#ttte Ed10
shikariiin · 1 month
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Crackship writing exercise from the discord today. An Edward & Diesel 10 (or pre-slash Edward/Diesel 10) fic for @ikoarts and @shikariiin !!
When Diesel 10 first arrived on the railway, the experience was about what he'd expected. The whispers had begun following him like gnats, buzzing about Pinchy, his size, his paintwork, and, of course, his resting bitch face. The steam engines especially looked at him like he was some particularly disgusting bug that had crawled onto their line, their gazes judgemental even as their fear prevented them from being loud about it.
Diesel 10 had expected a warmer reception from the diesels, but oddly enough, they appeared to be a mixed bag. Some of them seemed friendly, but several of them seemed to genuinely fear his presence. Others simply avoided him, as if not wanting to associate. It was something of a lonely first day, to be sure, but Diesel 10 didn't care. He wasn't here to make friends. He never had been. He was here to do jobs nobody else could do, and if they didn't want to be around him, so be--
His train of thought was derailed by a friendly "peep peep" coming in his direction--the whistle of a steam engine. Surprised, Diesel 10 looked up to see what looked like an honest-to-awfulness K2 making their way towards him, a smile on their face.
"What do you want?" Diesel 10 growled, brandishing Pinchy threateningly. He didn't believe in the kindness of that smile for a second; if this engine was here to pick a fight, that was fine by him. Maybe it would help him get rid of some stress.
"Hello!" the other engine greeted warmly, once again catching Diesel 10 completely by surprise. "That's a rather remarkable claw you have there. My name is Edward, and I'm here to formally welcome you to Sodor. Might I know your name?"
Diesel 10 blinked, utterly at a loss. This way-outdated steam engine didn't seem intimidated by Pinchy; if anything, he looked rather impressed. And his expression didn't hold any of the judgement that the others had, diesel or otherwise--as far as Diesel 10 could tell, he was just trying to give a genuine greeting. The diesel was so dumbfounded by this whole exchange that instead of a retort like "piss off" or anything else he'd felt like saying to all those judgey steam engines, he instead found himself replying with: "Uh, the name's Diesel 10. And my claw here is Pinchy."
"Diesel 10 and Pinchy, is it?" There was a beat of silence, and the diesel wanted to brace himself for the inevitable teasing, but there was none to be had. Edward's grin seemed to shine even brighter, somehow. "Wonderful! Thank you very much. Oh, and I'm so sorry for the way that the others treated you on your way in. I'll have a talk with them later. But for now, please accept my sincere apologies."
At this point, Diesel 10's estimation of reality felt like it had been tilted sideways. A steamie? Actually apologizing to him? And not just in a lip-service kind of way either; the diesel could tell that Edward was being quite genuine. Once again, having lost all of his bluster, he managed to stammer out: "Oh, uh, it's fine. I'm used to this kind of thing."
Edward's expression suddenly turned stern. How strange it was to see another get angry on his behalf instead of at him. "Well, you shouldn't have to put up with it here on Sodor. Please let me know if anyone's bothering you."
Then, just as quickly as his ire had clouded his face, it vanished, leaving behind only that sunny smile. "I'll come visit you again soon, Diesel 10. You seem like a good sort, and I look forward to working with you!" With that, Edward pulled away, giving another "peep peep!" of his whistle in farewell as he left. Diesel 10 couldn't help but let out an answering honk of his horn.
Only once the steam engine was out of sight did Diesel 10 feel like he could finally think straight. Over and over again, his conversation with Edward seemed to loop around in his head, always lingering on that gorgeous smile.
"Oh, Pinchy," the towering diesel whispered. "Now I'm really not sure what to do."
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puffpal7 · 21 days
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This mf really fell in love with the first person who viewed him as an equal lmao 🤣🤣🫵🫵
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shikariiin · 22 days
Give us some tea about this Edward x D10
( P
) P ^
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Edward x Diesel 10 was my favorite crackship since 2020, I love size differences and these two just fits my taste even more than Gordward.
Honestly if you think about it, they kinda fit each other, Edward being surrounded by alot of diesels in his work (Boco, Salty, etc) has gotten used to them by now, Diesel 10 I imagine he's going to be aware, but not hostile yet.
The scenario could be, D10 for the first time, met a steamie who doesn't straight up insult him, or vilify him in anyway, treating him as an equal.
I feel like, they wouldn't get along immediately, but D10 doesn't dig into him like he does with other steam engines.
Oke that's all that's my crackship goodbye 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
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