never went hungry.
The second big challenge came about when it was finally time to start physio, sure Devon had been doing some small exercises here and there but under doctors orders, now that Devon could confidently walk about on his feet it was time for physio, and it was time for Devon to finally leave the house and he soon found out that eating like a pig for the last 6-months of course meant nothing would fit his large over-fed body . He tried fruitlessly but none of his old clothes would even budge, his trousers wouldn’t get past his thighs and his shirts wouldn’t buckle, he was just too big, too round and far too fat. God - he thought to himself this bulk has really hit its limit, he felt enormous and he definitely looked it, his gut was so massive it ripped his shirts into shreds when Ajay tried to squeeze him in it. With the physio waiting across London, he was left trying to fit into Ajay clothes, and even they were a tight fit, there was no way he was fatter than Ajay but alas even in his chubby lovers designer kit he still felt suffocated.
The doctor had organised one of the best physio in all of London, they had all been sworn to secrecy and all that staff and been forced to sign a nda, they were all left puzzling their heads about what could be such a secret, until of course the lift doors opened and outstepped a man who looked like he hadn’t been in a gym in years, let alone the star footballer of one of the country’s most prestige teams. They were expecting a man who was once the most eligible bachelor in all of Europe with he his gorgeous face and ripped muscular body and here stood a man in clothes to small to fit their wearers massive frame, a body that fit a man that looked like he had been done nothing but stuff his face day in and out .
“Alight Devon, lets see what we working with” said the lead physio instructing Devon to the scales
Stepping on them, he couldn’t even see the scales as his gut blocked his view by a good amount of fat ,
“Gosh, I mean uhh 130kg”
“What, are you taking the piss” , that couldn’t be right, the numbers had to be a lie
“Im sorry, sir but that this is one the most accurate scales out there’
Devon was left with no words, he simply mustered by the dirty bulk line and followed the very in shape physio to the changing rooms, compared to him Devon looked massive, almost double the size in width. Finally in the the changing rooms he was finally given some fitting clothes that fitted around his huge fat body, he dared not to look at the size but a small flash of Xs caught his eyes as he grabbed for them with his tubby fingers. Checking himself out in the mirror was a very sobering process, what had he done to himself, he was far form fat and well into the obese relm , looking at his massive gut and wider frame the memories of his once fitter body flooded his mind, however as he felt his fat gut up, prodding it and squeezing it his mind was filled with all the good food he had stuffed into to over the last year and damn did it make him feel hunger.
He was snapped out of the images of plates of food and desserts, when the young fit physio , known as Tom , popped round the corner telling Devon it was time to start. This all lead to the next big challenge, sure walking had been tough but compared to this that was spoonful of sugar, they had started it slow on the treadmill, a good pace was established, but god did it feel different there was so much more of him, he was heavier and massive. From the fat in his gut that swayed with each step to the rolls of fat in his arms that rubbed against his moobs. All over on this this treadmill he felt his fat body coming to alive, and a bit of him enjoyed and he felt he felt his dick stir under his fat balloon gut. But then Tom seeing the grin of Devon’s face took the initiative to to raise the speed a tad , just a bit forcing him to pick up the pace and jog, for the first few seconds as he jumped from foot to foot, Devon felt free, but then it started, the burning in his lungs, the stabbing in his feet, the sweat piling up. He had quickly used up his once amazing stamina and endurance , his fat body was just too heavy, each jog felt like he was pulling tons, before long he was panting for breathe, red in the face. Tom saw how hard his job was going to be right then and therem as Devon collapsed on the floor exhausted.
“Come on big, guy, we’ve still got a good hour left to shift this weight’ Tom chuckled as he slapped Devon’s fat gut that was now exposed form his kit, sweaty and flabby.
Devon couldn’t even muster the breath to tell him to fuck off, but what he hated how much his dick was loving it. What followed was one of the longest training session of his life, everything was reminder of how out of shape he had fallen, sit ups were nearly impossible with his fat gut weighing him down making him have to roll to his side to even get up, and push- ups were far out of the question with his stubby arms not being able to lift his fat body high enough to get his fat gut of the floor, star jumps shook the walls and there wasn’t a bike there he could fit his fat arse onto. The only possible equipment he could fit onto was the bench next to the vending machine, Tom decide to look the over way as as out of breath Devon dropped his blubbery frame on it and popped out a few chocolate bars.
“ Right there big guy , i think that’s enough damage for today” Tom chuckled placing another firm hand on Devon’s ample gut
Devon was furious, partially at himself for letting himself get this bad and also at Tom who seemed to be enjoying this display of unfitness.
“Hold - on “ Devon said in pants as finished off his chocolate bar
He wasn’t going to go down without a fight, I know what to show him he thought , he stepped on the treadmill determined to show Tom that his was still the star athlete he was a year ago
“If you say so”
Starting up, Devon felt confident, he had already lasted longer than his previous attempts, sure he felt on the edge, but he kept jogging. A smirk appeared on his round race, that would show him Tom, who did he think he was talking to. However as he smugness grew, his old confidence grew too, and without thought he went to uped the speed to reasonable run, and the moment he pressed those buttons he knew he had made a grave mistake. The treadmill revered to life, and Devon led on to dear life tried to keep up, he tried to match the pace, but his obese body failed him once again, his belly became like a pendulum swing up and down moving his fat in all directions, his layer of fat pecs followed in motion, followed by every bulging fatty part of his body. He was just too fat, his lungs couldn’t keep up, he was so panting for dear life, all over his sweat greased him up like a hog in an oven. His kit rolled up over his heavy gut and his shorts got caught between his large thighs, he just couldn’t keep up he was just too fat. He felt himself about to collapse again
“Alright tubby, I think you’ve showed us enough” Tom said as he stepped in to Devons rescue pulling the red tag, just in time as Devon was hit with a wave of light headness and when the treadmill finally ceased its run Devon felt it legs give up to and himself collapse on the floor
He lay there on the floor, a doughy mountainous lumps of fat panting for breathe, he couldn’t move pinned done by his massive girth, Devon was humiliated as he laid there sweaty and red, trying to get up was futile with all his energy used up
“Ah better luck next time big guy’ Tom said as he playfully slapped Devons fat gut admiring how it jiggled and settled.
“Come on lets get you up’,
“Wow big guys, looks like I’m gonna need a hand”, Tom laughed as he called over to some assistants to help heave Devon up and of the floor..
What a shit show, in the changing room Devon had retreated to the bench to catch his breath, God I’ve really let myself go haven’t I, he thought as he rested his hand on his gut.
“See you next time’ Tom waved as he left leaving in a tight muscle shirt that showed of his impressive build
“Yh’ - was all Devon got out in-between laboured breathes, he used to have a body like that, now here he was a fat arse on the bench catching his breathe - right he thought to himself this is it the fattest I am ever going to be now, this old gut is going into hibernating .
But those fighting words quickly disappeared when Devon came home, the moment he waddled up the stairs and opened the front door he was hit with the smell of chefs cooking, and like clockwork his thoughts of cutting back where thrown out the window and replaced with whatever delicious food chef had cooked up. At the dining table, he just couldn’t draw himself, dish after dish chief brought out more and more food, that his stomach demanded.
“Alight babe, I think I’ve done enough damage’
“What” Ajay said looking up form his food with a mouth full of pasta
“I mean look at me, I’m not the spitting image of health right now’ Devon empathised taking in his fat body
“Non-sense, your plenty healthy and besides what those that make me then’ - Ajay chuckled as he rubbed his fat rolls
“I think you just need some motivation, and besides after your long day at the gym you need your fuel - And I need my man’
And before Devon could protest, Ajay was on his knees blowing Devon off, sure things were a but different now, with Ajay being blocked fully by Devon’s fat gut, but even with all this new fat they had packed on to each others body it was still as amazing as it was on the first day. Devon could contain himself it was just so good, and just when he thought couldn’t get better, chief brought out dessert - triple coated chocolate cake.
As the weeks rolled on Devon continued to go to his gym session with Tom, but he also continued to pig out just the same way as he always had , he told himself he deserved it, all those gym sessions were just too long and he need his fuel fro his next session of course , but he knew secretly deep down that the food was just to good to quit. Devon was definitely getting his strength back but the fat gut of his was going any where soon, in fact Devon could have sworn it was getting bigger so much so that after a good couple of sessions he found himself needing new kit as gut continued to bulge out and his arse just wouldn’t fit in the old kit, when he asked Tom about it, Tom had told him that of course that was happening he was simply packing on more muscle and that Devon had nothing to worry out in and should continue as normal espially drinking the shakes that Tom left out for him after each session.
After a good couple of months , Devon saw it was only right to get to know Tom better after all they spend sports much time together and he grew fond of Tom’s teasing remarks about him,so he saw to it to bringing Tom ever for a dinner one day.
When the day came Devon saw to it that chief pulled out all the stops, he had told Tom it would just be casual dinner but Tom had somehow talked Devon into making it into a whole formal affair with suits and champagne. Devon knew straight away, that the tens of thousands pound suits he used to stroll round in at balls were long out of question, so he once again saw to it to ordering his tailer over, sure his tailor had not seen Devon since long before his accident but a man of his pay- grade was well known for his professionalism. So as Ajay and Devon stood their fat guts out overflowing in lard, the tailer made no comment and simply dressed them up in the finest suitsm men they size could still fit into.
Standing there in front of the mirror, dressed in the nines in his fine suit, Devon felt confident a confidence he hadn’t felt in a long time, sure the man standing in the mirror was a rounded out ball of fat, but damn the way he filled out his suit made he look good, he was still the handsome footballer just now under many many layers of fat he told himself . And Ajay seemed to agreed, telling Devon he was still the most handsome man he had ever seen, rubbing his hands over his meaty thighs, whispering in his ears but how good he looked. And just when Devon was about to let Ajay get it, the door bell rang - Tom was here.
Opening the door, he was greeted by a very good looking man in suit, Tom had gotten a fresh haircut, shaved his morning stubble and swapped the gym clothes for a very nice fitted English suit, that he filled out perfectly. Devon remembered when he looked that good in a suit, the way Tom’s muscles were hinted at in the suit arms and his square arse filled out the back. Standing there he felt massive, his much bigger frame emphasised different areas of his suit, from his heavyset gut to his double chin poking out the collar.
“Wow, you clean up nicely- huh big guy”
“Thank you, oh this old thing was just sitting in the cupboard’ Devon laughed thinking about how more expensive suits were now that he couldn’t touch his toes
“And you must be the massive Ajay’ Tom laughed going in for a French kiss on Ajay chubby cheeks, leaning over Ajay’s chubby gut which his trim muscular body.
“God, Devon has told me so much about you, you’re even bigger I mean better in person’
After the formalities, small talk was engaged, where Devon learned that Tom had studied nutrition at uni and was freshly in London starting out. Devon and Ajay standing there must have looked like a massive fat hogs next to the lean Tom, Devon thought as Tom humoured Ajay, and if Tom was handsy in the gym he was even more so now, giving their respective guts a good pat and rub after ever joke.
But before Devon could think more about it, the bell was rung and dinner was being served, walking in the dining room had been transformed into a former candlelit scene, it felt very dapper and posh- and God Devon thought he was definietly was going to have to give chief another pay rise for this whole ordeal. Tom was sat opposite them and the two much bigger men dwarfed Tom side with their emmense fatness
And as chief brought out their dishes dinner commenced, the wine was good, the company even better but the food was amazing. Devon and Ajay’s plate were spotless after each course, where’s Tom were littered with remains for the previous courses. But Devon couldn’t care he was founding himself getting more and more aroushed by Tom’s crude comments that he blurted out now and again
“Wow you chief really cooks up some fine grub - no wonder you so got so big’
“You guys really now how to put it away”
“Damn and I thought I ad a big appetite”
Devon didn’t know why what Tom was saying was turning him on so much, but he knew that his devious words were also working on Ajay who had to keep shuffling in his chair to move his tubby gut away from his crotch. Maybe it was because he wasn’t used to being teased like this like this but maybe it was also because of who it was coming from, This fit young lad who had been training him in the gym was now bombarding him with these dirty remarks. And as the courses kept coming, the dirtier they got.
“Hey there tubby, I think you left something on your plate’
“Geez what a fat-arse, leave any food for the rest of us”
“No, go on then you take it, looking at you overweight arse, has taken me of my appetite, besides to fill a fat gut like that you must need a truck load for of food’
Ajay and Devon didn’t know what was going on, but they kept eating more and more, until they were eating more than they had ever eaten before, Tom’s mean and flirty comments made them want to eat more and more. And after unbutton the first couple of buttons on his shirt and taking of his jacket, Tom cockney accent reared its head as he stripped down form his formal attire, and it was all so hot. Devon felt his gut get more and bloated until he felt the buttons tightening and his gut gaping through, him and Ajay were being stuffed to beyond limits by this cockney muscular lad and it all reached its peak, - When a stuffed Ajay couldn’t finish his plate of food
“What tubs, bitten of more than you can chew’ “Here let me help’
And in fine motion, Tom climbed over the table, cups and dishes clattered about as he reached over and grabbed his plate and held it to Ajay fat flushed flash
“Here piggy, eat up”
What was going on, Devon was completely in shock, but seeing Ajay opening his mouth and letting Tom force-feed him the rest of his plates, made his dick hard in way he didn’t know was possible
“And don’t you worry fatty, you time is next’ Tom laughed as he stuffed Ajay tight with food and then ran his tongue down his face. Tom then proceeded to rip Ajay’s shirt of freeing the mountain of brown fat that hid there
“Look at this beauty, ahh Devon where have u been hiding him’
Devon watched in pure lust as he saw Tom explore his lovers fattened up from, slapping his gut and knead it, Ajay of course was in pure heaven
“Here tubby let me give you your just deserts”
And just like that Ajay fell onto his knees, as Tom took down his pants revealing his 8 inch pink cock
“Come on fatty eat up’
Ajay slobbered Tom’s cock up, going to town on all 8 inches
“That right fatty eat up’
“All your good for your now is cock sucking - you fat fuck”
Tom grabbed Ajays rolls of fat and his fat pecs and he came straight down his throat
“There piggy eat up”
Devon couldn’t control himself, letting out a large moan of his mouth followed by larger burp
“Ahh looks like this piggy over here feel negalated, don’t you worry piggy’
“Don’t you worry, I’ve had my eyes on you a while’
Devon was too shocked and stuffed to move
“God look at you, a fat lump of dough, you used to the hottest man in the nation now look at you tubby’
‘ A fat pig ready for the slaughter’
And with that, Devon was lost in Tom’s words, as Toms stripped down to reveal his hot muscular body, Devon was like putty, Tom pushed him out of his chair onto the floor, his fat gut breaking his fall, he felt as Tom stripped down his pants, putting his fatty meaty chunky legs in the air, Tom yanked of his massive underwear exposing his fat arse
“Ahh look at all the fat, man were have you been hiding thi’
Tom chuckled as he slapped Devons hippo sized rear.
An then it all happened so quick, but Devon felt Tom massive cock be ramped up his arse, he felt toms muscular arms grab his rolls of fat and jiggle them and then followed by the thrusting that was so hard it made his whole body jiggle. Devon was in heaven, he was stuffed behind his widest dreams and being fucked by Tom, and then when it couldn’t get any better. He saw Ajay rise up come over and bury Devon his his fat gut, opening in his mouth and showing his brown cock down this throat. He was their pig, fattened up and ready to be fed.
After that night of bliss, what followed next was an even more fattening string of months, Devon was fucked hard all over by of his lovers, at the gym Tom would tease him relentlessly for his out of shape body and lack of fitness, then at night Tom would punish him by fucking him till he couldn’t move. Chief cooked up even more and more food, filling the nights with feasts and feasts, and Devon and Ajay grew fatter and fatter until new dining room chairs had to be ordered and beds installed. It was heaven, but one day as Devon wake up in their now super king sized bed with Tom naked, wrapped up between his two pigs, the phone rang
“Ah Devon, long time no see”
Who was this
“I’ve been told by you doctor that you cast was long off and you’ve been going to the best physio for months- no easier way to say this but we need you back on the team and you must surely be back in fighting state by now ”
What no, what was going on, and as Devon laid there in bed under the mountains of fat he had stuffed onto his body, his feet long hidden behind that mass that was his fat protruding gut, his fat love handles weighing him on either side and his chins swallowing his neck his breathing was struggling to keep up with this dilemma.
“Well come on , champ we need you back asap”
This was going to be the final challenge
To be continued in the final part
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septusuki · 9 months
Shiraishi An had always loved to show her tummy off. Three quarters of her wardrobe seemed to be crop-tops, even in the winter. Crop-tops and sports-bras, the former just high-hemmed enough to show off the elastic of the latter - but that was just a special treat for Kohane, of course. As an impeccably slim, fit street dancer, An had all the right in the world to show off her belly, her navel, and even the well-crafted curve of her waist. Even in the chill of winter, An always chose the whatever would make her tummy look best.
Right now, though, An didn't even have that choice. Her tummy - her belly - was going to be shown off, whether she liked it or not. "Ugh... It's just, like, winter weight, right?" Blushing as she turned this way and that in the mirror, An ran a hand slowly across the pillow developing on her tummy. Impossibly soft, shining with sweaty flesh, and pushing her crop-top to the limit. An was porky. The worst part was that she was even developing a thick fat-roll as her tummy came to rest on the waistband of her notoriously-loose trousers. All that flaunting of her underweight body was finally coming full circle. An's arms were tubby, her butt was flabby, and her belly was far more than just fluffy.
"If I just... Nhh... Suck it-- In!" An whimpered and she breathed in and sucked as much tummy in as she could, daring to open her eyes and stare her hard work down. That belly roll was still there, but she looked a bit slimmer - right? "Stupid... Belly..." She pouted, giving in and letting go, huffing as she watched her own tummy fill up all over again, puffing out with meat and blubber. For now, An was just a thick girl, but that'd be changing in a few dozen pounds, for sure; she could already see it. Chub giving way to flab, folding over on itself as it tried to fit as much fat in one spot as humanly possible. The tyre of tub that was sitting on the top of her trousers would become an entire roll of fat, and hang over her hips. An was on a one-stop trip to fat. "Stupid belly, and... Stupid Meiko!"
That thought had given her an idea, though. It'd been Meiko who'd made her this tubby - no doubt - with her endless supplies of 'magic' SEKAI food. It was Crase Café's fault for serving her so much thick, doughy food, and not An's fault for swallowing it all. Regardless of who's fault An's fat tummy was, if she negotiated with the café's infamous feeder, she'd be able to get her to stop. Perhaps she'd even get Meiko to serve her some low-fat food! "Unhh... D-Diet time!" An blushed at herself; she never though she'd even say the word 'diet', but here it was. An needed to slim down, or she'd have to replace her whole wardrobe, and then some.
As long as An didn't eat anything Meiko served her - no matter how yummy it looked - then it'd all be fine. In a matter of moments, An's concerned expression became all but overjoyed. With a slap of her fat little tummy, An even managed a laugh. "Goodbye, belly!" She ran over to her phone, her fat jiggling away as she did, testing the buttons on her pants with each step.
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firespirited · 9 months
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day one of attempting to make circles following tutorials did not go well, I must have tried a dozen times then I learned the magic loop and made the red and white mess that was gradually turning into a square.
the next day, I decided to stop trying to follow video tutorials and just go on instinct. I made a hat, which wasn't a surprise given that i'd seen many tutorials titled "how to avoid your circle turning into a bowl". Ta Da - this is the first 'thing' made in crochet!
i'd like to practice some more, learn some more stitches, then make
1- a doll skirt using Andrea's aunt's technique of free handing on a correctly sized piece of elastic
2- and then start practising cuffs: I am a short gal with long limbs: tubby belly means most trousers fit without having to hem them but jumpers (sweaters) often leave me with a little bare wrist unless I buy oversized. I've regularly had to send back cute mail order jumpers because these monkey arms don't fit. My entire wardrobe is oversized but one day I'd like to be able to order a jumper, find it too short in the arms but crochet on an extension in a yarn that that blends nicely and keep it.
That's the dream: doll clothes and cuffs, maybe find cool ways of turning electric plastic coated wires into stars and hearts because i've always loved upcycling electrical waste but yeah. back to practising... when there's time.
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lemonlazer · 7 years
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Tubby Trousers: "Divine and Devour" May 2, 2017 at SaGuijo.
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noys-boise · 3 years
In trousers: *a really progressive musical for it's time about internalized homophobia, mysogyny and the mistreatement of children with serious problems*
Also In trousers: "I cAn CrAcK yOuR fEeT" "Make Marvin a haaaappppy boyy~" "Scrubby dubby dubby look at Marvin in the tubby he is soapy with the soap he uses scrubby dubby dubby anyone can see that he's a WET Marviiin BoOoY" "He is clean! SQUEKY clean!!!" "*sound of bodies slapping*" "Whizzer Whizzer Whizzer Whizzer WHIIIIZZER" "LiStEn Im A bAsTaRd BumMeR wItH a PeNiS" "*the entirety of High school ladies at 5 o clock" "DON'T TOUCH MY GODDAMN EYES YOU LITTLE SHIT I'LL BEAT YOUR HEAD IN WITH A HAMMER!!" and of course "*several distressed Chip Zien noises*"
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 3 Part 6
And we continue. So much things are happening ‘-’ I must say put a trigger warning here for one part of the plot. Yes it’s about Nate. And yes it’s sad.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Wednesday February 6
It was wrong. Illogical. Pure stupidty. It was 1 am. Tomorow, he had lessons to attend. So why the hell was he helping Liam ? Why they were in a hotel in another town ? And it wasn't for sex ! I'm Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. The gifted hunter. Feared as a god, venerated like one, desired like one. I shouldn't be here. But everytime he looked at this baboon, this fuckin' dummy freshman, his boyfriend... Everytime he looked at him, he knew his place was right here. It doesn't make any sense. Liam had finally fell asleep. He had been so stressed the whole day ! The blond's lad didn't want to see him like this. I'm not supposed to care. I mean, he's just a prey. But I feel concerned. I guess I just don't want the product to be damaged. Yeah, that's it. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey went into the bathroom. He didn't know why; but a feeling prevented him to take advantage of Liam's situation to have sex with him. Instead, I have this urge to help him. Such a pain in my ass. He dialed Nancy's number.
"Sir." she answered quickly. "Why are you calling so late ? You're not putting this awesome dick of yours in someone ?"
"Sadly not. Look, I need help to find someone."
She remained silent for a bit. It's my tone. He had sounded more stressed, more worried than he wanted to. But for real, where the hell this Nate went ? He had just vanished from Earth !
"Gimme all the information you have. I'll see what I can do." she eventually replied.
"You're not asking for payment ?"
"Look Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey, I know you for a long time now. More than most people. I can tell when it's important for you. And as much as I love see your ass getting rounder, I think it's not necessary this time."
The blond lad froze a moment. Did she mean she felt... weakness ? Damnit, why everything is different when the baboon is here ? Why I can't bang him like all the other prey I chased before ? He reluctantly told her what he knew. Nothing much in fact, because Liam and him never really talked about their respectives lives. They spent most of the time watching movies, walking in the park and obviously, eating.
"I have something you may found interesting." announced Nancy after a while. "It's a video posted by a girl who's friend with another girl named Gwendoline who's friend with Nate Hudson. It show him walking towards the sea heavily drunk."
"When ?"
"One hour ago, approx. He looks very weird in that video..."
"Thanks Nancy. I'll send you a home-made chocolate cake later."
"Hell, you have to. Good luck sir."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey decided to let Liam sleep, and went to the beach. Himself was used to rest only a little. But it's because I'm usually fuckin' one person. Or more. Not because I'm searching my boyfriend's bestfriend. For fuck sake. He was turning completely crazy. It was a descent to hell for the hunter he was. For almost two hours, he ran along the ocean, but found no one. Nonetheless, when the blond lad was ready to give up, he glimpsed him. Finally. When he came closer, what he saw wasn't good. Wasn't good at all. Nate Hudson was a short and a bit tubby lad. He had black short hair, and a childish figure. He looks 15, no more. Liam already seemed young, but his bestfriend... Anyway, it wasn't the problem. Nate had brown eyes, but they were strongly dilated and reddened, probably because of the alcohol, maybe even some drugs. He had vomit all over his body. And what a body... His clothes were torn apart, with some blood. Himself looked hurt, like if someone had scrathed him. He released a putrid smell, a mix between beer, weed, sweat and blood. I saw this before. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey came closer.
"Hey bud." he whispered. "Are you awake ?"
Nate grunted. His breath was a real torture. Man it's not good. Drunk, high and with blood all over him ? His trousers were open. As an expert of the question, the Dean's grandson could guess he had ejaculated not that far ago. This is bad. Really bad.
"I'm... Dami. Can you get to your feet ?"
He supposed Liam had only called him "Dami" anyway. The drunk guy grabbed him a bit aggressively.
"Liam can't see me like this." he said with a desesperate but angry tone. "He doesn't need to know."
"Dude, it's not the most important. Come here."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey helped him to stand up. Damn, he's heavier than he looks. And he stinks... It was barely bearable. I don't even know why I'm doing this. Well, he knew. For a baboon called Liam.
"Don't tell him." insisted Nate. "Nothing."
"Okay, okay. Man you need a shower. Come, I'll help you..."
It's not good at all...
When Liam woke up in the late morning, Nate was clean and deeply asleep. Hopefully, he'll just have an hangover and no physical damage. He wasn't hurt that much... Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey could only imagine what happened during the night... And it wasn't something he liked at all.
"Where did you find him ?" asked his boyfriend once showered and dressed. "And how ?"
Needless to say, he was extremely relieved. He had kissed the blond lad with so much passion this one almost fainted. And I liked it so much. Not good either. I want more, it's a fuckin' disaster.
"Look baboon. All I can say for sure is : he needs you. I think he's waking up. Go talk with him."
The Dean's grandson waited a very long moment. His projects for today were all wrecked. With four hours of journey to do, they wouldn't be back before the evening. I wanted to bang Gabriel at least once... And why not a prey or two... In order to spend the time while his boyfriend talked with Nate, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey played with his phone. He masturbated in his ferrari with his tape of his name. And he called some people for phone sex. Eventually, he related the last day to Zack. This one said he was proud of him. I don't know what the fuck he can be proud of ? I mean, I crossed half the country and I don't even know why. Damn, I hate this Liam boy. Stupid boyfriend and his cute face. Anyway, afterwards, Liam came to see him, with Nate right behind him.
"Hey Dami, thank you for being so patient."
"No problem." assured quickly, too quickly to his own opinion, the blond lad. "You guys get everything clear ?"
Nate looked him straight in the eye. I get it. Liam can't know what happened. It wasn't good.
"He had been beaten by some idiots." mumbled the chestnut lad with angriness. "And kicked out of the university for some reason. We need to bring him with us. He'll stay with me."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey hesistated. You want to play it this way ? To lie ? Nate nodded to his silent question. Whatever. It's not my problem right ? I'm not even sure about what happened. I don't care.
"Okay." he said. "Get in the car mates."
Liam Friday February 8
Three day after their little trip across the country, Liam had only one certainty : the forces of evils had struck again. Nate was different, even a half-minded like him could saw that. He was sullen, shifty and distant with everybody except maybe Liam. (They were quite a pair : the absent-minded and the crabby). (Maybe it would make a good title for a movie). At least the unicorns were happy. Nick had agreed to let Nate settle for a while. Thus, Liam bedroom became their bedroom. His bestfriend hadn't much stuff, only some clothes. He had left everything behind, even his car. He had warned his parents, but hadn't given any detail. And now, he was just stayin' there, wandering in the flat. He's playin' videogames, smilin' and all but I know the forces of evil took his joie de vivre. I see it in his eyes. Maybe the unicorns'll be able to help him... To be honest, Liam didn't know what could cheer up Nate. (He had always been the happy one in their relationship). So he just decided to be there. For now, his bestfriend had been maintening he had been assaulted by some bastard after the university had expelled him. He had made himself drunk and had just lost track of time. I know there's more. But I can't force him to tell me, so I'm gonna be patient.
"Dude, earth calling you again." whispered suddenly Nick at his ear.
They were in the mathematics lecture, but Liam had been gawking since the very beginning.
"How's the space today ?" asked his roommate. "Is it attacked by aliens while a magical pony helped you to ride the rainbow ?"
"It would be cool." accepted the chestnut lad. "But the unicorns don't want me to ride rainbow. They said it's dangerous."
"Okay, whatever." replied Nick, astonished to see his joke taken so seriously. "I was asking you, do you know what's Nate's plan ? I mean, I don't care having him around, and he's welcome as long as he wants to, but he seems a bit... odd. Does he expect to just stay in the flat forever ?"
"I don't know." confessed Liam. "Listen, I can't tell you much but I think he needs time. Can you be patient with him ?"
Nick nodded.
"Of course. It's just... I know him for a while, and he acts... different. I'm worried, that's all."
"We all are."
After the classes, Nick and Liam headed towards the pool for the lesson with Theo. It was the third in a row, and the dark-haired lad hadn't made any progress. The only thing Liam noted was how his belly had grew bigger since he was sleeping with the junior. But I guess I can't speak since I gained a bit of weight myself. They were at the pool when the lad glanced Dami.
"I'm going ahead." whispered Nick. "Take your time, I'll be fine with Theo."
Liam thanked him and joined his boyfriend. He had this particular look when something bothered him. His eyes were even scarier than usual.
"Hey Dami. Want somethin' ?"
(There's a secret everyone should know : Liam had decided to play it cool with his boyfriend, but in truth, he was so prude and shy...) (He was doing his best to be Liam the hero in front of Dami, but often, he was just Liam the virgin). (Even if he wasn't virgin).
"Not really." said Dami. "I'm waiting Laura for a little chitchat. How's Nate ?"
"Fine. I guess."
There was a blank. Liam felt a bit guilty about their trip. I asked him to drive me on the other side of the country. He paid the gas, rented the hotel, and it's him who found Nate eventually. (For Liam, it was a real proof of love, even if in the same time, Dami was having sex with other people). But when they were over there, Liam had been pathetic. I did a panic attack and I almost insulted him.
"Stop fuckin' dreamin' like that baboon." demanded his boyfriend, who was blushing.
They ended up both blushing. (It was a natural reaction for the freshman, each times Dami became red, he did too).
"By the way, about Theo." mutterred Dami.
He was blaming him for what happened last week. Liam knew that.
"I think he'll stop whatever he's doing with your roommate. I hope Nick isn't too attached to him ?"
"Not really. He said they were just havin' sex, nothing more. But why would he left him ? Did he find another lover or..."
"It's not that. D.R. gave him an order. Don't try to understand you baboon."
"Okay...By the way I don't like it when you call me baboon."
"Really ? And whatcha gonna do about it baboon ?"
"I want pancake for our next date this monday after my session with the shrink. You can do it ?"
Dami just slapped him gently.
Liam went inside only to find Nick alone. This one looked at him with weariness.
"Theo said he can't continue." he revealed. "Both the sex and the lessons. Apparently, it was becoming too sentimental, and he can't make Laura suffer."
"Oh. I'm sorry about this."
It's exactly as Dami said. His boyfriend was a psychic. So cool. (It was plausible. Once, a clairvoyant had told Liam he would lose money, and then the poor lad had paid him and had lost money !)
"I think it's better this way." he confessed. "Theo is with Laura, he shouldn't have sex with other people."
"Man, I agree. But when we started.... wow. He's good ya know ? For a virgin bisexual like me, it was kind of amazing."
Liam blushed. I don't wanna know. They were about to head the locker room when suddenly, Rebecca showed up with another girl. When she saw them, she smiled.
"There are some other swimmers." she informed her friend. "Liam and Nick. Well, the lattest is not really a swimmer. I guess ? What are you doin' in trunks tubby ?"
The dark-haired lad frowned.
"You should swim with us." she continued.
Liam was naturally dull-wited. (Mean people would say retarded). But he could sense the disaster incoming. Nick declined, and Rebecca suddenly burst into laughter.
"I knew that. The truth is, you can't swim, can you ? Are you scared of the water ? But you have such a great life preserver here."
She pinched his lovehandles. Nick was about to do a huge mistake, realised Liam. He wanted to punch the star runner athlete in the face. I need to stop this. He started to imporivse a song. And then, he grabbed his roommate and they ran as far as possible.
Barbara Saturday February 9
They all applauded. It was such a pleasure. Barbara was proudly looking at Summer. My first real victory. It was bound to happen. Yesterday, someone had degraded the football lockers, exactly like the sciences facility before. And she arrested him. Well, the spacegoat she had prepared to. Roberto and her had done a great job. No one could get to the root of this case.
"My grandfather thank you all." declared Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. "Most of you are completely retarded but congratulations ! You stopped a dreadful threat."
It was easy to see he didn't care at all. He certainly wanted to bang someone. It's his way to reign... They all respect the hunter he's, and they all want him in bed. Honestly, Barbara was curious. He must be really gifted...
"I can't agree more." added Summer. "Well done team."
She glared at Barbara with anger. Yeah, that's it. You're losing your people. The next queen is here.
When she left the building, the petite girl ran into Oliver, from the football team. The person I wanted to see. Since Theo had failed, she had looked for other allies. Apparently, Liam was now quite a legend among the hunters, because neither Theo or Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey had succeeded to have sex with him. But the king will, I'm sure of it. He probably acted distant in order to attack later.
"Thank you for the guy you arrested." complimented Oliver. "The team's glad, because he could have damaged some important stuff."
"It's not a problem. That's why I want to be the next head of the student." she smiled.
"Yeah, about that... My boss wants to meet you."
"Your boss ? I thought you were the captain in charge ?"
"Well, technically, I am." he explained. "When it's related to football. But my quarterback is leading the team in the inside and not only on the field. And he's kinda bossy and presumptuous so behave yourself in front of him."
She followed him, a bit perplexed. He must be the hunter. She had understood each club had at least one leader hunter, a guy feared and respected by all. She had thought it was Oliver, but apparently not. In fact, when she entered in the football locker room, she almost wet herself. Footballers were of course impressive, especially when you were a short girl like her. But when she faced around twenty of them... And it wasn't the worst. They had made a special space in the room. They had regrouped all the lockers in a corner, and in the middle, there was a kind of throne. The quaterback was lazily sat onto it, a leg across the armset. Next to him, a poor guy was on his knees with a tray of foods. Another was shaking a fan. This's so stereotipical. But so scary in the same time. The hunter himself was only in briefs, while his teammates were in sportwear. He had a ripped body, pretty hot. She realised he was carbo-loading because they had a game tomorow. His hefty belly was well bloated.
"You must be this Barbara the captain talked about." he said with a smirk. "I'm Archibald Fabian, but you can call me Archie."
What an attitude. His tone, his body language, his smile, everything was exhaling a sexual aura. She could guess he had already fucked every single footballer in the room. Probably all the club member and their coach too. He was a more impressive hunter than all the other she had encountered, except maybe Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. But this latter at least looked civilized.
"Nice to meet you." she smiled prudently. "You wanted to see me ?"
"I was getting curious." he answered after he devoured a big spoonful of pasta. "I mean, I'm only a sophomore and I never saw anyone except Summer at the head of the student union."
"You'll be happy to know it won't last." she assured. "All I need is some support from..."
"I don't know girl." he interupted her. "She managed to kick the old president out, and Damian likes her. Now that the bet with Theo is over, the best hunter will be less focused on the hunt and he'll take notice of this little war you're both doing. I gambled for him because I knew he would win. He always does. So I'm gonna wait to see for who he's rooting."
Barbara nodded. So this quarterback's on the king side. Never expected him to be a follower...
"You can go now." Archie continued. "I only wanted to see what kind of girl was ambitious enough to fight Summer. Don't disappoint me please, I'm always up for a good show."
Barbara spent the rest of the day a bit disappointed. She had expected more support after a victory. Ms. Weber had called her, as for Steve Callagan. Both were with her now. But I wanted the football team. Oliver looked convinced, but Archie... She hadn't expected a sophomore to rule the club like this. He was powerful, and dangerous. And this Theo who had lost ! I wonder what he's thinking now ? According to Javier, he had withdraw from the bet. But why ? There are still to many impoderables. All these gray areas prevent me to act fast. But the quarterback had given her an idea. She had to meet the old queen, the one before Summer. Maybe they could plot something together. That was why she went to see Javier at his dormitory. She knocked at his door with energy. The raven-haired lad opened after a while. He was shirtless, and apparently about to sleep.
"Barbara ?" he was surprised. "Whatcha doin' here ?"
She entered without a second thought.
"I need information. I want the name of the previous head of the student ? Who was she ?"
"Sorry. I'm not answering against nothing."
The blonde girl looked at him. He was a typical college student, who had faced the freshman 15, or maybe 20 in his case. Not tall, average face, nothing remarkable. He's a power hunter, like me. But he's too chicken-livered.
"You know what I want." he mumbled. "Please, we did it one time. You enjoyed it right ?"
Absolutely not. But it was the university rule. Sleep to succeed.
"Fine." she conceded. "But first, the name."
"Well, it's Irina Peskov. Rumors say she's the first person who had sex with Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey when he arrived at the university, three year ago. She had been the head of the student for one year, but then..."
Javier stopped and looked at her. Barbara sighed. He was waiting a move. She slowly took her shirt off.
"Then, she did something bad. I think D.R. and Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey punished her. She's studying biology now, but she lives out of the campus."
"D.R. ? What's that ?"
"I don't know, I just heard the name. Nothing important I guess, the man just ditched her when Summer started to sleep with him to my opinion."
"Yeah, looks like it."
This Irina would be more than glad to get revenge...
To be continued
Sorry not sorry but yeah sorry. What happened to Nate will play a role in the story, and impact all the characters. This is also the good time to introduce Archibald, who is kind of important.
Liam is lost and confused, Damian is angry and confused, Barbara is evil and a little bit confused. Everyone is confused. Things will get better I swear ! At least for now !
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 years
Little Things - IT! (2017)
Made notes if details I love about this film
Bills slightly too small pjs
Richie Eddie and Bill squeezing through one door
Patrick is a bit bowlegged
Bevs jewelry
The shade of copper of Bills hair just gets me
Stan shutting down Richie in .3 seconds
Patricks swagger and his stance
Film Henry is so tame!
Vic waiting by the car like a good girl
Ben has the cutest tubby cheeks in the world
Belch does have good tunes
Stans voice breaking when he screams
The way Eddie says Mommy
'Hiyo Silver awaaaay'
Belch speaking some sense
The moment Patrick is alone his body language changes
Stan trying poke fun at Eddie
Eddies bitch face
Stans voice broke again
A wild Ben appeared
I will never not be weak for Owen Teague's voice
Eddies extra broad tires
Bills crumpeled bills vs Stans folded bills
Why do you two fanny packs
Stan shutting down Richie again
Teh smirk Stan gives Bill when Richie is on abt Bill and Bev kissin DAMN, and that smooth ass wink. STENBROUGH LIVES
Pennywise bowling pin
Tidy whitties
Derping hard there boys. And it is just her undies too
The sass is even in the way Stan sits
Everyone *drops bike* Stan *neatly parks*
Shutdown number three
I lovecthat blue/yellow shirt on Bill
I do love how the film added the cut hair tying Bev down
Expert scene switch
Bill has new pjs
I love all of Bevs outfits
Richie is so miffed
Eddie is defo a nervous talker
Cleaning montage!!!
Cute nosey lil ben
ADHD much Rich?
Richie you are not not a virgin anymore
Henry is gastly
Self preserving Vic
Reddie are so together! Eddie brought his mans some icecream
The way Mike looks up at Stan. Stanlon baby!
The acting skills Jeaden has!
The work that has gonecinto the Neibolt street set holy fak
Bill is such a good leader
The way Pennywise chimes when he shakes
They got through your mind games Bobby old boy
Pennywise sounds so insulted
So much drool
Bill you going too far
Team Billverly against the rest
Stan thinks Richie went too far
Stozier having each others back still
Belch is chunky but he still handsome
I do like Henry's trousers
Henry walks so oddly
Aaaand Bev just killed a dude
Stan is the last in....
Bill hitchin his pants
I love this addition, that lair of everything derry lost
Mini Penny
TF is that dance tho
The deadlights, and how she floats
The way Mike bulled Henry over!
And somehow Stan stays very sane after being dacenommed
Bill defo stutters less under pressure
Young love
Nother grouphug
Two young actors bringing such genuine emotion to a scene holy fuck!
Bev be like 'bich I killed you once so I can do it twice'
All comforting Bill
Himself first like a good leader
Stan no being able to keep a straight face
Stan and then Eddie leaving first are the cruelest easter eggs ever
Oh boyhood where hath thy gone
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Red Light
Summary: It is Tanner’s stag party and Grant is bored. That is, until a certain dancer enraptures his attention.
Rating: T -  Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 2520
Notes: So, this week (today, Monday and Wednesday next), I will be posting fanfictions about books that have already finished. Today’s Veil of Secrets, Monday will be High School Story and Wednesday’s It Lives in the Woods. Stay tuned!
I don’t have much else to say except that I hope you like it, and if you do, please reblog! Thank you!
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The party was in full swing.
Tanner Sterling was about to get married, in about two weeks, in fact, and it was the night of his stag party.
One might suppose the traditional date for such a celebration usually was the eve of the wedding, but Bryce, the brother of the groom and best man, wanted something more salacious and with strippers and hookers.
Kate, as it was to be expected, would not appreciate this kind of display, so Tanner held a compromise: Bryce would have the party he desired, as long as they held another poker and smoking night on the actual eve of the wedding, in order to keep the bride from finding out.
Bryce was certainly fine with it as long as he could have an excuse to come to the dirtiest strip club he could find, and so went the groom and his closest friends to Roxbury.
Halfway through the night, and most of the men were irreparably bored. Yes, they were red-blooded men, and they had their sins and preferences when it came to women, but the spectacle of Bryce’s was every bit as degenerate as they expected, and it was frankly disgusting.
Their dinner was sushi served out of the body of a stripper. One look at Bryce’s generous body shape and one is not surprised he enjoys nyotaimori, but it was not that far-fetched to expect him to have the sense of not exposing others to it.
Grant Emerson, who joined the party on account of being the closest thing Tanner had to an actual friend, tuned out from the whole… thing, just after one of the workers of the club opened a beer bottle with her intimates. He would be playing on his cell phone, if he was allowed to bring it into the venue.
He was not about to complain. His less than stellar social standing with the rest of the group, who considered him to be some kind of spy on the Emerson v. Sterling power dispute, he was mostly ignored, aside from one or other assumption of his sexuality uttered by Bryce.
The young lawyer, then, was sitting on the bar, alone, twiddling his thumbs and playing table football with the discarded bottle caps when she came into the stage.
Not unlike the other performers, she was wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie, but hers seemed of superior quality, made of dark purple silk and finely embroidered. Her hair was a flaming red, while her face, partially hidden with a black, Venetian-style mask.
What struck him in particular was her eyes. She was beautiful, it is undeniable that he took notice her of unblemished skin and shapely stomach, but again all of the girls so far were beautiful. Her… she had a spark on her eye; it was not the dead, mechanical look of the other sex workers.
Was she a remarkable actor or did she genuinely enjoy her work? Does she find it artistic, perhaps?
Be as it may, it was the first presentation of the night Grant has actually paid any attention to, and it have been quite a few so far. It was nothing particularly different from her performance, she did not do anything other than it was expected, and yet, it was much more interesting for some reason, and it was something all the men in the room seemed to concur.
As soon as she was off the stage, with her performance finished, Grant taps on the shoulder of a waitress.
Nervous and not really knowing what to say, the man stutters a little on his phrase, when he asks, “Excuse me? Who was this girl who just left the stage?”
“Amethyst?” She asks, with that unnerving baby voice usual on those establishments. “Would you like to have her for a lap dance?”
“A lap dance?” His voice breaks and he clears his throat to have it back on its normal pitch. “What does that… entail?”
“Well, we’d take you to a private room and she’ll dance for you.” She responded, not really knowing what he could have misunderstood, but still maintaining the act.
Grant supressed the impulse of scratching his neck. “Okay, then.”
“Follow me!” She perkily said, and led him to a non-descript door.
Inside the room, it was much what one would expect of these kind of places: tacky décor in hues of red, draperies tapped into walls, a table on the far side of the room equipped with an ice bucket, cheap champagne and some grapes, and a comfortable-looking chair.
He sits down at the chair and waits patiently for his companion to appear. Not long later, she emerges from a secret door on the opposite side of the room, wearing about the same outfit from her show, covered with a short, see-through negligée.
“Oh, good, it’s you.” She says, as soon as she lays her eyes on Grant. “I was afraid it would be your chubby friend.”
He cannot help but to smile slightly at her exclamation. Bryce was a repugnant man, indeed.
“No. It’s me. Grant.” The man responds, rather awkwardly. “What’s your name?”
She half-smiled at him. “You can call me Amethyst.”
“Is it your real name?” He follows-up.
“No.” It was the response. “Are you ready?”
He nods; he would not get any more prepared. She smirked at him one last time and turned the music on, something electronic he did not recognize.
Amethyst lets the negligee slip from her shoulders, exposing the entirety of her slim body once again, what, Grant was ashamed to say, he was only too glad to see once more.
She starts to dance to the beat, displaying all the flexibility and taut muscles she has developed at her line of work. The young man cannot help but to slack his jaw ever so slightly in appreciation, a gesture that has not passed unnoticed by the performer.
The woman steps closer and runs her hands through his arms, noticing, silently, that they were lean, yet felt strong. She rests them on his wrists and lower her body on a vertical position, simulating oral sex, yet holding his gaze the entire time.
She has almond eyes, Grant takes notice, the colour of amber.
Afterwards, she raises to her feet, takes two steps back and displays her physique one more time. Then, she closes the distance between them once more, spreads her legs wide, one on each side of him, and lowers her midsection so that her butt touched only so slightly the tent on his trousers.
With it, something broke inside of him, he felt short of breath and started panicking.
“No! Stop.” Grant almost shouts. “Stop, please.”
She steps away and turns off the music. “Is something wrong?”
“No… No, it’s just that…” He sighs. “I’m sorry. I… can’t.”
Something seemed to dawn on her. “Oh, so you’re one of those!”
“I’m not gay!” He counters, rather annoyed for it to be the default assumption everybody makes.
Surprisingly for him, the stripper laughs. “No, not gay. Those who come here for experience’s sakes don’t usually get that hard.”
She points at the tight spot on his pants and he feels his cheeks grow warm.
“I mean a talker.” She says, while walking to the table and popping a grape into her mouth. “Not everybody who come here wants to be grind into completion. Most are just people who want a sympathetic ear and some loving advice. They just want to talk, hence a talker. Champagne?”
He shook his head. “No, thank you. I should just leave.”
“Why? I am paid by the hour and there is no refund. Besides, wouldn’t you like to blow some of tubby’s money? I gather you don’t like each other very much.” She says, while balancing a grape, her champagne flute and picking up her negligee.
Grant looks at Amethyst, who smiles softly and inviting at him, and considers it would be a good way to pass the time, especially since he would probably return to playing button football at the bar.
“I guess having someone to talk to wouldn’t be the worse thing.” He conceded.
She beams at him. “Great! Do you mind if I take out this mask? It is a little hard to breathe with it.”
“Be my guest.” The black man motioned for her to do it.
She reaches for the back of her head, where it tied into her face, and dextrously loosened the knot and removed the black piece of adornment. If she was pretty with the mask on, Amethyst was absolutely stunning with it off.
“Why do you wear it?” He asks before he can stops himself. “The mask, I mean?”
“Some men like the mystery.” She responded, rather dismissively. “And I guess I like it, too. At least I can pretend that no-one will recognize me, that I can live a separate life from this place.”
A small silence befell them while Amethyst dresses herself.
“So, Grant,” She says, as soon as she is recomposed. “What brings you to our fine establishment? I hope you don’t mind me saying but you really do not seem like the type of guy we get around here.”
He snorts at her statement, humoured. “I’ve never been to a strip club before, honestly. It’s my friend’s stag party.”
Her eyebrow shot up in surprise. “Oh, so the fat guy found someone who cares for him?”
“No, no, that’s Bryce. He’s the groom’s brother.” He rectifies. “The one getting married is Tanner, the blond guy.”
“Oh, right! I remember him.” The red-haired smiles. “I like weddings. The flowers, the dresses, the music. The food. They’re all a lot of fun.”
“Do you hope to get married someday? I mean, do you have a boyfriend?” He asks, rather shyly.
She chuckles. “No, I’m single. And I don’t have a kid, either. I know my stereotypes. You?”
“I’m afraid I don’t have the same luck. I’m too much of a stereotypical, workaholic lawyer to ever find someone to put up with me.” The lean man responds, with a healthy dose of self-depreciating humour.
“A lawyer, eh?” She smirks at the man. “Glamorous.”
Before he could answer, though, a soft click resounded through the room.
“It seems our hour is up.” She smiles sadly at him. “There’s probably someone else asking for me, else they wouldn’t ring the bell.”
Grant considered offering her twice her wage so she would spend another hour with him, but he refrained himself. It would not be proper, or even wise.
Instead, he returned her sorrowful smile and said, “I guess this is it, then. I had a good time, all things considered.”
She chuckled. “I did too. Goodbye, Grant.”
“Goodbye, Amethyst.” He said it back.
She opens the secret door, and before she leaves through it, she turns back once more and say, “It’s Jessie.”
With that, she left the room and shut the door.
Grant was climbing down the stairs at Sterling Manor, thinking about nothing in particular while running small errands for Tanner’s wedding the next morning. So is the life of ‘assistant best man’, as Bryce was absolutely useless. Sober or otherwise.
As of right now, he was in charge of fetching Kate’s best friend from college, who was due to arrive at the house at any minute.
When he got to the last step of the staircase, he notices a raven-haired girl about his age, wearing simple traveling attire, admiring one of the many vases Margaret Sterling scattered around the place.
Assuming her to be whom he was waiting for, he greets her amicably, “Hello! Welcome to Sterling Manor! You’re here for the rehearsal dinner, I take it?”
Without facing him, she responds, “Yes, I am a friend of Kate’s… I mean, Katherine. I am Jessica.”
When she turns to face him, both of their bloods freeze solid at the sight of the other.
She was the first to break the silence. “Grant. I wasn’t expecting to meet you here.”
“Ditto.” He responds, not really knowing what to say. “You’re a brunette.”
“Yeah, that was a wig.” She smirked, despite herself. “I thought the wedding was weeks ago.”
“We decided to be unorthodox about the stag party.”
“Can I talk to you for a moment?” She pleads. “In private?”
The man tumbles a little at his words but consent. “Sure. Follow me. You can leave your bags here.”
He leads them to a study who sees very little action usually and shuts the door.
“The cat got out of the bag way quicker than I expected.” She jokes, humourlessly. “Look, can you do me a big favour and not tell anyone about my… line of work? At least until tonight.”
He nods, firmly. “Sure, but why exactly?”
“Well, I haven’t talked to Kate for a while. When we graduated, I was this ace student with a job as a journalist on the line, and she was so happy for me. Hell, I was happy for me.
“But then the newspaper I worked for went bankrupt, I couldn’t find anything else to do, my student loan payments were overdue and so I started taking my clothes off for cash.
“When she called me to invite me to her wedding, I didn’t want to put a damp on her mood and say my life took a turn to the worse. So I lied and said I was working as a journalist in Boston. I was hoping I could wait until the reception to tell her the truth, but… well… I didn’t count on me being the entertainment of her fiancé’s stag party.”
“I… see.” He breathed out. “Well, I don’t mind keeping your secret, but wouldn’t somebody else recognize you?”
“Here’s to hoping that mask is worth something after all.” She laughs nervously.
Grant smiles sympathetically at her. “Don’t worry. Even if someone recognizes you, they won’t call you out. Kate doesn’t know Tanner has been to a strip club, and we all would prefer it to remain so.”
“Of course. Sure…” She breathes out, calming herself down. “No problem.”
“Besides, I know Kate. She won’t turn her back on you because of that. It doesn’t even matter.” The man places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Just tell her and it all will go away.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” She beamed at him. “Thanks, Grant. You’re a real nice guy.”
He smiles back. “No problem. Now, why don’t we pick up your bags and I take you to see the bride? I’m sure she’s excited to see you.”
“If you could spare the trouble. This house is too big! I’d get lost for sure.”
He offered his arm and she took it.
Later, when he leaves the two girls to catch up in private, Grant considers this whole debacle might turn out to be a very good thing. It would give him plenty of opportunity to talk with Amethyst, or Jessie, or Jessica.
He admits he was getting a little bored with the whole wedding mood, but now he is looking forward to tomorrow.
It was going to be fun.
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kentonramsey · 4 years
Carnival Is Cancelled, Long Live Carnival!
Notting Hill Carnival has long been one of the most important and exciting events in the cultural calendar. For two days across the August Bank Holiday, crowds eleven times the size of Glastonbury gather in west London to watch bright floats, soca bands and parades of dancers glide through cramped streets, while on every corner massive sound systems and make-shift stages smelling of pimento blast ska, reggae and dancehall. Millions of people from around the world gather to soak up the very best of Caribbean culture.
But this year will be different. We won’t be packed in like sardines, standing skin to skin, talking to the mandem as they try to secure their whine. In May, organisers announced that Notting Hill Carnival would be cancelled for the first time in its 54-year history. Thankfully, we’ll have something to celebrate: for 2020, Europe’s biggest street party will be held virtually, with four channels streaming performances from 29th August, kicking off with a live countdown on the big screen at Piccadilly Circus.
The three-day digital festival will celebrate Notting Hill Carnival’s history and feature performances, talks and films, with a focus on the food, dance, music and culture of carnival. There will be live-streamed DJ sets from King Tubby’s and Rampage sound systems and steel pan from past Panorama champions the Ebony and Mangrove steel bands. Artists from across the Afro-Caribbean diaspora will also be performing, including Jamaica’s Koffee and Protoje, Grenada’s Mr Killa and Big Red, Nigeria’s Davido, Tiwa Savage and Yemi Alade, as well as the UK’s WSTRN, Ms Banks and Stylo G, while Spotify has dedicated a whole microsite to the weekend.
While many of us will be disappointed that we can’t hit the streets to whine our hips to Machel Montano or AYYY with our girls to Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘WAP’ — a bottle of Uncle Wray in one hand, a delicious roti in the other — it doesn’t mean we can’t recreate the vibes. We may not be in Ladbroke Grove, but we’re still bringing the west London street party home with finesse. To show you how, we invited photographer Serena Brown to capture the celebrations, with stylist Alizé Demange kitting us out in our best Carnival-ready outfits. Press play on the Spotify playlists below, and join us in soaking up the sun; Carnival is cancelled, long live Carnival!
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Nadia wears: dress, Myae Made; necklace, Lijo; earrings, Image Gang; trainer’s, stylist’s own. Jasmin wears: co-ord, Elliss; scrunchie, 27 October Store; trainers stylists own; necklaces, Lijo. Alri wears: cage bra, stylist’s own; skirt, Elsie & Fred; earrings, Atika; trainers, stylist’s own.
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Nadia wears: dress, AGR; necklace, Lijo, trainers, stylist’s own. Jasmin wears: dress, 3:19; jewellery, stylist’s own; trainers, stylist’s own. Alri wears: bikini top, Liberty Rose; trousers, AGR; shoes, Clarks.
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Nadia wears: dress, ASAI; necklace, Lijo; trainers, stylist’s own. Jasmin wears: dress, AGR; earrings, Image Gang; trainers, stylist’s own. Alri wears: co-ord, Liberty Rose; shoes, Clarks; jewellery, stylist’s own.
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Nadia wears: co-ord, stylist’s own; jewellery, stylist’s own; shoes, By Far. Jasmin wears: dress, Aries; shoes, By Far, jewellery, stylist’s own. Alri wears: top, ASAI; skirt, Elsie & Fred; shoes, By Far; skirt, stylist’s own; jewellery, stylist’s own.
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
What Notting Hill Carnival Looked Like In The '90s
These Women Nailed Carnival Dressing: Here's How
The Ultimate Notting Hill Carnival Playlist
Carnival Is Cancelled, Long Live Carnival! published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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hpvaquez-blog · 7 years
Waiting anxiously in a surprisingly uncomfortable, yet expensive chair outside of the CEO's office, Hugo waited and twiddled his thumbs, trying desperately to will away the flop sweat that threatened him as his heart thudded hard against his chest. To his utter horror, he had been informed to report to Handsome Jack, The Handsome Jack, directly by his superior with little to no explanation. When questioned, Mister Henderson merely shrugged. 
People were not called to Handsome Jack’s office for idle chitchat and pleasantries. And more often than not, if you didn’t leave in a body bag, you left through an airlock. 
He hadn't even been near the man's office since his early days in the mail room when he had first started with Hyperion. But that wasn't to say he wasn't excited in a strange way. Though they rarely interacted now, Handsome Jack seemingly growing tired of Hugo when he was no longer bald and tubby, as it was no fun to make fun of a handsome man with well coiffed hair, Hugo admired the man as much as he was terrified by him.
Finally the secretary waved him in, and Hugo had to resist the urge not to vomit right onto the expensive carpet. Clearing his throat, he stood to his feet, taking a moment to straighten out his trousers and tie before carefully...slowly...SLOWLY making his way to the gigantic and ornate doors, knocking politely a few times before turning the knob and popping his head in.
"Y-you wanted to see me, Handsome Jack sir?"
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fat-femshep · 7 years
Candy buttons
Jennifer smirked and ate all the candy buttons in one mouthful. "This'll be fun" She said and watched as her shirt began to suddenly strain and groan as it got tighter around her fat belly. "You might wanna move, these buttons could be deadly weapons" She teased and turned slightly away from J. Then with a snap and ping three buttons shot off her shirt at once, her belly spilling outwards. Then a tear was heard and her trousers split down her thighs and butt. "Oh look what you've done~ Why don't you come get a closer look~" She beckoned her tubby boyfriend over.
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lemonlazer · 7 years
In case you haven't checked these Tubby Trousers compilation albums from 2009 to 2014. they're all for FREE to download. https://tubbytrousersprod.bandcamp.com/
Vol​.​1 - "Strangers with Candy" (2009) Vol​.​2 - "Unreal is Here" (2010) Vol​.​3 - "Algorithm for your Enemies" (2011) Vol.4 - "Deconstructing the Multiverse" (2014)
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daily-coloring · 7 years
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Staying true to formBobby Abley delivered another upbeat, comical collection for SS18, this time collaborating with Chinese brand I Love Choc, and the household British children’s TV show Teletubbies. Also making a reappearance was the ‘XTINA FOREVER’ slogan top and Bobby’s much loved BDSM bear, swinging from the hands of the models, like fully grown toddlers.
Dipsy’s iconic cow print top hat inspired various cowboy styles such as chap-like trousers and fabric fringing in the tubby colours of purple, lime green, yellow and red. Fringing moved to bum bags, bucket hats and jacket yokes, creating looks perfect for festival ravers. Baggy dungarees, knits and puffer gilets defy the summer season, whilst passport inspired garments with ‘FOREIGN’ slogans mean you can wear it pretty much anywhere, right?!Other explorations with fabrication included mohair basketball shorts, baby pink and red kiss print, and our favourite double denim patchwork ankle swingers made by his late Grandmother, but jazzed up with Swarovski crystals.The beauty team added to the nostalgia with gravity-defying Teletubby antennae wigs, whilst the boys had spiky purple mullets with colourful plastic hairstyles. As if Bobby’s models weren’t desirable enough, some had glitter kiss marks on their chests, after all, it wouldn’t be Bobby Abley without a little kink.
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