How much Targaryen blood is there really
So… I’ve been seeing some post come around about the Hightower Targaryens being less Targaryen than Rheanyra’s children. And this is not some post about how wrong someone is, or who is more or less. It just got my curious about how much % Targ is there still in the blood line to begin with. And I am sure there are far more precise ways to do this but…
Quick conclusion explanation below.
Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey have the same percentage of Targaryen blood as Aegon II, Halaena, Aemond and Daeron. Which is 28.57%.
Daenerys has 26.08% Targaryen blood left. Jon has 25%. Shireen and Roberts bastards have 23.08%.
How much Targaryen blood is needed to bond with dragons? Cause it's not much apparently. Would shireen be able to bond with a dragon if given the chance?
If you take that Aenar is 100% Targ
Than his children Gaemon and Daenys are aswell, (disregarding that their mother might not have been Targ blood)
Which makes Aegon and Elaena also 100% T (they also have another unnamed sibling who we know marries ‘some’ lord)
Their children Maegon and Aenys are also still 100% T. Aenys however marries an unnamed/unknow lady, so after that, technically, it is no longer 100% T.
 T x ? = T?
So now it is 50% Targ for Aelys, Baelon and Daemion. Daemion (T?) also marries some unnamed/unknown lady.(?)
T? x ? = T??
We know that the Targ genes are strongest, more dominant,. So we continue with lets says still 33% Targ Blood.
Aerion (T??) marries Valaena(TV), who has a Targ decendend mother(T) and Velaryon Father(V).
T?? x TV = TTV??
Now it becomes trickier. The blood is now divided by  3 (technicly 4, but meh) different blood lines. 2x Targ blood, 2x unknown blood and 1x Velaryon blood. So 40% Targ, 40% ?, and 20% Velaryon. Is the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and his sister wives. Meaning that bood Meagor and Aenys are also 40% Targaryen blood.
Aenys (TTV??) marries Alyssa Velaryon (She has some massey blood, but we’re disregarding it.) (V).
TTV?? x V = TTVV??
So now we have 33 % of Targ, Velaryon and ? Blood. For Jaeharys and Alyssane. And therefor als 33% for their children. Aemon marries Jocelyn (if we say that Orys is also 40% Targ, 60% ?, and he marries Durrandon (B-blood)
Jocelyn: TT??? x B = TTB???
Makes Jocelyn also has 33% Targ blood. And 16,67 % Durrandon/Baretheon Blood.
Their children would be:
TTVV?? x TTB??? = TTTTVVB????? = T4V2B1?5
Making Rheanys still 33% Targaryen, 16,67% Velaryon, 8,33% Baretheon, and 41,67% a mix of different unknow blood sources.
Viserys and Deamon would still be TTVV??, so still 33% Targaryen.
Aemma is TTVV?? + A: 28,57% Targaryen blood. 28,57% Velaryon Blood, 14,3% Arryn Blood, and 28,57% mix.
Making Rhaenyra:
TTVV?? x TTVVA?? = T4V4A1?4
30,77% Targaryen, 30,77% Velaryon, 7,7% Arryn, and 30,77% mix.
The Hightower children are TTVV?? + H, making them: (same as Aemma) 28,57% Targaryen, 28,57% Velaryon, 14,3% Hightower, 28,57% mix.
Now Rhaenyra her children are: T4V4A1?4 + S : 7,14% Arryn, 7,14% Strong, 28,57% Targaryen, 28,57% Velaryon, and 28,57% mix.
So when it comes down to it, Jacaerys and Aegon II are exactly the same amount of Targaryen. So the argument about someone being more or less Targaryen is completly inrelevant.
Now if we look at Aegon III, we have Rhaenyra (T4V4A1?4) + Daemon (TTVV??)
Aegon III & Viserys II
T4V4A1?4 x TTVV?? = T6V6A1?6
Making them 31,58 % Targaryen, Velaryon and mix, and 5,26% Arryn.
I will skip Aegon III children because their line ends and goes back to Viserys II. Viserys II marries Larra Rogore (R). Making their children: T6V6A1R1?6, and therefor 30% Targ, Vela, mix and 5% Arryn and Rogore.
Aegon IV marries his sister Naerys so their blood stays the same, Daeron II is therefor still 30% Targ. His children however will also have Martell blood. T6V6A1R1M1?6, making them 28,57% Targ, Vela, and mix, aswell as 4,76% Arryn, Rogore and Martell.
We then move on to Maekar, who marries Dyanna Dayne. T6V6A1R1M1D1?6, making Aegon V, 27,27% Targ, Vela, mix, and 4,55% Arryn, Rogore, Martell and Dayne. Aegon V marries Bertha Blackwood (W)
T6V6A1R1M1D1W1?6, making Jaehaerys II, 26,08% Targ, Vela and unknown mix with 4,35% Arryn, Rogore, Martell, Dayne and Blackwood.
Jaehaerys marries his sister, so Aerys II stays 26,08% Targ, Aerys marries his sister, so Rhaegar, Viserys and Danaerys are all 26,08% Targaryen, 26,08% Velaryon, 4,35% Arryn, 4,35% Rogore, 4,35% Martell, 4,35% Dayne, 4,35% Blackwood and 26,08% unknown mix. (I know this adds up to 99,99%, but that has to do with me not using all the numbers after the comma.)
Rhaegar his children by Elia Martell are T6V6A1R1M2D1W1?6, 4,17% Arryn, Rogore, Dayne, Blackwood, 8,33% Martell and 25% Targaryen, Velaryon and unknown mix.
And Jon snow would be the same, only then 4,17% Arryn, Rogore, Dayne, Blackwood, Martell and Stark, with 25% Targaryen, Velaryon, and unknown mix.
This has now made me question how much Targaryen blood is really necessary for dragon bonding. 25% seems to still be enough, so does that mean that there might be other people who might be able to do it.
Jaehaerys II has a sister who marries a Baratheon. So T6V6A1R1M1D1W1?6 + B (they started with Targ blood, but have not married into it for many generations so there is no way of knowing how much there is left. But no matter)
T6V6A1R1M1D1W1B1?6, 25% Targblood for Steffon, he marries and Evermont.
T6V6A1R1M1D1W1B1E1?6, 24% Targblood for Robbert, Stannis and Renly. Robert his children would be 23,08% Targblood, and same would be for Shireen. So would Shireen or any of Robert’s bastard be able to bond with a dragon if given the change? And when is there too little blood for a dragon to recognize it?
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vilverborrea · 8 years
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Rincones de chile #paisajesdechile #postincendio #campo #chile #TTVV #trabajosvoluntariosuv #trabajosvoluntarios #llongocura (en Llongocura UNION JOVEN)
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zzyzzzyzz · 5 years
"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"JHØ£¥ THR∆P" &HÑD "MH¥ZH£LF" $H££M THV BHXTH HH∆V£ THÍZ $HÍMÍL∆R TH¥P£ XHV FHXR££HRM TH∆TTVV{Z} THXVGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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okubomadara · 5 years
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hiimsidd · 7 years
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