#tsukasas was given to him by emu and IMMEDIATELY loved it. he is the world future star after all
ittybittystarryshow · 4 months
if i had a nickel for each pjsekai character whose favorite nickname when tiny is "little star" i would have a total of TWO nickels
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lcs-library · 3 years
Hello again! I've really liked the headcanons you've done for Rui and Tsukasa. Could you write some fluff of Rui spending Valentine's day with his s/o? Thank you!
Uhh so my hand slipped, and it turned into a short oneshot….
Request rules
When you woke up, you had found a small robot by your bedside that looked almost like a toy, with a noticeable button on the top of its head.
You didn’t even question why or how this thing had gotten into your home, you just knew that Rui had something to do with it.
This was a pretty normal occurrence with him, just finding that some of his mechanical friends had either been set to come to you or had happened to follow you home. It wasn’t bad, either, since a lot of them were fairly cute, seeing as they were made to be around children.
Either way, you pressed the button, and the robot played a recording of Rui’s voice.
“Ah, good morning, love. Were you having a nice dream? I’m sorry if Herman woke you up, he can be quite annoying sometimes. No matter, I sent him to your house to tell you that I have something special planned for our special day, so if you’ll go to the Wonder Stage with Herman, I’ll show you a miraculous world, so don’t delay. Bye bye!”
The robot, whose name was Herman for some reason, clicked, then looked up at you, wiggling its arms as if it were proud of itself for doing its job.
You giggled at the cute sight, then moved him out of your way so you could leave the bed and get dressed for the day. Once you did, you scooped up Herman to put him into a small backpack of yours, then made your way toward the theme park.
It was a chilly day, and you found yourself constantly checking to see if Herman was still safe, and that he wasn’t too hot or too cold. It was to the point where you cared more about him than yourself, most likely due to him being a personification of Rui, since he was there to help Rui know where you were and when you’d arrive without ever having to contact you. If Herman was safe, it told Rui that you were safe, and you didn’t want him to worry.
You finally arrived at Phoenix Wonderland, and immediately found it crowded to the brim with couples everywhere, and with hearts decorating every square inch of the place.
You scanned your annual pass, then made your way to the stage, well aware that there would likely be a show going on.
After a short walk, you sat down on one of the benches in the front, a little worried with how many kids there were and how many adults would get angry with you for taking a seat by them.
Just as you predicted, there was a show going on. Thankfully, it had just started, so there was no need to worry about missing any of the plot.
From what you saw, the play was about a prince, played by Rui for once, trying to save the royal family, and most importantly, his lover from that family. This time, the villain was played by Tsukusa, and the evil assistants were Emu and Nene. They all made a very humorous show together, and the audience was delighted by the romantically driven plot, given the date, but what was more pressing was the amount of jittery kids wanting to see the prince’s lover.
When it came time for the show to end, Rui said one line that managed to quiet all of the children.
He turned to the audience, making eye contact with you.
“Well, I may not be able to defeat you now, but if I have the power of love on my side, then I’ll surely survive!”
With that, he jumped off of the stage, taking your hand.
“I’ve been waiting for you, sweetheart” he whispered, kissing your hand lightly, earning a lot of “oohs” from the kids and weird glares from the parents.
You smiled, ready to take the stage, and continued the play from there using only improv.
It was a lot of fun, and you managed to make a pretty captivating story with what you had, with you even managing to include Herman in the act!
Once the show was over, you took a bow, then were escorted to a private spot of the park by Rui.
“Well? How did you like that other world I promised?” You beamed, pleased with what he had chosen.
“It was fun! Thanks for the unique date.”
“Of course! Although if you want a really unique date maybe I could get you to test my prototypes for the new show.” He grinned mischievously at his seemingly clever proposition.
“Yeah, no.”
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What do you think would be the Gokaiger’s relationship with other riders. Because they’ve met who? Gentaro? And Tsukasa and Daiki? But there are truly so many characters™️ beyond 100% friendship and 100% annoying bitch (Gentaro and Decade boys respectively). Do you think they would be friends with any of them? (This thought sponsored by the little Gokai and Build plushes that are currently sitting on my bed together)
Man, I don’t think they’ve even really met Gentarou, despite Super Hero Taisen being theoretically a Fourze movie he was more just...present for parts of it. Eiji’s the one I think they’ve really met, they got to do that rad full-team OOO transformation. (We actually have a TaJaDor Ranger Key, it’s cute.) They seemed to get along ok with him.
I hear you on the plush, too, I have some little palm-sized guys on my printer in my office, so I spend every work day chilling with Doc, Philip, Shoutaro, and Kouta.
Anyway, given the whole Super Hero Taisen incident, I imagine most pre-Fourze Riders would be a little wary of Marv, but there’s no reason I can think of why they couldn’t eventually get past that. Of course, then we run into potential personality clashes, so let’s think this out:
Kuuga--Godai would not be keen to be addressed as “Kamen Rider Kuuga,” but if the pirates can be broken of that then he’s inherently a pretty friendly guy. I suspect he’d get along especially well with Doc, given that he knows how to do basically everything.
Agito--Shouichi and Ahim were made to be friends--he’d also get along with Doc and Gai immediately, I think. Hikawa might have a difficult time adjusting to the idea of chilling with pirates, but Marvelous would definitely love teasing him. I feel like Ryou would hit it off with Joe and Luka?
Ryuki--As long as they’re not trying to kill people I think Shinji would be cool with pretty much anyone. He could write about them for ORE Journal. Ren and Luka would butt heads a little, maybe, since they’re both really cranky and aggressive.
555--Ok this one is just a recipe for disaster. Honestly I think the Gokaigers would get along better with the Orphnoch trio (Kiba and Yuka and Kaido) than with the folks at the laundromat. The thought of Joe just, punching Kusaka in the jaw is pretty life-giving though.
Blade--I feel like this one is less “Gokaigers hang out with Riders” and more “Kenzaki tries to hitch a ride off-planet and then realizes that if he leaves Earth then there’s only one Joker again.” He could give them a letter for Hajime, though.
Hibiki--I don’t know if any of the Gokaigers know how to have a dad, I think they’d be very confused by their reactions to Hibiki.
Kabuto--Either another recipe for disaster or fifteen minutes of Tendou and Marvelous having a stare-down followed by forty-five minutes of Tendou and Doc trading recipes. Ahim can make Kagami some tea, the poor guy needs it.
Den-O--Can the Den-Liner go into space? That’d be cool. Luka spends the entire time flirting with Naomi. Momotaros and Marvelous arm-wrestle. Also it occurs to me that Joe and Doc did meet the Imagins, however briefly, so they could catch up a little.
Kiva--How this goes depends entirely on whether or not there’s time-travel involved, because if they’re in the past then the whole situation immediately becomes a lost chapter of Ranma 1/2. If they’re in the present, I think Ahim would meet Wataru and immediately love him, they could have tea together in the garden. Nago would need to be restrained.
Decade--Extensively covered by canon.
W--Shoutaro is in no way prepared to meet space pirates, they’re so out-of-genre for his beautiful noir lifestyle. Meanwhile Philip would climb all over the Galleon, asking about how it works, to the entire crew’s bemusement. I suspect Terui would be a major personality crash though.
OOO--Also covered in canon.
Wizard--I think they met in Super Hero Taisen Z, but I’ve blocked out most of that one out because it made no sense. Nitoh and Marvelous would hit it off immediately. Although I can also see some potential conflict between them, since Haruto’s primary color is red and Marvelous does have. Tendencies.
Gaim--I am. Genuinely tempted to write a story about the Galleon dropping anchor on Planet Helheim and immediately getting confronted by Kouta, wanting to know what the hell is up with them.
Drive--Something in my heart says that Gou and Gai would immediately be best friends.
Ghost--I mean, Takeru is inherently an amiable guy, so he’d definitely get along with all of them. What really gets me is actually the image of Joe and Makoto being introduced and hitting it off right away as in the background all of their friends try to manage this sudden case of double vision.
Ex-Aid--Luka loves men who are absolute hot messes, so I suspect she’d meet Emu and think, “ah, yes, this is a friend.” I also think she’d find Kiriya hilarious. Joe could charm Hiiro with cake. Marvelous would try to convince Parad to join the crew because he’s funny. Taiga is not allowed near this meeting.
Build--I think if he was presented with the idea that there are worlds where saving everyone doesn’t involve destroying yourself Sento might collapse. Luka would love Banjou, though. So would Ahim, I think.
Zi-O: “Oh. You’re the ones Daiki was telling Joe about.” “Oh, hey! You’re their pirate friends!” “Well, Joe and Doc are Daiki’s pirate friends. Decade and I are acquaintances at best.”
Zero-One: Still haven’t seen this one but from what I’ve gathered I think Yua would meet Ahim and Luka and immediately feel right at home.
Saber: Doc and Tetsuo would enjoy each other’s company quietly. Ren and Gai would enjoy each other’s company loudly. Rintarou and Joe would just vibe.
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