ckkikilukilu · 3 months
Hi Kikilu, I just wanted to ask if you would be part of the Chocorpokkur event on Twitch?
I sure will, and I'm super excited!! I've been wishing Final Fantasy XIV had things like Twitch Drops for so long now. 🍫
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And thanks for asking @tsukinoxiv!! 💖
I'll try remember to announce those streams on all my OC pages (sorry, in advance, for spam to anyone that follows several of them).
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gatheredfates · 2 months
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Very funny to being doing this with the OC my friends lovingly call "Smashley Motherfuckin' Hawke, Ladies and Gentlemen; First of Her Name".
Height: 6.5 (she is on par with male Highlanders!)
Age: Early/Mid thirties.
Gender: ???
Sexuality: !!!
Pronouns: Yes. (Will respond to anything, primary defaults to she/her).
She is a working woman with a very successful career! She's Lead Courier of Firelight Trading Company. She got the money to spoil you. 🪙
The embodiment of a Labrador: sweet, dumb, friendly and extremely loyal.
She just wants to make you happy.
Extremely social and in-tune with other peoples' emotions.
Probably a careers councillor in another life. She's good at sussing out what other people want, even if its in a round-about way.
She's a good cook!!
She is dumb. She is sooooo dumb. You know that head tilt puppies do when you're talking to them and they have no idea what you're saying? This is Ashe to a T. She will make this motion. You will try to reiterate what you're saying or change your point so she understands you. She will not.
Her need to make people happy can come at a cost to your happiness.
She will not have a clue if you have a crush on her. She is 100% bro mode.
She is also 100% obsessed with her husband, Shiro.
Ashe is not someone you want to be with if you're going to be worried about her safety. She will get herself hurt on the daily; whether that is because of work, her love of brawling or the simple fact she can be a bit of a klutz. Her husband became a doctor for this very reason.
She has a big family full of numerous issues and she will drag herself into them because she just wants to help. Boundaries? Don't know 'em.
Ashe looooves touching. Cuddling, kissing, laying across the lap, etc. If you are smaller than her, she will probably carry you around like a toddler dragging a cat. If you like fighting — congratulations! Combat is also a love language. If you beat her, she will demand you teach her. She is only as competitive as it takes for her to better herself.
She's a switch! Though she tends to take on the more top/dominate role, if you switch up (ha) on her she'll literally look at you with the wow!!! emote.
There's some thoughts between those eyes, but they're certainly not academic. Ashe is street smart, combat versed and emotionally in-tune with others. She will pout at you if you're reading a book when she's around, though.
Ashe is the embodiment of wanderlust. She wants to go everywhere, see everything and do everything. If you're not interested in wandering, you will not have a good time.
Thank you to @thefreelanceangel for tagging me! I'm late but... I'll tag some people anyway. Worst comes to worse, you can do another oc.
@tsukinoxiv, @ffxivtribehydrae, @candycryptids, @eggnogis, @thefrostflower ( I know you have ocs )
@thefreelanceangel (you can do another, I believe in you), @unbreakable-oaths, @hazelkjt, @iron-sparrow, @this-is-ris and you!
If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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shroudkeeper · 4 months
which poisonous flowering plant are you?
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Lily Of The Valley
This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once.
..oh this is perfect for her, and a bonus for actually having a former shot of Kikyo with the lilies of the valley. Thank you kindly @icehearts for this tag, this was such a cute quiz. Tagging: @tsukinoxiv | @twelvesblades | @vmbral | @fatewalker @rasenkaikyo | @gatheredfates | @archaiclumina and if you want to do this quiz, tag me up I want to see, this is my invitation!
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cylleona · 3 months
5 Favorite Characters!
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorites
Tagged by: my foreverbae @arisatominakos !!
Tagging: @cassandra-allegra, @tsukinoxiv, @astralogian, @sileniadream, @myreia
I really tried not to have them all be from FF so I threw some wild cards in there. (I'm sorry Yuna babygirl I still love you 🥺)
If you don't know any of these characters (understandable) I have provided visual aids for your vibe checking convenience ⬇️
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cimarraskylark · 3 months
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In longing, you feel hope. You're on a long road, you know this. Your desire is strong, big in your chest but you don't feel weighed down. You've had your hardships, but you know what you truly seek is, or could be, not far from your grasp. Not to say you don't feel the burning in your heart for something more, but there's still a spark in you, a voice that says, "Don't give up, what if?" You can be patient. You know you must be. Your yearning is felt like a campfire in rain, the circumstances say the flame should be out, but yet it burns, as long as god willing or sheer effort keeps it alive. You feel the pull in your gut that makes your throat tighten with the ache of your heart but you softly smile, it's just a reminder of your love. You aren't afraid of your feelings in the way that would make you push them away because you're familiar with them and you know the payoff would be well worth the grief. You're doing great my darling, you will find your love if you have not already.
-Take this quiz here!-
Tagged by: @mimble-sparklepudding (Thank you! 🥰 I had fun with this one and think the result is quite fitting for Cimarra.)
Tagging (without pressure to do it if you don't want): @tsukinoxiv @simonevieboux @mist-touchedxiv @sasslett @sharlayanscion @emeraldminuet @airis-ray and whoever else sees this and would like to try it! 🥰💕
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alannah-corvaine · 2 months
For the NPC ask: G’raha Tia, Y’shtola, Thancred?
Ask Me About My WoL's Relationship With Any NPC
G'raha Tia
G'raha makes Alannah uncomfortable.
Their first meeting years ago wasn't unpleasant, it wasn't until after he'd become the Exarch and pulled her to the First that things changed.
His feelings of intense admiration and what at times felt like more were incredibly overwhelming and disturbing to Alannah, who already has strong negative feelings about feeling like she's put up on a pedestal and dehumanized in favor of being a symbol.
And his repeated overtures of these feelings, when he didn't even know her as a person, made her both anxious and angry. So she avoided him as much as was possible and took pains not to be alone with him if she could help it.
Things have improved since Raha joined them on the Source as a Scion. They never really had a conversation about it, but I think Raha realized he was being Too Much and backed off. This has allowed them to begin to form a tentative friendship based on mutual interests and proximity rather than idol worship, and Alannah has gradually started feel a bit more comfortable being around him.
(tagging @tsukinoxiv since they also asked about Y'shtola)
Y'shtola is the older sister figure Alannah never had and is one of the very few people who is willing to call her on her bullshit. It can make things tense between them sometimes, but in the end Alannah respects and appreciates her for it, as so few people are willing to be truly honest with her.
They bonded early over a mutual love of magic and interest in aetherology. Y'shtola is also the only other person Alannah knows that has dabbled and has experience with both black and white magic, so they'll often end up deep in discussion and debate over the finer points of both.
Alannah's relationship with Thancred is complicated.
When she was first recruited by the Scions, indeed by Thancred himself, she had the biggest crush on him. Nothing ever happened between them, however, and eventually those feelings faded away at some point during the events of Heavensward.
Now they have a weird, almost antagonistic not-quite-sibling relationship, but there's no heat behind it. They thrive on roasting each other and drinking together when the depression and difficult feelings set in.
But ever since the loss of Minfilia, Thancred has this habit (that Alannah hates) of trying to be a father figure to her. And it pisses her off to no end because every time he tries giving her advice he's usually in the middle of fucking something up himself. So then she gets mad and yells at him, they fight, go their separate ways for a few days to cool off, and then have an awkward and uncomfortable conversation about it and move on. Mostly. Until the next time it happens.
@mikuchan thank you for the ask!!
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tsunael · 4 months
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
oc asks: character design | accepting.
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Her traveling outfits are usually casual, loose-fitting and functional, but not exactly fit for combat or hiking to her detriment. She may replace the koshita with the falconer's pants depending on the destination but I think it's just her quirk that she overdresses for things. At the beginning she was laughably unprepared. She was a healer first and foremost in the field, and rarely used her dancing for combat, so any armor she did employ (even if she knew to wear it) was light or nonexistent. She also had a more frustrating fixation on aesthetics so... she probably wouldn't wear armor if it didn't look flattering or was too heavy. She definitely makes do with what she has. Basically, her first trip to Camp Drybone was extremely eye-opening for many, many reasons-- one being that traveling with a professional showed just how under-prepared she was, and two that she has extremely dumb luck.
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tsunael · 2 months
What was their initial impression of Sphene? How did this change as the story progressed?
Dawntrail OC Questions | accepting!
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Somehow you managed to ask the exact same one as @/aethergazing so I'll be answering a random one!
17. The theme of family and legacy is repeated throughout Dawntrail— did this theme resonate with your character? Were there specific moments relating to family that impacted them?
Obvious Dawntrail spoilers below.
It did, and I'm really happy about it, honestly. As much as I, personally, didn't enjoy DT I think the themes fit her very well.
If I were to think of her as canon, Stormblood really began her arc.
This expac brings back the proverbial ghost of her mother as she travels to her ancestral home. This begins her journey of understanding where she came from, and confronting her past. We would learn about what she was doing before ARR--and what had her running to Eorzea to begin with.
Shadowbringers continues where Heavensward leaves off. Her personal feelings are brought to the forefront when she is forced to contend with her own mortality. She still hasn't learned to stop running as she nearly takes Emet's offer.
Endwalker forces her to stop running and face what she fears most. The world is now so much bigger than she could have ever imagined and there is more at stake than just her homeland. Her past comes up again when she runs into her father, and when she finds her mother in the Aitiascope. This is where she can say her farewells.
6.x is about her healing: mentally, physically. She wants to run away from it all again and almost commits suicide because of it. So, she quits being a Scion and they are disbanded. She resolves to live for herself for a time.
(Don't ask me if the void quests are canon for her I haven't decided lmao).
So, for Dawntrail's theme to be legacy and family... it ended up being amazing for her story on paper. It definitely made her reflect on the recent past.
As for moments that resonated with her... Zoraal Ja's misplaced hatred for his father certainly, and Wuk Lamat and Koana watching on as their father passed would have opened wounds that have yet to close for her. As an aside: I haven't decided if I'll kill her father (Kartal) off yet but Tsuna also held him in her arms as he was near-death, so it would have been a mirroring-- especially if Wuk Lamat is meant to mirror the wol's (or Azem's?) journey.
Tsuna has extreme daddy issues is what I'm trying to get at here.
Any others were inside Living Memory. The entire concept would have left her inconsolable, if not extremely anxious and uncomfortable. Certainly not the strange, morbid joy ride the game made it out to be.
Cachiua and Erenville having one last moment together probably gave her a lot to chew on. Like a misplaced jealousy or an envy, but also a deep empathy.
What Tsuna leaves with... and the message she learns having gone through it all though...? I still gotta think about that :T
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tsunael · 3 months
2. List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love.
Get to know my ships | accepting!
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2. List 3 shipping tropes you don’t love.
1. An extremely dominant character with an extremely submissive character. There needs to be a bit of push and pull for me. A little banter, a little bit of brattiness lmao. I don't like stereotypical 'bottoms' or wilting flowers or w/e. 2. Most slash pairs where they fight so much there's not even a hint of chemistry. Where it's clear they're only being shipped because they're both attractive or spend a lot of time together. There are some caveats because I do like enemies to lovers, but this feels like something else. 3. When they get married-- and especially if they have children (barf). I just don't want the happily ever after. There's a good quote that I have saved that really sums up my feelings and it went something like "... The thing about desire is that it's stronger when it's not totally satisfied."
and you sent in another!!! so I'll put it here ->
34. How would they react to an ex showing up?
LOL uh. They're not really 'dating' per se or together in any official capacity so any jealousy is extremely low-key and not exactly justified, however... I think Tsuna would be rolling her eyes since she knows how much of a manwhore he was, but there would be some kind of judgement / bitterness about it. Not so much because she's jealous or envious, but because she's a lil close-minded and a prude... so some low-ball teasing, for sure. On his end, his main contender is Aymeric. Even though G'raha is head-over-heels for her, he doesn't bring out his inferiority complex like Aymeric does. Tsuna was seemingly so close to Aymeric in HW and... I also choose to interpret all his lines as pettiness LOL.
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I also like that he is the one to technically break up wol's date (even if it couldn't be helped) and also kind of butts in when Aymeric is asking for assistance to offer himself up. I'm twisting it to interpret that he's absolutely seizing the opportunity to suss the man out. Imagine the subtle side-eye he flashes before he leaves the room with him and wol is left with the twins. I'm just sayin'.
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Like... sorry he sounds so petty and sarcastic about it to me. I'm very normal about it. TL;DR he's a little bitch about it.
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tsunael · 2 months
🧡 What's a platonic plot you'd like to write?
Writing Wishes | accepting
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My problem is that all my plots revolve around my wolship or don't pass the Bechdel test (lmao) so I really should branch out.
I haven't given it much thought but in a perfect world where I wrote well and wrote a lot... I would love to include Tsuna and Arenvald in some capacity. Not only do I think they have a lot in common, but since he has the echo and is underutilized in ARR I like to think they helped each other out a lot. I don't believe Tsuna would be able to defeat most of the primals she does wholly by herself. Ifrit would have been a fluke, bolstered by another Hydaelyn miracle
The other might by Lyse or Ryne. With the latter I had a plot long ago about Tsuna teaching her some kind of textile craft like embroidery, or just doing it with her... she needs some sort of positive female influence 🙁
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tsunael · 5 months
What creature (real or mythical) do you associate Tsuna with?
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unprompted! | always accepting!
OHHHHHH?? Thanks so much for this random ask! I've never really thought at length about it. I've noticed that Au Ra players either go the reptile route or the fish route because of face 2, but I don't care for the former because it's debunked in canon. I also think of the Orl tribe and feel bad about it lmao. So if I had to choose one I guess it's a mermaid-- which feels overdone and quirky but... her mother (Suzume) is from Sui-no-Sato and it's been my headcanon that the Kojin's blessing is either passed down through a Sui inhabitant's bloodline, or they bless every new child born there-- which probably isn't many considering how small their community is so it's kind of believeable. ANYWAY that's a whole lot of words just to say: Tsuna's always been able to breathe underwater. That and the sea has always been important to her-- above all else it ties her to her mother. She's also represented by Limsa Lominsa, another port town, whose patron is llymlaen, (a Goddess depicted as a mermaid). Her azem is also represented by the pearl. Her patron saint is Nymeia (more water symbolism) and her beau's surname is-- you get the picture. She has a lot of water symbolism. Some of it was planned, while others were happy accidents. There's also, of course, the fact that Ruta's scales already look like they belong with a fishtail. So Mermaid just works for her, I think. Or any other aquatic, pretty-thing. Naturally I took a bunch of pics -> here
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tsunael · 4 months
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What poisonous, flowering plant are you? DOLL'S EYES.
This is the poison of unchecked vices. You slip into hallucinations. You are wracked with convulsions. The delirium threatens to overwhelm you. What are you running from? You look in every direction, wild-eyed at every turn, seeking some reprieve from what torments you. Each vice brings new consequences, and the price of escape seems too great, and yet you cannot seem to face things head on. If you aren't running from yourself, I hope you find a true way to freedom soon. And if you are running from yourself, perhaps you would do well to realize your pain is not something you can simply escape by avoidance. You deserve healing just as much as the ones you love. Someday, soon I hope, you will know this and feel it and reach inward to grant yourself all the kindnesses you offer others. That is the only true way to peace for ones like us. Oh, and if the pain of it seems too great? I hope that you realize you don't have to do it alone.
Quiz -> here Tagged by: @icehearts Tagging: @tsukinoxiv @wind-up-nhaama @thefreelanceangel @ishgard @uldahstreetrat @sileniadream ... and Viewers Like You!
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shroudkeeper · 5 months
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Book Genres: Kikyo Takahashi
BOLD genres your character reads. Italicize genres your character occasionally peruses.
tagged by: @chadhunkler & @tsunael - thank you both so much! tagging: @vmbral | @wind-up-nhaama | @cosmiccharm | @fatewalker | @tsukinoxiv @eorzeanflowers | @dubiousduskwight | @uldahstreetrat | @aethergazing
art | biography | business | chick lit | children’s | classics | comics | contemporary | cookbooks | crime | fantasy | fiction | gay and lesbian* | graphic novels | historical fiction* | history | horror | humor and comedy | memoir | music | mystery | nonfiction | paranormal | philosophy | poetry | psychology | religion | romance | science | science fiction | self help | suspense | spirituality | sports | thriller | travel | young adult | warfare*
*due to Hayate's or Shigure's influences.
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gatheredfates · 4 months
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@tsukinoxiv Tumblr is NOT being kind in letting me tag you in the replies to the Compendium, but I wanted you to know I saw this comment! 🥺 Thank you for your lovely words, I hope you get a lot of use out of it!
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alannah-corvaine · 2 months
😎 Favorite character trope
Writing Wish Asks
Okay I don' t know if this is a trope, if this is a thing, but I really really love female characters who can hit really fuckin' hard.
Like, can send you flying across the room, smash up the environment with little effort, is essentially the power equivalent of a 4-ton wrecking ball, a one woman demolition derby.
Idk if I'd go so far as to call it a turn on, but it absolutely lights up my monkey brain with delight.
@tsukinoxiv thank you for the ask!!
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