#tsumugi voice: it will be cute >:(
loveregrown · 9 months
Uchida Yuuma is so crazy... In early eden stuff especially, it's so obvious how Jun is a character who takes inspiration from Hiyori & Jin especially when it comes to singing, each choice is so purposeful... I love the storytelling that goes into the vocal direction for projects like these. How JunIke had to be asked to tone down his talent at times because he was supposed to sound more like an amateur for mitchuru...
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
(spoilers, obvi)
“Are you—,” you whisper, tracing his features with hungry fingertips, “Are you still…you?”
He stares at you with crystalline eyes. “You tell me.”
You stare back at him, hard.
His smile quirks up.
“Yes,” you breathe, wrapping your arms around his neck, “It’s still you.”
He giggles, manic, wrapping his own rubber limbs around you and lifting you off your feet. He twirls you around and you’re dizzy.
“Haaahahaha!!!” He sets you down spinning, and you gasp as you twirl around like a top. You dig a little into the ground with the force of it. “You’re so CUTE y/n!!! And you’re ALL MINE!!!!”
He bounces up twenty feet in the air, only to land down directly atop your shoulders. “Fuck!” You scream, knocked over by his weight. He giggles, pulling at your face. He has you spring back like a doorstop, back and forth with a strong boing!!! ringing in your ears.
He snickers, arms wrapped around you in loops. “Yeaahhh? What is it, kitty? Are ya having fun yet?”
“Mhmm,” you nuzzle your face into his, squishing his nose against your cheek. “You’re so cartoony!”
Luffy lifts you off the ground again, carrying you like a sandbag under one arm. You bounce along in his trajectory, powerless to stop him even if you wanted to. “Let’s go to my room!!!”
Sex with new Luffy is wild.
He’s stuttering and crying, slipping out of you at every other thrust.
“Luffy,” you chide, running your hands through his sweaty hair, “Are you okay?”
He sniffs.
“Was so fucking scared,” he admits, burying his face in your neck. His hips snap instinctively, and you both hiss. He’s deep inside you, now. “I—I think I died, y/n. I don’t ever wanna do that again.”
“I’m so sorry, baby,” you hitch a breath, wrapping your arms around his neck. Closer, closer, please just closer—
“I-I fucking love ya so much,” he whines, rubber-wrapping his arms around you several times. He sits up so he can thrust easier. You whimper, feeling filled up and emotional.
“Love you too, Luffy.”
“Mmmnnn,” he moans, head thrown back in overwhelming emotions. “Don’t wanna lose ya—don’t wanna lose another fight like that—don’t wanna feel all cold like that ever again—,” He hiccups, tears now forming at the corners of his eyes. His hips slow, and you gasp.
“Luffy!” You sit up, unraveling his arms from around you. He’s sniffling now, and you climb into his lap. He buries his face in your hair, and inhales a shaky breath. He exhales out a shattered sob. “Luffy—,”
“M’sorry,” he hiccups, “M’so sorry.”
“Baby,” you hush him, stroking your fingers over his back. “It’s okay, honey, it’s over now, it’s okay…”
You want to soothe him as best you can. You want to wrap him inside your heart and let him live there.
As it is, you press his face into your chest, and let him heave ugly, wet sobs against it.
Softly, you start humming.
“Binkusu no sake wo todoke ni yuku yo…,” Luffy hums, wrapping his arms around your waist to sway you both gently to the rhythm. You keep going, softly carding your fingers through his hair as you sing. “Umikaze, kimakase nami makase,” your voice catches, throat dry, but you keep going. “Shio no mukou de yuuhi mo sawagu,” you sniff, hand resting atop Luffy’s raven head. “Sora nya, wa wo kaku tori no uta…,” You trail off, but Luffy takes a long, loud sniff, and joins in. You both start singing.
Sayonara minato tsumugi no sato yo
"Don" to icchou utao funade no uta
Kinpa-ginpa mo shibuki ni kaete
Oretachya yuku zo umi no kagiri
You both start singing the yo-ho-ho’s with enthusiasm now, lifting off the bed to stand up, swaying in each other’s arms. It’s not long before you’re shouting the words, jumping up and down on the bed like little kids.
“Yo ho ho! Yo ho ho-ooo!!!”
Luffy howls to the moon, bounding off the bed to stick his head out the window. His naked form is lithe and silvered in the nighttime. You follow him. Always.
“Yo ho ho! Yo ho ho-oh!”
You both wrap your arms around each other, and sing to the full moon.
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kittenmey-rin · 4 months
Yandere drv3 characters lines.
Drv3 Boys;
Gonta gokuhara: "Y/n safe in Gonta's arms, Gonta's protecting Y/n like true gentlemen."
Kaito Momota: "Hey Y/n, you don't have to worry about anything, I am going to be your new knight in shining armor."
Kiibo: "Y/n, I love you no matter what we are, so please let me know that you need me to comfort you."
Kokichi Ouma: "Nishshishi, it seems that you are blushing bright red, so cute."
Korekiyo Shinguji: "It seems that I will stay with you for the time being."
Rantaro Amami: "Hey Y/n, can I come to your dorm, I heard that you have nightmares."
Ryoma Hoshi: "Hey Y/n, wanna play tennis, I will sometimes go easy for you."
Shuichi Saihara: "Y/n, can I hear your beautiful singing voice, I want to hear it again."
Drv3 Girls;
Angie Yonaga: "Y/n, Atua said that we should get along well and started make beautiful memories of art."
Himiko Yumeno: "Y/n, I am running on low magic energy, can I sleep on your lap please???"
Kaede Akamatsu: "Hey L/n-chan, I have been piano practicing and I want you to listen to my piano music."
Kirumi Tojo: "Y/n, you are so magnificent whenever you started to sing a song."
Maki Harukawa: "Do you want me to hurt someone for you, Y/n, I am sure that you are being a bit annoyed by someone."
Miu Iruma: "Ugh, You may not be so annoying after all, you are adorable."
Tenko Chabashira: "I'll make sure that no disgusting boys will come near you, Y/n-chan."
Tsumugi Shirogane: "Wow Y/n, you looked adorable when you are cosplaying as (Favorite/Anime/Character)."
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hajihiko · 1 year
Now that youre done with v3 may I ask about what your final thoughts on each character are? (Briefly, if you dont feel like elaborating too much-- like a senstence each maybe?)
Ok warning for opinions: I'm not head over heels for a lot of the cast
Shuichi- sweet boy I like his emo vibes (both in jest and also how he's actually pretty emotional)
Kaede- sweet girl gone to soon :'( why do this to the girl Protag
Kaito- fun guy I like him I hate his hair. Hypocrite (character trait) (not moral judgement) (affectionate)
Maki- grew on me a lot her expressions are cute. Also hypocrite (same brackets as above)
Himiko- good voice acting and I guess the character development was pretty good! Never grabbed me as a character tho
Keebo: my beloved. I didn't think he'd be so important! Thank you for being helpful and rational sweet robo boy.
Tenko: I've been told the translation made her a lot more aggressive than the original Japanese text but she sooooo annoying about the Degenerate Male thing and it was too much of her dialogue
Angie: most fun design, biggest cutie. I know she was kind of sinister sometimes but I forgive her BC I actually enjoyed the time she was on screen.
Korekiyo: coolest design, actually kind of intriguing character, but then the backstory hit... I dunno I could continue to be interested I guess but it's a little weird now.
Miu: I liked her more at the start but then I feel like she didn't grow at all? It's like she started being a bit different when Kaede was still protagging and then she just didn't stop being The Overtly Loud And Suggestive One.
Gonta: darling. Precious. Probably one of the saddest cases :(
Ryoma: I'm biased because fsr I liked him from the start. Didn't get a chance to develop much. Get him some therapy.
Oh my god there's so many of them aughshdh
Rantaro: pretty and good voice. What a waste of a good design since we didn't get to see him do like anything
Kirumi: I like her potential and I probably would have ended up liking her if she'd lived, but kudos for being one of the few calm and helpful characters.
Tsumugi: props for being incredibly unassuming if I hadn't already known. They really made her just boring enough to be not suspicious, but not too boring to be suspicious again. Annoying voice tho
Kokichi: only surpassed by the monokubs in how much l don't like him.
Monokubs: die
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momoyukirin · 6 months
Momo's "An Idol's Daily Life" Rabbitchat Part 3
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Darling is dreaming
Momo: Yoohooヾ(。>ω・)/ thanks for coming all the way to our dressing room to say hi earlier, Maneko-chan☆
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work! Apologies for disturbing while Yuki-san was sleeping... ><
Momo: Not at all! Rather, I'm sorry for making you whisper while we talked!?
Momo: Yuki never wakes up when he falls asleep so don't worry (*´∀`)b
Momo: It's been a while since I last had to chat so stealthily, it was kinda fun www
Momo: Even though you had to repeat that you brought* us momorin many times since I couldn't understand you ww
Tsumugi: It was no problem at all! I was the one who couldn't handle whispering well!
Momo: Handle whispering ww
Momo: Saying "momo" in a quiet voice is difficult, isn't it( ´ p ` )
Tsumugi: Let's try practicing for next time..!
Momo: Practicing www
Momo: Maneko-chan, you're as diligent as ever. What a good girl... ( ´ ∀`)
Momo: Come to think of it, weren't you about to say something near the end back there?
Tsumugi: I just wanted to thank you for bringing us those lemon cheese tarts the other day..!
Tsumugi: I wasn't confident I could express this well enough while whispering, so I gave up and said I'd just thank you through rabbitchat later...
Momo: I see ww
Tsumugi: Thank you for the treats and for taking our Agency's staff into consideration! It really was delicious!
Momo: Thank you for the sweets and the momorin you brought us earlier too! We'll be enjoying them d( ´ ∀`)
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Tsumugi: I'm glad they suited your taste!
Momo: Since my darling is still asleep, I'll make sure to tell him they're from you when he wakes up! (・΄ω`・)
Tsumugi: Thank you!
Tsumugi: Yuki-san has the drama filming too, so he's probably very tired, isn't he...
Momo: Yeah, and since he was filming all night yesterday, it's to be expected that he'd be at his limit ><
Momo: Ah
Momo: Yuki woke up just as I was talking about him ww
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Momo: He says you, Okarin and I appeared in his dream www
Option 1:
Tsumugi: What were you doing in the dream, Momo-san?
Momo: He says I was swimming in a fizzy momorin pool w Can you even swim in something carbonated? Though naturally carbonated water springs do exist(*ノ∀*) Maybe it's because I opened a bottle of momorin next to him while he slept ww
Option 2:
Tsumugi: What was Okazaki-san doing in the dream?
Momo: Apparently we all went to a pool made of momorin, but Okarin was standing by the pool, dancing to Silver Sky ww Yuki said he was great at it and looked cool ww I wanted to see it too!
Option 3:
Tsumugi: What was I doing in the dream?
Momo: Apparently Yuki, Okarin and I went to a pool to swim, but for some reason you were there swimming in a ninja suit www Well, your stealthy footsteps when you came to our dressing room earlier really did make you look like a ninja www
Momo: Yuki's face has a red mark where it was pressed against the sofa ( ̄♢ ̄;)
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Tsumugi: Will he be okay for the next shoot!?
Momo: Looks like we can more or less conceal it with make-up so it's fine!
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Tsumugi: Thank goodness... ><
Momo: Even as he's getting his make-up done, he's still dozing off www
Momo: I want to share some of my ability to wake up easily with him (>人<*) I'm the fully-awake-in-3-seconds Momo-chan, after all☆
Tsumugi: 3 seconds, I'm jealous..!
Tsumugi: When the weather is cold it takes me about 5 minutes, since I end up dozing off in my futon ><
Momo: It's cute if it's just this much, don't worry☆(゜v`⁠d)
Momo: Even when I wake him up, Yuki just falls asleep again and again, and if I let him be he doesn't wake up until after noon ww
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Tsumugi: This much..!!
Momo: When he focuses on composing, day and night get reversed (>x<*)))
Momo: Back when we lived together, we'd go on morning walks to improve his daily rhythm, but if I took my eyes off of him for even a second, he'd be sleeping while standing or on a bench www
Momo: While standing...! That's quite impressive!
Momo: It's a kind of talent, isn't it ww
Momo: Ah, Yuki's in a sleeping position again...
Momo: As you can tell, it'll be bad if he's not up soon, so I'll go wake him up!
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1.the word "差し入れ" is used a lot and in this context it means "(bringing) snacks for sb who's hard at work" or something of the sort. It's a cute word so I wanted to give context for it www
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Haruka Isumi - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 3 - The birth of a king!?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Haruka Isumi: Don't get the wrong idea about what happened earlier, okay?!?!
Haruka Isumi: It's totally different from what you're thinking!!!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Good work today, Isumi-san! Are you talking about being called "King" by your members in the TV station hallway earlier?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I think it's a lovely nickname!
Haruka Isumi: I'm telling you, it's a misunderstanding!! It's not like they always call me that!! I knew you’d get the wrong idea
Tsumugi Takanashi: So it's not a nickname...?
Haruka Isumi: It's not! I couldn't explain it to you because I was being called by the staff!
Haruka Isumi: It was just a game where the first one to win in Old Maid becomes the king
Tsumugi Takanashi: So that was the reason! I thought "King" sounded cool.
Haruka Isumi: You didn't tell the IDOLiSH7 guys, did you?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I didn't!
Haruka Isumi: Thank godddd
Haruka Isumi: Ugh, they kept calling me that even outside our green room, it was the worst. A lot of people did a double-take!!
Tsumugi Takanashi: But everyone seemed to be having fun calling you that, and I could really tell how close you all are!
Haruka Isumi: Well, it was fun
Haruka Isumi: But that’s a different story!
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: So since you were the king, does that mean you won, Isumi-san?
Haruka Isumi: Yup. I won three times in a row
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: No way, that's amazing...!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Fufu, well, yeah
Haruka Isumi: It was also because I had good luck with drawing cards
Tsumugi Takanashi: What can you do as the king?
Haruka Isumi: For each win, you can give everyone a command!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
1) What did you order Inumaru-san to do?
Haruka Isumi: I asked for a one-minute shoulder massage, but he ended up giving me a 10-minute one. I was surprised at how good he was at it lol, he said he often used to do it for his mother
2) What did you order Natsume-san to do?
Haruka Isumi: I asked for a bite of the bread he's been eating lately. It was a sweet-looking bread sprinkled with sugar, and it was super good. He's taking me to the shop with him next time!
3) What did you order Mido-san to do?
Haruka Isumi: I asked him to take me on a drive. He said, "Where do you want to go? I can take you anywhere," and sent me a bunch of places on Rabbit Chat, so now I'm really undecided lol
Haruka Isumi: I also made them each say something nice about me lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi: Wow, that's lovely...! What did everyone say?
Haruka Isumi: Touma said my singing voice is the best. Torao said I have guts
Haruka Isumi: And Minami said
Tsumugi Takanashi: Natsume-san said?
Haruka Isumi: That my face when I'm asleep is cute
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Isn't that different from saying something nice about me?
Haruka Isumi: What's more, the other two were like "I know, right!" and even had pictures of me sleeping
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: It just means that's how adorable your sleeping face is...!
Haruka Isumi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: I'm definitely taking pictures of them next time too!!!!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'll be cheering you on...!
Tsumugi Takanashi: You still have one more command left, right?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, what should I do...
Haruka Isumi: What would you give as a command?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Probably something like "Take care of your health, make sure to eat properly and get enough sleep"...
Haruka Isumi: That's not really a command lol
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm sorry for not being able to think of a good one...
Haruka Isumi: It's fine, that's just like you
Haruka Isumi: Utsugi-san would probably say something similar
Haruka Isumi: Does IDOLiSH7 play these kinds of games?
Tsumugi Takanashi: We've played the traditional King Game with chopsticks before. The king's commands included things like flicking each other on the forehead!
Haruka Isumi: Ahh
Haruka Isumi: The one where it's like number 1 flicks number 5 on the forehead, right?
Haruka Isumi: I've only been thinking of commands where they do stuff for me, but something like that might be good too
Haruka Isumi: Like having Minami flick Torao on the forehead lol
Tsumugi Takanashi: It's hard to imagine Mido-san getting his forehead flicked...! Lol
Haruka Isumi: Right? Lmao, just picturing Torao's reaction is already hilarious lol
Haruka Isumi: I'll think about it for a bit
Tsumugi Takanashi: Yes, go ahead!
End of Part 3.
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ensemble-news · 1 year
This week on Ensemble News
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The newest Crazy:B event has the community busted. Several theories, notes and analyses have appeared as a consequence.
Last week's catastrophy regarding the Enstars assets Drive appears to have settled down, however, the future of the drive is still unknown.
Ensemble News, our account, is finally running! Round of applause, we hope you support us through our journey.
Want to know more? Stay with us
▶ Fandom Section
Crazy Anthem and its landmarks
The newest Crazy:B music video for their song "Crazy Anthem" has been released. Because of this, the fandom has been making speculations about the possible landmarks that the video may feature, alongside theories and other writings.
A user on Twitter ¹ has deciphered many of the possible locations in which Crazy:B appears through the video and, possible, during their event story.
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The video happens in California, as the event synopsis explains, but it looks like their route starts in San Francisco and finishes in Baja California, Mexico.
Curious about the locations? Here are some of the ones the fandom was able to find;
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— Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
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"Venus Beach" — Venice Beach, California
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— Walk of Fame, Hollywood
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— Los Cabos, Baja California, Mexico
1. Lisaw (@.mafucchu) via Twitter. 28/05/2023. Link
The Enstars assets Drive and its future
The past May 18th, the Enstars wiki Twitter account made an important post ¹ spreading awareness about the current state of the assets drive held by the account @.gradualcolors. The Twitter thread written explained that the assets drive — in which all cards, art, chibis, gifs, voice packs, and etc. are hosted, was going to be taken down due to multiple DMCA violations.
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A week later, @.gradualcolors mod replies:
"All I want to say is that I want to stick with my belief of "assets = fandom creativity" and I'll try my best to maintain the new drive when I put it out again. I want to keep seeing how ppl decorate their social media with those files or do fun things like reading guides!!
Tldr; drive gone, will be re-hosted because I want to, rip my wallet tho. - H.E. had precedent to nuke the drive for reposting reasons so pls be careful posting fan created edits - Lemme see the cool edits and cute carrds you guys use these files for when drive comes back" (Rai via twt) ²
We don't know how much time it'll take them to make the proper accomodations to restore the folders, but we sure hope the struggles seize sooner than later.
1. Enstars wiki (@.enstarsENG) via Twitter. 18/05/2023. Link
2. Rai (@.sakasakitty) via Twitter. 21/05/2023. Link
Inauguration! Ensemble News is finally up
To conclude with this fandom section, we'd like to express our excitement for this passion project. Ensemble News is a little blog that was constructed with pure love, with the objective of informing others and bonding with the community further. We hope you give this blog a chance, we encourage you to interact with us and to enjoy your time here. ♡
▶ Game Section
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The first Climax event has been announced. It's time for Crazy:b and their newest event "Sugoroku* Journey! Number Eight is Our BGM" to shine. Synopsis:
"Rinne and co. are invited to appear on "Number Eight", a show that was popular once upon a time, and so they head overseas. From Crazy:B's dice result begins their road trip where everything is left up to fate--" (Iridescent via twt) ¹
This event will feature 5* Rinne Amagi, 4* HiMERU and 3* Niki Shiina and Kohaku Oukawa.
Feature Scout
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Feature Scout 2: Koga, has been announced. Synopsis:
"Koga isn't quite able to figure out what casual shots should be like, causing him to struggle in his photoshoot. He wants to show a cool side of himself while still looking natural." (Iridescent via twt) ²
This scout features 5* Koga Oogami, 4* Mika Kagehira and 3* Tsumugi Aoba.
Event Scout
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Scout: Biblion, has been announced. Synopsis:
"Tsukasa isn't entirely sure about joining Biblion yet, but he joins as a temporary member. He finds a book that interests him in the bestseller section, and is engrossed in the book's universe." (Iridescent via twt) ³
This scout features 5* Tsukasa Suou, 4* Kaoru Hakaze and 3* Nagisa Ran, Hajime Shino and Tsumugi Aoba.
1. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 27/05/2023. Link
2. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 24/05/2023. Link
3. Iridescent (@.iridesenescence) via Twitter. 28/05/2023. Link
May 2023 Tsukisuta notes:
Main story 1.5 is currently being voiced, part 3 will come out on June 26th. Summer voicelines will be added in-game on June 1st. New stamps were added to the Ensemble Live shop. Outfits for the 8th anniversary are now in the dia shop. Element (animation) prints are out and currently being sold at 7-Eleven JP. The next round of Starry Symphony tickets will start being sold on Jun 8th.
▶ Thank you for using Ensemble News.
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moonbonanza · 2 years
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ let sleep kiss your eyelids!
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featuring: switch
summary: a smiley crescent moon peeks at you from afar as it shimmers against the velvet of the night, drowsiness presses a gentle kiss against your cheek to send you off to dreamland and you cannot help but begin to yawn...
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sakasaki natsume
he notices the tired look simmering in your near-to-closing eyes far quicker than you would like him to. it is simply terrible how perceptive he can be at times and how with any new morsel of gathered information, he finds the need to tease you the slightest. just a teensy bit to allow him to see your cute expression muddled in sleepiness is fine, isn't it?
with the way his slender fingers catch hold of your hair and pull on your collar blithely, it is almost as if he does not want to hand you over to the arms of sleep. the night is plenty young and the moon is so awfully pretty... must you say good night so abruptly and spoil the enchantment? when you show no signs of relenting, natsume tries another trick: indifference. he is a little sulky now and the beginnings of a pout pucker his soft mouth. but of course, this is in all mere jest and he definitely couldn't care any less about the little kitten's bedtime.
just as you abandon your scowling heap of paperwork in favour of a good night's sleep and plan to call it a day, there is an impromptu tug at your sleeve. another harsh tug later and you stumble forward alarmingly. you wait for the impact of your head cracking open like a breakfast egg on the floor with all its gears in plain sight for natsume to marvel at and dissect gleefully.
nothing of the sort happens. there is only the familiarity of warm hands cradling your own icy cheeks. a sudden kiss as light as feathers is pressed underneath your widened eye. and there! that will be enough to make you dream of him deeply even when those lovely eyes are shut fast asleep. a small price to pay for leaving him so soon, don't you think?
aoba tsumugi
his thoughts take a sudden sentimental turn at the sight of you suppressing a yawn and attempting to rub the sleep out of your eyes. you remind him so dreadfully of the children at his mother's school long ago. he cannot help but wish to delicately stroke the hair away from your forehead and promise to finish all the frowning heaps of work left in your stead.
but oh that wouldn't do at all! you'd probably laugh at him and once natsume-kun found out about his pathetic attempts... he shuddered at the possibility of the embarrassing consequences that would follow suit. yet his disobedient feet had other plans apparently. they had shuffled over to you before his brain could even catch up with what they were doing. you look up expectantly and with such a pretty smile that he does not think he is worthy of. his heart may be hesitant but it is firmly in the right place as he ushers you away from your work like a worried mother hen. he'll simply do every last thing himself if he must!
you gaze up at him in bemusement all the while holding onto his arm as if to restrain him from falling into the depths of the same tiredness that you had become prisoner to. when your insistent questions and pleas fall on deaf ears, you decide to settle for another smile instead. you can only hope that this is what he wants to do. but then again tsumugi never voiced aloud what he wanted and you always had to spend much time guessing.
he does not let you help a bit. it is almost like dealing with a child persistent on doing things their own foolish way. perhaps you may have dozed off for a while there too for he is done before you know it. tsumugi looks wistful and silly with his curls all over the place and his glasses slightly askew. there is even a little paper cut on his finger and ignoring his words of feeling perfectly fine, you bind it up with a hankerchief anyway.
harukawa sora
your colour could be anything. from a light shade of hyacinth to a darker gleam of rose pink, sora will be able to tell it apart from anything else all the same. but sometimes your color may overlap with its surrondinga or become rather blurry like a runny dab of watercolour which leads to confusion on his part. everyone is so fond of hiding things that they thought made them seem vunerable and you weren't an exception to this. he becomes a little lost and fidgety on what to do then.
it is a relief when you notice his sudden worried look and reassure him that it's nothing at all, that you simply feel a little sleepy. he brightens up considerably after hearing that. but after giving it a little more thought, he droops woefully so at the realization. were you going to keep on scrawling away whatever that was in your notebook until you reached the point of an all-nighter? shisho and senpai were always pulling those to tie up various odds and ends that they had not been able to tackle during the day. they looked all the worse for wear the next morning. he had to think of something to distract you with before such an idea crossed your mind!
he catches hold of your hand before you can even begin to protest and pulls you along with what you assume to be a nightime tour of ES. you pretend not to know every nook and cranny already for his sake. there are still a few idols lounging around doing goodness knows what. they nearly jump out of their skin at the intrusion and pointedly tell you to go home instead of being bothersome.
the pair of you are out of breath by the end of it. any sleepiness that you had nursed before had now vanished. and as you turn around in indignation to ask sora what all that was about, you are greeted with the angelic sight of him fast asleep. he still has hold of your hand which he presses against his cheek, mumbling sleep nonsense into all the while. you sigh but do not have the heart to let go.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
V3 Info Dump CHP.2
So far I like Tenko and Kaito the best, Maki is okay... but certainly not my favourite yet. Kokichi and Miu always have funny interactions together, and I like when Ouma is a step ahead of everybody else. Shuichi is a cutie, his eyeliner is so good. Korekiyo is okay, but to be honest he needs more to him (I'm up to the second trial and haven't seen much gameplay.) Keebo and Tsumugi are... okay? Himiko can be annoying, but I like her. She's a cutie. Just please stop saying "maaaagiiiiicccc" :). Her relationship with Tenko and Angie save her character. Cute trio! Kirumi is okay...? I like her "motherly" role in the group, it's sweet. The monokubs better stfu every time that crusty red one talks I remember that he and Ishimaru share a Voice Actor and I want to cry - they could've used Sean Chiplock for any other character, his voice is fantastic omg. - The characters have grown on me a lot since before I started watching this gameplay, to be honest all of them have except Gonta. I expected more... I'm sorry- I thought he would be my favourite... maybe I'll buy the game with my own money.
Long ahh ramble on 1 hour of gameplay I've watched... yeah that's my full opinion so far. :)
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saitama-division · 2 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Lola Takahashi
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~~ July 30th ~~
“A wonderful dress can infuse a woman with confidence and inner beauty, empowering the way she moves and feels.”
Login Lines:
“Another beautiful day, another great opportunity to have some fun, now, Tsumugi, dear! What’s the agenda for today?”
“Empty?! The fuck you mean empty?! What happened to-oh…ohhhhh it’s my birthday today! Hell fucking yes, let’s go! Tsumugi! Bring my car out to the front, I’ve got some shopping to do!”
Voice Lines:
“Sometimes I wonder what I’ve done to be so blessed, you’d never think that I’m now 28 from just looking at me. It’s rare, y’know? Not many women my age can or sometimes choose not to maintain their youth and beauty, can’t be me to be honest, I pride myself on taking meticulous care of myself, sure it’s because I make a living off my appearance alone but it’s also personal for me, it’s a testament to how far I’ve gone and still stood standing after everything.”
“‘Happy Birthday Lola’ is trending on PROFILE, hehe, oh how I love my fans, they’ve been so supportive and kind ever since I came out, I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous but my darling fans soothed my worried when I saw all the positive encouragement, truly, I couldn’t ask for a better fanbase, I love them so much!”
“Y’know, most people don’t know this but my birthday is also the day Afterlife first opened, that’s why there’s such a huge celebration on this day year after year, not only is it to celebrate me but it’s to celebrate the anniversary of when those doors first opened and how the staff and patrons all grew close together as a community, hell, you can even say we’re family!”
“‘I look like I’m anticipating something?’ Well, I guess you can say that, it’s nothing bad, in fact I’m very excited for what’s about to come later on, it’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a while and it’s finally going to happen! Hm? ‘What is it?’ Fufu, sorry babes but I can’t tell you that, it’s a secret~”
“Sayaka, my love! My darling! How I missed your cute face, how’ve you been, dear? Is precious Yoshiko doing well? Any luck with that guy from Toyama? Hahahaha! What? I didn’t say anything, haha! Hehe, I know I know but you two and Kureha mean so much to me, I just want to make sure you all are taken care of and happy, oh jeez, I’m startled to sound a lot like you, haha.”
“Ooooh! I see that present you’re holding, don’t keep me in suspense, darling! Thank you very much…oh wow! Sweetness, this is nice! I have been wanting another one for a while, should’ve known you would notice, you’re so sweet and thoughtful like that, I’m so glad to have someone like you, now c’mere and give me a hug!”
“Well, if it isn’t my lovely Sunshine! Come here, Sweetheart, let me warm that cold heart of yours with a hug! Yeah, yeah, you’re complaining now but I see that twinkle in your eye, I love you too, babes. So, what does the acclaimed artist, Eclipse, have for me on this fine day, hm?”
“Oooh la la, how pretty~ They smell good too! Homemade and natural, huh? Look at you, making friends! I’m glad to see you getting out of your shell, Kureha! Give Miku my thanks, yeah? And thank you for such a lovely gift!
“Is that my lovely little niece?! It is!! Come give Auntie a hug, baby! Goodness, did you grow since the last time I saw you? That won’t do! You’re supposed to stay as my precious little babyyyyy waaaaah! Hahaha, okay dear, I’ll stop, hm? You got me something? Oh precious, you’re so sweet.”
“Oh, this is beautiful, my love! You made this? It’s so pretty! Gosh, my niece is so talented, maybe I should let you help me design some outfits, I bet they’ll look absolutely beautiful with your help. Thank you so much, darling.”
Sayaka Lines:
“Lola! Happy birthday, dear! Haha, I’m doing well and so is Yoshiko, we’ve been-LOLA!! W-what…what could you possibly mean by that?! Y’know what I’m talking about! Ugh, nevermind…oh Lola, it makes me so happy to hear that, you’ve been the greatest friend I’ve ever had and I’m always grateful to be yours.”
“Oh! That’s right, your gift! Here you go, I hope you like it, it always occurred to me that your feet could always use some love and care since you’re always on them most of the time, so I got you a foot spa massager! Oh, wonderful! I’m glad you like it! Happy birthday, Lola!”
Kureha Lines:
“Hey Lola, happy birthday. Oh god, not the pet names, ugh fine just stop with the sugary sweet words, I hate you, y’know that? Yeah, yeah, whatever, you’re so lucky I’m used to your antics by now, anyways, I got your gift right here.”
“I’m glad you think so, they’re candles, I made them from scratch from saffrons, roses, mints, lavenders, guaranas, they’re said to induce relaxation and arousal, something I know you would like. I had some help too, Miku from Minato gave me some tips and advice on how to make them. Yeah, you’re welcome.”
Bonus! Yoshiko Lines:
“Auntieeeee!! Happy birthday! Mhm! Mommy said that I’m becoming a big girl! Hahaha Auntie stoooooop! Hahaha! Lemme give you your gift!”
“Does Auntie like it? I made it myself! Auntie will wear it, right? Yaaaay! I’m happy! Happy birthday, I looooove you!”
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koihanwrites · 2 years
Me request for a uh
[Hc format]
Rei, Natsume, Tsumugi and Nazuna's reaction in us drawing them
Bc they slay sm so amazing
I am me anon 😍
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Nazuna and Natsume's Reaction To Us Drawing Them!
Male reader
Pairing/s: Natsume x m!reader | Nazuna x m!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings? : Established relationship!
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Nazuna Nito
Out of nowhere while you were in Nazuna's house, you were staring at his rabbit pet you had a sudden motivation to draw your boyfriend Nazuna.
You tried your best to hide your drawing while hanging out/talking with him.
He will catch you looking at him quite often and will ask you what's wrong.
The only way to get out of this situation is by lying so you went on telling that you found a small dirt beside Nazuna's pretty eyes.
You wiped an invisible dirt and wink at him, a blush creeping on his cheeks.
A few hours later and he decided to cook something for you two, you took this the perfect chance to continue your drawing.
It took you quite a long time to draw him, adding a little more details to his hair then...you're finally done!
You rose from your seat then quietly sneak towards Nazuna, the drawing on your hand.
With both of your hands, you covered his eyes while speaking in his ear.
"Guess who~?"
Of course Nazuna already know who that voice belonged but you whispering to his ear? oh boy, this adorable man's face slowly turned light pink.
E-eh, who~? It's you, right? (Name)?"
A smile formed on your lips as you took your hands off his eyes. He turned his head to face you, looking at you straight in the eyes.
You showed your drawing to him and he slowly took it, it took him a few seconds to realize that it was a drawing of him. His face became red as he stares at the drawing in his hand.
"(Name)..! thwis (this) amwazing!! (amazing) it looks so much like me!" Nazuna shouted in glee as he continue looking at the drawing. His eyes sparkling and a big smile on his face.
"You truly have a talent for art! I-i'll keep it close to my heart! thank you so much, I love you!~" He suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to a hug, a cute giggle escaping his mouth.
After some time you decided to take your leave. After you left, Nazuna puts your drawing to a picture stand then placed it on his desk, which is close to his bed so when he wakes up every morning the first thing he will see is your drawing. (so cute!!)
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Natsume Sakasaki
So imagine a test coming up and it's one of your least favorite subject.
You were worried that you might fail the test so you called your boyfriend, Natsume for help.
He is a genius afterall.
You told him if he could help you study for the test, and of course as the best boyfriend he is. He agreed and let you in at his secret place.
Time skip to the test, you passed!
You decided to give him a thank-you gift, so you drew him.
Since Natsume has a secretive and mischievous side, you need to be aware of your surroundings or else you might find Natsume behind you as you draw.
Fortunately, nothing like that happened so it is safe to say that your gift is secured!
You happily gave it to him when you two were alone helping Natsume's idol work.
You told Natsume that you passed the test because of him then gave him the drawing.
"oH? what's thIS Little KitTEN?"
Natsume would be surprised at how great your drawing is, from his beautiful golden eyes trough the way you perfectly drew his asymmetrically cut hair.
His expression outside would be calm and amused but inside he is really flustered and touched at your gift. I can imagine him panicking mentally but puts on a cool facade.
You can clearly see his cheeks turning red a little.
If you tried to tease him about it, he will ignore you and instead puts on a cheeky grin and gave you a quick kiss on the lips as a reward.
He will act very smug towards you and will sprinkle you with praises.
"Fufu~...I'm honoRED to have such a talenTED boyfriend~"
"I will very much cheRISH this work of ART~"
"You did very WELL at draWING my features...I guess you DO really loVE me, KitTEN~?"
All flirts aside, Natsume would stop being smug at you and tell you how much he loves and adores your gift.
He promised that he will make a special magic spell only for you to return the favor.
"Please look forWARD to it, darLING~" + A silly flirty wink
The end..... ✩
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rabbitenn · 11 months
Hello. Can I request a Ryunosuke Tsunashi x reader where Ryu realizes his feelings and admits to them.. Thank you in advance!!!
P.S. I am very grateful to you for your work. I look forward to your new post with great joy every time.
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Because the words he speaks to you, are the very thoughts you haven’t voiced to him just yet.
ft. Tsunashi Ryunosuke x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, romance.
hello anony ! I’m so sorry this took so long, I hope you still enjoy. Thank you so much for requesting and for your kind words, I hope to keep writing stories you can continue to look forward to, mwah !
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The realization hits him as icy snowflakes graze his skin.
Under the city lights of winter, you shine the brightest to him
Skipping along ahead of him you call out:
“Ryu… Come on!” You giggle, running up to him, your gloved hand tugging on his. “There’s food stalls over there!” You excitedly announce. “We should get some hot chocolate!” You smile up at him.
He regards you, those soft amber eyes of his catching the starlight hidden by the urban illumination.
A lovestruck smile curls up on his lips, shades of demure carmine tinting the idol’s tan cheeks.
You tilt your head to the side when he doesn’t move.
So cute. He thinks
“Ryu?” You call him, reaching up to cradle his face in between your palms. “Are you alright? Are you feeling cold?”
Certainly not with you holding his face like this.
He can’t tell you that now, however. You’re friends, for him to just blurt out the way you’ve become more than that…
He can’t risk it.
At least not yet.
So Ryunosuke clears his throat, trying to look as composed and relaxed as humanly possible with you looking at him with that expression full of tender concern.
“I-I’m alright.” He beams, warmth in the heart of a midwinter’s night. “Yes, let’s get you some of that chocolate.” He smiles.
You chuckle, holding onto his arm as you lead the way.
“You’re cute Ryu…” You let out, trailing off, perhaps more to yourself than to him.
As you make your way in between the multiple groups of friends and couples, he wonders, how long will he be able to keep his feelings to himself?
Little does he know, you feel the exact same way.
The rest of the night goes by with idle chatter and soft laughter, your building coming into view all too soon as you walk by Ryu’s side.
He wishes this was a real date, and that the good night he utters to you with a smile could be replaced by a gentle kiss instead.
But he can’t do that.
Ryunosuke lets out a sigh after your smile has disappeared behind your apartment’s door.
For how long can his heart endure this eternal dilemma?
Inside, you lean against the other side of the door, your heartbeat loud.
You called him cute.
You called your friend, who you very obviously have a crush on, cute.
Did you mess up? Does he think you’re weird now?
‘Calm down, [Y/n].’ You try telling yourself, taking in deep breaths. ‘You two had a good time, tasty food and the night was beautiful. Everything's okay…’
This could have very well been a date if you were brave enough to make your feelings more clear.
Heaving out a breath, you slide to the floor, sitting down against its warm wood.
As you text your friend Tsumugi about tonight, you can’t wait to meet up with Ryunosuke again.
“You’re late tonight.”
Is the statement that greets Ryu when he returns to his shared home.
The remark is laced with amusement, which shifts to a more serious tone when the owner of the voice adds: “You better not be exhausted at tomorrow’s practise.”
“Tenn, what are you? His mom?” A deeper tone chides TRIGGER’s center, the latter’s protests dying down as their leader continues the conversation. “So, how did your date go, Ryu?” Gaku asks, a brow raised knowingly.
“It wasn’t a date… Not yet at least…” Is Ryu’s response.
Tenn and Gaku look at each other knowingly, then at his friend.
“It’s true, guys… [Y/n] and I are just friends…” He hesitates for a moment, then goes on. “Well, at least I’m sure that’s the best… I realized…” A dusting of pink blooms across the idol’s cheeks. “Maybe… No. I do like them. More than a friend…”
His two friends regard him with matching grins.
“Have you told them that, Ryu?” Gaku questions.
Ryunosuke sighs.
“I haven’t… I’m not sure… What if they don’t feel the same?”
“Just don’t take advice from the guy who got rejected twice in the span of five minutes.” Tenn lets out.
“Hey!” Gaku glowers at him, but Tenn goes on.
“You should tell them, Ryu. At the very least, they deserve to know your true feelings, no? Even if they don’t reciprocate, they don’t seem like the type to not remain as friends afterwards.”
“You’re right.” The brown haired man smiles. “I’ll think of something, thank you guys.”
That night, as he lays in bed, Ryunosuke’s mind works a mile a minute, thinking up of a nice spot to take you when he makes his feelings known.
A glittery blue expanse extends by your side, the end of it merging into the cerulean and powder white of a clear afternoon’s stray clouds.
Waves gently lap against the light sand, their sound calming beneath the hustle and bustle of people walking by the boulevard parallel to the coastline.
If you didn’t know better, you would think you’re in early summer, with the sun high up and color and light filling everywhere you look.
Then again, when you were with Ryu, warmth had a habit of finding its way to your chest and cheeks.
You feel… so happy right now. As if things could only keep getting better from now on.
He feels at ease too.
Tranquil skies and gentle oceans always managed to encourage him, after all.
He has to tell you. How he feels. Today he has to tell you.
Molten sunshine eyes flit towards you, just to find your own stealing glances towards his hand.
A balmy salty breeze blows by, and with it, a warm sensation caresses Ryu’s skin when your hands brush against each other.
His own smile mirrors your own, neither of you intending to pull away when your hands touch again, and again, and one last time, before your pinky entwines with his.
You walk in silence, but, despite the anticipation your friend feels, it’s comfortable, as all things were with you.
The dazzling daylight takes on a warmer gilded hue as the sun begins descending from its zenith, the crowd beginning to dissipate as lunchtime nears.
You two reach a set of benches overlooking the sea, perennial leaves hanging from the brambles casting translucent shadows over them.
The both of you decide to take a moment to admire the scenery, leaning against the railing.
The gentleness of his baritone almost merges with the sunlit waves when he calls your name.
You turn towards him, facing him.
Those eyes of his, the color of autumnal equinoxes, sunbeams and golden leaves dancing in tune with the love songs Ryunosuke wishes could sing to you, dance with you.
“Can I… Can I tell you something?” Comes his question, shades of a sunset that’s still hours away beginning to tint around his cheekbones.
You give him a soft smile.
“Always, Ryu.” You utter.
“Okay…” He lets out a nervous chuckle. “I’ve realized that I…” He faces you, fully. If he’s confessing to you, he must do it properly. “[Y/n]. I like you. Not just as a friend. I like you romantically… And if you’d let me, I'd love to take you on a date, a proper one, as your boyfriend this time.”
Your gaze widens as you stand there, staring at him.
Did he just say he likes you? In the same way you like him?
So he returns your feelings, then.
A smile makes it to your face as you recall the conversation you had with Tsumugi over text the last time you and Ryu went out.
She was right, it seems. He really does like you.
“Ryu, aren’t we on a proper date right now, though?” Your eyes are bright when you look up at him, your hand finding his.
With a tender expression that rivals the cotton candy clouds gathering in the faraway horizon, he closes his eyes for a fleeting instant, focusing them on you when his eyelids flutter open again.
“I suppose we are.” He agrees, tone soft, barely above a whisper.
You scoot closer to him, head leaning against his chest, as his arms wrap around you comfortingly.
The sun begins its descent towards the glittering skyline.
It smiles as it watches the couple.
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>×> I loved your headcanons for the 3-A so I wanted to know if you had any for the 3-B as well
If we're being honest- then no!! I did not have any on hand at the time of ask. However, I did let my brain go ballistic at 3AM again so... here we go again.
General Headcanons:
Nazuna is so damn done with these people (except Kuro and possibly Tsumugi).
Kanata likes patting Nazuna on the head while talking to him. Nazuna noisily complains it but if Kanata ever stopped, Nazuna would find it pretty weird.
Tsumugi likes to sit down and sew with Kuro sometimes. Wataru often interrupts such sessions by claiming that he can also make scarves and proceeds to pull out a neverending chain of them out of his sleeves.
Once when Nazuna bit his tongue, Leo had concluded that he was a space invader and threw a pencil at him.
Nazuna likes sending "Get Well" cards with cute stickers and doodles whenever one of his (when they were his current and still when they are his former) classmates are sick.
Kanata likes to take naps on peoples' shoulders, usually Rei or Wataru, but he has slept on everyone in 3-B various times.
Leo often comes up with script ideas and askes Wataru to visualise them for him. It mostly ends up dragging everyone else into it.
Kanata likes hearing peoples' voices in conversations (Rei probably has his favourite voice, by tone) so he closes his eyes while he listens to them and then doesn't end up responding because he fell asleep.
Kuro holds leo underneath the arms like a rabid animal to stop him from causing havoc.
Nazuna has had a hyperfixation on flower language after trying to decipher the message Wataru would send when he kept on giving people different coloured flowers [There was no reason, Wataru just likes those flowers at the time]
Tsumugi likes sending out cards after important events for each classmate. They're usually something from a cornerstore like a card with a puppy on it saying "I'm PAW-SITIVELY proud of you!"
Nazuna likes buying stationery on impulse but he hates when Leo finds out because then he begs to use it and it always ends up with glitter, marker, and stickers on the floors, walls, and both of their faces.
Rei likes to use a "secret language" with Wataru and Kanata so that he emphasised certain words and is very cryptic in speech. Nazuna just looks at him in confusion, Tsumugi and Kuro don't pay it any mind, and Leo asks if he's an alien. Wataru and Kanata don't actually know what it means either, they just like playing along.
Leo jumped into the ocean after seeing Kanata walk in with his clothes on. He immediately found an unidentified creature and wrestled with it, it omitting his vision, until Kanata peeled the octopus off his face.
! era:
Leo has called Kuro mother before. It was probably after something simple as Kuro chiding him for drawing on the desks on the rare occasions Leo did show up, but nobody's letting Kuro live it down.
Rei now calls him mother to tease him, as well as Leo who now frequently does it. Kanata does it with no malice whatsoever but because he thinks it's fun. He just playfully goes, "ok, 'mother'" whenever Kuro says something to him. Tsumugi tries to console Kuro on the fact but ends up accidentally calling him mother anyways. Nazuna wants to tease Kuro but he simply can't bring himself to call Kuro mother. Wataru, on the second Sunday of May, showers Kuro in bouquets as he walks into the classroom, wishing him very loudly a "Happy Mother's Day!! "
Leo was really interested in Rei's vampirism and spent a whole week trying to act like him. Eventually, he tried to sleep upside down like a bat [Despite Rei telling him that he, in fact, does not do that.] and Nazuna walks into the classroom that day with Leo falling on top of him from the ceiling.
Kuro, after some persuasion from Nazuna, embroiders and customises different types of fabric for his classmates.
He gifts Nazuna a little hankerchief with detailings of bunnies. He makes a towel for Kanata customised with various sea creatures on the edges. (Kanata barely remembers to use it, his hair always dripping wet anyways) He gifts Rei a pillow to place into his coffin because he assumes that it couldn't possibly be that comfortable in that thing. It's victorian styled (because he asked Shu for an idea) with little bats on the sides. Tsumugi gets a blanket in a clean geometric pattern. Wataru gets a cape with doves embroidered on the sides and it's very flowy. He showingly whirls it around and uses it in some of his performances. Leo got a scarf, but in the process of making, Leo kept demanding that it would be longer and longer. Kuro argued that if it reached his feet, Leo would trup over it, but Leo would keep on insisting so kuro would shake his head as he continued stitching. Leo did indeed trip on his face when he ran outside the first time he wore it.
Leo once shot an arrow into the classroom and used the rope attached to it to slide in through the window from the tree that he just happened to climb that morning, scaring the shit out of Tsumugi who was already in the classroom.
They held a puppet show in their classroom for funsies!!!
Leo had tought of it and ended up manifesting a script out of nowhere. Wataru looks it over and encourages everyone to participate to bring the vision to life. Tsumugi helped with the stage and Kuro made the puppets. Rei said that he was doing important work by supporting them (which just meant he wanted to watch it and do nothing) Kanata didn't know what everyone was doing but he likes putting the puppets in his hand and wiggling them around. Nazuna becomes the second unpaid actor forcibly. After the rehearsal, they do, in fact, force 3-A to watch it.
Nazuna likes to doodle on his notes when he gets bored, and Tsumugi when he notices, made Nazuna little charms that resembled his doodles and gifted to him.
Tsumugi did not find the need to mention his birthday, but when everyone pried, the class found out and Wataru pulled out party supplies, streamers, and balloons out of a hat he just flourished out of nowhere and strings them across the classroom so they can celebrate.
Wataru likes to enter the classroom in various different ways.
Once he jumped out of jack-in-the box set in the middle of the room and knocked Nazuna on his ass.
Tsumugi keeps a first aid kit on hand in case his luck acts up again, but he ends up lending it to Kuro a lot of the time, when he pricks his hand on a needle working with them in class again.
Nazuna forced Kuro to sit in the front with him because he was too short to see from the back and did not want to be alone.
Rei simply suggests that they stack books on a chair for him to sit on and Nazuna scowls (Rei doesn't even go to class!!)
Rei, in an attempt to outdo Eichi's 3-A field trips, suggests places for the group to go to, but ends up dying when it comes to actual event because he's in broad daylight.
Wataru likes to hold scavenger hunts throughout the school by leaving clues and leading everyone along. Nazuna ends up being the most invested.
Nazuna wanted to paint his nails in a cute style when he saw nail decals in a store window. He attempted to get Kuro to do it for him, but Wataru insisted he do it instead when he found out. It turns out surprisingly well, and Nazuna hesitatingly asks him to do more.
Kuro refuses to get his nails painted in any colour but black and runs away when Wataru points a glitter coat bottle at him.
Leo once asked Nazuna if he could be in charge of one of the broadcastings. Nazuna relented and that morning everyone could see Leo messily vlogging his day.
Like, "I climbed a TREE this morning, guys!! And thennnnnn I had a bagel--"
Tsumugi likes holding little trivia games in the classroom when they're all present (rare! also they don't do actual classwork I refuse to believe)
Kuro wins all the time. Tsumugi is the host but when he taps in, he only gets a close second surprisingly. Wataru, Rei, and Kanata always fail the pop culture sections. Leo answers the same thing to every single question and gets frustrated when Tsumugi shakes his head and tells him that's not the answer.
!! era:
Rei keeps on asking Nazuna how his phone works and Nazuna feels like he's talking to his grandpa.
Wataru still likes leaving cryptic notes in his old classmates' belongings and encourages them to finish the quest.
Kuro complains about being too old to do scavenger hunts anymore but still plays along. Nazuna doesn't want to show he's invested but curiosity gets the better of him.
Tsumugi somehow flounders and Rei and Kanata are the first ones at the end of the quest where Wataru holds a party. Wataru has to guide Leo specifically so the guy doesn't get lost.
Nazuna formed the groupchat when he was sitting in college, bored. He often gets frustrated when he doesn't get a response in the next 0.001 seconds.
Tsumugi usually responds first and Kuro follows with them asking how Nazuna's day was. Wataru likes entering the chat with a bunch of sparkle emojis. Rei misspells things frequently and accidentally sends random gifs. Leo just likes sending random voice and text messages about what he sees in his day, ignoring any logical progression in the chat.
Leo usually contacts Wataru when he wants to do some cool (vandalism) pieces on the walls of ES for the sake of art (and mostly so Eichi would be less mad).
Kanata asked Nazuna to puka puka with him in the pond. Nazuna didn't feel like saying now so now he spends the rest of the afternoon getting algae out of his shorts.
Rei likes to collapse on the floor during little meet-ups they'd have in a cafe or similar space for attention. Nobody really seems bothered by it and he usually cries out that the kids of this generation have no heart.
Nazuna once accidentally smacked Tsumugi with a door. He profusely apologised but became more erratic when Tsumugi simply responded that he was used to it.
Kuro has the same instincts to call his old classmates out on thing (like a mother hen-)
He sees Leo run around and wants to grab him by the scruff of the neck. He sees Nazuna biting his nails, he wants to swat it. He sees the Oddballs goofing around he wants to comment.
Kanata takes everyone on a trip to the aquarium.
Leo likes pressing his face against the glass. Nazuna keeps on pointing to cute fish that he sees while Tsumugi talks about little facts about them as Kuro listens. Rei fell asleep so Wataru drags them across the floor by the shoulder, loudly exclaiming at all the fish.
Nazuna wanted to get matching bunny keychains and decals for his phone with Kuro but Rei heard it and begged to be included. Nazuna didn't think he'd still have it but when Rei pulls out his phone in Rhythm Link meetings and Nazuna sees the bunnies, he gets psyche damage.
Aahhh. This class is interesting. In the way that none of them show up to classes and their interactions would be. stagnated somewhat. But I like them, they're eepy.
Thankies for the ask!! I love asks, they make me think more than I ever have in school- More Enstars Headcanons: Class 3-A Headcanons || Marine Bio Headcanons
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a-phantom-kitten · 4 months
NSFW Enstars Month Day 22
Tsumugi x Afab!reader (no pronouns specified)
Hiya!! Fair warning, I haven't written smut like... ever, so I'm very sorry if it's a bit awkward or rushed, but I hope it's ok!!
Warnings: it's pretty vanilla! Just some riding, penetration, biting + mention of aphrodisiacs
Okay. To be fair… you did not think he would have been affected this badly. You figured that due to his bigger stature, a bigger dosage was needed, but given how he'd been balls deep in your aching cunt for the past couple hours… you may have had a small lapse in judgment. He was getting to the point he was shooting blanks, but he continued to desperately rut against you like his life depended on it. Your body was already covered in hickies and love bites. Your mind was completely clouded, as you started to forget how you got into this situation in the first place. You let out a soft whimper as his hips bucked and stilled, and he buried his flushed face against your neck. One of your hands reached up to tangle in his messy hair, breathing out a shaky sigh as you opened your mouth to ask if he was alright, but was cut off with a gasp almost immediately as he started moving again.
A weak mumble of “sorry,” left his mouth as he sank his teeth into your neck for what felt like the millionth time that night, and you pulled on his hair in response. Surely he had to be close to his limits by now… 
You forced words out, your voice shaky and soft from hours of moaning and crying, and your mental state quite delirious from the overstimulation, “Don’t ‘pologize… not your fault…”
“Just so… you feel so good… I want more…”
“I know, baby..”
Tsumugi pulled away just enough to look at you, and you brushed his bangs away from his sweat-soaked forehead, shuddering at the hazy look in his eyes. 
You looked off to the side, feeling slightly guilty about the predicament you had gotten your boyfriend in, but thankfully for you he was a bit too out of it to think much of it, assuming you were just feeling shy again. Part of you felt a bit bad for sneaking him aphrodisiacs, but another part just… really wanted to see him let loose. Even during sex, Tsumugi was usually so gentle, kind… completely focused on your pleasure rather than his own and you’d decided you had enough. You just really didn’t think he’d keep going for this long… You could feel his cum leaking out of you, despite his best efforts to keep himself shoved as close as humanly possible to you, and it was getting you riled up again despite your exhaustion.
“Hey… Mugi. I wanna try something.” You said as you put both hands on his chest and gently pushed against him, eliciting a whine from his lips, but naught more as he obediently pulled away, and out of you, causing you to shudder yet again. 
Tsumugi sat back on the bed and caught his breath, reaching up to rub his eyes before looking at the state you were in, his vision slightly blurred from his current lack of glasses. You were… a mess, to say the least. Your hair disheveled and sticking up wildly as you were panting like a bitch in heat. Your tearstained cheeks, your flushed, red lips… the various bite marks littering your neck, collarbone, and hips… Were he in a less lust-driven state, he’d most likely be running around like a headless chicken to find ways to make sure you were comfortable and in the least amount of pain possible, but in his current state he could do nothing but stare. He carefully reached out to press on your abdomen, humming lowly in content as you mewled pathetically when more of his cum seeped out of you.
You looked really cute like this.
“What did you… wanna try, exactly?” He looked back at your face, feeling a bit impatient now.
You slowly sat up, breathing out as finally moving after all this time caused a couple of your bones to crack, and a dull ache to settle over your legs. You wordlessly straddled him, holding back a small laugh at the way he tensed when you pressed your bare chest to his. You could very clearly feel how hard he still was as you reached down to stroke him and line him up with your leaking pussy. You relished in the soft whimpers that fell from his lips as he grabbed your hips, pulling a yelp from your mouth as he forced you back down onto him. Your lips caught his in a messy kiss as you wasted no time in moving. His nails dug into your hips as he forced his tongue into your mouth, wanting to taste you as deeply as he possibly could.
The change in position was causing him to push even further into you, which felt absolutely heavenly. You barely even noticed when his lips left yours, and made their way kissing from the corner of your mouth, down to your neck, and then your shoulder. He gently lapped at the bruises forming on your skin as he gave a few weak thrusts against you, his body clearly at its limit finally.
You laughed quietly and hugged his head to your chest, slowing to a stop as you kissed his forehead, “Finally had enough?”
He huffed very faintly and nipped your chest, but gave an affirming nod before resting most of his weight against you. Ah well, maybe you can ride him another time… For now, you opted on leaning backwards, until he laid down with you, making sure to keep you tight against him as he tried his best to calm his breathing. You squirmed a bit to get comfortable, both a bit disappointed, and relieved that you could finally relax. 
With a quiet “I love you,” Tsumugi shut his eyes, falling into what you hoped was a restful sleep, with you following behind him not long after, although you might have a few new ideas for next time…
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natsmagi · 4 months
How do you imagine Switch's voices in femstars? Have you thought of any VAs that would suit them in your hcs? <:
OH MANNNNNNNN. i gotta preface this by saying i really do not watch alot of anime. there is 100% better voice hcs But i do not know enough about the seiyuu world, but here is at least a very general vibe of how i envision theyd sound like
tsumugi i feel would definitely have that saori hayami voice or something similar though. Soft airy and motherly just like the tsumugi we all know and love
sora could maaaybe be something along the lines of bisky from hxh? i want there to be a little hint of Bastard in her voice, and im sooo certain theres probably someone in a girl idol game that has the voice i picture BUT FOR NOW. BISKY
AS FOR NATSUME UHHHHHH. natsume has a very special voice, i feel like id have to do alot of digging to find someone that captures it well.......... but in my mind i imagine like. a mixture of edelgard fe3h and izutsumi dunmeshi? i want the allure of edelgard and the tone of izutsumi........ my ideal natsume concoction
ANYWAY natsumes and soras arent perfect in how i envision theyd sound, so if anyone is picking up what im putting down ur free to list seiyuus/characters u think capture what im looking for!! i want sora to have a cute anime girl voice but nothing too ear-grating with a playfulness to it, and i want natsumes to be an alluring slightly deeper tone preferably with texture to it. i KNOW theres perfect seiyuus out there i just need to get my hands on them
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teacute · 5 months
❝ feelings ❞ — a. tsumugi x f! reader
character(s) ! aoba tsumugi / fem! reader warning ! this is a one-sided so i'm putting angst since.. there's no happiness here /j note ! i'm not proud of this writing pls just-- i didn't proofread this okie
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" you shouldn't sleep like this!! everyone would be worried heck and will think you're dead, mugi! " the female voice bombarded the supposedly quiet office when she saw tsumugi sleeping at his work station. she wanted to straight up choke him for doing something like this. leaving himself defenseless, in the middle of the night - what's more, in the office?! tsumugi was shocked due to the high pitched yelling that he woke up, baffled by the whole situation.
[name] then put both her hands on his shoulders and shook him. " why didn't you go back to the dormitory instead of sleeping here?! " she can't stop herself from screaming anymore. she asks to be forgiven if there's anyone other than the two of them in the office for screaming. tsumugi's eyes widen as wide as the saucer of his teacup. he sheepishly laughed, scratching his nape. [name] eyed him. almost as if she's glaring. shivers ran down his spine as he looked back at her.
" w-why, i didn't notice you were here [name]-chan.. " he nervously laughed as he finished. he could feel the intense glaring from the female.
she mockingly replied, " oh, how would you notice me when it's literally midnight and you're asleep in the office!! "
aoba mentally noted to himself not to make [name] angry again after this. she might really blow up the whole office sooner or later. aoba mumbled a small sorry as he knew she was just worried about him. the producer sighed heavily. " you know that your health is important right? please don't be careless as to be too overworking yourself... i don't want to see you falling sick.. " she mumbled the last few parts of the sentence.
tsumugi smiled before nodding. he wore his spectacle back before standing up from his work table. " well then, shall we go back? i might as well catch up on my sleep.. hehe.. " he scratched his cheek. the female oh-so-wanted-to-hug him the moment he looked so vulnerable when she walked in, however, looking at him right at the moment made her heart beat faster. to her, he's cute and she liked that part of him where he's very helpful.
she kept quiet while nodding her head and followed tsumugi out of the door to the elevator. inside the elevator, [name] noticed that tsumugi is swaying a bit so she pinched him on the cheek. " don't fall asleep on me, i don't wanna drag you to the dorm.. plus i can't enter seishou hall¹.. "
tsumugi chuckled as he tried to stay awake. when they reached the first floor, no one to be seen because it's already so late. however, they came fronting with niki. seems like he just got off from work too. " niki? it's late already.. the café just closed? " the female questioned, curious as to why niki is later than usual. niki just smiled as he chomps down on his waffle. he surely is hungry every damn second. " yweah.. jwust cwosed.. " his words were muffled as he was still eating. the female chuckled.
" well.. since you're going back to the dorm, right? please bring tsumugi and ensure him to sleep in his room. " tsumugi could sense the deadly aura around her as she smiled innocently. niki nodded and walked away. tsumugi turned to [name] saying his thanks before walking along with niki, leaving her in the darn main hall. she sighed, she bid goodbye to the guard and she slowly walked to her dorm that's not so far away.
" i know my feelings.. i know i liked you.. but it'll ruin your image as an idol.. "
" so.. until you've shined brightly, i'll continue to support you.. "
soft voice muttered in the cold tranquil night with the sound of footsteps against the cobblestone street.
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closing note ! yipeee another ramble, another post, another day-- okay okay enough ✦ ¹ seishou hall - it's the name of their dormitories right?
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