#tsumiki [💘]
unlucky-rose · 2 months
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Little sketch based on a thing that happened in a roleplay :)
@zzmikantsumiki @unluckyservice4
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Chapter One: The Game Begins, A Life Ends...
You had gone to sleep one night only to wake up in a strange new place... Okay, maybe strange wasn't the word. The room you woke up in actually looked extremely fancy. It looked like it was fit for a king/queen!
Confused, you left the bedroom and found yourself... actually in a legitimate royal palace. Odd... And there were... voices!
Of course, you immediately ran to meet these voices! You had to know what was going on here! But when you got there, you found yourself in the center of a courtyard under a surprisingly beautiful sky. It's nice out today!
Curiously, only women seem to be around... No men anywhere. Do you approach these girls to figure out what's going on?
{{ Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Mods that play Kokichi or Kotoko on any blog in any capacity, please DNI! }}
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @iroha-painter-missing @im-not-your-mom-okay @little-miss-succubus and anyone else!
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rinhaler · 9 months
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The Root Of The Apple
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Why is Megumi at your parents house warming party? And why is he such a psycho? Daddy issues, of course!
boyfriend!yuuji itadori x f!reader x bully!megumi fushiguro
WARNINGS : 18+, panic attack, mental health issues, alcohol consumption, drug taking, bullying, drugging mention, bladder failure mention, marking mention, family drama. 
WORDS : 5.8k
notes : two years years with hindsight i should not have added toji bc i want to fuck him so desperately 😭
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Unlike your hellish few days, Megumi’s were uneventful. After he choked you in the club, he took a cab home. His sister Tsumiki was fussing over him, much to his chagrin. She asked how his night went, if he had a good time, if he kissed any girls. She thought she was hilarious, but Megumi found her to be nothing but a nuisance.
He hates that he was trapped with her until he finishes university, being unable to move out from under her over protective thumb is painful for him. Tsumiki is invasive, irritating, and too God damn happy. And what’s worse, she’s not his real sister. He’ll never think of her as such, to him, Tsumiki is a means to an end.
He hates her. He hates his whole God damn family. But right now, right in this exact moment…
There’s nobody he hates more than you.
While you were still in a drug infused sleep, Megumi’s Wednesday was different. He went on as if everything was normal, he got a ride to university from Tsumiki. It’s rare she has the time to take him since she is usually at work.
He found the entire day dull. It pained him to admit it to himself, but he supposes part of him missed you. He was blissfully unaware of your coma-like state, he smiled into the pencil he was chewing in his mouth as he imagined that you’re terrified to come back to school for fear of seeing him. It gave him a sick sort of power trip, knowing what he’d done to you, what he’s doing to you.
He’s sick.
But it’s okay that he’s sick, because he knows.
He knows he’s fucked up, and everything he’s doing to you is fucked up.
But Christ it’s fun.
Thursday is the same, although he’s grateful he gets to finish the school day earlier. But as he walks through the parking lot, he pauses when he doesn’t see Yuuji’s car in its usual spot. He didn’t think twice about it yesterday.
Of course perfect Yuuji would want to stay home and play the role of the doting boyfriend, protecting you from the big bad bully, wrapping you in cotton wool and shielding you from the world. But today is the second day Yuuji hasn’t been to school.
Megumi would never admit it out loud, but his blood ran cold at the thought that something terrible had happened.
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He arrives home, his sister nowhere in sight. Megumi dumped his backpack and sprawled out on the couch. And against every voice in his head telling him not to, his resolve crumbles, and his thumbs involuntarily types your name into Facebook.
He couldn’t see much since you weren’t friends, but he thought he might be able to see if anyone had said something about what happened.
Alas, there was nothing.
He decides to try and put it to the back of his mind.
Within the hour, Tsumiki is home. She begins preparing dinner for the two of them. She waffles on about her boring, mundane workday. She hasn’t even realised that Megumi has his headphones on and is completely tuning her out. An eyebrow quirked on his face when a text came through to his phone.
Nina: Megumi omg baby we are in soooooo much trouble! 😳😟💘xxx
Megumi’s thumbs hover above the keyboard momentarily as he contemplates how he should reply. One thought ran through his mind.
Who the fuck is Nina?
It had to be one of those annoying sluts from his class. But was it the blonde or the redhead? They’re both practically the same save for the hair colour.
He can barely remember which one he fingered; he thinks it’s the blonde.
It had to be her, surely the other one wouldn’t be so bold as to call him baby. He shudders and gags as he thinks of the pet name. The more he debates formulating a reply, he opts to not bother.
Megumi technically didn’t do anything wrong.
Hours pass, it's close to 1am. Tsumiki never normally stays up this late, but she has the day off tomorrow and was enjoying watching movies with Megumi.
Well, she thought they were watching together.
Megumi is just in the room playing on his phone, pretending she didn’t exist, as usual. Just as he was about to go upstairs, the siblings both startle at the sound of an ominously loud knock. Tsumiki looks at him, as if to ask if he was expecting anyone. He shakes his head in response, so she gets up and looks through the peep hole.
She gasps, and opens the door quickly after she’d spotted who was outside.
Megumi isn’t ashamed to admit that his stomach drops when he realises the police are at his door. And the disappointed look in Tsumiki’s eyes as she hears them ask if Megumi Fushiguro is home make his insides churn. She welcomes them in, clearing space for them to sit on the sofa.
Megumi sits down next to her, she wraps an unwelcome arm around him, a sign of solidarity.
“There’s been a serious allegation made against you Megumi.” one of the officers speaks. Megumi hears his sister’s breath hitch, but he clears his throat and tries to remain calm.
“In regard to what? I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” he answers simply. The officers look at each other quickly before giving him their attention once again, as if they’ve already decided he's guilty.
“A classmate of yours has accused you and two others of drugging her in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Do you know anything about that?” the policeman asks. Megumi does his best to stay composed, shaking his head in response.
“Megumi would never—”
“Please don’t interrupted miss.” the other policeman speaks. Tsumiki bites her tongue as she sinks back in her seat. His attention focuses back on Megumi before he starts flipping through a notebook. “This young woman was in a terrible state. I won’t go into too many details, but she was publicly humiliated and has been unconscious for the last two days.” he explains. Megumi’s jaw bubbles as he tried to supress his emotions, Tsumiki’s hands cover her mouth in horror as her ears digest the information. She leans forwards timidly, as if to ask permission to speak.
“I- sorry, what do you mean by publicly humiliated?” she wonders.
The officer clears his throat, unsure whether he should say. The other nods, wanting to fill them in. Megumi knew their little game. They think if they tug at his heartstrings and make him feel guilty, his emotions will give him away. He didn’t know what happened after he left; he told the girls that the drug will be enough to make her embarrass herself.
“When she was discovered on the bathroom floor in the club, we were informed that she had urinated and vomited on herself on account of the drugging.” they explain.
Megumi has to do everything in his power to supress his laughter.
He knew you’d find a way to make a fool of yourself when it was in your system, but that really cut the cake.
“That’s awful.” Tsumiki says softly.
“As well as that,” the officer speaks again, commanding the sibling’s attention, “the t-shirt she’d worn that night appeared to be cut open with a pair of scissors. We could tell from the CCTV from the night of the incident that someone had written the word 'bitch' across her body. According to the woman’s partner it was written in lipstick.” he tells them.
Megumi managed to keep composed, although he was seething. Those idiot incompetent girls could be the undoing of him. He specifically told them that they had nothing else to do other than slip the pill in your drink. Their petty jealousy had clearly gotten the better of them, and it could fuck them all up well and truly.
Tsumiki gasps when she hears the final sentence from the officer. She assures them that Megumi could never do anything so horrible. They look at him, and he knew he had to speak.
“I don’t know anything about that. I left earlier than most, I got a cab. My sister was awake when I got back, and I’m sure the CCTV can prove that I wasn’t there.” he tells them calmly.
“How do you know you were gone before it happened?” the officer asks, feeling clever, feeling like he trapped Megumi in a lie.
“Because you said it was the early hours of Wednesday morning. I had left the club by 11:30pm, like I said, the CCTV will be able to prove I left early. This incident has nothing to do with me,” Megumi stands to his feet, knowing he’s won and has no interest in carrying on the discussion anymore. The policemen knew as well as he did that it was your word against his, he feels untouchable. “Whoever she is, I hope you can get some justice for her.” he tells them, smugly. His sister beams up at him with so much pride. Her little brother is so good, so respectable, he’s perfect in her eyes.
If only she knew.
She shows the men out of their home, requesting he get in touch if he remembers anything that might help their case. Megumi finally retreats to the safety of his bedroom, feeling cocky and proud of himself for slithering his way through your feeble attempt to get him arrested. He feels like a god. He feels invincible. An electric excitement jolts through him as he wonders when he might see you next.
What he can do to you next.
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Friday brings another uneventful day, he really fucking misses you.
It sounds more romantic than it is.
Maybe it is, in some twisted way, treat them mean to keep them keen.
And he is downright vile to you. He doesn’t feel anything but pure unadulterated hatred for you. You’re too fucking nice, like his sister. No one is that nice. The way you felt compelled to compliment his art whenever you had the audacity to lean over and observe his sketchbook. And every time you did it, it was pictures of him. He thinks he hates you the most. And then when he remembers that man, that scumbag, he takes first place. If you could have just shut your fucking mouth, if you didn’t feel so compelled to start talking about those pictures of him, maybe you wouldn’t be paying the price now.
Megumi arrives home from his boring school day and kicks the door shut behind him with his foot. He's furious. The combination of his hatred for you and his father is too much. All he wants to do is go to his room, get changed and head outside for a few hours to clear his head. But when Tsumiki stops him from going to his room, he just about bites her head off.
“What?!” he barks. The volume makes her jump, but she simply smiles as she prepares to speak.
“Dad called.” she told him.
“My dad. Don’t say dad as if he’s your dad too. What did he want?” he moans at her. Her smile pulls downwards into a frown at his rude and hurtful words. She was about to answer him again, but before she can she's interrupted by the creaking of stairs. The siblings look to the source, and Megumi’s blood boils at the sight.
“That’s no way to talk to your sister.” Toji speaks. He’s just showered. He's wearing some grey joggers and his chest is bare, he's in the middle of the process of pulling a shirt over his head. His shirt clung to his water-soaked body in all of the right places, it's almost a little pornographic considering how innocent of an act it was.
His children almost didn’t want to look at him because it's so unintentionally erotic. Although Megumi doesn’t like to look at him anyway. “It’s been a while son. You don’t mind if I take him for a drive do you Tsumiki? Got some things I wanna talk to ‘im about.” Toji smiles at the young woman who nods enthusiastically.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Megumi spits.
“I wasn’t fuckin’ askin’ so get your scrawny ass in the car and stop bitchin’ at me.” Toji commands, walking ahead and leaving through the front door.
What Megumi hates most about Toji is no matter how much he hates him, how much he knows he’ll never change, he still – for some unknown reason – craves his approval. He knew his son would follow him through the door, that’s why he didn’t wait for him to start moving his feet. Because within seconds, Megumi is following him through that very same front door.
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The silence in the car is deafening.
Toji is feeling the need to drag out whatever it is he wants to discuss, and Megumi has absolutely no desire to make idle chit-chat with his piece of shit father. The new car doesn’t go unnoticed. Megumi can feel his blood bubbling with rage through his veins.
When Megumi’s mother died, Toji went off the rails and he brought Megumi right along with him.
He was a downright mess. He drank, he did drugs, anything to forget. And Megumi didn’t understand. All he knew was that he lost his mother, and his daddy wasn’t his daddy anymore.
Toji could barely stomach looking at him, he reminded him too much of his dead wife. Although he found a new wife to go off the rails with, and that’s how Tsumiki entered the fray.
They were both terrible for each other and they fed off each other’s toxicity. Megumi couldn’t bear to look at his father without reliving his trauma, his unresolved resentment coursing through his fragile skin.
He understood that his father was hurting, but he was too. He lost his mother. And instead of taking care of his son, being there for him, helping him heal. He found a new wife, narcotics, and shady ways of making money. That was more important than being a dad, apparently, and this new car, his new set of wheels that reeked of money and sin, makes his body fail him.
Megumi isn’t sad. He's never sad. What he's feeling right now, some may call a broken heart. But not him. To Megumi, the way his heart feels being in such close proximity to his father is different.
It didn’t feel broken. It feels shredded.
It feels like it has been wrapped in barbed wire, and when he was near this pathetic excuse of a human being it did all it could to bulge out of its piercing prison. Chunks escaped, sure, but they were destroyed. The rest of his heart is stained, bruised and pouring blood. He couldn’t bear it.
Megumi couldn’t bear it.
“Let me out,” Megumi speaks, his breathing intensifying. His chest rising and falling rapidly.
“What? Kid, stop bein’ a bra—”
“Dad! Stop the car!” he screams. He stares at his father, begging him to listen to him.
When Toji looks over to where his son is seated, he doesn’t recognise who he's looking at. Snot and tears dribble down his face. His eyes are puffy and red, totally bloodshot. His white irises cracked with red uncomfortable veins that made Toji’s heart stop for a brief second.
This isn’t Megumi. Megumi doesn’t get like this, he’s never seen him like this. But what has Toji seen him like? He’s seen gloomy, stoic Megumi.
That’s all he sees on his fleeting visits.
Toji pulls the car over and Megumi scarpers out as quickly as he can. Toji takes his time turning off the car, finding a pair of sunglasses in the glove compartment before stepping out to tend to his child. He approaches him slowly. Wallet, phone and keys all rested skilfully in one hand.
Megumi doubles over, clear vomit evading the pit of his stomach. Toji grimaces at the sight, what the hell was wrong with him? His son is trembling, still. When he isn’t vomiting he's taking in sharp, heavy breaths, he almost sounds like he's screaming.
The desperation in his inhales are so eerie, like someone dragging a sharp knife down a windowpane.
Megumi is disgusted with himself.
It's all too much for him, reminiscing on his childhood and the closure he’d never get. The fact that his father thinks he’s allowed to pop into his life if and when he chooses.
He expects Megumi to drop everything and anything he’s doing to spend time with him and do as he’s told.
And the worst part? He does it.
He fights him every step of the way, but still, he does it.
Why does he do it? He hates him. Toji knows he hates him, too. Every conversation they have is surface level toleration or a heated argument. But Toji knows, no matter what, Megumi wants to please his father. Because he left him to fend for himself, he left him without a friend in the world. So, whenever Megumi gets the chance, he wants to prove himself to his father.
That’s why.
Megumi needs his father’s approval.
“The fuck’s wrong with you kid? Panic attack?” Toji questions as he towers above his son.
Megumi collapses onto his backside, mouth agape as he manages to calm himself down. He wants to rip his dad’s throat out for talking to him like that. But he doesn’t have the energy. He just can’t.
“Shut up, Toji.” he commands, making his father roll his eyes. An act of petty defiance, to call him by his name instead of dad. It doesn’t bother Toji, he couldn’t care less. He knows he’s a shit dad, he didn’t sign up for it anyway. He doesn’t care, he probably never will.
“Get up, there’s a coffee shop over there I’ll get you some water.” he tells him, hoping the offer will be enough to entice him off the ground.
Megumi blanks him though, still focusing on his breathing and trying to coax himself into feeling better so he can go home. Toji isn’t a man who likes to be ignored, Megumi is lucky he’s his kid right now. Anyone else would be in for a world of hurt.
But instead, Toji slowly raises his foot off the ground. He inches his dirty dust clad shoe closer to his boy’s face. Megumi side eyes the muddy soled loafer, piercing green eyes threatening him to back off.
However, Megumi forgets who he inherited those intimidating emerald orbs from.
Toji doesn’t take lightly to threats, and he hasn’t gotten where he is by being frightened by a simple look. His filthy shoe is millimetres from Megumi’s face, “I said get up kid.” and with Megumi ignoring him yet again, Toji has to make good on his threat. He gently kicks the bottom of his foot into his son’s face. Megumi grabs his ankle and pushes him away, springing to his feet soon after to ball his fists in his dad’s shirt.
“Why the fuck are you here now? What do you want? You only come when you want something so out with it.” Megumi hisses, his face mere inches from his dad’s. Toji raises his hand in surrender with that signature shit-eating grin on his face. But Megumi’s fists grasp harder, for the first time in his life he feels strong. Stronger than him. He shoves him backwards and pins him against the car. “What do you want Toji?!”
Toji, however, is over this little game. Megumi never has been, and never will be, stronger than him. He’d never hurt his son. He does love him, in his own fucked up way. He’s his after all. But he doesn’t love him enough to let him disrespect him in his quest for validation and superiority. He grabs his junior by the base of the neck, removing his sunglasses and peering intensely into his child’s eyes. Fear shudders through Megumi, and he lets go. But Toji doesn’t.
“Get in the fuckin’ car. Dumbass. I’ll go get you a drink,” and with that he releases Megumi from his grip, crossing the road seamlessly. Commanding the traffic around him to stop as he approaches the coffee shop.
Megumi gets into the car. It’s hot. Fuck, it’s hot. His breathing is intensifying again. He hastily removes his jacket with shaky hands.
His father has only been gone for a few minutes, but his gaze is flitting between the windscreen window and the coffee shop. He balls his jacket up and shoves his face into it, screaming all of the air in his lungs out into the material. He just screams. It feels like he can’t stop, the oxygen will never be out of him.
He needs it out, he needs to breathe out this day, this experience.
But he can’t.
It’s lingering in his lungs, itching away at him. Little spindly legs crawling around inside of him like spiders, biting and tapping inside of him searching for a way out.
There’s no way out. He can’t breathe. He wants to rip his fucking heart out and let his dad drive and reverse over it until it’s unrecognisable.
His head drops between his knees, his hands interlocking behind his head trapping tufts of his unruly onyx locks.
He startles a little when his father opens the car door and sits behind the wheel. Toji could swear he saw him jump a little again when he slams the door shut behind him.
“Here,” his dad speaks, holding two bottles out to him. Megumi peers up to see them. One is water, and the other is a chilled glass bottle of beer. Why did he get him this? “Might steady yer fuckin’ nerves. What happened to you? Never seen y’like this before,” Toji states, not expecting a direct answer from Megumi, but daring to ask anyway.
Megumi twists the plastic cap off his water bottle. He doesn’t sip, he gulps. And he gulped, and gulped, and gulped, until the plastic bottle was contorting and creasing as he sucked the air out and his heavy fist gripped tighter around the soft material. Toji offers a teasing ‘think ya got it’ hoping it would make Megumi give up trying to get the last lingering droplets out of the plastic container.
He was right, he did get it.
It just isn’t enough. It does nothing to drown that unbearable itch inside of him. So, he slouched back in his seat, at least a little calmer for having something else to focus on.
“I’m fucked up.”
And he laughs.
It's manic. If you could see him now, God if you could see what a pathetic miserable shell he is right now.
It’s symbolic really, how insanely he’s laughing. You’d actually see a similarity between the two of you. He was almost laughing as insanely as you had been as you destroyed his artwork, probably more so.
He's unhinged. And for the first time in his life, he thinks Toji is scared. His face hurts from the way his cheeks are pulling as he laughs. If he was normal, his stomach would be aching. Because that’s what is meant to happen when people laugh. Right? When people truly laugh at something, you feel it in your belly. But fuck, Megumi isn’t normal.
He’s breaking apart.
Toji grabs his shoulder, and in an instant the laughter stops. Megumi’s face turns, his eyes snap to find his father’s matching ones. His smile is gone, but his eyebrow quivers as he studies his father’s features.
“Oh, fuck, scared you huh?” Megumi asks. Toji scoffs and lets go of him, starting the car up to drive away instead. But before he does, he takes his sons beer bottle between his teeth and bites the lid off. He spits it down on the floor of his car beneath him and gives it to Megumi. And Megumi drinks it, seeming to enjoy the taste.
That’s doing it.
That’s drowning his demons.
His attention is back on Toji as he’s driving.
And looking at him now, that is the father he knows.
He’s just driving as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. Like his son hasn’t just totally snapped before his very eyes. He’s snapped already, so why not push him a little more. Megumi punches his arm, causing Toji’s steering to waver.
“Stupid little idiot, fucks wrong with you? Don’t fuckin’ touch me while I’m drivin’.” he barks at his son. But he doesn’t stop. He punches him again, again and again. He slams harshly on the breaks, engulfing his sons whole face in one fist. He smothers his face and forcefully pushes him back into the passenger side door. “Hey! Did I fuckin’ stutter?”
“Did I fuckin’ scare you dad? You looked a little concerned you piece of shit! Ya fuckin’ deadbeat…” Megumi yells, fighting back the tears that were building, slithering behind his eyes threatening to spill at any moment.
“Pfft. Grow up Megumi. You’re not fifteen anymore,”
“Yeah, I was fucked up then never mind now.” Megumi spits at him.
“God, shut up.” Toji seethes as he softly slaps Megumi on the side of his face, pointing to the tip of his nose, demanding his attention. “You’re not fucked up. You’re fine. Y’think everyone doesn’t get like this? Y’think I never get like this? I wanna rip my fuckin’ skin off when I think about how fucked everything is for too long.” he tells his son sternly, trying to be calm but firm with him.
“You—” Megumi manages to croak out before Toji interrupts.
“Yeah, me. I fuckin’ left you. Never said sorry did I? Would you believe me if I said I was sorry? I don’t know if I am kid, that’s the problem. Had to fuckin’ split, couldn’t handle it. But if it helps, sure. I’m sorry. It was fucked.” Toji tells him.
Megumi is in awe.
This is the most they’d ever talked in their lives. Everything they discuss is surface level pleasantries that are meaningless. And he apologised. He can’t apologise. He’s said the word sorry but the itch is still there. He doesn’t mean it, he said himself he doesn’t mean it. This can’t be it, this can’t be everything Megumi has been waiting to hear to fix him. Anger and resentment he’s clung onto for so long, dying as he awaited the moment he’d finally get an apology or an explanation.
And this was it.
This was all he’d waited for, and it wasn’t good enough. It’ll never be good enough. He’s going to be stuck with this itch for the rest of his life.
“Are you kidding me? You think that’s good enough?” Megumi questions, fists balled as he argues with himself whether to punch Toji again. “I’m sorry, but I’m not really sorry because I had too. Huh, asshole? You really think that’s good enough?!” Megumi bellows, lip quivering as he clenches his teeth together.
“Don’tcha get it? Idiot. Nothing I say’ll ever be good enough. I fuckin’ left you alone after your mother died. Whether I mean it or not, it won’t stop fuckin’ hurtin’ kid. You got more than I ever did. The Zen’in used to lock me up and beat the shit out of me.” he angles the right side of his face and points to the scar on his lip, “they gave me this for the pleasure, think I ever got a fuckin’ sorry? No. Fake or sincere, nothin’. Think holdin’ a grudge is gonna fix anything?”
Megumi has been vibrating with anger the entire conversation.
All he wants to do was smash the glass of beer he has and stab the jagged shards into Toji’s neck. He's furious.
There is some truth to his words, sure, but he's so fucking casual. Like Megumi is meant to take everything he's saying as gospel, accepting it as absolute truth and living his life by them from now on.
He’s been vibrating with anger through the entire conversation, until he thought of you. He can’t smile; but his clenching jaw relaxes when visions of you enter his mind.
It's just as well, Toji thinks if he clenched any harder his son’s teeth would smash to pieces. It was something Toji said that made him think of you.
Think holdin’ a grudge is gonna fix anything?
No. But it helps. He’s sure you’d have the same thought process as Toji, you’d be desperate to end the vendetta Megumi has against you. But if he didn’t hate his father, if he didn’t hate you, how else would he cope?
How else would he control the itch?
Megumi allows his body to go limp, looking over to Toji with a side-eye glance. He huffs, allowing his chest to rise and fall in one heavy dramatic breath.
“What do you want, dad?”
Toji kisses his teeth, contemplating how to speak. How to ask. But Megumi has honestly had enough of fucking around today, dancing around subjects and rowing with each other. He just wants to know, and that is something Toji could plainly see in his son’s defeated body. So, he comes right out and says it, not wanting to beat around the bush.
“Tomorrow,” he begins, looking around at everything in the car other than his son. But his gaze settles, their emerald eyes meeting once again. “There’s a big shindig, all of the Zen’in are goin’. You need to be there.”
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And that’s how Megumi found himself in a town car on his way to your parent’s new manor home.
Toji didn’t offer him a ride, of course.
Megumi suspects his father will be feeling uncomfortable after their argument yesterday, but in reality Toji is having a good parenting moment. He felt it necessary to give his son some space to cool down after their heated conversation.
The closer the car got to the ridiculously enormous manor; butterflies joined the itching in the pit of Megumi’s stomach. He tries to clear his throat and take deep breaths, but it wasn’t helping.
He fishes around in his inside jacket pockets. He pulls out a mirror from the right pocket and a baggie of cocaine and a razor from the other.
The car slows as it pulls into the gates, manoeuvring around the intricate landscaping. He takes the opportunity to make a white powdery line atop the mirror resting on his lap. He doesn’t care what the driver thinks of him, he’s sure Toji does the same if not worse whenever he's in here.
He snorts it, slowly. It’s been a while since he’s let this be a vice of his.
Megumi isn’t stupid, no, he’s careful. He will be careful with his vices. But when the car stops below the staircase that lead to the daunting double doors, he sags back into the plush leather seats of the car.
“D’ya mind if I just wait here for a minute?” Megumi asks, the man shakes his head, much to Megumi’s delight.
It’s been a while since he’s been to a Zen’in get together. When he and Tsumiki moved away, he managed to avoid them and Toji like the plague.
It's harrowing, really, that he had to walk into a strangers home, alone. To see a family who did nothing but chastise and disapprove. A family he barely knew but still felt it necessary to try and control aspects of his life and look down on each and every little thing he did.
But he relaxes. He wipes his nose of the white dust and takes a deep breath. He gets out of the car, slamming it aggressively behind him. He ascended the stairs. Breathing shallow breaths as he prepares himself for the hell he's about to endure.
He rests his finger on the doorbell, he can’t seem to take his finger off it. Air is knocked from his lungs when the door opens, almost being ripped from its hinges.
What the fuck are you two doing here?
He can’t help but stare, completely in awe at the sight. You’re looking at him differently, like you know him. Like you’ve had a look into the window of his damaged soul.
What the fuck are you staring at?
Megumi clears his throat, and you're staring soon turns to dismay, irritation. Megumi thinks you’re just processing what is happening, the unlikely coincidence of it all.
Are you still scared of him?
Terrified of what he’ll do to you?
Or are you safe now, because dear old Yuji is here?
Megumi takes in the sight of both of you, but drinks up the vision of you. He can’t believe it. You’re really here. He opens his mouth, smiling sadistically, knowing whatever he does will get a reaction out of you.
“Well well, what do we have here?” Megumi questions, crossing his arms across his chest as he waits for a response.
Yuuji looks feral, like he wants to skin him alive. It’s sad, really, that his best friend has let a useless cunt come between them. Megumi won’t disown him, but he knows Yuuji won’t claim him as his friend anymore. He’ll always be Megumi’s. Yuuji pulls your hand to bring you closer to his body. He’s sure Yuuji can feel you shaking like a frightened lamb against him, because even from this distance, Megumi can see it.
“Get out of the way Fushiguro,” Yuuji demands, holding your body as tightly as he can to give you the feeling of safety you’re so desperate for.
But of course, Megumi doesn’t move.
He doesn’t sidestep to allow you past.
He just stares. And Yuuji’s temper flares when he stops staring at you both, but through you. Because a dastardly grin stretches across Megumi’s pretty face.
While Yuuji is staring, shaking and furious, while you’re trembling, terrified and on the brink of tears, he sees who he can only assume are the owners of the house, who he can only assume are your parents, are walking through the foyer and approaching you. It’s like he’s watching a movie in slow motion. And it just gets better when his own dad lollygags behind them, leaning on a doorframe further down the hall as he watches your mother and father chase after you.
Megumi knows you’re not going anywhere.
Megumi knows your parents will beg, plead for you to stay. What will people say if you leave the party earlier? They’ll be the talk of high society. A simple, elegant party couldn’t go off without a hitch because their selfish daughter ruined it all.
That’s not you.
The few brief days he’s known you, something he can see about you is clear. You, perfect, sweet girl, are a people pleaser.
Megumi’s smiling. And he’s smiling hard.
Because you aren’t going anywhere.
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© 2021 fuwushiguro | © 2023 fuwushiguro
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extralively · 5 months
Sooooo, I just caught up to your latest chapter upload 😭 And umm.... I think my heart just grew 10 sizes 🥹.
Dear heavens above, please keep the Gojo-Wakatsuki-Fushiguro family safe. 🙏 I mean, they've been giving family vibes since Book 1, but this latest chapter is a whole other level.
Yura being fiercely protective of Tsumiki (like a real mom), Megumi being supportive and watching over Tsumiki, Tsumiki being concerned for everybody in spite of her condition and her need for recovery, and Satoru being such a provider and an absolute pillar of resilience, doing his best to hold it all together and even bring the four of them back to his own apartment. Like, okay Dad.
And Tsumiki is a sorcerer now! UAHDKGHASDGK
How do I properly compute this information..? Canon-divergence go BRRRRR~ Let's gooooo 🔥🔥🔥.
Also Yura the Curse Breaker is one hell of a title. 🔥🔥🔥
(I am wondering if Tsumiki turning into a sorcerer is because of Yura, or if it's just an aftereffect of Yura dismantling Tsumiki's curse. 👀 Strongly speculating that Tsumiki has Yorozu's curse technique, but I'll be here waiting patiently for whatever you have planned for 'Miki as the story progresses.. I'm so happy she's alive and well istg 🥹😭)
Side note: There's the rare and occasional story where Tsumiki is present alongside Gojo's love interest and Megumi, and I feel so bad for Tsumiki most of the time, because imagine being a normal human in a "family" full of sorcerers. I don't care how loving that family is portrayed to be, it still has to be an isolating experience. Being the odd one out always sucks, but I guess that depends on the person anyways. Some actually revel in being the odd one out... (👀 looking at you, Suguru, and your biological family of non-sorcerers).
And and and... the way Satoru and Yura both notice that there's something different about the way they look at each other throughout this chapter and just can't find the name for it actually kills me (in the best way). 🥹😭
Also her stuff in his closet? HADJSGKG Might as well live together at this point. 😭
These two have been falling deeper and deeper in love as this story progresses and they're hopelessly oblivious, and I know they're getting it together (in baby steps). 💘 It sends an arrow straight through my heart every time. The payoff when they realize it and acknowledge it themselves is going to be sooooo....
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...She’d missed this. She’d missed him. Yura didn’t think twice before turning around in his arms, her whole body then sagging into him as pure relief washed over her .....she did push herself closer... and finally, she actually felt at home.
Home is where they're all together as a family... 🏡
Also, home = Satoru... Yura, you're so in love with him, how can you willfully brush it under the rug every time?
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he held her close—unwilling to let go. (He’d stayed up a while after she had gone to sleep, just enjoying the way she felt back in his arms, before his own exhaustion took over and he too passed out.) --- Satoru turned his head, his gaze meeting hers. He hated seeing her eyes filled with worry again, and this time it was worry over him. He wanted to make it go away, he wanted to see her eyes lighting up with joy instead of this; he wished one of his abilities were snapping his fingers and making everything right again, but there was only so much that even the strongest could accomplish. So he only turned his body to her, pressing his face against her shoulder. Yura seemed surprised for a moment, but one of her hands eventually slid up his neck, slipping into his hair. Don’t worry about me, he wanted to say. His hands came up to her waist, lightly gripping at her shirt. Don’t worry about me or I’ll worry about you. —he’d lost Suguru, but he hadn’t lost her
"I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends~" 🎶🎧
There's something so sweet and tender and wonderful about being emotionally vulnerable and intimate with someone on this level in spite of the shit storm surrounding you.
Someone play this song on repeat for them until they realize it all, please. I'm begging~ 😭🙏 YOU'RE IN LOVE... They're so in love. 😩😭
One night he wakes Strange look on his face Pauses, then says You're my best friend And you knew what it was He is in love
Satoruuuuu, the signs~ the signs, I'm telling youuuu~ 😭😩
Your fic's an emotional rollercoaster, and I don't ever want to leave. 😁 I can't thank you enough for writing it and sharing it... always~
This message was an emotional rollercoaster, and I appreciated every bit of it ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
Satoru and Yura are so in love that their subconscious have already 100% accepted it, even if they won't actually put it into words. Like they've already accepted that they're a little family, and Yura's brain has already cemented that THESE ARE MY KIDS ILL KILL WHOEVER TRIES TO HURT THEM
(that's also me looking @ canon)
And yes, Yura has a whole section of her stuff in Satoru's closet now, just like Satoru has a drawer full of his stuff at her place too ehehe. Actually, they've got a bunch of each other's stuff scattered around their apartments, they're like halfway living together now--clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, other bathroom products... I mean, if someone were to just walk into Yura's place it would be painfully obvious that she has a boyfriend lol (Satoru's place is big so you'd have to go to his bedroom, but then yep, there's a woman living there too)
Tsumiki is one of them now! I wasn't actually planning for it initially lol but then it just made sense. Now I'm having to plan for more of her presence in later events, but that should be fun hehe. I'll just say that I'm planning stuff, but anything else would spoilers (◡‿◡✿)
But yeah, she was the odd one out in their little family (and any fics that actually bother to include her lmao). I think she might not have felt it so strongly growing up since Megumi wasn't a full-blow sorcerer at that point, but I think she'd eventually feel a little left out whenever she couldn't be included in jujutsu business. But not anymore tho!! ಠ⌣ಠ
Anyway, things are going to get a little bit better for them now (before it gets worse oop), so get ready for some fluffy but emotional moments in the next couple of chapters or so! And as always, thank you so much for reading and commenting like this <333 It truly is what keeps me writing, being able to share it with you guys <333 Thank you so much!
(...also there's a new School Stories oneshot incoming, beware ಠ‿ಠ)
EDIT: also lemme jam to that song while writing the next fluffy moment between them ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
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seiwas · 1 year
Sel, hiiiiii 🤍 hope you're having a lovely day!
I was wondering more about col couple and i'm curious what do lovebirds do together in their day to day lives now that both of them can be at peace after everything that has happened? Do you think they'd have mini versions of themselves sometime in the future? (Ignore this if it's something uncomfy for you ^^)
Anyhow, i keep going back to re-read them over and over, it's just so captivating and my favourite thing yet so i love you so so much for creating this, you're also such a lovely individual here !! 🤍😭
tina darling!!! hiiii 🥹 i’m so touched that you’re re-reading omg??? 😭 pls i am sending u cookies and love mails!!! thank u so much for reading!! and u always say i’m a lovely person, but i hope u know that u are too!!! 😭 i hope you’re having the most beautiful day as well ❣️
i’m so touched that u’re thinking abt the col couple, they’re on my mind all the time too 🤧, thank u for asking this!!! 🥹
hmmm what do they do in their day-to-day now that everything’s more settled…
sorcerer work is still there, although a lot less!! and they handle a lot more on the admin side of things now (which i vaguely mention in the collection i think!)
satoru’s trying really hard to be a better partner 🥹 (whatever ‘better’ means, he’s just whipped!!! wants reader to feel all that he feels for em 🥹) & reader doesn’t ask for it, but he does all the cheesy things!! anniversary plans, those date ideas you can find on tiktok or ig reels, and he searches the top 10 romantic places for a picnic but forgets to check the forecast so it rains that day 🥹🤧😭
he tries to vlog some of it too!! for the ~~memories (and lowkey for the clout…) and posts it on his socials!! (yuuji leaves the sweetest comment and megumi gives a thumbs down 🤧) & it booms for a while but reader starts getting hate from like… 13 year olds… (he becomes a social media heartthrob unfortunately 😔) so he takes it down 😭 (and also—he sees comments on how hot reader is, some of them kind of… 😳, and he’s jealous so. nope. for his eyes only from now on!)
reader spends a lot more time w the students, or former students now, really & reader likes picking up new hobbies all the time!! trying out new things!! so there’s a rotation of the people that join in 🥺 (pottery with megumi, cooking with inumaki, yoga with yuuji (gojo joins in…. 👀🤨), dance with nobara 😭 and more!!!)
and!!! they move in together 🥺 officially 🥺 and his office is now theirs, also officially 🥹
would you all be interested in me writing more pieces on stuff like this for ‘conversations on love’? 😳
talks of children, kids, parenting, etc. under the cut
i don’t mind talking abt them having kids at all!! but thank you for being so thoughtful tina 🥺
i do love me a good papa!gojo 🥺 and i think reader would make such a loving parent too 🥺 so i can totally see it happening with them!! but!!! i don’t think it’s a priority, or something they actively think about/plan to happen 🥺
there’s definitely a lot of reluctancy with it (on both ends actually) —given that they’ve had a bit of experience with megumi and tsumiki despite being kinda thrust into it back then— they’d be more careful and conscious about it now, that if they do decide on mini-me’s, they want to be sure they can be present, in a world that’s safe and right to raise their own children 🥺
sorry this got so long!! but i hope i answered all your questions 🥹
@stellamancer tagging u here bc col couple is urs as much as they r mine 💘
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shanksbaby · 2 years
request from @oo00oo00ooooo :Hi hope you're doing well 👋 If you don't mind can I ask for headcanons for Gojo as a single dad to a little girl he adopted (I know I'm ripping off Geto but aaa Satoru has good dad energy too !) Maybe Megumi and Tsumiki are like her siblings....Megu-ni ,Miki-ne 🥺💘
Gojo Satoru
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Gojo adopted you when you were about a year old, you were about to be yet another victim of a curse when he saved you, unfortunately your parents were dead. So he decided to adopt you, after all she already had two other children at home how difficult would it have been to raise a third?
being the strongest he is often called for work, and as much as he is sorry to leave you he has to do it but don't worry: Megumi and Tsumiki babysit you. They both love you, Tsumiki also always wanted a sister so she doesn't mind looking after you at all.
you grew up considering them your brothers, you call them Megu-ni and Miki-ne. Together with Gojo they are your favorite people, and you always enjoy playing with them, your favorite game with them is pretend tea drinking.
as for Gojo, being himself a child the rules he gives you are almost absent (in fact Megumi is much stricter). Do you want ice cream for dinner? Done, he'll probably eat it with you. Speaking of sweets, he gives you lots to the disappointment of Megumi and Tsumiki (they always say that sweets can hurt your teeth).
he calls you ' daddy's little princess'
you also love to play with him, even if he is not always available he will always try to find free time for you. Playing with him is playing like a child so if you play for example a card game he will celebrate when he wins and even tease you.
but other than that he is truly an amazing father he may appear to the outside eye that he is a neglectful father but in reality he loves you so much, he always tries to be there for you always tries to carve out time to be with you.
he spoils you, do you want a toy? consider it bought, do you want a pet? he will get it for you, even if they have to take care of it Megumi and Tsumiki, do you want an expensive dress? He buys it for you, plus you look so pretty in the clothes so who's he to deny you?
he doesn't know if you will actually be a sorcerer because you are not his biological daughter and he has no idea if you can be those cases of people who came from humans but acquired the ability to be a sorcerer. He doesn't care if you are strong or not, he is the strongest and therefore he will protect you.
if you're hurt he kisses your bosom and puts a plaster on you, and if you cry dry your tears and try to calm down by picking yourself up and stroking your back whispering 'it's nothing, princess. come on, don't cry '
he is not a parent who gets alarmed or panicked easily he is very chill.
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hoshigray · 4 months
Hoshi bb💕
What’s the usual morning routine for you and Toji?👀
Aika dearest 😔😔💕💕💕 stop ur making me soft, gaaaaaahhh!!!
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Depending on the day, mornings with Toji and I are so lovely!! Like on the weekends, mornings are just a lazy excuse to spend more time together. yk the type of guy who doesn't like to let you go even if you want to use the bathroom rq? Yeah, that's him 🤭🤭🤭 we get to squeeze in a few hours of sleep before the kids come and wake us up. And also, maybe we can squeeze in a morning shower together before brushing our teeth 🤧💟💟 omg I do my skin care while he shaves of his growing stubble 😭😭😭😭
During the weekdays, I'm usually the one who gets outta bed first to get ready and take a quick shower. Then, as Toji gets up to take his, I go wake up Tsumiki and Megumi to get prepared for school. While they do that, I make a quick breakfast for us all to have at the dining table, pouring Toji his usual cup of black coffee while the children sip their juice and eat toast with fruits. 🍞🍇 and ofc, there are the goodbye kisses as I send them off, and toji is sure I give him one last before he's off dropping them to school 😔💘💘
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sapphierspider · 1 year
okay and the live stream is ready in 3…2….1!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone!!!! For the people who are new Hiya I’m saphy / sour!!! I’m also called lil sis by my mutuals ☆
My fandoms are ↓
🩷• Danganronpa + Fanganronpas
💘• Pjsk
🩷• Fnaf
💘• Ddlc
🩷• Pokémon
My main F/os are
💘Arei nageshi and Mikan tsumiki Power💞 i love them so much💕
here is my writing blog = @kasane-writes
f/o Blog = @the-loveletters
art blog = @sour-artist
please check those blogs out!! Thanks ♡
I Hope that we can become great friends!!!!!!
Well thats it!! I can’t wait to see you in the next livestream my sweet treats!!!!!
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vagabond-umlaut · 11 months
Hello! I wanted to say I love love your work! Ive been binging ur work and let me tell u I’ve been screaming over we’re the summer rain series the past 24 hours instead of doing ochem work lol. Like the riko fic and megumi fic are my favorites of the series and make me ajjsjdjdjsksijxksoqkjs!!,!:!:’nxb The way u wrote rikos pov and relationships kinda destroyed me emotionally and put me together again and it was just so good to see her survive and I reread the fic like 3 times in the past 24 hour cycle. AND MEGUMID FIC IN THE SERIES THE BEST ENDING WAS JUST joy great and GOJO BEING SO OBVIOUS EXCELLENT CROPS WATERED. ALSO I REALLY LOVE HOW U WROTE GOJO ALOT BTW ITS GREAT!! I’ve also wanted to scream about sukanas series because uh wow ur characterization of him is 😳. Thank you so much for writing and sharing and I can’t wait to see what else u have in store for the future!!! 💙💙💙💙
grey cashmere [riko's fic] and paper planes [megumi's fic] are two of my most beloved fics as well. i'm one of the oldest kids in my family, so getting the chance to write reader as an elder sister-like figure to riko, or as a mother-like figure to megumi and tsumiki— i very much enjoyed writing them both, as i could insert a little bit of myself into the reader's character. i could see a little bit of myself in the reader...
besides, ofc, the other main reason being, riko, megumi and tsumiki deserve this whole world. yeah, the manga made them sad but tht's never happening on my watch, y'all!! 😇😇
i love writing gojo being a fool in love. like, pfft! wdym everyone's soo scared of satoru? silly lover-boy was pouting today morning because he did not wake up with the reader in his arms, her head on his chest 😆😆🤣🤣 [THANK UU FOR TELLING ME U ENJOY HOW I WRITE HIM, BTW! HIS CHARACTERIZATION IS ONE OF THE MOST MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO ME, WHILE WRITING MY FICS!! 🥰🥰💗]
rly rly glad to know my sukuna writings make u go 😳. i can consider my mission being accomplished here. thanks a lot babe 😌😌🫶🫶
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unlucky-rose · 1 month
I forgot to post this earlier but I drew Mikan in her disguise :D
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Mikan had felt that Kokichi wasn't okay and she went to check up on him. She was living with him after all. She knocked on the door. "K-kokichi are you okay?"
Kokichi sniffled, wiping his tears and trying to play it off as if he had never been crying. The situation with Kiibo was taking its toll on the poor Supreme Leader.
"Y-Yeah," he choked out. "Yeah, I'm fine, Miki-Chan."
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
chiaki x mikan x ibuki bc I'm still here from your dr era <3
Hehe hiiii~
Hmm to not be. Entirely boring and gush over every ship like I want to I’m gonna go 7/10
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adorbs-dice-kinhelp · 2 years
Mikan Tsumiki Medcore/Nursecore Stimboard
Requested By: @gothtranslila
Okay To Tag As: Me/ID, Kin, F/O
Do Not Tag As: Ship
Credit if saved!!
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💉 💉 💉 - 💉 💘 💉 - 💉 💉 💉
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chubbletea · 3 years
Fictional Others
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F/O Tag
Main F/Os
Kaede Akamatsu - 🎹🌸💘 kaede 💘🌸🎹
Mikan Tsumiki - 🩹💊💗 mikan 💗🩹💊
Monika - 🎹🎀💚 monika 💚🎀🎹
Romantic F/Os
Miu Iruma - 🛠💙💖 miu 💖💙🛠
Tsumugi Shirogane - 🪡💙💬 tsumugi 💬💙🪡
Yuri - 🍵📖💜 yuri 💜📖🍵
Kagamine Rin - 🎧🎶💛 rin 💛🎶🎧
Platonic F/Os
Natsuki - 🧁🐱💌 natsuki 💌🐱🧁
Kaito Momota - 🌌🌟🌙 kaito 🌙🌟🌌
Chili Pepper Cookie - 🔥🌶❤ chili pepper ❤🌶🔥
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unlucky-rose · 2 months
⌦ blog intro ⌫
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Hello! My name is Rose and I'm relatively new to tumblr. I go by she/her and I'm a minor.
I've been into danganronpa for a few years now, pretty sure I'm going to be stuck this way. However, I have not completed many of the games. Spoilers are fine though, since my introduction to the fandom was a video of all executions and deaths (no mystery for me, very sad).
I also like FNAF, Monster High, and Gravity Falls every once in a while! A lot of other fandoms come and go in my mind, I'll add them if I remember- (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
When I'm feeling up to it, I'll try to post art or other creative endeavors but I mainly started using this blog cause I didn't like being an anon when talking to rp blogs. I also made some (check down below)!
I use unique tags, so I'll just tag them all on this post if you wanna look through them. Additionally, the buds tag refers to general thoughts/convos, the brambles tag is usually for more serious(ish) stuff, and the sunshine tag is for stuff that makes me happy.
Update: I'm going to be on less because of school and extra curricular stuff. I'm gonna try to be on, but likely during later hours of the day.
Anyway, thank you for checking out my page! Have a good day!
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roleplay blogs:
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unlucky-rose · 3 months
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Thank you! I will keep it safe ^^
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