wingsonghalo · 1 year
Where can I see your Ako x Tsukasa fanart?
Hello friend!! Most of the TsuAko art is actually done by my amazing friend and fandom wife, @anubis-005. You can find the art on both our blogs with the tag #tsuako! Anubis's art tag is #anubis art.
Thanks so much for asking about them!! 💖💖💖
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anubis-005 · 2 years
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Just practicin with some more lovey dovey Tsuako. If you have yet to read up on all their antics I highly recommend starting here 😌👌 Many thanks as always to my dear @wingsonghalo for all the inspiration and laughs ❤️
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gabiwnomagic · 3 years
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Here is some SPOOKY Tsuako for the final Free Day of HAUlloween week
Ako is an OC from Wingsonghalo's Tsuako Saga
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macey-wacey · 3 years
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Happy holidays @wingsonghalo ❤💖❤
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crystalytxd · 3 years
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A gift for @anubis-005 and @wingsonghalo!
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transmanrayner · 5 years
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More ships!
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pucari-ink · 3 years
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"That's a really nice expression, Ako-chan!~ make lots more for me, Kay?!~"
Please don't ask for how I coloured anything I do not know what I'm doing but I hope you like it! @wingsonghalo
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algor-mo4tis · 2 years
I can’t believe Tanjiro & Zenitsu didn’t know they met their scary gym teacher’s older sister in chapter 10 of Kimetsu Gakuen.
Tsuako is alive in kimetsu gakuen? I haven’t seen the newer pages
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anubis-005 · 3 years
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They did some crimes at the beach and they looked good doing it 😌👌❤️ Many thanks to @wingsonghalo and @chibitakoyaki for sharing their insanely fun RP 🙏
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anubis-005 · 3 years
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@wingsonghalo Happy birthday sweetheart! ❤️💕❤️💕Thank you for all the amazing stories, late night chats, and for fueling my TsuAko addiction. ❤️😄❤️ If you like chaotic cuties please read up on these kids here!
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anubis-005 · 4 years
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This ship is just way too much fun. 😌👌❤️ Some context, they have 7 kids. 😂 @wingsonghalo wrote this scenario and I couldn’t resist drawing it out. For more incredible TsuAko shenanigans please visit her Tsukasa week tag and INDULGE with me 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️ Bonus dialogue from Wing: "She's perfect, Tsukasa" "THANKS HERE'S THE STORY OF HER CONCEPTION" "wait what? no, please--" "IT ALL STARTED WHEN I CAME HOME FROM A BIG WIN AT A CASINO OVERSEAS. FROM THE MOMENT I WALKED IN THE DOOR, SHE WAS LOOKING AT ME LIKE SHE WAS THE CAT AND I WAS THE CREAM. SHE WAS WEARING AN OUTFIT THAT SHOWED MORE SKIN THAN FABRIC, AND--" "pLEASE TSUKASA NO MORE"
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wingsonghalo · 4 years
HELLO ONCE MORE I’m posting this late because I just finished writing it lksjdflk. I couldn’t make any of my pre-written TsuAko minifics fit these themes, so I had to write a new one lmao. So please note that this is 4 years after the rest of the minifics!
-Ako is a popular, cute girl who also happens to secretly be Kamome Academy Odd-Jobs, a well-connected mastermind who can make pretty much anything happen in the school for the right price.
-She was hired to get Amane and Nene together by Aoi
-She started out her plan by repeatedly asking out Amane until he finally said “I have a girlfriend” to get out of dating her, thus beginning a months-long fake relationship between Amane and Nene (which turned into a real relationship)
-However, this job was a little more difficult for Ako than most, because she has actual feelings for Amane
ADDITONAL CONTEXT: Whoops spoilers I guess they get together.
Enjoy this sappy mess lksjdlkfj. I’m looking forward to posting tomorrow’s offering, as it may involve art from a certain individual whom I adore..........
Day 3: Seasons/Future
Futayoshi Ako fidgeted with the collar of her blouse, praying that everything would go as planned this evening, even though they scarcely ever did.
She had been out of high school for almost 2 years now. She was working hard at pre-law, and had risen to the top of her class. She had even been instrumental in finding the legal loopholes which had allowed Yugi Amane and Tsukasa to be the sole inheritors of their house, rather than their deadbeat parents. Her lasting connections from her time as Kamome Academy Odd-Jobs meant that she had stayed fairly popular and well-to-do. She wanted for very little.
There was one major thing that she wanted, however.
As if responding to a cue, Yugi Tsukasa waltzed into the restaurant at that moment, dressed to the nines in a suit and tie, his unruly hair having been tamed into something that looked rather nice, actually. At a glance, he appeared to be a refined young gentleman.
He then instantly ruined the illusion by turning his head, spotting her, smiling toothily, and shouting across the fancy eating establishment: "AKO-CHAN! THERE YOU ARE!"
Ako shielded her face with one hand as he tromped over to her. Did he have to make a scene everywhere he went? But then, he wouldn't be Tsukasa if he didn't. "You seem lively," she mumbled in embarrassment as he arrived at the table and dropped into his seat.
"How could I not be?! It's our anniversary!" He leaned eagerly across the table, bringing to mind one of the first times they'd shared a table—the time he'd licked chocolate right off her mouth. What an idiot.
Ako loved him so much.
It was because of these dumb, inescapable feelings (and her boyfriend's apparent obliviousness to her increasingly-obvious hints that he should make a more permanent move on her) that there was a small square box nestled at the bottom of her purse. The mere thought of what she planned to do here tonight made her face burst into heat. Would she really have the guts to do it?
She looked up at him. He was smiling at her so brightly, just as excited to be with her as he had been right at the start, her biggest fan and closest companion these past four years.
Yes, she thought. She could do this. She had to.
Clearing her throat and hiding her blushing face with the menu, she peered at him over the top of it. "Happy anniversary," she murmured, her voice coming out a bit shy.
He looked like there was light spilling out of his eyes. "Happy anniversary!" Tilting his head, his expression clouded over the slightest bit. "I'm a little confused about why you called me here for dinner, though. We usually just hang out and eat something at my place for our anniversary, especially when it's a week day."
"I'm looking to make some changes in life," she quipped.
"Well that's very mature of you!" he said, uncomprehending as usual.
"You're hardly a good judge of what is mature," she snorted, having made her menu selection and laying it down flat again.  
"Ouch," he said, a glimmer of recognition in his eye, "but fair."
She couldn't help the grin that lit up her face. "You remember that, huh?"
“I'd hardly call either of you 'men.'”
“Ouch, but fair.”
"Of course I do!" Tsukasa giggled. His smile turned softer as he gazed at her with honey-colored eyes. "That was the first time I realized how cute you are."
Ako's face was radiating heat again. "It was?!"
"Yeah." He sighed wistfully. "Your face got all red and you threatened to have someone come beat me up. It was adorable."
He had a very skewed definition of adorable, but Ako shrugged. If that was what he found attractive, she supposed she was grateful he had found her.
The meal had mostly come to an end, and still Ako had not pulled out the box. Would they part ways without her getting the chance to do it?! She was beginning to feel a bit frantic about it.
"Ts-Tsukasa!" she finally burst out, interrupting a run-on story her boyfriend was telling about Amane buying some hard-to-find soup (she thought? She had somewhat stopped listening).
He blinked at her. "Yeah?"
"U-Um..." Dammit, she hated blushing and fidgeting like some kind of girl in love, like her high school nice girl persona would have. But... well, she was a girl in love here, so it made sense...
Right. Emotional honesty. She could do this. Right?
"I... Tsukasa, I wanted to have dinner here with you because... I was hoping this would be a very special night, when we look back on it years from now," she finally pushed out. Her hands, curled into fists, had started shaking, so she held them down by her sides instead of keeping them on the table.
He lifted his eyebrows suggestively. "A special night?~"
"Not like that!" she barked, face burning, and then paused. "W-Well, I mean, maybe like that too, but... just...!" She screwed her eyes shut, because looking at his face just made this harder.
"Ako-chan, you look so uncomfortable." Oh god, he sounded concerned. She was freaking out so badly that her emotionally-oblivious boyfriend was reading her like a book. "Should I take you home?"
"I am home!" she blurted, finding the strength to open her eyes again, but she still couldn't bear to lift them to face him as she continued in a mutter: "Wherever you are, Tsu, that's... that's where home is."
"Ako-chan...!" The emotion in his voice finally convinced her to glance up at him, and he looked like he was going to burst into tears any minute, his marigold-colored eyes shimmering. "That's so sweeeeeet!"
"Shut up!" she growled, covering her face. "I'm not trying to be sweet, I'm trying to be honest! And if I'm being totally honest...!"
Ako took the plunge, and extracted the little box from her purse. Fumbling with it a bit under the table, she managed to get it open, and then thrust it out at him over the table. "I, I don't want to have a home without you in it anymore! You're the least terrible thing in this whole world! So... marry me!"
There was a silence, during which the faint clinking of other restaurant patrons' utensils seemed like deafening chimes and Ako's pulse pounded in her ears. As if in slow motion, she saw Tsukasa's mouth open in surprise, his eyes dropping down to the ring she had just presented him with, a black ceramic band inlaid with malachite and amethyst. It looked like magical, spacey chaos, and it had reminded Ako of Tsukasa from the instant she saw it.
"Are you... proposing to me?" he finally said, when Ako's arms were beginning to shake from the strain of holding out the ring for so long.
"Of course I am, idiot!" she exploded. "So yes or no?!" Crap, you probably weren't supposed to take that demanding tone with someone you wanted to marry.
"Hmmmm..." He looked conflicted, and it hit Ako like a physical blow to the chest. Her breath felt knocked out of her, and her arms went limp, the ring box hitting the table.
So... he was rejecting her. That made sense, when she really thought about it. She was a girl proposing to a boy, after all, and no matter how little the whole "gender roles" thing mattered to the two of them, that was still kind of non-traditional, right?! And they were still in college. It had been pretty presumptuous of her.
Or perhaps he just... didn't want to spend his life with her.
"I understand," she said quietly, shutting the box and trying not to let the tears that filled her eyes spill over.
"Wait, don't put it away!" His hands cupped hers, and the box opened again in their grip. Flummoxed, Ako looked back up at her boyfriend. His cheeks were flushed, and he still looked happily tearful. Seeing that expression of pure joy on his face made her stomach swoop. "Ako-chan, don't put words in my mouth! I was just hesitating—" Letting go of her, he stuck out his tongue halfway in concentration as he rummaged around in his suit jacket pocket, pulling out something small from it. "—because I was wondering what I should do with this!"
He opened his hand to reveal a square, colorful box of candy.
"Konpeito?" she said flatly as she raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. "Pretty sure you're supposed to eat it."
"W-Wait, no, not that!" he stammered, and dug into his other pocket. "Here!"
This one was a ring box, and when he opened it, Ako's mouth fell open. It was a black band like the one she'd gotten for him, but there was was silver, too. On either side of the blood-red stone was a black skull. Tiny sparkling gemstones adorned the fan-shaped lotus patterns below the stone.
"Tsukasa..." She looked up at him. "This thing is ridiculously ornate."
He looked disappointed. "Aw... I thought it suited you..."
"Wait a minute," said Ako suddenly as the realization struck her, "how long have you been carrying this around?!"
He squinted in thought. "Hmm... about three months, I guess?"
"What?!" Why had she never noticed? "What the heck were you waiting for?!"
"I dunno, for the time to be right, I guess!" He lowered the box to the table. "I thought the moment would just... make itself known to me! Like, violins would start playing and the lighting would get all soft and everything!"
"Geez..." Ako massaged the spot between her eyes. "You're such an idiot."
His shoulders slumped as he ducked his head. "I know..."
Sighing, Ako held out her hand. "Well? Don't keep me waiting any longer. Put it on me already."
His head whipped up, and his eyes sparkled with hope. "Then... you're saying yes?!"
"Tsukasa, I was just asking YOU to marry ME a minute ago!"
"Okay, that's true," he mumbled, sliding the ring onto her finger. "But I thought you'd change your mind since I'm so dumb."
"You're not dumb," she said with a roll of her eyes. "Just... incredibly oblivious. Hold out your hand, now."
He did, allowing Ako to put his ring on his ring finger, too, and then held up his hand, wiggling his fingers a little as he regarded the ring. He grinned from ear to ear. "Ako-chan... you really want to marry me?"
"Don't say it so loud," she hissed, her face burning as she looked down at her own ring. Despite how over-the-top it was, it actually looked pretty good on her finger. "...But yes."
Tsukasa laughed with sheer joy. "I have a fiance!" Pushing aside the plate which had once held his spaghetti (only Yugi Tsukasa would order spaghetti at a high-end restaurant and loudly slurp it with no trace of shame), he set both hands on the table. "Let's go somewhere else! We have to celebrate for real!"
"We still have to pay the bill," she reminded him. "Unless you'd like to play a good ol' game of Dine and Dash."
"Hmm..." He looked like he was considering it for a moment. "Probably wouldn't be good to start our engagement that way," he eventually decided with a frown.
"Besides, I don't need to Dine and Dash to get a rush when I'm around you!" he declared.
Ako's hand was covering her face again. "You're so embarrassing..."
"You love it," he purred, and crap, that sly smile always made her shiver.
"Yeah..." she sighed, resigned. "I kinda do."
"Ako-chan," he said, and there was something teasing in his voice. "Hold still. You've got something on your face again."
"Wh—" She couldn't finish asking him what before she got her answer in the form of Tsukasa leaning across the table to kiss her, just as he had the first time they sat at a table together, although this time he did it on purpose. Ako's neck felt hot, and she desperately hoped they weren't drawing stares, but she couldn't help but let her eyes fall closed as she tilted her head to return the gesture. Colors swirled behind her eyelids, and heat bloomed in her chest and shot down into her toes. She didn't want to let go.
But they were kind of in public, and all.
"Tsukasa," she said when they pulled back, "let's get out of here."
They slapped their money down onto the table, and Ako fled the restaurant, hand-in-hand with her fiance.
See you again tomorrow!! Thank you so much for reading!!
OH here are Tsukasa’s and Ako’s rings, btw:
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(Btw Tsukasa and Ako have 5 kids in the future and I still have to name them all whoops)
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gabiwnomagic · 3 years
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I couldn't resist and had to paint these two
It's Tsukasa and Ako from @wingsonghalo's rps that can be found here (tbh, they're the only things giving me serotonin rnow- check it out!)
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wingsonghalo · 3 years
I don’t know if this is ok to ask but any writers you’d recommend with tsukasa ship fanfics? I’ve been searching for some but they’re never my cup of tea. Thank you if you reply!
I am so sorry if I didn't see this when you sent it!! Please forgive me, I don't check my inbox unless I see I've gotten something, and it didn't show up haha...
As for your question... obviously I'm a wee bit biased towards my own work haha 😂 I love my TsuAko. But as for ships with canon characters... I actually don't read a whole lot of them!! But I love the works of my friend Circe!! 💖
JSHK pals, help me out here?? I know there are so many good Tsukasa ship fics out there!! 🙏
EDIT: The incredible @spades-queen suggested some authors in the Replies!! I totally trust her judgment, and while I haven’t read the works of solar_hymn (yet 👀), @baronesscmd is a recommendation I will second in a heartbeat!! 😤👌
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wingsonghalo · 3 years
TsuAko Mini-Fic Masterpost
So, I promised this a long time ago. Here it is!
I will be listing the fics chronologically within the AU’s timeline, so obviously the proposal one will be last, even though it was the fourth one I posted haha. In addition, a lot of them were posted together with other mini-fics, so please understand that some of the links may go to the same post!!
If these fics had fanart for them, I will be linking to the version with fanart because holy shit do I love that fanart. Fucking fantastic, you funky little servermates. Please scream at my friends about how talented they are, thank you.
All righty then, here we go!
============================================================ 1. Ako Meets Tsukasa. 2. Ako Goes for Ice Cream; Tsukasa Happens to Be There Also. 3. Tsukasa Kisses Ako... Only Not Really. 4. Ako Tries to Express her Newfound Feelings to Local Oblivious Lad. 5. Local Oblivious Lad Becomes Slightly Less Oblivious. Girlfriend GET! 6. Tsukasa Explains Relationship to Highly Suspicious Brother; Brother Proceeds to Confront Admittedly Shady Girlfriend. 7. Ako Tries to Convince Tsukasa to be a Little Less Tsukasa; Immediately Regrets this Choice. 8. Ako is Annoyed that People Think Tsukasa is Weird; Tsukasa Explains that that is On Purpose, to Ako’s Disbelief. 10. Local Evil Mastermind Tries to Confess Love to Boyfriend for the First Time. 11. Tsukasa Quotes Shakespeare and Climbs in Girlfriend’s Window; Sleeps in Girlfriend’s Bed Without Even Trying Anything Funny. “What’s Up with That?” Wonders Frustrated Girlfriend. 12. Ako Attempts to make Marriage Proposal to Shockingly Dense Boyfriend. 13. Local Cat-Whisperer gets Patched Up by Worried Girlfriend.
  BONUS 1: Mind-Bendingly Incredible Human Being @anubis-005 Produces Art Based on Silly Things Written in Discord. “How is Anyone this Perfect? What the Fuck?” Questions Local Author Tearfully. BONUS 2: Various Tsukasa Moments from the RP from which Ako sprang. BONUS 3: Ako Reluctantly Asks for Help Making Bento Boxes from Boyfriend’s Brother’s Girlfriend.
I will try to add to this as I write more TsuAko (and possibly as more art gets posted)! Thanks so much for reading. I love you <333333
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macey-wacey · 3 years
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Happy birthday to the fabulous and wonderful @wingsonghalo !!! Youre such an amazing writer and a fantastic friend Wing, i honestly do not know where i'd be without you and your support 🥺❤️
I hope you have a great day and that you enjoy my humble offerings of Hananene and Tsuako!
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