#ttte Scarlett
flamingoprincess25 · 4 months
Romantic night gone wrong
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The girl on the left is their adopted daughter Scarlett.
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The Little Western Children.
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From Left to Right: Grace McIntosh (6/7); Austin McIntosh (4/5); Robyn McIntosh (4); Scarlett McIntosh (4)
So, with a view that August-November is technically Little Western Season, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce their au children. So, I'm starting with their first children, as their families will continue to grow.
Donald x Duck:
Donald x Duck were the first to marry and the first to start a family (which, if you count Dilly, they started before officially dating!). Though they would both insist that the decision to have children was an entirely conscious one, there was some awkwardness when it became apparent that Duck (having been raised by the GWR intentionally as a genderless drone with their siblings) didn't know where babies came from until they were actually pregnant!
After this initial embarrassing discovery was dealt with, Duck revelled in their first pregnancy and was determined to be a good mother. With the encouragement and support of other mother engines (Edward, Henrietta, and even James), Duck learned as much as they could about babies and followed Victor's advice to the letter. Though narrowly avoiding a meltdown when they went into labour three weeks early, Donald and Duck were overjoyed by the birth of a healthy daughter, who they named Grace.
Grace's birth was the start of a new wave of pregnancies throughout the Sudrian railways, which included the birth of Duck and Donald's son, Austin, two years later.
In spite of fears that Duck would try and raise them in the GREAT WESTERN WAY, this has not happened. Though both children mimic Duck's famous saying from time to time, it is clear that they are just copying their mother rather than being taught. In fact, Duck has only been insistent that their children will be supported in any gender identity they choose, to spare them from their own struggle.
Grace McIntosh
Grace is the eldest of the Little Western children and often takes charge of her brother and cousins during play. While clearly her Daddy's princess, she looks up to her mother and tries to emulate them. Cheerful and polite to everyone for the most part, Grace does exhibit signs of her father's quick temper if she feels she is being talked down to and is not afraid of making her feelings known. She is also the most observant, having been able to distinguish between her father and uncle from babyhood. Like her brother and cousins, Grace is being raised to speak English and Gaelic, with her often using the latter if worried or upset.
Austin McIntosh
Donald and Duck once remarked that if Austin had been born first, they'd likely have waited much longer before having Grace! Austin is a ball of pure energy and is constantly running around on the latest adventure his mind has come up with. His parents, uncles, and even his sister have often had to chase after him to prevent him from hurting himself, and he is often kept on a harness for his own safety. Despite this, Austin is a charming little boy and very polite if people can keep him still long enough to talk to. Austin looks up to his father and his uncle as heroes, but when it comes to affection, only his mother will do.
Douglas and Oliver:
Unlike their siblings, Douglas and Oliver were not set on starting a family so soon after marrying, though in their case, Oliver was much more clued up on where babies came from. With the birth of Grace, they were happy to enjoy being uncles and the freedoms of being child free.
However, shortly after Austin was born, the two became a little careless, and Oliver fell pregnant. Though with hindsight, both consider that the conception was likely the result of their subconscious desire for a family, they were initially upset by the news. Oliver, in particular, did not have a positive experience with the pregnancy as his sibling did. The additional discovery that they were expecting twin girls was a huge shock for both of them. However, by this time, the couple had accepted that they were going to become a family and simply expanded their plans for two babies instead of one. At any rate, at least they could stop squabbling over names!
Oliver was understandably worried about the birth and the prospect of raising two children right up until he went into labour. But the second he laid eyes on the twins, all doubts left his mind. He and Douglas proved to be devoted and happy parents to their daughters, who are growing like happy, identical little weeds. In fact, the experience has made Oliver open to the possibility of trying for a little brother for his daughters.
Robyn McIntosh
Robyn was named by Douglas and has proven to be a Daddy's girl. She is the smaller twin despite being older (Oliver and Douglas agreed to name the girls alphabetically to avoid arguments) and also the quieter of the two. As a result, she tends to be more empathetic and picks up on moods quicker than her twin does. She likes spending time with her cousins, but especially loves her Uncle Henry's flower garden and is sometimes allowed to help him with smaller gardening tasks. She is remarked to be very much like her father was at her age, being more laid-back.
Scarlett McIntosh
Scarlett, being born second, was named by Oliver and seems to be closer to him. Despite being younger, she is slightly bigger than Robyn, though they still fit in the same clothes. She is also the leader of the two and the most vocal, being far more likely to throw a tantrum than her sister. Under the watchful eyes of her family, Scarlett likes to join Austin on his 'adventures' and is frequently caught climbing things. She was been compared to her uncle, as she is quicker to become upset. She's also why Douglas and Oliver have had to install locks on several things in their bedroom!
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