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January in media
📚 Readings
One piece (chapters 169-632): fan made scan sites with hastily edited translations in comic sans are the backbone of this society and I am losing my sense of self. Might write a ff about my crew of ocs who knows
The girl who fell beneath the sea: the first half of the book is very much 'telling not showing', but the second half flows well and I liked the setting very much 3,5/5
🎥 Movies
Jingle Jangle: the necessary dose of magic for a Christmas movie + incredible costumes and set design, I am absolutely in love with the atmosphere and the colors of it all 4/5
The Picture of Dorian Gray: my sibling (who had more recently read the novel) kept complaining about inaccuracies with the novel. I kept complaining about inaccuracies in the costuming. But oh, to watch Ben Barnes descend into moral corruption 3/5
Bottoms: not a single hinge to be found in this movie. A bloody good time 4,5/5
Saltburn: beautifully shot and the constant, creeping sense of dread? 4/5
📺 Series
Around the world in 80 days: the cast is gorgeous and impeccable, Ibrahim Koma in particular made Passepartout my absolute favorite, and David Tennant is at his saddest and wettest. AND THE ENDING. 4/5
Gentleman Jack (s. 1 and 2): the costumes. My god. The costumes! Gorgeous absolutely so. It lost me at times but probably because I was not in the mindset. Still 3,5/5
Hazbin hotel: Alastor style goal for my entire life. And all the songs are incredible??? I did not expect it????? 4/5
Percy Jackson: I forgot which episodes I saw this month and not last, but this has been a wonderful adaptation of a beloved book 4,5/5
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I have been working on a post on this, but I will take a quick stab at a summary.
Key points:
* on all post-Red albums, track 2 is a Haylor track (or very Haylor coded)
* I think the freedom of the fictional characters of folklore gave Taylor the safety to delve into why, no matter what they did, she and H could not make it work despite immense amounts of love.
* so many tracks on evermore allow her to explore different difficult parts of their relationship. For example:
- TTDS used “coming home for Xmas��� to explore the dynamic of their perpetual hookups/rekindlings during awards season.
- Gold Rush let her process the frustrations she had dating someone who was one of the most wanted boy banders on earth and the misogyny and criticism she faced (which he didn’t yet fully understand at 18 and 19).
- happiness ruminates how to handle “what to do when a good man hurts you, and you know you hurt him too”. She couldn’t make him a villain!
- despite references to Mom and sister, it wasn’t until recently—after Question…?—that it clicked for me. It’s the “no crowd of friends applauded” line. Oooooof.
I don’t think there was an actual, down on one knee proposal. I think Harry has always wanted to marry her, have kids with her, grow old with her, so her rejection of reunion was also a rejection of that plan.
But it was more that, when they gave it one last shot, she didn’t want what he could offer her at the time: fan outrage, media scrutiny, his last ties to 1D commitments or him scrambling to start a solo career, his connections to the Azoffs (and Kardashians by extension), his youth. She thought CH, then YB, were more viable, stable options of men she could love.
Except they turned out to be weak dickheads who resented her. And the sweet kid who knew and loved her all along was the more mature option who admires and loves her talent.
who proposed to who tho?
I’m thinking Harry wanted to but Taylor didn’t trust him enough to say yes.
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Hi, I'm new to this whole madness that is the Taylor fan base - lol - and I actually started listening to her whole albums instead of just her singles and hits because I saw a thread of swiftgron on twitter and I fell in love with her music in general, but I still have trouble keeping track of all the acronyms (? I'm sorry, english is not my first language and I don't know if acronym is the right term) of her songs, do you mind telling me what songs do you often refer to? I get that clm is cowboy like me, but I'm lost with every other song 😭
omg welcome welcome! so glad you’ve found me! make sure to check out my pinned post
i’m happy to spell out the acronyms
the big ones i use are as follows
on red:
i knew you were trouble = ikywt
we are never ever getting back together = wanegbt or sometimes wangbt
everything has changed = ehc
on 1989:
out of the woods = ootw
all you had to do was stay = ayhtdws
i wish you would = iwyw
you are in love = yail
wildest dreams = wd
i know places = ikp
welcome to new york = wtny
on rep:
dancing with out hands tied = dwoht
king of my heart = komh
so it goes = sig
call it what you want = ciwyw
look what you made me do = lwymmd
this is why we can’t have nice things = tiwwchnt
off lover:
death by a thousand cuts = dbatc
miss Americana and the heartbreak prince = maathp
you need to calm down = yntcd
it’s nice to have a friend = inthaf
off folklore:
the last great American dynasty = tlgad
my tears ricochet = mtr
this is me trying = timt
off evermore:
champagne problems i shorten to = ch. probs
tis the damn season = ttds
no body no crime = nbnc
cowboy like me = clm
it’s time to go = ittg
right where you left me = rwylm
and some other acronyms we use are:
social media = sm
screen shot or secret sessions (depending on the context) = ss
Instagram = IG
music video = mv
the powers that be (so management/the industry/taylor’s record label execs) = tptb
the London lover (this is what we call the mystery woman joe is covering up if he is indeed a beard) = tll
body language experts (someone acting like they know a person’s inner thought just from reading their body language, which i generally don’t like) = ble
let me know if you have any more questions i’m happy to help if i can!!!
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do you think you could list out like the titles of the different sections/acts with their corresponding films/when they take place? sorry if this is like a lot i just find a lot of comfort in the fullness of the mcu and i would love to see kind of like an what the mm universe looks like ? sorry if this is weird rip
Not weird at all omg!! I’ve been meaning to post something like that! Just a heads up, the MMCU is...slightly less cinematic than the canon MCU, as a lot of the original plotlines I imagine as comics or graphic novels.
So the format for this list goes like
Fic Title | MMCU Title | Media Type
For example:
Out of the Woods | Black Widow: Out of the Woods | Movie
Means that the fic is called Out of the Woods, but if the MMCU were canon, it’d be a movie called Black Widow: Out of the Woods
If the MMCU Title is followed by (Canon) that means the fic correlates to a canon piece of material, as opposed to an original plotline. For example:
Battle Royale | Avengers (Canon) | Movie
Means that the fic Battle Royale corresponds to the Avengers, and largely follows the canon plotline of that arc.
An asterisk at the beginning, and only one title, means the movie exists in the MMCU, but happens as it does in canon, with no OC interference. Example:
*Black Panther | Movie
Means there’s no corresponding fic or replacement fic for that movie (...yet), but that it still takes place within the MMCU canon. Note that I’ve only done this with movies; suffice it to say that aside from Agents of SHIELD, all MCU-based TV series are MM canon; if they aren’t listed, it’s just because I have no OCs or non-canon plotlines for them. Same goes for Marvel Shorts. As for canon tie-in comics, I haven’t read enough of them to decide which ones are MM canon or not; once I’ve read them all I’ll update this list accordingly if necessary.
Other Notes
The list is of all fics, in chronological order, so ones that don’t focus on Leila’s arc have been marked as spin-offs. They still take place in the MMCU, and they’re placed in the list according to when they take place, they’re just not Leila-focused. (If there’s interest, I might do another version of this list organized by when things are released, rather than chronological order, EG Captain Marvel would be part of Phase 3 instead of Phase 1, Black Widow: Family Business would be listed after Endgame, etc.)
The first fic (The Kindness of Strangers, aka the first two chapters of MM on ffnet) is weird because I see it being split, with one chapter being told as a marvel short and the second one being told as a tie-in comic, with the very last scene of Leila being sent by Fury to recruit Steve also existing as a post-credit scene for CA:TFA.
Some of these I haven’t come up with titles for yet, so I just put working titles or descriptors. AKA “Untitled AoS Replacement Fic” is obviously not called that, it’s a fic that I haven’t titled yet that serves as a replacement for Agents of SHIELD in the MMCU.
Finally, this is all subject to change, I’m still ironing out a lot of things--for example, I may make an OC for Ant-Man, and I might go back to using MCU’s Spidey. We’ll see. (I may release a variation on this list as to what the MMCU looks like with MCU Spidey as opposed to TASM Spidey.)
Without further ado, here is the MMCU as I currently imagine it!
Mirror, Mirror Cinematic Universe
Captain America: The First Avenger | Movie
Has a post-credits scene that corresponds to the last scene of TKOS, in which Nick Fury assigns Leila to recruit Steve to help find the tesseract
Untitled Captain Marvel Fic | Captain Marvel | Movie
The OC doesn’t appear anywhere else, but they’re important to Leila’s story. (Hint: It has to do with the Patrice Joh mystery.)
The Kindness of Strangers ch. 1 | Recruitment Day | Marvel Short
Note: despite taking place about ~4-5 years before the events of The Avengers, this short is only released shortly before the movie, as a way to build up hype.
*Iron Man | Movie
*The Incredible Hulk | Movie
*Iron Man 2 | Movie
*Thor | Movie
The Kindness of Strangers, ch. 2 | Royal Engagements (Prelude to Marvel’s The Avengers) | Tie-In Comic
The Kindness of Strangers (Last Scene) | N/A | Post-Credits Scene (CA:TFA)
Battle Royale | The Avengers (Canon) | Movie
Queen’s Gambit | Captain America and Snow White: Queen’s Gambit | Graphic Novel
Original plotline. Leila, under Fury’s orders, tries to recruit Steve to join SHIELD as a STRIKE agent, and it leads to her and Steve solving a mysterious series of bombings together.
SPINOFF: Untitled AoS Replacement | Agents of SHIELD | TV Miniseries
Basically takes the place of AoS as a post-Avengers show about Coulson’s SHIELD team, but with a whole different (but equally diverse) cast. Runs until it ties in with Operation: Glass Coffin.
Castle Walls | Captain America and Snow White: Castle Walls | Graphic Novel
Original plotline. Carries on from Queen’s Gambit as Steve, now a SHIELD agent, and Leila try to solve the loose threads from the QG case.
*The Amazing Spider-Man | Movie
Sparks Fly | Captain America and Snow White: The Forest Through the Trees | Graphic Novel
Original plotline. Fury has allowed Leila to handle Gifted cases between STRIKE missions. Together with Steve, she embarks on a simple extraction mission that ends up uncovering a sinister conspiracy in a small town, the two of them growing closer in the process.
Royal Flush | Captain America and Snow White: Royal Flush | Graphic Novel
Original Plotline. SHIELD has tracked down the missing copy of their server from QG and CW, and it’s Leila’s job, with the help of Steve, and two new allies named Isabella Ferreira and Mena Desai, to go undercover to get it back. Unfortunately, this involves fake dating a nouveau riche silicon valley douchebag, which wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t someone she wanted to date for real. Maybe. Kind of. Probably not. But...
Codename: Snow White | Codename: Snow White | Movie
Original Plotline. Leila must face her past as old enemies try to draw attention to her biggest mistakes to undermine her status as an Avenger, in full view of her new allies and friends.
The Reckless and the Brave | Iron Man 3 (Canon) | Movie
Untitled Thor: TTD Fic | Thor: The Dark World (Canon) | Movie
The Miller’s Daughter | Snow White: The Miller’s Daughter | Graphic Novel
Original Plotline. Steve doesn’t know about Leila as much as he thinks he does. It turns out, Leila can keep secrets other than her own.
Untitled TWS Prelude Fic | Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier Infinite Comic (Canon) | Comic
Untitled TWS Fic | Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Movie
SIEGE Team Alpha | Snow White: Agent of SWORD | Graphic Novel
Original Plotline. While Steve, Sam and Natasha choose to stay behind, Leila takes Fury up on his offer to go to Europe, searching for answers about her healing factor. However, with a kree serum running through her veins, she rapidly begins to lose her grip on her life.
SPINOFF: Midwinter | Midwinter | TV series OR comic series (I haven’t decided)
Original plotline. After breaking free of Hydra, Bucky gives himself one more mission: save the girl he once condemned to his own fate. After jailbreaking Anya Maximoff, the two of them embark on a mission to explore their pasts and their futures, blowing up a few Hydra bases along the way. Bucky/OC.
SPINOFF: Out of the Woods | Black Widow: Out of the Woods | Movie
Original plotline. After the fall of SHIELD, Natasha discovered what she’d intentionally buried even from herself: her younger sister, Alexandra. Angry at a world that should have protected her but didn’t, Alex chooses to disappear after TWS, leading Alex to go after her...with some help. Brucenat pre-relationship, OC/OC.
SPINOFF: Untitled GotG Fic | Guardians of the Galaxy | Movie
Original plotline. Banished dragon princess meets Stark-worshipping Nova Corps officer. What could possibly go wrong? OC/OC.
*The Amazing Spider-Man 2 | Movie
Operation: Glass Coffin | Operation: Glass Coffin | TV Miniseries
Original plotline. A very unstable Leila finally finds what she’s been looking for for her entire adult life: a way to erase her own memories. Only, it turns out, once her memories are gone, something else takes their place…
Untitled OGC/AoU interim fic | Untitled | Comic Series OR Graphic Novel
Original plotlines, or perhaps a series of plotlines. Steve and Leila grow closer as Leila helps with the search for Bucky, and Steve helps her recover from her ordeal from O:GC.
Untitled AoU Fic | Avengers: Age of Ultron | Movie
*Ant-Man | Movie
Domestic Politics | Show White and Captain America: Domestic Politics | Graphic Novel Series
Original plotline, or series of plotlines. Leila and Steve, the two worst equipped people to be in an adult relationship, figure it out together.
SPINOFF: Untitled Defenders Fic | Daredevil | TV Series
The one where Leila’s former lackey goes head to head with Matt Murdock in more ways than one. Also, Matt has a sister, because I have a brand to maintain. OC/Matt/OC OR Matt/OC, Frank/OC, also Foggy/OC.
Under Siege | Snow White: Under Siege | Movie
Original plotline. When the Sokovia Accords threaten to rip the Avengers apart, Leila sees one solution: legitimize SWORD as an intelligence agency by stopping a war between two small but significant European countries. Easier said than done when two fugitive ex-Hydra assets get involved.
*Doctor Strange | Movie
Everything is the same except the Ancient One is played by Dichen Lachman.
SPINOFF: Untitled GotG2 Fic | Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 | Movie
SPINOFF: Untitled Alex Fic | Untitled | TV Series OR Graphic Novel Series OR Comic Series
In the aftermath of the Under Siege debacle, Alex is one of the Avengers who is able to escape going into hiding. Instead she has her own adventures, from assisting Tony Stark with missions to mentoring Peter Parker and his friends.
SPINOFF: Untitled Luna and Haven Fic | Untitled | TV Series OR Graphic Novel Series OR Comic Series
The one where Peter Parker falls in love with former villain Haven Hendrix, and Luna Li falls in love with current villain Harry Osborn.
Untitled Cap 3 Fic | Captain America: Insurgence | Movie
Original Plotline. Serpent Squad maybe? Mostly character driven more than plot driven.
SPINOFF: Family Business | Black Widow: Family Business | Movie
Technically corresponds to Black Widow (2020). Since in the MMCU it’s the second BW movie, it would have a subtitle.
SPINOFF: Dancing With Our Hands Tied | Thor: Ragnarok | Movie/Graphic Novel
A large part of this fic takes place in the six week gap between Loki and Thor’s arrivals on Sakaar. (In canon, it was three weeks; here, it’s six.) As a result, Alex would be present in the movie, and what happened between her and Loki would mostly be told through implications in the movie, until the graphic novel came out and explored those six weeks more thoroughly.
*Black Panther | Movie
*Ant-Man and the Wasp | Movie
Untitled IW Fic | Avengers: Infinity War | Movie
Untitled IW/EG Interrim Fic(s) | Untitled | Comics
A lot can happen in five years.
Untitled EG Fic | Avengers: Endgame | Movie
Daylight | Snow White and Captain America: Daylight | Comic
Just a oneshot or two covering Steve and Leila’s Happily Ever After.
Other Story Elements
There are other stories here that I’m not sure what to call or how to structure. I want to explore the Avengers Academy that eventually gets established after Endgame; the aftermath of Endgame for Loki and Alex; Bucky and Anya’s eventual own HEA; Jace Barton’s character arc and romance with Pietro Maximoff; and a few other post-EG plotlines. I’ll keep reworking this outline as needed. In other words, this is very much a work in progress, but it’s what I have right now. The main Leila/Steve storyline is largely in tact, it’s just other characters that I’m still ironing out.
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TD Theories>Outside the Show>Interviews
NR Post-S5 Interview Part 1 06/05/2015
NR Post-S5 Interview Part 2 06/04/2015
Beth’s Tracking Skills 06/10/2015
EK’s Last Word on Beth 06/21/2015
When/What EK Found Out 06/24/2015
NR Nerdist Interview - Gimple’s Storytelling 07/08/2015
Andrew Lincoln on Beth’s Death 08/17/2015
What Kirkman Said 08/19/2015
NR on C@ryl Not Happening 08/23/2015
Glenn Video 09/03/2015
Promo Song for S6/NR Interview 09/26/2015
Facebook Article, Pre-S6 10/03/2015
Why Chris Hardwick Ships Bethyl 10/09/2015
Thoughts on RK Quote 11/05/2015
Follow up Comment to RK quote 11/05/2015
When Will TWD End? NEVER! 01/17/2016
Rickyl TV Guide Interview/South Park 01/30/2016
Deceased characters Pic 02/12/2016
TV Guide Interview and Kenny 03/25/2016
Gimple S5 Interview: Why It’s Still Applicable to TD 05/04/2016 (The One Where Gimple Says Daryl Will Find Love)
Reading Between the Lines: What TD Can Learn From Mainstream Articles 06/01/2016
Ties Between Bad Guys 10/15/2016 (The One About How Crazy Tattoo Guy from Terminus May be Connected to Bigger Baddies Later on)
Suspicious Pre-S8 Interviews 10/14/2017
Outside the Show Interviews and Magazine Covers 12/18/2017
Throwback to a Still Interview 01/25/2018
Odds and Ends, Angela Kang, and Carl’s Title Cards 01/19/2018
Cruise Interview: Norman Confirms Daryl Still Has Beth’s Knife 02/02/2018
Gimple’s S5 Interview with Larry King: Why It’s Still Applicable 05/26/2018
More Suspicious Articles About Beth 01/06/2020
Articles About Coming Limited Series 01/15/2020
Talk Dead to Me Podcast: Coda 06/22/2020
Social Media Odds and Ends 6/24/2020
Posts and Podcasts 07/10/2020
Insights From the Talk Dead To Me Podcast 9/14/2020
Emily Tweeting About Burning Forests and Gnomes 9/17/20
Random Bits and Pieces 09/18/2020
AK Mentions Beth (+ TWB) 10/07/2020
Suspicious Pictures (Fandemic), Articles (AK mentions Beth) and Stories (Norman/Kimmel/Stuffed Monkey) 10/08/2020
Articles and Titles (Daryl’s Love Life and Jasper) 11/08/2020
USO MVP Interview 11/29/2020
Clues in the Holiday Special 12/14/2020
More Insights About the Holiday Special 12/15/2020
Norman on Emily’s Podcast 01/14/2021
Emily Said Will Come Back If At All Possible 02/10/2021
Emily’s IG Live 02/27/2021
Ask About Norman’s TTD Interview 02/28/2021
AMC Celebrating Still (Via @ bookimaginarium) 03/03/2021
Social Media Bits and Pieces 03/03/2021
Bits & Pieces, Themes & Evidence 03/12/2021
Emily’s “Gone/Changing/Okay/Return Star” Selfie Post 03/13/2021
Hints of Beth on Kirkman’s Reddit Thread 03/28/2021
Hilarie Burtons Mentions Bethyl/Caryl History 04/04/2021
Ask about Aisha Tyler Confirming Our Evidence on TTD 05/18/2021
Follow-Up Ask about Aisha Tyler 05/20/2021
Norman on Jimmy Fallon (Talk of MMB and Spinoff) 05/06/2022
Comicon 2022 Press Conference Clues 08/09/2022
Emily Being Suspicious on Melissa Joan Hart’s Podcast 11/18/2022
Kirkman’s Interview About 5x09 (Clues About What’s to Come) 03/12/2023
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10 links (late)
Thanks to the supposed anonymity of Tumblr people will do illicit things such as post child pornography. For example a Milwaukee Teen Supposedly uploaded child pornography using a school email on personal Tumblr account. They were able to track him by the email liked with the account. Also A chemistry professor was recently sentenced to 2 ½ years in prison for possessing child pornography. He uploaded the photos onto his blog, and Tumblr tipped off authorities. But on the other side of Tumblr you see that it is being used to spread drama of celebrities, if they be true or not. between likeminded bloggers. I also seemed to find a lot of information about singers when looking up information on Tumblr. It seems as if it is a new source that other news websites report on, since, like twitter, will have firsthand testimonies. These testimonies are not restricted by the 140 character limit of twitter and may be easier to report on because of this fact. Out of all the articles to pop up, one that has nothing to do with drama was very hard to find where only ~10% were drama free.
0 notes
Shopping Trip Items to Keep Track of For Both Present and Future Reference-Initiated/Started by 1011 pm Saturday November 4m 2017
Shopping Trip Items to Keep Track of For Both Present and Future Reference-Initiated/Started by 1011 pm Saturday November 4m 2017
Disclaimer/Preface/Please Note: I Stella Carrier must make it clear that I am in process of increasing and improving my knowledge, wisdom, and intuition as with many other people both within the United States and worldwide; Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Africa,Europe, Asia, Latin America etc for both present and future. Therefore I Stella Carrier am still learning towards what information I can use to become a subject matter expert. As a result, I am sharing and keeping this information to be free of telling others what to do yet I Stella Carrier am writing this more in order to write and archive online details for both present and future that I can use towards various writing ideas, present and future investment ideas etc for both present and future in all areas of my life.
Store; Giant Food 3521 East West Highway Hyattsville Maryland near the Prince George’s Plaza metro station and the Prince George’s Plaza mall open until 12 am today Saturday November 4, 2017
I Stella Carroer walked at least a total of approximately 5 miles (2.5 miles each way) from my apartment to Giant Food grocery store and back while my sweet husband waited for me at home. I am saying this not to show off yet more to write and record how my shopping habits are when I am shopping with my husband andor any of my friends compared to when it is just me shopping.
The time that the receipt shows me checking out and scanning the items on the Giant Food self store checkout machine;853 pm sarurday november 4 2017
Stouffer’s Classic Five Cheese Lasagna 96 ounces (6 pounds)
Hormel Slow Simmered Beef Roast AuJus net weight 15 ounces
Toaster Strudel pastries cream cheese and strawberry 23.4 ounces Pillsbury Brand
Tropicana Strawberry Peach juice 59 ounces
International Delight Egg Nog Classic one quart
Giant Brand Whole Milk Vitamin D half gallon
Marzetti Brand Old Fashioned Caramel Dip 16 ounces
Johnsonville Brand Flame Grilled Garlic & Herb Chicken Breast 9 ounces
Kraft Brand Mexican Four Cheese 8 ounces
Kraft Brand Italian Five Cheese 8 ounces
Giant Brand Honeycrisp Apples 48 ounces (3 pounds)
Guerrero Brand 20 fajita flour tortillas
Pure Leaf Brand Extra Sweet Tea 18.5 flowing oz bottle
I have actually already learned the challenging way and now understand the easier way why saving money must be made a higher priority for my situation especially to save at least 6 months or more of my after tax paychecks a year from now or less even before I saw this article tonight. However, I am keeping this link more or less as a gentle reminder.
Money might be able to buy happiness overall — especially when you're saving it
By Business Insider
Money might be able to buy happiness overall — especially when you're saving it
By Liz Weston Nerdwallet
affirmation; I Stella Carrier become wiser, more creative, and more interesting each day in all areas of my life both present and future.
By November 2018 or sooner
I feel blessed to have come across and now know about this article as there is information to suggest that script doctor Eric Pearson’s persistence paid off. It is clear that he has a passion for writing and he successfully created his own door of opportunity. I hope he enjoys more career success for years to come. I know that Polowy is only coming from a good place when writing and publicly sharing this story. However, the only caveat to this story is that there are details to suggest that Polowy was at first considering giving up living in California all together until one of his scripts paid off. I am glad that he prevailed to great success. However, I do believe that it is possible to still live in whatever place (U.S. state) you prefer regardless of how your career dreams materialize and that sometimes a closed door can become an open door andor an even better pathway to a more lucrative door in the present and future when a person has intent to stay residing in a particular area regardless of how long it takes to achieve their career andor money goals. This is especially if a person has the option of being able to freely choose whatever U.S. state they prefer to reside in for the rest of their current lifetime. I admit that I may be partial in saying this as I am blessed to have been born an American female who has the option of freely choosing whatever U.S. state I prefer to reside in for the rest of my current lifetime (especially since I am blessed with a husband who is supportive of wherever I choose to reside long term for the rest of my current lifetime). However, I feel that there are many other adults who can freely choose wherever they reside within the United States for the rest of their current lifetimes. It is just a matter of being open to follow where you prefer to reside regardless of how you may be publicly judged for your personal reference.
How 'Thor: Ragnarok' screenwriter (and former pizza guy) Eric Pearson became Marvel's go-to script doctor
By Kevin Polowy
Bob’s Discount Furniture link
Interior Design; Chandeliers of the 2017 DC House by Virginia Coyne
Virginia Beach Virginia link Virginia Vibe
Café Stella
Cafe Stella to Open New Location on Granby Street by The Main
April 18, 2017 By Jesse Scaccia
Condolences to the friends and family member of the US service member who died Saturday as referenced by this article. Additionally, may the soul/spirit of that service member rest in peace and be in a happier place. US service member killed during operations in Afghanistan
By Luis Martinez and Morgan Winsor of Good Morning America
By James Van Praagh
Songs for me to keep in mind from an iheartradio playlist from today in shuffle mode: I Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas,Hall of Fame by Script feat. William of the Black Eyed Peas, Saturday I Like To Move It by Basshunter, Out Of My League by Fitz and the Tantrums, I Am The Bullgod by Kid Rock, Freekn You by Jodeci, Lucky by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat,Dance Hall Days by Wang Chung, Bubbly by Colbie Caillat, Loveshack by the B-52’s, The Walker by Fitz and the Tantrums, A Horse With No Name by America, You Might Think by the Cars, Only In My Sleep by the Corrs, Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer, Best Day of My Life by American Authors Wonderland by Natalia Kills, The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, Dance For You by Beyonce,Electric Head Part 1 by White Zombie, Cake by the Ocean by DNCE, Trip Switch by Nothing But Thieves, Mesmerized by Amethystium, Caught Up In You by 38 Special, Boys and Girls by Blur,Broken Wings by Mr. Mister, I Feel You by Depeche Mode, I Would Like by Zara Larsson feat. Gorgon City, Rock You Like a Hurricane by Scorpions, Magic by B.o.B feat. Rivers Cuomo, Possum Kingdom by the Toadies, Come Undone by Duran Duran, So Alive by Love and Rockets Touch Me by Armin Van Buuren; Unique Category;I Love A Rainy Night by Eddie Rabbitt (my sweetie handsome was spontaneously singing it earlier Sources I prefer to keep secret; You’re The Best Thing by the Style Council, Freekn you by Jodeci, Feenin You by Jodeci,World In My Eyes by Depeche Mode, Roam by the B-52’s, Rabbit Heart Raise It Up by Florence and the Machine, It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones
rity71 \2�Z�H
Wednesday November 22, 2017
Seltzer’s Sweet Lebanon Bologna 12 ounces
Lunch Mate Hard Salami 8 ounces
Giorgio Brand Sliced Mushrooms Fresh n Clean 8 ounces
High Pulp Nature’s Nectar Orange Juice 59 fl ounces
Specialty Selected Lattice Cut Aged Cheddar and Black Pepper Kettle Chips net wt 7 ounces
Little Salad Bar Classic Guacamole 2 qty 8 ounce pouches
Parkview Cheddar Brats 14 ounces
Jamestown Brand Sliced Bacon net wt 16 ounces
Bake House brand Crescent Rolls 8 Ready to Bake Rolls 8 ounces
Season’s Choice Broccoli Bake Broccoli in a Creamy Cheese Sauce 24 ounces
Tasteful Selection Simply Amazing Potatoes 24 ounces
0 notes
June in media (2023)
📚 readings
Kaiju n° 8 (vol. 1 to 8): I'm overcome by the sheer dad energy Kafka manages to exude 4/5
Insomniacs after dark (vol. 1-4): extremely sweet slice of life and I love the style 4/5
🎦 movies
Cyrano (2021): the songs kept taking me out of the immersion but Dinklage is incredible in this and the dynamic between Roxane, Christian and Cyrano is so good 4/5
Now you see me (2013): neat! I had a lot of fun 3,5/5
Train to Busan (2016): oh god oh fuck 4/5
Spiderman - Across the spiderverse (2023): I need this movie injected in my blood stream. I need to eat it frame by frame. I am going to fling myself into the sun 5/5
Lupin the 3rd vs Cat's Eye (2023): as someone who grew up with the originals, the style hurts me, but I love the fact that Lupin keeps sort of adopting kids 3,5/5
Lupin the 3rd vs Detective Conan 3 (2015): loved the first, loved the second. The Jigen-Conan dynamic is hilarious 4/5
The boy and the beast (2015): how dare they unfind my family 4/5
The legend of 1900 (1998): I absolutely adore the original story, and the movie still manages to keep some of that mesmerising quality. Tim Roth is impressive 4/5
📺 series
Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo (2023): the reality of life, growing up and fighting for what you think is right. It will give you an existential crisis 5/5
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February in media
📚 Reading
A day of fallen night: AT LAST. I'm on fire I really want to write. It's just so epic and so human and vibrant, it fills me with incredible energy
Jujutsu kaisen (ch. 237 - end): I regret to inform you that it is still as verbose as when I left it, and I still can't follow the techniques AT ALL. However, I had to come back for my beloved queen Nobara
Child of a wandering star (by derinthescarletpescatarian): so so good I can't wait for the next chapters
Dan Da Dan (all of it): I have been possessed. I read it all in two days. No brain only Dan Da Dan.
Rosencratz and Guildersten are dead: I am having an existential crisis. 10/10
Hanako-kun (v. 21, 22): I have no idea of what anyone is trying to achieve and I need to find out
Spy x Family (v. 14): MARTHA AND HENRY'S STORY (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
A case of identity (Arthur Conan Doyle): Sherlock should have beaten the guy up.
A rose for Emily (Faulkner): the small town experience of everyone being in each other's business all the time and yet not knowing a thing
🎥 Watching
Death becomes her: I wish I had a glass of red wine watching this. For the vibe.
C'è ancora domani: what a movie. Good lord. Watch it. That final scene.
Crimson peak: Guillermo del Toro your mind. Decadent, gothic, silky and bloody
Romeo + Juliet: disrespectfully looking at Mercutio in drag, deeply desiring Romeo's knight costume and roteating the visual and narrative choices in my brain. Tybalt's decorated guns are gorgeous.
Dan Da Dan (s. 1): this anime has me in a chokehold. I am going insane.
The witcher - sirens of the deep: unclear feelings on Jaskier's backstory and we were robbed of him spinning around Essi BUT also Essi is magnificent and the geraskier of it all?
Paprika (2006): incredible movie. The animation is sublime, it conveys the surrealism of the experience so well without ever being confusing. Watch it. Watch it now.
Conclave: no words to express how I'm going feral over this. The crisis of faith. The political implications of everything. The fight to retain one's morals. Lawrence. Benitez. The symbolism. Isabella Rossellini's Sister Agnes. Sergio Castellitto playing the most evil cunty bastard ever. The turtles.
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January in media
📚 reading
A day of fallen night (part two): what's stumping me is the logistics of having to hold such a chonky book. I need to plan the occasion to sit down in specific positions and timeframes. Story still going strong though!!!!
The Jaunt (King): it felt like watching a trainwreck and not being able to drag my eyes away. Oh, the hubris of mankind (and the rash bravery of boyhood)
Chew (Muir): sticky and sickening AS IT SHOULD BE
Where are you going, where have you been? (Oates): not as scary as many others I've read recently, but the ending bit was anxiety inducing
A jury of her peers (Glaspell): I loved the plays in the different layers of conversation, and all the unsaid painting the true picture.
The monsters are due on Maple Street - script: perfectly linear in the slippery slope that suspicion is
🎥 watching
Home alone: upon rewatching, I'm even more convinced that Kevin grew up to be Saw. Or the creator of some reality show. I mean, he was justified, but a little too gleeful about it.
Three thousand years of longing: wonderfully shot story about stories and storytellers. I am mesmerized.
Cinderella (live action): caught only a little bit of it but I needed to reiterate how much I carnally desire the costuming department of this movie
Around the world in 80 days (ep 5, 6): rotating the three of them in my mind. Top tier ot3.
Titanic: it's been 84 years... Since I promised myself I'd watch this movie start to finish. And now it's done. And Jack and Rose were the part I cared least about. Everyone was doomed and so nothing mattered, or everything did. But the violins kept playing.
Where is that post with the story of the Carpathia. I need to heal.
One piece movie - Red: UTAAAAAAA in my heart she lives. Also. The songs are on fire? Whoever dubbed Uta what's with your voice? Did [divine being of your choice] themself come down from the heavens to bless your vocal chords and give you a little kiss on your forehead???
Ocean's eleven: heist! Heist! Heist!
Last night in SoHo: when I say I was GRIPPED. The visuals, the pacing, the use of light and mirrors, the horror of it all
Haikyuu!! Battle of the garbage dump: it was so good to see this part animated but I'll be forever bitter at how underwhelming and rushed such a pivotal moment for Yamaguchi and Tsukishima was.
Tokyo godfathers: such a chaotic and lovely found family story, where love is everywhere but especially in the most desperate places
The Personal History of David Copperfield: as fast paced as the novel and the cast is fantastic
Gloria!: really pretty visually, the cast is very good and the exhibition scene is soooo cathartic and such an ear candy
My cousin Vinny: Marisa Tomei is a godess and Mona Lisa Vito in the court scene will feature heavily in my dreams
9-1-1 (s. 8 ep 6-7-8): almost quicker for the show to come back from the hiatus than it was for me to catch up with the last three episodes. I need to see Buck crash and burn because of Eddie's decision to leave AND I NEED IT NOW
She's all that: comfort movieeeeee
One piece: a handful of random episodes I felt like. For my heart
Poor things: I honestly don't know if I enjoyed the movie or not. Mmmh.
(Note: January apparently lasts four thousand years judging by the amount of stuff I've seen. Incheresting.)
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December in media
📚 Reading
Kaiju no. 8 (vol 8-11): I need the next volume STAT. Even though I keep losing track of the names but it's a me problem it happens in real life too
The Yellow Wallpaper (Gilman): oooooh boy. I wished to have a paper version to annotate. I want to do literary analysis on this story.
The veldt (Bradbury): oooh boy part two.
Lamb to the slaughter (Dahl): was I supposed to be horrified? Was I not supposed to say good for her?
In the penal colony (Kafka): Kafka can induce existential dread like no one else I think
Hanako-kun (v. 21): ahsgshsahshgajsjsjs
Layers of fear (Junji Ito): yes, yes, the perils of seeking a past long gone and the obsession with beauty. But truly the worst is the new fear unlocked around skin picking.
One piece (ch. 1130-1134): sobbing and crying and screaming for Robin
🎥 Watching
Helluva Boss (ep 11): mmmmmmmh. Contemplating the plot implications.
Love, Actually: finally I've seen it. A powerhouse of a cast, Alan Rickman I miss you oh so dearly. Sam and Daniel's scenes mended my heart. Emma Thompson the legend that you are. But some of the characters (Colin, Mark) I would love to beat to death with a shovel.
Cyrano (2021): rewatching for the sibling, Peter Dinklage is still as incredible as the first time. I need to find a copy of the original book.
The Christmas Chronicles: cute! I'm not the audience, but as I was battling with pva glue on every surface of my body I had the very same attention span and level of media literacy.
The princess switch: what's christmas if not predictable romances in [generic European country with a monarchy and an obsession with Christmas]. The magical Christmas old man lacks Santa Claus swag, but has nosy European grandpa vibes so I appreciated him
The princess switch - switch again: had it in the background as I fought for my life with wrapping paper. I've just discovered there is a third movie. I'm hooked.
Ranma 1/2 (ep. 11-12): gnashing at the bars of my enclosure. I need fourteen more seasons and I need them now
The Amazing Digital Circus (ep. 4): Gangle is having A Time this episode. And making Jax also have A Time which, honestly. He deserves worse.
Helluva Boss (ep 12): that Elsa-looking bitch needed to get beaten up more. For me specifically.
The name of the rose: I can't for the life of me remember whether or not I have already watched this movie in full or only in snatches. Anyways, now I want to try and read the book.
Luca [R]: always so lovely on so many levels!!!
Around the world in 80 days (ep. 1, 2 - R): I realised that I have watched this series in a daze and should rewatch it because I miss our travelling trio.
The Preacher's wife: my tv gave up halfway through it and I want to finish it. I want the good feels.
The Mitchell's vs the machines [R]: still so good and funny. 10/10 movie.
A true wealth of nearly indistinguishable Hallmark Christmas movies that have been playing in the background of my life the whole month: unironically a nice experience.
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November in media
📚 reading
Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy and the Fear of Female Power (J. E. S. Doyle): good good book on both the soundness of the analysis sense and on the "pleasant writing style" sense
Kaiju n. 8 (v. 6 - 7): rereading to catch up
🎥 watching
9-1-1 s8 (ep 1 to ): screaming crying etc etc
It's what's inside: it's such a fucking good movie, the plot is tight, the characters are all the worst freaks, the cinematography is so good
13 going on 30: actually a horror premise I think. But it's always good to see Mark Ruffalo in his natural habitat (romantic comedy).
Ranma 1/2 (remake, ep 1 - 7): I am DELIGHTED. It's so cute! I love the way they incorporate manga style framing and onomatopoeias in the scenes!
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October in media
📚 reading
Satsujin shussan [Parti e omicidi] (Sayaka Murata): the premises of the tales are interesting but I feel like they didn't quite deliver. They could have gone more in the visceral discomfort to make a point but I'm not convinced it works as is
🎥 watching
Inception: a whole entire movie. The action is gripping, the concept is intriguing, the cast is stacked. I'm not sure why I never managed to watch it before but I'm glad I managed to do it.
Inside out 2: it holds! It has funny moments and it made me tear up. Now I wish I could send the movie back in time to get my parents understand how anxiety works...
Julie & Julia: charming! And fun! And Meryl Streep!
0 notes
September in media
📚 reading
A sign of affection (v. 8): so fucking cute
Soul eater (ch. 59 to 62): the plot thickens but I fear I forgot to reread some chapters bc I'm missing some steps 🤔
Spy x Family (ch. 99 to 104): unbearable state of heartbreak + A SPY SEAL???? WITH CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS????? 🦭
One piece (ch. 114 to 1and whichever is the last): thots are being thunk
Coraline: I am churning thoughts in my head about fairy tale structures and how to implement them
🎥 watching
The post: left me absolutely nothing
Santocielo: homophobic gay mpreg Ficarra and Picone movie????? And the rabid obsession of media and the world with any sign of deviation from the perceived norm??? The symbolic nature of faith??? The need for community???
Persuasion (1995): I will rewatch this movie until it's etched in my bones
Un mondo a parte: the heartbreaking reality of many tiny villages of Italy + top notch comedy
One piece film Gold: Sanji's fit with the orange crocs will haunt my nightmares. Alas, the cool montages with the coordinated white outfits and heist outfits are 10/10
One piece film Stampede: movie that has literally everyone in it. Does it make sense? No. Are we having fun? Indubitably. And the animation is afslfhaskfhskdfjsjhkfsk. Good.
While you were sleeping: I need to inject romantic comedies in my bloodstream. The relationship between Jack and Lucy is so charming and the shenanigans give it a certain je ne sais quoi that makes it very fun.
The birdcage: the son is a bit of an asshole and I stand by this. I get it's the 90s and Barbara is lovely and not her father but like. Give your parents some forewarning before they have to change everything about them for their safety and your success?
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August in media
📚 reading
Femmes d'Alger dans leur appartement (Assia Djebar): a lucky find, very insightful and heartbreaking look in the condition of Algerian women during and after the independence of Algeria
Histoire des Treize (H. De Balzac): this man will give Paris the most compassionate and detailed characterization and then turn around and write women like that. Also how dare him sell this as a story of great conspiracy when it's just three men being douchebags about women and this secret society being mentioned for half a line at the end of the story.
Geranios en el balcón (Carolina Pobla): not my usual novel, but it flows really well and it's really human
Inochi urimasu [Life for sale/Vita in vendita] (Mishima Yukio): a surreal book, a quick read. I'm fascinated with Mishima's brain. There was something wrong going on with him.
Moby Dick (Melville): (it was a shortened version i bought for 1€ used) I devoured it and the wording of the ending is so chilling. I'm still reeling. Now I need to scavenge in the ff section because sure as hell someone has written some Ishmael/Queequeg.
Diary (Anne Frank): there is nothing I could say or add. Just a necessary book to read.
David Copperfield (Dickens): this is a Peggotty stan club now
The lion* (Kessel): honestly? I have no idea how to feel about this. A resounding 'mmh'
Mrs. Harris goes to Paris* (Gallico): if someone doesn't want to instantly protect, defend and cherish Mrs. Harris that's a red flag
The rainbow and the rose* (Shute): starts slow but becomes increasingly intriguing
Anatomy of a crime* (Dinneen): I could not put the book down. I was enthralled
*abriged version in a Reader's digest compilation I bought secondhand
🎥 watching
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008): Brendan Fraser will make the wackiest, most plasticky cgi look like a believable threat and I don't understand how
Sister act: you will say 'you have seen this movie thousands of times, how many more times will you watch it?' and I will say FUCK YOU THIS IS A MASTERPIECE
Che Dio ci aiuti (s. 1): I somehow manifested a rerun of this first season. My powers know no match
0 notes
July in media
📚 reading
Insomniacs after dark v. 9-10: unexpected side effect of reading this is developing a parental instinct for two fake insomiac teens
Othello: Iago layering bullshit lies one over the other like a lasagna of crime. I need to see it acted out. What a deranged little man. I need Emilia to beat him to death with a shovel.
Spy x family (v. 12 to the end): went in the gala for silly shenanigans and came out of it with two side characters traumatic and heartbreaking life stories. Endo-sensei what the fuck.
The hound of the Baskervilles: CHILLS! The fact that being in the moors changes the genre of the story is so interesting, and I was hanging by every word
The adventures of Tom Sawyer: I do not condone violence as an educational method. HOWEVER.
🎥 watching
Legally blonde: THE legal movie ever.
Hacksaw Ridge: veers too much in the "American epitome of goodness against those dastardly monsters of the Japanese". But the night on the ridge, and please let me find one more, please let me find one more, please
Transamerica: mesmerized by the instant down badness of Calvin at the truck stop. Legend. I know this is not a comedy. At times it's pretty difficult. BUT.
The mummy: looks? On point. Action? On point. Comedy? On point? Mummies? Plasticky. Ten out of ten.
Oppenheimer: three hours of being stared right in the soul by Cillian Murphy's bright blue eyes and an insane amount of politics. I retained little else.
La stranezza: merging and twisting of reality and theatre in a huge performance about art and melancholy. And the most haunting snatches of a performance of Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore, I got goosebumps.
Anche se il mondo finisse domani: I have been tricked and bamboozled I thought this was going to be a heartbreaking love story. Sigh. Decent fantasy movie though.
Viola di mare: Giselda Volodi the gift to acting that you are. The gender commentary, the societal pressure. A must watch for the queers (mind the historically accurate homophobia and general tragedy please).
La famille Bélier: despite the constant reruns on tv my siblings has somehow missed it so I rewatched, but still. A very good movie.
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